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rhe,x Most Liberal and Remarkable Of{er of This Kind Ever Made by Any Publication.
At a large Expense, to Increase Our Circulation and Alio to Give Our Subscribers and /
Friends the Beat of Everything Obtainable We Hare Made Arrangements to Offer Them
be lost Wooderfal Clubbing Offers Ever Made, No Matter Vbat their Price May Save Beea
} i
KHMHMHIBB—The MMom ii at hand (ar subscribing (or poor new,papers and magasluea for the new year. This ie the age of popular enlight
enment through the piodncte of the. printing prase. The family which le »applied with an abundance of good clean, informing and entertaining
literature is always in the process of self-ednoatton. The man, woman or child who is reading good news pa pars and magulnee la going to school
as truly as if enrolled in an institution of learning. Happy is ths family which has an abundance of attractive reading matter always at hand
to make home pleasant, and quiet the restfuls ess incident to childhood. To supply the universal American de mand for high-dase periodical lit
erature, we have arranged with the several publishers interested whereby we can offer yon the greatest club bargains ever made.
(By J. S. Searcy.)
Sunday picnics atom te be popu
lar In these parte of late. Two par
ries et young folka joined by otbrti
from Hansell and other places left
early Sunday morning with fat din
ner baskets to spend the day ii the
Ota, chaperoned by editor add
Mrs. n. L. Braswell, wen* tft the
Id m e Sink, a popular place Of re
sort ever la 'Grady county. the
other, beaded by Mr. and Km. W.
If. Singletary, spent the day at MM-
wuf Spring.
1 see that the Parmer’s Baton at
i its neat quarterly meeting will dla-
\ cuss "Our Educational System.** I
trust the remarks en the subject will
•>e published. If there is anything
thht> interests a general public lit
Is the cause, education
The question would naturally arise
“Is It the system that is faulty or is
it the people under whose operation
the law is intended to benefit-” A
law Is operatives only by the will of
he people. Take for instance the
• gau>« laws. They are absolutely in
operative because the people Of their
own will do not’ obey them. The
school laws and the game laws and
the prohibition laws are perhaps all
right in themselves, but the people
do all they can do render thim null.
When the people move in a cause
fund the farmers are the people in
this day, we expect to see results.
Lately by reason of an incipient
fire the roof of the Methodist church
of this plaoe was damaged.
: 4 i claim waa sent in and) within five
days the amount was forth coming.
It If Insured in the Church Insurance
Ccrfnpaay of America.
A Natural Showman.
. Henry Miller, >a negro of this piece
has a natural propensity for giving
shows. He has lived here tor a num
her of years and frequently gives
shows and various entertainments to
his race. Recently there appeared
hmw along with Wells MPdlcine
Show a man with a bull-dog that
climbed a ladder and made a Jump of
40 feet That put a wrinkle In Hen
ryk bead. He developed an ilhusual
tact for immitatlon and now comes
to the front with a small dog of tie
"foist” variety that climbs a ladder
patt makes a Jump of 20 test
pick a banjo and do a number of
fcthew tmart tricks, /henry now of
fers on his hand, bills to give a
"Grand Show of Trained Animals,
and Tams Niggers.”
Mrs. John Philips died a few days
■go la Grady county about five miles
tram this place. . She was sick but
a short time. She was a lady of
excellent character and was much
lorsd by thooe with whom she came
In contact.
Mrs. Homer Pool arrived from
Wayeross Wednesday plght with a
wary sick babe. She went at once to
the home at her father, Mr. W. E.
AlDgood near town where the ln-
feat died. It was buried' at Har
mony church. Rev. W. M. Davis of-
N Relating.
Possible Elopement.
Two young ladies accompanied by
two-young men got off of the Al
bany train Sunday morning and wait
ed for the train from Thomasvllle,
tor Albany. It was whispered by one
of the boys that they were stealing
the girl for a friend in Albany and
that they came this end of (he routs
for a ruse. They were presumably
Her. W; E. Murphy and Rev. W.
M. Davis ths two local Baptist min
isters hers are busy men. They are
Preaching almost every Sabbath and
often during the week. Rev. Mr.
Murphy preached morning and ev
ening at the 8econd Baptist in Pel
ham last Sunday. Mr. ^vls preach
ed there Wednesday svnlng
Mr. T. W. Carter spoke interest
ingly on the subject of Minions last
Sabbath evening at the Baptist
March here.
