Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 24, 1908, Image 3

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Tremble and Heier Saspect it Fnnlacr of Kldnor Ukaua Moot people do not realize-the alarm ing increase ariU remarkable prevalency . —, of kidneydiaease. teallSJra While kidney dic JHjn « orders are the, mrjr tH^—SSSKYrmost common lyA IPIKK' 1 « diseases thatpre- vail, they are CAUSED i>:-UMORS IN THE BIOOD The skis is provided with countless peres and glands, through which an evaporation is going on continually, day and night. This is nature's method of regulating the temperature of our bodies, and pre serving the natural appearance of the skin. These pores and glands are connected with tiny veins and arteries through which they receive, from the blood, the necessary nourishment and strength to preserve their healthy condition, and enable them to perform this daty. So long as the blood is pure , and rich the skin will be free from eruption unease, but when the circulation becomes infected with acids and humors its nourishing and healthful properties are lost, and its acrid, humor-laden condition causes irritation and inflammation of the delicate tissues and fibres of the pores and glands, and the effect is **rAYcffHrtj/W dmoist the last *Ttln.\t/ Jff C*l recognized by **H JLr & r'vSS rodent and phy- sicians, vho am- ■' lent Ihemtelret wiA Marin) On tfedi, while the orig inal diteaie undermines the system. What To Bo. _ There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, (Prom Sunday's Dally.) Testerday was tag day, and there are very few men In the city whp do not know it. The ladles of the WjaNy&flswi' acted th« jt cannot add ^rpeptibly to the (eat of e flame being tflrock-Jtup-a retaining chimney to ®P, where it it needed for cooking. You'ceil tee diet a Stove sending out 1 teat.* ih but *«<£- recoon would be'.preferable on a hot dSy.to * • wove radiating-heat in a//dire<W Tie new Perfection’' li(£ps < a,kitchen uniformly comfonsble, -Three size* fully wairanted. .1 It uetodth yoor dexlar, write oarnexmt agency* A Don’t welt until you have a deep sooted cough. '"An ounce of preven tion Is worth a pound of cure.” With the -flret tickling of the bronchial tube* get a bottle of Rydale'e Cough BUxer. Safest for parent or child. Contain! no opiates. For sale at ill drag storm. experience, he Bond* Did Not Cony, with absolute- The people of Grady county failed lctloa Is good, to vote enough to seeure the bonds 1 selected and' >n their election o -few days ago. arraagad and' They failed to carry by. about six hundred. For another year at least _ the county will have tp pox for their Inability to secure bonds. They have uetgs spent « , 4nd t JtU to bnlid ud [onday. the contract is to be let at onoe. The University of Georgia offers Inatr-ltons In Dentistry. For lufor- matloh/apply to Alfred Akerman^ on; COMPANY —— Tanks. Injectors, Inspirators, Saw Mill Machht ory,Shifting,, Pulleys, Hangers, Engl- nii-i ltd St 3 am fitters' 3 -j pp lies, Etc. 1. S. Schofield's Sons Co., pain in the back, kidneys,lirer, bladder It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the jUr, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and The new Gun and Bicycle Shop is now ready to do your work such as guns, bicycles, trunks, sewing machines, typewriters, adding machines, gasoline engines, and all kinds oi musicle instruments. Ali work g t i;; i < c J. W. ASBELL 107 Madison St., Thomasvlll, Go t For Sale. Will sell for cash a small farm containing 37 acres, of which acres ere. In cultivation, and having house, barn ami mabies, also very good fence on same. Aid situated three miles north of Boston oa the Barwlck road, and being In the 13th district ef Thomas county, lu lot No. 8(3. Address all communications Mrs. A. W. Battle. Moultrie. Go M. M. Staunland, Boston. Ga. Little dabs of powdor Little daubs of paint Of course wll make a pale face Look as If it It ain’t. 9at a little Itydale's Tonic Taken thrice a day, Makes the pale cheek rnsv - In wise old nature’s way. \ It WW, the artificial Jojed both thick and thin, Antf" can’t be rubbed off with a rag Fpr Its criderne-th the akin. So throw away you* paint box, Lass, The pointless pink looks best. And Ryd lie’s Toalc never falls Whene'er given a test. agents wanted. Continental Casualty Company. 