Newspaper Page Text
young home rented*
jSt. Paul Man Secures RnndNoine Sub-
urban Residence.
J^For a Quarter!^)
/People who have torpid liver find life a\
misery. All they need is.a mild remedy like’
The handsome suburban home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Young o|i Gordon
avenue was rented yesterday after
noon for the winter season. The
people who will occupy it are Mr.
Crawford Livingston and family of
St. Paul, Minn; They will take pos
session on the first of December and
remain through the season. Mr. Idv
Ingston’s son, Gerald Livingston, is
well known here as he spent several
seasons at the iMney Woods. Tho
family will be cordially welcomed-as
additions to Thomasville’s winter col
ony. * /
.AND TONIC JPELLETS. The Pill stimulates the
lliver to its proper work and the Pellets invig-i
\ orate the system. In short, they both assist /
Nature, as a medicine should do. I A
■Nk^Complete Treatment
Only 25 cents.
Nov. 24.—It Is stated In
*\ ‘Paris,
official quarters liero today that tut
exchange ot communications between
ihe powers concerning Turkey’s an
swer to th'e ultimatum lias practical
ly resulted In a determination not to
allow the answer to postpone the
naval demonstration which will pro
ceed without further parley. It Is
understood that warships of the pow
ers are alreaddy moving from Pler-
sus. :
Constantinople, Nov. 24.—Tltp
Porte’s, reply to the demands of the
Powers Is npt only, a categorical re
jection of tho demands, hut contains
thinly veiled- threats that the pres
sure of Europe may possibly excite
the Turkish population .to reprisals
on Christians. The communication
states that the TurKlsh government
flnds*Jt absolutely Imposlblh to ac-
Fuflil Contributed Amounts to Six
Hundred Thousand.
„New York, Nov. 23.—Tho total con
trlbutlons to ,iho Huslan Jewish re
lief fund received, here now amounts
to nearly six hundred and slxty-bne
thousand dollars.
Bracev Pi rjjr, cy Company
[ Per. Month to
Reliable Parties.
prices and Money Saving Plan.
Give References Also.
- C/irtw&Domugh-
Address Department*.
-Younji Lady 1 Lonrn
StenoifrapHy & DooHHceplntf.
There’s a placo in tho coramerplnl
•world for you with a Rood salary
and Bteatly advancement If yon are
really anxious to succeed and do
your best.
. Lady graduates of this collo»?o oc
cupy positions of trust with tho
largest mercantile houses. Will bo
glad to have you write for a cata
logue. Either place.
Bibmisoham, Ala. Howto*, TkX.
Oolvmdus, Oa. Jacksonville, Fla.
Hallary Bros. Machinery Co.
Mills. '
W« Will Halts It to Your Interest to Figure With Us.
Mallary Bros. Machinery Co.
Chosen to Succeed Martyred Stegall
as Sheriff of necatur.
Balnbrldgc, On,, Nov. 24.—In a
prlvary Wednesday to nominate a
sheriff to Jill tho unoxplred term of
tho lato sheriff Stegall tho vote, was
as follows: Paterson 527, Holton
432, Emanuel 173, Horn 99, giving
Paterson a majority of 95. Tho vot-
ingjvas very light, no primary being
held In throo precincts. The election
Is set for November 29.
Com -
fin A BANK, deposit
R. R. Faro Paid. Not-
7 taken on tultlcn. BEST
ind chaapert on earth. Don't delay. Write t? da»
was formerly sheriff for sixteen years
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. This Is tho most
successful medlcino In tho world for
bowel complaints, ilnd ""fy
romody that wll cufo chit/ f# T ar-
hoea. Every botle Is f pig >d.
Ho Is receiving
Holton Is being mentioned for chief
of pq/Ico In case Chief Smart’s con
dition doef
not improve.
Malletto Buys Cone Residence and
Win Open Jefferson Street.
*E. M. Malletto has purchased tho
Jesse J. Cone residence at end of
Jefferson street.for the purpose of
opening tho street through to Mac
Intyre Park. Mr. Malletto pwns tho
vacant property around and beyond
the Cono placo apd he proposes open
ing It up to settlement. - He had
previously bought a number of small
houses In and near Jefferson street.
These, some nine of them, will bo rc*
moved and the property mado first
class in every respect. Mr. Malletto
sold Mr. Cone his place seventeen
years ago .for. $400. He -has now
paid him $1,500 for it. Mr. Malletto
says he has worked for years to get
this valuable property of his in prop
er shape to put on the market and
he feels good now that his reward
Is .at hand.
