Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 24, 1908, Image 4

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* ffiKKLT TDtBS-EXTERPBISB, IUDAT APRIL 34. IBM. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Woekly, On* Twr. . Weekly,'Six Month* Weekly, Three Non the.... Dally, One Tear Dally, Six Month* "*Uy, Three Hentha '-One Month , IAL PAPER OR THOMAS COUNTS’. ‘ NOTED CIRCULATIONS,000, nnaaea* - The Eaeter bonnet waa very much in evidence Sunday. Both candidates are Mon good and atrong. for prohlbl Have any hiked to the tall tlm- bare? The grand fury la In aeaelon. That confounded old BrownavlHe affair hobe np again. Let Foraker and hie nlggera rent in sweet obllv- Kobe Under dipped a eeg that will atop the machinery Then he at tacked doe to violently. He toore didn’t do much in Thomaa. Joe Broom be* been a prtfclbttlon- lat for twenty yeara and the people have made Hoke one In the hut two Look* funny that the Utter fc try- Ug to accuse the former of being backed, heart and aoul, by liquor latereats. \ Dr. Chas. Herty formerly of the University of Georgia has been ap pointed Dean of the Scientific Arts at the University of North Carolina. This la a distinct, but worthy tribute to the ability and Intellect of the brilliant Georgian. The.governor wished thet if not reelected, he might at least be suc ceeded by a "man.” Don’t' worry governor the people will put a man In your place and we are glad that you are beginning to realise that you haven’t the wholly cinch that you started eut with. And dill they run merrily along. Hoke and Joe, Hoke maligning, and DID HE WIN OR LOSE? (From Friday's Dally.) That waa the question being ask ed on the streets yesterday by friendf and enemies of the governor. His speech *u* well attended at the Coart Houee Wednesday evening and those who are most closely con. uected with the race seem very well »ati*fled with the reeult and declare that be will carry the county by even a larger majority than he did two years ago. ThU Is of course mere oonjecture and possibly inspir ed by their Interest partisanship and personal admiration for the Gover nor. There have been Just firs men yesterday who say that they have been changed by the . speech, bat that change was to Joe Brown and from Hoke Smith. One man said to a reporter yeeterday. "You know I went np there and heard Hoke Smith speak and for fke first ten minutes had every reason to (hink as I have thought tor the plst two years, that Hoke was the man for Governor. After that fifst ten min utes I changed my mind and no mat ter how little Joe Brown Is he la as good a man os Hoke' Smith ever dared te be.” Others of a similar nature told of their opinions using very strong language. Three of these fire were avowed and strong Smith men, the .panic to treaded finance and the greed and avarice of railroad mag. nates and says that this stone did the' thing. He doesn’t admit that the arm# corporation legislation all over the ooantry waa responsible for tbls condition, and claims as his Justification the fact that all the other etatee had passed similar legls nation and thit this appealed strong ly to the maseee. He doe» not tell the people that such men as he U, and others with plenty ot money, are not the ones that are forced to suffer by the panic. He does not mention the .fact the poor men like yon and we bears the severest part ot the bur den, thai It Is money out of our pockets, every day and tkat It ent* short onr skare of dally bread. He doesn't mention the fact that antagonism of all corporate Inter ests, will In turn catfce the bitterest RODDBNBHRTH OVATION. The Wlregnee Farmer gives a fine account of-the speech made by Hon. 8. A. Rodifenbery laat week. The Judge made a tolling Impres sion as Is usually the case. The following is as extract tram the ac count of the speech: "Judge Hoddenbery arrived In Aehburn on the eight o'clock train A large crowd of the most influen tial citizen* of the town and coun ty, who are his ardent supporters greeted him at the train and he was kept busy nntil ten o'clock shak Ing hand# with Turner county citi- sens, "There te something attractive and unique abokit this gentleman —-his genial handshake and open, noble faoe.ehow him to be gentle man of unusual ability with a kind and sympathetic heart to all. Before the appointed hour arrived HOKE'S ORATION. A listener