Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, April 14, 1905, Image 1
f <S masuUU -Hub South Georgia progress^ |W * JdQM JU THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL ,14. <005 New Series, Vo) XV—' o ij rk BIG COURT MEETS |AMATEUR RECORD GREAT NAVAL BATTLE I; ON NEXT MONDAY SMASHED BY VOSE REPOR^P AS FOUGHT. Interest it> legal circles jut now. center* in ilie April term of Ihomu - County Superior tponrt. Judge Robert Mr. Hamilton Voee, Thomasville’s crack golfer ie wearing a new feather in Ilia cap. This week he broke the ama- K: G, Mitchell i. at preaont in Moultre for the Thomaltm , Golf holding Colquitt ecnrt. He will return ^ Although the Hnke were not in Saturday and convene court here ' the ^ c0DdlIicn , he made th , ronnd Monday. Tb. hot week will be devo oatln ind the « torn ln 37. . total ted to civil caws, and the cecood to | ^ ^ criminal. The docket is a heavy one. j° Therec- rd waa previonsly held by A number of cate, were continued irom Dr T E Blackabear, who made the the Octoler term and many new and roand donble 37 _ total 74 , <<n . .troke important ones have coue up since that! more , ban Mr V o»e. ume. Perhaps the caae if grtatest in- The ThomuTil! , 0 lob , hia week be- tereat is that of J B. Barrow who is canie a member of the Southern League charged with the murder of his mother. I ofGo „ Clnbi , This aelodallcn hold „ in law, Mra. Wm. Parish. Jhe rensa- ^ , tg a(Hula t tournament and convention tional tragedy aroused everyone, and ! iD 8lTaIli ; a |, May 10th 11th i2th and the cou.t room will be crowded to hear] ]3th . a team will probably be sent 1 ( t from the home club. ■ This organisation TLereit always inteiest in the tnake j ba9on ttsro n B0 f t h e beat amateur up of. the gm&d Jury, lhia important | goif erg | D the aonth and is sure to make tody, has all the affaiis of the connty ^good showing. Special inducement* for its field of inquiry. The tliii ty re* ^ 0 ff ere d to these who enter, in the preientative citizens'who constitute it way of rates, entertainments, trophies, W. 8. Wight i M. 1*. Uvd'enrn W. 8 Buiioch A. J. Owen* Wllrt«“ J. V. Kay 1. Adams J. B. Way There are two pant lv of petit jurors. Thirty six of toern will do*dutv on the Oftws that will come up during the first week of court, These are: M. 8. Hasan Ale* Mai H M. Mn ■ I . J. Mtsutleid , O. Harrell Lem HlogleU U. L. Bulloch W. II. MeUraw J. W. Copeland K. rt. Heeih 0. C.ahelley <J. W. Niiuo 1. D. Lewis M. Pops. F. m. McKinnon I), w. Morphy, Jr. T. K. Hnctnlneou C. A. Boatwright J. H. Vann J. 34. Hiptumm W. it. Bwllley W.T. Wooltolk t’ Formter 1. .Smith Those who wl’l serve during the sec ond week are, BuMle NORTH GEORGIA LADY PASSED AWAY HERE Tuesday at „ noon, Mra. James T. etc. In case the gentlemen go, they will be accompanied by several ladles who will also play. PARALYSIS STRIKES "BEPPO” SHACKLEFORD Mr, H. K..Shackleford, was recently stricken with paralysis in Bainbridge, and la wriontly ill, In that town, though his condition wa, somewhat Improved last night. Mr. Shackleford ia the fath er of Mra A. W. Stuart of this olty, and formerly resided here. He ia one-{,"-{ of the meat interesting characters, who ever claimed this city .for a borne. He ia a prolific writer of boys stories, and lias been taming them out at the rate of two a weak, for many yeara. Hla novels ineluda the “Work and Win” “Liberty Boys of ’76“ aud other aeries, and' are very popular with the youth of the land, every where,’ During a recent residence in Hew York -Mr. Shackleford wee a regular contributor to the Timee-Eoter- prise, nnder the pen name of ‘ Beppo.” Hta spicy letters were a feature of this paper. He ia a man of genial character and ia most plrausutlr remembered by Thomasville people, who hope to hear of bis early and complete restoration to health. no Naval scrap YET REPORTED New York, April 11.