Newspaper Page Text
| Miss Etta Reid left yesterday on
a week's visit to Tallahassee.
One Price and
Plain Figures
The Steyerman Co.,
105 Broad Street, Thomasvllle, Ga.
We want to see if there is any real interest in advertising. We
would like to know if we are getting anything in return for the
^oney we are paying for this space.
Bring'this ad if you want any of these goods this week.
I Mrs. A. W. Ball and daughter will
return from Brunawlck today.
*. W, Peocock.. .Many Flock to Tell ' ’
day visitor.
of Benefits Received. Sale of Plant ( ' . 111
Juice Remedies Increasing Dally.) H. Groover of Boston was lit
Col. Dillingham's Plant Juice. the. the clty >ester day.
wonderful new remedy which is be- j Misses Daisy m Bell Smith of
ing introduced for the first time In Macon are visiting in the city,
the state seems to be accomplishing . , g ,
al that has been claimed for it by the ’ Jl Blackshear of Rochelle, is
advertiser. This is proved conclu- the suest of his brother, W. S. Black-
slvely by the numbers of sick Deonle ,bear -
Rev. J. B. Wells of Merrillville was (
In the city Tuesday on his way to con
fercnce at Amerlcus.
Mrs. L. C. Durant and Miss Cora
Stephens have returned from, a very
pleasant visit to Tampa.
$2.00 Mayfield Jeans
Per Pair $1.69.
quality heavy Cotton
ioc q
Simpson’s American Grays
and Indigos, Garners
Per Yard 5c.
Men’s Woolen Suits of all
wool Cassimere
ioc Outings and Flan-
nellettes .
Per Yard 8 I-2c.
spent yesterday
Mrs. J. M. Out
in Camilla.
40-inch Sea Island
Par Yard 5 1 -2c.
$1.00 quality Overalls
Per Pair 85c.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dekle, Miss
Madge Beverly and Miss May Swift
went down to Quitman yeaterday af
ternoon to visit friends.
roc Ginghams
Per Yard 8 1-2c.
36-itch very heaviest
Per Yard 7c.
The best Man’s Hat
ever bought for
80 Apron Ginghams
Per Yard 6 1-2c.
Mrs. E. O. Stodard of New Haven
arrived yesterday afternoon accom
panied by her cousin, Mrs. Gilbert.
She has leased the Stark cottage for
^a term of three years and will spend
the season there.
Ladies’ and Children's Trimmed Hats
At Actual Cost,
HORSE FOUND—Black, with
right hind foot white, about ten
years old. A good animal. Owner
can have him by calling on me and
paying charges. Z. E. Norton, Pel-
bnm, Ga. D1 tf
Several weeks ago it was announc
ed that Mr. A. J. Callahan had
brought down from Baconton a
bunch of potatoes weighing aerdp
pounds. Mr. Callahan says he made
a lapsus ltngln and that the bunch
tipped the scales at fourteen pounds.
The entire bunch was the j*oduct
of one hill and there were twenty
distinct potatoes.
Mr. and Mrs: C. M. Baggs, who
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Cooper, for the Elks' banquet, re
turned to their home In Pelham yes
Good Watch for Nothing.
The people of Thomas county are
beginning to realize that the Tlmes-
Enterprlse has made them one of
the best propositions ever submitted
by a newspaper in Georgia. The-
Idea of giving a watch that is guar
anteed to keep good time and that
bears the stamp of one of the best
watchmakers in America absolutely
free of charge. Is almost Incredible.
Almost anybody can get together six
dollars on subscriptions to the week
ly Times-EnterprlBe and that Is ev
erything that Is needed. Among the
enterprising citizens of Thomas coun
ty who have already takenadvantage
of the opportunity and secured
watches are O. W. Broom at Pavo
and Finley Anderson at Ochlockonee.
It is not necessary that the six
dollars be from new subscribers. All
we ask is that ysu get np six dollars
and Bend to us altogether. One dol
lar may be for your subscription, two
watch was missed from Its place on
the dresser at the borne of Mr. J. R.
Hambleton. Mr. Hambleton put up
We have had the “mare-go-round"
with us for several days. It was
a gold mine for the manager. 8hould
our people ever be so generous In
giving charity as they were In glv-'
Ing to the "flying Jenny" man there
will be many clear consciences on
that line in Meigs.