inclined to poetic thought and feeling, hands the fol lowing la for publication, a part of which we publish to show the ex treme poetic ablllhr and versatility thus displayed: HOKE’S ORATION. Friends, Countrymen, Thomasvll- liana, lend me your votes I come to cave the state not to ruin It, The depredations that Joe threat ens will always live, HI* whiskey has been run out by prohibition. So let It be with Joe. The Noble Joe bath told you that he was a prohibitionist It 1* not so, I sm the man And my record will show it so. And I say he Is a nuisance And I am an honorable man So they all are, all honorable men, who rote for me. Bui yesterday th* toot of new rail road* might nmrontkAL progress. Derided lacrosse in AR TJom fa Columbus? Gs., April IT.—fils Georgia and ..Alabama, Georgia and Alabama Industrial In dex says today in 11s regular weekly Issue: “Significant of th* generally Im proving conditions ts the derision reached by the United States Steel Corporation to make extensive Im provements In lta property ih Ala bama. President W. E. Corey and other officials of the company have just made a thorough Inspection of the field, and as result the snaking ot costly lmpspvemsnta on severe! properties In the Birmingham add Gadsden districts has been decided upon, official aapouacement bring made of,the various expenditures that are to be made. "During the week the Atlanta A Carolina Railway Company waa grant other twa were not so atrong In their opinions but .favored Hoke. Jo ® Bro,w “ '» ® tact ® d h# wU1 d ° *>» There was a large crowd present ““ “ po “‘ bl ® t0 brln * tke *•*«> vote into politics. He / grandilo quently expresses himself ae satis fied with the white vote and that It la the will of His Uajesty that the state shall be always free from thty IBs doesn’t give all white men' antagonism toward, the PEOPLE on) for b,s address the people^began to ' gather at the court house qnd when he begun his speech the house was crowded, many occupying chairs and some standing. The Urge majority of the people having come In from the country. Judge Roddenhery Is a great favorite with the oountry people wherever be"lc known, tor ho has for them a sympathy broad and deep. However, many from town heard hie speech, yet the absence of the local politician waa very notice able. ’ Judge Roddenhery, amid applause their part. That w|th thia enmity through our oommbnwealth there can be nothing of good to come to She masses. Be doesn’t ear that .the railroads will get even and that they will net be -able to hurt him and his wealth. No the people are the ones to boar ibis burden and they bear it alone. Hr touched very feelingly upon the negro dlsfganchtiement ques tion aid makes bold to say that If but their appUuse waa not aa gen eral as might have been expected, the same lew started and dhl all the applauding. They Were as can be readily Imagined Hoke supporters. Mr, Smith’s speech was merely an la tense egotism ail- the way through. It was “I did this, I did that and I am going to do more than this and more than that." “I fired Joe' Brown and I am' , proud of It.’’ ‘They said the governor could not do anything but I did." "I Influenc ed senators against their opinion to vote for certain measures that I ad- rocated." "I rearranged the treas ury and made it efficient and well managed.” "It was a great, big, elongated, exaggerate!!, unequalled I” all the way through. This Is natural, we oon ' expect any man to blew hU own horn, but evil. the oredK ot thinking aa he does, When he knows that the Grand Old State of Soergla would rather die In disgrace and shame than bo domi nated by a negro vote. And he doesn’t tell you that this question has been passed upon by the legis lature and only awaits a two third vote of the people of the state to make It a part of the constitution. He makes it quite plain that there Is a most determined effort to defeat this on the part ot Joe Brown and hk» folowers when the people, and the people alone have the power of so doing. He knowe ae you and we ed permission by she Georgia Rail- Have benefitted the state, now road Commission to teaue to,COO,000 they will not come. I will do them wrong, I rather choose to wrong Them, the state, and everything else I can, and be elected Here Is MT command wfth MT seal of approval, I found It after "Silent Contempt’ wouldn’t work. —A LISTENER. BULBS FOB