—No mention of Riclia d<on pasted away at her home on the expected naval battle betweeu 'the Jefferson street in thla cl'y. Her re- Russian and Japanese Yl-eta, ismade in mains were shipped at 4:30 to her for mal home in Dalton.Ga. Mrs. Richard* son wa*46 years of age. She had lived ln Thomasville bnt a few mouths, but during that abort lima many had learn ed to loro har. Her sorrowing husband accompanied her body home. He was : nothing lueaiab.iali the aniheji. ity of i formerly a preacher of thq North Geor- \ the repurr. It is -whored that the great giaconference of the Methodist church, j nasal haul.- which the dispatches from bnt hal not been in active service for the Far Last led the public to expect at : fevers! years. | any time, since last Saturday, has not tins evening’s press dispatches. .Certain papers, have published what purports to be a special cablegram reporting the loss of five bitt.esliips by Admiral To go. The Associated Press has made no ms ntson of such a battle, and there is I years. I *> Mrs, Richardson leaves three children two boys and a married daughter. Her mother, daughter and sitter were with her .when she piwed awa y. ■3- To Writ* up Thomasville. Mr. J. C. McBride representing the G Savannah Press, is in the city. Mr. ' McBride will institute a carrier service, having hit paper delivered each morn ing. He wi)i also wnte a apecal article about the town to appear in an early ia-j riage in Roswell, New Mexico, of Mr. I Varnedoe M. Heeth to Miss May Rot*, taken place. The Haitian and Japanese fleets which were reported to be close together on Saturday and again on Snnday have not jet met. VARNIE HEETH MARRIES NEW MEXICO GIRL News lias reached the city of the mar- ■ueofthe Press. of that city. Mr. Heeth is a nephew of Mr. O. H. Young, who ia doing some Tax collector P. S Heeth, and a ion of railroad building for the Georgia North- the late N. R M. Heeth. He waa rear- era, hear Albany ia in the city for a few e d in Thomasville, and has many re- days. lativea and friends among the people of Mr. J. o. Maguess, formerly with the this city. For the last* five years, he O. H. & D. railroad, and well known in has lived in Savannah and other cities this territory, is now with the J. L* aud itas only recently gone west. The Phillips Lumber Co., in this city. marriage took place on March Mod. P* The ceremony waa performed by Rev. The Report Lacks Particulars and is Only Half Credited, Amsterdam, Holland, April IS.—Ac. carding to a telegram from Batavia, JaTa, a naval fight ia now ln progress near Anambas Islands, east of Malay Peninsula. Fire Dutch warships are n ear the scene. St. Petersburg, April 12.--The Adrnir- a lty has no information of a laval bat tie off Anambas Ialand and does not credit the responsibility of a general n aval battle, yet. The officials concede however, that the Japanese may have attem pted a torpedo boat attack on the Rcssian convoy during the night New York, April 12.—An American dispatch from London, based on i dis patch from Toklo, says: “It is guarded, ly admitted there that Togo has com' pleted a battle organization of hia fleet Into a flying main and reserve squadron The flying squadron, made np of the fastest erntsers, is already iconring the China Sea anJ will open the fighting with the Russian fleet. MITCHELL IS LEADER IN REFORM PARTY According to Hon. Joe Hill Hall, Hon Fondren M’itchell of this oonnty ia one of the leaden In an element which la to settle upon a candidate for governor, to whom united support shall be given, The Atlanta News quotes Mr. Hall aa follows. “Whan are yon going to annonnoe for governor,” Mr. Hall waa asked this morning. “I dori't know,” he replied. “I will tell yon; I don't know whether I am to be an mended at all or noL It ia like this. Whon the legislature meets here in Jane we are to have a conference of the leaden, of the element for which I •tend and for which they stand, and [a candidate will be