The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 10

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, ■ ■ ~ 11 ; ' SUNDAY, |Nofic5”Td Electric Customers , * i 1 \ !S The Athens Railway & Electric Company I 3f; increasing its facilities at the Steam jflaat and while this work is in progress the “'"mporary wiring that is necessary in or- _sr that the masons and carpenters may Jjp safeguarded while current is on the wires, may cause some slight interruptions •particularly during bad weather. % »• We hope no interruptions will occur’but j ) . if they- do we trust otti? friends Will accept jtjiem as. philosophically as possible as the V. S$ork being done has in view better service Allowing the installation of more modern p. jajid heavier equipment. \ Athens Railway & Electric Co. ■ s Plenty of Money to Lend On Real Estate i : Commission: 3% ON AMOUNTS OVER $1,000.00. J! ‘ 10% on amount? up to $1,000.00. i : HUBERT M. RYLEE tl j LAW OFFICES • 405 Holman Bldg. Athens, (In. H- — =■ r Wjnt ; 4 * Alabama Arjaona ALL ABOARD er Excursion Fares and AH Year Tourist Fares k; TO Georgia^ Havana Kentucky Louisiana MiaslaiippI New Mexico VIA North Carolina Oregon Sruth Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Wet Virginia s: Georgia Railroad Atlanta & West Point R. R. j Western Railway of Alabama liberal time Iftnit and stop-over privileges. li ft mm For further information apply to J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A., 714 Healey Building, Atlanta, Ga. DONTS TO HEED IF (VOU’D FOIL ‘CON MEN' (By WM. A. PINKERTON) Dean- of American Detectives FOR MEN Ddn> Ur lined Into friendly •cpmtal adnualtV-ances. " uptt’t buy stork until the venture has had a thorough checkup. Don't he lured into friendly card, games anoard railrrad trains br steamships. Dpn't carry large sums of money around. Don't try to resle. an armed footpad when the thing looks ‘hopeless. He'll kill you. Don't he Intrigued by an easy scheme to make money where yen must do something shady to make it. Don’t '.hink you’re too wise to he caught. The biggest fall the hardest. FOR WOMEN Don't let any fctruy (male) acquaintance ensnare you with an oily tongue Into friendship. Don't be known as a person who wears her Jewels and cx- p naive furs alioift. Don’t admit strangers in the h' use who say they are meter renders or ice men. Don't leave windows unlatch ed when away from the house, or luyn under this mat on the front doorstep. Don't let any blackmailer frighten you with letters of threat for anything. Show the letters to yopr husband or to the police. Don't make any investments ■if you are unskilled In such things until after you have consulted a reliable banker. CHICAGO—The burglar, the hold-up man, the bandit of 1923 Is a killer. The wild west bandit of yester day was quick on the draw but slow to shout, lie carried his six- shcoter to menace you, to intimi date you into doing what he de manded. lie shot only ns a last resort. The city bandit of today clinch es a halr-friggered automatic pis tol in fingers made unsteady by bootleg whiskey, dope and Jazz living. He kills upon the slight, est provocation or upon none. He doesn't choose his victims cnrefully. You mny be the next. Lack of money gives you no im munity—the crook of today speci alizes in small fry. He hasn't the brains for the big job. Ylint's a warning to everybody from William Allen Pinkerton, dean of American detectives, who's I spent a lifetime ferreting out j criminals and who today employs ‘ >— Raise More Cotton This Year. Use-Boll-We-Go Sure death to the Boll Weevil Boll-We-Go is a combina tion of Calcium arsenate and ether ingredients that hold the poison to the cotton plant In available form for the boll weevil to drink. Boll-We-Go stays cn the. cotton plant. The hardest winds will not blow it off. The heaviest rains will not wash it away. It is known throughout the t '/-A Don’t Dust - Spray BOLL-WE-GO Only Costs , 20c A Gallon Ready to Apply x ’ You can estimate the cost of your entire season’s pro tection by using BOLL-WE-GO. Cost only $3.00 to $4.00 per acre per season. , ‘ r Hr . ’ 4 Cotton belt as the effective method of destroying the boil weevil. Leading Cotton Growers Praise Boll-We-Go. ■ Wo have hundreds of unsolicited testimonials from leading cotton growers praising Boll-We-Go for its deadly effect on the boll weevil. These names will be furnished ' you at your request. Boll-We-Go is shipped to you in concentrated form so as -to save you the cost of shipping weight of water. It is easily mixed with water and ' " can be used immediately. Agricultural experts, hankerp .and farmers proclaim that it is the best method of exterminating the boll weevil. \ Boll-We-Go is inexpensive—yet Effective. The basis cost of Boll-We-Go is only 20c a gallon and only takes from three to five gallons per acre, and there is NO WASTE. Boll-Wo-Go STAYS ON the Cotton