Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, January 10, 1908, Image 4

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Published every Friday bp the
At tba Tltnes-Eaturprlae Building
Entered at tha post offlee at Thomas-
rills, 0*., assoeond
elan mil
Wsekly, On# Year
Weekly, Six Moatha
.... l.iO
Weekly, Three Months..
.... o.ss
Daily. One Yeer
Dally. Six Months
>-Uy, Three Months...
t'- On* Month i
Tbe labor, problem, wltb 1U at-; The continuation of the nightrld- The senzationalUm and hot air
tending And Insurmountable dlfflcjuj erg end their outrageoug perpetrea wb j cb an a rule characterizes the ut-
tleg bldg fair ,to be golvod zatlsfec-! tiona upon the town of Hopklngritle teranceg of- Senator Pitchfork TUI-
torlly and In an expedltloui manner
In our atgter county of Brooke. For
yearo the negro labor bag been, an It
generally the cage, unsatisfactory
and. .thoroughly unreliable for all par
Ilea concerned. Their habits are not
conducive to truit end confidence and
when they were uaed reauita did not
Justify the prlcea paid for their la
The good people went to work In a
systematic way to sqlve the problem
and Mlth that end In view estau.,
an emigration bureau! studied that
proposition from all points, looked
lago the matter thoroughly and de
cided to Vive It a try. Mr. J. W.
Spain met the last load of emigrants
brought over from Austria ' and In
duced some twenty to come to Brooks
county and locate.
This they did and the situation as
Those ten dollar gold going that
are causing such a flurry don't wor-| “ a ‘ anda »°" u «"“> ld ‘ «*» “" fl '
ry us a bit, we haven't had a. much! donce «“* »“ P la <* d ln tb “* “*”•
as a sight of one. j TUey bave alceady begun to work ’
_ and work with a vim and energy that
Seems Queer to be riding on the! la startling, when the comparison is
water wagon with such a rank Ilquorj made to the worthless negro labor
:,nu (g Jim Orlggs was, before ne- which has heretofore been used.
■ ••ally compelled the change. We While not able to speak the English
-an stand tor anything as long as
the result Is accomplished.
The Immigration proposition as car
ried en In Brooks seems to have stir
red TbomasvUle up a bit, and some
are anxious to Investigate. Nothing
like trying and, one thing sure we
can’t lose anything.
Barrel after barrel of beer Is being
‘ frutod Into the sewers of Oklahoma
cityaad. lt will take a few days to run
U ell out, the sewers being Inade
quate to the demand. People are
going to the sewers and taking the
staff oat and taking It away at It
runs thnoogh the sewer. That’s about
the worst and most depraved tastes
that has come to the attention of the
public in many years. It goes to show
how extreme the habit of drli
with some people and how far they
will go to get It.
Liquor may go, so may free passes
but Georgia will still continue with
stated progress.
The eld maids bare their Innings
this year, remarks the Moultrie Ob
server. Yes and It will be an outing
for some of them.
Query. Will the shoe trust raise
the price of shoes, now that the rail
roads cannot give pastes. Let us hope
Today Is Sunday—nuff said.
art net
The Woodmen certainly
The bill-collectors
weary this month.
Have yoa noticed any change ln
Thomaavllle since the state went dry
Drinks are scarce In Georgia,
are liquor politicians. Nothing like
getting on the winning side.
One thing done against the liking
ef a man, Pauline, overbalances every
nice thing you ever did tor him.
Ryan the Wrecker seems Ho hold
the public attention, as welHta the
control of loU of Seaboard atodk.
Some of Georgia's bibulous citi
zens are forming a club to emigrate
to the deserts of Arizona. They say
It Is not as dry there.
Athena Is to have a new hotel and
building has begun. There was a
need of one surely and there are very
few who go there but will welcome
the change. 't
language they are very willing and
even under this serious handicap,
have made progress and satisfactory
results are being already obtained.
Their habits are of the sober Indus
trious variety, they do not mind work
ln any form whatever and are wil
ling to tackle It from early morning
to late evening. Their wages are
not nearly as much as Is being de
manded by the negro and they can
be trusted to do what Is required of
them with despatch and olerlty.
