Newspaper Page Text
quire 1 an 111, timber, (tump*, saw-dust. this November 4tb, A. D., 1*07.
■lab* and any other material (ram W. M. JONES, Ort
which naral rtoree may be made, and ll-*-4t
a. .- . „ .. Thnmii* l 10 ■*!• and otherwise dispose of tbe
^r»&Vild(b.a. Vnlre SJSmWSSt' *oi ^ ADMINISTRATORS SALE,
ty: all klndeT , p Georgia, Tbomaa County.
Kelu^ud d O Uuiore rt |Wct *• Pe'tltlonere desire that they . B * ?* u# “ ° rder °*
Xenuon and O. O. Lbtlmore, reapect- htr)) th( onstreet, maintain 0^ I i ,rd ‘ n * rJ, K ^ , “*. d “““‘7*111 be
and onerate tram roads for their nee *9“ “* P ubl i° oatcr * “>• A™*
team. i Hicks, heirs at law of J. T. Redr undersigned baa applied to the of
fset to the railroad. I M. J. Simmons baring made appll- dlnary of laid county for lease to
Sold as (he property of the estate cation to require R. R. Redfearn ad- sell land belonging to the estate of
of Mrs. L. M. Donaldron, deceased. mlnlftretor of J. T. Redfearn to exe- Buck Hall for tbe payment of debts
D. 8. SMITH, Adm. cute titles’ to belts to certain lands and distribution. Said application
11-8-41. - sold to him by tne lustertate recit- will be beard at the regular term ol
ADMINISTRATORS flai.n lag that tbe purchasers money bad the court of ordinary for said county
Georgia. Thomas Countr ’ been paid to said admlnlatrator, you to be held on tbe Brat Monday In De
ify vlrue of an order of the court “7* D0 “ fl * d th »‘ “ ld application win eember, 1*07.
LUMBER COMPANY, y- as provided by the laws, and fn towlt:
I. The term for which petition- Mjr wlr P DOt prohibited by la#;
ere aeb to be Incorporated la twen- PMI( . ..
»y (10) years wlfb the privilege of •• Petitioners desire
renewal at tba end of that Urns: h ’ T ®
the usual boura of tale, the follow-
beard before mo on Brat Monday ;
December, 1907. i
W. M. JONES, Ord.
M. A.
Buck Hall
tee authority
ererythlng neceasary, suitable, cmr
I tne
_ .... That parcel of land lying and bo-IPS real estate, situated in Thomas Georgia, Thomas County:
ra that char *“* ‘be I3tb district of Thomas' county, towlt: Notice la hereby glren that tbe an- Geargta! Thomas County.
county. Ga., known aa a part of lot 1 All the west half of lot number deralgned baa applied to tbs ordln- Notice la hereby glren that tbs an-
atiiiabla rnnl. P 1 ,and No - < 21 > and commencing in *** ■“ the 18th district of Thoms ary of aald county for learo to sell deralgned baa applied to tbe ordinary
■* .... - - county, Georgia, *ac u.a l-i—•- - »- *».. » • •' -- . - ... ?
S. Tha capita) itock of th* cor- T( , n j eB t or proper for the accora- ^ aoutb west corner of aald lot and county, Georgia, containing J46 land belonging to the estate of J. K. of aald county for leave to tell land
•oration la to be twenty-lire thou <and pttihment of any ouroorea or thaau running along original north gnd> ncrea more or lew and bonnded on Phillip* for the payment of debta and belonging to the estate of G. W. WIL
4888.00*) dollars, dlridad Into abar- talnment of any one or more objects *° u *b half way of aald lot to north by lands of W. J. Taylor, on dlatribotlon, aald application will be Hams for tbe payment of debts and
m of one hundred (1100) dollars herein enumerated or Incidental to ,ine of Joho Cbartaln, thence oast' east by.lands of T. A. White and W heart' at tbe regular term of tbe distribution, aald anplicatlon will bo
each. Petitioners, however, desire powm herein named, or which far eoongh to gat 01 1-4 seres, or 1-8 H. Culpepper, on aostb by lands of court of ordinary for said county to beard al the regular term of tho
tbe prlrl’ege of Increasing said capf- may at any time appear Vanductt»»7 > ( Mid Iot of l* nd by running parnl- W. H. Culpepper sad on the west be held en the Brat Monday In De- court of ordinary to be bald oa tho
tol stock from tlme to time as may bo or ^nedloat for thebeneet end the' tel with said original Has to east sad by tends of —Bailey, knows comber, 1*07. . Brat Monday la December. 1*07.
