Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, January 10, 1908, Image 2
fi.nr.r aX ViUl'Al, a/LntAAl Gasoline and II Engines |« Quick as a Wlnk| J£2&SSSSlJSl2£& JeH-O THE DAINTY DESSERT la to a plat of boUtoa water, yon wU) hart pro. pared a dessert which will surprise amd dillrtit I allwhoUctaft. When It hat become cOdlt will Jellify and ba ready to tat* For a mors elaborate desserttry tha followings \ Feel fivelargs bananas, mb . taaapooufuia of socar. Add out cap tweet creaabeataa to a tuff froth, then one package of Lemon J*l!-0 dlaaolred In one and one-half BeaotlfaDy Hhwtra. bid recipe book free. Address TWCeacecc Pare Feed Co- Utey, f.f, j and machinery for alt intis of work. If you want any kind of power n the farm or for mill, ova me before you purchase, I will give you a square deal. 1 sell the hi if engines built, and tkr prices are right. 1 will set up yonr engine H you buy from me and g tj-acitao ft for twelve btonthe. If you can't come to see me, nrttn and t will come to see yea. I aiao sell auiom.jbttea, gasoline and other supplies necessary Ur en gine work. Wm, gme fit the Ihomasvllle Garage, (o:. fha- hen ait fie <.eer St. No need to tear coughs and cold* fM« year aa you can obtain Bee's Lax ative Couch Syrup now from your dealer. This Is good newt to moth- on who tear croup and whooping cough. It Is a gentle Iaxatlre that expels the poison from the system In tit, natural way. Cuts the phlegm and clears the head. Guaranteed. A Higher Health Level. "I hate reached a higher health level elnce I have been using Dr. Xing's New Life Pills.’ writes Jacob Springer,-ot West Franklin, aMlne. ••They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working lust right.’ If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will bo refunded at all drug stores Bank Foolishness. “When attacked by a cough or a cold, or when your throat is sore. It Is rank ffoolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King’s New Dis covery,” says C. O. Eldrldgo, of Em pire, Fa. "I have used New Discov ery seven years and I know It Is the beet remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and rfll throat and lung troubles. Uy children are subject to erraup, but New Discovery quickly cures every stack.” Known the world over as the king of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 60c sad f 1.00. Tri al bottle free. It will be unnecessary fofr you to go through a painful, expensive oper ation for Piles It you use Mtnzao. Put HP In Collapsible tube with noi- sls, ready to apply to the soreness inflammation. For any form of Piles, price 60 cent. Guaranteed. Sold by ICty Drug Store. Chamberlain’* Gough Remedy a'Bale Medicine tor Children. In buying a cough medicine for children, aerer be afrfald to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from It, and relief la al ways sure to follow. It la Intended sspealslly for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and there la no beter medicine In the world for tbeoe disease*. It le not only certain care for croup, but, when given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. Wnuoptng cough la not dangerous wnon this remedy Is given as directed. It mu tains no opium or other , harmful rags, and may be given aa cuubueutiy to a baby aa to an adult. For -ala oy all druggists everywhere. I MITCHELL HOC SB TO JIB OPENED Sale of Touralne Mills Effect.* j .Ben Shoenlg, Manager for L. lCfw- WiH bo Run aa a Eoropfan Hotel byj ky ft Co., purchased, together with W: M. Parker. j Mr. B. Tt. Chastain, for their Joint — ' account, the horses, mules, harness. The historic old Viteil*.'. IVmie wagons, household effects, etc., of the wilt be renovated the 'aJiViei Touralne Mille which are now closed, future and r- p- * Turceear hotel'Mr. Shoenlg says that Is their lnten- by Mr. V” .' . ,-r ‘.if nw:' tloa to hold auction sales In Thom- rea » *i'—. fie wU, uk- and other towns and sell thee* chart,- ■>. '..ont- it-tie* articles. rcnovaU ’ >r : . -euar to garret t» Wl ile It Is probable that the Tour- pet It la . — fcP'-tvs TV- 'v.