announced for gover nor as a member of that element. Un til that time nothing will be done.” “Who are the leaden referred to?” he was asked. “Why, yon know’em,” he replied: •'voq'vo seen how we linod up on all the important questions before the house. I’ll tell yon who they are: John W. Akin, of Bartow: Emerson George, of Morgan; FondrenMitchell, of Thom as; L. H. O. Martin, of Elbert; Mur- phey Candler, of DeKalb; Knight,"jot Berrien; and Seaborn Wright, of Floyd; Hooiier Alexander, of DeKalb: T. S. Felder, of Hibb, and nthen,” BULLET FLATTENED ON NEGRO’S SKULL The olu saving that a negro’s skull Is harder than a bullet is forcibly illustrat ed in Tbomaavilie by John Henry Pon der. There was a big celebration at Vicar's Hall, near the edge of town, on Monday night,, Along towards midnight trouble arose, and a shooting scrape en sued. The man behind the gnn waa a 16 year old negro named Carey Wil liams. He let fly with hia 88, straight at Ponder'a head. Pindei received the ballet back of hia ear. It glanced off followed around the conton of his head Jest nnder hla skin, and came out over hia nose.’ The woond Is a alight one, and Ponder ia pondering over the blessings of a thick aknll. Another bullet stopper was Jim Mo- Quien v ho got one in the arm. Wil liams has not yet been arrested, bat the re is a warrant out for him, and lie will soon decorate the interior of the Bastile. J. F. Monk and T. E. Williams were down from Moultrie yesterday. A party of young people drove oat to George Henson rector of St. Aothonys. I Eason farm for a dance Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Heeih will reside in Bo.- Urs. Artie Stewart went over to Bain bridge yesterday atternooo. the Eason f bight. IgY A. Simon the Mouticello meichant waa in town Wednesday. THE DAUGHTERS PLAN \ FOR MEMORIAL DAY John B. Gordon chapter, Daughters of the Confederacy held an Important meeting at the pnblie library (Tuesday afternoon and perfected their plana for Memorial Day. The orator of the oc casion will beJCapt. Tip Harrison, of Atlanta. Capl. Harrison will bo enter tained by fils friend, Oapt. W. M. Ham mond, daring his stay here. Hts speech will be delivered at Thompson’s Opera Honse at 11 a. m. He will be / introduced by Oapt. Ham mond. The master of ceremonies will be Oapt. C. P. Han sell, commander of the W. I” Mitchell [camp, U. O. V. All the members of the camp and every old toldier in the connty is expected to bo present. The Odd Fellowe of the Southern Judicial circuit will be in sea- slon here on that day and they will Join in appropriate celebration of the ocea- •ion. Bev. Ed. F. Cook will represent them on the program, and will give a prayer. Special mnsic will be furnished and the ringing song of which Capt, Harrison is the author “We are Old-time Confelerates,” will be a feat ure. Immediately upon the oonolnalon of the exercises, the veterans will march in a body totbeeonrt honse. Here they will be the gucsts of the business men of Thomasville, at a dinner, served by the Daughters of the Confederacy. A splendid list of eatables bat already been provided. The anneal dinner is one of the moit enjoyable features of the day. In tba afternoon the cemetery will be visited and the graves of the soldier dead decorated. There are 118 soldiers' graves lu the new cemetery, and 21, in tbeold.On each of these will be plaoed a wreath faahioued by loving hands. The appointment yiFtxrmmlttees to decorate 'the graves and’the confederate monu ment on Broad street, will be announc ed later. HOTEL SITE MAY BE IN COUNTRY CLUB The stockholders of the Glen Arren Land Company he'd an important meeting here Tue*(l»y morning. The land compauy in tha curjMjiHtlon which own* die land occupied by the Country club. Its stockholders include amou»; their number, the most prominent of Thomasvillo’s winter visitors, and men who piaj' ltadii-g p*rts in the affairs of the nation. Tne