Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 06, 1905, Image 4

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tihes-entkrpkise, thomasvillb, GEORGIA. O’T.«, 1908. 4ftatty. On* Year *1.C0 JBU.Months *0 Rally. Oh Tear. •»•«> •- Blx Months *A> 1.15 8 Iftferof Thomas County OnraatesJ Circulation The senvenlr postal card U sup- : the lore letter. - Tie crop report on etraw ahowa a decided decrease. The prohlbltlonlate of, Atlanta are make another effort to make the dry. “What ahalt we do when the lob ster dlaappearaT" aska the Boeton Do somebody elae. North Georgia girl broke her neck reaching for a Klee the other day Ita the men that break ’em down In the laet laaue of Watson's Magaalne Mr. Wataon lays HonHokr Smith kai his sympathy: The next i la, haa Hoke bla support? They bow say that Ulllput Bart lett the cneilng Congressman from the math, will have opposition from CkpL W. A. Davis of Macon. Gc an boys. at thing the gubernatorial i has done la to enable small politicians to ray how friendly they are with “Hoke” and “Clark’' aad “John" and how they bate to i them. The Atlanta authorities are lock ing the barn after the horse Is sto-. lea. Since a child was killed by an automobile they are adopting to govern the machlnea. The tab driven In Atlanta are squabbling over the rights of the Okies depot The scrap Is viewed wrtth equanimity by those who have I at the hands of the Jehus. B&i _ i county dtlseni are evident- isea after the county offices— s being about SO aspirants forthe sight offices to be Oiled. Now you sag' see tbe necessity tor the ma jority primary—else the offices will : all be filled by minority can didates and the popular man will be defeated. —Balnbridgo Democrat. The 6rlffla News credits tho'Tlmos- Materprise with an editorial stating »ii.« Candidates Smith and Howell are both ruehlng to their doom and thabho people will turn from their abusive tactics to the support of ano ther man. Now we may have thought this but we haven’t raid ao. Broth- uT Oleaener and we have no desire to steal anybody’s else thunder. Rev. Bam P- Jones In tbe Atlanta Journal says: “All In all these prosperous times, the fellow that Mat doing well must either lasy .or mean. There la a cry that labor Ito genres everywhere. Labor la get- ^s»g better wages than ever before rflome fellows, though, arq uke Pat Ha said he wasn’t hunting work, Ikat Just wanting wages. And a man -But of work now la likely to be a •oagnad forever. Even the women taro «t work. I never raw as many .mamas marking la all my life. Just ■ge linto the great stone and manu- ffnetoriee sad bait of the employes an semf, aad not only In these i bat In oHeee sad some of the i aad everywhere you will find u at work aad I think mon of of women, a thousand than I 40 the eUly. Idle gang l runs with the «00.” Mayor Woodward reports that his terrier dog has run away. Pox ter riers are noted for their self respect, We ^old you so. No sooner did Taft leave the Philippines than the .’Id blew off and killed 100 soldiers. The farmers of the country produced In 1004 five billion dollars worth of staff. Will somebody please swap us a farm for a newspaper. It Is said that certain leading Re publicans favor tbe return of that 148.000 to the New York’Life. A rood idea. That will be a safe In vestment of the fund pending the text campaign. ‘ THE WHITE FLY People hare been annoyed by the white fly, or gnat. It Is here and seems determined to stay here. Be sides its abominable habit of bus ting around , your face and getting !n your eye. It Is very destructive ’o shrubbery of certain kinds. They Inlnre orange trees and privet hedg es. There Is not much of this partlc- ilar kind of vegetation around here ind the little pesta have taken to he China berry trees. Now is the Ime to kill them off. This can be ’.one by spraying the vegetation here they luxuriate with an enrol- ion of kerosene or with parts green. Vnd while you are monkdying 1th the kerosene gun take a hot at the old holes and other pla- ?s where the mosquitoes breed. GEORGIA IB ALL RIGHT. One of this State’s citizens whose orks for tho development of Geor- ,:a and especially tbe Southern sec- ion are well known. Is J. P. Wil iams. The Washington Post prints n Interesting Interview with him In . blch he says: "Georgia has no complaint to lake these days seeing that the old late Is enjoying a greater share f t rmperlty than at any time slues he la'ndlng of Gin. Oglethorpe. Of ourre we have our quota of aglta- ors, who try to make tho people hlnk that the railroads and other corporations are robbing them, and Buster Browncrs. . The'Buster Brown Company pass 'd through Thomasvllle yesterday m their way from Valydosta to Al- <uny where they showed last night. The news of their passage had Pre eded them, and there were far core than the usual number of onng men who had business at the depot about 10:40. The Albany train due to leave at 9:30, was held aver for the west bound train to onnect with It. The latter was late md as a consequence the passengers who desired to travel toward Albany did not get away from Thomasvllle until after 11 o'clock, causing them to miss connection for Atlanta. The Buster girls were pretty, though, and a sight of them calmed the per turbed passengers to at least a more or' lo-s extent, depending largely on the ape of ’be passengers In question. "A Southern Woman” who writes to the New York Bun from Greenville C.,' quotes as "one of the most popular of African songs” the fol lowing: ■What is de use for to wuk so hard Wen you got a gal In de buckra yard Ebry night at half past eight I take my stan' at do buckra gate Afi’ waits for do gal wll de buckra plate.” So far ns wo are aware the song Is new In this Immediate section, but the sentiment Is familiar.