Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 24, 1908, Image 5

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manor tmks-kstbrpbisk. iuday ima at, looe. ITEMS. Bess Howard ud to Thomasville of Thomaavlllo waa (Inc* the laat writing for th* Florida Ceatral Knapp of Boston visited hU daughter, Mrs. JonnU Thomas, ■face the last writing. Dr. Gloover, of Moatleello, waa oadled to see Mrs. Tom White who is quite sick. Mias Irene Thomas and little broth er Groover, visited her sister Mrs. Mattie Futch, laat Friday and Sat urday. Mias Lida Willie of Lloyds, Fla, la visiting her sister Mrs. C. S. Rus sell. At . this writing a much needed rain to falling. Late cotton has not yet cflneup and this will be quite a help fa that direction. It will also help vegetables. Following la the honor soli of th* Metcalfe school: ?th Grade—Ludle Stringer, 96.x; Laura Russell, *8. ith Grade—Claudia Copeland 97.7; Annie Bess Howard 96.2. ith Grade—Essie Wheeler 98.7; Annie Swift, 96.4; Fred Smith 96.S; Frank Searcy 95.9; Myra Copeland, 96.6. Ith Grade—Mias Bessie Thomas, 95; Mias Fannie Lee McCall, 9E.2 4th Gade—Ruth Swift 97.3: Lucy Moatford 98.5; Jessie Monroe 97.4; Matta Ollssoa 97.3. 4th Grade—Sallle Wheeler 97.6; Mary Dekie 97.2; Lillie Knapp 96.2; Claudia Roddenbery 95.4; Ladle Thomas 96; Lester Smith 96. 3rd Grade—Mury GiUson 95: Ro chelle Montford 95.2; Lydia Evans, 95.4. Attention U. C. V. Th* annual meeting will be held ou April 27th. All members are requested to he preeent. Besides the election ef officers and tho delegates to the re-union at Birmingham, oth er matters of Importance will brought before the. meeting. AH Confederates In tbe city on that day are Invited to be prevent. It. P. DOSS, Commander, JOHN M. DEKLB, Adjutant. NEWS A ED NOTES FROM MEIGS. Pitcher 100 yean Old. Melons Now on Vines. All the New* From that Thriving Commodity. (By J. 8. Searoy.) Meigs, April 22—Mrs. J. W. Mon- ertof has a pitcher that she knows to be over 100 years old. An old negro, Green Washington, came near meeting bis death, a few days ago. Green lives on tbe plan tation of Rev. W. M. Davis near town, over the line in Grady county. A few mornings sinoe about daylight while stooplag over to tie his shoes, was hit oa the bend by an assassin. Being old, ased aot possessed of good eight he was inabie to discern who his would-be assassin was. He was ready to accuse his wife’s grandson of the crime, but he had no proof. Rev. W. M. Davis has accepted a call from the Bethel Baptist church to serve them as their pastor. The Fret Melons. Mr. A. S. Braswell tells me of Dad lng young melons on*hls vines on the 12 Inst. Last year he noticed the ilrst on the 22nd of April. The first car of melons oat of the state went from Meigs last season ou the 12 day of June. Mr. Braswell knows the melon bus iness by heart. His melons are evi dently of tbe Brown variety. Many farmers are having to re plant their cotton crope. having put the seed In the ground some time previous to the tote rains. The crops planted Blnce the rains arc up, and much of it Is chopped out and "set up" with the plows for the first time. Farms and Gardens in Fine Con dition Into the country weat of this place on a business trip. Mrs. A. C. Fuller of Camilla came down Sunday to visit relatives. Mrs. Fuller teaches a live school at Flue Cliff. Mrs. C. G. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Boswell of Leland were here Sunday. Mrs. Isham D. Fuller and Mrs. M. A. Fuller, wha have been <!• a visit to the family of Mr. H. G. Bowen, ireturned to their home at Green ville, Ga. Wednesday. Mr. Corrle Collier, of near Och- lochneo was here Saturday with his business eye over against a femi nine proposition. y Mr. George Huber of Moultrio came over to visit relatives Sunday. Mrs. fvira Nosmith of Branchvllle oftev a short visit to her sister, Mrs. E. Carter, has returned home. Mps. George Strickland of Camil la vlsrted here sister Mrs. George 'Johnson during tho week. Miss Agnes Owens, teacher of the school at Williams, came up to spend Sunday with Hlai Dona Gas kins. Mrs. W: H. Boswell Is spending so emtlme with Mrs. C.