majoriiy of the stock wan represented either by ihe ktockhol* ors in person, or by proxy. The meet* ing voted to give the hoard of directors power to lease or sell, a p-irt of the com pany's property. This action has an important bearing on the proposed quarter million dollar touiist hotel. It teemed to be the sen* tim-nt of those present that the hotel might be e:ected within the club grounds. Io case a hotelm in or com l*ny wishes to build there they would prooably be wi.liug to part with suill bient ground on merely nominal terms. There is a splendid location jost off Au gusta Avenue, on a sightly slope, aud scarcely two miles from the court house, that has been suggested. Should the hotel be built there it would have many attractions. Right at hand, would be golf links which have no superior in the sonth, to sfiy nothing of drives, shooting traps, tennis courts, aud equipment of the best for oat door sport of every kind. Such attractions are a necessary part of the make-up of every modern hotel, and where they have to be built they need thoufands of dollars. The move of the Glen Arven compauy brings the tourist hotel near* TALES OF TROUBLE IN COUNTY COURT Connty coart was in seaalon all day Wednesday and many cares were heard. The calender wae not oompleted and three more cases are booked for today. The proceedings docketed Wednesday are aa followa. Ed Williams, aoensed of jnisdemeaner by M. E. Berwick, waived indictment and case will be heard at May term. Wash. Smart, prosecuted for gamb ling by Depaty Sheriff J31ngletsry had his oase continued by agreement. Marise Frazier’s misdemeanor caae ended in a plea of guilty and he was fined |10-and costa. Howard Daniels, aoensed by J. V. Snow of asaanlt and baitery, had the first demsnd allowed, the atate announcing not ready. Wm. Rnshln accused by John Wade of pointing a pistol and asaanlt and bat tery demanded lndlotment on both Wollin, Ed Plowers, and Wal ter fiobinson, accused of gambling, all plead guilty and ware fined f lOandoosts apiece, or fi months on the gang, John Wilson aoensed of ssssult and baitery on the person of Scip Williams was found guilty and fined tSO or five months, / > Tom Banks and Dave Moore aoensed of gambling had theiir cases ebritlnaed to nsxt term. Henty M. Leod,aoensed of the same, demanded indictment. The oase of Robert EeU. misdemeanor was continued to May term he having waived indictment. Bern Walden, larceny, and Andrew Williams, pointing a pistol ware both acquitted. Mamie MeMnrry, Nets MoMnrry and Maode Smith, all plead guilty to keeping a disorderly boose. They were fined >100 and ooMe each. Upon signi fying tnelr intention to leave town, the fine was remitted, and they will go at onoe. The eases for today are James Floyd, Cbarlee Flcyd, and Giles Hnnnlent all misdemeanors. Revs. W. A. Zeigler of - Albany, W. H. Fraser of Macon, and J. L. Irjiri, of Americas were three prominent I'rt-sby who spcnt.most qf,Wednesday,in town on their way to Boston. Mr. B, F. of (Tcolid^e, visit ed town Wednesday. INDICTMENT DEMANDED BY ACCUSED FISHERMEN A number of Thomas county's citi zens accused of violating the fish law were in the city Wednesday .(The game- warden, L. M, Li nano, accuses them of setting fish traps. All of theui demand- ed indictment by the grand Jary, and they ret’inod Ool. 8. G. McLendon aa ilieir a'tori.ey. They will appear be fore the grand Jury next week. They are, Jerome Curry, John Fitzgerald, Steve Hall, ti. Jones aud Tom Ohsstain. Three other accusations of trespais made by the game warden were dismissed, on account of a mistake in the charge. The accusations were against Ed Flow eu R. Moore and Tuner Walden, Caught One- The Bainbridge Argus brings the news that Ben Temple*, one of the es caped oonviota of a week ago. has Men captured and returned .to the Deoatnr county 4 JaiL He ref me* to give any in formation m to the conne taken by