Newspaper Page Text
Whenever a. sore re Fuses to heal. It is because of,had Hood. IF
thepla« existed simply because the flesh was diseased^ teU**"**
spoT* would bean easy matter*to apply
^Vr that would kill the germ; or the diseased flesh nnghtbe crowed
a surgical operation and a cure effected. But tlj£ yety met t™t
tid sores resist every form of local or external treatment, and even
return after being cat away, shows that back of them ts a morbid cause
which must be removed before a. cure can result
IT. S. Office of Public Road* Ten*
How to Make and Maintain a
Model Barth Road. _
That hacking cough continue*
Because your syrtem i* ex ^ au *^* an
your power* of resistance weakened.
Take Scoffs Emulsion.
Gets $259 Damages In
Sait Against Cox
College President.
The impurities in the Mood wftich toff
toMtlwMol hadaaoj*
different causes. A long spell of debilitatin, _.
/CcMse germs in the system, is a -common source.' inesc
tamuritiw get into the tircuUtion, and the blood becomes a polluted,
infectious fluid, which, instead of —U
nourishing the fibres and tissues of
die flesh, irritates and ulcerates
(hem, and corttinually discharges
its impurities into the open sore,
and prevents the place from heal
ing. Another cause for bad blood
is the retention in the system of
Ibe refuse and waste matters of
the body. Those members whose
duty it is to carry off die useless
accumulations, become dull and
sluggish in their action and leave
their work imperfectly done, and
this fermenting matter is absorbed
into the circulation. The weaken-
Vig or polluting of this vital fluid
persons who are bom with an
hereditary blood taint are vtty apt
to be afflicted with i
iwnuunw# —
—to crow wag. and
•atdsapertototb* nxmaA-
tawBMfc, instil
great .1 worry am*
tronbl*. J tried olpoeaesery-
0. S. a. In a abort ttaw stow
commencing this remsdy I to-
ubun. IxaoommaadiSmeet
h!*My aa a romady *»
David c. vi iii. am.
New York, H,Y.
While American road builder* are
•a capable o£ constructing good
rpada as those of any country 8f
the old world, they have not been
aa loyally supported aa the men of
these eountripe tn maintaining the
highways after completion, and the
thousand mile* of road la thus ae-;to Ttmes-Enterprtoe)—-The damage
counted for. County abd>township,sult arising from the arreet of Leo
offldafs may ht theoutoet stand the | H . Wta* by Wm. S. Cox ot Cox Col-
axpense of having a road built, but j lege which ha# been bear! thla
they strenuously object when asked 1 week catne' to a close today by, the
to'provide fond* to rebuild the road j -jury awarding Leo Wise two hun-
that haa been allowed to *o to ruin. I qred and flfty dollafs. The, tfrrest
(From Baturdgrr Daily.)
Atlanta, Oa., March 27.—(Special
r _ r - T -- sores and uloers.g
can notoirean'oldMrefb^uMthey do not the MoodL&^i
treatment may reduce the inflammation, lessen
and tend to keep the plat* clean, and for thterwaon dtould be used,
but it can do no real good toward elfecflng a pe^ar*nt cure.
S. S. S. cures sores and ulcers by puttying
every Impurity and taint from the drculaflon, and ow^leteiy ooa
away with the cause.' When S. S. S. has cIean ^^ 5 t ^^ l aoTrt
is not a surface cure,
but the healing process
bdgins at the bottom;
soon the pain and in
flammation lqave, the
discharge ceases, and
the place Alls in with
firm, healthy flesh.
S. S. & is purely
vegetable, made only
— r , from roots and herbs,
sod Is an absolutely safe medicine for persons of any age. Under the
purifying and tonic elftcts of S. S. S. the system is built up, and those
whose health has been impaired because of the dram and worry of an
old sore, will be doubly benefited by its use. Special book on Sores
and Ulcers and any medical advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at all drug
% ’• •• .4 ■
Too want • remedy that will not
on^givTuiSck rSlif bat effect *
Yoowaat a remedy thatwM re
Have fae luao* »»d keep eapeetora.