When they become acclimated and
satisfied with changed conditions It
Is thought that they will be anxious
to bring their families over and re
main to the end of the chapter. No
one with the slightest reason or In
telligence will be disposed to doubt
but that they will make better and
more substantial citizens In every
way than the negro, that they will
work the land to the best advantage;
that their morals will not be a detri
ment to the advance and progress
from that standpoint; that they are
of a race that will not bring crime
and Its kindred evils to our borders;
and that It will give to the different
agricultural districts of any county a
class of citizens that will be no me
nace to white supremacy and will
prove a willing and ready labor for
any class of work that may coma to
The people of Brooks are well
pleased so far and are going to con
tinue their Investigations with o
view of Increasing the numbei am:
will aid them to bring their families
and friends to this country. Welle
the matter may not commend Itself io
the people of this county, there Is no
reason why we should not look Into
it and at least see whether It would
prove feasible or not.
Albany the only South Georgia
town with boose ln her borders at
the time of the prohibition law, has
corns across with proper celerity and
takes Its medicine as It does all
other things with good grace and no
How many factories and manufac
turlng enterprises are coming to
Thomas villa during the oomlng year?
“As many as we get to work and
bring here," remarks a citizens, end
we are going to do It. Lets see what
will be the first.
and Russellville In the state of Ken-, ma Q q[ south Carolina has *been out-
tucky Is a matter that perforce de- d0 ne a „d nitlgated in measure by the
mands strenuous action on the phrt' an ti-j U g bill recently Introduced In
of the state authorities. The out-i the senate by that famous gentleman,
bursts of thes bandits, their rutn- It provides that each separate state
less destruction of property and! an d territory shall be empowered to
shedding of lnnopent blood, will and have any Intoxicants coming Into the
should meet with the condemnation §tate or territory, under the Jurls-
of every good citizen of that and diction of Its law the minute It comes
other communities. j | nto its borders.
When anarchism and arson are] This Is the keynote of the prohl-
allowed to be dealt to communities,' bitton question and will be the only
entirely Inoffensive and Innocent, it' effectual means of stopping the trade
Is time that the people shou,d at a „d making prohibition what theyna-
least take action against those cum- jority of the people wish that it
mittlng these crimes. Life Is a val- a hould be. It will be a detriment If
liable asset with us all and highly! any and all persons ln the state
prized. But when this life is with-; are allowed to send their money into
out cause taken from people as In-! a neighboring state and get all the
nocenl of any wrong doing as you or booze that they may wish. If they
I, there Is very little' that is too se- intend stopping the sale of the stuff
vero for the offenders. , jt is much better that they should
It Is thought that this trouble^ make It prohibitory ln every sense of
arose from the determination of a 1 the word. Make It so that people
number of Independent growers of cannot obtain liquor in any shape or
tobacco, to force the trust to come- form, no matter when or where they
to their prices or do without the may try
The Governors have come togeth- ( Rev. A. M. William, left Saturday
er and decided that there should be on one of Us trip* trough the dls-
uniform rates on all railroads In the trlct.
South of two and on* half cents per
mil. This will probably prove the Miss Annie Brinson from Busina
saving of the situation for both the is visiting Miss Mate Hinson on
People and the roads are agreed on Campbell street
this measure a* a compromise.
product. They were well enough tl-j
The object of the law was io make
Another from Chicago. Alcohol
Is now declared from experiments a y Tea i Q Griffin,
to be a muscle food and a great
nourlsher. We prefer not be nour
ished to that extent thank you.
Miss Marianna Sears left yester
day to spend a few weeks with rel
•Miss Susie Culpepper and Mrs. J
H. Bailey left yesterday to spend a
few days In Atlanta on a shopping
Did yeu hear the town clock
striking at all times of the day yes
terday? It Is much louder than be
fore and will doubtless please many . ,
hear it I past tew days bas been vlalttn 8 be
I slater, Miss Bessie Blackshear, re-
Mrs. P. N. Harley, who for tli
who formerrly could not
returned yesterday to her home li
i Waycross.
