Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 06, 1905, Image 6

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TIMES US TEBPRlsK TUUMASVILLE GEOIt'JiA. OOT, 4 1*05, 3 {SUNDAY SCHOOL "H ASSOCIATION REPORTS SHJtf THAT HAlf HAS NuT B£E» FOtO OF PHILIPPINE STHRII. Manila. Saj*. X»-—Ming received alone the 75at a! ink recent eiorm infinite treat too at We ud property in Lxfo» mat the northern Islands. In' tfce mtere nnrre»4J»g Samar many cautliy transport reset* were wrecked- The coast purl siasas Isytr In s com plete wreck sad Osman Anwadouui and twentyfonr nallras ed. The lasses as the liny floata tions will reads a Army posts In the northern hdaads worn destroyed. The ddl and mili tary nuthorltien are and anppUea to the tflesrnph syste til wreck and retfcS, reports sin anaya. BUND HGE8S ARE RAIDED. Qultmad, On, Ssj*. officer* tends a raid at Wad dinars 1 today. They node ntHylsd, cap- j taring lathe or Dftan Tlanrrte «tt whisker sed beer- Tm time con cern* raided were T- Bntnpwdhb May ncr Walker and k. T. first of these <S4 hart ssTllto tor a short Hik tart Considerable ed lately bread apd It is the cases win no k tenders when they ANNUAL CONVENT,ON WILL 8: HELD <N THOMASVULE THIS MONIH Prpm Sanday’s Isaac. Tie Thomas County Sunday School Association nil! hold Its annual con vention in Tliontflavlile cn tho 21st and 22nd of October. This date eras settled n; on at tho annual meet ing ct the association, held at Bos ton last year. - This association to the central or ganisation of all the Sunday schools/ In Thomas county and fs a part ol the State Association. Every school la the county Is ontitled to a delegate to the convention. Last year a great lumber of the schools availed them- ■area of the opportunity and re- edred much benefit from the enthu siasm nad Ideas put forward. The oMcers of the association have alneedy begun active work on their preparations for the convention. They have secured the service* of Jlmr. C. O'N. Mnrtlndale, of New- nai, teacher C 2 tonnaoeoHRDL the State Association! and are In cor- rogjisafieaee with other able Sunday round! (norkort. Mr. Martlndale I* one at the most successful men lu itUkiiMXk that tho entire South can litnCdh. arise morions of the convention tflB 2*e held In the Sunday school mn «f the Baptist church and they itlli be ejusa to the public. | TAKEOFF YOUR BONNET. “ That blinds your eves, look a few fa;ts right in tlie f ce. | Do you want a Dinner Set, Toilet Set, few J odd pieces. I am sure tou do and you are afraid llicy J can net be bad at a reasonable figure. J f'o to tiiiukin.' about these tilings; come to me and ’ I will show you how easy it will be for both of, us so I agree on a subject of .»ucli importance. , » Tliink about the sewing machine question and | then come here and let me demonstrate hbw t eisv it is J ta get a machine good fory dir life time and the lifetime * of your children and 10 get it for a modest sum. | ' - C. B. QUINN, MR. H. QUINN B BEAD.! Mr. Herring Qatar fitri softyjau ‘ terday mormiag. His ghrrta auae- red at .the haqOUV attorn its- ream taken for the bsreoDt *9 ntaasqmlter i‘ care that toaifl hr sannrt Mo there. Light Plant A Failure And the people are very much disappointed, butj. E. Smith's new stone store, 222 south Broad st is still selling for spot sash. Here is how he does it: LarJ Cans rit 15c. Best dry salt;.ms it at 10c lb 24 lb sks be t flour at 70; Arbuckles CotTee, pkg 1 jc Best granulated Sugar 17 lbi for Si Armours Mar Hams at 15c lb Hehas also a big atsortm mt of st tple Dry Go ids at prices to equal It is Groceries, [TECHNICALITY MSS WOMAN. TKctAwi On. Bept 29—The com- xnllaxrat .tfla! <of Mrs. Cordela Mil- nrv undnr tho warrant sv;orn out a- Srtnjt. her by her sen Queu'ln. char ging bpr with tlie murder of her bust long .did not materialise yester day. Mss Jllindris lawyers succeeded da ebhotalag a ruling of the court (that Mrs. limner had already had .