- .ter Mills will be bought by some on® »it.ire will *- OPgi> orerhfcu’.ed, ,vud aetln operated, this tale mark* and resow#,’. »» . '.in ran be- J .j the scuerlag of the effects of the clothes will or 1-,- arc si* J*'■ j I&I. ff, > A -thur, the former pro pel# pul lelo rev’’. 'rrictor o' ,s-.. property, who reeodt- Therw will be ,io*’ f-.-t* ras*.» d!«o '» Pf Yrrk to the great re fer gueeta and the •unsivl-.'as *jd gret rf ils x.s-/ f-l»rc- managemont will be o’vet’> •’•.oeij the ears of Mr. Parker k -ssetf. TV*i »v«. Dead, contract for the hotel nti -'.’ast’y! .N-fs .jelvr-’ this city yes- been closed and the worh o' ;J»u-| ;;rh.:y c- the •’■?.. ,f ’'rs. Mamie lng up has been begun. M- F»• \w Po .t of ' . ' .'ar’. morning, will run It strictly on a Eero ..ear j ,-- 0 p ... mu 1' .-rc given but plan with no eating accommod: lions tr v . , ..no--', i death was very In the Immediate hotel. The ro- ,ud- i. | are large and commodious wl, fir.', ‘hi eas the daughter of Mr. C. roomy closets and all modern < u ; -pn, and only about twenty .'cars venlences. In the building there u .1 of age. Her many pleasant ways and be a restaurant In the Immediate fu- 1 kindliness of heart has endeared her ture for the accommodation of guests:' to the people of the community and SCBOFffi! OF DISEASE AK Ho truth is more forcibly uianiicst---.l in AN IMEBiTAHCEl SCFFEHKaE) 1 . physical life than the old'saying pareutage inherit a polluted ... with disease and suffering-. Swollen glands about the neck, brittle hones, weak eyes, calc, waxy complexions, running sorts, and ulcers and general poor health, are the usual wavs in which Scrofula is manifested. In some cases the blood is so filled with the scrofulous germs-and tubercular matter that from birth life is made miserable with suffering. Others who inherit the disease succeed in holding the tronble in check during young, vigorous life, but when the system has begun to weaken and lose its natural vitality, and especially alter a spell of sickness, the ravages of the disease will.com mence, and in a great manv cases terminate in Consumption. S. S. S. is the very best treatment for Scrofula. It renovates the entire circulation and drives out the scrofulous and tnbercnlai deposits. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and it not only goes to the very bottom of the trouble and removes the cause nnd cures the disease, but it supplies th< _ weak, anaemic Wood with the healthful PURELY VEGETABLE properties it is in need of. S. S. 3. is mad, entirely of healing, cleansing roots, herbs and barks, and is an absolutely safe remedy for young or old. Book the blood and any medical advice aMut ScroNfa fpy»tt free of charge. THE SWTFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA S.S.S. It Is not known Just where this will they Join In sympathy FROM THE ANTILLES. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Bene fit* a City Councilman at Kingston, Jamacla. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy tho aesae ol smell and completely de range the whole system when en tering through the mucous surface. Such article* should never be used except on prescriptions from reputa ble physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you r#n possibly derive from them. Hall’t Catarrh Cure, manulactured by F. J. Chenney ft Co., Toledo, O. contains no mercury and 1h taken In ternally, acting upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, in buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken In ternally and made In Toledo, O., by F. J. Chenney ft Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price 7 Be per bottle. Take Hall’s Family Pills lor constipation. ’. A Cure For Misery. •>I pave found a cure for the mis ery malaria poison produces,” says R. M. James, of Louellon, 8. C. “It’s* called Electric Bitters, and conies in 50 cent bottles, it breaks up a case of chills or a bilious attack in al most no time; and it puts yellow Jaundice clean out of commission." This groat tonic medicine and blood purifier gives quick relief in all stom ach. liver ami kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. w A Bold Step. To overcome the well-grounded and reasonable -objections of tho more Intel ligent to the nse of