- E. Boswell at Boston. Messrs. Morris Hunt and Bundrick of Pelham were here Sunday be- tweea trains. tfr. J. Byron Hall has returned from a trip to Cobb, Oa. Mr. ond Mrs. Jodie Blanton ofPel- liam spent Sunday with the family of Mr. C. Kemp, near town. Rev. W. E. Murphy and^ftfe, went over to Macedonia Sunlay, where Mr Murphy preacbod. Mrs. Perry Mize and Mrs. Bering- Son of Pelham were here shopping during the week. Gus Saddler and his sister. THE GOME AND SEE SIGN Corn Is In fine'condltlon and much j Miss Genie Saddler of Calvary were of It Is plowed out, and growing. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester The gardeners of this place are Sasser a few days since, feasting ea fresh garden truck.Beans' Mr. Sam Sntton, a former Meigs potatoes, English peas, and the lfkej bor. of Alban, spent Friday- here. J ELL ;0 TheDainfy Dessert PREPARED INSTANTLY. Simply »JdboU- tog water, cool and serve, tec. per package at all grocers. 7 flavors. Refuse all eubMkatsa. IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS. Don't Mistake tae Cause of Your Troubles. A Thomasville Cltlnns Shows Mow to Cura Them. Many people never suspect their 'kidneys. If stffering from a lame weak or aching back, they think that It Is only a muscular weakneas; when urinary trouble sets in they think it 0411 soon correct itself. And so it Is with all the ether symptoms ef kid ney disorders. That is Just whsre the danger lies. You muEt cure those troubles or they lead to dia betes hr Bright’s disease. Tae best remedy to use is Doan’s KiUney Pills. It cores all ills which arc caused by weak or diseased kidneys. T. J. Paila, blacksmith, of Yaldos- ta, 6a., says. "I have used Doan’* Kidney Pill* for a weak back whist orda caused by being injured In an ac cident some years ago. Ever sines that ttme I haws suffered with my back and with a urinary weakaeaa. Th* kldneywecretloas orere cfcrk and full of sediment and their irregalar- tty caused me annoyance aod am- harassment nearly all the time. At nlgbt I was okvi called out af bad sad between that aad tbe kidney polas, I bad iittlu rest aad this be gan to tell on my general health. Doan’s Kidney Pills. wUeh I got at A. Hi D^nmock’e drag atora, ee«n- •d te go right tofts spot «t onoa and fa a short tiro* the pains had ad left mo, the trouble with th* secre tions vu corrected add I waa Im proved'lu health. I can new sleep well and da not hare to gat «» dur ing the night. Boss's Kidney PUM deserve all the credit.” For sals by all daoMm. Price 50 cents, Foeter-Milbarn Oo., Buffalo, Mem Terk, sols agents for tbe Uni ted States. Remember tbe name—Doan’i sad 1 take oa other. are becoming plentiful, A Wiser Man. While Jake Brown of thin place wns riding In his buggy Saturday he allowed his foot to be caught be tween the buggy step and a stump In tbe road. The accident not only teaches Jake a lesson, but will stop the replanting of his cotton several days. The big mills operated at Hansell by tho Meigs Lumber and Manufac turing Company of ' this place, I learn will close down for a while af ter this week's run. Commencement. Tbe commencement exercise* of the Meigs Graded School will occur May 17-18. Rev. Cbas Lane will preach the sermon at the auditorium on Sunday, May 17, and on the fol lowing evening at 8 o'clock In the mid (tor him tbe graduating exercises will occur. The class this year wig consist of six. ss follows: Misses Annie Davis, Belle Duren, Mamie Lou Crowell. Jewell Arllne, aad Rodney Aultman and Paul Searcy. These are always enjoyable occasions, but this will Ooubtless cncdl In Interest any pre vious event of the kind held here. Marriages. Mr. Joha Mason of near Mansell was married to Miss Helen Lighf- feot of the vicinity east of this plaoe Dr. nnd Mrs. Edmnndson made a hasty departure for Morven. Brooks county. In answer to a telegram, an nouncing the death of a nephew of the doctor’s. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Braswell en tertained a company of their friends In n delightful manner Tuesday ev ening. Roy Vanlandingbam spent a day or so with his parents at Cairo this week. MISS QUARTERMAN GETS WATCH AND GUN. Presented by The Subscription af Any Number of Thomas Count- Citizens. The ritliens of Thomasvllla and sonre from the county, who ware ap proached upon the streets In the past two days by a committee of citizens, responded la a very liberal maimer to selact a suitable testimonial of esteem and respect to tbe young lady who, a few days ago, so bravely re pulsed ttts negro who attempted to enter her fatber’a home during hie absence. They have selected a beautiful dia- wb!le~fn"attendance upon on all day,' mond studded watch, solid gold with Blueing at Chastain last Sunday. j a fine Jewel movement therein end There are two more weddings that are ready to pell, but I promised not to mention them. Accident to Mrs. Segler. ■Nows was received here of a ser ious accident that happened to Mr*. John Seglet Saturday In Ochlocbne*. A horse attached to a buggy In which she was riding becalm* frigh tened and ran. Mrs. Segler wae ter lonely hurt, having besides otiier tritinee, oae ear nearly severed from her head. Mrs. Bugler to the daugh ter-in-law of Mr. W. N. Segler near hove. News was telephoned to Mr*. 8. have ordered a fine tblrty-two eaiibre pistol, pearl handled and ellver mounted. A committee went out there yesterday afternoon and pre sented this testimonial to th* young lady In behalf of tbe eitlxens tn re cognition of her brave aot She wee not expeoting this and waa completely surprised but at fihe sane time oife of tbe most delight ed glrle in the oduntr. Aod Indeed she may he for there are vary few instances ef each a tribute to th* sou sage and hraveiy of so young a This sign u permanently attached to the front of the main building of the Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. What Does This Sign Mean ? It means .that public .inspection of the Laboratory and methods of doing business is honestly desired. It means that there is nothing about the bus iness which is not “opon and above- board.” It means that a permanent invita tion is extended to anyone to come and verify any and all statement* made in the advertiseinenta of>Ly.dia E. Pinkhani'a Vegetable Compound. “Is it a purely-vegetable compound made from roots and herbs — with out drugs 7 Come and See. Do the women of America continu ally use as much of it as we are told ? Come and' See. Wns there ever such a person as Lydia E. Piiikhiun, and is there any Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sick woman are asked to writ* 7 Come and See. ' la the vast-private correspondence with sick women condiwbed by women only, and are the letters kept strictly confidential ? Come and See. Have they really got letters from ever one million, one hundsed thousand women correspondents? Como and Sec. Have they proof that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoundias cured thousands of these women? Come and Sec. * This advertisement is only for doubters. The great army of women who know from their own personal experience that no medicine in the world equals Lydia, E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Comjiound for female ills will still go oq using and being ben efited by it; nut the poor doubting, suffering woman must, for her own sake,be taught oonfldence.for she also might just as well regain her health. Shako la to Tow Shoos. Allem'i Foot-Bass, a powder, Re lieves palatal, smarting, nervosa fast and