Newspaper Page Text
Do you want a good position—one of the better sort—one
worth having? If you do, take a course of business and
short band training in this old reliable school. Call or
write for faff information to
A. W. BALL, President.
Tax Receiver's Notice.
'I Rill be at the following placet
on dates named.
First Round.
Merrill Title April 1st
Ellabelle April 2nd
Ochlochnee April 3rd
Meigs April 4tb
Coolidge April 6 th
Favo 1 ..April 7th
Patton. Wars April 8th
Boston April 9th
Glasgow April 11th
Metcalfe Aprllllth
\ I will be In Thomasvllle at court
house the first week . of Superior
Court in April.
Second Round.
UerrillTtlle April 13th
Ellabelle April 14 th
•eblochhee April 15th
Meigs April 16th
Coolidge April 17th
ParO . • April 18th Morning
Fatten Wars . . April 18th Ereofng
Boston April 27th
Station April 28th
Olasgow April 29th
Metcalfe...." April BOth
Thomasrllle.. ..Mar 1st and 2nd
I will be In ThomatTlIle at Court
House the first week of Superior
Court In April.
O. W. Howard. T. C-. T. C.
Drawn For the April Term of Su-
— . perlor Court.
The following panels tor the su
perior court of Thomas County hare
been drawn and aupoenas Issued for
their appearance:
Grand Jury. \
J. T. Groorer, T. L. Brooks, B. F.
Cochran, J. S. Ward. Jr., S. G. Cov
ington, W. E. Nichols, W. H. Mitch
ell, E. L. Neel, J. D. Strickland, W.
W. Williams, W. B. Hambleton, W.
Z. Brantley, J. S. Beverly, Sr., G.
D. Williams, J. W. Peacock, J. Q.
Taylor, b. 8. Groover, J. M. Ferrlll,
J. H. Ansley, W. W. Felkeld. H. L.
White, W. L. Adams, W. R. Foster,
K. W. McKinnon, C. W. Kirby, J. F.
James, W. A. Duren, S. b. Mallard,
M. R. Mallette, P. P. Dixon.
Petit Jury .1st Week.
J. R. White, J. A. Mitchell, T. A.
Moore, W. A. Vick, Heeth Varendoe
J. B. Miller, C. T. Cooper, W. P.
Brooks, J. B. Adams, S. B. Fielding,
J. C. Prosser, E. A. Moreland, J. A.
Sasser, L. E. Vann, 9. D. Clarke, J.
L. Coofcf, E. C. Varnedoe, R. E. Da
vis. I. C. Hunt, J. G. Burney, L. T.
Vick, R. T. Rouse. J. H; Pullen, W.
M. Carlisle, W. J. Gandy, J. F. Bul
lock, C. R. McRae, C. A. Cochran,
Mose Butler. T. A. Bullock, J. W.
Wilson, M. M.- Mash, H. B. Benton,
O. W. Ifottls, R. U. Braswell, J. M.
Petit Jury 2nd Week.
Weaken) the Tissues ' and Lessens
Organic Vitality.
The stress and- strain of the
strenuous life in both city and coun
try tends towards stomach trouble.
Fire people suffer today where one
did tea years ago with sick head
ache, dlaineas, flatulence, distress
after eating, nervousness sleepless
ness and the many othen symptoms
of tndlgsstlon.
All who are suffering with atom,
ach troubles and that means at least
‘.wo out of threa in Thomasrllle and
other towns, should use Ml-o-na
stomach tablets. Nothing else Is as
safe, yet effective; nothing else can
be retied on so thoroughly to relieve
all troubles from indigestion as Ml-
So reliable is Mlona in Its cura
tive actions that Montgomery & Mac
Intyre, with every 50 cent box sold,
give a guarantee to refund the mon
ey unless the remedy cures.
Ordinary Methods tor Treating Ca
tarrh Prove Unsuccessful.
Written statistics that show an In
crease in catarrh have shaken confi
dence In the usual prescription! to
safeguard human health from the
ravages of this disease.
