Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 24, 1908, Image 7

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] For County Treasurer. ' j I respectfully announce that I am I a candidate (or re-election as treaa- candldate toy re-election to the office ot clerk ot tbe superior conrt of Thomas county, subject to tbe action I „ PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. . ! Georgia, Thomas County: . . . , i J - ,R - Hall, AdmJnlBtrator upon Petition baring been filed to open estate o( S. L. Horn, late ot up a publis road (rom County i | ni '* id 5? l i t “ tr ' deceaB6d , having filed . .. oouniy une his petition (or discharge, this is to roaa at Ioa« to Moultrie and Pavo cit * *11 persona concerned to show at J. W. Hall's, running through i ot> f?, u “ tb « gr/iUng o( ,, 8 this discharge it the regular term ot SSO and 393, notice ia hereby given the Court ot Ordloary (or said coun- sbat> the -Mid' petition will be acted }£ a *° jj 0 ^’ on tha flrst Monda;r ln apon at the May meeting of the 4-10-41. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary Board. ? 4 n m NOTICE. J. S. MONTGOMERY, Clk. T. A. Teate, having made applica- % V0-4t. ■ tion t0 t^Kain titles to be executed to j Mm to certain land described In a bond for titles attached these, to purporting to be signed by C. B. ■ Quinn, late of said county deceased,} the *aid application alleging that! PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK \ Mil CHELL HOUSE BLOCK Pays 4 per cent. Interest on Deposits, subject urer 01 Thomas C0un, j'- WWeet tojo( the DemocraUc primary of June 1 the action of the coming Democratic 14th. primary. j j a j B0 ta h e this method of moat 1 am very thankful to the people! sincerely thanking'my friends for (or the favors and confidence shown their suffrage hi the palt, and most " SHERIFF’S SALE, Georgia, Thonlas county, Ia and by virtue of a Justice eoutt Faid land has been Justly paid (or, , . „„„j . , „ all parties concerned are hereby not- (1 (a .ssued (rom tbe Justice Court of i :«! (hat said application will be tbe 637 District G. M. of Thomas Co., heard before the Court of Ordinary Georgia, in favor of S. Stejermau and against Mrs. M. L. Sandford, I will sell at public sale on the first Tuesday in May, 1908, the following real estate towit: Beginning at a stake on the Summer Hill Road and running East from said stake.5-3S to check under rules. T. J. BALL, Pres, I. F.'EVANS, Vice Pres. DIRECTORS: C. P. HANSELL E. M. PALLETTE E. L NEEL F. H. SMITH I L PHILIPS W. L BALL WE LENO THESE AfPOSITS IN THIS COUNTY. ANNOUNCEMENTS for said county on the l.rct Monday- in May 1908. Thu Cih day of April, 1908. j 4-lu-it. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary! For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself for the member ***»»? ** Deputy are office of Sheriff of Thomas county faIse - 1 most earnestly solicit the 1 ension Momj. ^ subject to the will of the voters in ® a PP° r t of the white voters of the A.l con.iderate Pensioners, regular Democratic primary. C01 *nty. My candidacy is subject to Ihomas County, Georgia. J Realizing the duties and responsible j tbe Democratic primary. I am now ready to pay your pen- ^ ^ offlce fu , ly and desIring | T. S. SINGLETARY, chains to another stake thence south sion money for the 2nd quarter, 29-25 chains to margin of the Bos ton Road to a stake, thence north west along said Boston Road to a stake 20-56 chains to a stake, thence! north 25 degrees east along an old! rail fence 20-70 chains to the start-! Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary. Registration Notice. I will be at the following places on the dates named below for the lag point on the said Summer Hill! purpose of registring the legal vot- Road, containing 26 1-4 acres morel Breton. Th ° ma8 . C .° Un ^'. .April 27th or less; the same being part of lot No. 99 in the 13th District of said county; and levied on as the proper ty of Mrs. M. L. Sandford, to satisfy the above described fl fa. This April the 8th 1908. T. J. HIGHT, Sheriff. 4-10-4t, ' Glasgow April 29th Metcalfe, 10:60 a. m. to 1:30 p. to April 30th Merrillville, a. m May 4th Ellabelle, 11 a. m. to 2 p.m. May Kth Ocklochnee May 6th Meigs May 7th Coolldffir, a. m May 8th “avrf.H; m .. 