Newspaper Page Text
\ Notice. j
I#’® received the Actsot the
-Ueglsfatnre (or 1907 and am ready
to dellvor them to all J.P.’s, and N.
P.’W and Bx-O. t. P.'e In Thomas
WM. M. JONES. Ord. ,
Libel for divorce.
Georgia, Thomas County;
Ilattlo Battle ts Geo. Battle. In
the Etiperinr Court ol Tbemus, coun
ty. Georgia, April term 1908. Libel
(or, divorce.
To the Said De(endent, Geo. n*t-
ol Thomas County, Ga., Issued by
P. S. Heath, tax collector of Thom-
as County, Georgia, -will bo sold be.
(ore the court
asrille, Thomas County, On., within
the legal hours o( sale on the first
the above described fits, March 7th,'
j T. J. HIGHT,
3-13-41, * \ S
Mas leal at Mis. Morses.
A good many ot the music lovers
DfctflS ot Thomii County, Qa* L
told ns the property ot the South TWft
Georgia Land Company ,to satiety.
Nothing Can Be Beard
Sheriff. 'fjom rThem.
(From Saturday’s Dally.)
Thursday evening two girls, ln«
U«. Irm etc hereby cocqnvMi.i»j to te, of Thomasvllle and Its winter col- mates ot the Vashti Home near this
and appear at ihe said natt term ct ony were delighted Thursday after-
tve said court to be held or the third 1 noon bv . musical at the eluant
Mtinday in April, 1908, Men miC . or Mr* J f* u nr .< glrl * * ere Carrle Conway'ot North
thee to tttwer plaintiff's i * ,om# of Mr »- J - c - Mor ** 0D ,he
as In default thereof the court -e;!l i boulevard. Some rare and beantlfnl c *rollna and Winnie Rice of Blr T
pr.w lei nr to Justice may appertain. |selections were rendered In masterly “Ingham. Carrie Con ray was elgh-
Witness the Hon* Hobt. 0 Mioh* 'istwio ui p___ al i» ■ J . A
ell Judge ot said court the 9ih cay ytyl * ° y p * ek on th * vlolln se-, teen years ot age, medium height;
with black hair and blue eyee. The
other la taller with swarthy complex
Ion, black hair and bVown eyes, rath-
Restored to Health by Lydia Be.
Pink h tim*s Vegetable Compound. J
n»ad What Thf jar.
ot March, 1908.
3-Stet *. C.
Georgia, Thomas County:
To .Whom It Msy Concern.
Fondreu Mitchell has made ap
plication to mes in due form to be
appointed permanent administrator
upon the estate of Mrs. Rebecca
Bruce, lute of said county. Notice
la hereby given that said application
will he heard, at the regular term of
the'court of ordinary for said conn-
try on the first Monday In April 1808
Witness my hand and official sig
nature this the Ind day ot March,
WM. M. JONES, Ord.
Thomas Co. Georgia.
Georgia, Thomas County:
Robert Gilmore, administrator up
on the estate of Weulrv Gilmore, late
of said county, deceased, baring Hied
bin petition for discharge this la to
cite a|l persons saaosruea to show
cases against the granting of this die
charge at the regular term of the
court ot ordinary fortald county to
be held on the first Monday In April
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary,
companled on the piano by Mr.
Lonle Cornell. Mr. Cornell also
delighted those attending with other
selections on the piano. Hit play
ing that afternoon was especially
beautiful and .the selections all were
lovely. The affair waa 'one ot the
loveliest of Its kind ever given la
Thomasvllle. After the musical tea
waa aerved.
Games to Be Arranged Real Soon—
JMBcert Elected. ■
I bie Compound over-
* ■ irregularities, pe*
11 leel It a duty to
1 let others know of It."
L Lafayette 8t., Denver,
■Col., write#: "Thanks
to Lydia E. Plnkban's
Vegetable Compound I
' tor mouths from ner
vous prostration."
Miss Maris gtoltt-
i msn, of Laurel, Is.,
I Writes: “I was Ins run-
I indigent ion, and poor
fcirculation. Lydia E.