When the stomach dosing
H. B. Fuller, M. C. Battle, R. C. Proven Ineffective, it was natural to
I Balfour. T. B. Chisholm, J. G. Miller, look for some other treatment, and
I L. R. Livingston, O. W. Anderson, 1
• It Is believed that In Hyomel an ab
solute cure for all catarrhal'{roubles
I J. W. Aabell, D. H. McDonald, J. F.
News From hfetcalfe. | Swift, F. E. Buries. J. A. Horne, J.
Mrs Graves Is visiting friends In L. Banister, W. B. Selph. O. T. Lane,
Dei-un for a few tajs.. I J. F/ McDonald. C. H. Alderman, W.
The following couples visited the a. Fuller, J. D. McCollum, R. R.
Johnny Jones Carnival last Friday. Chastain, T. E. Buntln, J. D. Mcln-
evcnlng: Mr. Hollumn Connell and tosh. May Dakle, R. W. McMillan, E.
Miss Sallle Lou Lillie. Mr. Russell- D. McRay, W: H. Braswell, O. F.l lrrlu ted mucous membrane, so that
Vann and Miss Kerby Bestly. Br.'wincy. J. D. Butler. Jeff C. Davis,- mucous memura »
Rudd and Miss Myrtle Knapp. | F. M. Youngblood. C. B. Dixon. W. I relief Is almost instant, while last-
Mlss Bessie Thomas visited her -Wood, J. H. Carlton, H. Banister, J. 1 i nr cure ■, practically sure to tot-
sisler Mrs. T. A. Futch and also at-! b. Grlner, T. J. Bottoms,
tended the union meeting Saturday
has at last been found. Inhaled
with the air you breathe, Its healing
medication reaches evert part of the
Our grandmothers used to get a
lot of old nails place the min a vessel
containing vlnogar and allow them to
remain until the acetic add in the
vinegar produced ao iron solution.
This concoction was then taken by
nearly every member of the family
X 'ng the Spring and Fail ^and ft
ly ever failed to strengthen and
benefit the peraen taking It. The
and Sunday.
Mr. Camp of Mlccosuckle was in
town Saturday last.
Miss Howard of Boston visited
her aunt Mrs. J. W. Thomas recent-
^ Those visiting the Union Meeting
i T ' Sunday last werd Miss Myrtle Knapp,
♦ Messrs. Will Knapn. Frank Knapp,
Bdwln Herne and J. A. Thomas.
Dr. Wells with his medicine show: 8 ] d veay was good but there is a new
has gone. He and his troup con- waJ , that Is far beUter. Science has
ducted their shows with the utmost - discovered a way to manufacture
propriety and made many frlends | j ron s0 that It can be dissolved in
while here. - syrups and ellxers and given In de-
Mtss 1.111a Forrest visited her - finite doses. One of The best and
mother at Boston Saturday ana Sun-, surest ways te take Iron is la Ry-
day. . dale's Tonic. This remedy la a com
Sheriff Right was shaking hand* binatlon of Iron, QuAilne and Strych-
wfth his friends In Metcalfe Wednos- n ( ne j„ an orange Elisor and oom-
day. blned with ether ingredients that
Mrs. B.' Copeland spent Wedues-, make It very valuable as a blood and
aeaday In Thomtevtlle shopping. j nerve tonic. It Is without an equal
Honor Roll of Metcalfe school for f or old people needing a stimfilent
month ending March 20th. 1906. j and f or weak and puny chlldrefi add gomery &
■ *th Grade—Miss Fannie Lee gfe- a 8ure curo f or chills and malaria.
- Cloud 96, Miss Bessie Thomas 96.
m ■ 8th Grade—Miss Claudia Cope-j mnuntai
W land 96. Miss Mary Copeland 95. MIlUtKAI
7th and 8th Grades—Miss Laural Yes, I Hav„ Bound It at Last.
