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Newsy Items From Our Correspondents
08 °“j ,0ll0W,ns prop - At Thrifty Thomas County towns
Oeorfla Thomas County.
Notice Is hereby given that I wlllj
■ell »t public outcry to the highest 1
ui beet bidder, wtthtm the legal
hours •! sale ' ‘
Thomasvllle c ___
January, 1108, the following prop
erty levied on under an execution Is
sued from the Superior Court of the
county of Thomas In this state In fav
or of A. M. Watson ft Co., sad
against J. L. Carmen, as principal,
and 3. W. Peacock and W. M. Miller,
as securities; towtt:
All that town lot or tract of land
In the town of Coolldge In said coun
in the town ef Coolldge In said coun- lnomaa coum » " ave 1 I „ „„ mhor
ty, fronting 150 feet on the east side their work for 1908, better equipped K
of Walnut street; thence east to Main ... to of hls 6how ls the leapln
. , Jn n # and with a stronger determination to
street 400 feet and being parts of “ v..iu i.
street 400 feet and being parts ef
town lots S. No. 4, and
No. 1 and No. I In
block No. t In the plat of said tswn
ef Coolldge; levied on as the proper
ty of William M. Miller, one of the
defendants In said 11 fa, property
pointed out by plaintiffs. Levy made
November 11. 190T.
Also will be sold at the time and
placo above stated the following
property levied op as the property
of 3. W. Peacock, one of the defen
dants In the fi fa above mentioned,
and to satisfy the same; towlt:
Tht city lot la that part e ftho city ef
Thomasvllle, Oa„ known as Fletch-
ervllle lying between the residence
lots of Joseph Crovatt and W. L.
Howell, fronting 62 1-2 feet on the
south margin of Jackson street, and
running back at right-angles with
Jackson street 189 feet. Also 89
acres of land more or less, being that
part ef lot number 198 In the 13th
'•istrlct”of said county, known as the
David J. Hall place, and beginning
at a point on the original South Use
of said lot 102 known as the south-
wast corner of William McMath's
land; thence northerly to ths lands
of J. K. Bibb and others; thence to
the west line of the lot; thence south
to the original south line of said lot;
thence to the point of beginning.
Property pointed out by plaintiffs.
Levy made this December 2nd, 1197.
T. J. HIOHT, Sheri*.
$M0 Reward. 8100.
The readers of this paper will bo
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that soienee has
he.*i able to care in all its stages, and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care
as tbs only positive euro now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
constitutional *
as? Catarrh Cure to taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the Mood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
taenVy destroying the foaadatUa ef
the disease, and gMag ths patient
strength by baMlag up the oonatt-
Its work. The proprietors have so
amok falfhtn Its curative powers that —- — --—
.they offer ana hundred dollars for Mlu E n, Butler
com that it falls to sure. Send
nrBr list of testimonials. Address F. County.
J. Cheney ft So., Toledo, O. Sold by
all druggists. 75 cents. Take Hall's
Family Pills tor constipation.
I hare received ths Acts of the
Legislature for 1907 and am ready
to deliver them to all J. P.'s, and
P.'s and Ex-O. J. P.'s la Thomas
From Melg*. i <ine along with als excellent Bhow.
(By J. S. Searcy.) ! H * has wlth hlm “ silver cornet band
IWhtout doubt the teachers of composed of a set of very gentlem.n-
Thomas county have entered upon »' >° un * ” el >- Dr ' We,ls has been
*■ w * Mmes. A feature
tf . or ms snow is me leaping of a big
saLiu wiiu u stronger determination to
... . u „„ I bulldog from a, 40-foot ladder. The
succeed than for several years. Hav«. 6
« «au . , _ niou.'' dog ascends the almost .perpendicu-
ing just returned from a most pleas- f
home ai'.d will remain for a while.
Mr. W. H. Vanlandingham, for
merly cashier of the bank here, but
now of Donaldsonville, is here. Me
still has business interests here.
Mrs. J. J. Airline, is spending sev
eral days in Camilla this week.