Marshal Gordon Davis, always
ready for businen in his line, ar-
rested Multman Young of Baconton
for Jumping his contract. Sheriff
Smith of Mitchell county came down
and took Young to Jail.
Min Stella Duren of the Graded
School here spent Saturday and
Sunday with relatives in Thomasvllle
Dsucle Fields, who hu been mak
ing Albany hie home for several
months is at home again.
Mr. and Mrs. Hannan Sapp were
-here Tuesday. Mr. and'Mrs. Sapp
have made their home in Florida
. for several yean but have lately re
traced to Pelham, their old home.
' Mrs, Rebecca Rogers spent Sun
day with her daughter, Mrs. Coy
Here Are The Remarkable Clubs We Offer
Every Pap.r and Magazine Is Well Known and from the Nonh, South, East and We»1.
Clubbing Offers With the Big Georgia Papers and others*
Both For SI.50
Tri-Weekly Constitution
Weekly Times-Enterprise
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal $1.00
Weekly Times-Enterprise $1.00
Sav’n’h. Semi-Weekly News $1.00
Weekly Times-Enterprise $1.00
Both For
Cairo Messenger $169
Weekly Times-Enterprise $1.99
Weekly Times-Enterprise $1.99 Dnfl, Cl Cfl
Thrice-a-Week World $1.99 DUIII
Home and farm .59 Dnfh 1 AH
WeeklyTimes-Eaterprise $1.99 DUlll
M L50
Every Paper Goes to You For One Fall Year.
Remember This great offer is for a very short time only
* I |
Slnqe we must obey the orders of the Postofflce Department, this, Is the lest copy of the Weakly Times-Enterprise which subscribers who owe.
ever one year’s subscription will receive. At we have explained, we areorderdd by the Department to cut off all these subscribers. We are ’
mere than plaaasd to say that we will have to cut off; but very few, as naarly all have paid their subscription to the home paper, and an within
the ilmlt set by the Department There are, however, a law who have not yet remitted, and to those this special appeal la made, Taka
advshtags of any one of the above marvelous offers, gst t<-o Georgia papers for the price of one, nnd permit the Weekly Times-Enterprise to
keep coming, and hup yon advised of all the news from good old TboAas County.
REMEMBtR-This is POSITIVELY the last call. Bo it NOW
or you will bo too late.
• \ N
to ths family of his father, Mr. H. C.
Mrs. Maggie Duren Wording Is
spending several days of the week
with her stunt, Mrs, J. T. Owen la
Patten Dots.
Theqe wsa a large crowd met at
Patten for the purpoee of organising
a Sunday school last Sunday after
noon. The house wsa called to or
der by Prof. St. Clair end proceeded
Mr. W. W. Davit left during the
Mr. J. H. Darla of lire Oak, Fla.
oran hen * few days ago on a visit
week to open a grocery store at Cot
ton, Ga. Ho.has lately been with
the Wltlla Grocery Co., nt this place.
Mr. Math Maddox of Gra^y county
came over Saturday to visit his son,
Mr. C. C. Maddox.
Mrs. C. E. Boswell of Boston spent
several dairs of the past week at the
home of Mr. W. H. Boswell. She
returned home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. L. K. Boswell of Leland, was
here Sunday.
Mr. W. L. Friddell and Mrs. Mollte
Frlddoll with the family of Dr. W.
F. Friddell have returned to their
home at Whltesburg, Ga.
Mrs. Charlotte Pilcher ot this
place and Mrs. Jeff Davis ot Grady
county spent Saturday at Hansell
with relatives.
Mrs. W. L. Nelms left Saturday to
visit her daughter at Hawklnavflle.
Mrs. Nelms is the mother ot Mrs.
H. J. Crowell and has been here for
some time. Her home Is at Jach-
son. Butts county, Ga.
under his supervision. The follow-
Mrs. N. S. Hungerford and three
children are in the city for a short
visit at the home of Mn. C. C. Car-
roll. Mis. Hungerford will be
pleasantly remembered by numbers
of ThomasriUe friends as Miss Ma
mie Smith.
ing officers were elected. Prof. St
Clair was elected superintendent
Mr. D. E. Hayes assistant superinten
dent, Mr. Archie Fountain secretary
and treasurer. Mrs. Chas. Johnson
the Bible class. Miss Bern McKinney
the primary class, Miss May Martin,
the intermediate class, Miss Annie
Wood the Infant class.
