Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, October 13, 1905, Image 1

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if Hnb Soijtb Georgia IProgress. pomasvh i.e times, vol. an 14 OMASVII.LE ENTEUPHISE. VOL. 47. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 tgo 5 TIMES-ENTERPRISE WILL GIVE TIME PIECE WITH $6 OS WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION Program 0! Sunday School Election Will Be Called to Vote on Proposition to Gathering Gives Prom- Pay Gamble’s Company $32,500 for Plant, ise of Results He Will Take 6 per Cent. Notes in Payment BUT HE WILL BE A SHIP THAT PASSES IN THE NIGHT RESIDENCE OF MR, J. T. CHAMBERS IS A COM PLETE LOSS Do you need a watch. The Tlmes- Enterprise is going to make it possi ble for every man. woman, boy and girl in South Georgia to obtain one of the best time pieces to be had a-/: all without one cent of money. All that is required is for you to send at one time to the Times-Enter- prise $6 on weekly subscription. This means efther old or new sub scriptions and the rest of it on the subscriptions of fire other people. President Roosevelt is coming to Thomasville. Or rather he is com ing through here. He will make a tour of the South commencing next week. His.objective point will be the home of his mother at Roswell, a little town in North Georgia where stands the colonial home in which' his maternal ancestor first saw the light. From, there he will go to At lanta, then to Macon^ and Jackson ville. On his way from the Florida metropolis to Montgomery he wll pass through Thomasville. But Oh, sadness the Presidential Rpecial will whirl* through town at midnight hour. In nil probability the President will be wrapped in slumber deep, like most of the residents'of this city are at the time when graveyards yawn. The big stick will be tucked under the berth, the . presidential false teeth will peacefully repose in a glass of water and the famous eye glasses will be tucked away in Mr. Pullman's little hammock. In brief Teddy will pass us up. There is some talk of firing a cannon cracker beneath his The dove of peace lit yesterday the land upon which the plant is sit afternoon at half past five o'clock, j uated. Said plant is to tie operated and it now appears that the munici- j for the purpose of furnishing light pal ownership war is over. The and power to the city, Its residents whole mater must be ratified by the ^ and those contiguous.* Said princl- people at the polls, but an agree- pal and interest to be paid in annual ment satisfactory both to the CIt- installments of $4,000 beginning on izens committee and the Thomasville the first day of. January, 1907, and Electric Light and Gas Co. has been continuing each year until debt be reached. This, in brief, provides for paid. The city to have the power to the purchase of the plant of the lat- pay any of the Installments before tor at a price of $32,500, and they maturity at a discount of 6 per cent, will accept in payment for the same M the next meetlng of counf .„ an the city’s notes bearing interest at . , _ , .. ' order for the election will be drawn the rate of six percent. , ~ up and published in the Times-Ea Nothing happened to prevent the .... .. terprlse. This will name the date meeting of council, and promptly ....... . , of the election which will be about at the appointed hour the mayor * T ; .. , , the 20th or nert month. If the elec- and all the aldermen except Mr. . tlon carries the deal will be put Kirkland were In their placee at. the ■ . , through as soon as possible. This council chamber. Attorneys Mitchell . — _ , , . _ __ may enable the city to take posses- and Snodgrass for the city, and Mo „ ; _ _ ..... slon on the first of December but the Lendon and Titus for the Light Co ... . . . more likely date will be the first of had been busy all day drawing up , ... ... January. The sum of $2,500 will an agreement and they were ready . . ‘ » be paid In cash. - According to the to present same urging that the ... , order this may be taken from any compromise bo submitted to the peo- . ... .. fund in the possession of the city, pie for action at the earliest post!- . . .. .. .. . , The ordeT further provides that a ble moment. Alderman Evans In- , , . , , . . .. special tax levy may be made for the troduced an ordinance which was by . .. . _ purpose of paying the notes. The unanimous consent read the second • ... . . . annual payments will be sequestered time and which will be put on Its .