Ingrowing nails and instant ly takes th* sting of eons aad ban- lone. It'd th* greatoct comfort dis covery of the age. Alien's Foot-Baas make tight or new «m>ea feel tear, M’s a eertala car* for sweating, eal lone, ewollen, tired, aching feet' Try It today. Sold by an drngglet and ■hoe etorea. By mall far 45 celts, In stamps. Don’t accept any enbetltute. Trial package TREE. Addreee Al len S. OtoortM. La Roy, N. T. AGENTS WANTED—In all town* In South Georgia. For our high grade cleaning, dyeing, and hat work. The Royal Co., Thomaa- ville and Boston 4-23-tf The Atlanta, Birmingham and At-, lanttc Railroad caila attention to the beautiful illustrated booklet entitled “Rupbore and Mountain,” contain ing views of seashore and mountain resorts along toe line*, with map showing the line tn operatloa up to date. Copies will be seat Ires upon ap plication to W. if. Lester. General Passenger Agent, Atlanta. Ga. W. Maples that tho babe of her daughter. Mm. Mansell Jones, of Al- B*r1. 8he will always keep the watch bony wss in a dying condition on ac count at a dose at medicine bought of a drought foe paregoric. Bra. Maples left on the next train tor AI- hany. 4 Boater Frolics. The Easter egg boat given ts the Junior Leaguers vu a mast color able affair. It waa oonducted by Mbs. C. W. Jordan and her stotor, MI*a Csrsfal Sprir.- Rov. C. W. Jar aad gdn to shew as a present, from Mi's citfcsas af her oaantr in recog nition of an act of personal bravery and oewrage. Nothing From-Negro. (From Thorsday Daily) Roster day brought no farther de velopments In file chase of tbs negro In Colqnltt county, who attacked The Farmert Wifo Is very careful about her churn. She scalds It thereughir.ifler using, and gives It a sun hath to sweeten It. She knows that it her churn Is soar It will tslnt the butter that is made In It. The stomach Is a churn. In the stomach and digestive and nutritive tracts'sre perlermed pro cesses which are almost exactly Ilka the churning af butter, fit it not apparent then thvt if this stomach-churn is foul to make*.foul all wkldh is put Into ItT The evH of a fqwl stomach is not alone th* hod taste la tboymouth sad tbe feu) breath reused By it, 0*4 tbe corruption ef the pure curront-of blood and the dissem ination ef disease throughout the body. Dr. Pierre's Gordon Medical Discovery make* the soar ami feul stomach tweet. It doe* for th* •tomach.whet tire washing and sen bath da for thschuro-^beolntely “E. C. DeWItt * Oo.. Chicago, IH. —Gentlemen:—In 1997 I had a dis ease of th* stomach and howals. Ia th* spring at 1909 I bought a bottle of Kodol and th* benefit I received all the gold In Georgia aonld not bay. Tours ran truly, C. N. Cor nell. Rodlng, Go., Aug. 29, 196f. r Bold by Montgomery A MacIntyre, Thomasriito, Go. Every woman desires a good oom- plexion, bnt oft-4tm« either rains the oo* aha baa -r falls to gain ana by tbe point anil powder method she employs. A good enniplsxtea to from withlo and can’t be pointed or now- dared on. Two things ara neesaaery hi order t* be th# poasceaor of % good tomplexlon, a healthy action of tin liver and good rich blood. Rydale’s liver Tablets taken oacaatoaslly aad DeWltt's Carbotlssd Witch Basel Salve. It le especially good for piles. Held by Montgomery A Mao- Intpre. Tax Receiver* Notice. I will be at tbe following places on dates named: Second Ronad. Boston April 9Ttb Station ...April Itfb Glasgow -April 19th Metcalfe April 90th Thomasriito.. . .May let and Ind I will be in nromaarlU* at Court Houbs the Href week at Superior Court in April. Third and Last Bound. Merrillville May 4 th. EllabeUe May 6th. Ochlochnee May 6th Meigs May 7th. Cooildge May 8th Pave May 9th Patten, Ways May 11th. Barwlck May 12th. Besten May 13 k 14th. Glasgow .May 16th. Metcalfe May 16th. I will be at Fife court bouse in Thomasville Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from the 