9 th Patten., May 11th Barwirk, a. m May 12th 1 will be at the Court House-the first week of Court. .Registration books Win Close May 23rd, 1968. Respectfully, • P. S. Heath. Registrar. CITATION. 'Georgia, Thomas County: M. A. Fleetwood. County Admin- Hlt-vr<f. iterator, having mads application to " me ln due form to be appointed per-; APPLICATION FOR 1NCORPOR- manent administrator upon the **- ATION. Ante of Alice Thomas late of saidj Georgia. Thomas oonnty: county, notice is hefilby given that; To tbe Superior Court of Said Coun- aald application will be heard at the regular term ot the court of ordinary tor said county to be held on the first Monday la May, 1998. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 6th day of April, 1908. 4-10-41. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary The petition of C. L. Thompson, L. E. Stsnaland and C. H. Billina, respectfully shows: l. That they desire for them selves, their anseclntes and success ors to be incorporated and made a body politic under tbe name and. style of "Thomasvllle Garage Com-/ / CITATION. (Georgia, Thomas County: h A ' *rn P an >'.'' tor the period of twenty years J° f - h 7‘ 8 ^ 2. The principal office of said ‘tho'tr COm >’ any ‘*•>1 be ln tbe City of l S“ of Jan? S cott,TaU or »Id coun-I Btate » nd afoie - ty, notice is hereby given that sail; ,/ The obj4ct ofaal dcorpora- u?ar* teim 1 of'the ^ourt^of*Ordinary | tlon * * bd lor said county to be held on the first' its shareholders. Monday in May 1908. 4. The business to be carried on to serve in this capacity honestly i * —~ and faithfully, if elected, 1 promise I For Tax Collector. . , , _ I I “oat respectfully announce my- to give to the office the best a.ten- ae ]f a candidate for re-election to tlon and most efficient jrvice ot the office of tax collector of Thomas ' county, subject to the action- of tbe which I am capable. Respectfully, A. B. MTLTON. For Representative. The friends of M. L. Cook, hereby announce him as a candidate for re- election to House ot Representatives subject to action ot Democratic pri mary. His record os a representative Is before his constituents. For Sheriff. To the Voters of Thomas County: I hereby announce myself as oandldat* for reelection to the office of Sheriff of Thomas county, subject to the aotion of lbs white primary, and solicit tbe support of the voters, promising the same faithful service in the future as that of the past Thanking yeu for your past kind ness to me and asking your support again, 1 am, Tours to serve, T. J. HIGHT. Witness my band and official de nature this 6th day of April 1908. f-10-4t. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary CITATION. Georgia, Thomas County: by said corporation Is „ the buying ucd selling of automobiles, parts of machinery and the repairing and storing of automobiles, aa well tbe furnishing of all necessaries ln operation of an automobile. The capital stock of said cor- M. A. Fleetwood, County Admlniw- pcratl0 ' n “^^ be ^e .bou.snd del- trator, having made application to j #ni (|1 , 000 . 00 .) wlth the pr ivihsg« of increasing the same to tbe sum me In due form to be appointed per manent administrator upon the es tate of J. W. Dupree, late of said county, notice la hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordln- of five thousand dollars (85,000.00) by a majority vote of tbe stockhol ders, said stock to be divided Into shares of twenty five dollars (125.00) each. Ten per cent of the * or “ ld .bounty to be held on | amount of cap |t*l t0 be employed the flrst Monday Is May, 1908. by them has actually been paid In. band and official Slg- , [Mnn..r, HmIm thn rirht Witness my nature this 4th day of April 1908. 4-10-4t. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary Petitioners, desire tbe right j ts sue and be sued, to plead and be I Impleaded and to make all neces- ' ! sary by-laws and regulations, and CITATION. I IO Ao a u things that may be neces- Georgia, Thomas County: I eary for the Buocewful carrying on M. A Fleetwood. Administrator of said business, including the right Road Tax Collector. M. D. Redfearn begs to advise the public that he will be at Barwlck March 22 and Pavo March 29. 