Newspaper Page Text
Local Showers
Solicitor General John U. Gamble
»ns at home again yesterday morning
after one of the hardest day's work
he has had in some time-staking part
in the preliminary trial of three Jack-
son county men' for assault with at
tempt to murder in what, if allega
tions made are true, is one of the
worse cases of the kind oti record in
Jackson county.
The committing trial of J. H. Gar
rett. Jesse Black and J. S. Black, all
white men and men young or not over
middle age. resulted in binding them
over in $f.00 bond each for alleged at
tempts upon the life of J. H. McIn
tyre, a Confederate veteran now lack
ing but a few months of being seventy
years of age.
The affair occurred near Talmo, a
station on the Gainesville Midland
Railway, several days ago. but the ill
ness of the aged man prevented a pre
liminary hearing till this week. The
state expects to show that -the three
younger men. went to the tome of the
veteran, drank up -a quantity of good
whiskey which he hospitably handed
out -to them, got drunk and rowdy,
and when he remonstrated with them
they insulted him, attacked hint, as
saulted 'him. one threw a big rock at
him, hit him in the head cutting a
long ugly gash in the scalp, another
raked at him wiu a Jack-knife and
slit his arm open from the elbow to
the wrist, and they all knocked him
down and heat him and kicked him
und mauled him with their fists.
The state expects to show even a
more aggravated attack than all that;
That they left when he was beaten
and hearing later in the day that he
had in some manner gotten to the
iustice of the peace and swore o t
warrants against them, they returned
to the house and assaulted him the
second time—using a shotgun, a hoe-
handle. knives, rocks. stovewood
chunks, and other weapons and mis
The state expects to show finally
that they were about to kill the old
man in a horrible manner w'hen the
bailiff with the warrants for the ar
rest of these three men arrived on the
scene just in the nick of time and
rescued the veteran from the infu
riated and drinking men.
The three men were unable to make
bond and were committed to jail in
Jefferson to await trial at the com
ing term of court or indictment at
the hands of the grand jury at the
nex superior court.
Negro Killed Fellow
Convict Because
Water Was Not
Because, it is said, Kugene Brown,
a negro convict at Mann's camp near
the Gum Spring, Oconee Heights, on
the G. M. It. It., did not bring him
fresh water as soon as he thought he
ought to have it, Ozie Bush, a fellow
convict last night, plunged a butcher
knife into the heart of the offender
and in five minutes Brown was dead.
Bush was cutting up food for the
camp supper and had the sharp, worn
knife in his 'hand. The blade pene
trated between the ribs beneath the
nipple. Brown pulled the knife out
of his own body and handed it to a
third member of the convict crew. A
doctor was called by means of Mr.
Nicholls’ phone but when 'he arrived
the man had been dead some time.
The coroner's Jury wthich investigated
the killing last night found that the
deaO.i was about as stalled above.
Bush is held in chains at the camp.
Georgia Cadets to Go
to Gainesville on
Next Monday,
the 19th.
(Special to the Banner.)
Atlanta, Ga„ May 14.—The state
supreme court late Wednesday after
noon handed down a decision in which
it declares the Fulton county salary
system law i nconstitutional.
The higher court holds that this
taw was n the nature of special leg
islation, inasmuch as it applies only
to one particular county, notwith
standing it was enacted under the
guise of a general law.
The constitut'onallty of the law
was brought into question by three
Fulton county officials. Tax Collec
tor A. I*. Stewart, Tax Receiver T. M.
Armistead, and Ordinary John It. Wil
Therefore, according to the decision
of the court, the state constitution
lias been contravened.
As a result of the decision handed
down Wednesday afternoon all of the
officials of Fulton county will go back
to t>he fee system of compensation.
Strange Light and Mysterious
Sounds Heard in the Upper Air
I,ast night about 9 o'clock partb-s
passing along near the post office od
College avenue noticed a brilliant
light in the heavens—apparently over
Talmadge Brothers Company's store
The moon was shining but the light
shined and flashed like an immense
star—away up in the heavens—at
something like forty-five degrees
shove tile horizon. There were sounds
proceeding from the vicinity of the
light also—sounds like one were re
pairing machinery. One obesrver sug
gested that possibly some nirshio was
In distress, had punctured a balloon
or stuck a briar in a wing or some
thing of the sort and the operator
•van down on his buck under it trying
to remedy the break like a common
earth!;- automobilist.