20th of Mny up to the 20th of June, whqn my books will close. O. W. HOWARD. T. R. T. 0, A Benntifal Woman. Ifor surroundings shonld be tn harmony add con beet be mad* so by a well kept borne. Tbe L. k M. Pure Paint makes the borne beauti ful. It preserves it and prevents de cay. The coat per gallon ready for nee le only 31.30. Thirty-three year* is continnons nee ts evidence. John G. Burney, Boston, and Bracey’s Pharmacy, Thomasriito, Ga, Plainest itioaef disease throughout Pierce's Golden MUIcal ike* the soar ami feul stom stomach wh a for tbs chi removes every tainting or meat. In thJti w»y„lt sere* blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, cores, at open estkig ulocn and-all harness cr diseases e siting fro If you tore* bttjer, iJettr, 1 year movtk, seated tongue, ere weft and epeilr tired, to and dsspeadent, hevelroqucS dftzy attack*, gnafftog erjUst och. constipated orJrtegflar or Bitter'rising* etter ea'tto dan a mere boy himself, wo* mere| was Qoartarman. They have heard| Hattest*tfr so os this eeeaotoa and added much aottilip from the passe and ft ia mil^hbasTaral ' to the fun. Wo conducted the foot thought tht the- chose baa been (ban race gome, whWo erea the glrle *»- dimed. Joyed. i Pmionnl*- ^ Mr. J. W. COehraa of Ttfamaayllto was here derlng the post week lor a tier on a serial ririt, premier asy known to amdtaO f the above axrap ourml hove bee* rahlaed la this U a two! Lteojmr kuraatfifc al eAriIra A Card of Thanks. Mr. H. C. Qiiarterman aad tauffr wlih to thank (Mr Weils Slnfpaon and Bitob* Carter fo» tbs kindness they are showing ^th.^Voroy went a courting ts Pta* Park Sunday, towatib them In thrir time of seed. Mias Bara Bemnatt spent Saturday i .— - ia The**Seville an a Mapping to*r. , —_ « ■ y» - . » (took of Thomasriito! ItOflOl F?fBKggBSgOn. Bandar *04 went •atls.lritatioarithe’ sat p>cests whiTvoaca Rydale's Tool* tad plenty of trash air and out of doot* ezsreiso will oaat all tbs paint and powder 1m tire world. Try It Just onaa ant as*. Bald by afil drug store*. IfiS-ttV.’. ->V' INDISTINnT PRINT Beautiful Ha4r Maks* the Face Attractive Any woman can have beautiful and luxuriant hair by using Parisian Bags, tbe great French Hair Tonic and Dandruff Cure. Parisian Sage to tbe favorite hair tonic oi the French poet)]* and itne* its Intoodnqtton into America, It has met with wonderful sucocss. If you wont beau tit hi, lustrous hair that vrtl be the envy of yoae friends, go to the (rug alba* of Mont gomery k MacIntyre and gel a bottle af Parisian Some today and nee It for a week. R art the end of a week yon are not satisfied tkst PariUen Sag* ts the most delightful and refreshing hair Bnt' Besides Grip, Coughs and Read; If tarrh, “My wife and omel cured me of catarrh that ever existed, cough constantly at dropping In the threat, which mo awake a great deal. I thick phlegm, and was In a condition. However, I am cured solely through th* use of mei." P Dr. Philip Z. Hart, Laconia, N. H." Reader, this one of the thousands of testimonials praising the marve lous curative power of H yen are a sufferer why ■ Montgomery A MacIntyre It, sad will refund yonr falls to cure. Hyonssi to not acb nostrum; it is dryAontiaepUc medicated ajr, and all you do to cure any disease of fl throat or lungs, Is to through the Hyomel omel outfit, Including a scientific In haler, only costs 91.00. Get one to day. Subsequent treatment le only 50 canto a bottle. Gat one now. Montgomery A MacIntyre take ail the risk and they guarantee It. I WAR DECLARED. > Wko Will Enlist in Tbls Popular Movement? * War bos been declared by ear leading druggist. They are going ts fight troubles with Ml-o-na feel so euro of snccasa guarantee to rafimd the price of 50-*ent hoc that refaction and do all for ft. MNo-na is an absolute strengthen*' er and cure for the stomach nnd di gestive organs. If you suffer with headache, i