Mr. Ed Harrell, a prominent eltl-
sen of Grady was a visitor here a
few days since at the home of Mrs.
G. E. Butler.
•From Metcalfe.
(By W. H. Searcy.)
Our village has been on the move
this week.
Mr. J. W. Horne has finished a nice
ing just returned irom a raosi — - - j two-story residence on North Side
ant and profitable session of the o! lar ladder ' ,inaided ' and at a com ‘| and moved In Wednesday,
the annual Teacher's Institute they! mand * umps to a canvas beld be ‘j Mr. Thompson will occupy
are red hot with enthusiasm. Be- low - house vacated by Mr. Horne,
sides this most of those in attendance! Ordination of Rev. W. M. Davis. MetwHe Is honored with two brides
a better knowledge ol their work.| Last Sabbath was a big day at thej
came away with many fine ideas and Uap.lst “nrch here. A large crowd
J 4 gathered to witness the ordination
and how to do things than the) *
i - _ ' and setting apart of Rev. W. M. Da-
would get in several. years of on-.
guided experience. I predict that the vis to the work of the ministry. U
county schools will be better than « aa aa entlrel >’ new P r0Ceedlng > en In Metcalfe
most of the congregation. Rev. 1. ..
eV !‘- M ^ of i «ncfPl- A. White preached the ordination
Last Monday was one of Longrei
. . i sermon, full of sound sense, at tne
low's rainy days. The Beveral schools sermon, iu
... . , n ’ conclusion of which the ordination
in this part of the county failed to
groom, this week Mr. 'V.
Felkel came on Jan. 31st last with
hls bride who was Miss Qualls
Dawson. Miss Quails Is no ■stranger,
having taught In this county and ev
open with their usual rush. Bu^ took place. Mr. T. W. Carter In a
they got fully under way before the very fitting way preMnted the candl
date to a presbytery composed of
week was out. „ „ ... ,
List of school Teachers. ««"•- T. A. White. W. E. Murphy, J.
Meigs Grade School will be pre.ld- A. Cone an d Mr. Tinsley. The exer-
ed over by Prof. W. W. Linton, as- rises were very Impressive and made
sisted by Misses Sara Bennett and a lasting Impression on the minds of
Stello Duren. | tb0,e prC8ent ' . . , Bd
Pine Hill school will be taught by. Rev. Mr. Davl. was raised he e and
Miss Dona Gaskin. Pine Grove, Just starts out under auspicious clrcum-
north of town will have Mis. Ella stances. Being human he has h
Bowen as It. teacher; Grace School, perhaps fault, and enemies; but he
in the Law district will be taught stand, very high with those who
by Mlsa Grace Pilcher; New Spring know him best.
Hill, will be taught by Mis. Emma Preaching Every Bnnday.
Rogers, of this place; Prof. J. F.! By certain change, already per-
Hooke will wield the gallbery at tected the people of the town will
Pleasant View Church, northwest of tavg t ), 0 opportunity of hearing
town two miles. Center Hill, one of preschlng every Sun( iay now. The
the largest country school. In the alrcady Bave two Sunday,
county has begun Its ninth session'
with the same Principal, assisted by
I and Rev. C. W. Jordon the Methodist
I up th* constl- with the same Principal. Mslst.a oy, ^ #t „„ church 0 n
mm* Miss Bertie Pilcher, who herself ha. fourth Sunday ,
held ter place for several yfears
the second and fourth Sundays
for several year*.,
will teach in Grady ".day 1. the time for the
municipal election In this place.
Where Do You Ur.. I ^ {Hen(l8 of w . D avls have
for several year, hss there ^ Mm to allow hla namc to be
placed on the ticket for Mayor.
There Is no Issues, but there Is prom-
been as much exchanging of homes
In this place as has occurred here,
during the past ten days. Not only
Mr. John Fleming of Maccasln Gap
Fla., was married on January the
second at Wilmington, N. C. to Miss
Love. They qpent a few days at hls
father's and came on here Wednes
day night.