Russell 98.7, - | Found what? Why that Chamber-
7th Grade—Miss Luclle Strlneer- loin's Salve cures eczema and all
95.1, Mies Irene Thomas, 98, Miss manner of Itching" of tU* skin. I
■ Maida Lillie 95. j have been afflicted for- many years
3th Grad-
low. I
The complete Hyomel outfit coots
but 81.00, and Is sold by Montgom
ery A MacIntyre under an absolute
guarantee to refund the money If It
doea not give satlafactlon.
Gentle and Effective.
A well-known Manitoba editor
wrltee; "As an Inside worker I Had
Chamberlain's -Stomach and Liver
Tablets Invaluable for the touches of
biliousness natural to sedentary life,
their action being gentle and effec
tive, clearing the digestive tract and
the head." Price 25 cents, sample
free. For sale by Montgomery
MacIntyre, Thomasvllle, Ga. -
DeWltt’s Little -Eearly Risers, the
famous little pills. Sold by Mont-
Maclntyre. ,
DoWttt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve. It. Is especially good for
piles. Sold by Montgomery & Mac
, „ There is nothing better than Ko-
Myra Copeland 96.6. with skin disease. I had to ? get upj
Basie Wheeler 98.9. Irna Selgler 75 I three or four times every night and!
Frank Searcy 96.4, Anale Swift 98^ wash with cold water to allay the! vj J.™ *’
Feed Smith 96.6. WTrlble lteblog. bat since using thla *> U b * Montgomery * MacIntyre.
Afh Grade—Meda Gllsson 96.5. salve In December, 1905. the Itch- r „„_ K n „. n
Ruth' Swik 97. Lucy Montford Ing has stopped and hat not troubled **,15^*5,
So. Isabelle Copelwid 98.5. ' me.-Blder John T. Osgley. Root-!
'4H> Grade B.-CUudU Rodden--WHs. Pa Forsale by Montgomery ®j!
bery 95.2. Lillie Knapp 96.6. Luclle £ MacIntyre, THomaavllle, Oa.
Thomas 95. Marry Dekle 96.6. Soffle- /
Wheeler 96.5, Joe (tonnell 95.2. ' The Jumping Off Plaoe.
**? 0H "°n 9 h> 4 ' "Consumption had me In Its grasp,
t^rdli Evans 96.8, Harven Sumber- r had a i rawt reached the jump-
: ing off plaoe when I waa advised to
fonder 95.4..
ed out of the system and at the same,
time It aHsys inflammation. Sold
by Montgomery A MacIntyre.
DeWItt'a Kidney and Bladder-
Pills are prompt and thorough and
will in a abort time strengthen weak;
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself for the
office.of Sheriff of Thomas county
subject to the-will of the voters In
the regular Democratic primary.
Realizing the duties and responsibil
ities at the office fully and dealring
to serve In this capacity honestly
and faithfully, if elected, 1 promise
to give to the office the belt atten
tion and most efficient irvice of
which I am capable.
For Representative.
The friends of M. L. Cook, hereby
announce him as a candidate for re-
election to House of Representatives
subject to action of Democratic pri
mary. His record as a representative
Is before hi! constituents. •-
For Sheriff.
To the Voters of Thomas County:
I hereby announce myself ss a
candidate for reelectton to the office
of Sheriff of Thomas county, aubject
to the action of the white primary,
and aollclt the support of the voters,
promising the same faithful service
In the future as that of the put.
Thanking you for your pakt kind
ness to me and asking your support
again, I am,
Yours to serve,
Road Tax Collector.
M. D. Redfearu begs to advise the
publle that he will be at Barwlck
March 22 aid Pavo March 29, 1102.
."or Tax* Receiver.
In persuance of the regular cus
tom of the Democratic party in this
county I hereby announce myaelf for
the office of tax receiver for Thomas
County. I respectfully request the
support of all citizens, and It elected
will devote my time and attention to
the work.
For County Commissioner.
Fully realising the necessity of
hard work and good Judgement In
the running of the affaire of thla
county for the beat Interest of etch
and every man therein, gad pledging
myself to labor faithfully to thcl- In
terest, ,1 hereby announce myself for
the office of county commissioner
from the Olascew f litrlci. 1 submit
my name subject to the action of the
Democratic party at the coming elec
To the
date f<
it Voters of Thomas County:
for the office of tax receiver of
Th&mas county at the coming elec
My candidacy Is subject to the no
tion of the primary.
