The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 1

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ATHENS middling WEATHER Rain Sunday. A CONSOLIDATION OF THE SUNDAY ISSUES OF THBATHBNS BANNER AND-THE ATHENS HERALD ^ investigate Todsyf ~Vg To Regular subscribers of • THE BANNER-HERALD 2 *1,000 Acldent Policy Free. 1 ' VOL. 91, No. 21 Full Associated Press Leased Wire Service. ATHENS, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1923. Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cents Sunday. BLACK HAND REIGN OF. MURDER BROKEN UP BY WHOLESALE ARRESTS FATHER TRIES TO SENATE GETS DEBT J Committee Demo c r ats Consideration. 1 CLARKSBURG, West Virginia—A series of mur ders and dynamiting covering a period of two and one naif years in Clarksburg and Fairmont, West Virginia and Uniontown, Penn, has been terminated bv the arrest of nine men in this region and two in tne Pennsylvania city, Clarksburg police officials announced Saturday night. Other arrests have been ma le at Baltimore and Lumber Port in connection with the case, which the police officials described as " A Black hand reign of terror.” The men held in the county jail hue were arrested at Fafcmont ami in this .City. The specified charge against them is the mur- ,li r uf Jimmy Papara, alias Jimmy Little, who was killed three weeks a g „ Saturday night. Word of the arrests was withheld from the public until the police had round, up all suspects. According to the police they ob tained written statements from number of the prisoners clearing up several murders and dynamit ing and plots to kill well known residents of Clarksburg and fair mont, including the Chiefs of Po lice of the cities Grimes mention ed in these statements, the police said, included; That the murder of Kell Lemons, Fairmont girl, whose body was found in a trunk near Baltimore. Shooting of Angelo Cambria, Uniontown Banker, Murders of John Lacava, Clarksburg taxicab driver (Big Joe) Cenito of Clarksburg and Itocco Vcrgillions, - of Fair mont. Among those marked for deal . police said, were the Rev. G. T. Cairn r and Chiefs of Police Wolf and L. D. Snyder. AN ANNOUNCEMENT Beginning with the issue] of Monday, February Would Concentrate 12th, The Banner-Herald flitti during the week, excel present, on Sunday morning The Banner and of The H sued, morning and afternooi were consolidated over 18 Effort Brings Case Juvenile Court. IRL Into Aunt fort Of Community To} tinued as separate issues, Solution Of Problems, • The Banner-Herald, in the Campaign Leaders Say. J To Adopt Far-Reach ing Program Of Activity With Men Best Fitted To Handle It. WILL STOP CONVICT “Nothing short of a civic revi val” is the goal of the expansion movement of the Athens Chamber of Commerce. Not merely a membership cam paign; not simply an effort to “tide the organisation over another year;’’ not a half-baked effort, bnt a real community-wide movement with foundations carefully laid af ter an Intensive study of local conditions by the public in gen eral, and conducted by the best Claimed Father Unable leadership that Athens can pro- Given Custody of Child. To Care For Girl Due To. Ill Health. duce. First, a concentration of Interest on the iyirt. of the entire public upon the solution of community A father’s attempt to' kidnap,problems through organised ef- his own child from Its aunt with whom she was living resulted In a case In Juvenile court Saturday. The child’s mother (Is dead. Tho child, six-year-old daugh ter of Homer Suddcth, formerly of \ Greene county, has been living ath, jvith her aunt, Mrs. Fred Warwick, 631 Thomas street Recently the father tried to kidnap the llttlo girl and send her hack to Union Point to live with her aged grand, mother. , The attempt or tho father to abduct the little girl led her apnt to file a petition In Juvenile Court preventing Mr. Buddeth from eend lag the child back .to Greene. The petitioner claimed the father was vleUra of-tuberculosis and un- oro to support able, therefore to support himself; and three children, two of whom were adnrded him, by the Greene Will Not Resort To 9^"| C °The , plalnmf y won the case. Judge structive Tactics During J. D. Bradwell awarding the little child to the* aunt tor tlx months pending recovery of Its father. WASHINGTON. — Approved by the finance committee 8 to I, the hill passed Friday by the house divine congressional sanction to the British debt settlement agree ment wus rf ported forpmlly Sate unlay to the senate. Chairman Mot umber Indicated that It was his intention tv call the measure up the middle of nexS week, but whether It would bo possible to tlisplaco at that time the adminis tration shipping bill, now th» un finished busintes of the senate,-re mained 'jo be developed. • One republican, La ' Follettee, Wisconsin, and two, democrats, Walsh, MassaKhusetls, and Gerry, Rhode Island, voted against the hill in common, while one demo- Wiliams. Mississippi, support ed it. - Committee democrats opposing the legislation agreed not to ro- a rt to Obstructive tactics during the senate oonalderaUeu hill and republican leaders ware hopeful Of getting a vwW after de bate iif one or two days.