COUNTY PRIMARY. The following rules were adopted at the meeting of the Democratic Maes Meeting at the Court House In March. These will be used In the coming election and all concerned will do wffil to read them over, ecpec- began his address holding the eh-| la lly those who Intend making* the tire audience epellbound for nearly | r f : ® u for o®oe, because two hours. From the start to fin ish he received continuous applause. The entire audience, whatever their opinions may have been before hear- ef the. requirements they will be j compelled to. comply with. The following resolution setting date and prescribing rules for the county primary, Introduced by Dr. T. Brown to call him n* man, a none-! 60 that tbl * wl ” aBVer happen. tlty, to make all manner ot fun ofi him and hie personal afflictions, to belittling Joe’s character and ability berato hk intellect, to minimise his Such ore . the fortunes of war. Hoke made no mention of the fast that thin antl-everythlng legislation had driven pUob Ing him, were convinced that hie 1 !l ’ McInto,h > and amended by amend campaign was pitched on a high I ^ W ’ H ° Pkln * . . . * | and Chas. P. Hansell, was adopted: plane and based on morality. Aa a| Be It Resolved by This Maas Meeting result of hit speech he made many! Assembled new friends and rotes in Turner That a white primary for the county and it is now conceded even purpo,e of nominating all county of- by some of hk opponent’.. friend* flcer * ° ( be held on that Turner will go for Koddeaber- ry.” YOUNG GIRL'S BRAVERY. The bravery of Mine Ellen Quar- terman In her repulse of the negro brute Saturday morning has attracted wide spread attention all over the state. There are verv few women, ore tn tan thousand who would have stood so.bravelj^'up and given such • brute what fife ( deserved. To be oeuwbt ail alone by this alase ot desperado In the country with no- strengl.v to the unprejudiced voter? Brown waa trying to make /tie ne- -o—— gro vet* an lseue In the state again The tribute t* the bravery ot Mlsa and use It tor tins liquor and ralt- Quarteruan wa« clearly evinced by | r oud lntereatcvtfe lowered his ctand- the generosity and good will of fho'ard and descended to the plane rep- clltaeps of ThotnasvUle. They hive ut ed to hk opponent, presented the young lady with a soild He oould have defined the l«nes, ' 1 ' n "’ 1 * pearl hand,ad ■**- toht what be had done and said that , • ' -** mounted pistol. Her act will, he tstended to continue tout policy elMtys stood out us one of the hrav- through the present administration est in the atmals *f the county. „d Mt touched upon the personal- tiy of Joe Brown and he would have Let s not talk to* much about pro. clinched all noa-commlttal voters, Mutton in the selection of a tuber-! A „ „ e rM(! . they are lolt. The per- ' Katorla! selection. Or If you do be .onallty of Hoke Smith ts very X -c to examine closely the records I 8t ron4. he has a flu*, voice aid in- o. bob candidates. One ha. been „n«g enough to make a good prohibition tat for twenty year. and| whenever be gets ready. He the other f dopt.d that position after hM tuagneltom to *■ p!< v rt * had «»»‘m»twly declared j control , voters, and He ha* th. abll- for tt. Joe has It on the governor lty ln t hn *a. e of hard limes to per- , Ph.n it conies to prohl- * as county and Themaavllla by the suspension of operations to build th„ Mexican and Gulf raft way caused by *he refusal ot financiers to put their menty la the state while it wae dis posed te fight corporatte lnto'rcsts and make life a burden all the way through. No this Is the other side and the side that the peeple of the state will in time become familiar with and endorse. A* a vote getting speech It waa a decided failure evon some of his supporters admit that. Many who heard hkn expected something of a dillerent order, something worthy the man who has dominated the people of Georgia tor the past two years, has held them ln the palm of bis hand, perfectly (witling te d* What Hoke eays.What did they hear; suude the poor working classes that * B * r * r * Ucull * B rt an •PPndnnt, *M V bas dene has been fer their bD abu3e of klm and k,a m6tilod8 and aspirations that plates the speak or oo a lower plane Ran h* has ever before occupied in TLoaas county. The Governor Is a goad sailer, and If Thomcs county the old Smith lt:nnV:oM ts t« here a vary large! k ® edt ’ Bre -rv c’.ub, Y.u can fool the peo- H ® «■»»■* that there scan n* op- l'l" so re time hut beware! There la a po, * t *°* <* ‘be rneelltlttv of ooiag too tor. Governor ra,,road a » d ‘ h » •“«»«" latereeto •SrJth hr* gone too far when he at-i 3 ”* ,h98 ® Whora k ® hM itei fr ®” w , Uok ... , ts bed the moral and Unelleotual ; " 3te J ° b *' H ® kHOW * T ® rT „„ __ eVt’ty of k!