Newspaper Page Text
Boa. S. Or McLendon m*r not fill
tie bill to (nit ill tutw u t mana
ger, director and operator of all the
railroad*' in the a tale, and a* a vice
gerent of Hoke, bnt when he dis
courses on the South Georgia cane
syrup be know* what he 1* talking
about. Ha hit the (pot when, la a
letter to Mr. M. J. O'Brien, of the
Southern Express Company, he laid
that the South Georgia-product of
he ribbon can* " to equal to the
famoua honey of Narbonne, or the
more famoua honey of Hymetna/’
Now, we hare never taated the
drlpplaga from the beer of the ai-
eient time*, but we are .ante that
when Solomon adviled hla con to
racici or no place in the city where
they :cgh be found with certainty.
4 This la .a deplorable fact and one
that ahould be remedied. ' There 1*
got even a phone in the barracks and
even it there was the force is not
sufficient to keep a man there all the
time. There should be some ar
rangement made whereb/ the officers
could be'reached at a moments no
tice by phone. What method
adopted for this puypoae would
prove most expedient Is a matter of
opinion, but there la a seed of this
one thing as' much as anything In the
city. A man, as the thing stands
now, is absolutely without protec
tion If he happens not to find a po
liceman at one of the restauranta or
drug stores^ the night There
Thomasvliie bis a womans’* clul
him as the “Civic League." This
clujh will, according to a local paper
ask the mayor and council for perm!
slon to assist in the work of “clean
lug up the clty.\ A noble and land,
able work perhaps; well-kept parks
streets, business houses,-etc., add ti
the attractlvones* of any cit7. But
is there not a field of endeavor
nobler atilt begging beckoning for the
earnest, holy help of woman? The
most beautiful thing that has cxls
trace In any city, community or coun
try la the lives of its citizen.* The
home Is responsible for the liras of
those who go out from it, and here is
womkn's first and greatest work—
IN THE HOME.—South Georgia
The above dipping from an ex
change shows a sad lack of informs
tlon on the. part of the writer of th<
article. His intention to convey tb
patent fad that home Is the place to
women Is all very good, and the
u£e filing has been said - ever slue
the beginning of dvillsatioA Th
beauty and sanctity of the home L
what the woman makes It All agre,
on that.
But to uy that woman should
stay in the horns, taking 'uo inter**
In: outaido things, giving no benefit
to man of her experience and judg
meat and makng her life one of com
plete and hopeless drudgery is as
farcical as could be. It la not the
beet thing for her to do and only a
narrow minded man would make
such a statement While the home
domaada her first and most devoted
attention there are other things Jus
as Important and necessary.
The moral and rellgloua attnos
phere of a community does much' to
ward the development and character
of the boys and girla in that commun
tty. With her keen Insight and pur
ity of life she can with unerring skill
give stagnations and prescribe meth
ods that might never occur to max,
for the regulation of these evils.
This “Spring Cleaning," as it was
turned is merely the Interest shown
by th* women of the town In its wel
fare. They take the home as the eat- i
ample and with the same feeling that
actuates their home spring clean- :
powet to act .
.License of A. 8. Davis transferred I
to H. E. Parish. |
Petition of S. L. Mallard referred
to the water committee
Matter of opening the bids for the
water work* lot waa postponed.
Petition of W. H. Burch A Son
referred to the street committee.
The matter of water at Laurel
Hill cemetery referred to the water
Alderman Pringle, chairman, of
the light committee, reported in fa
vor of putting on day current from
Stay 1st to Sept. 1st. Report was
Ordinance Introduced by Aider-
man Jerger at last meeting was read
third time, amended and passed to
read<as follows; 1 ‘
Be It ordained from and after the
passage of this ordinance 1V shall be
unlawful for any merchant to use
more than two feet space next to
building be occupies to display his
goods and no advertising be allow-
Beef, fish and
Weekly, One Year
Weekly, Sir Months
Weekly, Three Months..;....
Dally, One Year
Dally. Six-Months.....;
•'•Uy, Three Mentha........
on* Month'.
Now the Forestry Bureau comm,
in for its abate of critlciim.'
could be aonfethlng done about-this
and we hope the council will have
some suggestions of value at their
next meeting.
Castro and hi Venezuela seem to
want a little trouble at the bands o
.Uncle Sun's eagle.
The Kaiser has acceptel Hill at
last. All tills trouble and Interna
tlonai urr, .rsr nothing.
3 1 Thomaavllle, Ga., March SO, ISOS
Council met In regular aeaslon. May
or Montgomery presiding. Present
Alderman Dekle, Jerger, Grantham,
Cooper end Pringle.
I Minutes of last meeting read and'
Following parties granted Ucenie
upon complying with the ordinance.