Directly the mystery was ,'olv - ! —
(h- light ,vas one on the top of the
ninth -t --v «. the Ho man inniriir.
workn«‘ti -mg ham it it getting
ready for the morrow's activities in
construction. Tile .v'r;-;- concrete
frame of th- building was invisible
against the sky but the light tvas
'here and the noise mat ■ by the work
men floated cut all rign . t,. complete
lie uncanny d«-ceptiu;.
M. & W. Plans Treat for Friends
Who Stay at Home on Saturday
Th« M. & W. CiKar Company on
Clayton street is planning a free base
ball matine. for their friends Satur
day whose busin-ss will not permit
them ROing; to Atlanta. The same in
detail, play by play, from tin? time tlnj
crowd pat hers until the last man is
out in the ninth ininR will be detailed
by wire, to a room just over the eiRar
company’s place of business from
where the news will be Riven to the
people on the streets by megaphone
fli'Te will he no charges or collec
lions, all that is nee ssarv conn* down
in ( laytoxi street to hearing distance
and enjoy tin* game. This is for Sat
unlay only. Manager Posey of the
Eyrie will detail Friday’s Raine.
Delightful Social Event, Was
Dinner Last Night at Georgian
One of the most delightful social
functions of the season was the in
formal dimfrr at the Hotel Georgian
last evening given by Dean Alexander
Rhodes, complimentary to the faculty
of the State Norma) School and a few
Invited guests. Among those invited
were Chancellor and Mrs. D. C. Bar-
row. President and Mrs. Jere M.
Pound. Judge and Mrs. Hamilton
McWhorter, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shack
elford. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Bondurant,
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rowe, Dr. and
Mrs. M. P. Summerlin, Col. and Mrs.
C. M. Snelling. Dr. I. 31. Goss, Col.
and Mrs. W. J. Morton, Mr. and Mrs.
George Mell, Mrs. G. A. Alexander,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. llranson. Miss
C-hloe Allen, Miss Ila Broadus, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter F. Brown, Miss Iris
Callaway. Mrs. \V. It. Carrier. Miss
Nellie Colbert, Mrs. Mary Lee Davis,
Miss Laura Elder, Mrs. Agnes Eher-
hard!. Mr. and Mrs. D. I,. Earnest,
Miss Willie Fagan. Miss Marjorie
Ford, Miss Margaret Gibbs, Miss Ag-
tu-ss Goss, Miss Besie Hardav, Miss
Kate Hicks, Miss Parma Hill, Miss
Roberta Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Hollingsworth, Miss Emmie Jones,
Mrs. B. 11. Kinnebraw, Miss Annie
Linton, Miss Chloe Lloyd, Prof, and
Madantc Lustrat, Miss Annie Math
ews, Miss Julia McArthur, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Merrill and Mrs. Middle-
ton, M1.S9 Ivah Moyer, Miss Tansy
Newton. Miss Edna Randall, Miss
Jessie Redd. Mr. E. T. Sell, Miss Fan
nie Scott, Miss Helen Sproud, Miss
Rebecca Stewart, Miss Laura Strong,
(Special to the Banner.)
Colt nibus. Ga., May 14.—The an
nual conclave of the Grand Comman-
dery, Knights Templars of Georgia,
onvened in Columbus today with
about 400 in attendance. The open
ing feature was the annual parade,
following which the Grand Coniman-
dery assembled in the Asylum of St.
Aldemar Commandery. where address-
s of welcome were delivered by May
or Chappell and Sir Knight Walter
W. Curtis. Then luncheon was serv
At 2:30 o'clock die Grand Com
mandery convened for business. Grand
Commander F. Theodore Petri, of Co
lumbus, and Grand Recorder Charles
L. Wood, of Savannah, made their an
nual reports.
The annual Templar service was
held tonight in Trinity Episcopal
Church presided, over by Eminent
Grand Prelate Troy Beatty, of Ath
ens. The annual address delivered
liy Past Grand Commander James L.
