Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 24, 1908, Image 1

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*1ffflKsS? AND SOUTH GEORGI/X PROGftESS | Dr. Waits, who wrote this ltttar, la wall known In Thom* • aiTllla, haring conducted rerlral aarrice* here tome two Teen ego at the Baptlat church with Her. A. W. Sealer. No man erer came to Thom terllle who won more admiration for hie strength and sincerity than did Dr. White, and bia endorsement of Ur. Brown fully refutes the al legations of his political enemies. “Valdosta, Go., April 17.—In order to ascertain whether or not ifr. Joseph U. Brown Is as bad a man as some of his opponents were, trying to make K appear, a gentle man here wrote to Her. John B. White, of the Second Baptist Church of Atlanta to And out something about, him. Dr. White's reply mokee Interesting reading and Is as fol lows: .. i . ‘My Dear Sir:—I am In receipt lame of base ball at the Fair la that should attract erery nd boy In the city. Leans, with Ur. Jno. L. Tur- Captain, and the Fate, with m. Proctor as Captain and er. will fight to a finish the This gome will be under auspices of the local Young Uen’s Christian Association. Tickets will be twenty- fire cents. x (Continued ea page eight.) TWO CASES F f SUPERIOR CC'ijlT --— t I One Contmaed While Case of Massey vs Williams is Taken Up (From Wednesday’s Dolly) Yesterday was a rather bsmy see. slon of the Superior Court. The whole morning was taken up with a continuance of the case of Glausler Wateon A Co., against Boston Naval Stores Co. A plea ot abatement was argned before a jury, taking the whole morning. The Jury decided against the plea and the case will be continued. In the afternoon on account of con nection with parties Interested in the case. Judge Mitchell appointed Judge C. P. Hansel! to try the case of Jbsury rs Mitchell. This Involves the right ot Mrs. lfasury to torch Ur. J. W. H. Mitchell to vacate the .house known os the old Blseksheor place near Klrby’a mill. She haa sold the propperty to Ur. McLaughlin and ike wants possession. Ur. Mitchell claims hs has a lease for a term of years and that he will vacate whan .the lease is out, , An amendment was argned after which a plea of abatement was of fered by the council for Ur] Mitchell. The amendment was al’owed and .the plea thrown out The-e will be t continuance of the case today Both sides are well represented, Mes srs. Cutts and Maygood of Fitzger ald being aeooelatad wltb Mr. J. H. /'vwjJUl for the Maeury estate and \ > Aura. Luke and Mitchell tor Mr. Vsfrtcl shell. Miss SalHe Stark of Augusta Is visiting Miss Ola Malletto ou Jeffer son street. WILL FORM JOE BROWN CLUB Meeting Called For Fri day Evening at Court House at 8:30 P.M (From Thors day Dolly) The citizens of Thomas County will organise a Joe Brown club ut the court house Friday evening at e!*h .thirty. The meeting haa been called at i be Instance mt a number of Brown supporters In the city, supple mented by tbelr friends end ac quaintances from the other parts of the county. All who are Interested In the race of the aforeeaid gentle man for the office of governor are urged to be present at that time for Ike purpose of organisation and the perfection of plans for on active cam paign In this county. There ere quite a number ot dt- | lxens In Tbomasrllle who have been ’actively supporting Mr. Brown, since his announcement and especially since the unwarranted attack by Gov ornor Smith while speaking here last week. They realize/ fully that Mr Brown is a man who Is really a man from every point of view. Endorsed as a of high principles and good character by one of the moot re sponsible and popular dlvlnea In the state, and with ability In railroad cir cles and management he is consldet- ed by many a much better man for the position than Smith. Thla mooting win be tailed prompt ly eight thirty and it la the predic tion of bis enthusiastic folowers that there will be lust a few more than five present at the meeting. At the Court House, Friday evening, at eight thirty, all who are Interested In bis campaign are requested to be present as important matters will be considered. H. Miss Ellen Quarterman Shoots at And Drives Off Desperado. There was considerable excite ment In Thomatville and the sur rounding country yeeterday when