Mre. J. A. Epply, A. N. McBride—
i Hotel license.
W. W. Espy, Georgia Cotton Com
pany—Cotton Brokers. f
W. H. Burch, F. T. Gibson—Wood
Neel Bros., Richard Hayes—Boot
Neel Bros., A. S. McBride, Wm.
Gordy—Barber shop.
Geo. Robinson, Geo. Sampson, Ar- 1
thur Philips—Fish deader
Sam Bacon, Ethel Russell, Alfred
Burch. J. B. Watkins, R. B. Good
win, Flora Smith 1 1-hone express.
J. J. Gone, Ertina A Boa. F. G.
Seaman 1 2-horse dray. „
Hendricks k Odom, City Beef Mar 1
ket, Julius Shapiro, batchers.
Macon Lumber Co., J. L. PhlUpyJ
k Co., Wlregrasa Lumber Co., lum-jj
ber dealers. . / j
Mutual Firo Insurance - Co., The ‘
Northern Assurance Co., Philadel
phia Underwittan. The Jefferson '
(From Wednesday’s Dally)
A wedding of more than usual In
terest took place in Thomaavllle yes
terday morning when Rev. A. W.
Bealer united In the bonds of 'wed
lock Mis* Mattie Williams of this
city and Mr. John J. Parromora of
Boston, Oa. They were married at"
th* home or the bride, only a tew
Intimate friends being present.
Immediately after the ceremony
hey left tsjs private conveyance for
Boston. In tb* carriage with Oh*
ed on the sidewalk,
poultry not allowed on the sidewalk.
All displays to be removed at night
before closing up. All persons vio-
There It a decided sentiment that
Teddy will be the next presidential
nominee for' the Republicans.
Your average syrup, which la
made often from mixtures of various
torts has usually aa the principal In
gredient, glucose taken from grain
and corn (talks in the west; but an
analysis has shown that the South
Georgia sugarcane has not only tha
proper percentage of glucose, but a
larger percentage of sucrose (the ele
ment of sugar) than the sugar pro
ducing cane of Louisiana.
The children of Is real one* found
honey upon the ground. In South
Georgia It seems to be In th* ground
from whence th* cane extracts It
for th* use* of man.—Macon Tele
Notwithstanding th* vicissitude*
of the position, there have alreadj
been aev.-rnl aunonacem-zuts for ‘.he
of railroad •odimlssloaer..
The Aldrich bill has psiaed th*
senate and there 1* a decided opln-
The Republicans may put out a
stats' ticket, -but it i
probable that they will,
tli* Me?
The locker club* have boon put
Into the shad* by other things. Jo*
and Hek* have th* center of the
stage at this time.
Who said Thomasvliie wasn’t in
line oondltlon? See what the other
towns arouad are saying about hard
dime* and thank your lucky stare
that things are not thus here.
, The Augusta Herald thlaks that
Hooter Is fuller-than Winn and
perhaps that's the reason be Is still
running. Just to, be Is not running
.satin, It will bo O. K. and not A. K.
advantage of this att. We can moat
positively say that if there was a
tingle woman In this league who waa
nseded at home the would not con-
abler for a minute another any out-
aUw occupation. They are Juat that 1
sect of wpmen who have capacity for
arach good, are broadminded end
Fire Insurance Co.. Glens Fall Fire
Insurance Co., The Commercial Aa
auranc* Co., Liverpool, London k
Globe‘s Insurance Co., Phoenix In-
Th* above from the Dothan paper *“* •“«»««'»• surance Co., of Hartford. Tha Under
in regard to th. dump*, of th. ^ZT^broa^mS^ WriterB “T™' ? T
■men good, are broadminded ana nlx inaurance Co„ of Brooklyn, Are
Coast Lin* trash In this oltgr comes wouW glT , their friends and fellow companies.
ay newa. Wo are- rather surprised! townsmen the benefit of any oltort Aaron Jones, A. McDougald,
that this should be the case and it I* th * t would keep for them a city clean blacksmith and repair shop. '
hard to believe. The Coast Line gets *“ d healttl7 - Brew** k Bell. E. J. Edwards, P.
. enod lead, tram Thomaavllle and W ® h ®* rt,ljr recomra<md thl * m0V8 A. Duhard, C. S. Wright, Cleaning k
ft good trad* from Thomftsvllle and ^ u i^ 9r9 j 8 anything that we can* .
that it a well established fact. Why ia to SM ut in this work we are al-j Tlm i,.Enterprise, Thomasvtlli
should they treat us to the dumping ways yours to command. • I p^, j ob printing.' ’ [
of other cities Is a matter hard to. 0 . I c. F. Davis A Box, J. J. Cone, W. |
understand, and added to this there NIGHT POLICE. | E. Cochran k Co* tale, food and!