Mr. Waters, salesman for the
noted Hamtlton-Browne Shoe Co.,
came over Wednesday to see hls cus
tomers of this place.
Mrs. Young and Mrs. Hartsfleld
spend Thursday in Thomasvllle shop
Mr. and Mrs. Felkel spent Sunday
with hls brothers In Florida.
The affair most enjoyable to the
ladles was the horse back rides dur
ing the Christmas holidays. Those
partaking were Meedames Young and
Carter and Mioses Russell.
Considerable excitement was oc
casioned by the city election which
came off Monday last. The success
ful candidates were, Dr. W. A. Mon
roe. Mayor. James Hancock. Marsh-
al. Alderman. B. F. Smith, T. J.
Smith,,W. W. BXslkel, B. M. Bsntly.
School opened on Monday with
large attendance, notwithstanding
the weather. Several more come
Tuesday and Wednesday. Metcalfe
school has the reputation of beiDg
one of the best average schools In
comity. Many Improvements have
been made In our building during the
Personal Notes. j A ,trllno.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller have Mrs. Cora Martin has returne
| during tne past sen u»,». .*-* , Uvely flght .
dT | the Utf-n folk, but many from the ^ ^ ^ ^ (o ^ Bt pa[:( year of whlch x will write more
country were In the move. So prom- ^ After a week's selge, we 1 some time in the future.
tscuous was the change, that no body ^ ^ confront ed with another. j
knows ydiere any body lives.
Some small boys a short time since
"7n«H I Kal " Cd entra " CC l ° ,he BCh °°' hUlld ; mover out of'"town to the J. N.| from a short stay with her relative.
Ing in some way and badly disfigure place two m iies on the road near Waycross.
the piano by walking on It with their j Mra M-amlo
shoes, and other wise disfiguring it.
| The piano ls the property of the
town »n d the people are Ju.tly In- ^ ^ ^
censed at the act. _ . I Mrs A E Smith of Adrian Is here.
During the darkness of last Sun-, ^ Qf ^ fMnlIy of M r. A. K.
day night aome miscreant entered the _ ol _ „i OMan tlv re-
atore of J. H. Pullen ft Co., by re
Said To Be of the Cling Variety And
Very Fresh.
The famous fat woman, Amy. at
the Carnival Is the center of attrac-|
tion at the grounds and very few
there are who haven’t been In
take a peep at the monstrosity
It was the pleasure of a T. E. repor-
Brundage. She Is very pleasantly re
membered as Miss Annie Brundage.
It was tne p.ensure ™ » .. -• —- movln g the putty and taking out aj , ch00 , here,
ter to visit th. fair on. ,n her crate , mtIe u anylhI „g wa. tak- ™ n c Edmundaon, after a
on,' nhnt with her for a short time. Mrs. n.
and chat with her for a abort time.
A peach, but a- very large one and
not of the cltiife variety (there la
nothing large enough for her to
cling to, maybe that* the reaaon)
would be a fair description.
She was In a vary kittenish mood
for one so young to the delight of
those In attendance and amused the
«row d with her remarkable ques
tions. During her remarks she was
facetious enough to refer to the
fact that the reporter wee not
ao large aa she, also that the man
who got her would get all that was
coming hla way and maybe more
Hbat people will agree to thla. She
didn't get quite far enough to pro-
pole, the only reaaon thinkable la
that the crowd standing by were
enough to embarasa the fat one,
Kennedy's L^fitlva
he bowels
Cough Syrup
acta upon the bdwels and thereby
drives the cold out of the system. It
contains no opiates—it is pleasant
to take and to highly recommended
for children. Sold by Montgomery
ft MacIntyre.
KODOL to the beet remedy known
today for dyspepsia, indigestion and
all troubles arising from a disordered
stomach. It Is pleasant, prompt and
thorongh. Sold by Montgomery *
' Accident to C. K. Boswell.