—Macon Telegraph. Tbe Springfield Republican thinks there should be no excuse for anoth- epldemlc of yellow fever In New Orleans, In view of the progress made In science In lighting the dls- j. That the current visitation has been well handled Is beyond dis pute, but there are still many ques tions In connection with the disease that are unanswered. The mosqul- theory has been strongly sus tained yet there are eminent physt- clans who do not accept It as con clusive. Preventive measures will undoubtedly he taken In future and the probabilities are that there will never again be even a small epidemic of tbe fever.—Savannah News. ALTERNATIVE ROAD LAW COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLISH VOLUMINOUS MIN UTES OF TUESDAY MEETING And others. by the commissioners and for the The following petition .ordered constant and personal care and sup- 'publlshed: lervlslon by them of all work animals To tbe Honorable Board of County I rotul Implements and other property Commissioners: |that may be Intrusted to them for We, the undersigned petitioners use on tbe public roads and for the ask that the said road that leads I Prompt return of same when called from Coolldge to Colquitt line be tor by the commissioners, and shall October 3,1905. Board met In regular session. All present Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Committee to Improve poor bouse report progress'and ask for further time- CItation ordered on the Maple road leading from Vashtl Home to County line road as petltoned for by J. T. Pittman, J. P. Evans and others. Permission to erect temporarily a telephone line, granted Dr. 8. E. Sanchez, to run from Berwick to Mose Williams’ place. All poles must not be nearer the center of the road than 14 feet and the line must be on one sldo of the road. A petition for a bridge over Pls- cola creek on Boston and Pavo road was read and on motion the matter was referred to J. D. Barrow and Superintendent of Bridges for ex amination and report. The following petition read and ordered published and referred to county attorney: To the Honorable Board of Com missioners of Roads and Revenues of Thomas County, Oa., the Un dersigned Citizens and Taxpayers mlag their Petition and Respect fully Show: First. That they will be citizens of the new county “Grady" formed of sections of Thomas and Decatur counties by an act of the General As sembly of the State of Georgia pass ed at the seslon for tbe year 1905, and approved on tbe 17th day of Au gust, 1905. 8econd. That under the act (known as the Blanket Bill) passed by the General Assembly of Georgia at Its session for the year 1905, governing the formation of new cou nties. the taxes levied for the year rl905 are to be paid to the tax collect ora of the counties from which the territories forming the new counties Is taken. Third. That at the April term, 1904, of the Superior Court of Thom as county, the grand Jury for said term did recommend that the "al ternative road law" as Is embodied In tbe code 1896, section 673 and 583 Inclusive, and amended by the acts of 1903. page 104, be put Into effect by the board of commissioners as soon as possible. That your Honorable Board of Commissioners acting In conformity with said recom mendatlon. did, at the September term, 1906, of your court, levy a tax of two dollars per thousand on all taxable property in said county to be collected In the year 1905. for the purpose of putting the alterna tive road law" Into operation In the year 1900. Fourth. That under the law as enacted by the General Assembly and approvedby the governor on the 17th day of August, 1905,the raid new county “Grady” will be organ ized on the first Monday In January 1906, and the section of the new county new being a part of Thomas county and composed of Cairo dis trict and part of Spence, Duncanville and Ochlockonee districts will not be after the aforesaid date a part of Thomas county but will be a part of the now county "Orady.” Fifth. That at the tlmo npotnted by your Honorable Board of Com missioners for “alternative Road Law" to bo put Into operation, the aforesaid district and Parts of dis tricts will not be part of Thomas county: but will be a part of the new county "Grady." and therefore, will not enjoy or participate In the ez- pendlture of the fund known as the "public road fund” as expended by Thomas county In the year 1908, yet. the taxpayers of said -district and parts of said districts will have nald a levy of two dollars perthous- and upon property lying ? nd ,i*!? 