If yod are we can furnish you drawings
for use in obtaining your patent. Our
Mr. Potter is an __
Usually tIk* first symptoms of
kidney dlscnno arc: weak back,
backache, highly colored urine, or
frequent desire to urinate. You
may not liavo all these nlgns, but
any one c! them Uibons that your
kldneyo ere diseased.
Patent Draftsman. He has had years
of and can fill your needs on
any kind of invention,
THOMA&VILLti IRl .N « ORKS, -r *.
You cr.nncl r.ltoid to take
any chctzccs cf having Bright’s
Disease, os you can now obtain
a complete euro without cost.
Tliomasviile, Georgia.
Save the Profit for Yourself
By buying Pianos and
^ Organs direct from the
fmm factory! Don’t pay big
HllZfffl P r °fi- 8 t0 agents when
LiSgsSI you can get the com-
mission yourself. \ye
give you a double guar-
antee and protect you
* n every way, saving
y —^ you from §75.00 to
.1 §150.00 on a piano
% and $20.00 to $40.00 on or-
Tkla Organ, 1 gans. We are Southern
trmm F.rt.rr, , represents Ives of the fol-
181,50 lowing w.dely known i.ncs:
Ata an abnoiuto euro fdr all kidney
troii!)! *s, an 1 (o i liinv our confi
dence wc Trill give you absolutely
free ono full size box of DeBELLS
KIDNEY PILLS. Good forthlrty
days. Write your name plainly
and no:. 1 at onto to C. W. BEGGS,
SONS CO., 30-33 Union Park
Place, (hicago.
Japs Will Send Russian Captives to
Vladivostok. v
Victoria, Nov. Jl.-r—Arrangements
have been made by Russian officials
to send 73,000 Russian prisoners
from Japan to Vladivostok on German
steamers. The uprisings In Russia
altered the plana to send the pris
oners to Odessa.
Will Not Rebuild.
* Mr. O. H. Keep, who Is spending
I the winter at the Masury Hotel has
decided not to rebuild his winter
residence that was destroyed by fire
last April. When the houoe was
burnt down he intended to replace
it but failing health has caused him
to change his mind. He is one of
Tbomasville’s wealthiest and best
winter resident* am! ht* house
TMs Fin* Piaro, Direct from
Factory to Your Home.
*147 50
or K idney T rouble.
For sale by Patterson Diu>r
Co. Thomasyille, J. A . Mid-
dleb;oolgr& Co. Pavo, J
Beatiy,, Wifi. Mc-
Beforeyou buy, b. sure to write us for Catalogue A, with prices and full
, information. v
in Atlanta.
v- V , We Are Now Ready ' • '.?£'-'
-<•?. To'Quote Prices md Subunt_Samples of .
For Men. Women md Children
We cair everything ready-t< -wear and all orders will
receive prompt and and .careful attention
r. We-send goods by express C. O, D. subject to.ex-
amination before acceptine . N
2 We send two or three styles, of garments for
3 We allow 16 per cent discount for cash, except on
contract goods. m
The* Big Stoye, tSnvannali. 4Ja
High la
IN THE \bK i IflJ
Attached to tho Coasl Line train
No. 35 yesterday afternoon were two
private cars bringing winter residents
to Thpinasvllle. On hoard tlie Mag.
net were Mr. and Mra. J. C. Mors
and Mi*. J. Wyman Jniufc^rjWl
Morses went o their country place,
Inwood , Plantation and Mrs. Jones
to El8oma. These people aro among
the oldest ^of Thomasvillo> winter
residents and their annual coming Is
an event of plepsant Interest to their
Southern friends. Mr. C. A. Qrls-
com, yith his wife and daughter,
were on board his tar, the Courier.
They-camefrom their home'In Phil
adelphia. They are on their way to
their Florida placo 26 taffes eouth of
here. They will spend soveral days
enjoying-the shooting in that neigh
borhood and reluro to Philadelphia
for Christmas. After the holidays
they will return to tho South for the
winter..: •
Siiprcmo Court Affects Arrests by
Municipal Olllccrs.
Under a decision rendered by tho
Supremo Court of the State It 1s said
that municipal officers—policemen
and town marshals—are not author
ized to make arrests for Municipal
offenses without, warrants Issued by
the due, process ot law, unless the at-
l»ged ’'offense Is committed In the
presence of tho'officer, or It is fully
established that the alleged offender
is endeavoring to escape. The de
lator. will havo a far reaching effect
and will doubtless complicate muul-
Ipal police regulations In Thomac-
vllle and a number of other Georgia
cities, where at least 76 per cent of
the arrests, according to the decision
are Illegal.