The Bell Telephone folks have act
ually placed a booth at this point—
a real oak frame with glass sides
and front. This has been sorely
needed since the long distance phone
was put In at this place. Now one
may talk his business affairs over
the wires without letting everybody
Into bis affairs. Dr. Isler local
manager, and president of the Meigs
Telephone Company Is a power be
hind the wire.
Dr. J. N. Isler and Mr. T. F. Dry-
a notice of tho fact at the post office
door, giving a minute description of
the case and tho number of the watch
Nothing more was heard of the mat
ter till Monday a gentleman living
west of town brought the works of
a lady's watch and gave information
as to how he came in possession of
it. The information led to tho dis
covery of the thief. He proved to
be a small negro,’about eight years
of age. The little fellow bad seen
the watch on the dresser when he
came along with some one for the
wash of the week.before. He enter
ed the house while no one was In.
Not being able to open the watch ho
threw it against a brick chimney prac
tlcally breaking It up. He took tho
works which were of Waltham make
and traded them tp a small white boy
In the country for a cedar pencil.
This incident led to the capture of
the thief. All the other portions of
the watch wero fuond except the
Misses Bertha Hinson aud Adella
Nicholson of Young's College left
yesterday afternoon for their homes
In Hinson, and Quincy, Fla. They
will spend the Thanksgiving holiday
with relatives. .!
than we knew. Some of the largest
and loveliest specimens that' eva
cuate from Nature's workshop have
been brought to our notice. Notably
among these were several varieties
ofdroses from the yards of both Mrs.
R. T. Rouse and Mrs. T. A. Jones—
cortaluly no human eye has ever
seen njore beautiful roses.
Aftdr spending ten days among
relatives in Reynolds and Garden Val
ley, Mrs. I. R. Aultman, with her two
boys, Rodney and Mims, has returned
home. .
Mrs. J. T. Owens of Camilla has
been the guest of her Duren relatives
this week.
The attendance at the
dollars for one of your neighbors,
who Is behind and the other three
from any three people who are Will
ing to help yeu get a good watch
free,' I —“
Immediately upon receipt of
the six dollars we will mall you an
Aasonia watch prepaid. These Wat
ches are stem wind stem set and are
not cheap playthings.
Mr. Jim VIckTSf Meigs, was In
Moultrie yesterday on business. Mr.
Vick has recently closed out his In
terests in Meigs and will probably lo
cate in Moultrie. If he decides to
come he will be gladly welcomed here
—Moultrie Observer.
Will Call Special School Election to
Incorporate Districts.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Adams left yea
terday tor South McAlidter, i. T. Mr.
Adams baa been in the hardware
1 business here with C. F. Coleman,
. Pavo will celebrate Thanksgiving
day. All places of business will be
closed. Services will be held at the
Primitive Baptist Chinch. Dinner
on the grounds and an all day sing
ing led by Prof. L. B. Buntln.
Marriage bells will ring In Ber
wick tpmorrow at.3:SO p. m. Miss
Cora Massey andMr. Kenneth Adams
will be the contracting parties. We
watt them congratulations praying
that all their troubles will he small
Dr. J. F. Harris left Thursday
morning for Amerlcus to attend the
annual conference of South Georgia
He was Joined here by Rev. T. B.
emp, pastor for the last year of Dixie
who has a line report
Miss Jennie Edmundson a teacher
In Monltrle high school, has resign
ed and returned to her home over In
Brook's county to enjoy the pleasing
Imagination of n prospective trip to
Europe some time in the near future.
A petition was circulated for signa
tures praying tho ordinary to call
an election to Incororate Pavo and
territory In a school district. A
good move.
Pavo high school Is without a prin
cipal and we understand that the
board of trustees are on the lookout
for a teacher. They say they want
the teacher ta apply In person. The
meeting conducted by Mrs. Malone
conttnuqg. .' C,
Sabbath school last Sunday was fine.
The talks on the lesson by Superln-i
tendent Boswell, T. L. Duron and
R. L. Braswell were full of sound
sense an$ were enjoyed by those pres
Everybody will attend the Thanks
giving service at tho Baptist church.
A committee composed of W. E. Dav
is, O. L. Duren and T. W. Carter will
canvass the town for offerings to the
Orphan's Home at Hapeville K O^.,
Those wi shlng to donate product,
clpthlng, Ac., will leave <It at the
stores of Carter & Maynard or G. L.
In view of the fact that Rev. J. A.
