Newspaper Page Text
Escaped the Terrors of
k Many Winters By
Using Pe-ru-na.
'/ Attribute my
Extreme Old
Age to the Use j
of Pe-ru-na.” j
[SAAO BROCK, a citizen of McLennan
Bom before the United State* were
• formed.
; ,S*w 22 pretUmt* elected.
i Pe-ru-n* haa protected him from '•
ell sudden changes.
Veteran of four ware.
Shod a hone whea 99 yean old.
, Alway* conquered the grip with
WUncee Ida land tult att the age
of 110 year*.
Believe* Pe-ru-na ihe*greata*t
remedy of the age for catarrhal
troublea. .
>M lot *217—4 cat* MViag «f fill.
Of coorw, Out* u bat link pmrit to the muk-
i at tbla pric*. Tbt poll oa oat ptsso U ImUi
In cim of tht fHtk of Um h«*4 of tbo bally w» caoctl tbo club contract uf male* you aa
outright pwacRi of tbo uapslri batanco. Tbo piaoo tbon btkmp to ytm ribaotutcly. Tbh frra llio
'itworanc* baa allowed tbo completion of many a noalcal edocation, and It worth row couiritmdoa.
,ft to practically an taiOMaco that you will oocIom )ow pfaao through lanbillty to par doe*.
Write m at once lauw appllcitloo bkak and eompluto deKtiptloa of dlferent rtytoa of iafab.
la Ibirwar ion can make a aelectloo that will riellght you. Too caa leave tbo oaettloa of loao to
aa. We *111 aoo that roo set a perfect laeuaweat. A veil made, attractive etooi aad a buautIM
•aarf c* *itb each plaao. Write tor Ml Intommlm of the ch* that leao* totmtog.
LUDDEN & BATES, Southern Music House,
\Savannah, G«.
-dy fo v- ' - ■'
,uch u. ,,-FI
»toipnch su. (letups o. gas
her* by Monteomery 4 Maclnt
we m
Tanks, Injectors, Inspirators, Saw Mill Machin
ery, Shafting,, Pulleys, dangers, Engi
neers* and Steamfitters*Supplies, tic,.
J. S. Schcfield's Sons Co.,
The new Gun and Bicycle Shop is now
ready to do your work such as guns, bicycles,
"trunks, sewing machines, typewriters, adding
machines, gasoline engines, and all kinds oi
Ausicle instruments, Ali work guarrrte
107 Madison St., Thomasvlll, Ga
Where a Multitude or Slna arc
N, Fop Sale.
Will Bell for ca<h a small farm
containing 37 acres of which 251 The L . & „ palnt COTe „ d , u
acres are in cultivation, and haring | ln previous paintings, and wean for
house, barn and »i.-.l>ler., also very| 10 to 11 years, because tbs L. A M.
good fence on same. And situated j | s pure linseed oil binder-pore oxide
Uiree miles north of Boston on the 0 f iinc-pure white lead, and you help
Berwick road, and being In the 13th , 0 make th4 palnt b . mtx ,' th „,J
district of Thomas county, ln lot No.j qiiart , of | lnteed oll wUS each gaV
Ipn of paint Its done In 1 minutes
Address.all oommunlcatlpns
Mrs. A. W. Battle, Moultrie. Oa
M. M. Stanaland, Boston, Oa.
to l Make cost only )1.20 per gallon.
0I " John C. Burney, and Braoiy's Phar-
trncy, Thomairllle, Oa
Little dabs of powder .
Little daubs of paint
Of courae wll make a.pale face
Look as If It It ain't.
But a little Rydale’a Tonic
Taken thrice a day, • ■
Makes the pale cheek rosy
t In wise old qattrrs’s way..
It beats the artificial
t Applied both thick and thin,
be rubbed off with a rag
underneath the skin.
' array your paint box. Lass,
paintless pink looks best.
And Rydalo’s Tonic nerer falls
Whene’er given a test.
Continental Casualty Company.
