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Gre&t Innovation For
Tbs Agricultural
uese figures, while the center piece
was of Narcissus to carry out the ef
fect. A seven course dinner was
served beautifully and in faultless
Those present to enjoy Mrs. Wylly s
hospitality were Misses I«’loy Mew-
burn of Memphis, Annabel! Mat
thews and Messrs E. C. Ayer and E.
R. Jerger.
New Officials Appointed Delights Session With a
Will Open For Traf- | Beautiful Talk-Music
fic Soon.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 6—Dr. A. 11.
Soule, Dean of the one hundred
thousand dollar agricultural college!
at Athens snd Chancellor D. C. Bar-
row, of the University of Georgia,
hare secured front the Railroad Com
missioners of Georgia permission
for the “Agricultural College on :
Wheels," to begin its tour of the
state. The exact date of its depar
ture from Athens has not as yet been
decided upon, but will probably be 1
between the 10th anj 15th of Febru- 1
ary. Dr. Soule has mapped out the
Itenerary and it will traverse every
railroad In the state of Georgia,
with the exception of the Western!
and Atlantic, and will consume a per-;
lod of thirty-live days. During this
time rural towns of an aggregate
population of 350,000 people will
have been visited.
The special train, which Is to be!
furnished free by the railroads. Is to>
be composed of one baggage car for
experimental purposes and two day
coaches tor lecture rooms. Five In
structors will accompany the train,
and It la probable that the governor,
the chancellor and the commissioner
of agriculture will make short trips
upon It.
Dr. Soule will advocate cattle rais
ing in Georgia. He Is a strong be
liever In the feeding qualities of cot
ton seed meal, and will urge Its UBe.
Ha will also tell of soil tests to be
made by the use of this same meal
as a fertiliser.
ThomasvlUe will be Included In the
Itinerary of |bls school, but as yet no
.date haa been determined upon. Full
'jflfhillawlll be given later and If
Is thought that there will be a large
attendance of people from all over
the couaty who are Interested In the
modern methods being used by the
scientists and experts of the state,
neighborhood through the doctor
lng Committee during the coming |
week, provided there are no serious
mishaps. The affair caused some lit
tle talk at the last meeting pro and
con about the time consumed In the
work and the manner In which It
was being conducted, but this baa
been looked after and no further
trouble is anticipated.
Mlsa Marlon Varnedoe was unani
mously elected to nil the position of
supernumerary for the term. The
echool has long been In need of this
oncer and It will bo well and accep
tably tilled to the pleasure of the
whole board by Miss Varnedoe.
and Other Features
(From Friday's Dally.
Mr. C. J. Acosta has been nppollit-
The third day of the teacher's In
stitute was a very Interesting one in
At the beginning of the
^ session a committee was appointed
, ' 11 1 for the purpose of getting up rerolu-
Mlss Varnedoe Elected Supernumer
ary. O tlicr Business | hI General Freight and Passenger i many wayg
The Board of Education met at Agent ot the Florida Central Rail- j
their office on Madlaou street Fr.tiny road, his appointment effective enj Iur luc u „ ,„„ lu .
evening at the usual time. Afterj January Erst. Mr. Acosta reached j tlon8 and tbat committee consisted
the reading of the minute, and their' Thomaovllle yesterday to assume hlsj of yIlgPes Dalay Neel, Sarah Bennett
adoption a report was heard from new duties and is already actively an(1 Mr A c whitehead,
the superintendent showing that nt work. | Mr. Lane gavo one of his lulmita-
thlngs are In fine condition and good Mr. Acosta Is no stranger co the b)e and c | ever lessons, to the amuse-
tunco with the old Plant System, and
dance averaged well. | its purchaser, the Atlantic Coabt ^ ^ ^
After this report the condition of Lino, leaving that service some three centa g c , Proffessor Searcy discussed ferent sections ot the state. Thcsej tQ
the Improvements being made at thej years since to nccept the postton ot jj| 8tory i„ a way that delighted all men have sent their registration fees^ ^
High School were discussed and ^ Contracting Freight Agent with the ,, re£enti atter w b| c h the institute was of one dollar each in advance of thelrl cordlng tQ the d i 4gnoil8 of the doe-
thrashed over by the Board. It was; Big Four R. R. and has held that p | eaged t0 |, ear a p | aI10 selection from coming. The list does not count in
ascertained that the work will be In' postion with Its successor, the New MtsB Harr | et ciarke and a beautiful the local farmers who will attend, nor Durlng tbe nlght the wotnan llTln g
i condition to turn over to tho Bulld-
Carnlvnl Here.
