Newspaper Page Text
******* <■*« it* diWdH <11 <«ll| »IH »
Lamar 1 , Lemon Laxative la the original lemon medicine.
It ia made of lemona and other harmleaa bat powerful vege
table ingredient*, ia a aafe, aura and apeedj’ cure for
Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache.
It eleanaoa the ayatem of all imporitlea, tone* np the
' atomaeh and bowel*, pat* the lirer and kidneje in perfect
order In abort “make* yon new.”' It ia gentle but prompt
and powerful in aetion, pleaaant to take and alwaj,reliable..
roll aita or all Dirtonra
UMAR. TAYLOR & RILEY DRUG CO., Nanfietartra, Maeea, Ba.
old hy Bracy Pharmacy Co.
Ath foe 10S5 Kodoi Alma tat and 500 y-*.r Gale dar.
The Griffing Bros* & Co.
Who Are They ? What is 11 eir Business
And they are the largest in the line on their plan.
The only Nursery allowing you to see Trees growing
before you pay, Is .hat ny. enough to couvioce you
that you will get what you buy? It ought to be. And
I give you my guarantee al-o Budded Pecans, Peach
Pear, Apples, Figs, Shade Tress and all kinds of Orna
mentals and Poses. Prices ire right and ren ember that
io other Nursery off. e pioposition and Griffing
Bros & Co are responsible. Wait till saleittian culls
and he will submit you the p ^position in .1 few words,
' C. B. QUINN T , A gen ;,
TIm $1.00 bottle contain* 24 ttmos the trial mu. which Milo for 10 coot*
rind, red mtaL fu# offuloa and *0 sweet'll
|F l ir you west quality, aweetoaaa, and th* beat malotta that 111
r powdble to pow, plant oor aeathem-arewn melon aaed. IM
, or wr»tern-grown melon »ee<l doean’t begin toTompare, rd
^ con airier the quality and prod act of the fruit produced. ■
Three Ounce*—Three Best Varletlea-nalled for 25c.
^^OUUr About
1 jSSfea.
, when yon
—Electrical Contract* r—
All kinds of Electrical Work aud Rtpiirnj aieatly
and promptly dore.
* Out of town work solicited.
5 .Bell and u ut tuiator work a specialty
} ’ L. H. WISE,
4 Phone 29? P. O. Dux 46V. Til min villa (in.
Spring House Cleaning.
We have all .the requ - sites. A few seasonable *1
ones. Bed Bug Poison, Rat and Roach poison Mot’i ~
Balls, etc.
Phone 106.' Agents ‘'Tenney's" Candy
Loaded Shells
35 cents a Box.
As the Shooting Season is about over, we 11
have decided to close out out what Sure Shot >
Shells we have on hand at
35 cents a Box.
This only means what we now have in stock
Come early as they wont last long at ihat price,
Weilso have a nice line of Fishing Tackle in
cluding Poles, Hooks, Lines, Trot Lines, Gill Net
ting and the latest styles of Trolling Bobs.
Coleman & Adams!
There are few r| *<*i*p* that Inflict
mor t«rrnre than rlreumatiom anrl there
i* probably no dis *«*« for wnich aach a
varied mi 1 um-1°ih lot of remedies have
beeu suggested. To nay that it cad be
cn*vd in, therefore, a hold statement to
make, bnt Chimbertain's Pain fixlm,
wlncti enjoys an extensive sale, lias met
with (treat saroe-s in the treu ment of
this diaeiue. One application of Pain
Balm will relieve the pain, and hun
dred* of sufferer* have le^nlied >o p**r.
msnent cure* hy its nse. Why suffer,
w|ien Pam B din affords such quick re
lief and costa bat a trifle. For rale by
.1 W, Peacock, Thoinos v llle, Us.
Qaeen Ullxul.ofh Hat a WeskneM
For WladMr and Catherine of Ar-
agun For Hampton Court — Fr«»-
mtd'm White hmdy.
The report that Queen Elisabeth ha«
again beeu seen promenading the libra
ry of Windsor castle reuriuda one of
the curious fact that, with but one soli*
tary exception, these restless royalties
who cannot steep peacefully In their
graves are women.
It Is some years now since Queen
Bees was last caugbt in the act of re-
vjsitlng her old palace at Windsor, and
the circumstances were these: A young
officer of the guards was reading one
evening in the library wbeu he saw a
woman, clad from bead to heels in
black, walk slowly across the library
aud pass into an adjacent room. * The
officer, moved by curiosity at such an
unexpected sight, followed the lady
and to bis amazement found that she
had vanished as completely from view
as If the floor had swallowed her, and
this although the only exit from the
room was the one through which be
hnd followed her.
Why the wandering lady should on
such slight evidence ' Incident llied as
Eliznlfcth of glorious memory is not
made clear, but at Windsor castle it is
firmly believed that Anne Boleyn’s
daughter still tenants a suit of rooms
adjacent to tAe library.