120k Michigan Avr„ Chicago, ID
For years I was a victim of feqiale
diseases, suffering untold agonies
from nervousness, backache, head
ache, painful menses etc. I was-al
most ready to give up ln despair,
when providence came to my aid and
allowed me to find a simple self-home
treatment which restored me to per
fect health. I now consider It mv
dutyt to help suffering womankind,
and I am willing to do this absolute
ly tree. I want every woman who
suffers to write me today, and I will
send her a ten days treatment of this
wonderful remedy free of charge,
end also tell her how to obtain a fur
ther supply st a cost of about 12
cents per week. This treatment will
not Interfere with your work or oc
cupation. With It any lady oan treat
herself ln tne privacy of her own
borne, without the aid of a physician
and at less than ono tenth of the ex
pense. I baud' nothing to sell. All
I ask Is that you telL.other sufferers
atyuit It. It cures .young or old.
Will cost you nothing to try, write to
day for the free treatment and val
uable advice. Just send your name
to Mrs. M. DICKEY, Cleveland, Tenn
Dept. T-E
Flue Addresses on Missions at The
Baptist Church Yesterday.
The Postmaster of Coolldge, Oa.,
and Postmistress, Mrs. Emma
SUls, of Ocbloehnee, Georgia
desires to oall attention to the prac
tice of some patrons of rural dellv-
. ery of placing loose coins in their
boxes each time they desire to dis
patch a letter Instead of supplying
themselves with postage In advance
of their needs.
This practice imposes undue hard
ship on rural carrion In removing
loose coins from boxes and delays
them on the service of their routes.
The postmaster, therefore, urgent
ly requests that patrons of rural de
livery provide themselves and keep
on hand a supply of stamps eonsl,
tent with and ln advance of the!-
needs. It is also very desIraMe ih-c
rural patrons place- In their ni#:’
boxes small detachable eup« »r
wood o' tin In which to p'h
when^ece-sary. In ti- r, -*-h
piles of stamps.
MRS. EMMA 8*11.1-S
! W lm.
(From Friday's Dally,
he twentieth century missionary
‘mooting that Is ln progress at the
Baptist churoh Is increasing to both
Interest end attendance.
Yesterday morning, Dr. B. D.
Ragsdale made a splendid address
cu the doctrine of missions aul In
the afternoon Mr George W. An-
; drews addressed a large congrega
tion on some methods for Increasing
the attendance of the Sunday school
I and for mrfkln'g It more useful.
Bobh these gentlemen hare made
j a splendid Impression upon the peo-
! pie of Thomosvllle end whenever
I they return they will be given a
! warm welcome on account of the
good they have accomplished.
This morning Rev. L. E. Barton,
the pastor of the Quitman Bap-
gat church will ad drew the meet
ing on “The Opeo . Doors/' The
fotndatlon of missions, tttb gonttn-
.. . -nlsslona an4 other kind
red questions hi*e been discussed
(Front Sunday's Dally.)
The two girls who left the Vash
tl Home have returned to the home
They left and went Immediately to
the pome of Mrs. T.' Sampson ln this
city, saying that they had been given
permission to leave and that they
were going home to their folks.
They asked that they allowed to re
main there for the night as they
were to teave on the night train.
Mrs. Sampson thought that their
story was true and with commenda
ble motherly Interest, took them ln
and made them comfortable until
the night train was to arrive.
They did not leave but came back,
saying that their train 'mras so 'late
that they would wait over until yes
terday. Mrs. Sampson had heard
nothing of their escape from the
home until late In the afternoon,
when she notified the authorities
that she had unknowingly harbored
the girls ,and they were taken back
to the home Friday night. They said
(hat they were going home as fast
as was possible and that there was
no other motive in their leaving.
It Is Indeed fortunate that they
went to Mrs. Sampson who treated
them so kindly and with so much
consideration. Her charity In tak
ing them In was In keeping with her
policy toward the home since its
founding. She was a frequent vlsi
tor there, taking all Interest ln the
girls and threlr work and It was
from this visits that the girls be
came acquainted with her and tried
to take advantage of her goodness
of heart to make their escape.
will come ln over the Coast Line
from Atlanta. At noon Dr. W. H,
Smith will come ln over the A. B. 4
A. from OctUa where he has been
attending a meeting similar to the
one that .Is ln progress hpjrev
At fco afternoon session of the
meeting Dr. Love and Dr. Smith will
tell somethlig about the workers
who are on the field aid about the
work they are doing. The night
suvlse promises ts be of unusual!
