Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, October 13, 1905, Image 8

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APPLICATION FOR A ‘9ASK CHARTER. To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. We, W. H. Crow, J. w. Ingram, W. A. J. Paramore and W, A. Bustle, all of Coolldge, Ga., apllcants ’ as incorporators miner an act o* the general assembly of Georgia, approv- Libel for Divorci. GEORGIA'—Thomas Count.. Surah Komp os Aristo Kemp Libel for Divorce. Tho defendant Ari.ro Komp is hereby required personally or by attorney, to bo and appear at the October term 1805- of the Superior Coon to be Iisldsu in. and for said Thomas County uu the (bird Monday of Odobor IMS, then and there to answer Che ptaiotiff’s complaint as in default of eueh app-arauce :uo tonnwiU proceed as tejaotice ohaU op. Wttorss tbs Honorable Robert G Mitehrll, Jnugo of eatd Co art this the 19th dsy of July 1805. 7-2l-2m. J. W. Groover Clerk. Libel for Divorce. In the Superior Court, Thomas Coun ty, Georgia, October term. 1805.. Mrs. Ada Ostemmn ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia, Brooks county. Under and by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county will be sold at public gntcry on tho first Tuesday In November, 1805, at the Court Housd to said county, with in the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described real estate sltnate In Brooks crunty, Ga, to wit: One Angelus flutual Insurance Co ed December 20th, 1893, entitled An Act to carry into effect paragraph 18 of Scction7 of Article 3 cf the Constitution of 1877, as amended In relation to chartering of banks, to provide fer the incorporation of, banking companies by the secretary of State and for other purposes, ’ make this our declaration, praying that we be -incorporated nr. a body corporate and politic for the purpose of doing a geheral banking business with all the rikhts, powers, privil- ileges an restrictions of said act under and by tbe name and style of Bank of Coolldge and that tho prin cipal ciUce hi said company akall be lyecatt.l It the town of Goei.dge, j County of Thomas and state of ileor-, Shllley and west by land of L. It. Jobnspn also the following tract of land lying in Thomas county, Gn., to wit.: That certain lot of land in the town of Fayo, Thomas county, Ga.. known as lot No. 17 in block B. of the Rogers survey of the town of Pavo. Terms cash, herewith enclosed' as fee*for charier This October 4th, 1806. masville, Ga Aganst ■'w Insure f ... . Ijijj Loss of Time from Accident, ■ William Osterman. _ To the defendant, William Osterman: You are hereby notified and requir ed In person or by attorney to be and appear At the Superior Court to- be holden in and for said Thomas County, Ga-.oa the third Monday In October, 1806, then and there to an swer tbe plaintiff's complaint, as in. default thereof, the court will pro ceed ae to justice may appertain. Witness the Hon. Robert O. Mit chell, Judge of said court, this the- l*th day of August, 1806. J. W. Groover, _CIerk. tawtm 1-16-05 I L<> ss of Time from Sickness, ' Ijjl Death from Accident, ijjjj Death from Sickness, -.,. jj| Loss of Eyes, Feet or Hands. ijjj The only Company that will pay Cash jjf Check Dividend to Policy Holders. W *A11 state laws have been conadlied' with and the j|| Company is under direct supervision of Insurance i{Jj Commissioner. }2 Claims are being paid every week. If nothing hap- ibe used solely for the business and purposes of^the corporation. The fee of fifty <*50) dollors is or certificate of incorporation as re quired by said act. Respectfully submitted, W. a Crow, J. W. Ingram, W. A. j. Paramore, W. A. Buatle, Incornoratorfl. Coolldge, Thomas county, Ga. - This 21 day of 8sptember. 1106. State of Georgia, County of Thomas. Before me personally speared W. H. Crow, J. W. Ingram, W. A. J, Paramore and W. A. Bustle the In corporators of Bank of Coolldge, lo cated in the town of Coolldge, Conn- Tax Collector’s Notice Second Round. Metcalfe, Monday, Oct. 8. Coolldge, Tuesday, Oct. 10, fere- noon. Merillvllle, Tuesday, October 10, afternoon. Glasgow, Wednesday, Oct 11. , Boston, Thursday, Oct It. Meigs, Friday, Oct. If. - Pavo, Monday, Oct. 11, forenoon. Patten, Monday, Oct. 23, after noon. Oehlockonee, Tuesday, Oct. 14. t will be at the court house in Thomasvllle daring the first week of Superior Court P. B. Heeth, Tax Collector Thomas County. who on oath deposeth and salth that fifteen thousand (116,000) of the capital subscribed has been actually poses of the corporation. W. M. Jones, Ordinary of Thomas Co. State of Georgia. Office of Secretary ot 8tate. |T. E. AMASON, Local Agent JJ ll'll - III' MM Paul C. Jack, Mauager of agencies is at the Stuart House, and can be seen ?