Will Begin Their Show At Onco If
The I tain Does Not Prevent.
The St Louis Amusement Co.,
Is in the city an d will begin their
shows as soon as the weather clears
up and conditions are good They
have been here before and pleased
York Central R. R. Besides being
an exceptionally good traffic man, Mr.
Acosta Is a most genial gentleman
sons by Miss Gertrude Lloyd. does it take into consideration the ^ h(Jard groana and moani
At the afternoon session the Insti- large number who wHl eater without nature but thlnklng that h«
—' • ‘«‘e was livened up by beautiful se- paying their fees so far In advance wag ln pa , n on)y for a 8 - flBr t duration,
and Is a distinct acquisition lo the i ec tlons. a vocal solo from Miss Ella of the opening.
and Is a distinct acquisition lo the iectlons. a vocal solo from Miss Ella of the opening. It Is believed that d)d not g0 to bl8 a | d jjext morn
list of Thomasville’s prominent bust- gandford nnd a piano composition by the attendance apon this school will ^ someone went ln to aee aa to hi*
ness men. In an Interview yester- »., 3S Mario Avera. Sunt. Christy, of reach seventy-five. .... , „ , s.,
an Interview yester
day, Mr. Acosta Btates that he had
ng been In Ion Rlth' Thomaivllle’a
many charms, and was glad to be
at least able to call It home, that It
was his full intention, and would be
all who attended their clean, moral! his constant effort to work in every
shows and the absence of any vul-l possible way toward the upbuilding
gar or Indecent attractions. No] of the city.
one who attends will deny the fact! The Florida Central R. R. Is now
that this company Is the cleanest ln operation between Vereen, Fla.,
carnival company that they have ev- and Mays, Fla., a distance of 27 miles
er seen within the borders of the of wlhch twelve miles la the Natural
city or anywhere else for that mat
They will show at the grounds on
Madison street and are liable to be
gin operntlona today If nothing pre
vents. The rain of yesterday waa
enough to keep anything under tae
grounq and this was no exception.
Amy Is the attraction that is caus
ing the most comment and specula
tion on account of the monstrous
size off the prodigy and her Inher
ent qualities of breaking up any
thing that happens to come along,
from an Iron bed to a box car.^ And
they say that this Is no fairy tale
according to the amount ot the
damage bills that are coming la for
her depredations.
Bridge Railroad, which will be ab-
ifbed Into the Florida Central later.
Tae road Is now completed to Rod-
deabory, a station within thirteen
miles of ThomasvlUe, and the work
on the line from ThomasvlUe to Rod
denbery Is being pushed as rapidly as
possible. It Is expected that the en
tire road will be In full operation By
Marsh first.
The prominent officers of the Flor
ida Central Railroad are as fol
lows: J. L. Philips, Presdt. .1. S.
Gordon, Vice Presdt, 7.. Mlddlebrook,
General Manager, Chas. Philips, Jr.,
Treasurer, C. J. .Vcostn, Gen’l.
Freight nnd Passenger Agent, C. F.
Fincher, Auditor. Mr. Fincher, the
newly appointed Auditor will roach
Great Iaterest Manifested
In This Important
New School.