-, Thera were some indications, however, that the discussions would be father general and that several senators would insist upon more Information regarding the debt ne natations than has been made public. Y -■ HOPE DEASY APPEAL WILL BE Airplane Lands Safely In Dark Paris — An airplane, flying thr..u K i, the darkness from the Rrili*h field at Croydon, Eng., mud., a successful landing at Le Boufet late Friday night. Ths 1‘un- 'otivwed a course marked cut by special light signals and hr aviator reported hie progress lr wireless’ telephone. When he -rri' -l at Beauvais, 64 miles from Baris, where' a fog forced he last ixi>crlmental night flyer land, the aviator sighted the ja’lit on He Lo Boursct flying ; i'ld. whereupon he . dropped-a Jt'0 flare. Thin was the Signal ' the illumination of the- field h-i the subsequent iandlng wa» l’f- t. it is expected that a "vu:-!- night paaenger service w i i„. »t[... ted soon between f i n and de Le Bourget, ■ Tiine Alone Will Reveal Its Effect, However, En glish Correspondents Be lieve; LONDON — The concensus of opinion among the English corres pondents In Dublin Is that time alone will reveal the effect of llam Deaay's appeal to the repub lican leaden. Well wishers of the Free state government hope that many of the rank and file of the be issued every after Saturday, aiid as at The separate issues of ild, which have been is- Since the two papers iths ago, will be discon- issued in the future, as ‘tfemoon only. The reasons which have impelled the manage ment of The Banner-Herald, %fter careful considera tion and investigation, to take this step are as fol lows: 1. Few families in Athens take both the morning Banner and the Evening Herald. Out of over 3,000 homes in Athens approximately 2,400 take the even ing paper and approximately 600..take the morning paper. There are less than 150 homes in Athens where both the morning and afternoon editions of The Banner-Herald are taken. 2. Subscribers out of Athens very naturally de sire only one Athens paper. The combined edition of The Banner-Herald will in every way be better-able to meet the demand from adjacent territory for a complete Athens daily newspaper. 3. ~ ' ens have been losing money* The recent experience of Athens endeavoring to support three daily news papers has been even more expensive to all con- cemed u * ■ i; ' , approved uy mo jguvemor, saouia 4. Paid ui advance subscriptions to the dailv be effective «n dcontraunur. ti>« ™ ®>"“ r Wi " "5 f " "a-lSrife’SS'^SWS in tholr minds a keener conception til the expiration Of SUCh subscriptions, if desired, or'S? 11,8 *°vernor In office at tho Of their obiigatiomi»cRixen. and'the subscription price for the unexpired term will be j &&& refunded. In the few cases where a subscriber is' IIar,}wlck would be changed or at PaPCrS ’’ ascription will be extended | fflfSifA"? i.w to cover tine unexpired term of such subscription on joo' traop nidwicn has referred The Banner or refunded. , « 0,8 • l ‘°rney general, it that of- 5. For years the two Athens papers have strug gled along with separate circulations varying from 2,000 to 3,000 each. Combining these editions, The Banner-Herald will start off with a circulation* of over 5,000, and it is planned to increase this circula- tion to 6,000 in the near future, which will then give t® Athens the^largest daily rewspapercirculation _ 6. It is hoped that by a consolidation of The Banner and The Herald in the daily field, and with «AM C K 1 S at n n i;® ,read J : [, effected in the Sunday field, that it will be possible to produce a better pa per^, to increase the combined circulation to 6,000 and at ,T e |a. m e tune to cut down the expense of dupli cate! Publication to such an extent that the paper can be made self-sustaining for the future. - l l ANDREW C. ERWIN, President. 6 pm INTERNATIONAL FORCE TO HIM -HARDWICK NATIONS LEAGUE * - ^ * ‘f'-f.*—'- ■ fort. An educational campaign di rected to every man, woman and child In tho community to tnitilt Governor Seeks Ruling By Attorney General To Bring About Settlement, He Says. If He Has Authority, Or der Will Be Issued Bar ring Use, Of Lash In Camps. ATLANTA, an.—Governor Thou. W. Hardwick announced lata Sat urday that he had requested A» torney General Napier for a rul ing which he said will bring about Un ultimate settlement of his part In the controveny over the whip ping of prisoners In O egla con vict camps. It it Is held, the governor said, that tho authority to end the use of the lash rests with i him he Would Immediately ban such pun- For years the two dftliy newspapers in Ath- JESSf*wSSfrireu tmLtZ was necessary In working prison ers and that It was vested wlth the authority to use is under the act of 1906, providing the commission should make rules which, when approved by the (governor, should LORD CECIL PROPOSES 1 .GENEVA.