Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, October 13, 1905, Image 6

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TAKEOFF YOUR BONNET. That blinds your eyes, look a. few facts right in the face. r ' Do you want a Dinner Set, Toilet Set, few odd pieces. I am sure you do and you are afraid they can not be had at a reasonable figure*. Go to thinking about these things; come to me and I will show you how easy it will be for both of us to agree on a subject of such importance. Think about the sewing machine question and then come here and lei me demonstrate how easy it is ta get a machine good for your life time and the lifetime of your children and to get it for a modest sum. C. B. QUINN, IN PIANO CONTEST MISS CAS- SADYCOMES SECOND. NEW ENTRIES.- LARGE VOTE QUITMAN BUSINESS MAN TELLS HOW THEY ARE BE ING RUN OUT OF TOWN er of tourists owing to the clos- r tho Plney Wood. Ho tel. Hero few notes about tbe plans of of the cottagers, and Mrs. J. H. Wade who have L —.1 a. M . will W.VA The voting contest has been fore mast In the minds of the people of Thomasvllle people during the past week. That fact; Is proved by the many changes In the standing of the' contestants since the first result wss; published a week ago. The splendid j Rudolph piano will be an ornament' to some home In the county, but It will not he wop without a struggle. The magnificence of the prise wil: more than repay any effort made by the friend* .of the contestant who wins. And now for the story of the voto. Tho leader at the second stage of tho Journey toward the Chrietmas gift is Miss Ruth Goodwin. A prominent cltlaen of Quitman was In the city recently and was asked about the blind tiger raid In that city. Knowing the dlfflculty there Is In procedure In such cases he was asked how the raid was man aged. He replied that the citizens of the placa had grown tired of the flagrant violations of the law and that they had made up their minds to stop It. A league was formed of the best citizens of the place who have the movement In charge. He said that there waa much excitement the day the raid was pulled off and that the dray load* of whiskey haul ed up. the street made one of the most spectacular parades In the his tory of the city. THE NADMOUORL (Formerly advertised and sold as Satlnola.) .Vo change In formula or package. The name only has been changed to avoid confusion, ns we cannot afford to have so valuable a preparation confused with any other. Nadlnola Is guaranteed and monoy will be refunded In every ease, where ■« falls to remove freckles, pimples, Iver spots . collar discolorations, blackheads, disfiguring eruptions, no The worst cases In 10 days. Leaves the skin clear, soft , healthy <nd restores the beauty of youth. Price 00 j*b(* and !i. Bold bv all-the leading druggists In each city Prepared only by NATIONAL TOILET %Xj„ Part-.. IVnn VOTING COUPON steadily on. A lavish expenditure of money, coupled with perfect good taste and careful plans Is rapidly transforming Mr. Wade's home and estate lnto a perfect bower of beauty. Date 1905 Enclosed find..: dollars and cents to apply on my subscription to the] RrJ&y Times-Enterprise. Record my votes for Miss . as the most popular young lady, the winner to receive abso lutely free a full size Rudolph Piano Name.......... Postoffice No. of Votes • . . The public benefits largsly by his generosity as he his done much road bonding on the public highways snr- ronndlng his place and baa contrib uted thousands of dollars worth of work to these. In the road work ha haa been join ed by Messrs. J. 0. Morse and 0. H. Payne. The latter never seems to tire of Improving his place "Green wood " which would already aoem jd be the gem of perfection. All sum mer carpenters and roadmakers have been at work on the place. Col. Payne's annual expenditures at "Greenwood amount to the astonish ing sign of tlOO.OOO. He will be here at the usual time for the sea- This yonng lady,Is a'stndent at Toung’a College and Is a daughter of Mr. R. B. Good win of this dty. That she haa a host He further said: "It la wonderful the accessions to the ranks of the antl-tlger people that have been made since ll has been realized that the best busla'ess men of the community are back of tbe movement. that stands after her name on, tbo list of votes. It Is synonymous with the-present year 1905 and her friends will polntto this as a hopeful augury. Mist Tempe Cassady, Inst week's leader la row In