8 In said district and parts of said dis tricts for the specific purpose of building up. Improving and making roads in said districts and parts of said districts. Ixth That by reason of tho facts that the said district and parts of said districts not being a portion of Thomas county at the time specified by your Honorable Board of Com missioners for the "alternative road law” to be of force and to go Into operation, you will not then be In the position to expend In the said district and parts of said districts their proportion of the “public roa d fund” ns Is prescribed in the acts of the General Assembly of OeorgU for the year 1903, page 104 which reads as follows: That It shall be the duty of the board of commis sioners or other taxing of such county to levy • u less than ten nor more ‘ban twenty 1“ „n each one hunderd ($100) dollars of tarable proparty In such countv which shall be collect- . and aa the general tax la amount of taxable property of each. Wherefore, the premtaes conalder- vonr petitioners pray that your u-.nnhle Board of Commissioners «&"•« Thomas county. Its i.rt of the “public road fund in part or m v Me property of gssesss “on °* ““(TuBarwlck. W. A. Walker. T. M. Chastain, W. B. Roddenbery, changed from the corner of Floyd Burk's land and run down west the original land line till striking tbe street In front of James Paramore, Jr. s then due south to Japonica street, which will be a distance of about one-half mile nearer said petl- nffraes to cut out and make said piece road In as good fix'as the old part of said road. tne J- O. Ingram, W. H. Story, W. A. Ingram, And others. Judge C. P. Hanell’s report: Ho “- Board of Commissioners? 05 ’ . 0e “ t !? men — 1 have the honor to report thef for the month,of Septem ber I have paid over to the county treasurer the following amounts* *» county court. $47. From hire of convicts, net, $823. Net to county, $870. Total, fl $9M* Ud for,elture *- »*«- Respectfully, Charles P. Hansell, _ , J- C. C. T. C. Board County Commissioners- ■S3 *" good *hape at Jail and poor house. At the latter none received, died or been dis charged. . L. B. Bouchelle. listed 0 "'"* pet, “ on Ord,rod Bob* To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Thomas County: we the undersigned citizens of Grady county respectfully petition your honorable body to refund that part of the tax collected for road working within the bounds of Grady county to the proper authorities of , We were cPPocd t« the division of our county but Inas much as our will was not that of the majority we feel that we are loyal to the best Interests of the new coun- tf a “0 we respectfully submit that .t will be a manifest Injustice for our people to be taxed to work the roads In the old county while com pelled to keep up our own In the usual way. Respectfully submitted, •H. S. Watson, J. I. Brown, John Wade, And others. The rotating rules and regula tions submitted by the committee ap pointed at last meeting for that pur pose were read and adopted : Office Board Commissioners Roads and Revenue, for Thomas County, Georgia. Thomasvllle, Oa.. Oct. 3, 1905. The Board of Commissioners hav ing at Its regular meeting and In neordanco with the recommendation of the grand Jury of Thomas county, determined to put In operation the method of working the public roads authorized by sections 673 to 583 Inclusive of the Civil Code of this state, have this day adopted the fol lowing rules and regulation!; for carrying Into effect said alternative road law system. From and after the first day of January, 1906, and until otherwise ordered by the county commissioners the road working force of the county shall be made up of hired laborers working under overseers, and of such male citizens of the county as, being subject to road duty under section 574 of the Civil Code of this Stale, shall fall to pay to the dis tricts overseers herein provided for, and at the time hereinafter appoint ed, tbe commutation road tax herein prescribed. Seconu. Tbe entire force to ge em ployed for working the public road shall for thp present consist of such number of laborers as Is neces sary, who shall be required to work continuously during the term of their employment, under the imme diate supervision and contro I of overseers appointed by this Board. The laborers employed for this pur pose shall be organised In as many separate squads to consist of such number of laborers, each as this board may prescribe, and one over seer and shall work at such places with such Implements and for such length of time as may be required by their respective overseers and shall receive such wages (not to ex ceed 11.35 per day) as may be agreed on by the overseer nod the laborers employed. The laborersc composing the several squads shall be hired by tho overseers of squads with the aproval of the superintend ent to be hereafter appointed by this board and will be required to remain continuously at. or conveniently near to. the place where the road work Is being done. The hours of labor shall be from 7 a. m. tol2 m., and from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. of each working day and hired laborers shall at all times assist in feeding and car tng for the live stock and In keeping In repair the road tools and Imple ments used by their respective squads and may be discharged at any time by the overseer for Insubor dilution or Inefficiency, the cause for the such discharge to be jei"^ to the superintendent and by him to the board of commissioners at Ua regular meeting after such discharge Is made. Overseers of Sqaada. Third. The board of County com missioners shall at Ita regular met ing In December, 1905, appoint one overseer for each road squad, who shall hold office for the term of one year from the date of hta appoint ment, unless sooner discharged by the superintendent or the board tor misconduct or Inefficiency. Tne overseers to be ‘bus apotated shaB ha known ns - iQUMOYeneerii shall within ten days after their .