I promise the people of Thomas
county my best services should they
elect me to this office. I earnestly
solicit the support of the white voters
in my candidacy.
For City Court Judge.
I am a candidate for reflection *<
the office of Jmjge of the City Court
of ThomasrUl^r subject to the Demo
cratic primary.
For County Commissioner.
Owing too* strong petition of fay
friends et Pavo District, I announce
myself a candidate for office of
County Commissioner of Thomat Co.,
subject to the Democratic Primary,
At the soHcftatfon of my friends of
Boston and vicinity I offer as a can
didate for coanty commissioner, sub
ject to the Democretie primary.
future that I have tried to render te
the past.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M.
For Solicitor City Court.
To The Voters of Thomas Coanty;
I announce my candidacy for so
licitor general of the city court of
Thomasvllle, subject to the white
primary to be held on June 4th.
I have no criticism to mahe ef
my opponent, either ss an officer 4>r
as 'a citizen. During fait nearly
eighteen years as solicitor of the
County Court he attended to the of
fice. During my term It has beea
my effort to do the same fling.
I will appreciate your support.
Very Respectfully,
Every woman desires a good corn-,
plexion, hut oft-times either ruin*
the one she has or fails to gain oue
by the paint and powder method the.
employs. A good complexion la from
within and can't be painted or pow
dered on. Two things are necessary
In order to be the possessor of a good
complexion, a healthy actlou of the
liver and good rich blood. Rydale’s
Liver Tablets taken occasionally and
followed for a week or ten days by
Rydale's Tonic and plenty of fresh
air and out of doors exercise will
beat all the paint and powder In tb*
world. Try it Just once and see.
Sold by all drug stores.
Dr. W. A. Monroe of Metcalf*
spent Thusrd&y In tbe city on bus
Miss Cooper of Pelham Is in the
city ae the guest of her brother, Mr.
M. M. Cooper.
For Tax Receiver
I hereby announce myself for the
position of county tax receiver at the
coming primary subject to the laws of
the democratic' party. If elected
will give my beet efforts to the work
and endeavor to prove, worthy the
confidence and trust placed In me.
F. 8. NORTON.;,
For County Commteatpner.
Alter serious consideration, and at
the solicitation of my many friends,
I bays decided to be a candidate for
re-eleoUon to the position of County
Commissioner, aubject to the demo
cratic primary. Thanking my many
friends for their support In past years
Kedol Is a scientific preparation of
vegetable adds''with natural dlges-
flants and contains the same Jnloes
soliciting the support pf my friends j and asking lor the same loyalty thlj ^d *ln aTerilV. stomach- Each
and fellow eltl**as.t.
Yours truly,
! try Dr. Ming’s New Discovery; and ened kidneys and allays trouble aria-
* Notice. i I want to say eight now, It saved my, lag froi inflammation of the blad, To Voters of Thomas County
Look out for one wHIte and dun! life. Impqpvemeut began with the d<y\ Sold by Montgomery A Mao- 1
pldqd. butt beaded steer. Liberal! first bottle and after taking one doz-
reward wMI be paid for any lnforuli- en, bottles I was a well and happy
tien regasdtog the leeatkn ot this an an again, 1 * tars George Heore, of
steer. Last seen between ’ Oqulnnee Orlmesland, N. C. As a remedy for
Greek sad the river, te right of Dr.
McTyeer’s old place
It «• L. ROGERS.
The University of Georgia offers
(astr-ctldna In Dentlftsr. For Infor
mation apply to Alfred Akersun,
Athena, Oa.
coughs and colds told healer of weak
and sore luwgs and for preventing
pnouxndnla Nenr tjlsoovety Is sn-
preme. -M and filTuO per bottle at
all druggists. Trial bottle free.
' Quantity and Quality rarely ever
Pf) together. Here's the exception.