secret, medicinal com pounds, Dr. R V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. soma tlma ago, decided to make a bold departure from the uaual course punned by the maker* of put-up medicines fordo- tncstlc use, and so has published broad cast nnd openly to the whole world, a full and coinplcto Hat of all the Ingredients aotering Into the composition of hi* widely celebrated medicines. Thus he has taken his numerous patrons and patients Into his fall confidence. Thus too ha has re moved hts medicines from among secret nostrums of dnubtlnl merits, and mad* (hem Brmallet of Known CompoHUun. By this,hold step Dr. Pierce has shown that hit formulas are ol such excellence that he la not afraid to subject them to the fullest scrutiny. does tnei THE WOODMEN BANQl KT. be or who will have charge of It, but 1 bereaved husband and family several are under consideration fori the place. I This will give the city a first class! )te. for room, only and a place that| AMost 9occewfnl Aff . lr , .t ,he' the people of the city can obtain aj Opera House It concerns the preparation which has room convenient and centrally locat | the country during the past year, and ed without taking their meals In thej banquet of thc Woo dmen of “J? ln Bllch enormous quantities HUMAN RACE AFFLICTED WITH QUEER DISEASE — Cooper Says Internal Parasites Cause Much Suffering Everywhere. for weak stomach, torpl J a and ail catarrhal diseases . have printed upon It, <n ikm wherever located. „ plain Kngltih, a full and complete list of all Ihejnffrodlent* compoHlucr It. but a small “ numerous £ .jfndl . H book has been compiled from standard mcd.Val works, of all tin schools of practice, containing ve: war Tifferent e. endorsing ten and aver? inrrw Plerce's medicines. will be mailed free and reaueatlac the same. From this little book It will be learned that Dr. Pierce’s med icines contain no alcohol, nairotlcs. mineral •rent* or other poteonous or injurious a rents and that they are made from nattr S al roots of great value: also tha le meet valuable ingredients cor r. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription nervous, orer-workod, "run-down," nervous allacting their squawa. In fact, one of the most vaTnabli— ‘ native, medld' ■ ‘ eomo ol lined in >r weak. u medicinal planes entering into the composition of I)r, Pierce’s Fa •criDtion was known to the Indians as ■Sauaw-Woed." Our knowledge of the mass ef not a few of our most valuable native, me dicinal plante was gained from the Indiana. Aa made up by improved and exact pro cesses. the "Favorite Preacrlption " is a moa* efldent remedy for regulating all the wom anly functions, rouvoiimr dUplarementa. ar prolapsus, ante version and retorveraloo. overcoming painful period* toning up the It Dot's The Business. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain, off Clinton, Maine, rays of Duck Ion's Arnica Salve, ”1^ does the business; l nave used it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cur ed tbeiu. Apply it to an old sore avd it healed it without leaving u scar- behiud.” -5c at all drug store** Why Suffer From HheunmtUm? Do you know that rheumatic pains can b« pefteved? If you doubt this jurt try one i ppHcation of Chamber- lAin'g Pain Balm. It will make rest nnd sleep possible, and that certainly means a great deal to any one afflict ed with rheumatism. For sale by all druggists everywhere. Thousands Hate Kidney Tronble sod Never Suspect it Prevalency of Kidney DImoso. Most people do not realize the alarm ing increase and remarkable prevalency rf kidney disease. While kidney dis orders are the most common diseases that pre vail, they are almost the last recognized by patient and phy sicians, trho con tent themccl vet trith doctoring the effect*, while the orig inal ditcan undermines thc system. What To Do. There la comfort in thc knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of thc urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or licer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up manv times during the night. The mild the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine vou should have thc licst. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sues. You may have a sample Ixittle and " liook that tells all about it, both Kent free \>y uuii 1. Address Dr. Kilmer £c Co., hamtou, K. Y. When ITomoof SwAmp-itDoc writing mention this paper and don’t make any mistake, but remend name. Dr. Kilmer’s/’Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. Mr. W. O’itelllv Fogarty, who Is r member of the City Council at Kings ton Jamacla, West Indiei^, writes as ^Allows: “One botttle of Chambrel- lain’s Cough Remedy had good efft»ct on a cough that was giving me troub le and I think I should have been more quickly relieved If I hod con tinued the remedy. That«1^ was ben- eflclal and quick in relieving me there Is no doubt and It Is mv Inten tion to obtain another bottle." For sale by all drugists everywhere, , in leading cities: same building. Mr. Parker will still the World was glren at the Opera “It la now a well-known fact that continue bis connection with tie flrn>| House Thursday night, and was a Sj*""‘ry .“ol Parker and Smith. j mos t successful affair In every fea- Plo have brought Internal parasites, _______ . _ . .. . . , , J or tapeworms, to me. In many cases ! turc. The invited guests assembled these pdople did not know tho nature For the Southwestern Division of The Southern District of Georgia. Jn the matter of H. Megahoe, bankrupt In bankruptcy. known as a ’rundown’ condition, and- caused by them. An Individual may NOTICE j In the aud i torium of the opera house of . th « P»r«»tte, and were consequently Of Appllaatlon For Discharge In The j ail(1 there listened to the addresses the matter to them. Tn some'cHicaso District Court of the United States and the music as published In the SM«TJwiSM^3f Tlmes-Bnterrprlse Thursday morn- “T^kA this opportunity of explaln- . _. . , . . _ lng what these creatures are, and what lng. The music rendered by eacn of j have learned about , n ^ ^ the young ladles was perfect and met "Tapeworms are much more com- --I mon than would be auppoeed. I ven- wlth the warmest applause. Rev. A., ture to «ay that ten per cent of all To the Creditors of the Above Named i M williams made the opening aa-' chronl<: stomach trouble, or what la Bankrupt; , j dress ln his happiest manner. You are hereby notified that the above named bankrupt has filed his application for a discharge from all the debts provable In bankruptcy against the said H. Megahee and againat fata estate, members thereof and their respective estates. The said application will he heard by the honorable Emory Speer, Judge of the United States District Court for said District and Division, at the United States Court House In Valdosta, On., on the 10th day of Jan. 1908 at 10 “Contrary to general belief, the ap petite Is not greatly Increased—It only becomes Irregular. There la a general feeling of faintness, however, and a tlon In thc pit of the gnawing sensation stomach. “People afflicted with one of these parasites are nervous and depressed. Their chief sensation la one of lan guor, and they tire very easily. Lack of energy and ambition affect jthe body, and the mind becomes dull and slug gish. The memory becomes not so good, and the eyesight is generally poorer. ‘The New Discovery, In freeing stom ach and bowels of all Impurities, seems to be fatal to these great worms, and almost Immediately expels them from the system. I wish to assure anyone who has the experience just related with my preparation, that there la no cause for alarm ln the matter, and that It will aa a rule mean a speedy restoration to good health.” The Cooper medicines are a boon to stomach sufferers. We sell them. —R. Thomas. Jr. The new Gun and Bicycle Shop is now v.ie •>.« j - kl . ! suffer for years with one of these gnat held the pleased attention of his an- p. an d not be aware of It. dlence until he finished with well chosen remarks of the effect o.* such associations upon the home and home «»»«“*r to do y° or work such as 8“ ns - ■!