1908 JW Tax Receiver. In pursuance of the regular cus tom of the Democratic, party ln this county 1 hereby announce myself for the office of tax receiver for Thomas County. I respectfully request the support of all cttlsens, and If elected will devote my time and attention to the work. Respect felly, D. M. BAKER. primary to be held on June 4th. slncergly thank my friends for their support in past apd promise, If re elected, my best efforts and most careful attention to the duties of the office. Very Respectfully, P. S. HEETH. For State Senator. At tbe solicitation of my many friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of senator from the Seventh District of Geor gia, subjact to the action of the Dem ocratic primary of June 4th, 1908. J. 8. WARD. Jr. For Gouty Commissioner. Owing to a strong petition ot my friends ot Pavo District, I announce myself a candidate far office of County Commissioner of Thomas Co., subject to the Democratic Primary, soliciting the support of my friend* and fellow dtliens. Yours truly, W. L. ADAMS. For County Commissioner. Fully realizing the necessity of hard work and good judgement in the running of the affairs ot this county for the best Interest of each and every man therein, and pledging myself to labor faithfully in the! In terest, 1 hereby announce myself for the office ot county commissioner from the Glavcow dUtrlet. 1 submit my name subject to the action of the Democratic party at the coming elec tion. T. W. LEWIS. me In the past and pledge, If elected, my very best and most.conscientious efforts to give them faithful, efficient and satisfactory service. I earnestly solicit your support and friendly cooperation. Gratefully and faithfully yorus, JNO. F. PARKER. To The Democratic Voters of Geor gia. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer of this state, subject to the Democratic Primary on June 4th. My Candida cy is based upon my former servlets to the people In this office covering a period of more than twenty years —a record that I believe will bear public scrutiny and which has never been impugned. If elected I prom ise the same faithful service to the duties ot the office that marked my previous administration. Tours truly. For Solicitor City Court. To The Voters ot Thomas County: I announce my candidacy for so- lihltor general of the city court of Thomasvllle, subject to the white primary to be held on June 4th. I have no criticism to make of my opponent, either aa an officer or aa a citizen. During bis nearly eighteen years as solicitor of the County Court he attended to the of fice. During my term it has bees my effort to do the same fttng. I will appreciate your support. Very Respectfully, ROSCOE LUKE. For Tax Receiver I hereby announce myself for the position of county tax receiver at the coming primary subject to the laws of tbe democratic party, if elected I will give my best efforts to the work and endeavor to prove worthy the confidence and trust plaoed In me Respectfully, F. S. NORTON. upon the estate ot Levy and Emma Lewis late of said couaty, having Hied his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against tbe granting ot thia discharge at the regular term ot the Court of Ordinary for said coun ty to be held on the first Monday in May, 1908. 4-10-41. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary "citation. Georgia, Thomas County: M. A. Fleetwood, Admlslstrator upon the estate of John Vick, late of said county, deceased, having filed bis petition-for discharge, this la to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term 01 the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the firet Monday In May 1908. 4-10-4J. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary CITATION. Georgia, Thomas County: M. A. Fleetwood, guardian of H, 8. McMath, having filed his petition for discharge, thia la to cite all per sona concerned to show cause against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordin ary-fot* said county to be held on ♦be first Monday in May 1908 4-19-41. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary CITATION. Geergla, Thomas County: M. A. Fleetwood, Administrator upon the estate of J. W. Smith, de ceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this U to cite all concerned to *bow cause against tne granting of this discharge at the reg ular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the firet Monday ln May, 1908.^ 4-10-it, Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary to own property, real and personal, and to borrow money and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed or other form of lien under existing laws. t ■ | WHEREFORE. Petitioners\ pray to be Incorporated under tbe name and style aforesaid with tbe pow ers, privileges and Immunities here in set forth, as are now or may hereafter be allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. This April 13, 1998. C. L. THOMPSON. L. E. STANALAND, C. H. BILLINS, Petitioners. ROSCOE, Luke, Attorney for Petitioners. Georgia, Thomas County: \ I j. W.' Groover, Clerk of the Superior Court ot said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an origi nal application for charter as the same appears on file In this office. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court.'thia 13th day of April lO. 0. GROOVER, D. Clk. 4-17-4t. Notice. For Representative. ‘ To the Rotors of Thomas County: I hereby announce my candidacy^ uate for tbe office of tax receiver of for re-election as one of Thomas Thomas county at the coming cleo- Qounty’s representatives, subject to tiou. f the primary to fee held June In soliciting the support Vt the white voters ot the county, I pledge lyself to continue to give my beet orts to tbe duties of the office. - J. B. STUffBS. For Tax Receiver. In persuance of the regular cus tom of the Democratic party In this county I hereby announce, myself for •he omr# of tax receiver for Thomas county, f respectfully request the support of all eltluns, and If elected will devote my time and attention faithfully to the work. I have (erred the county ln this position ln yean gone by and am tally acquainted with the work and am positive that I will be able to properly conduct It Respectfully. k. w. mckinnon: My candidacy Is subject to the A- Uon of the primary. I promise the people ot Tbomaa county my best services should they elect me to this office. I earnestly solicit tbe support ot tbe white voters In my candidacy. Respectfully, R. P. DOSS. For Solicitor City Court To the Voters of Thomas County: Six years since I filed with Gover nor Terrell my application for re-ap- polntment to tbe office of county so licitor for Thomas county. This ap plication was accompanied by tbe wiltten request ot a clear majority of tbe registered white voters of the county, asking- my appointment. Governor Terrell disregarded your request, and refused to appoint me. Under the present law which I hear tily approve, tbe office Is within your gift. I hereby file my applica tion wltb you by announcing myself as a candidate tor tbe office of solocl- tor of the city court, subject to the white primary on June 4th. Very respectfully. T. N. HOPKINS. earnestly sollcluthe (am* la this elec honored again by tbe voters, that It honered again by the voters, that It shall be my endeavor to exert every effort to properly exercise the dntlee encumbent upon me by the trust *0 Imposed, as has been my every effort In tbe past Very respectfully, J. W. GROOVER. For Oroinury. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to tbe office of Ordinary of Thomas County, Geor gia, subject to tbe action of the Democratic Primary of June 4th. I desire to return my sincere thanks to all my friendB for the generous support given me in the paBt, and re spectfully ask their suffrage ln this election, promising the same faith fulness In duty in the office In tbe future that I have tried to render ln the past. Very respeotfu'.ly, ® Wm. M. JONES. PAlnt Ready For Use. L. & M. PURE PAINT semllmlxed Is sold lor 11.65 per gallon. Llnsee*> oil is sold from the barrel for 60 oents a gallon. /Bny 4 gallons L. ft M. Pure paint and mix with It 8 gal- bns linseed oil, and you then make T gallons of paint at a cost of only 81.20 per gallon. Done In 2 min utes. John G. Burney, Boston, an* Bracey’s