It waa learned tbat Miss Ellen Quar terman had been shot at by a negro. Parties Immediately repaired to the' scene with guns and the marshal’s dogs determined to fiud the negro. They arrived only after two hours hud passed and the negro had a long start of the bunch. The dogs were put upon a trail and hunted for several miles around with no appreciable success. At about twelve o’clock a boy of Mr. Duren, who lives two miles farther from town saw a negro running through the bushes In front ot their place. Tbs dogs could find no troll whatsoever. After going down the road some distance a negro’s track was seen going down (he big road but there Wu another coming the opposite direction. After a short searth It waa found that the tracks of one of the negroes bad email red stains near them. This was thought to be the negro, but the dogs would not trail possibly because It wan several bourn after be bad passed. Some think that this was the right man but others are equally certain that this was merely red mud and m negro who was pos sibly going up to another settlement. Nothing yet has bean fqnnd although the sheriff and others are searching that part o(, the county thoroughly. The little girl fells a story that Is harrowing Indeed and one that speaks well for her bravery and courage. She waa .called to the front door about eight o’clock, while alone In the house, Mr. and Mrs. Henry’ Quarterman having gone to town and.young Mr. Hery Quarter- man being Is a field about half mile away. The negro met her upd asked the girl for the money In the house She replied that there war ri»e there. He pulled his pistol and told her to get ft quick. She said she would and went Inside the honee, coming back with u pistol and open ing fire upon tbs negro. Then the negro returned the fire, putting one bullet through her hair and another through the lower part ot her drees. The third shot he missed her entirely. After these shots be ran away. Miss Qaarter- man went ihack to her work, think ing that he had gone tor good. Hs came back In fifteen minutes and told her that ihe had shot at him and (hat if he couldn't kill one way be could In another nod came np the porch steps. The breve little girl again opened fire upon him, firing three times. The lest shot made him stagger against the post and It is thought that he was bit. He then mode for the woods. The brother waa notified and immediately went to town where Mr. Quarterman secured the dogi and posse and went to the scene. The bravery of the fourteen-year- old girl has excited admiration all over the county. It la rarely that any man or woman would have had such presence of mind In inch a des perate emergency. There course no telling Just what would hare happened had ahe not been so game and daring In a time of ex treme danger. Miss Ellen describes the negro as tall, thin, and black with tear un der right eye and old black salt and slouch bat. CHARGE OF > DEFRAUD MADE Bank of Waycross Affair BroogM Up-Charge Made Against Pres NEGRO NOT CAUGHT YET Dogs Lose Trail in Swamps-Sure it is Right Negro Savannah, Ga., April 22.—Morgan V. Greta, ot Tilton, has filed the first; charges In court here alleging fraud (From Wednesday’s Dally) Nothing definite has yet been learned of the whereabouts of the negro who attempted to Intimidate in connection with the failure of the |M1 „ Quarteman Saturda y. The Waycross Bank. He has filed an ex-^ posses which trailed him from King- tended petition with the superior wood to the creek, fire miles from court alleging that George R. You- that P lace a ”d then lost tho tra ". , . 1 think he must have gone through mans, late president of the bank, i the swamp or down the creek for sold him >5,000 worth ot stock in the dlatance and ^ tikm ^ ^ Institution when he knew It was woodi again. He was evidently in about to fall, and waa Insolvent. | bad physical condition, for every Mr. Grese, It seems, gave to the bank pIace ftat bc had topped there were a promlsory note from the South At- tracea of mood. It mora than lantic Car and Manufacturing Com-j pro hable that he was shot In the r* pany, and bia petition la to prevent g| on 0 f the bladder,, causing serious the use of the bank or Its receivers complications, of that note. He claims that Mr. They have abandoned the troll be- Toumans gave him