Hampton Court palace is richer than
the castle of Windsor in royal spooks.
Catherine of Aragon, In spite of her
not too pleasant memories of her bus*
baud. Ilenry Vtll., is said still to walk
in black attire, taper In hand, down one
of the stulrcascs and to disappear
through the “Queen's gate.” and, more
disconcerting still. Henry's second
Many ihomasville Reader* Have Heard
It an l Profited Thereby.
•'O md news travel* fast,” and t' e
thousands of bad book sufferers in
Thomnsville are tied to learn ilia*
prompt relief is wi’hiti their reach.
Many a lame, weak and a diinr back is
bad no more, thauks to Duau'e Kidnej
P.lla. Our c.tizeiitore telli-g the good
news ot their * xperieuee with the Ohl
Quaker Rtmedy. H**re is on example
worth reeding:
A. A. Willis, a well known farmer,
living jos‘ ouside of America*, says:
“I believe that your pills are all that !•
claimed for them. 1 had kidney t*nn
b!o and bakache. fioin which I lm »!**#••
afuffn • r for msuT y»nr- Af»#r itiug
or sit»i» g i •»!»• pO’P'on f or MM y ength
of Hum i could hardly get apou account
of the Hull heavy pain iu the smep. o'
my be k. At time* I soured t«» nlmrs'
Iomj li e u*e of my back, aud would
have to take hold of something f/ r x*»p-
port. The kidney secre'tons wure do-
ordered, being dark and fall rf sedi
ment, and of a strong odor. I used
many different remedies but without
much if nnv lenefit until I got Doan's
KutnayPilir^aincje n«ing t'»en* iuv
back feels atrong. The pvin has "left i«,
and the kiriuey 8*ar»tioti« have also
1-een restored to a norm si condition.
You are welcome to use my uarae as a
reference ”
Plenty more proof I
Thomnsville peep e C*
Jr's, drag store aud n«u
tomers report
For sale by all dealer*. Pri- e .V) • ent«.
Foster Mi! born Co., S’.,* y„ r jr.
sole agents for the Uuit. «1 Star *«
Remember the name Do »nV a id take
no other.
ftjy Kev. '.lex W. Heaur m ay«*■* •
A well known Tl.ouiasviilegentleman ;
who 1m a regular chorcli Roer went to ,
Atlanta not long ago to consult an ocu
list as to the condition of iris eyes. He
was very much alarmed to te told that
he must bewery careful or lie w» uld lo*e
ins fright and if be did it would come
suddenly upon him. He ww consider
ably troubled at this information but
did not neglect his church dntien Oue
night about two weeks after he came
home be woa in church. A prayer was
teingmade and of course when lie bow
ed hi* head he shut his eyes When he
■.•pened them ail was l l »ck as midnight
He groaned within himself a« he heard
the people moving about on every side
of him, and exclaimed, “My God. I have
gone blind just a* that doctor s*id I
would.’ ’
Just then, in the front end ot the
church he Raw a littie flicker of light
in » thankful he mil to him
self, “ . ban* God I can still »ee a little."
A few minutes of agony tu him en-
ued and then, flic ligm* blazed out on
ivery and lie understood it a 1. The
eiectiic light* had go ie Out while the
people with 11 *-de-e* were bo*ed in
Convicts Escapa
Befi re dav break yesterday luoiniug
CutlHTluc' ij*.. M iupy’roy' Ik^u m-.iI flv,cuuvic!n lit >h« Hi.. StoWow
rushing along a corridor with stream- Lumt-er Co., iuC.* lidg**, tn»de ilieires-
h, « |" , 1 lr »»“ “WO"* P»r- ; The cuuip . D . offer, a reaard of
atieil l»y equally uusubstuiitial soldiers , r
bent ou capturing her. ! kW aach for their va tnre Their names
Tills Is supposed to l»e a re-enactment | and descriptions appear in ano her col-
of n stone which actually took place ., . . . . ,
Dot many .lay. L,fore CaieriD. Ilorr- »““• Al ' h,rt Weu "l' roteu,lj
ard's death on Tower bill in 1542. The .and have from 5 to II mouths yet to
unhappy queen, who was then a pri*-1 ierve#
oner in a room adjoining the long gal-)
lory, escaped from her gnanls and rush *
;• ’his from
at K I Iiours
Gi.t Ids cus
P0 Bax»»-Phone 286
oil away ta thr6w herself nt the feet
of her royal husband and beg for mer
cy. She was pursued by her guards,
who caught her at the door of the chap
el where Henry was praying aud drag
ged her back again to ber prison cham
Ill fated Anne Boleyn does not seem
to have ended her troubles on the block
r.t the Tower, for baa ahe not been seen
driving down the avenue of Bllckley
park behind four bondless horses, driv
en by an equally Incomplete coach-
man? And fair Roimrnoud seems doom
ed to walk o* nights along tbe liver
bar!: at Godstone. awaiting ber royal
lover, who never keeps bis tryat
lb:t EhgUab royalties have by no
meauj ti monopoly of postmortem per
ambulation. There Is n certain beauti
ful white lady, very fair and queenly,
who Is said to liauut the rooms aud cor
ridors of t'.ie castle of 8chonbrunu.