Hon msf*
Ton want a remedy that will ooun-
ttpaot any teedeney toward pneu-
Ton want a remedy thatle pleas
ant and eaft to teke.
Chamberlain's Cough X*™**
A Smw Cold Quickly Cored by Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy.
"Lea* wtatar I oaughta very sevoeo cold
which linear** teveh," J '° r '
One staaU bottle or it mured me. 1 bailer.
Ohamberlaln'a Cough Remedy to ba the
bostlhavo aver used.”
’g 8
It is Equally Valuable for Children
y/Cojitains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure
\L /^ Ask your Druggist for it
A* P
The Season 'for hitching la now
We can famtcti Egga from
thoroughbred stock till J
i let for
*1.00 for life
I is Important that farmer** learn
the_beneilti*to be derived from good
earth roads; that conn* board# be
Impressed with the need of a prop-
,r maintenance of the same, and
that . roadbullder* end overseer*
lean how bit to jeer# for the roeda
In their Charge.
The persistent end powerful en
emies of earth,roaJs are water and
narrow tire*, and the oorAtant ef
fort of the men in charge of the
roads should be to guard against
their destructive effect* end remedy
•II damagta a*, quickly a# poaslble.
The simple,. Implement# wbkn have
been found" to bo of greatest awls-
tonee in thle work are the plow, the
drag scraper, tbs wheel acraper, the
road grader, the split log drag.
With a sandy soil end * enbfoll of
clay, or city and gravel, deep fil
ing so aa to raise and mix the clay
with the surface *c*l end s^nd will
prove benefldal. Th# comblnstton
forms a sandy-day road at • trif
ling expena*. On th# other hand
if th* road be entirely of send,
mistake wlU be made if it Is plowed
unless clay can he added. Such
plowing would merely dMpen the
..... and at the tame time break
up th# email amount of bard sur
face material which may have been
formed. It the subsoil 1* clay and
the snrtaee scant in »and or gravel,
plowing should bo resorted to. as It
would result In a day anrfaee rather
than one of tend or gravel. A road
forekan must know not only what
to plow and what not plow, bnt how
•id what to plow. If the road la of
too kind which according to **•
above Instructions should be plowed
over lta whole width, the best meth-
l's to Tun the first furrow In th*
middle ot the road and work out to
tbs sides, thus forming a crown. Re
sults from such plowing are great
eat in the aprln* or early summer.
In ditches a plaw can be need to
good advantage, but should be fol
lowed by a acraper or grader. To
make wide, deep ditches nothing
better than the ordinary drag semp
er baa yet been devised. For hauls
undsr 100 feet, or tn making "fills
It Is especially aervtceable. It U a
mistake, however, to attempfR) han
dle long haul material with thla
scraper, *# the wheel scraper Is bet
ter adapted to auch work. For hauls
of more than 800 feet, a wagon
should be used.
The machinery most generally us
ed in road work la the .grader, or
road m|chtne. This machine is es
pecially useful In smoothing and
crowning the road add In opening
ditches. A clay subsoil under a thin
cotlng of soli should not b# dtotwb-
ed with a grader. It Is also a mis
take to use a grader lndlscrimlnato-
ly and to pull material from dltehsa
upon a sand-clay road. Not Infre
quently turf, soil and ailt from ditch
bottoms are plied In the middle of
the road tn a ridge, making mud-
boles a certainty. It is Important In
using a grader to avoid building np
the road too much at one time. A
road gradually built up by frequent
u»o of tbe grader will laat better
than If built at one operation. The
foreman frequently thlnki bis road
must be high in the first Instance.
He Vile* us material from 10 lnchea
to a foot in depth only to learn, with
th* arrival of the flrat rain, that he
has famished the material for aa
many Inches of mud. All material
was made In 1(04.
The above telegram from Atlanta
will explain the reenlt of the suit
instigated by Hr. Wise against th*
president of Cox college. Mr. Wise
sued him for ten thousand dollars
for false imprisonment and since
that time tbe suit haa been In the
courts going the round*'aa these
things sometimes do from one court
to another by appeal, etc. .