false Information I cauae the cogs would not carry it» about the solvency of the bank a'An yet, no further Identification of short time before it failed, and be-jhta whereabouts has been made. It cttute of this false Information he In- ig the opinion of medical authorities vested hls money’ In Its stock. He asks the court to assist him In gst- tiag hls aote bank. Judge Paul E. Seabrook, after hearing the petition read, ordered the oase to he Investi gated ob Saturday of this wgek. that It medical attention la not re ceived tbs negro will not live long. They are still oa the lookout and will exsretae unusual vigilance. Qnarterman returned yesterday from the scene of the supposed chase. COMPANY A IS INSPECTED U; S. and State Army Of ficers Present-Made Fine Showing. (From Tuesday’s Dally j The state and U. S. Army Inspec tors were In vhe city last night and Inspected the Thomatville Guards, known as Compaay A., of the first! a “««tions gained from the office™ Georgia. The officers were Major GUARDS PASS INSPECTION Lester Cone Wins Hansell Medal Fine Drill' On Streets (From Wednesday's Dally) The annual inspection of the Thomaavllle Guards resulted In much good to the company, both from the Palmer, who Is a Georgia boy and .Inspecting and because of the re newed enthusiastic Impetus tbat It I has given to military affairs In this has been recently appointed state Ik- \clty. , specter general. Major Landers Isj -rf, ^y, turned out> to a mail , representing the U. 8. Army In the ^very member from Boston being Inspection. Yesterday afternoon they Inspect ed the armory, the equipment sad al so the record 'of ths company. bis. This Is Indeed a worthy re found these la very satisfactory con-j cor(Ij baTlng an en ,„ tment of flf . ditlon, Indeed, as they were last year, ty eight men and three office™ and Last night at eight thirty the oom- having all excepted one enlisted man pany, taming out a very large atten- ,n t0T Inspection. Something dsnee, passed through th. ordeal ° Ter ****** cent. Is the av- erage for their attendance. This with great credit to themselves and . ... .showing is equal to almost any or- .be town. | ) , jganlsatlon In the state. Major R. L. Wylly was also top**! After Inspection, the office™ ed, and being as well up in military ^ ^ ont 0 , tbe itwet an „ they iflairs II he k, of come passed surprised their warmest admlren swimmingly. Toe company was fill*, upon the showing that they mads, ed with the Boston platoon, which,!™ 1 "* they will not come up to tbe crack companies In the state they will outrank many an organization of longer life. The men were Inspected after the present and all In Thomaavllle, ex cept one who was absent from the city, having accepted a Job else where. This of coarse was unvoldl- d,lnt ’ m,de * » troD * ,or d - raurrer and argued this In an able COURT OPENED YESTERDAY Divorces Granted-Dr. Mallette Elected Fore- Man Grand Jury . (From Tuesday’s Dally) The April term of Thomas Super ior Court was opened yesterday at nine o'clock by Judge Robt. G. Mitch ell. After the Initiatory services, tbe Judge In a very able and concise manner charged the Grand Jury, telling them of their duties and re sponsibilities and also of what Is re quired of them In their discharge of their official duties. The Judge made oao of too most Impressive and forceful charges In this connec tion that has .been heard in sev eral years In this court The Grand Jury retired to their rooms and began their work with the proper dispatch. Dr. M. R. Mallette was unanimously chosen foreman and Immediately began the bnstin before the body. They considered several of the bills brought before them and brought In two true hills. They estimate that they will've able to finish the work In four to five days although thla work will de pend upon the despatch tad' ea with which It can be attended to. The granting of dlvoroee took np all the time In the morning and again In the afternoon. The fpllowlng cas es were granted. Sarah Green vs Thyman Green— Divorce, second verdict. Represent ed by Attorney Titns. C. I. Hodges vs E. A. Hodges— Divorce, first verdict. Represented by Attorney Luke. 8. Felds vs Addle Felds—Divorce, first verdict. Mary J. McNeil vs W. L. McNeil —Divorce, first verdict. Charlie Washington rs Alice Wash Ington—Divorce, second verdict. Re