J. Dumas will preach at the Bhptlst
church at Thanksgiving there will be'
no preaching on the following Sun
day at that church as bos been adver-
Vlennna, Nov. 27.—A special from
Constantinople says that Turkey has
acceded to the demands of the powers
for the financial control of Mace
Mr. J. N. Hancock of Pelham eras
a visitor here Sunday.
Messrs. C. 0» Battle, W. A. Han
cock, W. A. Meigs, and F. M. Hurst
went up to meet with the Pelham
boys and assist In working several
new Woodmen.
Mrs. C. G. Hall went up to Camilla
I 1 Grocery Store for Sale. -
1 On account of wishing to go Into
another line of business I would sell
my new and well selected stock of
groceries npon favorable term* to
to a meeting of the K. of P.s.
A few days since a valuable gold
son, 120 J^W. Bond of Osholockonee was
25-dlwl In Thomasvllle Tuesday.
al that has been claimed for it by the
advertiser. This is proved conclu
sively by the numbers of sick people
who within the past four or Are
weeks have gbeen calling upon J. W.
Peacock to tell him of the lmprove-
. ment In their condition. All week
long they come, from every part of
this county, and it is estimated that
la the pas three weeks over two hun
dred people have called simply to
express their gratitude to J. W. Pea
cock and to thank him. This Is
very unusual and It is seldom Indeed
that people will take the trouble to
express thanks for a medicine.
Speaking of the matter J„W. Pea
cock said: “To the outsider the
many calls that I receive from people
who have used Plant Juice and hare
come .to tell me what it has done
seems to me to be very unusual, but
for the past three months I have been
through this experience and there
fore I take it much as a matter of
course. A sick man or woman who
has been benefltted or made well)
again In a comparatively short time,
is the most grateful person In the
world. Probably you don’t know
It. but aboutnlne-tenths of the dis
eases with which the human beings
are afflicted are due primarily and
fundamentally to stomach trouble.
The stomach Is, practically speaking
the furnace which runs the machin
ery of the body. Human life is sup
ported by the food which Is taken
into the system and as every git of
that food must be flrst prepared or
digested by the stomach In such a
manner that It can be turned into
blood bone, sinew, etc., the moment
the stomach becomes deranged and
out of order the entire system Is In
sympathy and much Buffering Is the
“The results that are accomplished
by Col. Dillingham’s Plant Juice
seem very wonderful when ydu do
not understand' the nature of the
remedy. As a matter of fact, the
principal thing the remedy does Is
to put the stomach In good working
order In a very short time, and In
consequence the action of every other
organ of the body Is Improved al
most at once, and health Is the re
During the short interview Mr.
Peacock was interrupted twice by
people who had come to thank him.
The flrst was Mr. J. E. Warren. Mr.
Warron had been troubled with cat
arrh for a number of years. He said
to Mr. Peacock: "1 have taken tho| and wi „ onter B tImlIar |n the
Plant Juice medicine for Just four Terrltory or Oklahoma,
days as I bought a bottle from you ^
for a dollar Wednesday. I have Miss Eva Bellinger, who has been
had catarrh for several years and the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James W.
have tried almost everything, butBelllgger, for several months, left
nothing did me any good. In th«M last Saturday Snr a few days’ visit
four days past I have been so much)to Meads is TkomasvtUe, liter
benefltted and feel so greatly lrnprov- ( which she wiii go to Waksens, Fla.,
ed that I have come out here to tell to spend the winter with her sister,
you what a wonderful remedy you Waycross Journal,
have and to thank you for what It I +++
has done for me.” | Mr ' J - J - Cone tfnd “°red
The other caller was Mrs. J. H. yesterday afternoon from their home
Harvard of Valdosta. She said: “I J««erspn add Love streets to the
have had a terrible case of stomach formerly occupied by Mr. Han-
trouble for over five years and felt *®’* Cone on Jefferson atjret near
badly all the time. I was troubled **>» Bt “»rt House. Mr. Hallette, who
with Indigestion and a very bad ap-,* 1 ” bou * ht «“ Cone Property will
petite and felt tired all the time, so move th « house and begin Hs. lmproV
that It was an effort to "do my work. omentB tbero Bt “ nce '
I have used Col. Dillingham’s Plant’ - 1
Juice since Monday and feel so much
better that I have come to tell you
about It. I have not felt so well and
happy for many years and cannot
thank you enough. My husband has
had catarrh for a long time and he
is also taking the medicine and feels
a great deal better, although be has
been taking It only a few days.”