Athens, Ga., Jan. 6.—Tomorrow
Found In a House In The
Bottom-Coroner Gan
dy Summons Jury.
afternoon the University of Georgia'
Cotton School will open Its first sea- 1
A negro by name BUI Donaldson
was found dead ln a room In the hot*
tom yesterday. The man had b*cn
sion. Considerable Interest attache 8| gIck for 80me tlme ftnd wa8 be|ng
to this school, as It is the first of Its tended by Dr wllaon the negro phy „.
clan. He was without friends and
home and had rented a room in a
I building back of the Virginia house to
, sleep in.
most intensely practical manner the
kind ever organized in the United
States, and the entire nation will
await with interest the result of this
movement to teach to farmers in the
iuiu 6 o 01 iu uut> wuuiuuu an** ah. Akuoia so uw uie ana ciever lessons, to me amuse- *“«*»»• iji«*v*v«m wiauum Nearly sixty years old and eaten
work done by all teachers nnd prog-! business men or ThomasvlUe. Ho mcnt and pleasure ns well us the in-l facts they should know about tbe up wUh dlseas0 of varloU8 80rt3
ress noticeable and pleasing being, has held various postlons of Impor- 8truct | 0 n of every one. Mr. A. C. great staple crop of the South. wag gradually waatlng away alone In
shown by the pupils. Their atten-j tunco with the old Plant System, and wllltellead d i 8CU88Cd in n moBt Inter- There are already enrolled ns stu thlg p , ace DurIng the fay he had
estlng manner the principles ot per- dents thirty-eight farmers from dif- be(m v , 8lted by hlg phy8lc i an nn d left
„ lQ hla own resources, there being no
History in a way that delighted all men have sent their registration fee 8| , mmedute danger ot hl8 dylng ac .
present, after which the institute was of one dollar each In advance of theiri
Miss Mario Avera. Supt. Christy, of reach seventy-five. condition and found that he had
the ThomasvlUe bchools came be- The greater part of tomorrow will ^ ^ fof aome t|me pr8bably
fore the institute and discussed be taken up in the work ot register- .. . „ ' m(in ,inn.
methods in a manner that showed a ^ aBBlgnlng ^ m0n tQ boardlng Just after the agony above mention
thorough mastery of the subject. and gettlBg 6VerytblIlg tn
After tho routine business of the
day had been disposed of. Judge S
Tht session
then adjourned to meet for the last
time today.
citizens which it will bring*
Thomaaville in a few days. He has Session of the Thomas County Medl«
been for some years with the Geor- cal Association at the Court House
Thomasvillo, G*.. November I. .
Iu view of the fact that finaaeid gia. Southern & Florida R. R-. at
centera have temporarily cHacontla-! Macon and come, here highly reran-
The monthly meeting of the Thom-
ued shipping currency snd ln addl- mended.
tlon thereto have availed themselvaa! The completion of this line Into
of the right to alxty days notice! ThomasvlUe. nnd its opening for
ln effect from this data, and
rurther notice.
Iraflle means no little for Thornas-
vllle's good. It IS built through what
Is already a well developed section.
of Intention to withdraw aavlngs de
AND TRUST COMPANY hereby five*
notice to all depositors that the rale
requiring sixty days nottee of lnten-
tlon to withdraw deposit* is ^ffwn along that line will naturally
be 1
sects by Prof. C. E. Chambliss, state
entomologist of South Carolina; five
agents wanted.
OontiiH'nt.l Casualty Company.
1208 Michigan Are., Chicago, HI
Take A KeUday Trip •
Via the Atlanta, Btrmiasbaa and
\tlantle Railroad. Low assorMeo
jatce between all stations, alia te
points on other lines in Bomtkaaatara
territory. Tickets wlU be eold De
cember lOtb to 25th, Inclusive, De
cember 2«th and list, IMT aad Jan
uary 1st, 11)1, with limit returning
January Ith, Kit. Unexcelled train
J. R. ROWLAND. Traf. Mgr.,
Adnata, Ca
W. H. LEAHT, O. P. A.
Atlanta, Oa.