ness, palpatatton, bad tost* in tht mouth, nervousness, sooted tongw, dtotreee after eating, try Ml-o-na. It will apt bo long before all the** symptoms have disappeared and yqn are strong anfl well. Montgomery a MacIntyre sell Ml- o-ea safer an absolute guarantee to refund the money unites it on res, | Keqato* Open Baas*. Everybody to welcome when w# feel good; end we feet that way on ly when onr digestive organs are working properly. Dr. Klnfs New Ilf* Pills regelate the action of Che Btorngeh, lives and bowels so per fectly (no can't help foaling good when be ness these pills, l« cents at nil drag stores. “Consumptiqn bad me In It* ffrnfp, and I had almost reached the lump ing off niaoe whjn I was ad rise* to 'Jmm try Dr. King's Ifew Discovery: and I want to say right now. it saved my Ilfo. Imprevcmr t beptn with th* first bottio end after taking one doz en bottles I wns a well and happy ran* i*rn!n.” says George Moore, of Grlmcslanil, N. C. As a remedy for ^^■eonghs and colds and healer of weak ‘onto yon aver used take K back and - end sore king* and tor preventing get yeifr money. ‘‘Alter using one bottle of Parisian Sage, I now have a bettor growth of- hspr and I found your hair restorer pleasant to use. AfiSr th* first ap- pReedloi. tbe dandruff disappeared and my hair stopped falling out.land to ha* been restored to Ue netmrfl color. I new recommend your Par- totaa Sage to al’ my lady frtaadg— Lottie Real. Ill ML Hope Are., Rochester. N. T. Parisian Saws is goariotoefi te sore dandruff, aod stop tailing hale. Faridas Sage easts only ■» cent* a battle at Montgomery A Marin- tyra’s or by nail, charges peer old ten Oireeac MIg. Oa., Buffalo, N. T. "Whan attacked hr a oeupti nr s «ld sr wtrea your, threat la ear*. It to sriUt foolishness to lake any ether tesitoria* than Dr. King's New IN*, y." sow <2. 0. EidrlVae. of Ed ge. ®1 bay* need Now Btocov- ory seres veaca and I know 19 4a th* Baal remedy Sto earth tor eonchs anfi sedge, orouft nnd oB threat aod lung My children are snbftri to eroao. bat Mew Dtese;rerv quickly cure* every attaet.” Known the world ever m tbs King of throat and long remedies. Bold andar guaran tee at dll drnggtefa. IDs and fil.04 - v H Decac tics Enateeae. Mr. E. H. Obambtrlria. at Otlsfoa. Maine, says of BacMea's Arsis* Gate*: “It fioes th* barinass: I bare need ft ley pita* aad it cured them. Deed it tor chappoH lands anfi it ■n. Applied ft to as old oars end It Boated U without leaving a scar behind/' 25 seats at ail drag pnetmtoila Now Disco-very to pram*. 60 and 11.60 per bottle fit ail druggists. Trial bo til* frag, 8offering aad Dofiaro Saved. ' B. Lopar, or Manila. M. T. says; "I am n carpenter and have had many severe cute healed by Backlog's A rales Salve, ft He* lav ed m* enffertng aid dellon. It to by for to* best healing mire f bsk* oyer found.” Heals buns. dor**, ul cere, tor* sores, ocmaa aad fUec. 90 seat* a* nil drag stone. Kelghborimog Favorite. fifgL D. Charles. *t Humor, Main*, spaokiag of Blaetrle Bitten, says: ‘‘It te a tirijtebattaod favorite here with es." It deserve* te be g farerlte everywhere. A gtean quick rllef la dyspepsia Uvar complaint; kid sag Arrange meet. maWnarlUon. nor- voasacM. weakaan aad general de bility. Its tattorn on th* float, as a thorough purifier mstoea it aspaelaily asafnl aa a spring medicine. This (tread alterative fpiS* ts told un- Ate ru area tee at all drnggkts. 50c T*an to nothing better tb A Ko- dal to* dyspepsia, todlgqetlon. sour ■tomafh, belching of su and xrrvnus headache.' It dlgeoto what you eat. W4 by Montgomery A MacIntyre. DaWItt's Kidney and Bladder Pllla are prompt anil thorough aad will In a short time eteenetben wenk- reed kidneys and allara trouble aris ing from taflunmatton of the Mad day. Bold hr Montgomery A Mac Intyre. BEE S tAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP RELIEVES COUGH A AND COLO* K■■ : - ■■