Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 24, 1908, Image 6

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Weak Women frequently-suffer great pain and misery during the change of life. It is at this time that the beneficial effect of taking Cardui is most appreciated, by those A New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. She took Scoff’s Emulsion. Result: She gained a pound a day in weight ALL DRUOdSTSi 50c. AND SI.00 if Fredonia Scene of Gath ering-Speeches From Tfaomasvflle Delegates From Council hold Meeting and Pass Important Thomasvill*, Ga., April lo, 0'8. At a conferenoo held this day, be tween the Board of Health and a special committee of the City Conn ell, the following wer, ■ present. Dr. L. B. Bonchelle, J, H. Merrill, and R. J. Miller and Mayor J. S. Mont gomery, M. M. Cooper and W, A. Pringle. Oa motion Mayor Montgomery elected chairman and Mt. Miller secretary. Chairman stated the ob- Tbe people of Fredonia Issued in vitations to the different candidates all over the county to attend a plonlc at that place yeaterday. Tile Sciuon fw lunching la now There were a number who went aown from Thomasvtlle, among those being. Messrs. W. I. MacIntyre, R. 3. Burch A. B. Milton, Roaooe Luke, G. P. Doss, Rase Wheeler and others. Thdy report that the affair was a suceesu In every way. Mg. Jehn Chastain, one of the beat known citizens In the ceunty was master of ceremonies and introduced Hon. W. I. MacIntyre In the forenoon to the assembled crowd. Mr. MacIntyre made eae of his pro bers. We son furnish EgSe from It Will Help Yon MrsfEucinila C. Hill, of Freeland, 0. thoroughbred stock till Juno 1st for BROOKS POULTRY FARM. DIRECT * '< FROM / MANUFACTURER rerblal witty awf interesting talks. Th# party then sat down to the beat din nor that they hare ever had, Lf -the Thomaaville contingent can be believed and all of them are J-ddgee of good things to eat. FRENCH After ths us ual talk and swapping of Jokgs, Hon. CONSUMER % You Pay Us NO* MIDDLEMAN'S PROFITS Exery article needed far convenience or beauty in any home. Furniture, Clocks, Silver, Kitcheit Utensils, Women’s and In fants Apparel, Jewelry, Sewing Machines, Musical Instruments. All high grade-goods sold at prices that the retail merchant can not mret. Write for catalogue, Department A, Southern Mercantile Company, 3-10 Doty Building- Rescoe Luke then held the 'attention of the crowd lor akout an hour, giv ing a very lucid and interesting ad- MARKET COFFEE dress upon the live topics of the day. He %n» heard with a good deal of pleasure. The Thomaaville members of the party returned yesterday af- HOW WOULD YOU LIKE $100 In Gold—$100? Everyone who sends<us in a list of English words made up of any, or all, of the letters in "FRENCH MARKET COFFEE” will receive a present The one sending in the greatest list of words will be given One Hundred Dollars in Gold. Hun dreds of other valuable presents will be given free to contest ants. For list of presents and particulars regard, ing contest, ask your grocer, or write to CONTEST DEPARTMENT NEW ORLEANS COFFEE CO„ LTD. new Orleans ■Jacksonville, Florida FREE! FREEH FREE Valuable Premiums given, with absolutely no expense, to one, who will introduce In his neiqhbirhood, Ihe modem to leave ftnal authority in in all matters of health and san itation with the Board of Health and Committee of Health of Council which shall constitute one body." Adjourned, t : J. 8. MONTGOMERY, Chm. R. J. MILLER, Sec. ..... " - sanitary Tcolh Powder, OXADINE, the greatest oxygen too.h powder r. at. Not one penny needed to become one of o;;r age its. Write- full hfern a io , Solicitor Will -Thomas and Court Stenographer Britt Davis sic ia the city attending the April term of Superior Court. FIRE BURNS CLOTHES. © © a@ o&e o e o 6 oooo©©©© sgo© Spring And Summer Lines Ready ® Clothing, Hats and Furnish- % mgs for Men, Women, | and Children. © Mix. W. H. Boswell of Meigs was In the city for a short tims-Monday. XcfWO Woman Leave House Have Their Clothes Set Fire. (From Fridays Dally.) The Ore department was caRed out at seven thirty last night to a negro house on Pine street several works. Mr. C. H. Eubanks re tVTQ ed Sat urday from a short visit to her son Mr. C. Z. Eubanks of Pelham. blocks below the Variety The fire had been extinguished be fore their arrival with but sight