1900 Michigan Ave., Chicago, IB Our grandmothers used to get a lot of old nails place the min a vessel containing vinegar and allow them to remain until the acetic acid In the vinegar produced an Iron eolation. This concoction was then taken by nearly evetj member of the family during the Spring and Fall and It itrely ever failed lb strengthen and benefit the person taking It The eld way was good hut there Is a new way that la far better. Science has discovered a way te manufacture 'Iran so that R can be dissolved In Wraps and ellxera and given fn de- Aalto doses. One of the beat and surrat ways to take iraa k la .Ry- dalo'a Tonic. This remedy la a com blnatlon of Iron, Quinine and Strych nine In an Orange BUxer and com bined with other Ingredients that aifV, it very valuable as a blood and nerve tonic. It Is without an equal for old people needing a stimulant and (er week and puny children sad a sure cure for chills and malaria. Silver Alamlnam Jelly Moulds Free! Individually Molded desserts ore now considered tee proper thing. The moulds are hard tb get outside the large cities, but users of JELL-0, the dainty dessert, can get them ab solutely free. Circular in each package explalalag and illustrating the different patterns. JELL-0 sold'by all good grocers at 10c per package. Do not accept a substitute or you will be disappoint^. GIVES $500 BAIL. Coast Line Agent At Metcalfe Ar rested for ApsuiUt With latent To Mardrr. ^ Mr. Malphus, the agont for the At lantic Coast Line Railway at Met calfe who several days ego became Involved in a scrap with Mr. Mitch ell, contractor for the Florida Cen tral was arreetod In Metcalfe yes terday 1 by Sheriff Might. He Immed iately gave bond for ffiOO to appear for trial. The warrant wea sworn out against him the day before by Mitchell In Tbcmuavllle. It Is possible that If the Grand Jury finds a true bill the trial will come at this term ef Superior Court. Malphus waa In tho city yesterday afternoon and It was reported that he was going to swear out a' warrant against Mitch' ell. but Just what ground for action will bo taked is not known. . mg tlic extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cues. If you need a medicine yon should have the beet. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and oue-dollflr sizes. .You may liave a sample bottle sud a book that tells all about it, both sent free hr mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. When nwerenwliwt writing mention this paper end don’t nuke any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y, Do You'Open lour Mouth Like a young bird and gulp down what* ever food or medicine may be offegsd you ? Or, do yon want to know something of the composition and character of that which you lake into your atomach whether at Most intolli-^Mit and rensiblo people now-a-days insist on knowing what thoy employ whether as food or as medicine. Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfect right to Itittefupan such knowledge. So he publlsIieSs'fecQgdcast and on each bottle* r, whatJiTywedk^lne* are made of TtlAjl9„M-I ..ogjjailp nu of which his medicine? studu'Q nnd undetyt(<od tne gion; n Hr their superior curative virtue? or the cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses, Irregularities an*2 derangements, giving rise to fre«,nont headaches, back ache, dragging-dowai win or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttlracs, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is a most sficlont remedy. It Is equally ullectlve'ln curing painful mothers ati( the cxpectai thus rendering childbirth sat paratlvely painless. The "Favorlte Pre scription * Is ft luost potent, strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. It is also a soothing aa.1 Invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vitas'* dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dis- A host of medical authorities c Coni of Thank*. We wish to offer our thanks for the many gesereus acts of kindness and sympathy during the lines* and ibeequently, death of our father. Th.ao kind friends have made for an example ef torlng klndenss and nrot-:erly leve that will last always. If It had not been for friends our burden would hare been hard In deed to bear and *we take this means to thank al! for everything that was done, and assure them of crateful and thorough appreciation. MRS. T. J. FRAMCLlN, I. J. DUKES, J. C. DUKBB. OSCAR BRINSON GETS 03. Given High Mark lx (he Contest For SUte Medal by V. D. C. The emxy which arox the hlghext mark la Thera county to be sub mitted to the district