■ . : . . I first - *from lire funds,'however, and passage at the next regular meeting, I i the promoters of the idea do not ap- October 10. Its provisions are that ....... ... ... i prebend that this special levy will an election be held at a date in Nov-: , , r :ever ho necessary. The provision omber to bo named later, at w’hich , , .. , , i UU,UD * * u’n« nut In tn mn tho minor local. Great preparations are making for the Sunday school convention to be j held In Thoniasrille on Friday and Saturday the 20th and 21st of this month. President Haines of the State Sunday School Association has recognized this Sunday school guther ing as being of such Importance that he has ordered a convention of the I Second Congressional district Sun- i day School Association to be hold | here at the same time'. A meeting of the executive com j in it tee of the Thomas County Ahko- | elation was held Wednesday morning j in the office of Chairman •Merrill, j At this meeting the entertainment | committee was appointed. This j committee will provide homes for | the delegates and will see that they are met at the trains on their arriv- ! al ia town and are well cared for \ while In Thomasville. Mr. W. A. j Pringle was made chairman of the | committee and v^Ith him aro Messrs. Ardis McDongnld, C. M. Robinson, Joe Jerger, Fred Smith, Herbert | Brandon, Tom Walton. Alfred Rob- I ison, J. B. Way and Will McKay ; The committee would llkcfor all per sons who are in position to entertain j, any delegates to'notify the chairman i at once. 3 Program. - [ The program has been practically I completed and it shows a most glow- j ing prospect of success. The first ! session will be held at.3;30 o’clock There city is now but a smoldering heap of ruins. The place was totally de stroyed by fire on Sunday night. Fortunately no one was Injured by tho flames, although the two little sons ot 1 Mrs. Gamble of Macon, who are on a visit with their mother, to her sister, Mr?. Chambers were tak en front the burning building just m time. The usual retiring hour of the family is 8:30. Sunday night .hey were helping a sick servant and uad it not been for this act of mercy all might have been burned with the house. 6ffi''A.t 10:30 o’clock the kitchen was discovered to be in flames. It caught from the flue and before any know ledge was had of the lire, the whole kitchen was burning. A telephone message was sent to the Are depart ment but the place Is outside of the ;ity limits and even had the fire boys gone to the scene they would have arrived too late to do any good. A *ow people saw the flames and went to investigate. When they arrived they found the roofs falling in and ould ge of no service in saving the household effects. The family suc ceeded in carrying out several mat- trekses, a few pieces of leather furni ture and tho hardware samples and books of the firm for which Mr. Chambers travels. Everything else was a total loss. Mr. Chambers is .in enthusiastic sportsman and lost three fine guns. Among other things that were burned was a new $1,000 piano and a fine set of dining Friday afternoon, the 20th. may be minor changes made in the Bojjjjr&m but tho subjects and the banner of treatment will bo practl cally as folows: Friday. 3:30 p m.—Devotional exorcises. A dress of welcome. Roll call. of committees on 10:30 o’clock at Valdosta. Special arrangements are being made that .the head of the nation may have a 'safe and comfortable journey. All i regular trains will yield the right of way and all freights will,be side tracked. According to official orders I telegraph operators will go on duty two hours before the special is due |and remain at their posts for two ! hours after it has passed. Every foot of track and bridge will be in spected before the train comes. Spe- Iclal men will acompany the engine land every precaution against acci dent. or disturbance will be taken. The loss was partially covered by insurance. There was a policy of $3,000 oil the home and another of $1,200 on the furniture. Of this amount $3,700 was in companies rep •csonted by Dr. J. T. Culpepper and $500 iu one for which E. M. Mallette is agent. The family has rented the furnish ed cottage of Dr. Lena R. Whitford near their old home, for the pres ent. They have not yet decided whether or not they will rebuild. The place has been a popular sani tarium and hoarding house for north ern people for several years. Mrs. Chambers is suffering from nervous prostration as a result of the shock hut was much improved yesterday evening. Appointment State of the Association, nomina tions and time and place next meet Ing. General organization. 