£ polntment make u»dlHf derk of the board a bond with good each receive fifty dollars per month as compensation tor their service to be paid monthly. Fourth. Each squad overseer shall have Immediate charge and control of one of the road squads herein provided for, and shall at all times be present with bis squad, and shall supervise and direct the labor to be performed by them and enforce tbe hours of labor herein prescribed. And each squad overseer shall, in a time bopk to be procured by him for that purpose enter the name of each laborer working under him, and. of all lost time by each, with the amount proper to be charged against each laborer for lost time, and report the same to the super intendent who will report It to the county board at each of Its regular monthly meetings. Fifth. Overseers of squads will be required to labor with the em ployes under them and to make, with the assistance df tbelr squads all necessary repairs to machinery and road Implements and when the re pairs qeeded are such that they can not be made by the overseers with the aslstance of their squads, over seers must Immediately apply to the superintendent for authority to bare them done in some other way. Overseers of squads will be expected to asemble the laborers who are to work under them at such places as may be from time to time Indicated by the superintendent and will con tinue to work there until ordered elsewherq by the same authority, or the board of commissioners. Sixth. Overseers of squads will be required to co-operate with and assist district overseers In securing the atendance and labor of all per sons subject to public road duty who shall fall to pay the commuta- tatlon road tax within the time and to the officer herein apolnted to re ceive such commutation road tax and shall report as defaulters all per sons who after being reported to them for road duty by the district overseers, shall fail or refuse to up- pear and work In connection with the hired squads for the full time for which they were summoned. Equipment of Public Hoad Squads. Seventh. Each squad of road workers to be enfployed and organ ized under this order, shall for the present be provided with one road- scraper, one two horse wagon, one. large double plow, nine 'mules, six sets of wagon harness, two sets of plow gear, grain and forage for the mules, and with such other articles as may be necessary for repairing and improving the public roads and bridges; which articles shall be re ceived and receipted for bv the over- *®* r * ° f squads, who will be re- sponalble fbr tbe proper care and preservation of the same, and for their prompt delivery to the county commissioners when called for. District Overseers. Eighth. In addition to the over seers of road squads to be appointed under this order tbe Board of Com- misloners will at Its regular meeting in December. 1905, appoln’ one pu . bllc , road8 *n each mil itia district of the county to be ■JJ** ** "District Overseers,” and who shall at all times exercise gen eral supervision over the public roads and bridges In their respective districts and shall report the condi tion of the same to the board at each regular meting thereof, and shall within ten days after their appoint ment make and file with the clerk of the board a bond with good security in the sum of $500 payable to board of commlsloners of roads and reve nue for, Thoinat, county, Oa., and to their successors In office condition ed for the full performance of all duties required of them by the com missioners. Ninth. It shall be the duty of each district overseer to prepare and present to the chairman of this board within ten days from the date of his anointment, a complete alphabet ical list of all citizens of his dis trict who are subject to road duty under the law of this state, together with a statement of the number of miles of public roads In his district and of the names and number of the persons so subject to public road du- y nportloned by him to each pub ic road and shall keep a record of same In n book furnished by the commlsloners for that purpose. It shall be the duty of each district overseer to prepare and serve at least one day before each tour of road duty on all persons who are liable to work on the public roads, a written summous which shall clear ly state the time and place at which the person summonedis to work, the number of days the work Is to con tinue and the tools to be furnished by the person summoned. Elevonth. District Overseers shall on or betare 10 o'clock a. m. of the first day of April In each year receive from each person who has been summoned to work on the roads In his district the sum of $3 when ever said sum shall be tendered; and shall give to the person when he pays the same a proper receipt as for "commutation road tax," and persons holding such receipts shall be exempt from road duty during the year In which said payments Is made Twefth. District overseers shall by 10 o'clock a. m. of the first day of each tour of public road duty, furnish to the overseer of the near est road squad at the place where such squad Is employed, a list of the names of all persona who have been sumoned by them to such tour of road working, and who have not paid the commutation money herein pre scribed! whereupon the overseer of the squad to whom such names are reported shall accept and require to work in connection with this squad fanlters