The local attorneys Bay that the
law Is aa old one, but the observance
has never been strict. ■*
The opinion was handed down In
the case of Oscar Porter versus tho
state, from the Superior Court of
Stewart county. It was written by
Justice Evans a»d Justice Candler
end Lumpkin havo wrltton special
opinions of concurrence, though they
do not agree with all of the reasons
set forth by /ustlco Evans.
In the particular case Oscar Porter
was convicted In the Stewart Super
ior Court for assault with Intent to
murder. He applied for a new trial
but the motion was overruled and
tho Supremo Court reverses the low
er court. "
Porter was pointed out to tho town
marshal of Lumpkin, Stewart county,
by somo one, who charged that ho
had violated a municipal ordlnanco.
Tho officer attempted to arrest the
man without a warrant, not having
seen tho alleged crime committed and
at, a time when he was making tho
ffort to escape.
-As the officer aproached the man,
who was sitting with a gun In his
lap. Porter Is alleged to havo fired
at tho officer, and afterwards fled Into
an adjoining county whore ho was
arrested, brought back to Stewart
county, tried and convicted for as
sault with Intent to murdpr.
Attorneys for the defendant made)
Hie point that the town marshal w~as
atemptlng an illegal arrest when he
endeavored to take Porter a captive
upon the alleged municipal violation
that had been reported and which
the evidence failed to show the officer
:ad seen and tho lower court was
asked to charge the jury upon illegal
arrests. ./ . 'V. ■'
The Supreme Court says tho lower
court erred In this particular part of
the charge to tho Jury.
The recent visit
Hunt "of Young’s
nod of Florida is in,
of bearing effective ti
made overtures to the
port Young’s as their
lege for women, there
Institution in Florida.
News has been
Mr. Hunt had taken
from Patlaka, where tho
held, synod passed
resolution highly
work of Young’s College
mending It to
out Florida. A
pointed to come to
personally Investigate the
i committee will report
next gathering of the Synod
da. People who are
present conditions at Young’s
doubt in tho least that it will
good” In *tho eyes of the
and it is practically assured fact
after 1905 Young's College wll
the regular accredited
school of tho synod of Florida
now is of the Presbytery of
Thomasvlllo knows how to
committees, and if the Florida
men get away without
agreeing to do everything they
for tho school it will be because
omo and go without stopping to see.
The Farmer has l/nparallcd Oppor
Under tho above head the Satur
day Evening Post has the following
excellent advice to farmers:
The farmer with his auto and his
telephone, his rural free dellvefjf and
his books, magazines and newspapers
makes a ideasing figure In startling
contrast to tho “hey Rubi” of the
comic papers of a few, very few*
years ago. But in the long days of
tho oncoming stock season he would
do well to .think of what he has,
chiefly as it opens up vlstas.of what
ho has not but ought toh have and >
can have. He gives entirely too much „
to tho mlddclinen between him and
tlie consumer. He deals too exclus
ively In raw products; ho does not
think enough about tho market—
the market'Lhat should be his—about —
the wants of Its throng of consumers
about ways of tempting them to part
with larger sums In exchange for
s he has taken the p&lns to make
more atractlve as well as more useful.
The farmer Is no longer an Isolat
ed person, except as he persists In
the old ways and ^Isolates himself. '
He ought to got In to closer touch
with his neighboring farmere;^knd
they ought to plan to produce finish
ed products In co-operation. Plow
the brain as well as, the soil, and the
good years become great and the bad
years good.
Will I'pNlmw Will Start Publication^
Mr. Dealer Interested. ,
It wllf^be Interesting new*, to.the
people of Thomasville to know that
William D. Upshaw, better
known as “Earnest Willie” will soon
start the publication of a religious
tekly newspaper. It will be known<
as “Tho Christian Statesman,” and
111 contain twenty pages with illua- '
tratlons. It will be managed by a
$20,000 stock company. An Atlanta
dispatch says that Rev. A. W. Bealer
of this city, Rev. Sam P. Jon$s, Rev.
Len G. Broughton and other minist
ers are connected with the company.
Mr. Bealer Is at present out o^.t£#!i
and It could not be learned 1
the extent of his connection
new paper is. He Is suro
of Its most valued coni