Fiokha n'a Vegetable
Compound made
But Loose frack-Notii
, tog Men.
wear th'e
senator with credit, and whose s
vices in the “upper house,” wot
j reflect honor on the county, distri,
ndptotte. ,
I do not wish to appear un,
the ui
name as s candidate for the
itc. . This is no hasty
onclusion.slt is final and Irrcvo-
Ae home of D. M. Wells on Met
calfe avenue was entered Thurs
day night by a negro. Nothing of
value was taken but a serious distar-
Georgia, Thomas County, City
Will bo sold on the Jlrst Tuesday
In April next at public outcry at the
Court House In said county within
tho legal hours of sale, to the high
est bidder for cash, certain property
of which the following in a full and
ooriplete description:
To wttg All tbat part of lot of
land lying and being In the city of
Thomasvllle, Ga., fronting Norm 75
feet oil Jerger street and running
back South In uniform width along
Cnswford ytreet 250 feet, more or
leel to a vacant lot, owned by J. L.
and bounded on Nertb ,by
street,-on west by Crawford
on Sontb by vacant lot, on
by fenoe dividing the above de
scribed lot from Mrs. M. O. Secken-
dorff's Dawson street property, and
hnvlng on It a small one-story frame
tenant house, said property levied
upon as the property of Mrs. M. O.
Seckendorff to satisfy a city tax 11 fa
for the year 1907. This March 7tb,
J. J. STEPHENS, Marsbal.
er good looking and has been In the
borne bnt a short time. Miss Con
way has been In the home for about
a year or more.
The disappearance ot the girls
waa dkeovered about shven thirty
and Mr. Blahop Immediately went >o
town and Instituted search, contin
uing same until midnight. No trace
of their wberaboute was discovered
and nothing definite has been found
A very enthusiastic and well it- yet . 8ome are of tbe op | nlon that
tended meeting of the baseball (ana fh . ... _ ,
and enthusiastic! In tbl. city wm glT " W * nt wltb 0,9 Bu,tcr
held Friday evening at tbe Times- Br 9 wn Company to Valdosta yeater-
Enterprise office. An organization day mining, although this cannot
waa perfected by the election of the be borne out by fact. The police who
following officers: Capt. C. T. Stu- helped Mr . B , sbop , Q „„ Kai . ch were
.rL Pmldtol A. N Tjjrnbull Mgr., j>t tb| , „„ ^ other tralni and uv
E R Jergar, Sec and TreM., F. M.
Stuart Official Scorer and Press BoM,,,1 B ot cither of (be girls.
Agent. * It has been found from aims ot
It waa decided to organise two lo- the girls who are lnmatee tta sre, now
cal teams at once, Oscar Groover to ihat one of the glrle hit ten
be captain of one team and John Ura In n0MJ tnd tbo otb(r a)K)ut
W * , ' t °,! 1 i C .? t . a "‘ ll , three dollars. Just where they ob-
was decided that each ot these two'
captain should select a team fromj tatn * d **“• mone l' la knowR
tbe available material In the city. There was ho ’ dissatisfaction upon
Mr. Watt to have Unit choice ot a the treatment at the borne at all
Officers For Ensuing Year Elected—
banee was created by hip . apperfr-, Ground, to be Kept to OondUtom. '
nnrp ftp. WaIIr whn *«■' In hoH ' . t '* / "*■?'
At ths 18th annual macting' ^t
>e Country Club, held on last-Tats- ,
the following officers
■elected:President, J. C. Sfd^*
Vice-President C. M. Cbi
nrer, B. H. Wright,
Board of Governors, C. .4fer<J
C. B. Paraona, J. L. Philips; '.and
i ward Crosier, term of office three
FOR SICK WOMEN. bed and closely followed the negro'years from February 1st, 1908, An-
ance. Hr. Wells who was' In
with a severe attack of mumps abqgt
two . o'clock heard someone in: Iffi
room. He was of the opinion that
the party wm hie wife and asked
VW1I HIKl ■vroilff.” 'l , '
MIm Ellen MTOlson, her some questions but receiving'H0,
Iwan'ifllMaysLyl r ®ply looked up to ace who It Was.
IdUB.^lukham'aVege- H „
ltebl« Compound cured , ®
ne * r ° th *‘ he wm * 61b *
my Piriodt. after the through hie pants,
boat local doctors had I
failed to help ms.” | Mr. Weils made a Jump from the
1119 I00m Wh ‘ Ch ™
-Toots and herbs, has been the : obcupled by his wife, in passlfig
d remedy for female ills, 1
positively cured thousands of
Notice Is hereby given that on the
first Friday In April, 1908, after the
publication of thli notice oncea week
'for four weeks, I will transfer two
(I) shares of stock of the par value
of 91,009 In the Glen Arven Land
Company, now standing In the name
•of Theodore R. Hostettcr, late of
Allegheny City, state of Pennsylva
nia, to myself m Administrator of
' said estate, by virtue of my author
ity, under tbe letters of administra
tion from tbe register of wills of
tbe Orphans Court for Allegheny
County, State of Pennsylvania.