all persons who shall fail to attend and work as herein prescrib ed. Thirtentb. Whenever the condi tion of any public road Is such as to require Imediate work, or when the distance to the nearest road squad Is too great, district overseers shall summon the citizens subject to public road duty and who live con veniently near to the road to be worked, to appear and work thereon:, and the persons so summoned shall work under tbe {mediate supervision of the district overseers for a term of not more than ten consecutive days; and district overseers must report promptly to this board the names of all persons who shall de fault in the performance of the road duty hereby required. Compensation of District Overseers. Fourteenth. District overseers shall receive as compensation for the services herein required of them ten per cent of the commutation road moneythat shall be actually collected and paid by them to the county treas yrer snd In Eddltlon ahull for tno year 1905 be allowed ten cents for each name subject to road 8u‘y en tered by them on the alphabetical list of road hands herein required to be prepared and furnished by them to the county commissioners: and for other services required of them by the county commlsloners shall receive such compensation, not to exceed $1.50 per day, as shall be prescribed by the board of com missioners. All district overseers In the countyshall attend each reg- ular meting of the boardunlessex- cused by chairman of board and shall at least ten days before the convening of each road court serve all defaulters In their respective dis tricts with written notice of tno time and place at which such road courts are to be held. Persons Subject to Road Duty. Fifteenth. All male citizens of the county between the ages of 16 and 50 years (except such as are ex empt under existing law) are sub ject to work on the public roads, for the full term of ten d «r*. “"“"J the year 1906. and are to be listed and summoned by the dlstr ct orer- seers in the manner hereinbefore nrescribed. The entire term for public road working shall, howver. be divided up Into as many sepj arate tours of working as the board may decide, to begin at such time as shall be specified in ‘he.ummou. served on the person dHty ; but all P^ r ° k " s J h t ° he " h *! 1 1 blta summoned to work on n v road will be exempt from the duty of road working If they shall tender to the district overseers of their re spective districts, on or before 10 o'clock A. M.-of the first day of A- pril of each vear, the commutat.on road tax of three dollars and shall be thereupon discharged from all public road duty for the year In which such payment Is made. Road Courts. Conrts for the trial of defaulters shall be held by one or more mem- ters of the board of Commissioner, at least twice each year, and at such time and place as the board shall appoint: but until otherwise order ed, said court shall be held In the court house at Thomazvllle. Ot.Ten davs written notice of the time and place of holding such court shall be given to each person who may be reported as a defaulter In road duty Public notice of the sitting of “* d courts shall also be given by adver tising the time and place of holding the same in the public gazette of said county. And any person who shall, after having been in the manner herein to apnear for trial on the day ana at the place appointed, bo arrested and fined or Imprisoned at the dis cretion of the court *„ . „ Hoads County Hup t of Public Nonas The commissioners of road " ^ revenue will, at such time as ‘be ne cessity therefor shall appear.apivolnt a County Superintendent of Public Road, aid Bridges, who .han havo ceneral supervision and ment of all public r ond f h ft ”J^d'lrec? ta the county, and with the direc tion of the work thereon and shaU inch amount as may be hereafter rtx ed by the board of commissioners. E. M. Smith, W. A. Prin gle, H. C. Copeland, Committee. All the ladles arc urged to visit Mrs. Lula U M.cQueen of Boston, on the 4th, 5th and Oth for the pur- pose of inspecting her beautiful dis play of millinery. security In the sum of $500, payable :$ or the Tull time for which they were ••to the Board of Roada and Revenue lttm moned, the persons so reported for Thomas couty, Oa.. and to their | ta him; the hours of work to be the successors In office.” conditioned for same as those herein prescribed for the (nil performance of all each hired reed hands: and shall report 4 0 tj M qq shall be required of them to the chairman of this board as de- GEORGIA—Thomas Uounty: J. T. Culpepper having made applica tion to me Id due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the es tate of B. C. Dickinson lata of said county, police is hereby given that said application wbl be heard at the re,alar term of the Court of Ordinary to ■ sold county, to be held on the fint Monday fu September Into. Witness my hand and official tig na cre this 20 day of July, 1005. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary APPLICATION LEAVE TO SELL GEORGIA—Thomas County: No tice Js hereby given that tbe under signed has applied to tbe Ordinary of sold county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Jenkln Smith for the payment of debts and distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary tor laid county, to be held on the first Monday In Oc tober 1905. This 8epL 4th 1905. M. A. Fleetwood, Adm. es tate Jenkins Smith.