aianicer elic ited generous applause from the Judtes. This district Is composed cl twenty-six counties la Soath Georgia and the essay snbmltted by Mr. Brin son received the high marie of nine ty-five. It was aot the beet however, only one betas graded higher. This will in turn be seat toJOxa state authori- tiee and will be'judged for (he state prize. Mr. Brinson can well feel very preud of tin effort In this In stance and the people can also liber ally applaud his success. With a each of tho severe! Ingredient, of which “Favorite Prescription” Is made for the curoof the dlsen-.ry for which It Isclalmed Y. M. C. A. AuxUltary worked well and faultlessly and their succoes waa admirable. One of the young damsels, whom -several could not exactly locate or dislocate, had evi dently heard of the old saying about the early bird and thought that id would get dollars ts well as the poor. Inoffensive worm. "The bird,” as tiro men who were touched, call her, eama forth Bright and early and-she did business. Some are of the opinion that It wa* four o'clock when oho appeared but others ere equally sure that It was as late as five. Sefllofent te My that the first max on the stret yes terday morning was seen and cap tured. Her ameant to the treasur- er, Mrs. J. H. Merrill, was some thing over twenty six doMlrs by ten o'clock. The others did not appear so ear ly and were net se successful. They all together amassed one hundred and seven dollars and forty-sir cents This will materially aid the associa tion In the work whlfch It la endeavor Inc to do and Is a fine showing. Borne ef the youngest and possibly mere enthusiastic were seen at the compress at aboat nine o'clock and they copppd a dollar from one em-| ployee of that Institution. fie handed her the dollar besause he its acrid, humor-laden condition causes th$ delicate tissues and fibres of the pores shown in Eceema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, or disfiguring skin disease. These humors get into the blood through • deranged or inactive condition of fhe system. Those members whose duty it is to collect and expel the reflise matter of'the body fail to propody do their work, and this surplus or wsste matter is left in the system to sour and fer ment and be absorbed into the bisod. These ara also certain other humors which get into the blood from without. The juice or milk from poisonous plants, such as poison oak, poison .'ivy, nettle rash, etc., enters through the open pores of the skin snd takes root in the blood. This causes a breaking out whioh remains for a time and them disappears, but returns at certain seasons of each year. The cause of ail skin troubles can be traced to some kind of humor in the Wood. Smooth, Iv Vjy skins are only possible where the circu lation is pure; and therao. J - cure'of any skin affection can only come through a thorov ..i daansut', this vital fluid. Salves, washfes, lotions, etc., are valu/ ,!a o.iiy f# £ eir ability to ksep the sidn dean, allay the itching, anr’/fend to retfur* inflammation; they eaMO< correct the trouble because ..zoy do no! r r /:h the blood. S. S. S. oure? skin disease' /every character and kind, because it purifies the blood f t goes do', a into the circulation and removes the humors (hat a." causing the > ouble, builds .up the'weak, acrid blood, and completely cures eczema forty years. Z went to tell yen the greet seed I received train the in ot S. a. 3. I xni now 75 years old and had ,u4r,r*dwith Eczema ter forty yearn, 2nd oould and nplking te anm axe nhtU I tried SIS.8. X angered Intensely with the ltehlnx end bmralne; yuatnieo wonld form from whioh thors towed e otioky fluid; ornate would oemo on the oUn, end when scratched off, the akin waa left na raw. aa a piece of beef. I suffered . place of beef. I suffered aorony the Iona years I was aBlited, but whea l-used S. 8. S. I found n pertbot ears. There'has haver been any retnrn ef the trouble. 0. H. RYANS. Stockholm, Rob. had no ehaage and she politely re- to boa cure. Voh may read what thoy i-a.