> oaeoe.v,. Oele ,i,„ “ ttle abo *‘ “»» P»™»ael of hk op- be had not made a speech but mer* opponent. Only the eoaved adopt those tactics when all etfcsr meant sc*>u to fall. A* esthnsce correctly and eea- c|. !-• states- ant opmlen that will VJ»e V. b lie e.gWoval of hkiuv Gsor g’ff ’ '-*• t l« #(te only bright spot ;n 14= pr<-sos t aimialrirattan.'' it posttiou and they will natnrally re sent this Insult to ttieir nauheod and principles. He . acouses Joe Brown of being aligned heart and soul with the llqper people and then in thd same breath actaika the* he did not favor leoal opttepi In hie own eounty before the last eleclon. and beamed upon thorn beotiOcaHy, there weufd have boon better re- suits. c a - ci'. with 'all certainty and He favors It now of course kocause rove! re -titudo that Hoa. l?'a Mc-[ It la taw and he knows th* poofil* eg I - o-’o,: working for the best In-1 the aute ere heart and soul behind t'iriwt* of bts peoplq u he sees themjlt We coaid expect nothing rise, ass hr I* working ftitwullr and welt I He attribute, the ctcko of the > Whatever the cltlsma ef Thomas- oonnty and of the sute ef Georgia decide to the gubernatorial rate ead la fact In any other matter, ts agree able to na aud we will push to* cert” with Juri ay much vigor aa under the brightest sklea and sunshiny creeth- ready with head and hand te re- pulse that attack, le truly a so- markabto feat and one that will al- waye echo through the county to the everlasting credit and honor of the young girl. Her name has already become the symbol of Intense bravery and nerve, and she will alwaya be looked up to and reapected for this exhibition of lh# eiecut(Te unparalleled bravery. There has been very few Instances of su<* nerv 0 tn the state aid very seldom ln the country. Moot women would have not been afile to do anything, aad the hegiy would have had hla way- and as a result, unutterable things might iave happened. To he able to use her head, being shrewd enough to eatwit him and get the plstel and toen te com* heck and open fire upon him la Indeed aa unusual proceed ing. Then to he reedy for him at the second attack seema truly unheard eg. AW hall to the brave young girl. May her years be many and each one a year ef usefulness amd happiness toll ef Re noble attri butes that come from women and lighten and ototk easy the manifold burdens ot man. the 4th day of June 1908 2. That all the rulei adopted by the State Democratic Executive Com mlttoe ae to the holding of said elec tion be adapted and followed, except that only a plurality ahalYbe requir ed to nominate. 3. That the rulee adopted by the Democratic Executive Committee of the Second Congressional District aa to holding aald election be and the same are hereby adopted. That every white voter except Republicans be Invited to partici pate in said primary election. 5. That each of the person* asplr Ing to nomination ln aald election be required to pay Into the hands of ttao chairman of the executive commit tee the eum ot hla assessment by or before 21st'day of Mry, 1998. 6. That no peraon’t name bo placed oa the official ticket who has not paid aald assessment by aald 21it day of May, 1908. 7. That the chairman of the Dem ocrattc executive committee prepare an official ballot with the name of each candidate aspiring for office. 9. That no ticket be counted by the managers that ts not the official ticket prepared by the chairman of of bonds, and this means that the work of couetrxctlon the line ot electric railway between Atlanta, and Augusta, G»., will soon begin. Tha commission also granted permkriou to the Brinson Railroad Company to Issue $2,890,000 of bonds for son- struetten purposes and the further construction of thk float Georgia rail way line wine. Premoter, of the Pensseoia and Northeastern Railway projected from Pensaeela, Fla., to FMalnsla, Ala., state that tpe com pos? has arranged for the plaelng ef sufficient bonds to enable It to be gin construction work at an early dak. Among (he Industrial Hems re- ported to the Index for the keek extl Ing today are the following near or projected Industries: Mattress facto ry, LaOrange, Oa.; pants factory, Athena, Ga.; lighting plant, Sparks, Oa.; buttling plant, Gadsden, Ala.; hrlck plaits, Birmingham, Ala.; and Brunswick, Ga.; cement plant, Rock- mart, Ga.; ginnery, Green Cu(. Ga.: Ice plant, Huntsville, Ala.; lighting plant enlargement Jasper, Ala.; light ing plant. Ckston, ga.; and an auto matic switch company Incorporated at Birmingham, A'ia., with capital of $699,009.’’ „ r L3l» have P Mr. and Mrs. Prior WJia have I en visiting thel.- son, R. 0. 1,,-wls on Monroe,street. Mr. Lewis la an old and honored cltlton of Grady county, formerly of Thomas and one of Its best farmers. He waa shak ing hands with hie many friends while here. They have returned home. May they live many yeara yet and visit our city often. It k always* pleasant to bare the old anAhonocsd citkea* visit Thpmasvllle. committee. Hoke’s prohibition view* tn the light of Lta former views 9. That oa the 5th day of June at noon the Executive Committee meet at the Court House tn Thomas- rllle and canvas the returns of said election and declare the result and nominees for the respective offices. 10. That no candidate be declared the nominee unless h* flic* with the ExecutiT* Committee a sworn state ment of the amount *f money em ployed by him tm hie campaign and for what purpose spent 11. That the Executive Commit tee from each district procure the elecUo* papers together with the official ballot*''from the chairman aai see that said papers aad tickets are in tke hand* of th* managers by *he time of opening tke polle on the 4U> day ef Jnne 1908. R. L. BRA3WBLL, aeoty. H. J. MbcINTYRH Chm. Beware of Ointment* for Gateirt That Contain Mercury. aa mercury will earely deaerdy th sense of amell and aommetoly de range the whale system when en torlng through the ancons eurfao* Such articles shornM never be used except on prescription* from repnta hie physicians, aa th* damage they; will do Is ten fold t* the good yoi can pneslhlv v derive from them Hall's Catarrh Care, manufacture: bv F J. Chenney ft Co.. Toledo. O. contains no meronrr and la taken In ternally. acting upon tke blood an mtirrme surface* of the *ystem. In boring Hall's Catarrh Cure be euro vflu vet the genuine. Tt te taken In ternally and made tn Toted*. O., b. P. J. Chennev * Co, Testimonials free. Sold hv druggists. Prtc* 76 per bottl*. Take Hall's Faml’v Pill Tom Wataba m kts usual manner attacks Hoke Smith's attitude. And. R road* life* truth too. Pare Linseed Oil costs much leas sold from the barrel than It does put up ln Tin Cane aa Mixed Paint—In the first Instance yen pay 60 cents gallon—in the second $1.60. the Now m,x H> r *d gallons of pure lln- same question allow up h#autif«Ur, Rttat°ait<!,?ou ha^ready toASi wbarn he makes all maaaer af chare-1 7 gallon* of tho best paint mad© coat- es against J ae Brown, xaygng that he' lae 0Dl ’ > $1-30 per gallei. Dens In Is govern*! by th* whiskey etonunt 18 -P*^ at ®*’■ jBk “ «uroey. Boston i and Bracejr*i Pharmacy, Thomas* Quantity and Quality rartly rille * 6a - go toother. Hare's the exception, j —■ - ■ - KMott'a Emulsified Oil XAnlment; ir M .R4wi. _ Spirit* Turpantlge, Origanum, Kero- «k pro^Stly *£*'“ d “ d !els. ttoSSS rtlch^ r EUREKA! Yea. T Hav* Found H at Lost. Found what? Why that Chamher- laln’s Salve cure*-eczema and aN manner of ftchlrip of th# skin. I have been afflicted tor many yearn with ekln disease. T had to get «P three or four times evsry night and wash with raid wstor tn alls* th terrlbls Itching, bnt stone using thl calve In December. 1906. the Itch Ins has cropped tad baa not troubled ms.—Wider J*hn T. Ocnley. Root rille. Pa. For isle by Montgoofjry ft Mactotyr*. TbomssriHo. Oa. flenfle aad Uterine. A well-known Manitoba editor writes: “As aa lasjdvwork*' T ffied Chsrabsrlalt’s Rtomath aid Uror Mableta tnvslusble tor th* touches of biliousness Mtpral to seBaotar- Hto, •heir notion bring kenRe MR riffee- Mvs. clearing ihe dtgsetrre trwet and *h« bead.- Prtas 2S cants. ■Ragle free. For sale by liaafgnmsrr ft Maelntyre. ThsmssvlUs. Rk. C C. COCROFT & fiOMPANY Pianos, Organs, Talking Machines, Sheet Music, Fuil line of Victor and Ed ison Records antf. Smelt au^JST • r "** / bT’u^^y t'S^s. ^iThonasyille Georgia^ J£L