Elliott’* Emulsified Foil Liniment
— — contelne htK a pint of emulsion of
. For Tax Oonertor. Spirits Turpentine, Origanum, Kero-
1 most respectfully announce my-. t , Bf# 01J Blhsr and Ammonia and
oalf a oandldate tor _to; |e , ]( for onlyd6 c «, u a bottle. Guar-
tee office or tax of ’IhortfS; or mtmejr fcack For u ] 4 at
coanty, aubject tfi the action of too „ drup , Btara , *
primary to be told oa June 4th. I, pon . t walt unUI fa haT( , a
sincerely ‘hank my friends for their ( 00<(?h » Aa onnce of
eupeort In “ "C tlen Is worth a pound of cure." With
•*«*•*. “T beet e *?, rU she first Ockllng of the bronehlal
wareful attentlea to the duties ef the tabeg Ket , ot RrdaIe -< Cough
o* c ®- - | RUncr. Safest for parent or child.
Very Respectfully,
P. 6. HEETH.
{ Contains no opiates.
| drug • tores.
For sale at ill
Neighborhood Favorite.
Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor,
Matne, speaking of Electric Bitters,
says: "It Is a neighborhood favorite
here with us.” It deserves to be a
favorite everywhere. It gives quick)
riled ln'dyspopsla User complaint, kid
pey derangement, malnuerttlon, ner
vousness, weakness and geneTU de
bility. Its actios on the Mood, as a
thorough purifier makes it especially
useful ss a spring medicine. This
grand alterative toile Is sold un-
aertgaroantee at all druggists. EOs
Keeping Open House.
..Everybody It welcome when we
feel good; and we r«el that way on
ly when our dtgcsyvo organa are
working properly. Dr. King's New
life Pills regulate the aotlon of the
stomach, liver and bowels so per
fectly one can’t help feeling good
when he uaes these pfile. 15 cents
at all drug atpres.
For Tax Recetyer.
In persunnes *1 tho regular oon-
tom of the Jlemocratle party In this
county I hereby announce myself for
'te office of tax receiver for Thoms*
county. I respectfully request th*
support of nil citizens, and U elected
will doTote my time and attention
faithfully to the work. J have tarred,
the county to this position In year*
gone by and tm fully acquainted
with th* work and am positive that
I will ha able to properly oondact It
year, I cm
Vary sincerely,
f E. M. SMITH.
For Sheriff.
I hereby anneunc* myaelf a oan
dldate for (herie. My long exper
ience aa Deputy Sheriff ho* enubted
me to fully acquaint myself with the
duties of the offic*, and if elaoted, I
will honestly sod fearlessly discharge
the, duties of this Important office.
office with tbs shartff’i offiae, any
member of my family, and nil ru-
For Coanty Treasurer.
I respectfully announce that I am
a oandldate for re-election as treas
urer of Thomat oounty, subject to
the aotlon of the coming Democratic
I am very thankful to th* people
for the favors and ooafldeaoe shown
me to the put and pledge. If elected,
my vary best and most conscientious
effort* to give them faithful, efficient
and satisfactory service.
I earnestly aollelt your support and
friendly cooperation.
Gratefully sad faithfully Terms,
To Th* Democratic Voters of Geor
I am a candidate for Treuurer of
this stats, subject to the Democratic
Primary an June 4th. My Candida
cy to baud upon my former service
to toe people In this office oororfSk
s period af more toon twenty years
record that I believe Win bear
I will not, If elected, appoint to our- scrutiny and which has never
been impugned, if slanted I prom
ise the same fatthfil service te the
mors that I -would appoint soma dllUa8 ot a g M that marked my
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Strioklaod of
Mlccosukle are In the city ter n few
"B C DoWikt A Os.. OMIcago, Til. Suffering and Dollars Saved.