—(By the Associated Press.)—Lord Robert Cecil’s project for a treaty of mutual guaran tees providing for an international military, free to be used against any state assuming the role of an aggressor, was referred Saturday by the temporary committee on disarmament of the League of Nations to a sub-committee for further consideration. It t^as provided, that, meanwhile the technical opinion of the per manent military commission of ths League would be sought. The ses sion was probably the most tur bulent in the history of ths League of Nations committees; M. Viviani of France and sig nor Schanxer, of Italy declared the time NOT ripe for Lord Robert's project. To their sngges- * tion that it be referred to the mil- ’ itary committee for farther study the British statesmen retorted that this meant ths burial of his project which waa intended to pave tbs way. for a reduction in Armaments. JVI. -Viviani held that the treaty stood no possible chance of sue- cess | unless supported by tho vari- out governments and that it therefore referred to the the patriotism 'vice. The relation to the munlty of the modern chamber of commerce In the advancement of the city and Its trade territory, not only in a. material sense but in the social welfare of the peo ple. WOULD MAKE BODY REPRESENTATIVE ONE A campaign to make the Cham ber of Commerce. representative; of the entire community and ths (Turn to page,eight) Mima Ini °f ib* Irregulars will be Influenced by Denny's attitude and avail thera- oelves of the amnesty participa tion with the result that the re publican chieftains will And their following considerably dimint •'’''"l Reconsideration by the republi can leaden are not regarded as hopeless in. some quarters, where it is remarked that Liam Lynch’* reply merely turned down the pro posal for unconditional surrender and did not bar the door to all negotiations. According to a Dub lin dispatch to the Times, the fact that the government has suspend ed. all executions Is a hopeful sign. Believe Negro Murderer Found K V (•ill,. Safir io farm., CUHt-fl Held For Stealth Of Money Orders ATLANTA—J. T. Alderman, former postmaster at Kinard, Florida la under arrest at Tifton, Os., charged with theft of blank money order forms from the post- office of which he formerly was In charge, according to Informa tion made public bore • Saturday "by Joe Hopkinson post Wfic* In spector who te in, Titibn investi gating a 61.000 money order, which'was cashed there and. later found to have ben made out on one of the forms missing from the Kinard office J. T. Hall, also waa arrested add le held In con nection with the cose. Alderman according to lnfor- matlon made public here was ap pointed postmaster at Kinard on February 1, IMS end wae dis placed by a acting postmaster on January 10, IMS. Adopt (Resolution Re questing President To Proclaim National Anti- Dope Week. CHICAGO—A resolution against the dope habit has been unanimous ly adopted by ell B. P. O. & Elks lodges. The resolution, which wah fathered by Exalted Ruler Sinek, of Chicago, Is a nation wide pro position and is sanctioned by Grend Exalted Ruler J. E. Mas ters and being passed by all Elks lodges. ; . It provides tbat .the president of the United.States be respect fully requested to set aside a week to be known as National anti-dope week, and that he cause to be gathered together an International conference of competent men and women who will formulate nlane and methods looking towards the eradication of the evil, not only In-the United States, but In every country in the world. usvalna the commission ths will e ftlcial matter will end but if It holds that (be present governor must approve all rules and regulations in force, the governor safe be Would Imme diately Issue an eexcutlve order barring further use of the lash In convict camps, - WIT Of Twq Old Parties Go Out Business.’ Election “GEORGIA DAY” WILL SUGGESTS ISSUE OF BONDS FOR A PARK Mayor Thomas Bays, “Baby Bonds” 'Would Provide Money For Site, Doubts Whether Funds Caii Be Found In Gener al Treasury of City. Issue “Baby Bonds” here to pur chase the park and nee It for a fair ground as well, is the sugges* _ tion of Mayor George C. Thomas, military .committee, the, - members The mayor thinks the city hss of which 'resented the govern- Aftei/ a .violent debate Lon] Robert’s committee suggested that the technicians ■ be asked for an opinion but that.the project came again* before' the disarmament committee in June wae adopted. not the money in the general treas jiry to buy. the site for the propos ed park, although sentiment is widespread In favor of the city’s going Into the pronosttlon. “We are all agreed that the city should have a park; said the may or Saturday, “However, the city hasn't the ready money to spend buying ths site. Why not issue “Baby Bonds” and sell them to, local dtixens. In this way ths bond margin will not be affected. will get Its park. We can hold the district fair on the park grounds .and the .holdera' of the “Baby Bonds” would make a good Investment. The ftnante committee of coun cil has the park proposition. In hand following requeflt by repre sentative citizens that a site be bought as early, a* poaaible. 