damage to tbo house, which wasi owned by Mr. J. W. Peacock. The women had gone outjeavlng the clothes which they had Just Ironed on a chair. Seme party evi dently ertmo Into the house aid with malicious latent set Ore to the clethee first pouring kerosene upon, them. The loss to the women will not amount to very much although there was no Insurance. upan the household goods er wearing appar el. Jut who set fire to the stuff caniot at this.time be determined. Possibly some' one vrho had it in for tie Inmates. The honae was occu pied by Mary Johnson. ithe Painter MODERATE PRICES p BEST VALVES | CATALOGUE—Upon' request we will ^ •:? mall you a copy o1 our Spring and Summer ® | CatalogueP giving lull description and @ i prices. © I GOODS ON A p PROVAL - Upon request we ^ | will send golds b/ Express C. O. D., sub- © © ject to examination © instantlyfeeing recewii j larocor _ ^ | from the many asers of stas^ paint allbf whom ncknowJodc'a lit as the isst paint outfit: ^market. „ tlNE gallon makesT WO * B. H. LEVY, BR0. & CO., J Savannah, Georgia. » ®© ft © © © a © © © © G © © © © 9 © © © © © © I tVe ure opening up ur naw Spring and Summer Clothing The very let)** styles In flout'* High Art .Two-rtece Suit, with toil'd 'undo miles, pnteni. ihoiilili'rs a.»l liulr oleth fronts wIiMi liotd tame In slinpe f r moutlw. without use of tbo press Iron. i Our tim'o ""i - 1'"- Rr>vut ttru'id -"it of New Yolk for -nidi nnd large tiovs, emuht lie 'sirrinsoed for style, dura- htilt), pi ami ton price*. 1 lie King I‘sots. nlil c li is ear extra luoisjt. his* pea'rlic* or style and fit. They fit to the VacoiH l i-’e. Also 8300 north of F, 'I. Negligee Shirts, made e» in style uml petierns fir this spring and suimucr, ol^o a full line Topsjr licisery. Sea* before you Lay. Election In Grady.' (Frem Friday's Dally.) Retulle from the primary in Ora- dy Count)* yesterday indicate the election of W. T. Crawford as clerk at tbs court by a large majority, carrying every district In the "coun ty. E. F. Dollar, oandkdaU for sheriff was elected by the same large majority. W. R. Wynn sad J. W. Canooa who were candidate* tor tax receiver will have to run a sec- end twee aa the committee decided upon the “Majerlty Rale." This de clares no election unless the wtandr receives a majority ot all vetee cast and where three or more are in the race, makes eeeond primaries very often neeesearr. A Stomach Specialist UAf IQ 17 Alwavs In Your nUUOIl DOCTOR KING If IffEI VOfi Til UUf Ul ULUZLt CKKKUCI * IW UMOV BUILISMW Ufi MSI ItlUUE IKQUIttU IIB MMI, ^ AutborUcu by iti« atuiu vu iteai CrilORiC, IONIC OS All Iff MUSES. guarantee io refund mou«*y if nai cured. A4roi t ictis turns toed renUy for u*«-no mercury or injurious me«iu uued No detebtfoa from bu*lnce*. Patient* at * <Msu treated by tcatl am) exprea*. Medicines aenv arerywiara from or break^M. No medicine *eut C-O. D. uni cm aitucleu. Oharidilofiv Tbousanda of cm.'* cured Stale j case nod send for terms- Continuation FKE and contldenna perffuu. or by letter. Call oc write today. Dou t tUiay. id Weaknusfififi StrlMurn S’. ■ We call especial attention to the hinge joint at each intersection,' m of stay with main bjrs. ' V - This is the essential ofTvery good wire fence. Unless the atav |“« Wt>£« joint the. fence cannot receive preesure from contact I '“4 n *l“ itself. All rigid stay fencea have l»en unsatislattor? and Ldlsdppomtmg, at they crush down and when once down Judge Mitchell Tire Knot. (From kunday's Daily.) Two TkomasvilU joanc p^oplo cftrne to Judge J. W. H. Mitchell’s 1 office late yesterday afternoon and requested to have the knot, unftingr them for life tied. remain so. AMERICAN FENCE H ydrccc I a phimesit arassar* “ * “* “ ,, i Frifi Masfium i l ..yo. l ig“L*’t»Bt»Ki ip ill* fit* V#tMtulnirti*fi. Co«»*/oa ■••thlnp ^ Hi.7 lUrUtta. In. MarfttU ulTtuKm SU. 3m ATLANTA. CA. > |>oral#4 «■<)•* tbP •••• »»T ) , •Is made'.witb n hinge joint, by which the maximum of elasticitv i. •ectwed xnd the feace if properly stretched, remains in place indefi- • . Wltfa the joint, no amount of strain on the bars can effect *e connection of ttay aad bar, while the opposite is true of all riuid stav fencea. “ MU,U * This the Judgo did with much eclat, the eeremony ^>eing witnecsed by aoreral wbo hap pened in, chief of whim wai Henry Poole, who Inflated on being best id Prostatie