Pharmaoy, Thouwavllle, Os. Ageuts. COMMANDERY MEETING. \ Annual Election of Offioees Cob WyDy Honored. For City Conrt Judge, I am n candidate for re-election >c the office of Judge of the City Court of Thomasvllle, subject to the Demo cratic primary. CHA8. P. HANSELL. For City Court Judge. To tho Voters of Thomas County. I take tbe liberty of announcing to you that I am a candidate for judge of the city court ot Thomas vllle, subject to tbe white primary to be held on tbe fourth of June. And In behalf of my candidacy I bespeak your kind consideration and sup port Very Respectfully, W. H. HAMMOND, NOTICE. As my time le limited to make application for foreign patents on lence u r)€puty sheriff has enabled me to fully acquaint myself with the For Sheriff. To The Voter* of Thomas County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for sbertc. My long exper- my sewing machine attachment, will offer special Inducements to a good partner with small capital. See Me at once as I will take the toad ln a few days, establishing agsndee In the United States and when I get money ln hand you need not apply. Tonn truly, .L DftW-lt, T. A. TEATE. duties of the offlee, and If elected, I will honestly and fearlessly discharge the duties of tills' Important office. I will not, If elected, appoint to any office with the sheriff's office, any member of my family, and all ru mors that I would appoint some *\_ ' Announcement At the solicitation of my friends of Boston and vicinity I offer aa a can didate for county commissioner, sub ject to the Democratic primary. ' * E. R. WHALEY.' For County Commissioner. After serious coualderatlon, and at the solicitation of my many frlendn, I have decided to be s candidate for re-election to the position ot County Commissioner, subject to the demo cratic primary. Thanking my many friends for their support in put years and uklng tor the same loyalty this ytar, I am .Vary sincerely, r. 'fy E. M. SMITH. For Representative, We are authorized 4o announce « W. I. McIntyre lor representative from Thomas county subject at the will of the re tors at the Democratic primary to be held June 4tb. For Coroner. I hereby declare my candidacy tor rselection to the position of coroner subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I heartily thank my friends for their support In the put snd promise the same careful attention to the duties of the office if reelected. , CHAS. GANDY. For Clerk Superior Court. I hereby announce myself u a At toe meeting of the Cruuder Commandary .Knight Templar No. 17 ln this city Friday night, matters of importance were discussed. Then was a movement to more the 00no- mandery from Thomasvllle to Baln- brldgo. In that city there are fif teen Knights and a squad of ten who- are willing to apply for the Templar- Degree. Thia showing cannot h> any sense ot tbs word be mad* In- Tiiomasvllle. At the usual time tbe annual elec tion of officers took place. Col. R» L. Wylly was made Emlnqnt Com mander, notwithstanding tho fast that he was not desirous of the of fice and made endeavors to have • some other man elected. The other officers are u follows: Eminent Commander—R. L. WyL iy. Generalissimo—G. H. Fields. Captain General—M. A. Philip*. ' Prelate—Rev. J. A, Smith. . Senior Warden—J. C. McCukill. Junior Warden—J. L. Davie. Standard Bearer—F. T. Speight. Sword Bearer—J. L. Gilmore. Recorder—J. A. Dlffee. Treasurer—J. W. Callahan. Warder—W. J. Taylor. 3rd Guard—Q. L. Duren. 2nd Guard—J. J. Parramore. ,, 1st Guard—M. A. Sexton, During the put year th* Common- deiy has taken In as matey men la proportion aa any ot the Comman- deriee ln tho state. Eminent Com mander J. D. McCartney wu la charge and his work was highly complimented by the body and thanks for faithful service render ed. New Auto In Town. Messrs. Brown and Wight of Cai ro received yesterday a Reo Roads- ster, of the latest model, sold them < by the maken, R. M. Owens Co., through the Thomasvllle Garage Co. This la tho seme model u the ma chine which won the race ln New ' York In the 82,000.00 class ot an te.. After Umbering up the machine- on Thomasvllle’s streets It was tak en through the country to Cairo by; Mr. Harry Hart : : - ,..o