ROBERT 8. ROBB, Administrator,
Estate Theodore R. Hoe tetter.
Georgia, Thomas, County:
H. A. Fleetwood, administrator
upon the estate of Mamie E. O'Neal
hiite of said county deceased having
filed his petition for discharge, this
. Is to cite all persons concerned to
■how cause against the granting of
thla discharge at tbe regular term
of the Court of Ordinary for said
county to be held on tbe first Mon
day In April, 1908.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
battery and then each ■captain
choose a man in turn.
The first game will take jhet next
Friday afternoon and a good game
can be promised because each man
will be on hit metal to make bis
place on the first team. The proceeds
of this game will go toward the
purchase of ualforma for tbe regular
first team. It la the Idea of the
manegentent to- give these contests
between home teams once n week un
til tbe men have bad sufficient prae
tlce,"after which contests will-be ar
ranged regularly between teams
from all the surrounding baas ball
It is tbe nope ot the management
tbat the people of the city will re
spond te these efforts and help to
make this a go. It will do much to
ward having something lovely for
the hot sumne- afternoons and will
give tbe Thomaavllle fane a chance
of seelog plenty of good baseball.
Infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Neel Passes Away.
Georgia, Thomas, County:
W. F. Thomas, Administrator up
on the .estate of S. C. ThomM, late
of said county, deceased, having filed
his petition for discharge, this la to
cite nil persons concerned to show
cause against the granting of this
discharge, at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said connty
to be held on the first Monday to
April, 1908. „ . *
8-13-41. erty
Georgia, Thomas, County:
C. 8. Hodges, vs A. Hodges. Thom
M Superior Court, April term,
1908. Libel tqf Divorce.
To A. Hodges:
on are hereby required to be and
appear at next term of Thomas Su
perior Court to answer petitioners
complaint In above stated cause.
This February 14th, 1908.
Georgia. Tbomr.s County. . „
In and by virtu if a schooitax fi
to for the V-cr- ire school dlitrlc*
Martha Rebecca, the little houa-
hoM treasure of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Ned, -passed from thle life Friday
evening at half pMt seven o’clock
after an illness ot only five days.
She wm born October eighteenth,
nineteen hundred and six.
A precious bnd transplanted from
this earthy garden to bloom In tho
Paradise of God.
The funeral will be held at the
residence on Love Street this morn
ing at nine o’clock. The Interment
at Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Capt. Triplett for Senator.
There has been a decided and ac
tive interest taken In the pMt few
days to get Capt. John Triplett to al
low his same to be used In the race
for state senator. His friends are
very anxious for him to allow them
the privilege of supporting him for
that position. He hM no \ duties to
interfere with the proper attention
o the duties ot the office end there
is not a more popular or well liked
men in the connty or In the state,
than the Captain. If he should al
low his friends that privilege his
support in tbe connty would show
Just how mnch the people of the
connty appreciate the many things
that the Captain has dobo for them
from the reconstruction days to the
present timij.
but the gills were anxious to get out
info the world and earn their own
living. Some are of the opinion
that there were two men connected
with the affair but there Is nothing
certain about this either. I'. Is to
be sincerely hoped that thla Is -xt
the com and tAt It waa merely a
desire to get out Into the world.
Any whereabouts of the glrla will
be appreciated by tbe iuthorltles In
charge of tbe home and If they, are
seen In tbe city It le certain that the
fact will be reported to them.
iwho have been troubled with
entente, inflammation, ulcera-
broid tumors, irregularities,
e pains, backache, that bear-
—i feeling, flatulency, indtoes-
[ness, or nervous proatfauon.
ont yon try it?
I Pinkhnm invites all sick
to write her for advice.
« guided thousands to
Address, Lynn, Mass.