Fair as the vision Is, her np|>enranees
are never welcome, for they are said
always to herald a death In tbe Im
perial family of Austria. She wnt seen
in 1S67 Just before Mnximlliun, em
peror of Mexico and brother of the Aus
trian emperor, was foully murdered
aud again tiefore the deaths of Arob-
duke Rudolph and Ills mother, the beau
The ro.vai house of Prussia also lias
Its “white lady," who is only aeen la
the pulaeo at Berlin before the death
of some member of the reigning family.
Uullke her sister of 8chou..rutm castle,
however, the white Indy of Germauy is
A Story of Sir Robert Ball.
Sir ItolMTt Ball, the noted British as
tronomer, on one occasion went to a
remote town in Ireland to lecture ou
said to be III favored, |f uot downright 1 his favorite topic. Arriving nt the stn-
Mrs. S. W Mays entertained at cardi
yerterdftj afternoon
,oi»h Sunday vm-
Mr. L*m Cochran i
tor to Camilla.
Mr. T, Wood aud little frou spent
.Sunday with reia'ive* at Camilla.
Tbe Rainy Day.
A well known artlat recently received
ft letter from a chap who has regularly
made It a practice to borrow money
of him. In this letter tbe chap who ia
ftlwaya In financial difficulties surpris
ed his correspondent by saying:
“This time I have decided to reverse
the usual order of things, and, instead
of borrowing from you, I Inclose here
with $50, which I am going to ask that
you will lay aside for me for a rainy
Bnt the artlat couldn't find nny re
mittance In the letter. He searched for
it on the floor, under the table—in fact,
everywhere he thought he might have
dropped It. Then quite accidentally he
turned over the sheet on which the let
ter was written and discovered this
"I’ve Just looked out of the window
and find It’s raining like the very
rheumatic pains quickly
The eioroci.Mng pain, rhtkncl.rl.t1c
ol rhcam.tirm »nd sciatica an quickly
nlieTHd by applying Chamberlain', Pain
Balm The great pun-nli.Ting power
of the liniment has been the surprise
and delight of thousand, of .offerer,.
The quick relief from pain which it af
ford! i. alone worth many time, it, cost.
For sale by J, W. Peacock, Thomasrille,
I negotiate flee year. loan, on farm
and. at lowett ra'nt of interest. Com
misHou char**, reasonable. A email
-betnet tee. oontietent with the amount
repulsive, and Instead of torch or seep-
ter she carries in her hand u comm m
or domestic broom: hence she uas been
Irreverently christened "the sweeper."
There are white ladles attached to
other European courts, uotably that of
Hesse-Darmstadt. the lady who Inspir
ed Wagner’s *T.oheugrIn.’’ but the odd
est of nil these royal wraiths la cer
tainly the red man who confines his
patronage to the royalties of France,
lie used to dog the steps of Catherine
de* Medici, wife of oue French king
and mother of three, along the corri
dors at the Tuileries; he had a long in
terview, so it Is chronicled, with the
great Napoleon before he started on his
!“ starred Bnosl.m campaign, and It
may bavc'becu through not following
the specter’s advice that Napoleon had
such n sorry home coming. And It Is
reported that he was seen by the Em
press Eugenie shortly before disaster
UuaU.v overtook the house of Napoleon
—Loudon Tlt-BIts.
TraTellBB Companloaa.
An excellent test of a friend la the
making of a Journey In bla company.
Many who are most agreeable amid the
little events of every day at home or In
an accustomed round are unable to
withstand the petty annoyances that
come with travel—the deferred meals,
early rising, loss of sleep, the minor
discomforts we ull have suffered. But
none of these affects the tem(>er of a
favorite book. It Is ever ready for your
amusement, yet uever resents being
put aside. It baa no choice as to your
route and asks no more than a little
corner of your traveling bag, or, at a
pinch, will go Into a pocket at anngly
us a pet aquirrel. The London Acad
emy says: “Indeed, of ail traveling
„ . comrades books are the most genial ana
■f Work and tronbla mroWed, will be j the most gentle; not book, of travel-
**d in each case. Bring your chain they are for tbe borne fireside—but tales
of title with you. j have for background the scenery
' _ _ | you are looking upon or histories which
EDWIN L. BRYAN, ! deal with men and women who have
\ttorney-at-Law, | dwelt and worked in the cities yon are
Mooltric Ga. visiting."—St Nicholas. . v
tlon, he looked for the expected conv
auee, but found none. After all the
other passengers had disappeared a
man stepped up and said, “Maybe
you’re 8lr Robert Ball?" On receiving
un affirmative reply the man hastily
apologized, saying. “Sure, your honor.