So be U hut !» ne use for the trash. ‘ The City Father, at their lari livery .table (
- 1 meeting became engrossed In a seme- J. Carrat and J. Fundas, Mrs. Geo.
who will be The other towns on the Coast what lengthy discussion of the night Robison, restaurants. 1
I to cast their j. >r0 getting now, uptodate at*- police, their Julies mid importance, i The Maryland Casualty Co., Union i
i and well ..I * -• *>-—'Alderman Dekle was of the opinion' Benefit LWe asd Health Insurance!
that there should be three of them. O.. Health and accident Insurance
because ouo man when he was caHed companies^
anywhere was at the mercy of gny J. H. Rollings, shooting gallery. ;
desperado, if he choose bo shoot. He Thomaavllle Marble Yard, marble
deplored the fact that there waa so yard.
much fright among the ladies in d!f-j J a*. McKinnon, dealer in joumer-
(eront parts of the olty, caused by rial fertiliser.
the numerous burglaries In the past Chas. Hijdo, cabtoet repair shop,
lew weeks. The discussion waa Dawson McLond, tin shop. J
brought about by the suggestion that G. T., Porter, contractor,
on* of the night men be taken off Americas--Bonding Co., bonding
and put oti tbe day force as eow of- company,
fleer. ‘ ( M. Attell, pawn b'roker.
The dbeusslon while It developed | ThomaavlU* Gin Co., cotton gin.
many of tke objectionable features of | The Souther* States Life Insur-
the system ndw in use in tbe city did auco Co., life toffitfiii company,
not toach upon one teatnre that from | T. L. 9p*^topfc posting etc. {
an Intoerseubl standpoint seems the! Burch A So*, grist mill. .
-most Important. The barracks ueed| Crown Bottling Works, battling
to pay tbe com
pressor note. t
Alderman Grantham Introduced
the follow log resolution:
Resolved that the fth day of May
be fixed as the day lor the beginning
of sti'oet work, and the time fixed at
8 ays and the amount be as com
putation In Hen of work to be fixed
at t< that all parties who paid.before
the first day of July 1*08, shall be
| allowed a discount of 25 per cent.
[Resolution adopted.
Ttfe matter of washing buggies at
| C. F. Davis referred to the street
1 committee.
I Following accounts panel for pay
I Robison Hardware Co., 13.50; J.
W. Dillon $33.30; G. C. Sparks
$3.TO; W. L. Ball $69.21; J. E. Rob
ison A'Co.. $10.55; Mrs. A. Y. Mac
Intyre $l-.50; Thomaavllle Iron
Works $1.50: Thomasvliie Variety
Works $19.82; American Steel A
Wire Co.. $164.47; Cotton States
Belting A Supply Co., $10.83; Man-
ael Bros., $£4; Pittsburg Meter Co.,
$85; Electric Supply Co., $23.79;
Western Electric Co., $33.19; South
ern Coal A Coke Co., $40.13; Holo
phahe Co., $23.12; Westtngjiouse
Electric A Mfg Co., $7.90.
New accounts referred to commit
tee and council adjourned.
Will Hold Confirmation Service M
l'he Episcopal Church.
(From Wedaesday’s Dally)
Bishop E. C. Weed of JackaorivUle
Bishop of the State of Florida will be
In this city today, arriving here
in the morning. He will hold
confirmation services at the Episco
pal church at eight e’clock (hla. ev-
enng. These are very lm-
resslvo and ‘beautiful eervlaee and
there will be a largo congregation
to hear this noted man.. Bishop
Weed Ib a man of unusual power and
spiritual strength.
He will be at the Rectory, next the
church from three tu the afternoon,
eo that any who wish to eml can do
so at that time.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen’s Foot-Ease, a .powder. Re
lieves ^painful, smarting, nervous
feet and Ingrowing nails and Instant
ly take* the ating of corn* and ban-
ions. It’s the greatest comfort dis
covery of the age. Allan’s Foot-Data
A pertinent query from a Hoke
Smith supporter asking if the policy
of the present aJmlnUti-aUUu was as
strong among the people of the state
this year'as It waa two years ago,
will be well answered whendhe vote*
are counted on June 4th. The peo-
•pl are surely but Elowly beginning
to realize that enough Is enough, aud
they have plenty t* bark their con-
•vJtticnz on that point. s-
HanZan Pile Remedy come* ready
for use. pat up In a eoliapslblo tube
with nosale attached. One applica
tion prore* its merit. Soothe* and
heals, redxees inflammation and re-
soresen and Itching. Foe-ail
ofpHcs. Prio* 50 cents. Ouar
made the- ,a teed. Sold by Olty Drug Store.