desired, not exceeding In tba aggre; prot8 ,n on of the corporation, either went line, thence along said east and aa Philip Massey place. M. A. FLEETWOOD. Adm. | M. A. FLEETWOOD, Adm.
hindfil filly .thouiaaa M holder* of or Interested In any„w»at line te - — —*- - --
1880.000) dollar*; preparty or othenriae, with all the Also that
4. More than tea (10) P«r cent power* now or hereafter conferred by known as ti
[o^dTo'SJ. hS\i^‘nS2^ o ti .*<£££i£, 8uu of 0eorgta u,
' lT p^n n: *e desire thst threw of o’f'
1 *? jlrratnfhbnldar* f ol^enT o£ Mon WOI b* la
C rt .. of - t'^bbo'der for nay ob; ^ M g petitioners desire that the county, <
aUon wA ‘by^™ 1 , 0 ?. J . b * yond corporation shall haw tbe power tad Term*
-l *9* eubecrtptloa,^ authority teeeUbUsb offices sad plao- M.
* . Tha “Whet of the proposed eor- m ot huriaea* of say kind herein
Georgia. Thomas County:
a W. Williams
Notice la hereby glren that the an- Georgia, Tbomaa 4feonty.
deralgned haa anrHcd to tbe ordln- Under and by rlrtue of an order by
lor Maw to aell too court of ordinary of said scanty
' ,v —--- —-—- .r iiruiwiion di iuo corpomuoD, oitner _ .
gare two !»»iedr*d fifty thoaiinfl M holder* of or Interated In *ny,,.w**t. line to eUrtlntf point Term* cask.
48180.000) dollar*; property or otherwise, with all tho Also that tract'or parcel.of land H A. .and M. A. Minor, Ada. J. O
l. More than ton (10) Percent powere now or hereafter conferred by known at twenty (80) acre* oa the Miller.
«f aald capital atoeh of twenty-flre Uwe of th# state of Georgia ap- eeat eld* of the OcbloekonOo swamp 11-8-41.
tbo-'sand dollar* bat already been as- on corporatlenai dowa to the first breach from the, - ■ —
otr. that Mmwo ld ' Tha principal offle* and place north line, said afore described land RNWRTWWn ntr.w
of bnalaesa of the proposed corpora- being a portion of lot of land No. SHERIFFS SALE,
‘Ion wHI be la Tbomaa county, Oeor- 108 ia lb* 17th district of Tbomaa Georgia, Thomas Oooaty. , -- — t —
C rt ,. of f n l k i > ? d rViin^ - r - St*, tad petitioners desire that the county, Oa. I will b* sold before tbe erurt beuw L d b*' 00 *? 11 * «• fba *•*»“ of Mr*, at Noremlwr 1**7 term thereof win
atloa -pfi'tbe corporation beyond corpo,,^ h(Ta t b* power sad Term* cash. , B TbomreriUe Gooreto on SftoS t, * aer Tbnrnhlll for tho payment be told before tbe court bout* to said
FLEETWOOD. Adm. ! toEtocSb2riM7^,rt« °- f .?l bU ""’..•Z’:": between the legal honre of
. ....i" ^ Wl " u * ■■■“ uwmH f Hr*. O. A. Lewie, the legal ‘ *
ptratfon^.lt, pecuniary proof to It* contemplated In other countlea of n-t-dt. -
storkholder*. thl* state* and In other state*: , -
Prtmonera propoc. to e^.oa* Wborofore petitioner, prey that iDMINISTRATORS BALE. , oral nceDll „ IDTIT . lnMa
day la Deoomber, 1*07. He. eut of Placola creek: also *««
Mr*. N. a Tbmmbni aeTm ot igl gjt. north by
11-8-tt , TT ^ by , Md 0{ w a j ukmt
operate, barter, sell, eon- ' AttornerWitittoiir. S’ 1 ?. A. "°*f? “ r “ aer of lot number oae bond red. fifty- wwrrrtov mn muuuucr by lands of Fetch; alto US
I bidder for i
I of all of li
1 dred sixty.
* b*>f Off the north eld* there- ,
* f owned,by Martha J. Daniel; and,
’.h « . a 1 * 0 *'* aerea on the eoatb east cor-|
. mnrtrara er other- *•«“»•••» TW.V to"‘D^ib^, IH1.U ttS Sto. 0 '.n ‘ LITTON TOR DISCHARGE. ,
li town cSf?’ £a OapritlfaJbmnae Cotrety. court boo re toSdrewnty between *1— dfa * r ? ct Georgia. Tbomaa County. ! «ar*e of lot *77 bounded north by
.. rledgw I »5 d '„“ t ?.b*r;,toga, at I, J. W. Oroorer.^Oerk of tho_8u- (lM ntal] b0B „ or tato th# following co ° t * tn ' .. C F. McRae, admlalitretor epos lead* of T. Carroll. Jeff HlgheoalM
tnWnrilng i
(subject '
*4«ire In
■tank when It may be desirable to do
m f"i 4h» beneot end Interest* of the
eerpnratlon: and also of buytaar. sett-
t r and n-hargtng lumber, ahtoclee,
ton end *n other saw mitt prod nets:
Norember tern. 1*07.