7:30 p. m.—Devotional exercises. "The Sunday School in Its Rela tion to the Church." “The Sunday School in Its Rela tion to Thomas County." Saturday. # 10:00 a. m.—Devotional excrciseg^ ‘ Problems of Organization." “The Sunday School Teacher." Round Table Conference. : 3:30 p. m.—Report of committees and election of officers. •Helps and Hindrances." 7:30 p. ni.—“Teaching the Life of Chris—How,” Rev. C. O’N .Mar- Voting Coupon Enclosed find dollars and cents to apply on my subscription to the w« y kiy Timcs-Enter- prise. Record my votes for Miss as the most popular young lady, the winner to receive absolutely free a full size Rudolph Piano. - Name...... Postofficc * A Fake Cull. ( A burning chimney caused the fire department to run, the tele phones to buzz and the people to prick up their ears last night. The alarm was turned in at (» o’clock from the Rigsby Boarding House on Jackson street. The whole thing was the soot in a chimney burning ou As cool weather deamnds fires thet arc apt to be a good many of the* , Git., Out. 9.—John y. B. D. Green, who fought from Canada so many 3 p. m.—Sunday school rally. The names that will apear on this program are Rev. C. O'N. Martindale, f teacher training secretary for the I* state Association of Newman, pres- f; (ding Elder Cook, Rev. A. W. Beal- ! er, Rev. J. M. Outier, Rev. S. L. McCarty, Rev. Tom White, Hey. H. [' Jones of Boston, Mr. John E. How- ) e ii f of Moultrie and other equally 1 noted Sunday school workers. ! All Sunday schools in the county | are earnestly urged to appoint two delegates beside their superintend- !’ eIl t on next Sunda v and to send their names at once to Mr. J. S. Hunter, | secretary of the Sunday School As- I*rotractc*«I Meeting at Boston. Rev. J. M. Outier Is in Boston this week conducting a series of meetings at the Methodist church there. News from hint Wednesday says that the meeting is most success ful. The attendance is large and the interest in the meetings grows every day. Rev. H. C. Jones, the pastor, at the charge, has been work ing up the meeting for a long time and his people got in line at once. SHOW In Wisconsin. •Milwaukee, Win., Oct. 11.— fell throughout the state today, Important Case Postponed. Capt. W. M. Ilammond has return ed from Moultrie where he went to >e present at the trial of Nelson Con ger for the murder of a young man named Smith. The case was post poned an important witness for the defense being absent. Capt. Ham mond and Judge Covington of Moul trie are tb assist the solicitor when the case is called again next April. Stiffens Up. The cotton market stiffened up c The local buy- County court was pretty puny yesterday. Several attorneys were busy on the electric light business of the city and obtained leaves of ab sence. Lonnie Jeffries, a negro boy accused of stealing a vest was ac quitted by the jury. Attorneys T. N. Hopkins and H. J. MacIntyre rep resented him. _____________ olph piano. The votes can either be ————- For choice cut flowers, wedding sent at the same time that the mon- great number of propositions in the bouquets, floral designs, plants, etc., ey is sent, or the Times-En ter prise past, but it honestly believes that telephone, telegraph or write. Idle will mail a reciept allowing the prlv- this is the most generous offer ever Hour Nurseries, Macon, Ga. liege of voting later. made by a paper in Thomas county, 10-6-5t The Times-Enterprise basput on a or South Georgia. little bit yesterday, ers paid nine and three-eighths for the staple. In New York Decem ber touched 10 as high mark and closed at 9.92. The previous close was 9.90. Savnnah was quiet at Back View. The best part of this whole propo sition is that it carries with It the C. R. Poole is authority for the statement that advertising M the Times Enterprise pays. He had a page advertisement In last week’s is sue and yesterday families from all over the county we're here,thronging his store and spending hundreds ot dollars at his special sale.