Mayson, of Atlanta.
The Georgia cadets will spend next
week in camp at Gainesville.
Tlie commencement occasion at
Brenau college-conservatory at
Gainesville is somewhere around that
week also.
The camp wtek and commencement
will be a delight to many of the
school boys and school girls on ac
count of their near-simultaneousness.
Major Kendrick will probably car
ry a number of the officers and men
of the companies to Gainesville on
Friday of this week to get the camp
in readiness. The railroad has prom
ised a special freight car to carry
the ordnance and other equipment
from here and the tents will go up
Friday from Atlanta direct. Special
coaches will be furnished for the
cadets to go over on Monday, the 19th,
in a body. The weather has almost
always turned cold and had a driz
zling, nearly frozen-rain aspect when
the boys got settled about the second
day in camp—on the banks of the
Chattahoochee, Lake Warner, near
Gainesville—but camp week in for
mer years has been* In the last week
in April. It is to be hoped that this
year the camp will have pleasant
weather and that the outing besides
the actual, diciplinary training work
of a military camp, will afford the
fellows a fine outing to clear up the
system and freshen up the constitu
tions of the boys for the finals which
follow hard upon the heels—an "ex
emplary campfollower," as one of the
freshmen puts it.
Padgett's String of
Horses at the Bar
ber Street Cir
cuit Today.
This afternoon beginning at 2
o'clock on the race tracks out Barber
street there will be seen several very
excellent races by string of race
horses which has been in winter
training quarters here under the di
rection of Frank Padgett of Cincin
There will be both pacing and trot
ting events and several exhibition
miles will be trotted by one of the
finest young racing wonders on the
Twelve 'horses are to be seen on
the track this afternoon.
The small admission charged will
be well invested—ladies as well as
men are Invited to witness this ex
hibition of fine horses In action—and
there will be no admission charged to
the lades.
Mr. Padgett will carry his horses
away next week and this will be the
last opportunity Athens horse-lovers
will have to see these magnificent
racing course animals in action.
Judge West of the city court has
railed a meeting of the bar of this
city to be held at the court house this
morning nt 9 o’clock for the purpose
of agreeing upon a calendar of cases
tor tlie May term of the city court
which will conevne next Momla
Many Have Seen and Many
More Wish to See the
Beautiful Exhibit,
There are many who have seen Ali
enjoyed th-.- exhibit of pictures a"
tile College avenue school. There aro
many others who have not availed
themselves of tills delightful oppor
tunity. Go and see tlie masters in
i xcellent reprints.
This evening from 5 to 7 tlie chil
dren and all others are invited to see
Hie pictures—a small admission being
charged. Th children especially will
receive attention at the hands of
those in charge. This evening from
8 to 10 tlie grown people will have an
opportunity to see the exhibit. To
morrow afternoon from 5 to 7 is for
everybody again, children and older
people; tomorrow night will be es
pecially for the high school students
—from 8 to 10 o'clock.
Some good friends to the school
and to tlie movement to bring good
pictures to tlie everyday school life
of the young people have sent the
school a dollar—not being able to go.
The str- et cars give transfers to the
depot line and stop immediately at
tile school building.
South Georgia Yam Potatoes
Only a limited supply.
Eggs Still Going at 20c.
Rhone 1076. Arnold & Abney.
Miss Maude Townsend, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Wardlaw, Miss Sarah Webb.
Miss Gertrude Wood, Miss Mary
Woods. Miss Elizabeth Young, Miss
Ha Young. Miss Willie Pound.
Mid-Summer Display
of Beautiful Milli
nery at Just Half
We have just received especially
for this sale about five hundred of the
newest shapes in Hemps. Milans,
Chip Straw, N'eopolitans shapes, etc ,
which we are going to put on sale
Thursday at just r,0e on the dollaf
(or half-price). We have also receiv
ed especially for this sale all the new
est shades in ribbons, velvets and
flowers that it takes to make an up-
to-date hat. We will include in this
1-2 price sale a number of real Mex
lean Panamas; also a full and com
plete line of all the newest and most
stylish shapes in ratines in plain
white, two-tone effects, and Mulgarian
It will make you feel good to visit
this department and see all tlie dainty
riid-9iUHOer styles in millinery. This
department is in charge of Miss Olio
E. Ti'ader, nn expert New York mil
liner, who knows how to please you.