15 IT Action In Deferring Clos-I ing Smyrna Harbor Causes Sigih of Relief In Washington. STATE UNIVERSITY BE OBSERVED HERE State Normal School Stu dents And Faculty To Have Special Exercises.. Henceforth, By Merit p ro^8 Arrang- Abolishing Unfair And e d To OW™ Annni E IMDUGIUTS HERE Commissioner Is Shot Dead XVII.LE, Ga. — Sheriff "! frawford county, left !- v afternoon for Monticel- "la. where he has been In- Tam Massey, > s ’negro ac* ^ "f slaying Zanle Bryant. l lniU where he had been lunyl \V. .L. Ilracknell, a former com / heroes. misslocer. Steel Production Cannot Be Enlarged • Without More Laborers Schwab Asserts.. . NEW TORK.—Chas. M. BChWab, chairman of the board of the Beth lehem Steel Corporation, sailing on the Olympic. Saturday for a five week's,four of Eifeland, France and Germany' declared that Amer ican srt(e| production had neachedl Its' peak and could not be enlaty I ed until the labor shortage had been e^dlcatsd' * tte ''ft*?* * American corn la»t year immigration laws tp permit the en- require so large a quanti- tranee to this country of dcatra- Underhand” Methods. PoUtlcs In the student body at the University of Georgia is deafl. The two parties, ’‘Mugwumps" and “G. O. P.” tho to get the “spoils” In former days, pulled “coups." restored to strategy .and ■hrewd schemes the envy of some of their elders out In the state, are defunct At least an agreement has been ed To Observe Anniver sary of Birth. CBy Chat. E. Martin.) Tcr.i.rjow, February 12th, I* Georgia day. or the one hundred and ninetieth birthday of the founding of the Georgia colony t>> fumes Oglethorpe. It is to be regretted that the occasion Is not observed more sene rally than It Is by Georgians but it will not a together be over. WASHINGTON.—Ait'on of ths Turkish authorities In deferring execution of the order closing Smyrna harbor to foreign warships j except of limited size, occasioned manifest relief In official circles. American representatives In the Near Eos] bays been watching the situation at Smyrna with much concern. Thor has been fear that hasty action of tns local Turiclsb commander there might precipi tate hostilities l>etwon the Turkish military and ailed warshlpe. Ths reeling, it was learned Saturday, vas varied In a conference between American and Turkish representa tives at Constantinople several days ago In connection with the Smyrna harbor closure order. ‘MR. WILLIE' ESTATE . .. ... _ . oui ii win noi niogeuier ue over reached for election of all officers looked m Atihcns where ono InsU- at the University by k committee tu|lon at least will observe the Even Its Friends Cannot See Where It Will Win Oat In The End They Say. WASHINGTON—With congress adjourning sine die at the end -'f another three weeks, the baubles of the much harressed ad minis tra Com ble laborers." he said. "Thle will be the solution to our present In dustriat dimculUei.” 2 Die As Plane Crashes to Earth SAN ANTONIO, Tex.—Lieut. Frank Honslnger, S7, and sergeant Joe Kelly, both of Kelly Field, were Instantly killed ats Friday afternoon when the DS Havlland combat'plane from which they pbs Jn the war , , _ ,«!»**«! before gri*. General William 7? pitcfen. assistant' chief of the United States nrmy air service, crashed to the earth near Laredo. K from the facnlty after the groups-day fittingly Indeed. Into which the fraternities and • The State Normal school will campus men have organised may!not only have appropriate exep recommendations. Election wlll'ciaes commemorating the date _ be on merit and by alternation,|bob will serve a 'Georgia prod-[tion shipping Mil have multiplied (Turn to page two) ; , (Turn to page two)^f Iso that even ,tta friends said Satpi *day and night that its ultimate fata waa’zurrourtded In Increased doubt. Several new plana of. attack up- jta tbo bill were laid Saturday and a compromise move among re publicans to design drastic amend- menu was instituted at a con ference with President Harding at the White Home. Senator Mc- Nhry, republican, Oregon autbot of several amendments modify ing the subcention and other pro visions of the Mil together with several other senators, discussed a compromise plan with the-presi dent, but 'action went, over until next week when chairman Lasker