•one aammllmeat trial and been dls- i’ 1 «har«cd. Thle was when the case was WHEN THE MERCURY— Is trying to crawl out of the top of the Thermome ter these hot {lays and you are tired and warm, try a bottle of our highly carbonated DIGESTOL, ' . CASCADE GINGER ALE, v PEACH MELLOW And you will be instantly refreshed and cooled. Al) of our bottle goods are made from distilled water andonty the purest and highest class extracts used. For price and case lots address or ph o n e The Thomasville Ice Company PONE MIJMBEWH , llr. Quinn wnn T* : won a native of SMk »> lug to GooraSa b» avirerr. wOwa tbo, wag hardly lived tor i Utocosukto lata. TtenTM: Miss Elisabeth 20 him to tho Orest yean ago. life. He army and ways than The family sear tnsdlWn ’tST 3b. Cutanea three eoss. C. k.of Ttauar- vtllc, W. M. of Whkglona rest 41. It of. FlUgerald. The kart aaHtiaatf waa not at home gondnrtMt art* Old not reectre newwvrikOolStaa'h In time to, ottered Jtta daaerril The fnaeral ores Mil Irens <ht residence «f Mr- C. St Qdre st B o'clock yesterday albome, Star, John Ontler camdacUret *¥ renrdlareu Mr. W. M. Qtdao wfith kta »saiHy came over oa the ratanrere .loafla from Wklgkanu' , :rtcst lnrestjgatod and Quentin Mil- -c, hound over. The point made was that she could not bo tried agaln'for m ■jac#. -ajr A ^ r aame^offense, that It this addi tional trial were allowed she might he summoned and tried every day e! gh» wok. It was, argued that the .-pdtsct'Oilreiw evidence having been dlsaNtitocd did not affoct tho law In the janitor. atm Milner was released and left immnttately with her son In law for itt. m3*yhnni, whore the sou In law twf. Sentiment here Is strongly against the woman and the genernl opinion lE theX ake should have been held tnmdUs tho Investigation of supe rior (mil.—-Albany Herald. BOW TO CURE CORX3 AND ELYCION8 A DELAY IN NUMBERING. First soak Ike corn or bunion In varm water do soften it; then pare' It down as closely as possible wtth- *[ out drawing blood and apply Cham- bcrldia's Pain Balm t .\ Ice dally, rub bing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn a tew days to protect j] It Worn tho shoe. At a general lini ment for ‘sprains, bruises, lameness ud rheumatism. Pain Balm Is un equalled. For “tie h >' J- P**' cock. ThomasvUle. Ga. the null ortm < i ranch l«wlo- the rant pneaTntVre. aw dire of the load wmtdtawM. spite the objection Mia gawtaMh the order will ta tare*. *r. De- craw teptytsg Oak tks was objee- Hon alght vthr «*k am(are* to Build Your Houso ort Thi* Plan If yon own a ?o*. Mild % part of th« nu)ii^v which too wwl: to iavem in m nnildhiK. I will inrui-h plan* mid Ape dfloMtioiis free. I will baud yonr ItooMe nud l»*ui*e it and ^lmn it i- rntupieied you omu imke your rnti* for the irdMictf in pkymenu of front ote to Urn Tours Brick bai!din/> mid htoru hound* n spocUlcy. L jwem 0. E. OIUNiSR, Sdte Ci y, Gs VOTING COUPON Date .1905 Enclosed find ....dollars and cents to apply on my subs.