•be 1
negro. One. bullet lodged In tfie
wall about £he height of the ne
groes’ head.The other hit a shelf la
the btyik porch near where the negro
had bumped himself. The nei
then left the premises as quickly^:
possible dropping hit hat as
climbed the fence around the hoi
The marsbal wm called In and
with bis dogs trailed the negro to
block containing negro houses'
FletchervlUe. He went throng]
yard then Into a barn there the
was lost. Tbe dogs and police
ed around there several honre
Ing to find him .again but noi
developed. It Is more than prol
that the man ht\l been aware
pie provision wm made for kedptag
the property In first' elase cond-ffion.
through that room be caught up A; during the summer and for the '
pistol and fired twice at the fleeing coin* ot the chib as Mnal next wtn»
A Square Seal
. i when yon buy Dr. PI •fee's
dlcinca—Ibr all the Ingradl-
ring Into them are printed on
i-wrappera and their formula*
1 under oath sa being complete
. You know Just what you are
r and that the Ingredients are
l front Nature'* laboratory, being
-om tho most valuable native
1 growing In our
shlls potent to curs . , . ,
i to the most officers with the dogs and had
| Ths Chib Will not Iffi^nMfc/fhM.
[summer as wnn.tba mHei
this feature not baring pfUftt a sue
[desk. This As the most beaut'.H
in this section ef the state, and.
lo people will be delffihted fo knoti
place la this section jjl the state and -
|»U| alio congratulate the Club upon
UajMtton iif ^t&^iitrOBg,
i the
utrltlve i
an Important part In
m Medlsal Dlseeveey la
the cure of Indigestion, dyspepsia and
weak stomach, attended by sour risings,
bean-burn, foul breath, coated tongue.
Besides curlnj
- Is a spec!
Hit By a Baseball.
Morris Droggan, whoso parents
live on Jackson street, was hit by a
baseball at tbe noon recess of tbe
public school yesterday. He wm
standing watching the game when
the ball was thrown by one of tbe
oi mo stomsen, liver ana oowcis.
let curing all the above distressing
>U, the"Golden Medics! Discovery■
oclfte for all discuses of the mucous
,-anes, as catarrh, whethea ot ths
nasal passages or ot the stomaCIT, bowels
or pelvic organs. Even In lu ulceratlvs
stages It will yield to this sovereign rem
edy If lu nte be persevered In. In Chronlo
“ Nasal
Catarrh of the Nasal passages. It Is well,
the ’Golden Medical Dis
covery " for the necessary constitutional
treatment, to cleunso the passu:
. ... , ices (reel!
two or threo times a day with Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. This thorough course
of -treatment generally cures the worst
chV' I' Vh■^ hoarseness caused by bron-
players and accidentally hit Morris' »ur.,p'c,..n tn lu sdvuicsdsutsssl'tho"Uofdsa
slcdicsl m.-cuverj * Is a most efficient mat
in tbe back of tbe head. t'lr. especially In those obstinate, btncoq
•onvlisi-suaed by Irritation and congestion ol
It WM at first-thought that he was! tile Uoncblsl mucous membranes. The "Ills*
, t*. 'vi*r.v " is not io good tot icnti fwwlw irli*
seriously hurt. He wm token homo ghgm mddraeolda nor mnj. It to «-
in a carriage, and there attended by
a physician. He wm very mnch bet
ter last night, and no serious re
sults are looked for.
cessfully dodged them.
The hat la the only means of
tlficatlon that they have and
wm! a black slouch hht, boi
from seme'firm.In'.Macon with thi
It In Is E. H. J. punched In the
~.~7r there Is anyone in ttuLqfty
those Initials who bas given n hat to
a negro It may be possible to flq£
who he to--. Otherwise It to more
than probable tbat It will liever be
Editor Tlmcs-Enterprlao:
Jas. McDonald-.
>d An exciting ad
^*ity f| Alch might have i
ripus ending. Mr. Me!
eonttected to erect--..4-
Floe park, and '*■'—•*•"**- W
to haul over to that toffm a
b»t : i
flqg to Jones Bridge, found the wa- -
ter so high tfoit they queettoned
If they could get acrocs the
strefch beyond the little bridge. Mr,
Burns wm willing to try it, and, af
ter unloading the lime on tbe h|4dge 1
they, set forth.
After getting off the bridge' and
In yesterday’s Issue of your paper proceed , ng a „„„ war , tte waUr
you say: "There has beenva decid
ed and active Interest taken In the
past few days to get Cspt. John Trip-
floated the wagon bed off the frame,
and lifted the hind gear dear of the
front axle end wheels. The mutes
W. I. McIntyre For Representative.
We take great pleMure In calling
the attention of the voters ot Thom-
M county to the announceemnt In
this Issue which we are authorised to
make of the candidacy of W. I. Mc
Intyre for the office of represen
tative from Thomas county. This
gentleman deserves the thanks and
commendation of this county for his
strict attenUon to huslneaa at the
tost term and also for his rigid ad
herence to high principles on-various
questions. His record to the best
recommendation thnt we can make
and hte friends all over the county
will send this brilliant young gen
tleman back to the legislature with
the feeling of security and trust,
which it has and will continue to
place in her three representatives.