Gentlemen:—la 1197 I had « dto- B: S. Loper, ef Manila, N. Y„
ei«v» ef the stomach aa<f bowels. Is tavi: “I am a carpenter ant-have . . , „ .
the spring of 1902 I bought a Bottle had 'mmy severe cuts heated by days u the tfieats ef Mr. sad Mrs.
ef K-dol and the benefit 1 received Rncklon's Arnica Salve. It has uv-'c. B. Dixon. -
nil fke gold ta Georgia could sot eiilfering and dollars. It lsl
hue- Touts very truly. C. N. ffor- by far the best beating salve I have '
rcli Rodhig Os., Aug. 29. 1996." prpr found.” Heala burns, sores, nl-
Bnld by Montgomery A -MacIntyre, cere, fever sores, enema and piles.
29 cents at all drug stores.
Thomasvllle, Ga.
Miss Rena Bonchella to spending
the week with Mentis In Atlanta.
member of family as Deputy ore
false. I most earnestly solicit tho
support of the white voters of the
county. My oandhtoey Is subjeot to
the Demoocatfc primary.
For State Senator.
At the solicitation of my many
friends I hereby announce mysoM a
candidate for the odtee ot senate*
from the Seventh District of Ooor-
gta. subject to tho action of tho Dem
oors Me primary of Jun# 4th.-4911.
‘ —. J. 8. WARD, Jr.
prerioua administration.«
Years truly.
For Orikay.
'.I harofcy announce myself a can
didate foe re-olootloa to the udtoe of
Ordinary of Itomo* Coanty, Geor
gia, subject to the nation of th*
Bern email t -Primary tot June 44b. I
desire te roMta my stoesre thanks
!o nR my Mentis tor th* gvoer
sopport given me ta th* put, and »*-
apettfuHr stk tholr suOrags to Ihta
elec ties, promising th* sum filth-
Mia* ta doty to th* afiton to te#
At Coast Line Depot.
Special Breakfast Served For Early
—Oysters, Fish, Gome, In Sessoo—
Best Sen-foe — — Price* Reasonable
Beaattrnl Souvenir Foetal Canto.
The souvenir postal cord* Issued
by the Atlanta, Birmingham A Atlas-
tie Railroad are proving exceedingly
popular. They are painted In colon
and represent attractive seen** along
the Bn*. £
A set H seven ot thou ' :1s sn
be secured by sending ten emts to
W. H. Lonhy, Geperal V granger
Agent, Atlanta, Go.
dose will digest more thsa 9.900
grains ot good food. Sola by Mont
gomery A MacIntyre.
k Handsome Calendar.
The Atlanta, Btrmtogbam and At.
lantle Railroad’s 1902 oalsndtr has
proven the most popular railroad cal
endar Issued In the southwest. Tho
heavy demand lor these osleudan
bos caused a second edition to be is
sued. Copy can ba sees rod by sand
ing seven cents, (Te) to stamp* to
W. H. Leahy, Oensrsl "Psasongar
agent, Atlanta, Gal
It Doea the 1
Mr. B. h: Chambertofn, of Clinton,
Main*, soya of Bbehton’s Arntan
Salve: "It does tho business; I hare
I It l8r piles and It cared them.
Used It for shopped hands and It
sored them. Applied It to an edd
tors tod It healed it without .leaving
a sear behind?' 21 coats at ml drug
The Atlanta, Birmingham aad At
lantic Railroad sails attention to the
beautiful illustrated booklet eatitlat!
Seashore r aad Mountain," contain
ing vtewu of seashore and mountain
resorts along It* lines, with mop
showing th* Hue ta Operation up to
'Copies wilt be sent tow upon ap
plication te W. H. Lechy,-General
Pasaeigor Agent, Atlanta, Ga.
KODOL to the best remeor know
today for dyspepsia. Indigestion an.
all trouble* arising from a disorders.
Stomach. - It to pleasant, prompt on
thorough. Sold by Montgomery A
These *'• d Is sues tor which Chans
kerlain's Salve la especially valua
ble. ft quickly allays th* itching am'
smarting sad soon . effects a cure .
Price, 25 cent*. For sal* by Mont-
imesy A MacIntyre.
fikOdol Indigestion;
t ^ ■* Reb«VM»our stomaefeu
0*1oit*tioQc! (ho '< sart JHgtAto what you «ak.