-riptioa to the w«'ikty Times-Enterprise. Record my votes f >r Miss v as the most popular young lady, the winner to receive abso lutely free a full size Rudolph Piano Name \ Postcffice No. of Votes The Bridge Fixed. Tim burned bridge over Barnett's creek arer Pine Park hat been re paired aad trains are once more run ning on schedule time. The road way department of the Coest Line U receiving many compliments tor the De- .quick time In which'tho damage was repaired. They put a huge force of men at work, kept them at It day. and night and aa a result there was bnt little delay and inconvenience to the traveling public. Yeung Udri Leern Stenograph*. *t Doohheeptng. There'* a plaos In th* ccmin.rrtnl world for yoe with a good **i*ry ud study advancement U 70a are nelly anxious to tncoosd ud do year neat. Lady and Dates of this collsee 00 mn position, of trust oil* tho kieetimereantlle house*. Will bo elaa to hero you write for a cate, tugoa. kltbor place. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGES, tanreia, iu. nemo*. Tax. Sicsboub. V*. Cotcsava.0*. Jacuoavna*. ru. SOME SEASONABLE ADVICE. It may be a piece of superfluous advice to urge people at this season of the year to lay In a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It Is almost sure to be needed before the winter Is over and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold la contracted and before it hu become settled In the system which can only be done by keeping the rem edy at' band. This remedy la so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying It In preference to any other. It fs for sale by J. W. P vor-k. Thom ssvlllc, Ga. GIFT MONEY LET LOOSE JUDGE MITCHELL POSTPONES LIGHT CASE- ONE WEEK. UNTIES OONATEO COIN From Sunday's issue. Tiic hearing on the injunction to prevent a street lighting plant for tU^ city of ThomasvUle, due to be hold yesterday, was postponed un til October 14, by Judge Robert G. Mitchell. In the meantime the re straining order was modified to ex clude handling of the gift fund of $3,000 or any other funds that might 0o donated. The cause of -the postponement was the illness of Col. S. G. McLen don, leading attorney for A. M. Dix on, who obtained the restraining or der. The colonel's old enemy, rheu matism, has attacked him again and he was unable to attend to business At 10:30 a good sized crowd had as sembled In the judge's office to hear the proceedings and they v»c-e some what disappointed to learn that there would be a further delay. The date was set at tho earliest possible mo ment, as the judge will be busy hold ing court In Moultrie until that time. 3y consent of Attorneys on both sides, Mitchell & Snodgrass for tlu city, McLendon and Titus for Dixon the modifying clause was added to the restraining order. The fact de veloped that the $3,000 gift fund presented through the citizens .com mittee i3 not in the city treasury but is held by Alderman Pittnmn, chair man of tliefnance committee. Mayor Roddcnhcry and tho city attorney stated that they would now go ahead and buy a plant to light the streets, and furthermore that any additional money necessary beside the amount in hand would be donated. The modifying order reads as fol lows: "It Is ordered and adjudged that the order heretofore granted In with in case be modified so as not to re strain. enjoin or interfere with the defendant, the etty of Thomasville, In purchasing building, erecting, in stalling, maintaining or operating any electric light plant, or making any contract for came, or for light ing the streets, parks or public places of said city, provided that no money raised by taxation or In the city treasury be used for same until furlher order of the court and so as not to restrain or Interfere with de fendant in the payment of tho cur rent expenses other than the con tracting for the purchase of an elec tric light plant." Hump Back J SCOTT'S EMULSION won't mike a ft hump back straight, neither wilt It make V a short leg long, but It feeds soft bone ^ and heals diseased bone and is among the few genuine means of recovery In Hckets md bone consumption. Send lor ire* umpl*. SCOTT & BOWNE, CSemUto. Wl Sl.Mt, ffrerl 50c. and #i>ooi all ara-jut*. A WEDDING PRESENT.!... Should be selecttd with fast- and appropriateness. Le* us help you to find a suitable oue. Our stock is large and contains an infinite variety of nice things for wedding pres ents and gifts. We will try to.please you: L. H. Jerger Usual’.;- tl.o CrH svar; touts of kidney diie;« : weak Lack, backache. lt!;;Lly colored erkte, or Ireqneni OiolrO to urinate, ton may not L'ivo nll vbese .'