Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, October 13, 1905, Image 5

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Balnbrldge, Ga. Washington, Oct. 9. Albany, Ga., Oct. 9.—It is loan ed from good authority this moin- i ing that a large block ofjtoek in the G. W. Bacon Pecan Company ot De Witt, had beend bought by Charles Terkes and associates, ot Chicago, for the sum that approximates 976,* 000. The block of jtock which will change hands by this transaction was owned by Mr. G. M. Bacon, the founder and the president of the company and Is three-fourths ot the total stock of the company. v it la understood that the Chicago syndicate will take right hold of the pecan company and, having ample capital will develop it Into the largest pecan Industry In the coun try. The G. M. Bacon Pecan Com pany Is already big affair, but th'e new owners will have amplo capital to make It a great Industry and one that will work a great good for this section. Charles Yerkes, the mao at tbo head of the Chicago spndtcate which made this purchase Is the only son of the Yerkes who Is the principal owner of the Chicago street railway -Albany Herald. Oct. 11.—S. R. Blanton of this city will shortly be gin the publication of a new dally paper to be known as The Baln brldge Daily Tribune. It will be a four page, six column sheet and will give all the news of Decatur county and this section of the state. Mr. Blanton promises a bright, newsy, Impartial Democratic paper. Mr. Blanton has been a resident of Balnbrldge about a year, having been connected with the Searchlight until a few weeks ago and since then having been engaged In the job printing business. There Is now no dally paper In Balnbrldge,, The Argus having suspended publication a few weeks ago. Mr. Blanton was formerly editor of The Bufaula Dally Progress, and before that was with the Thouas- vllle # Times-Enterprl«e, having gone with that paper after ’selling out The He edited New Orleans, Oct. il.—A fall of 16 degrees brtngs the temperature to 61 today the effect of which will be to increase the improvement in the fever situation and help the cam palgn for the reduction and removal of quarantine restrictions. The day Is bright and blear here having a most admirable effect upon the spir its of the people. The appearance of fever at New Iberia the'first during the fever ep idemic has Interfered with the open lng of the Southern Pacific Railroad lines. It Is believed there will soon be a loosening of lines against New Orleans, not only by Louisiana points but by neighboring states. Excepting New Iberia state condi tions continue to grow better. Only Eight New Cases. New Orleans, Oct. ll.—To noon today 8 new cases of yellov fever and two deaths were reported, mak ing the totals to date 3,238 cases and 417 deaths. To the ladies. Hotel Keepers, Boarding Houses and Restaurants, As Well as Thrifty Housewives:- Should attend this sale without delay. We are offering strong price inducements in all house hold supplies during this week’s sale. of cane syrup making has ’ been brought to a successful conclusion and Secretary' Wilson has ordered tbe sale of the government factory which was built at Waycross three years ago. This plant was established tor the purpose ot giving a course of study to cane syrup manufacturers of the gulf states. These manufacturers had exper ienced great difficulty In making a syrup of uniform color, preventing It from reverting to sugar and fer menting. The plant was established by Dr. Wiley chief of the bureau of chemistry and his experiments proved entirely successful. The plant cost the government less than fifteen thousand dollars and resulted In the Improvement of the annual production of nearly two hundred million gallons of syrup. Blankets at Special prices, from 98c to $7.90 per pair Comfcrts at comfortable prices, from 98c to $5.98 per pr Sheets, the biggest bargain in Sheets, from 55c to68cpr Pillow Cases— when you see them you will say they are cheap, from 28c f o 33c per pair Marsailes Spreads front 98c to $2.98 Fringed Spreads, from $1.33 to $3.48 Table Linens, bleached and unbleached from 320(0 1,48 Napkins, all-Linen, from $1,14 to $4)98 doz Portier Curtains, fom $2,43 to $10,00, pr Lace Curtains, from 98c to $6,98 pr Mouquette Rugs, from 1,25 to 4,5a Art Squares, from 5.00 35, 00 Pillow Tops, from 25c to . 98c Washable Table Covers, 75c to 1,25 South Georgia Progress, the South Georgia Home of Pelham for tour years. SIMPLE REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Just Breathe Hyomel Four Times a Day and Be Cured. If a few years ago some one had said you can cure catarrh by breath ing air charged with a healing bal sam, the ldpa would have been ridi culed and it remained for that emi nent investigator, R. T. Booth, to discover In Hyomel this method of cure. Hyomle has performed almost mlr culous cures of catarrh and is today recognized by leading members of the medical profession as tbe only advertised remedy that can be relied upon to do Just what It claims. The complete outfit of Hyomel costs $1, and consists of an Inhaler, a medl cine dropper and a bottle of Hyomel. Breathe Hyomel through the in haler tor a-tew minutes four times a day and It will cure the worst case of catarrh. It soothes and heals the mucous membrane of the air passage prevents irritation and effects a com plete and lasting cure.' In Thomqsvllle there are scores of well known people who have been cured of catarrh by Hyomel. If It does not cure you J. W. Peacock will return the money you pay for it. company. 11.—The report has Washington, Oct. 9.—The timlti bureau report shows the production and distribution of cotton between Sept. 1 of last year and the same date this year to be 14,455,991. Liles 'if this 61 per cent was exported, and mi per cent taken in domestic con sumption leaving a surplus of 9 per cent. All above articles will be placed on sale next week and a good many other house furnishing articles which space does not permit us to mention. Should you need any of above articles, come and avail your self of this opportunity. The city council held its regular mcctig last night with a bare quo rum present. There waB nobuslucss of special Importance. The 1>or at ItTgo has become such a nul.it/ico that the council took cognizance of him ,by introducing a new or4inunco. This provides than any officer who impounds a hog shall receive a fee of fifty cents for imopundlng. 