presented by Mitchell ft Hambleton. Isaac Norton vs Mary Norton— Divorce, second verdict. Mitchell ft Hambleton. Dannlel Williams vs Sallle A. Wil liams—Divorce, lint verdict. George McLoud vs Dawson Mc Leod—Divorce, second verdict. Re presented by T. N. Hopkins.' After this the case of Glausler and Watson against Boston Stores Co. Attorney Snodgrass, for the defen- CASE TARES y WHOLE DAY Won By Masury Estate- Motion For New Trial To Be Made ■ (From Thursday Dally) The case ot Masury vs Mitchell took up all day In the Superior Court yesterday, and was decided late In the afternoon In favor of Masury. The case was continued from the day before after a legal battle over the small technicalities in the case. In the morning after the examination the attorneys for Mr. Mitchell mid* a motion to non suit. The ease was argued with some show ot legal skill on both sides but the decision waa against Mr. Mitchell, and- the trial proceeded before a Jury. The testimony submitted by three witnesses called to the stand, Measn W. H. Rockwell, J. W. H. Mitchell and W. C. Snodgrass, who was agent for the Masury estate, was thoroughly gone over by both aides. Arguments were submitted pro and con after which council ' for both sides proceeded to tbo argument bo* fore the Jury. Measn. Luka and Mitchell for Mr. Mitchell both made good speeches giving a clear con- clse view ot the case as affected their client. They were followed by Mem. Merrill and Haygood for the Mas ury's after which Judge Hansell charged- tbs Jury with the law on the case and tta connection with tho facts as submitted. This was In ef fect convincing and conclusive to tho Jury. They remained ont but' a short time, about twenty' minutes after which they rendered a verdict for the Masury estate and against, Mr. Mitchell. The case will In all jjirob- blllty be taken to the Supreme Court A motion for a new trial will, be made In tbe course of a short time. The postponed case of Glausler. and 'Watson against Boston Naval' Stores Co., will be taken np at the- opening of .court this morning which., has been called for eight thirty. JOE BROWN A FINE MAN Personal Character Ably Defended By Dr. J. E White of Atlanta.' * (From Sunday's Dally.) There has been an effort on tbq part of friends of. Governor 8mlth to decry Joseph'M. Brown’s personal came over, to a man, prepared for the Inspection. Cspt. Jarrell and Lieut Watt have worked faithfully toward making this the banner com pany and they have succeeded very well. Major O’Leary of tbo lint regi ment, with headquarters In Savan- j nab, was also present, representing Col. Gordon. He is very much pleas-1 drill to cee who would wear the Han sell medal during the coming year. Sergeant Letter Cone won the med al, but was closely pressed by Pri vate Mallard. Their guns and ac coutrements were closely inspected , and It was almost Impossible to de ed with the company and tta pros-, , . ‘ . cWo betwfin Messrs. Cons and Mai- poets. The officers say that the at tendance ot this company comes up to any in the state and with soma practice will make one of the best, companies In the National Guard. mon will not,be forthcoming until Miss Hallle Covington is visiting Jator In tbe year, ^ut the boya can relatives In Boston for a short time, '<)*• well assured of m most creditable tlsrd. A dot, of rust on the bolt of {Mallard’s gun gave the decision to I Cone. A complete report of the tuspoo- and strong manner. He was sustain ed upon'several points bnt the case was taken to Jury. After tho selec tion of tbe Jury tbe court wan ad journed until today w&en thla case will be taken np first thing. Sollqjtor Thomas and the Court Stenographer were In their plares squelches such reports, at the opening of court, ready for j)r. business. This term Is thought to be tbe llghest In many yean In this county. character, and it hoi been alleged by them that he ii not a man of good moral character. The follow ing clipping from tho Mocon Dally.* Telegraph of Saturday effectually showing. The officers left on terday morning’s train (tor where they Inspected that last night. ^ Fat and Leona to Cross Bata. (From Thnraday Daily) On the Drat day of May there will b e a game of base ball at the Grounda tbat should attract man and boy In the The ner as Mr. \ym. manager, scheduled This »