Neal Bnttoa or Fish, his two compan ions. The Jurors- The following gentlemen of the coun ty did Jury duty at oonnty court Wed- day: J. O. Ragan, T. M. Nesmith. J. W. Knight, B. T. Gandy. M. T. MoUanens, J. K. Goodwin, John M. Jones, W. B. Humble ton, B. F. Cochran. J. A. Ghat- tain, L. L. Berwick, J. T. Brown. JUDGE GRIGGS IS HERE TO ARRANGE NEW STATffll Ron. Jas. M. Griggs arrived ia tbs city last night and la the gsestof Mayor Roddenbery. The Jndgs will go wills a congenial fishing party to tha . laka to day and tomorrow. Among the pasty will be Jndge Roddenbery, Jndge Hip kins, Mr. J. L. Beverly and severe' others. Jndge Griggs visit here is primarily connected with the establishing of new weather station in ThinmsTiila. He is engaged to meet here on Saturday Mr. A. Zappone. Mr. Zappone: repra- senta the government, and with Mn Griggaexpeota to select a site for the station and make other^ important ar rangements concerning it. COMPRESS DIRECTORS VISIT THOMASVILLE The Tbomaavilie plant of the MUn tie Compress Oo.waa’vlstted Wedtoo»d») by Ihe president and direotore off t>» company. These gentlemen are on tlbstj anneal tom of the ocmpany’a compssa ses.. Thev started from Savannah an Monday and will spend the remainder of the week on the tom. r In the party were Resident O. 0. Hanson, Col. W. W. Mafeka'I,' Got A. B. Lawton and J. W. Barnard bt Savan nah anil Dr^ Tnmer of Atlanta (They arrived at * am. from Mrhfgt>merj. The gentlemen travel in comfort, ao copying with their secretaries and stenographers, two private bars of Ihr Central of Georgia railroad Enrly'&vd- nesday morning they vidhed the lo«a compresa.and found every-ing In-good shape Thelr cara were h’Mi-d-U tht 2:28 s. in. train and they w. ut from' here to Albany and Dothan. Fined In Police Court. At a special session of the Mayor’s oourt at ten o’clock Wednesday morning two young white men were fined for disorderly conduct. A. H. Walker got S26 and costa and Oscar Lee >16 and costs. Rev. H. G. Jones of Boston, wm in the city on Wednesday. STILLS WERE SMASHED BY REVENUE OFFICERS 1 i-IJk Deputy United Btates Marshal God win and Internal Keteuue Collect0 Williams have spent the past week I Mitchell and Thomas counties, raldlui moonshine alilla anti smashing pgro They strunk a nest of ’’moonsiitner, near Pelham and spent several da there bantiDg np the violators and pi - ling their atilla ont of buaine’e. 1L. first they captured waa a ttfty-galb > copper Hill, tbe outfit being worth ab. ' >400. Tills they smashed to pieces Vi< i axes while the owner, denying that v was Ills, stot d by and gave them a. ton gue-lashing that they will not soon 1« i- get. In the ainie neighborly'od they fosm two twentv-gallon stills inude “f a»*‘ and another twenty-gallon pot atlll. Ii oachslnatauee Ilieir attention waa at tracted by the ydora and by the nnm’ier of empty, auapiaiona-loaking barrels that were around the premises. Coming from Mitchell oonnty t< Thomas, >lie officers fraud two- bin ■ •tills, made of wood with metal lot- toms. One of them bad a empaoit* ol >60 gallons and the other abont 20C»al Iona. There were broken np befor- ih> eyre of the men who were rappos* i • own them. Betides the stills, tf,. tf fleers captured between two and • km thousand gallons of beer and forty s ai Iona of whisky, which waa poued sni upon the ground. The stills were all located in iau stsi . placet, near branobes or ln dense v, od> far from the road. Has Rented Stark Cottage- Mrs. E. G. Stoddard of New Haven Conn., has leased the Stark oottagu on Crawford street fora term of HUM years. Tills has been under Mia- Bail* Stark’s management, a high class yojr • ing honse for several seasons, at. t Mrs. Stoddard spent Ihe winter of 1206 liar.. Mist Stark will go abroad this h <„„.y aud will spend several inoetbs n. _j* *1: - erland. Mrs. Stoddard will be a ,'* ■ come addition to ThomasviUe’s u cottage eoh ny. I I 1