Rich frew York Lawyer Gets Cabin And Fur nishings Of Darkey > He Befriended. FAtfiTTEVILLE. N. C. — Be cause “My Willie” never failed him when he needed advice, or help William James McAlistsr, of Fayetteville, aged > ex-alavo who died early Saturday made' William Fuller, of New 7ork,-tsnersl cocn sel of ths American Tobacco Com pany pole, heir and ben*flctary to hts estate consisting of a small cabin-and Its furnishings, it was learned when McAlister’s will was found. The old-negro’s, death wss caused by burns sustained when be fen Into *n open are place. . ’Uly wife, now deceased, belong ed to hit (Mr. Fuller’s) tatbef and mother” read McAlister’s will ”tnd It was my pleasure neaf the Fuller family after the; war, brining an lotimaoy between mo and Mr. WllUam, then a small boy. When I needed advice, Mr. Willie never failed, me. He m*J not need my little home, I pray, but be will know better what to do with It than I, and In this way I want to show by appreciation fot what he has done for me.” McAlister, who was 94 years of age, had been a resident of this city »s tong as the oldest citizen* can remember. Mr. Fuller formerly Fayetteville. Turk Foreign Minister Says Departure Of His Mission Is Not Final Ac tion. ‘.fl BUCHAREST, —• Ismet Pasha, TurktaN foreign minister, who ar rived here Saturday with tho other members of tbs Turkish delegation at Lauiannsnwn their way to An gora from tho paacs conference, said he did not regard the Lau sanne conference aa closed and that the departure of the Turkish delegation must not be considered final in the. absence of any uot'fi- catlon by tbo allies that tbs con ference was ended. Turkey was animated by Pacific intentions, Ismet said, but that did not signify she woud admit that her legitimate right* should be Ig* M Sheriff Countermands Request For State Troops To Guard At Wa co Texas. WACO, Texas.—Although there as no demonstration Friday night indicating possible mob ac tion against Roy Mitchell, negro v.-ho county authorities Bay has signed written confession;, to five murders tn this county during the past year, the County Jail contin ued under guard Saturday. Texas Rangers Ordered here by Governor Neff, wll nrA come, according to Sheriff Leslie Stegall, who said he I had countermanded his request for slato officers owing to the con* I tinned quiet situation. Germany Use Much U* S. ty this year, the American agricul tarsi representatives In Berlin re ports. American cord was used largely for the manufacture of alcohol after Gornufn food regula tions limited the use of potatoes for tbat purpose to 20 per cent of the alcohol production. The limit now has been raised to SO per cent and with the ISM alcohol out- nut estimated at 63,000.000 gallon*, the distilleries will require only about 8,000,000, buibel* of corn. POSTPONE TRIAL iM ACON, a. — M. D. Wood, who la alleged to have shot and killed .Fmwbnrk. of Rome, Ga., and then to have wounded hi* sweetheart. Miss oiene conreon, on .a principle street hare early in Dqqsmter, will not go on trial Moa day as planned. Youth Arrested’ For Stealing Howard Small, colored, about 14 years old, was arreited Saturday morning by detective Charlie Sea- graves and charged with stealing money from the Combination storu on Clayton street. The proprietor has been missing certain amounts for several weeks and sofepectcd some of the colored help of the store and Friday night he mark ed some of the money and awaited Saturday morning for develop ments. Tbo marked money waa found on Small, It Is claimed. He wtll very probably bo tried by the juve nils court. ADJ0URN8 UNTIL TUESDAY LOS ANGELES, Cal..—No MS- Cion wacchald at tbo trial of the •mt ef George Chtwin Joseph. New York attorney .te_ recover 624,0000 from Pauline Frederick picture aa- treef and her salt. Adjournment until Taesdajr-Jwvinr been taken Friday. ' next week wben chairman Lasker of the shipping board la to bo criticised. Wilson Denies Merger Rumor NEW YORK — Reports tbat Wilson and Company. Chicago packer*, were considering a mer ger with othej* tacking Interests ware denied Bata (day by Thomas Wilson, the president of the com- poify who Is hero on an Inspection Attributes' Success of \ Sale To Advertising in The Banner-Herald Banner-Herald Co., f . City. • •• : j ^ Gentlemen:, , * . .' : • a We have just completed compilation of results on our clearance sale, and find total figures 'highly pleasing. ’ , ' 4 As your papers were the chieff means used to get sales news before the public, we feel a word of thanks is in order. We are now sure of the pulling power of advertising in the Banner and the Herald. With kind regards, 1 Very truly yours, “ "*/ ' DORSEY FTJRNITURE CO. . ,,,) , ... By J; R Northcutt *XO£lCr j Jagflfl oV 'tjnf (Theabove vrasunaoKcited' «i(<the“’partOf The Banner-Herald and;'therefore.& all .the mbre ap- preciated.--Editor.)