*»** manner on such felldtlous occasions trunks, sewing machines, typewriters, adding! ; captured his listeners at the start' f , > < if < . i^r and made several happy illustration.: machines, gasoline engines, and all kinds Col. T. N. Hopkins, the next speaker,! mus J c { e instruments. All WOf k gaiUU!J took for his topic, "Secret Secletlea,’ | J. W. ASBELL Thomasvill, G and showed a perfect familiarity with hl3 subject, paying a marked tribute o’clock a. m. All creditors of sald| the Ma!onE , of which he has been 1 107 Madison St., bankrupt are notified to ^pear at J member for year*. - j " »== that time and place stated?®nd ow \ The h j t of the evening was the cause, if any they can, why the pray- sp<K , ch 0 f Rev. Alex. . Bernier. This er contained In the said application; noted speaker is always happy in any ahoud not be granted. i of his speeches or writings, bi^t it was Dated Valdosta, Georgia, this 30th unanimous opinion that his day of December, A. D. 1907. ROY C. POWELL, Deputy Clerk. STATEMENT. Of tho Condition of the flank of Och- lochnee, lorn toil at Ochlochncc, (in. °* Business Dec. I * bered by those fortunate enough to speech on this occasion surpassed any of his previous efforts In that line. His portrayal of the Richmond negro whose mule violated his faith In her, and hts subsequent talk to hls boss over the phone will long be remera- ! hear it. | 26,04<.69 After the sneaking and the music 1,972.00; 1,135.921 the audience was Invited to come be hind the ccenes, where the tables 1,512.23 were spread for one hundred and 1007. RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts.. Banking house Furniture and fixtures Due from banks and bankers ln the state Due from banks and bankers in other states 3,158.291 thirty, and were filled. Not the least Currency 916.00, Gold 380.00 Interesting feature to the most or the Silver, nieklefc and pen- I aud4ence was this visit to the un-| 599.51! Checks and cash Items 80.86! known realms behind the theatre cur- ( Profit and lo6s 158.30! tain, and many were the exelama- Intercst paid 206.10 j I TOTAL $36,166.90 tions of surprise at the vast space LIABILITIES. _ | found there. There were four long Capital stock paid in.. 15,000.00 Undivided profits, Jess current expenses and taxes paid ... ... . Individual deposits sub ject to check Time certificates ... . Cashier’s checks ... . Bills payable, including time certificates, rep resenting borrowed money ... TOT AT . State of Georgia, County of Thomas, kind Before me came IT A. Williams, asv ni e , and many were the on * > cashier of Bank of Ocblochnee, who I being duly sworn, says that the above iums passed in praise of tuoso r - and foregoing statement Is a true con had tho affair in charge: ditipn of said bank, as shown by the. | books of file in said bank. 1 H. A. WILLIAMS. | j» ra j ^ Royal and Miss Elilza-, Sworn to and subscribed before me; , , . . , ... _ this 31 day of Decomber. 1907. beth Mallard, who has been visiting^ J. F. SINGLETARY, N. f P. hpr f or the past few months returned, Mr. B. D. Fudge was a visitor to' to this city for a visit to their father, the city yesterday. , . ^ ; I ! Mr. S. L. Mallard. You Wear the Watch WHILE PAYING FOR IT We wifi tell you an Elgin, Waltham or Hamilton Watch on payment* to easy you will not mita the per week, end you wear the watch while . «••• wetchee ere the recosnized standard time- Plecee of the world—ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Everyone should own e reliable welch. We went you to see our handsomely illustrated cate- logue. It teUe you all ebout time. Write for it today. NOTICE—We. W. R. EDWARDS fie CO., «1 Central Ave„ ATLANTA. CA. We Are Now Ready >A tables which seated the guests with ) cnee, and fully that many more could have been taken care of without The supper and the service urses consisting of oysters cooked and pi r\- ed lu all styles. Tho entertainment; iSpflll of ItS: 4SS.S0 10,891.52 trouble. 6 998.78 287.80’ was perfect, the principal _,a00.00 was one the mo^t su $36,166.90 vblth has been given In Tim WITH OUR PALL AND WINTER LINES OF IWen f Women and GhU irands Clothing Hat,s and Furnishings. Orders By Mail Are carefully and promptly filled- A complete cat alcgue covering all our lines will be sent free upon request. B. H. LEVY, BR0. & CO. SAVANNAH, j ,- - . . GEORGIA • j indistinct print I