The old water works was th*
of a smalt fire yesterday otto;
about five o’clock. The long drawl "teT'es soresem
of the fire whistle excited the usual j forms of piles,
crowd on tke street and ~ __ “
people go. to the streetaa to watoh the j
fire wagon go by. It did at good “ r - w “- Aaderaon, M. D., of
speed going down the Fletcher street' ,* u - that Bee’s
htllThe eatingulshera mtd a stream ; ^"c^ds^.^S
of Water was prayed on the bfaxe; remedies failed. It* gentle laxative
which wax In the top ul the old build especially recommend It for
lng. i children. It Js pleasant to take. For
It seems that the spark. fromro^S*'
the Coast Line pumping station must fied. Sold by City Drug Store. *
! hare hecome lodged fc the top of the j
building aqd set fire to the coal soot , h Wo °' *"8 Paint *11 Paint,
thereby causing eventually a [ shoddfpXt ‘^A‘m"?z7Ar°.-
la the wood work over the boilers.! »' n ade into Oxide of tine combined
They were not in use and there waa White I eai ami then made lute
no damage lo speak of. The firemen P» r u Linseed 01! tn iIph.*
when ffiey emerged from th. ^'“ 7 Sa "° B and “ lllDp -
IZtlT Wer6 / 6htS , ,0 Pvi-'gsIIon. 81 John*G. < Burn' y!'llr»tiin
the whole town. Covered from heat and Pracey’s Panrrucr. Thomasvliie
to heel with the btoek etaff they re m -
sembled the end> men la a minstrel;
show. Quite a crowd of small boy* Mtoa Su »l« Pardee wll) be the
and the Ilka had collected to ».a-b suest of Miss FMmcat Chisholm lor
operations. j a few days this week. —.
cwdlag to the expseaion of the oonn- Jax. McMnnon. A. Drogan, D. A.
all e soon as there are sufl$JeatrTunds Dixon A Bon, W. H. Williams, Rob-
for the purpose. ‘‘Ison Hardware Co, J. D. Stringer,
The fact that people may be 01b-
turbed In the night by burglars And
aaty mead th* protection of the po
lite U a patent and often proven
tact. Ah things stand now (bora are
very few people wh* ean locate a
pellreman In tbe night when one la
needed. In the past three weeks
these have been call* at this office
fer the polk); late at night and the
reporter l(as been unable to Jnd one
lqr at least a halt hoar. This la of
eoarse n’ot the fault of the police,
fer they are supposed to 'be st any
and all places during the night where
It h thought that they can do the
It Is generally th* case
J. D. Stringer,
J. Sturdivant,
White A Futoh, Mallard A Varnedoo,
Stoyerman Co., O. C. Cooroft, C. B.
Dixon, J. E. Rebison A Co, Burch
A Son, Georgia Simmons, Jacob
Goldberg. Watt Supply Co., Neel
Bros. J. L. Trull, Brandon Grocery
Co., H. B. Martin, Tea Cent Store Co.
L Kotesky A Co., M. Rosenberg, W.
N. Austin, L. Stoyerman, Q. W. Fer-*
rill, Alexander A Co., Wm. Lundy,
Wm. Hemby, Mattie M. Powell, A.
J. Owens, J. B. Watkins, C. W. Coop
er, O. A. Adams, Worts A Son, X B.
Daria, H. M. Cave. F. T. Gibson, J.
T. Dison, L. W. Williams, A. Roso-
Uo, S. S. Broadnax, Neal Bros., M.
V Tuttle, W. J. Taylor A Co., mer
Neel Brea., skating rink. f i
J. F. Johnson, shoe shop. N i
Petition ef Mrs. Edgar waa re- i
tarred to th* street committee with i
Hon. J. B. Stubbs o( Ochlochnee,
inounces tn this issue of the Timos-
The Illinois Central seemi fated te
get to tke Seaboard through Georgia
and Folumbus and Savannah are ela-
ated thereby.
parity last term and hi* work with
* 'apeak for itself. He has made a
worthy, efficient and popular repre
seutatlvo and! the people of this
county will take pleasure In return-
tog him to the legislative h||l* for’
another term. He Is a young^maa.
but one ol the brightest we have
• sent to tbe state legletetur*. We
congratulate the county upon belnr
able to again have tho use of hlf
services. ' M (
Let’* eliminate any personal anl-
noslly la the rnmtug comity can*-
palgu. That sort of thing neter
does anyone any good.
most good,
that they *ro around town some
where, or at loast one of them la.
But It might be the r-as* that whan
oee la needed badly (hat they would
b« la other pUsee and could net be
foaad; There Is no phone at tha bar-
Tiiere Is every reasco to 1
hut Judg* Roddenbery will
«t congresaman from the
<. trltl, and be will make a