Dinner Forty
One of tbe moet delightful dinner
inrtlea of the eenaon wen that given
s-riday evening by Mrs. R. L. Wylly
a honorr of M^n Floy Mewbum of
.r^i.1. Tenn. The table wan ele-
»nUy appointed and in perfect
ante. The cards were specially nt-
raetlve, being band painted Japa-
Miss Bessie Reeee returned Saturday
day after a abort rialt to friends ln
Mr. Roy Davenport epent Snndej
In Quitman.
baa been visiting friends.
as County Medical Association was
held in this city yesterday morning
at the court house with a full atten
dance. These meetings are scheduled
every month, but on this occasion lectures on feeding cotton by-pro-
Is already a wen aeveiopeu there was unusual Interest on ac- ducts by President Soule, live
and the natural outlet for that sec- oount of the fact that there was to turoa oa cotton machinery, by Prof,
tlen Is ThomasvlUe. All thd cotton be an election of officers to servs for J. M. Johnson of tho University ot
the next term. Routine business of Georgia; Instruction In cotton grad-
the association waa transacted, re- ing by Mr. O, B. Griffith, of Atben
lallve to the future work to be done a practical cotton warehouseman and
and the result of the past few weeks, coton factor; three lecture* on ware-
After this the body elected to aerve housing by Mr. QrHfith; lectures on
as officers the following men: for cotton seed by President L. A. Ran-
president, Dr. H. H. Vann, of Bos- (0 m of the Interstate Cotton Seed
ton; vice president,. Dr. D. C. Mont- crashers’ Association,
gomery ef Merrillville; aeoretary, Dr. special lectures at night will he
Fergnaon ot tUs city. delivered by Gov. Hoke Smith, Hon.
This body Is a part of tbe state w. ML Hayet, Chancellor Barrow,
and national asaocletloaa mad yforU state Commleeioner J. M. .Pound;
in conjunction with them, doing the prealdent Bottle, Prof. R. J. Deloach
same work ln a more direct and an< i Mr. C. B. Griffin,
speclllc form than a statu body Is ^There will be fifty hours of clam
able to accomplish. Tbe meeting* room laatraction, twenty hour* ef
are a source of pleasure aud profit to practical work ln grading cotton and
brought here, and the trade will
also naturally look to Tbomaaville
for IU supplie*. There will be plant
ed many acre* of melons along Us
line this summar. It will open up
some of the finest tobacco lands In
this section, fully equal. It is aUted,
to the beat of tbe land* in Gadsden
Couaty. Florida.
Ia the construction ot this line
then has been no cheap construction'
werk. and. from the rail throughout
tho entire list of equipment, -there
will be found nothing that 1* cheap or
second hand. Tbs rail for some
miles out of Thomaarille will be ot
the bmt now alxty pound ateol,
beyond that point now forty pound
steel; the locomotives, care, both paa-
eenger and frleght are all built on
special orders, are all of first clam
pattern, design and finish. Tae de
pots will be of an attractive model
and It Is the Intention of the own
ers to make their Un# come aa near
filling the needs and deal roe of IU
patron* aa It la pomlble for care and
Intelligent preparation* to accom-
shape for the assembling class. Pre n<
ident A. M. Soule, of the State Col
“ Roddenbery cttme befor8 th ° lD - lege of Agriculture, will meet the
itute and delighted them for a halt ^ c#ttoB „ tb .
hour with one of his most eloquent ^ ^ ^
snd instructive talks. Th. session aftern0#n gegalon ,
of the school will be held in this
building and the management
rare of Itself, as It Is not dependent under many obligation* to Dr. J. P.
on any oa* trunk line connection. Campbell of the Biology departmeat
At ThomasvlUe It makes coanectlon for the Interest he has shown ln th
rlth the Atlantic Coast Lin# and the fitting up the necessary quarter* for
'Atlanta, Birmingham A Atlantic R. this school.
R.. At Vereen. Fla., with the Sea- Chancellor David C. Barrow will
Loard Air Line. It will, therefore, deliver the opening address to the
undoubtedly be able to make tratfic students of the Cotton School In th*
arangements which the usual small college chapel tomorrow night
line could not expect. In every at eight o'clock. The regular work
setae the ooming of this line to 0 f the school will begin Tuesday
Tiiomasrllle means much, and Thom- morning.