{.' *<■»» ■- # illjl This Comoanv is a home institution, having its general office at Mou’trie. flliti I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of the 8tate ot Gorgia, do hereby certify. That the attached three pages ot printed and written matter contain a true and correct copy of the appli cation of the Bank of Coolldge for a charter, the original ot which ap plication Is on file In this department. In testimony whereof,, I have here- unto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office at the'capltol In the city of Atlanta this lnd day of September ber in tbe year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hunderd and Five and ot tbe Independence of tbe Unit ed States of America the One Hun dred and Thirtieth. Philip Cook, M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon the estate of Weeley Bank, late of said county, deeaased, having filed 'his peUUoa for discharge, this Is to cite all.persona concerned to show cause, against the granting of thledta charge at the regular term of tbe court of ordinary, for said county, to be held on the first Monday in Nov ember, 1806. William M. Jones. Ordinary. This Company is a home institution, having its general office at Mou’trie, Several hustling agents wanted. Apply to him ROAD CITATION. ' V petition having been filed In this court- asking for tho establish ment ot a public road known as tho Mal ic road beginning at Magnolia avenue near VashU'Home and run ning oast to where it Intersects coun- of half a NOTICE FOR APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, at the next October term, 1905, ot tbe Superior Court, of Thomas Co., Ga.,' make applica tion to said court for leave to sell so much of theclty lot lu the city of Thomasvllle, On., as is situated at the southeast corner formed by the Intersection of Broad street with Fletcher street on which Is altuate-1 the former residence of Joseph Jer gcr and extending from the south line ot the two story brick store now occupied by Louis Jerger esa level: y store, to tbe north margin of Flet cher street and extending back and southwest, 2,06 feet to Madison street property to be sold for reinvestment of proceeds. R. C. Balfour, Guardian for the minor heirs ot Frank Hlrt, deceased. Everybody nays cotton will be high er. Store and Insure It with E. M. Smith, representing the best compan ies In the world. 10-5d-wlm LETTERS OF DISMISSION.- Georgia; Thomas County. M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon tbe estate of J. B. F. Dixon, late of said county, deceased having filed his petition for discharge, this Is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of. the court of ordinary, for said county, to bo held on the first Mon day In November, 1906. William M. Jones, Ordinary. 10-$-4t Sick headache Is caused by a dls- ctomach hM s Sac leathe-.' Quarter Top, ha. genuine Leather, Spring IMtum Cushion, and Leather Regular^rrtalip 90 For thla floe Collar and -Ratne, Snickel mounted Harness, sold with SB.te?«8a. owt BUOOY ' r ^ uUt m * u Catalog and tall description scat on reqaeat. HOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY CO. 158-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga. tg line road’ a distance mHe. Notice is hereby given to all parties Interested that said applica tion will be passed on by the Com missioners Court at their meeting .the first Tuesday In November next. ; > E. M. Smith, Chairman. J. S. Montgomery, Clerk. ' Oct. 3, 1905. „ 18-6-41 APPLICATION FOR SUPPORT. Georgia, Thomas County. Mary Carter, having made appli cation for 12 months* support out of the estate of Charles Carter and ap praisers duly appointed to set apart the same having field tbelr return all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show cause hefore the Court of Ordinary ot said county on the first Monday in November, 1906, why said application should not be granted. This 18th day ot September, 1905, William M. Jones, t-33-lt Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S. BALE. Georgia, County of Thomas. Byvirtue of an order ot the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at publle outcry on the first TiiesdaV in November, 1905, at the court house In said county, between the usual hours of tale, the follow- real estate in Thomas county: 20 acres ot lot No. SO lying in the 13th' district of Thomas county, Ga., near Patten, Ga. ; M. A. Fleetwood. Administrator Jenkln Smith. Terms cash. This Oct. 1, 1806. 10-6-it (APPLICATION. 'FOR LEAVE TO yKv. -SELL. Georgia, Thomas County. Notice Is hereby given that the uhtlerslgned has aplied to the Ordin ary of said county for leave to sell all the land belonging to the estate of John O. Eubanks for the purposa of distribution sold land consisting of house and lot In Moultrie. Col quitt. Go., said application will be heard at tbe regular terra ot tbe Court of Ordinary for eald county to he held on tbe first Monday In December. 1105. This 3d day ot October, 1905, Mary E. Eubanks. 10-t-4t Administratrix. All administrators, guardians and executors not excused under will, are' required under the/law to make re turns to the court of ordinary on the first Monday la July of each year Some of above classes named have failed to make returns when nlvited to’ do >o. All persons falling to pre sent their returns by the first Mon day in October will snhlnct them- -to the unpleas aptness of having the ordered condition ot the •bd la quickly cured by Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by J. W. Peacock, Thomas- ville, Ga. wu&nd' s** # fiAA BANK DEPOSIT IfIfIf ft*R>Fa/tfttfd. Note*T*Jcm . BOO FRE8 COURSES ■■■■i Board at Cost. Writ* Quick LAMM A i rev e*. OeWitrs « Salva Foley's honey and Tar fn* rhHdr+n. imta.mm. No tmljrtes. W. M. Jones, ^ Ordinary. Cordially, invite you to be present at the opening of their Pattern Hats, Wednesday evening and Thursday a~iz vs. Today