Miss Aline Steyerman has returned
to Agnes Scott, after spending the
holidays at home with her parents. I
In spite of the financial fluny, the
mid-winter opening of the Atbens
Business College at Athens, Gs., is
„ . . _ , a big success. Students aie flocking
Mr. Jas. L. Carman and fa y « j n trora every direction. To witness
pleasantly located In the Dan Hebard the large crowd gathering, one
, i would think that there would not
home on Park Front for t e w n er. ^ 1)08 |tiona for all when their cours-
I es are finished, but when we stop to
Mr. Jess Ward of Ochlochnee, consider that we are living ln a corn-
spent yesterday in the city shaking merclal age, and that there la an ever
...... , h ,. increasing demand lor thoroughly
hands with his many friends in this ... „ v _,_ JM „ ...
trained office help, we readily see we
never get too many bright, pracUcai-
nanclally to continue their fight to a the |tate , atate o! toU1 ab ,tinance.
successful determination, at least for Ca „ y out that prcgrame or the , aw |
some time. There were others whc| l3 defective and worthless. If It Isj | j y trained, industrious young people
were not able to accept this condl- important enough to stop the trattle M |ss Emily Blanton of this city Young friends, take the editor s
tlon and who were, through neces-. wltbln tbe boarders it stands to j i eft Wednesday morning for Quincy, advice, write for catalogue of this
slty, forced to get rid of their crop 1 * “«-*»“ ,n
to pay expenses and live. This was
what these night riders were also
determined to stop.
Intimidations and threats seem
to have proven of no avail and they
, . . , , famous Institution, and arrange to
reason that It Is important enough. p| a _ where she will be the guest of enter a t once. Be one of the leaders
not to allow any liquor to be shipped' ber cousin Miss Bradfloid. ! of your community. If you are hon-
.... I ’ est, industrious, and will push ouk
within the borders. Make It prohlbl-i | tbere Is a great success ahead for
tlon that ln truth and reality la pro- Supt. and Mrs, A. B. Christy have you
In a few years we will- rented the Hansell house ln Pletch-
DeWItt’s Carbollzed Witxh Hazel
have a state that Is a model among ervllle for the balance of the year g a j ve j, especially recommended for
are taking more strenuous methods, tb9 (UtM of tbe UnIon , totaI ab , t| j and will occupy It at once.
to bring this about. The man who
wishes to sell his crop, It be wished
to sell it for a mere song, even if
there was no Justification In his
need, has certainly the right under
every law of'nature, and our com
monwealth to do so. And the fact
piles. Bold by Montgomery & Macln
I nence state and one that will fill In!
every degree the decree of Its inhabl-j Mr - ch **- M - Chapin and family Tabe DeWitt's Kidney and Blad-
tant( are In the city again, having come der Pills. They promptly relieve
Senator Tillman has rocelved com'] flown Monday to be at their country^ ^ a o C ntgomerj , & MacIntyre,
mandatory letters and opinions from, bom* Elsoma for the winter,
people all over the eouatry. expr^-j ^ and Kill,
lag their views on the subject, all, DarBon of AHant , are tbe cUy
that these men have adopted such be , „ Be wKb hla b ,„ Tbe 44,
outrageous and uncalled for methods TJ «° «“* D A tha New Tear * daace * lven
will not help the fight In the least,
but In all probability do more to
hurt them than anything could.
The sympathies and feelings of all
law abiding, peace-loving citizens
will be from now against them and
the co-operation they might have ob
tained will and should be denied
The authorities ln Kentucky nro
and would be amply Justified In any
measure they might adopt for the
punishment of these deppredators.
To exercise vigilance and care 111 the
detection and punishment is as lit
tle as they can do and will meet with
the entire approval of all concerned
as well as those In other communi
ties not personally affected.
at the Klks Club last evening.
ty of each and every citizen is to do
all that 'll possible to aid ln the pas
sage of tbl. bill. There Is a possl-j Hn of Ochlochnee .peat
f fcj,Uy tbat Fecteral ,nter,franc< ‘ w, "j Friday la the city on a shopping trip,
not bo given but will or should notj ___
mitigate the efforts of the people toj j* llg Mlnnlo Hanaw of Baltimore
bring this law to passage. If It■ j g j n the city as the guest of Mr. L.
should bo passed the effectiveness of, g Hanaw at the Maaury.
the prohibition U certain and we need — -
It Is very Important and In fan
It is absolutely necessary to health
that we give relief to the stomach
promptly at the firat signs of troub
le. Take something once in a while:
especially after mealp, something like
Kodol for dyspepsia and indigestion.
It will enable your stomach to do
its work x properly. Sold by Mont
gomery & MacIntyre. ,
no further fearti about Its doing what
wan Intended.
Misses Daisy Dekle and Lila For
est of Boston were among the visi
tors to Thomaavllle Friday.