378 Jlroad St.
A Play That Will Appeal to all
Classes of People Is at
Wednfsday. May 21st, has been de
signated as postcard day for Athens.
Tlie committee from the chamber of
commerce, Messrs. Ross Creekmore.
11. M. Rylee, and C. E. Martin, yes
terday announced the date.
It is earnestly hoped that this event
will be made a big advertisement for
Athens—a means of publicity of pleas
ant sort.
Every citizen of Athens is asked to
s 1 ml out at least—
Wednesday, May 21sl. Send one in
every letter you mail out with “Post
card Day, Athens. Ga." written on it.
Mail as many" as you can to friends
in other sections who will like to hear
and see of Athens. There should by
easy work be at leats eighty thousand
post cards mailed out to all parts of
the world an the 21st telling of Ath
Georgia will hold her last practice
before the final games against Tech
this afternoon and early Friday will
move headquarters from Sanford
Field to Grant Field. erstw;hile known
as Tech Flats. Cunningham and his
diamonds stars have been sawing
wood and saying nothing this week
but anyone who has taken trouble to
go down to the Bottom knows that
they have not been idle.
Of course everybody who has
watched the Georgia team in action
all season was dumbfounded at the
two defeats of last week and have
hardly recovered from the shock. The
team more than anybody else realizes
that they must play better ball than
was exhibited here for Georgia to get
the remaining 'games and with this
as an establishid fact the work this
week has been unusually hard. Ev
ery afternoon Coach Cunningham has
lectured and recited all the fine points
that were overlooked in the other se
ries and has at the same time drilled
his players in the style of play Tech
will more than likely pursue this
For the past few days Timon Bow
den has worked out In the right field
and has been shoved up in the batting
order just behind Ginn. Corley will
epen the first game and Morris will
work Saturday. Coach Cunningham
said last night that there was nothing
to the report that Corley would twirl
both games for both of his pitchers
are an a par and will get a trial this
week. The team will leave for At
lanta Friday morning accompanied by
a big collection of fans while Satur
day practically the entire town and
student body will move over for the
fina' engagement. The Seaboard has
put on a rate of $1.50 round trip which
enables everybody to make the trip.
Georgia Five Leave Today Noon
for S. I. A. A. Meet in N. O.
(By “G-”)
"The Claybaker" the drains which
ihe late \Vm. V. Mong starred in for
several seasons was presented at the
Colonial last evening by the Ijxw-
reneo Players, and is one of the best
bills given in an exceedingly clever
manner. It is one of those gripping
kind which will please every one. Mr.
I-awrenco is very clever in the part
of Cyrus Blenhorn, the claybaker as
is Mr. Sheldon as the Mill owner.
This is t.he first time we have seen
Mr. Sheldon in the pan of a heavy
and he does it with the same earnest
ness that he does ail ‘his parts. If
there is any part be cannot play we
have failed to find it In the stay of
the company. The vaudeville acts
between acts are very very good, es
pecially so the La Reane Sisters.
"The Claybaker" will tie presented
again this afternoon and tonight. On
Friday and Saturday t'hey will pre
sent "Tlie Virginian."
Five Georgia men leave this noon
to compete in the S. I. A. A.4neet in
New Orleans. The Georgia men
leave on the noon train and will gc
all the way down with the Tech and
CJcmson track team which teams will
he met in Atlanta.
The following men will go:
"Steve" Crump, of Macon, will run
both the high and low h rdles and If
Crump keeps up to his present form
In topping the timbers he will make
them all hustle. He has been doing
better work in the low hurdles and
has been going around 28 seconds and
on a poor track at that.
Malone will try his 'hand at the
shot put and it will take about 40 feet
to beat this lad out.
"Punk" is also entered in the 220
dash and although he hasn't had
much practice, he is running this dis
tance somewhere around 23 sec
Hill will he another Georgia man to
compete and he Is entered in the
high jump and has been clearing the
bar around 5 feet 4 inches and may
have rhe goods to go a little higher.