-, aay/or |/»iirael/bf tending a postal card la * loule * “ e “ requeet for n jftt booklet of^oxtract-. | upon tho work. „ Doctor Plorcn'a Invalid*' Hotel and Surgical In stitute, Buffalo, N. Y., end it wll! come I to yuu by return poet. fused to ferk over the change. He evidently thought that a dime would be sufficient. x Several men were Been with great many tags on, for whioh they paid anywhere from a dime to a dol lar coordlng te their respective liberal hearts. ' Strangers were Been also with the tag sticking upon their coat> as well aa some ladles and children. Taking the thing as a whole It waa a great success and be congratulated upon S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE Eczema, Aene, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and all eruptions and dis eases of the skin. When S. S. ,S. has driven the humor from the blood, and^coded and cleansed t the. add- heated'circulation, every symptom passes away, the skin is again nourished with rich, healthful blood, and comfort is given to disease-tortured skins. Spoeial book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at all drug stores. THE SWIFT SPBCIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. HHBTfNG CLOSES. Rev. A. W. Bonier Assists in Splen did Revival. Honey lloen Party. Miss Rena Bonchello entertained Informally en Tuesday evening In honor of her guest, Miss Minnie Lee Jones of Dixie. The young ladles were requested to write proposals to the gentlemen present and they la turn write acceptances. After drawing a proposal, the young man - tgnve his acceptance to the writer ot his love letter and then each ceuple wrote the story ot their respective honey moon snd Illustrated them kinds, whioh Boston, Ga., April 18.—Friday night brought to a close the rellg- . -i lone services that have keen con ducted at the Baptist church at this place for the past ten days. Rev. A. W. Bealor of Tkonruvllle did ■ with pletures of all most of the preaching, assisted by | W8r * cut out ol various magaiiaea. Rev. D. H. Parker, the pastor In charge of the ehurch; the series of services resulted I na great revival of the church, and In an addlUoaal membership of sixteen, three by let ter, axd thirteen upon x profession or Christian experience. The or dinance ot baptism was administer ed by Rev. D. B. Parker Friday night, there was three services each day and all well attended, the house at night was packed, the preaching was powerful tp the edification of the hoarecs. Bealor never tires, he never daags, he Is never at a lose lor a great thought that comas to him from his text, hix argument Is powerful, oonclnalve, convincing and convicting. He Is one ot the great preachers ot the Baptist denom Inatlon. , This afforded much fun sad amuse ment and after thay had bean read r. prise was given te tbs couple hav ing the neatest book, which was a "sweet hearty (heart shaped hex ot candy) aad to the couple who had Quarreled meet- a box of sealing wax was glfen te seal their (Head ship. The ckenmlag hostess then served a delightful chafing dish sapper In the qoaintedt little "Jap not Min Boue&lle’e gteshs was*: Mfin es Minnie Lee Jones, at Dixie. Fran ces Stevens ef lfaeon, A Urn Aa*toy, Minnie WlHiams and Mary Jerger, and Messrs. Roy Darex- port, Sydney Fleming, WiUtnx B. Williams, Edgar Brandon mM EX- geue Fleming. BECOMING A MOTHER Is an oiietl which a3 women approach with indescribable fear, f-o* ‘nothing compares with the pain and horror of chil.i-b»rth. Tho thought sf the Mlffering and dangsr in store for her, robs the expectant mother cf all pleaMnt anticipation* of the coming event, and casts over her x (hadow of gloom which cannot bo shaken oil. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother’*'Friend during pregnancy robe confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-soml to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother'* Friend easy women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents “man sickness," and other dis comforts of this period, field by all druggists at 11,00 oer bottle* Book containing Ttlnablo information freo. ffcoBrntffioldBcoutatorCOf Atlanta, Go* Put This Stove in Youf Kitchen It js wonderfully convenient to do kitchen work on a stove th*t’« ready at the ins tarn wanted, and out of the way the moment youlre done. - Such a stov* is the New Attention V. C. Y. The eanu&l meeting .will be held on April ,97th. All members are re quested to be present. Besides the election ot offleere and the delegatee to the re-union at Birmingham, oUn importance will he brought before the '- meeting. All veterans of Thomas eoanty are usged to be preseat at that meeting. R. P. DO S3, Commander.' JOHN M. DBKLE, Adjutant. * Perfeqtipn VVjck Blue Flame OajCtStjSwye. Bousing it 4$>u‘avoid the continuous overpowering beat of a cod fire and, cook , with comfort, even' in'dog- •t days.’ Tlie ;t ‘ •