It will be remembered that in De
cember of 1*04 Mr. Wise was seen
In tbe groilbdi ot the college talk
ing with one of th# girls with whom
be we# acquainted. That caused
the president to have him arretted
and Imprisoned. After suae ehort
delay Mr. Wise ot course' gained
bla freedom and Immediately
brought putt for damage* claiming
false Imprisonment The result of
the suit 'while not as targe “ w “
expected. I* a complete and satlsfac
tory vindication of Mr. .Wise and
will be gladly received by his friends
In this sty.
Via ■ 1
Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic R. R.,
L a Grange and Atlanta & West Point R. R.
With th. Inauguration of th. »*
fttifl convenient route la opened
4 Atlantic rali read now tn effect an
□p to Atlanta and points beyond via LaGrange, On. , \
Atlanta. Birmingham ft Atlantic railroad t»in No. »•
Orange 6:4* P. m.. make, eloee connection with Atlanta ftWeatrotot
ZTrL trqln No. *4. leaving LaQrSnge at 6:60 p. >*, srrfvtar N*wu«
a, 4 5# p.m.and arriving Atlanta at *=« P- «nnecdng with all out
going night trains. . ' ...
W# trip to Atlanta la through a aew and beantifm territory. The
—u u, lf m. M ria other route# and th# wrvice unexcelled.
A *. ROWLAND, Traf. Mgr. W. H. LEAHY, O. P. Agt.
Atlanta, Oa
P. BE ARC 7. Com. Agt
Atlanta, Oa.
ThnmasvBle, Oa
Atlantic Coast Line
Train It 10:20 A. M. from Savannah, Wayoroaa and Eastern Points
26 6:20 P. M. from Savana'i, Wsycross and Eastern Potato,
Jacksonville and Points South. _ .. „ .
87 12:60 A. M.’ from Jackaonrllle, Savannah and Florida Potato.
68 1:18 A. M. from Montgonery, Dothan Troy and the West
80 2:26 P. M. from Montgo Dothan, Troy and th# Weal.
should be brought up in thin tajreis,
each layer well puddled and firmly
packed by roller or traffic before th*
next Is added. A common mistake
is to crown too high'with the rood
machine on a narrow road.
The split log drag should b* uaed
to fill In ruts and smooth th# road
when not too badly washed. The
drag possesses greet merit end to to
simple in construction and operatloa
that every farmer should have one
A special article will be published
later telling how to make and nee
th* drag.
Tax Receiver's Notice. *
I will be at th* following place*
on dates named. /
/ First Round.
'Merrillville ADrtl 1,1
Ellabell* April ,n4
Ochlochneo. .. . •••• • AprU Srd
Meigs ....APrU 4tb
Coolidge AprU 4th
Ap rt'
Patten. Way* .ApHl Sth
Boston April #th
Glasgow April 11th
Metcalfe..... Aprllllth
I will be in T^pmasTlll# at court
house to* first week of Superior
Court in April.
O. W. KOWARDr T- C-. T. C.
2:26 P. M. from Montgo -v,
6:46 A. M. from Balnbriige.
6:16 P. M. from Albany. ,
73 10:26 A. M. from Albany.
71 0:40 A. M. from Montlcello.
74 l:IP P. M. from Montlcello.
80 10.80 A. M. for Dcjtban, Troy, Montgomery and th# Weefc
86 8:20 P. M. for Balnbridge. . ..
67 12:88 A. M. for Dothan, Troy, Montgomery and the West.
2:86 P. M. for Wsycross Jacksonville, 8pVh and FI* Potott.
0:60 A. M. for Savannah and Eaatern Potato.
8:16 A. M. for Savannah and Eastern Potato.
0:36 A. M. for Albany.
6:SK P. M. for Albany.
6:30 P. M. for Montlcello.
78 10:60 A. M. for Montlcello.
NOTICE—Thee* arrival# and departure* ere given as info
,ni Pullman meeptag*Car« on Trains between TbomasvUls, Savannah
and Montgomery.