>btns, but any enj of;> tk-t your kidneys c.: j..:,e.sed. FFIEE You coitus* afford to take any cknuccs c! iuvinjj Bright’s Dtsennc, ai you can now obtain a complete sure without cost. lit INI Are an nboc'.ute sure for all kidney trouble:-,, and to oliovr our confi dence wo will glvoyou absolutely froo one full sl.-e box ci DuBELLS KIDNEY TILLS. Good forthlrty days. Vi'rfto your aamo plainly and send at once to C. W. BEGGS, SONS & CO., S9-SS Union Park Place, Chisago. RETURN THI3COUPON If ,ou ar. ‘uft.rint wild Kidnrr Trouble* and we will bur and give Too abiolutelr free, one I ult s«o bo. of De&eils KldM Us, The only positive cure for Kianex Trouble. C«»d to C.W, BEGGS, SONS & CO. j» 3 j Uri.iN pa*. Pt-ao*. Chicago, ilu. For sale by Pitteri vi Drn- Co. Thoaiasvillc, J. A . Mid dlebrooks & Co. Pavo, J. L. Beatty, Barwick, Witt. Me Millan, Merrillville. WHEN YOU GO to rhe LewisClark Exposition st PortUnd, Orogou, Yon will wuut t** travel in til* toll en- joy incut of lutxiern b«rvic«. S.'H'eui, S«f*'tr. ang> toll tlie n an who wrnes tour Ticket uixke it ic- d via Dixie Flyer lt<>U(e 'I HE N , 0„ & Si. L. It. K. This rente thk*s you via Atlnuis, Chat- 'ufiot pH nil 1 NricJivillo *«v*r tlie b^auti* f ul Cuinberiaiid Mouutniu*, 111 .\ 'iirengli sleeper fn m Tlmuia.-vill.* 10 either sit. Lout* or Glnc g *, where «li- rect voiintctious i»re ma le with through tr.fitw for Porrl.ttid. JJ i rtioiuisvjile drvs. Free stojiuvers lit Yellowstnue P»rk and lu the scenic Co origin’s. You niii loinrn home 11 different route with, ct imy Rridiiioual co»t. For tuups, ■udiedu es, rates mill other information, wrireE. J. NV'jtlk»»r, Fl*k Passenger Agt. J.»f)k-on> ilht. Mm. ur a round nip ticket from.,^ fo PortlHtvi. m>oi f»r 90 J. R. Lawhon, SOPCHOPPY, FLA. Runs bi s . Livery Stable and makes a specialty to travel ers to cary them from Sop “choppy to Panacea Springs New Rigs, well Bred Horses Prompt attention. $100,000 TO LcND On Fnrm* and Choice City projirrty in Ihomnsvii e. ln»er- en D to 1 |)jr coti and pavVolo annnillv. Time 5 y**urs, hat. j»at* or rui ot princM iv nitty i»o j«tH| oiN-k r.r end ot any year and htoji mtHTrst. Protiij 1 .ttriitiou eu t» a l wiiftmi imjares. ELLIS & Ei.LIS. P.idrict (Bmiuc. CiUji. Oi. For Sheriff of Grady County. RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CANDIDATE FOR sTlER IFF OF GRADY COUNTY, SUB JECT TO THE ACTION OF WHITE PRIMARY. VERY RESPECTFULLY. W. D. BARBER. COULD NOT BE BETTER. The uniform success of Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has v.oa for It a wide repu tation and many people throughout the country will agree with Mr. Charles \7. Mattlson of Milford, Va., who says: “It works like magic, and Is the best preparation I kncfw of. It couldn't be any better." He had a serious attack of dysentery and was advised to try a bottle of this remedy, which he did, with the re-* suit that immediate relief was ob tained. For sale by -J. W. Peacock, ThomasvUle, Ga. REMOVAL NOTICE After today I will be found on Jackson street adjoining J. D. Stringer's. Will be glad to greet THE my old friends and patrons at this new stand. Will serve you there faithfully. W. J. Wilson. Groceries and General Merchandise. ■ 1ND1I Hi