second place with the splendid total of 1,500. Perhaps the most Interesting event of the week Is the entry of Miss Zoo Simpson of Meigs. She makes her first apperanco on the scene with a start of 1,150 votes putting her In to third place. It will be recalled that a Meigs girl won. the prize In the contest of lost year and there are no small number who are wilting to predict that history will repeat Itself In this regsrd. Two other new en- Publlc sentiment hss always been against the lawless sale but has only recently been aroused. We are receiving offers of evidence every day and we are going to break up the traffic.” "The blind tiger keepers arc scar ed and are leaving town. One fel low and ordered twelve barrels of whiskey but was afraid to take It out of tho depot and It stands there now. Tho sentiment of the public governs these things and the WHEN THE MERCURY— Is trying to crawl out of the top of the Thermome ter these hot days and you are tired and warm, try a bottle of our Highly carbonated DIGESTOL, CASCADE GINGER ALE, PEACH MELLOW And you will be instantly refreshed and cooled. AJ1 of-our bottle goods are made from distilled water and only the purest and highest class extracts used. For price and case lots address or ph o n e The Thomasville Ice Company PONE NUMBER « Thomasville. Ga. Five ysar long loans In sums el S30O to 510,003 negotiated on farm lands In South West Georgia Wo can supply your demands promptly * and ars praparad to meat all oompolltlon. Csll ar writs to Ball dk Woathsn Attarnsys at Law, Cairo, Qa, . Mr. Morse Is In poor health and may be unable to come to Tho-uaa- vlllo this winter. He Is better hero than at any other place and If hli health permitrhe will come early in the wlntor. Mrs. J. Wyman Jones will come shortly after the first of November to her country home "Blsoma:" | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapin will not spend the winter with her as usual but Mr. Chapin trill make fre quent visits to Thomasville during the season. The Talmage family who occupied the Young residence on Gordon are-1 nue are abroad and will not return to Thomosrllls this year. Mrs. B. O.Stoddard of New Haven officers and judges are going to give tho people the sentences and the arrests that they demand.” Th words of the gentleman call to mind an Interesting experiment that the citizens of Moultrie tried the other day. They presented a num erously signed petition to Jadge Humphrey of the city court asking that he do not fine those found guil ty o frunnlng blind tigers but that he send them to the chain gang, ’"t agreed to do this. It Is said that! there was a general exodus of tiger- keepers from Moultrie within a very few hours. It Is further said that at least jpne of these removed to Thom asville. The blind tiger question Is un doubtedly In the public mind and the public mouth. There Is consid erable discussion of another prohib ition election In Thomas county and the wet ranks have had a number of converts from those who have al ways heretofore been dry. On the other band every year the town ta dry adds to the believers In that side. There Is also a strong ele ment that would like to see a dispen sary established In this county, and who regard that method as tbe logi cal solution of tbe liquor question. The partitioning oft ofGrady county on the first of January will change the-conditions In tbls regard to a con slderable extent. It Is not proba ble that any move wlllbo made be fore tbat time but there will be de velopments along some line shortly. ► WANTED T Thou old clothes to prau into < L urvioe It is not necessary to . I boy a now winter salt as long as J : R0QF.RS, The Presser i > « ’ oan make the old look like new. ■ ; Lsdisa work a speoialty, Rea- * • sonable prlou per garment * : ROGERS PRESSING CLUB \ \ PHONE 048-2. : will occupy the Btark cottage. She Js well known to all our people. , The Miller home on Broad street has been leased by the Belches fam ily of Boston and th Mlsset Hay den of New York. Mr. John Grant's new" home ofi Jackson street will be the abode of Uri. Kennedy of Chicago. Judge Lynde Harrison of New Haven will come early In the season end Uve at the Donner home on Daw son street where he wai lest year. His daoghter will be a student at Young's college. . Mr. George Strawbrldge of Phil adelphia who has heretofore made hta home at the 8tark cottage has leased the Forbet residence on the Park front and will be there durlpg the winter. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Keep will be here from New York and will sup erintend the rebuilding of their home oif Broad street which waa burned last April. The Tower family of Boston who ware at the Van Dnser hpme last year will be at their own place, the MacIntyre family home during the season. They hsve made altera tions and Improvements but have preserved the old colonial appear ance of the place. It Is supposed that the Hebards, Taylors, Haskells, Thome*,, Irelands Parsons, Thompsons, Voses, Wolters, Baileys, Strawbrldge* and the many other well known residents will b# her* at tbe usual time at nothing to the conntrary has been heard from them. . $100,000 TO LEND On Farms and Chqloe city property in Thomasville. Inter* eel 8 to 7' per oen-and payable annually. Tims 5 years, but par or all of prinelpal may be paid book at and of any year and stop interest. Prompt attention *n to all written inqniro*. . ELLIS A ELLIS, Padriok Baling. Titcjj, G». If you are we can furnish you drawings for use in obtaining your patent. Our Mr. Potter is aii Railroad Commluloner Joseph M. Brown has filed with the commission a motion to Investigate the earning power of the Seaboard Air Line and the Atlantic Coast Line at the same time that such Investigation I* be ing made of the Central of Georgia and tbe Southern, with a view to placing the four roads In freight clau A. This will mean that the four, It placed there, could only charge the standard tariff and not an extra per cent higher as Is now the case. The hearing Is set tor October 19, but It Is probable that It will be post poned until November 9. / Expert /jS\ Thomsville Pawn Sho ®The Poor Man’s Friend. If you waul any money oomeand see ms, bnt don’t forget to bring your watohea. diamonds, all kinds of jewelry, omltnro, clothing and all other veins ble articles. Don’t forget to look fot the three belle and you are to find yoni qboIa II. ATT8LL. PruDrif Patent Draftsman. 1 of experience and can i any kind of invention. THOMASVILLE IRON WORKS, - - Thomasville, Georgia. Round Timbered Land For Sals. About 000 acres of lend witliiD lial mile of Ochlockonee. Ga. About 650 seres of good round timber, end balance in good state of cultivation, with m- provements, Wm. White, of Ochlock- Irennine Blue Lick and Deep Rock Mineral Waters By the Glass To Quote Prices and Submit Samples of Salem Invites Mcrcerlans. Rev. Mr. Taylor waa recalled for night from Pavo, where he baa been assisting Rev. A. J. Taylor In a meet ing at Balm. Several new members were added to the church and much Interest manifested by membership. Rev. M .rTaylor was recalled tor the ensuing year at an Increase of salary which speaks well for the es teem In whleh he te held by the church. This Is a large country church' having nearly S00 members and at the last conference meeting Invited tbe Mercer associate* to meet with them next year.—Moultrie Ob- FALL GOODS onee. will show the land upon request/ For fnU particulars see or write me at Florals, Ala . Jno L. Johnston, Exec. Estate of J O. A. Johnston 20-tf d&w. For Men, Women and Children We carr. evervthing ready-tc-wear and all orders will receive prompt and and careful attention ALWAY REMEMBER ft i. We send goods by express C. O. D. subject to ex amination before accepting. a We send two or three styles of garments for selection. 3. We allow 10 per cent discount for casb, except on contract goods. After today I will be found on Jackson, street adjoining J. D. Stringer's. Will be glad to greet my old friends and patrons at tat. new stand. Will serve you there fslthfully. W. J. Wilson, - Groceries and General Merchandise. by the Gallon. isk Your Physician FOR SALE—To the highest bid der for cash, 90 head of fine cattle, more or leas, at the Huber place, four and a halt miles south east of Meigs, Thomas county, Ga. Sale 1s made for the purpose of a division among the heirs of the estate 'of A. Haber, Mr. soft Mr*. Ernest Bears of Pen sacola are with Mrs. Baers' brother. Dr. Blackshear, until frost They have been away from Pensacola ■Inc* this fever epldemlp lint started aldoeta Times brings tbe Sick headache Is ceased by a dla st the alt* of tbe historic ordered condition of tbe ctomach irt House In that city will and ta quickly cured by Chamber- pled by a two story brick Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, block to b* built by W. L. For sale by J. \V. Peacock, Thomae- i. . Tj&tfEISbs!