For further information apply to - _ .
E. M. NORTH, D. P. ft., T. J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A.,
Savannah, Oa. _
W. J. CRAIO. P. T. M. T. C. WHITE, O. P. ft..
Wilmington, N. C. Wilmington, N. 0.
T. J. TAYLOR. Ticket Agent. ThomaevUl*. Ga.
That Hyomei Will Cure all Forma ot
Catarrhal Disease*.
Testimonials could be printed by
tbe thousands, many of them from
ThomasvlUo and nearby town*, eay-
Ig that Hyomei absolutely cures all
catarihal troubles. The best prool
of Its unuiual curative powers la tbe
guarantee that Montgomery ft Mac
Intyre give with every outfit they
sell, "Money back if Hyomei do
not do all that Is claimed for It.”
Hyomei to not a secret reme#
Its formula la freely given to pi
Tbe College Boys Tackle The Pro
fessionals and Put up a Warm Game
Athens,.Ga., March 28.—(Special
to Tlmee-Enterprise.)—After easily
taking the game from Gordon Insti
tute last Wednesday afternoon by a
score of 6 to 0, the Georgia boys
rounded Into shape and tried Clark
Griffith's star aggregation ot ball
tossera this afternoon. Of course tbe
University boys had no chance
against the “Big Leaguers," but they
put up an article of ball rarely lellv.
ered by college players.
There neTer was a more Ideal time
for a ball game than this afternoon,
and tbe Athens fans wbo have been
bubbling over with excitement all
the week over the coming game turn,
ed out In such numbers aa to fill the
bleachers to overflowing.
Promptly at 3:45 the New York
Americans trotted out on the field
while more than a thousand voices
cheered theil. After warming up th”
New Yorkers gave way and the Geor
gia boys took the field for practice,
while the band played "Glory, Glory,
to Old Georgia." Harmon pitched
for Georgia as Red (earn was crippled.
The game waa called promptly at
4:00 by the umpire, Charley Cox.
The following Is the line-up :
New York , » Georgia
have the atrqngest college tewsn ta
the Soath this year.
Scores of Thomasvilie Citizens Have
> Learned it.
met. It Is guaranteed under
No. 1418.
There 1* no dangerous stomach
drugging wYfc Hyomei is used,
healing medication to breathed
through a neat pocket inhaler, reach
stroylng all catarrhal germs and cur
ing the disease.
R. F.
L. F.
S. S.
V lb
, C. F.
Convoy —
Zeller ft Manning Pitcher Harmon
Summary: Struck out by Harmon
6; By Zeller 4; By Manning 2. Hits:*
Georgia 3; New York 3. Errors:
New York 2, Georgia 4. Base on
balls, Harmon 4. Earned runs:
Georgia 1; New York 2. Passed Bsl*
Colcby. Score: New York 4; Geor
gia 1.
If you suffer from backache.
There Is only one way to cure it.
The perfect way is to cure the kid
A bad bank means alek kidneys.
Neglect It, urinary troubles follow.
Doan’s Kidney Pills are made for
kldneyi only.
George Gregory, shoe njiker liv
ing at 557 West Bay St.„ Jackson
ville, Fla., aays: “I have nied IJoan'a
kidney pills for my back and they
cured it. I have suffered from kid
ney complaint f6r a number ot years
There was a dull pain right acroas
the small of my back. I could bard- .
ly do my work and could not sloop
at night an account of the pain to
my back. I would get up in the
morning feeling so tired that I could
hardly get my clothes on and bad to
Just drag myself around. My urine
was thick and had a bad odor. I
used liniments and other romldlea
but they did not help me. Hearing ot
Doan's Kidney Fills, I get a box.
They made my back strong and re
moved all the pain. My nrtae be-'
came a natural color. I can recom
mend Doan's Kidney Pills for they
helped me.” For sale by all dealers. '
Price 50 cents Foster-Mllbnrn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agent! for
tbe United States.
Remember the name
and take no other.
There to no doubt but Georgia win fff/fl RCHHSt(_y