Interest. ’Chen Dr. Love will talk
on “Tho Can of Dixie.”
Beth df these gentlemen are in
Slese touch with the work of the
Sosthern Baptists throughout the
South and on gw Foreign Field a?u
they will have something that will
stir the hearts of the people who
come out to hpar them. They are
Doth gifted speakers and their mes-
gss will be productive of much
Ryerybedy ln the etty la cordially
invited to attend these meetings.
And Does Not ImpqoA Strenuous
Fines. Only Three Cases.
The police matinee yesterday after
noon was a peach, In the latter day
vernacular although there were only
throe cases for trial. Will Knight
first faced the tribunal charged with
disorderly conduct. Three witnesses
were brought before the mayor for
testimony and each and. every one
swore that they did not know any
thing about that affair.
Then came Bertha Jones who cuss
ed a negro out, who bad promised
an officer "of the law to deliver a sum
mons to the aforesaid party. She
used words that are not in the vocab
ulary of tbh most elegant lady si the
land and the negro men was jus, .
trifle Incensed and Judiciously
sought the majesty of the law for
The mayor after hearing the evi
dence ln both cases said that be was
not feeling very well and that he was
I’d now Mr - Barton will talk some- d | 8p08ed t0 be sympathetic ao only
thlrp about the doora that are open- called out very jocously ten and costs
ert lor the receptloa ot the message for both cases. There !i some
of the people of Ood. He Is ons et speculation among the denlxene of
♦ In floored A the C®Urt wTiat h© WOUld hSTO dOH©
ibn tronfceat preachtn in O«or*a v _ , . _ .1 kAAn faollnir onnri TVlP
if he had been feeling good. Doc.
who come oat may rest | ee who8e ca8e has been postponed
■it they will hear some- tor some time was also fined ten and
ill abide with them arid -,ta. Emanuel who was accused of
. riding too fast In the city limits wea
" , „ . _ . fined two and fifty with the injunc-
Ida- tion not to do so'any more.
TN speaking of hla good health and edh
A treme old age, Mr. Brock says s
“After a man has lived In the world
as long as I have, be ought to have
found out a great many things by ex> *
parlance. I think I have done ao.
"One of the things I have,found
out to my entire satisfaction ts tho
proper thing for ailments that are
due directly to the effects of the
climate. For 119 years I have with'
stood the changeable climate ot
the United States.
“I have always bepn a very healthy,
man, but, of course, subject to the affee»
tions which ar© duo to sudden chingsf
in the oil mat© and temperature*
"As fair Dr. Hartman’s remedy, ,
Pe-ru-na, I have found It to be the!
best,If not theonly reliable remedy
for these affections. It has been
my standby for many years, andl
attribute my good health and ex
treme old age to tbla remedy.
“It exactly meets all my require
ments. It protects me from the evil ef- "
foots of sodden changes; It gives mo
strength; it keep* my blood ln good cir
culation. I have com* to rely upon-it
almost entlrsly for the many little
things for which I need medicine.
“When epidemics of la grippe first be-
gan to make their appearance ln this
country 1 was a sufferer from this die-
"I had several long i _
the grip. At first I did not £how
that Pe-ru-na was a remedy for
this disease. When I beard that
la grippe was epidemic catarrh
/ tried Pe-ru-na tor la grippe and
found It to bo Just tho thing. ”
In a later letter, Mr. Brook writes;
“I am well and feeling as well ** t
havaforyears. I would not be without
Yoon truly,
county, Texes, has lived for 11B years.
For many years he resided st Bosqns
Falls, eighteen miles west of Waco, bat
now lives with his son-lq-law st Valley
Mills, Texes.