Barton Gets His.
8t. Louis, Nov. 22.—United States anyone wanting to go Into the gro-
Senator Burton was this morning eery business. The store can also
sentenced to Six months In Jail and'be leased. Thomas 8. Vinson, 120
lined |2,B00. Broad street
neck chain, the slide of -
with pearls. The watch
prized by Mrs. Hambleton It hav
been given to her by her father.
Mr. T. E. Ross is in Vienna this
week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Walton of Cam
illa were here tills week.
Mr. Frank McGhee of Coolidgo was
tho guest of tho family of Mr. J.
W. Moncrlef's family one day this
week. <7
Mr. W. M. Singletary, He.vwood
Singletary and Mrs. Luther Single
tary were visitors to Ochlockonee this
Mr. and Mrs. P. R..Hambleton will
sop cranberry sauco in Thomasvillc
Lester Battle went up to Camilla
Tuesday to see bis folks.
, Tho town authorities are trimming
tho shado trees of tho town. When
this Is done but few towns can boast
of a prettier, cleaner place than this
(the right of way of the railroad
about tho depot'oxcepted.)
The death rate of tho town has
been for the past year less Hyih one-
half of ono per cent.
So much to the credit' of tho vig
ilance of tho town authorities.
We learn that our young friend.
R. L. Braswell who has held an Im
portant place with tho J. N. Carter
Company for several years, will, leave
In the near future to enter college.
He/ Is a mo'dcl in more ways than
one. He is one of the very few boys
we know who do not smoke cigar
ettes. Neither docs he drink or
chow tobacco. He Alls an Important
place In tho town and will be great
ly missed.
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Boswell of Le-
land were here Sunday. Mrs. Bos
well Is spending several days here
with her mother, Mrs. W. A.’mcIim.
Mrs. W. H. Boswell after spending.)'
ing several days at Norman Park has
returned homo.
We hear of fruitcakes and turkeys'
and cranberry sauce and a lot of good
things that people arc going to eat
here Thursday. Should we live till
next Thanksgiving we are going to
have a turkey at our house t«>o, if
thla deponent has to hunt turkeys
every night In next November.
Mr. T. A. Jones, Mrs. A. It. Brun-
dngo and several other families will
soon move their families Into town.
They already see a lino prospect
ahead for the Meigs graded school
and are taking advantage of the op
Ml*. Lamb of the A. C. L. who can
say ‘do it,” and It Is done, has con
sented to have some of the rubbish.'
about tho depot burned. He will be
lamb Indeed If ho will just give us
a place about the trades that “will
bo pleasant to look upon.”
I am thankful that I am not a
Mr. Madison Davis, son of Mr.
Jack Davis, who lives near this place
In Mitchell county, died last Friday.
Mr. Davis was reared near here but
for the past year or so had been liv
ing near tho Decatur lino. He was
brought home several weeks ago sick
from which he did not recover. He
was burled at Harmony Church. Rev.
J. B. A 111 good officiated.
All tho stores In this town will be
closed Thursday. The custom has
become so general that It will no
doubt he well understood by every- {
body, and they will get their crackers
and potted ham In store In time f<
tho day.
Several new residences
commenced. They will ho I
stylo and will ornament 1:
parts of the town.
Three 100-H. P. Tubular Boilers, complete. One 30-H. P. Tubular £’
% Six B'oiler Feed Punips. Ono 8-H. P. Center Crank Skinnei ^ _
glne. Ono 12-H. P. Center Crank Skinner Engine. Ono 6-H. P. Engina
and Boiler on wheels. One 35-H.P. Side Crank Engine. One Rlder-
Erlcsson Engine (the best pump for country home.) One 4” Saw *'
drol, solid forge, 9” steel collar boxes for above new. One rope
18” drum for saw mill. Ono 50 light direct current dynamo complex
with rheostat. One volt meter. We also have one of the largest ca
ne mill outfits that was ever Install-ed In South Georgia for sale. Anyo
no interested will pay‘to Investigate. One Thompson's latest improved
lab conveyors. One Thompson’s lat-est Improved log haulers . Three si
son went up to Pelham Tuesday night ’ »b conveyor pans 24” wide, 8” deep20” long. One 18” smoke stack
’ long. Fifty sets 18” dry kiln trucks. 6” wheels, steel freme.
- £.
n” —-
SHE* .• •'
5 H.WE-Jjsie
' V.