Newa was received here Saturday
evanlng of an accident that befell' ^ ^ w from Tho maavine
Mr. c. E.; formerly of thla. ^ ^ ^ 1#ft BaUrday
place, but now of Balnbrldge. He| ^ hef <choo , „ 0 rady coun-
was crossing Flint River railroad-
bridge on a railroad velocipede, when »•
thinking he heard a train approach- , _
„ . his family, back to Pelham.
ing he tried to get off. he fell and ^ JolQer of Cam llla
was here Sunday. the%uest of rela-
Mr. and Mrs. J. ». Bowen have
returned from a visit to their old
home In Pike county,
Mr. Lycurgua Halre of Thomaa-
vllle, was a visitor Sunday.
Mr. Sylvester Mnagrove. conductor
from Dupont to High Springs, Fla-
on' A. C. L. train, was here a few
days ago to visit hla slater, Mrs.
Alfred Alllgood.
Prof. J. H. Hooks has purchased
the lands lately owned by A. T. Lind
sey, north of town. He la preparing
to build a good honae on It He will
U«-h the school at Pleasant View,
near by.
Mr. Earl Hnnt, who has lately
been la bulls ess In Macon, ls at
broke hls arm and received other
hrutaea. ' Mr. W, H. Boswell, hla
father left on the next train to at
tend him. I am glad to state that he
found things no worse than above
Law School district took a vote on
the local tax 'question with the re
suit of a unanlmoua vote for local
Why any community will healtats
to take advantage of this law, I can
not understand. There la perhapa
no law that auita every condition, but
this Is evidently the beat plan for a
poor man to educate hla children In
the shortest possible time for the
least money.
Dr. C. H. Wells, known all over
the atata, haa bean here a. week with
hla minstrel show. He sella medl-
_ | Mrs. Mamie Prossor vlalted friends
to Pelham. | f
Messrs. J. N. and Mac Wilkes have^ and relatives at lone the last
moved their families from the coun- days.
Mr. Lum Herndon of lone visltod
1-.1S brother, Mr. Milton Herndon
Mr. Roland Jones who haa been
visiting relatives at this place return
od home. Mr. Jonea gained many
friends while here.
The four-day meeting or Bible In
stitute at Salem was enjoyed by all
wbo were present.
Mr. W. R. Prosser has purchased
part of the J. S. Gandy place.
The people are having bad weath
er for killing hogs.
We can hear th# toot of Mr. Pros
ser's saw mill thla week.
Mr. 3. 3. • Prosser of lone vlalted
home folks Saturday and Sunday.
We are always glad to see old Jesse
on hla home trips-
We are having a flourshlng school
at Air Line. Everybody seems to be
pleaaed with the results.
pleasant viatt to her parents at Beu-
na Vista, Oa.. haa returned home.
Mlsa Erie Hand atopped over last
Mr. R. H. Blackman has moved
If you suffer from bleeding, Iteh-
teg, blind or protruding piles, send
me your addreia, and I will tan yon
how to euro yourself at home by the
sow absorption treatment and will
also send soma of thla homo treat
ment for trial, with references from
your own locality if requested. Im
mediate relief and perm an oat cuae
assured. Send no money, but tell
era of this offer. Write today to Mrs.
M. I stamen. Beat P, Notre Bmm
, wmMtttitotmtttottwto MMtottmt
H Plain Talk
As you all know our entire stock of
Clothing is marked in plain figures
For instance you know that for a
suit marked $25.00 every one Paid
$25.00 and were Pleased and sat
isfied *■
The $25.00
Suits For $18.90
“ 22.50
“ 20.00
“ J 8.90
“ J 6.90
“ I0.00
“ 7.90
Our entire
stock of extra,
and knee , pants suits wilt go at
same reduction. Also our entire
line of wool Underwear.
The Broad Street Clothing House
10 Per Cent
From Wed. 8 th un
til further notice my
entire stock of Ladies
ready to wear goods
and Gents Clothing
will be sold at 10 per
cent discount for spot.
cash only.
*•-. . ■ ■ ■ ■ ‘