Some time sgo, by request, Unels Isaac
came to Waco and aat for hla ploture,
holding la hi, hand a atlek cut from the
grave of General Andrew Jackson. .
Mr. Brock Is e dignified old gentleman,
showing few sign* of deorepltudo.
HI, family Bible la atlll preserved, and
ltshowa that the date of his birth wss,
19 yeaJTTugo.
written 119 yea
A letter dated July S, 1996, written for
Mr. Brook by hla wdfe, Sarah J, Brook,
"Last winter I had lust gotten
up out ot a spell of sickness, when
/ commenced taking Peruaa. I
think It Improved my health very
In a postscript, Mrs. Brook adds; “He
receives a great many letters Inquiring
about what Pernna will do. I do not
anowsr thorn all, os I think they caa
get a bottle and try it.”
Hungarian Partridges-
Turned Loose By H.
W. Hopkins.
(From Sunday’s Dally.)
Judgd H. W. Hopkins haa receiv
ed from Northern Hungary, 13 pairs
of Hungarian partridges, which he
will turn loose on hla plantation,
‘Sherwood," near Suslna. These
birds are about twice as Urge aa the
quail and. about the esmo color.Thoy
are said to be finer gome than the
quail and Just aa Juicy and tweet.
These birds were procured at a
big expense and the Judge U go
ing to try the experiment ln rais
ing them so at to hare that dellcoua
game to eat ln the near future.
These birds have been tried ln mld^
Too m!lr „t Cut Md due
vato faM br J*ini«3 out club JOW
tom Ik. Omi won Jgrlul dub *lato of
otouo •riling maker It tutor to ova t
•tono tbsu to viAt toe out. You cat
iota a dub sari bar# a manlriruat
rfaaowattoroarbooM ttaaoa. Yea
but ©MUM sari **• torment of It *bUe
ran ate wise Iot It la little mu m
lbe dub autnret. la a abort time roe
I augwheft else,
■rmaklagaeri wtlag la fettof
baarireri larteari of a alagle giaao at atlme*
The Ludden & Bates
Istatffctlr klcb-marie lm
■ If 44
(act ae (kill oaa auke Ik Double regeatiag action, with llgtt evee taach.
Beautiful cue* of (aacy walnut, auboganr or oak. Ilaeri throoghoat with binto*
II asri rich, with that peculiar aiaglng" ©mlltr touuri oalg la the highest
cancel the dub cm tract anri auke you aa
die Georgia with great success and
It ts expected that they will raise
well here. The experiment will he
watched with a great deal of Inter-
by the sportsden and also by
those who are fond ot. the Juicy
, The following posters have bees
distributed over the county and (t
ts hoped that all will respect this
warning and will not olqlot any bird
which will answer this description.
If they are destroyed thl* money will
ave been apes* lor nothing and a>*
people ot this section wil be detpiv-
cd of a Crest boon:
Don’t Shoot! I will turn out a
lot of Hungarian partridges ln the
Duncanville District on March l?th.
This blAl la about twice the size of
our native ybu see a strange
bird, don’t shoot it And In a few
yea* we all' may have plenty of.
They are Inserted 1 cates. In no other way can this be | nlK tr.o re
Science Haa Found The True Way
To Cure Indigestion.
The first thing to do ln the case ot
Indigestion or stomach weaknees Is
to strengthen the muscular walls o
the stomach aad Intestine* so the
they will cars >for the food that I
them to eat ,
from Hungary at a coat of nine dol- done as well as by taking a Ml-o-na
lara a pair and express charges.
tablet before en-b (neal.
toro -• p vlb
t secretary .of the Home
•turd which took! after the
preaching of the gospel la the South
Miss Susie Kay Watt ot Waycroes of K||trlc Jul
Is vtiltinc friends In the dty for a . n , n .
short time. —
■ ■ — ’
. c. ».....
up energy at-; vitality.
Use Ml-o-ra and you will have nc
or f ’ e ae rt- ut had
taste In the meuth.
,p. t, - ^ress
and tin ' 'h r eymptoma that
.,o ,h it o' |-digestion.
give ,