25 cento for advertising and ten cents a day for feeding. Heretofore these sums have gone into the city treas ury. If the ordinance passes at Its living In the same apartment build next reading it is supposed that the lng on 18th street, this city, was officers will be more diligent In their arrested today on complaint ot two efforts to stop the hog prowling. of them. -Robert Reny Ntfw York, Oct. II.—When the dty .registration books closed last night 347,217 voters had registered In the two ddys in which the books had been open. Broad and Jackson Streets A Happy Home This, is the strongest evidence that can be offered as to his faith in the To have a happy home you must have children, as they are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking -'avlng ha> and f nv-lilng picking ».,t- ton. The yield line been very good except’ cotton, which Is a good dual shorter than usual. Mr. F. N. Carter’s big new ginnery !!.■>» been quite a convenience to the farmers throughout tblg vicinity and Is giving entire r,‘Refaction, both It, yiold and lu tho quality ot tbo staple. Mrs. Lillie Ulid of Tbomasvllle • [sited relatives rud friends at this place Saturday and Sundayreturntng home Mondny r orvng. The trustees of Merrillville school met Friday and r.o-ted Miss Annie Lucas of Cchlockoi ee to teach the m xt tern, ot school at this place to commence tho first of January next. Mrs. T, P. Blnckshear, wife of our justice of peace left the first of tho week to make a Malt of some dura tion to her parents In East f lorlija. sns's: jots' wxxw&ww&xymiwii: day since he opened his . weather shop. Tbe minimum temperature yesterday was reached at 7 o’clock in the evening and was 58 degrees. This is tbe lowest mark that the de scending mercury has reached this season. Vests, wraps and fires were popular last night. STILL GROWING. Demand for Ml-o-na Stomach Tablets Continues to Increase—Endorsed and Guaranteed by J. W. Peacock. Although Ml-o-pa was introduced in Thomasvllle but a short tide ago, It is today outselling all other medl- rlnos for the cure of indigestion and stomach troubles'. "Your money back It yon want it,” is the way In which J; W. Peacock !• selling this popular remedy. This It will ease away all your pain, reduce inflam mation, cure Ieucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovar ian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, etc», and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. -At every drug store in $1.00 bottles. The largest and most complete stock of Mens, Youths and Boys CLOTHING "DDE TO CARDUI • and nothing else,' Is my baby girl, now two wseks old,’’ writes Mrs. J, P, West, of Webster City, lows. “Sho <- a fine, healthy babe and we are both doing nicely.’’ WRITE US A LETIXH freely and frankly, telling ussll your troubles. WewlUsendfree«dvlce(ln plain sealed envelope). Address: La dles’ Advisory Dept.,The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ever brought to this city. They are the best all-wool, the best tailored, the pink of perfection tor fit, the newest styles and at the lowest prices ever of- ls an unusual plan, but Ml-o-na Is so uniformly successful in cur ing all forms of tndlg6|tlon and sto mach trebles, except cancer, that he rnns little rlek In selling under a guarantee of thia kind. Ml-o-na gives such healtl/ and strength to tbo weakest stomach that all the food is readily converted Into nutrlUon so that It gives nour-1 Ishment and health to the whole system. In this way nervousness and slccplessnesa are cured; head aches, backaches and rheumaUc pains are prevented and there will be no more poor appetite, distress after eating, heart burn or debility. Ml-o-na costs but 50 cents a box and J. W. Peacock will guarantee to refund tho money If It does not cure. The risk Is all ours. talu who lives Just out of town lias cold his farm for a good price to Mr. Gregory, who has tren living near Pavo. Mr. Chastain has bought a place near Moultrie end wo presume will move to it. lie and his family will bo mlsse.I In ibis community. Mrs. Mary McM'.lian nnd Mrs. J. It. Owen of Care ilia ere visiting M-t villain McMillans family at Forest Hill this week. Mrs. Owen Is con- tempIaUng making considerable im- prorcreont on her Merrillville prop erty. Mr. I. M. Dyke who recently bought out Mr. Guy Johnson is going to make some substantia! Improve ments to h/s purchase. After several weeks of serious Ill ness Mr. Jack Marston Is able to be up attending to business . Hls friends are glad of hls recovery. leading merchants of the city. , Miss Mabbett Is one of the love liest members of tbe yonngersociety set in Quitman.. She has visited ThomasviUe Rian to Rfarry Young Lady of Quitman. fered in this section before. I Suit guaranteed. Prices from $6.50 to $25.00 and from $2*00 to $15.00 , IN YOUTHS AND BOYS Also a full line of Mens, Boys Youths Furnishings. Don't forget our Manss U- SHOES—the best on * earth for : Much pleasant interest will be aroused by the anonneement of the approaching marriage of Mr. Clyde M. Neel of this city to Miss Rebecca Mabbett of Qnltman. The wedding I is to take place at the home of the | bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph ^ ,»-LL.li ,_ A.Um.. n« U-nS.V Vrt. « Mabbett in Quitman on Monday. No- from M , aeum of frlends . < vember 8th. . Owing to recent be- ^ | reavement in the bride’* family the ^ wedding will be rather quiet affair. . 4 , ^ I There is no young man in Thomas- LOST—A. white and red butt head ^ ville who is more highly esteemed ed unmarked, cow and black and ^ by hls friends than Mr. Neel. Hls white calf marked swallow fork and ^ genial manera have made him a fav- j underblt in right ear spilt and, un- ^ orlte In society and Btrlct attention derblt In left ear. Reward for return K to business has made him one ot the J. p. Wilson, Merrillville, Ga. money. TurA.TJ.ABD & VARNEDOE TIMES-ENTERPRISE TENCENTS A WEEK.