LOST—Pair young mules, black and
bay, front, house Boston road, 7 1-2
miles front town. Reward for re
turn to Venter Williams. 10-3t-wlt
The opening of the first cotton
'Itool at the University of Georgia'
| yesterday marks a step of progress'
that should receive tile cooperation
of the whole slnte.
The great Increase ln the drink
habit among New Y'ork women Is
the subject of a very strong dis
course from Dr. Parkhurst. There
are a few other things that might
well be Included, but thank good-
nets this number does not Include
the true, pure womanly woman, tor
whom man has and always will
have tbe highest respect and regard.
Mr. Heyward Done left yesterday
to accept a railroad position la Jack-!
Bonville. He will be Identified with!
the Transportation department of the
A. C. L.
FOR RENT—The F. J. Winn place
five miles from Thomasvllle. Six
horse farm, wire fence all round.
Good dwelling house, barn, tenant
house etc. Apply to T. D. Winn or
B. H. Wright, Thomasvllle, Oa.
Amy has the stage ln TbomasvUle.
Hope It wll hold her for a while, and
not break as did the Iron bed.
Anykow lets pull hard for Thom
aavllle. This Immediate aectlon
not aerlouily damaged by financial
troubles. Tbe country trade Is com
tag back, and we ahould all pull to
gether to keep It. With our pared
street* and other cosmopolitan fea
tures it should not be hard.
V In for a loan and being re-
finned e countryman remarked:
( "Why the old Devil hlmaelf would
n't be that hard on ma."
"Go to the Devil then," wea the
prompt rejoinder.
Several of the merchants ar* of
fering apeclal Inducements to buy
ers this week. See their ada In the
Tlmes-Enterprtss and If yon are in
need of anything and want a bar
gain consult their stock. It will per
yon. ■■-•■■fS¥|
The Parish Magaslne being pub
lished by Rev. G. Sherwood Whit
ney In Augusta. Is an attractive and
well edited publication and ahowa
to advantage the ability and energy
of that gentleman. For ten yean
he labored among the people of this
city and was deservedly and genu,
tmely popular with all the people of
Thomasvllle. We with much suc
cess in the publication and *e feel
assured tbat tbli Is a cortatnty.
Between prohibition and railroads
the people ef Georgia are having a
strenuous time of It All good clt-
liens deplor* the non-observances of
law, as tbe only remedy Is to make all
obey the law, whether we consider It
good or not The best remedy Is to
cake better laws and not encourage
tbe breaking of laws that have been
made, under onr sanction.
We are all on the water wagon.
Get on the band wagon and pull for
Athens han arretted a man Ktving
away samples of whiskey which he
has for sale. Hard lines when y
can’t even have a gill given you Isn’t
it? That’s the only way to stop It
Col. Jessie Mercer, editor of
Fltigerald Enterprise end one of tbe
best known men Is Georgia, has an
nounce for Prison Commission
succeed CnP Tom Eason. It
though that Mr. Eason will not stand
for re-election. Col. Meroer needs
ho recommendations to the good peo
ple of the state. He Is an actlvs, up
right, aggressive cltlxen and his can
didacy will meet with the approval
of many of hla warm friends all over
the state.
Puck has Invented a new title tor
the unnamable Teddy In the follow
ing vers*.
“The Star Spangled Banner?
Its glories are dim,
For pray, Isn't Roosevelt
The National Him?"
Cotton Yields Per Acre
The val’:c of commercial fertilizers has
been demonstrated over and over a<ain by
both government end private comrnra:ive
tests. We stand ready to demonstrate to
you at any time that the surest way to “in
crease your yields per acre" is to use
“eapedments made at thU station aEnTtSt wdl
balanced commercial fertilizer applied to one acre
«o produce an increase of yield ol seed
cotton. At the present price of cotton this would
’'"-I culture in the new Vin ' ' ~
Year fiookor Almanac. Asic youTocalfertHJttj
dealer for a cops—or we’ll send
our nearest tales <
Wtzdon, Justice, Moderation.
Haven't they a familiar ring In the
consideration of the history of the
state? No three words could bettor
express the keynote of the policy
which should govern the policies of
the state at this time.
Norfolk, Va.
Columbia. S.C
Atlanta, Ga.
Savannah, Go.
Uvsohta, Tvnn.
free, if you write <
Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.
Durham, N. C.
Charleston. S. C.
Baltimore, ild.
Col ambus, Ga.
Montgomery, Al*.
Shreveport, La.