Dillard will run the mile, and even
on this slow track he has been step
ping the distance in good time, and
It looks as if this boy should win a
place if training makes a runner.
Dave Paddock -is entered in the
broad jump and has been clearing
about 20 feet. He may also run the
20 dash.
It seems good to see Georgia
branching out in track work and al
though there is not enough .interest
in this sport as yet, this beautiful trip
should be an incentive for more in
terest next year when at least three
meets will be pulled off besides tho
S. I. A. A. meet.
What these five men will do at this
big meet is mere guess work as they
have had very little experience in
meets of this sort, but the mere fact
that Georgia has branched out into
this line of work speaks well for the
"niversity and we all wish them luck
and under Coach Cunningham’s
training t,he future track teams of
Georgia will be assured of more meets
and a better track to practice on.
There are two other men who have
been doing well in their events and
it may be possible that these men may
he able to go along. These boys are
Don McKinnon in the hammer throw
and Jet kins in the quarter mile.
These n.en would make a good show,
ing and the Athletic Association may
send them down.
"A Whispered Vow,” by Hartwell
Jones will be Mr. Allen's selection
at the Majestic today. A song that
has very few equals as regards mel
ody and artistic finish. A number
that no one can fail to enjoy.
Notices of Notes!
The public is hereby notified not
to trade for or buy two (2) promissory
notes given by me to J. C. Moore and
payable to his order. Said notes aro
due two and three years after date
of March 18th. There is no valuable
consideration to said notes.
2t W. T. LESTER.
Pound Cake 25c the Pound
For the balance of this week only.
To carry out sucji instructions, but
we " ill obey orders. A case of hand
some Midsummer Waist, Shirt and
Drcv-s goods was d-.clined by a mer
chant' and turned over to us to sell
whatever it may bring, therefore the
quantit v of 3500 >' ards dainty wash
fabrics*.*" a lar S 0 variety newest
weave fa bric - color and texture '
width 36-in. chcB. Va,ues ran fl' n 9 fom
20 to 50 ce, ' lt8 ' cholce of tw0 front
tables at 10 e * nts a y ard ' 0n| y Thurs '
day and Frida v ' Ma y 15 and 16 '
New Store on- 1!road Strecl ' Com,,
real early and P ick the cream
of tho lot.
Former Atlanta Detective Called
to Pastorate Baptist Tabernacle
(Special to the Banner.) I evangelist of wonderful success, and
Atlanta. Ga.. May 14.—Rev. Lincoln j now a Baptist preacher, was tonight
McConnell, once an Tvtlanta deuctive. j railed to the pastorate of the Taber-
Methodist minister, then an i nacle her —Dr. Broughton's church.
Funeral Yesterday
of Mr. Bert Patat
d Cake
Special Price on Potra,
25c the pound Thurstd. a ^’ * r ' da * a,ld
Matinee, Colonial, today.
Matinee, Colonial, today,. 3
There will be a meeting of tho
Sons of thr* Confederacy held tonight
S:30 at the city hall—called by
Officers D. P. llaselton and Herschei
Carithtrs, for the purpose of electing
officers, arranging plans for a delega
tion to go to the re union at Chatta
nooga, and to transact other import
ant business. Every "Son" is expect
ed to be on on hand.
There will be a called communica
tion of Mount Vernon Masonic lodge
tonight at S:30 for the purpose of con-
'erring the Entered Apprentice de
gree. All qualified brethren are in
Yesterday afternoon from the resi
dence on Thomas street occurred the
funeral services over the remains of
Mr. Bert Patat, whose death occurred
Monday. Rev. S. R. Grubb of tho
Christian church and Rev. A. A. Sulli
van of the Oconee street Methodist
church conduced the services which
v.ere attended by a large number of
friends, an honorary escort being
present from the W. O. W. lodge. The
services nt the grave in Oconee ceme
tery were the beautiful ceremonial of
the Woodmen.
Miss Mildred Rutherford, historian
general of tho U. D. C„ left yesterday
for Knoxville to bo present at and to
make an address before the Tennes
see division meeting of the Daughters
of the Confederacy.