I'.le will greet It gladly, support The courge G f instruction ln the
It loyally, and welcome with its us- c 0 tton School will be as follows:
ual heartiness the new and valuable
Ten lectures on the soil by Prof.
John R;' Fain; ten lectures on fcrtl
Jlzers by. President A. M, Soule; 11 '*
lectures on the cotton plant by Pres
ident Soule; five lectures on seed se-
Just after the agony above mention*
The Coroner, Mr. Chas. Gandy waa
summoned and after empanelling I
Jury found " from th# avldenc# that
he had died tram meglect and thi#
disease. It is not kaown who be waa
or whether he had any relative*, but
bis life could have been prolonged
If proper aid had been given him. It
was found that the people In th#
had mad* effort# to bar* him takes
to the hospital but had failed, frees
some cause or other. As he had 9®
effects It Is probable that be wlH b*
given a paupers burial.
Scores of Tbomaavlll* OlUnen* Hare
Learned It.
If you suffer from baekaoh*.
There Is only one way to cur* it.
There la enly on* way to eure It.
There 1* only ena way t# cur* it,
Th* perfect way to cure th# kid
neys. y
A had back mean* tick kidney*.
Neglect It, urinary troubles follew.
Doan’s Kidnyy Hits are made far
loctlon by Prof. J. F. Duggar, dlrcc- k | dneyg onIy-
tor of Alabama experiment station; oeorga Gregory, shoemaker, tlr*
live on cotton dlaeasea by Prof. H. J lng at 557 West Bay at, Jackson*
DeLoach, of the Georgia experiment T | )le _ url: "j have used Doan’*
station; five lecture# on cotton in-
all th* physician* ln th# aaanly aad
nearly all of tham try to attend the
Miss Ruth Hopkins ot Camilla was
among th* vUltorT to tb* ally Thare-
Mrs. A. N. Turnbull U ln Montioel
lo for a few days on a rialt to rela
tive*. r
Mlsa Marion Mallard returned yes p iub.
terday from Montlcello where ehc J Thli line, unlike *0 many amall
.. .. in a- a.bA tVa W
lines, la ln position to take the beet
Mr. Nat Turner, th# popular Map;
or of Merrillville, waa • rialtor to th*
city Thursday for a few hoars.
ten speclpd lector** No phrase of th*
cotton industry haa been neglected.
It Is qnite likely that the lectures
will all bo pvt la pamphlet form attar
th* closing of tho school and placed
ln the hands ot those who are in
terested ln th* work.
Ot special Interest will be th* work
that la Ho be don* ln cotten grading
This will be tar charge of Mr. Charles
B. Griffin of this city. For th* use
of th* atndante • scoring card haa
hpdgA arraftgtd so that aach student
may grad* tb* different sample* la 4
systematic and edentllls manner.
they cored It. I has* suffered treat
kidney eompalat for a number ef
years. There was a dull pain right
serosa th* small of- my back. X
could hardly do,my werk aad could
not sleep at night on account of the
pain ln my back. I wonld get np In
the morning feeling eo tired that I
could hardly get my clethes oa aad
had te Just drag myself around. Iff
urine was thick and had a strong
odor. I used Unlmeata aad other
remedies hot they did aot help me.
Hearing, of Doga's Kidney Fills I get
a bex-o-They mad* nr back etroag
aad removed all th* palm. Uy aria*
became a natural ssior. I can rae*
ompqftd Dean’s Kidney Fills, far
they helped me." •
Fof sal* by all deal*re, Frio# W
cents, Faeter-MDhcrn Co„ Buffalo,
New York, sole agsat* far the Haiti
ed Staten
Remember th*
end take ao other.
Country Club Open.
The directors of tho Country Club
announce that from today tho dab’
will be regularly open for the win
ter season. Members who desire eta
go ont at any time and find th* stew
ard in readlneea te welt on them.
The golf links and tennis oourt are In.
good condition nnd will be kept that
way for the rat of tbe' season. New
members wishing to 1 Joint can apply
to th* Prealdeat or Secretary tt any