Notice Is hereby Urea to tho Twrma cash
belts aad dlstribnteee of Feraald H.
Batter 1st* of aald county, deceased,
towlt: Mis.. Annie Grlfflth, H. M.
P>tnn .nn mi other saw min prooncte:
.#o alt kind, of aierebandts* thet It
a»a* be desirable te handle la com'
plmr* tin ether
merrinT'haner of _ -
ed with said bnitnrre and tha right
A. J. Hot**, administrator apoa Oeorgta. Thomas County:
the estato of Mary Ponder Into of sad Notice It hereby glren that tb* ao-
| county, deceased, haring died bis deralgned has applied to th* ordlo-
1 petition for discharge, tala site ary of said eouaty for ten to sell
claim of dower by tba widow of tbo
Mid Goo. M. Dekte. Terms rath.
Adrn Bat Go*. M. Mil*; deceased
,er atnrre' rire com- Pntler. and Tommie Butler, and to Georgia, Tbomaa County. »» concerned to show cause all the lands belonging U
of *11 kind* connect- ■" other* concerned, that Feraald; will ho sold on the drat Tuesday jaalnat granting tbia dlccbarge. at of T. W. Daria, for th* purpoo* of j weeks. nW. L. HeNOG lb
malnne and tho right R- Butler hit field hi* petition In 1 In December next, nt the court bourn th* regular term of th* Court of or- OIMrihnMna among tbe heirs, tsld ,Z. iu,
rw.. Bnsl accounting and settlement will one house and lot to th* tow* of CITATION.
7 Petitioners desire to hers the be had before me as or/nary of laid, Cooltdge, aald county, being lot To Missouri Alderman, Aanle Miller, **-•-**■
Admx. T. W. Darla.
.richt to mnnnfactnre and aell navel conrtr *t tbs court house et Thom-' number (3) In square twenty-
ttnre. and do a general naral atorea arrllte. Oa.. nn th* first Monday In two (tf) fronting on Pine street
h—lores, and to that end to he per- December. 1*87. I thirty (SO) feet and running back
milted to buy, lean# or otberwlM ac- Witness my band and official seal ene hundred and twenty-Bve (1261
Fannie Candy. N. M. Redfearn.
Flora Miller. Joe Redfearn. D. C. LEAVE TO SELL LAND.
rv<lf»»rn C. Redfran >V V P»||- Oeovrla. Thome, County:
frera, G. H. Redfearn, and Jonnh Notice la hereby glren that tha
thereof the court will proceed aa to
Jnatfce abalt appertain. Witness
Hon. R. 0. Mitchell, Judge of said
court. Nov. I at. 1*07.
J. W. GROOVER. C. S. C. T. C.
1 l-g-ltm-la
| Here Is The Place to Get a $5 Teddy Bear Free
4 Great Big Doll Too And a $10 Punch Bowl
■■■■■■■—g———B————————IH——MB3B————HBBm—aill.lMIII*B»l ' 'tell'l .TLS»S
With every ten cent purchase, or with every ten cents paid
on accounts» lire will give a c« rd. Each card bears anumber, and the
one bolding the tenet pending lumber receives the'piesent tree.
are m warnsee -wsr~ aJ* i.i. 11 1 : J~„'-:igE?gEaBeMqfcrerTrtoMii.iw
Tin's is the piece to tiece if you want to help the Vasliti Home,
ihe\y. SH. C. A. cr the City httpixel. * ^ EfeT
With even/ ten cent fcttlese, cr with tteiy ten cents paid on
accounts, ne will allcw )cn a icie Ur the iitiiicticn ctycurchoice.
The one receiving the mest votes will iceiie a $25 electric portable
lamp tree of eh si ge on Christmas morning. ^ o o|
’ Watch this space for fviilier aiuicutictments oi interest* L-
4 big Christmas stcck as Hell as a (nil line cl Ciccleiy, Tine Chinaware and
House fittings•
len percent discount for cash on every purchase, and live percent discount on
all bills paid be fore the 5th ot each month•
lu ft
cut •
oj uoi'H
Cm F. Bradshaw & Company,
- Ihemasvllle, Georgia
110 North Broad Street