the race and tendering a hearty and
cordial support. This evidence of
Contractor Says Coast Line Depot ‘ confidence end personal friendship
lett to allow his name to be used In vere iw | mmtagi ud Messrs. KcDoa-
the race for state senator. Hte-j ald and Burnt wer , dnmp<d uno ^
friends are very anxious forvhlm to I OMOUily , nto q,, water . nasr,
allow them the privilege of support-! wcc#ed#d g «ttlng the mulee to
ing him for that position.” | the little bridge, but while trying
I have been approached by a numj f0 tbe rMt of tba wagoa together
her of citiiens urging me to make th# mnl#§ h ; t tb(]r wut( d
to go babk home, and of their own
accord swam hack to tbe * other
Will Be Carried to Waycrost.
has not been lightly received
lightly considered. It to deeply and,
duly appreciated. I would be 1<
than human did I no, feel more or
In Its editorial columns n few
days ago, the Tlmee-Entorprtoe re
produced an article from the Doth
an paper which stated that tbe old, less flattered atsdhe many tender* of
depot which waa being taken down j support, coming U they have, from
at that place wm being taken for| botb town and county, from all class
ffodol Dyspepsia
Oigesta wtoat you «
Mr. and Mr* Irn Deklo ot Och-
locbnco were in the dty Friday on n
Shopping expedition for n few. hours.
Mr. Alex McKinnon of Boston
spent n few honre In the city Friday
on bnslnes*. -
r. & H. Beock of BeaehtoiTWM tn
the city Friday on businsee.
use In ThomMvllle.' - " This article
hM caused some little comment and
Mr J. W. L. Tates, who bas tbe
work In charge, says tbat the build
ing will be taken to Waycrose. Tbere
to sad need of a yard office In tbat
city, where near yards are being
constructed and this building will
be so utilised. The work will begin
at once and Contractor Tates will
take a force of workmen down tbere
this week for that purpose.
It to a matter of some little pleae-
ure that this building will not be
dumped on, the people here, as the
station which 1a here now to bqd
enough without thrusting upon the
town things worse. Tbere never
wm an intention so far as It known
of putting it here and the officials do
not undentand where the editor
ceived the information. This brings
np the Oneetlon ot when, oh when,
will jre get n decent new depot?
Mrs. John Barney of Boston wss
In the dty Friday for n short time
shopping. iiiilL
cs, from many with whom 1 have
stood shoulder to shoulder, in many
f hard fought political i battle, dat
ing back to tho dark days of recon
In all these years I have never
naked for or sought office. It hM
amply sufficed me to work in the
ranks, to give unbroken and loyal
support to tbe nominees of my
party, and to aid my friends when
they sought political preferment
This bas been to me no less a pleas
ure than a privilege tnd .a duty.
Thnugh sometimes differing with
my party, I have never failed to
stand by Its nominees, and It to
needless, perhaps, to add that the
nomtoM for senator from the 7th
district, whoever he'may be, will
have my support. >,
ThomM county, whose time It to
to name the seiqttor this year, to
rich In material. There ere many
Tbere tney quietly waited for
their owner to come and give them
further Instructions. Messrs. Mo-
Donald and Borns returned to Thom
Myllle in quest of dry clothes, and
got another wagon to io Ont to tbo
bridge and bring the lime to the city
They are to he eongratnlated that no
serious n^np attended their plunge
Into the raging waters of the Oeh-
lochnee. .
are several little ducts leading from
the liver and gall bladder that unite
one main or common bile dnet which
carries ths bile sod other fluid into
the Intestine. When there la a Ca
tarrh condition of thee# dpets the
whole system is affected and aH
kinds of mean feelings are experienc
ed. Ordinary liver pills and pow
ders fall to relieve this condition.
An eminent physician, a professor In
a Columbus, Ohio, Medical College,
wrote the prescription from which
Rydale’s Liver Tablets are mad* and
(bey nevbr fall to relieve this very
common condition. For Biliousness
and Torpid liver they are without as
equal. One done convinces and that
dose Is fra*. Write for sample. Ry-
dsle Remedy Company, Newport
News, VA, Guaranteed bby-Mont
gomery 4k MacIntyre.
Mias Lacy Cargill to visiting
slater, Mrs. Mallory Carlisle In tnth-
bert for a fey week*.