I'm sorry I kept you waiting, but I was
tould to look for an Intellectual gintle-
man." 8lr Robert thojght that under
the circumstances it would be better
not to Inquire what was the man’s Idea
of intellectuality.
Old Time Rallwa? Travel.
Third class passenger touches In
England used to Ik* coupled on next to
tbe engine. The travelers came in for
terrible treatment when any accident
occurred. At times the engine waa
driven tender first, in which case
frozen bands could be warmed at Its
smokestack. Tbe passengers were
packed, seventy of them, into a truck
eighteen feet in length by seven and
a half In width. There was no roof
and not, at a rale, proper protection
at the skies.
Marital Paraiaase.
"I must confess," remarked Mrs.
Crab be, “I don't believe there ever was
a really perfect man.” “Well," replied
Mr. OTabbe, “Adam would have been
perfect I suppose, if Eve had only
been made first.” “How do you
mean?" "Well, she would have bossed
the Job of making Adam."—Philadel
phia Press.
T*e Thins to Do.
Johnson—He said I was au addle pat-
ed Jackass. What do you advise me to
do about It? Jac!:son—See a good vot- I
erinary.—Leslie's Weekly. i
■gse experienced farmer
has learned that some
grains require far differ
ent soil than others;
some crops need differ-
enthandling than others.
He knows that a great
deal depends upon right
planting at the right
time, and that the soil
must be kept enriched.
No use of complaining
in summer about a mis
take made in the spring.
Decide before the seed
is planted.
gfc best time to reme
dy wasting conditions in
the human body is be
fore the evil is too deep
rooted. At the first evi
dence of loss of flesh
Scott’s Emulsion
should be taken imme
diately. There As noth
ing that will repair
wasted tissue more
quickly or replace lost
flesh more abundantly
than Scott's Emulsion.
It nourishes and builds
up the body when ordi
nary foods absolutely
We W send yea • ssmpk free.
of s label Is <
wrapper of every
bottle of Emulsion
you buy.
409 Pearl Street
joe. and $i;
all druggtata
To Subscribe for and Road all Papors
Published Would Cost S50.000
a Year.
Ths Result Obtained From This %x*
pencituro Can bo Had for a
Few Cams • Day-
% Any one is tie public e>e ev«r so
slightly, any one desiring public t}, tvery
one in any bum tits* or profession will be
inleresttKl in a remarkable ides that will
be of untold value to them at tbe cost of
a few cents a day. ^
The credit for the ’d»*a is due to Frank
A. Burrelle, dean of the press clippers.
To a reporter Mr. Purrelle said:
* I point tlie way to new business along
new lines aud give aid cf a most valua
ble nature to lo.OOO persons. Our cli
ents include merchants, actors, wiitert,
lawyers, artists ministers, doctors public
speakers, pugilists—in short all classes."
“How done? Ve y simple. I am able
with a large force of workers to read sll
papers pnblisbed, clipping there rom
lt»-ms ol interest to our clients. J
“I do not uud*-rstand.’’ s id the report
"In the newpapers of the United
States,” Mr. Burrelle, "there
is printed every d*y m iterial that ap
plies directly to all tmn.and to all busi
“Can you give any specfic case?”
"Hundreds! Take for nc-mp’.e, the
maker of artificial limbs. I pnt on h<a
desk every day tt e name of every person
in the United States who has had auarm
or a leg amputated That person need*
*n artificial limb. The fire extinguisher
man wants to know of persons wno Lave
had a loss by fire, and I keep him post'd.
These are example*, but the idea applies
to every business."
“How do you help individuals?
“I keep the artist informed of wh it the
press says of his work; if an author
w*nt* material for a book, I gather it for
him; on the death of anyone I am able to
placs before relative* the printed expres
sions of opinion concerning ths de
"How is it done ?" '
"If there is any one, either individual
or firm, who withes to know, Irt then*
writ# to me, addressiag "Burrelle—New
tork; it wou'd take too much ep*ce to
tell tbe whole story here.” 2-iotf
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hate Always Bought
Bear: the
Signature cf (
Somptbtnc l-ncLInc.
'I can shave myself as well a:
“Ah. but you can't talk to 701
while you're doing It!”
Nothing raises the price of a blertlt
like It. removal—Moore.
I ' KM supply et co tan seed, tha
celebrated Flsrooo'a seed, ran be ha
Jas- McKinnrm . 211-2tw4
Buggy For Sale.
i High class top buggy in good ordsr
Address W. care Times Enterprise.