Mri. Jim Williams spent last Sat
urday and Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. O.wens of Coolidge.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swain enter
tained a large number of their
friends last Wednesday night
Dancing was the leading feature.
Supper waa served at eleven thirty
and everybody enjoyed themselves
Miss Ida Swain of Patten visited
her friends in the country last Sat
urday and Sunday.
Russell to have his eyes treated,
Miss Rosa Jackson spent several
days In Thomaavlllle last week with
her aunt, Mrs. J. E. Smiti.
The Sunday school st Center Hill
will soon be organised. It was
pended tor the winter bnt now that
the leaves are green again it will be
For Your Sunday Dinner,
try the following delightful dessei
1-2 eup English walnut meats.
1-2 dos. figs cut up line.
1 life package JELL-O, any flavor.
lve the JELL-O la a pint 01
boiling water. WM cool ana ju.i
commencing to thicken stir in the
flu'ind nuts. Serve with whipped
cream. Delicious.' The walnuts, figs
Strain too great.
Hundreds ot Thomasvllle Readers
....Find Daily Toll a Burden. .
The hustle and worry ot business
men, the hard work and stooping ot
workmen, the woman's household
cares are too great a strain on the
kidneys. Backache, headache, side-
ache. kidney troubles, urinary troub
les follow.
Andrew Geiger, tailor ot West Bay
St., Jacksonville, Fla., says: “My
back ached so that I could not sit
at the table and do n\y work. I had
and JELL-O can be bought at any to stay at home several times and
grocery store. This makes,enough loose time from my trade.' My Back
for a large family and Is very econom
MsnZan Pile Remedy, price 50c
is guaranteed. Pat up ready for use.
One application prompt relief to any
form of piles. Soothes and heals.
Sold by City Drug Store.
Center Hill Notes.
Center Hill school Is holding its
own. Several have stopped ont bat
others have lately come In.
Mr. J. A. Rogers spent Sufiday in
Pelham. <
Officer G. E. Davis of Meigs arrest
ed Hattie McCoy, colored, for soma
misdemeanor Monday.
Mr*. J. F. Bullock went to Thomas
Vina Monday taking
: A
Don't cough your head off wber
you can get a guaranteed remedy !•
Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. It
especially recommended for childrc
as It Is pleasant to take. Is a gent’
laxative, thus expelling the pblei
from the system. For coughs, c.
her little sen Btoro
30 days’ trial 31.00 Is the offer
Pineries. Relieve backache,,
weak back; lame back, rheumatic
Best on sale for kidneys
bltdder and blood. Good for yonnr
and old. Satisfaction guarantee or
money yelund'.d. Sold by City Drag
pained me across the loins and I
could hardly turn bver In bed with
out supporting It with my hands,
tried several different remedies, put
on liniments and plasters bnt none
of them did me any good. Some
one told me about Doan’s Kidney
Pills and I went and got a box and
used them as directed. Since using
them, my hack has become strong,
the secretions have become clear
and I can work all day without any
of my old trouble. I will always en
dorse Doan's Kidney Pills.”
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents tor the United
States. Remember the name—Doan’s
—and take no other. •
FOR SALE—Four good mules
one horse. It not said before,
be sold on Saturday, March 21st,
at 12 a. m. at public sale on Broad
street. Can be seen at Blbb'i
bles. E. M. MalleUe.
LOST—2 hound dogs, 9 months old,
dog and gyp. Black and
Collar with name. Return for
ward to A. M. Watson.
STRAYED—Two Shetland ponies;
one gray, one brown roan,
tails cropped. Reward for return
to Evans & Son. dl-wtf.
BALLOON LOST—Five dollars
ward for return ot balloon
Thursday afternoon moving
direction ot Merrillville nnd Pavo
Bring to Southern 1 Ex]
Thomasvllle, Ga.
Mrs. Claude Copeland of Metcalfe
was In the city for m short time Wed
nesday. _
When a man writes as follows,
don’t yon think he means It? Mr. S.
G. Williams, Powderiy Springs, Tex
as, says: “I have suffered tor years
with kidney and Madder trouble, us
ing every preparation I cams
and taking many
without relief until
called to Pineries,
trial ($1.00) I am
Money refnnfi«3 If not
fey City Drag Store.