plant Only three to four sprayings per year are necessary when Boll-We-Go is used. When you use Boil-We-Go you are PROTECTING YOUR COTTON at the very lowest cost. .... Actual Field Tests made last year Were Surprising to Agricultu ral Experts .7 Demonstrations were made last year throughout the Cotton Belt to prove the merit of Bolt-Wc-Go. Results were obtained as we predcited—results even proved that we were very conservative in.our claims. YOUR acreage will produce MORE cotton this year if you use Boll-We-Go. Do not experiment this year. Use Boll-Wc-Go—p tried and prevon product—You take n» chances with Boll- We-Go. ■ • * ■ : ' V ' ' .. I '• t Calcium Arsenate is Scarce—Price will be higher. Wc feel sure that calcium arsenate will be hard to obtain anil suggest that you send in your order now for Boll-We-Go. Our supply is limited and orders will be filled in order received as long as our supply lasts. Boll-We-Go is a patented product and approved by the Agricultural Department of the State cf Georgia. Write for literature telling ail about Boll-Wc-Go. BOLL-WE-GO MANUFACTURING CO. ‘ 63 North Pryor St. Atlanta Ga. and Ml g Interview -PWkerton, has newspaper Cdrrespondejit In year*, “The criminal ot today/' Pinker, ton said* “is an amateur born of modernism, poison whiskey and lopsy-turvey living. OLD HEADS “REFORMED” “The old professionals—the skilled criminals, famed for head work and steady nerves—have re formed. They've become bdotleg- Bcrs." This last with a chuckle. We no ldnger are combating criminals who make a profession < of the thing. * ' • “What wo're face to face with today is just plain bad beys that this age h*'.s corrupted—boys who will stop at, nothing to gain excite ment. They’re all from 18 to 25 years old. “But th€y_ are Prude in their methods and* operate not from need but mostly frcm erratic excitement. That ic why they are so dangerous. “A crook of the old school would wait it long time before shooting you. And he rarely entered un pretentious homes. Where the new\ criminal mind contetfls itself with plunder of dollars secured thru street murder, the old criminal pU'.yed his game for thousands. “Fewer banks aro being broken into and fewer safes cracked now adays. Amateurs cannot do things like that. Bo they turn to lock ing from more meager sources ami kill in the bargain—Just because there's nothing else for them to do. ier alone. Unlike Hie vio* finaf; they" ‘ilSlfp turned ilrjrhmF'to lattfe. He (ntn—bankere,’ %inahcf«H end lawyera^-are the Victim* of 'con men' today and they're easy ope*. x . ' "one type of modorb confidence man—the smoothest type—special izes In victimizing women. The Board v of Health of Oregon must regulate, the rules to aticer tain If bride arid groom are sen sible* or tools, f'hysfclona compel tent to judge wi:t make the men tal test and if, the Couple won't that what these say- is best ’$ a popular way to serve Kellogg’s Bran—grealesfhi Most every ono who realizes hotr effective Kellogg’s Bran is for the County Court Ithey may apiieal in ! permanent relief of constipation has effort to he wed. Here mental ex- j their own particular way of serving perts will decide on what is in this wonderful cereal. Most families lover he has Romeo backed off the I each heed. If they aay 'nay" no | eat it as a cereal with milk or cream. map and as a crook'he makes poor " ■ - ■ • • old Jesse James look like a piker.” Hard Blow For Hymen If All Would-Be-Weds Must Qualify Mentally (Ey MARGARET-ROHK) NEW YORK—t\Eiow! .Hymen has: been harried quite, an awful Jolt I fear, out In the free and open west, where mighty moun tains rear their snowy crests o'er prairies and a man's a man alway —at? least thnt’s what the. titles in the movies always say. It seems that some people have their doubt that movie lore Is true. They think a man Is oft a child, so mental tests are due. They thljik In ventures marital each person's lovesick brain equivalent mentality to child, twelve, should contain. An so in Portland, Ore gon, a Mrs. Simmons, bright, club. Woman, politician and n woman erudite, in Legislature's in(trodueed a very vital bill, which seems to license Is forthcoming to the twain, j Others sprinkle it oa their favorite If they say 'yes' - the weeding bells I hot or cold cereal. Every oae enjoys may peal forth gay refrain- j its nut-like flavor! Two dollars fifty Is the fee the j If you are cdoking a hot cereal try law has specified examiners may j this methodMeasure off two table- legally collect from groom and . spoonfuls for each member of the btlfle. It sure ig ceiling more and family. Mix it with the cereal and more to up end go get tied besides cook as you always cook the cereal, the preacher's fee that" all good j Kellogg’s Bran is scientifically pre- bridegrooms must provide. pared and ready to eat, but its regu- But lack of coin would never latory powers are iu no way impaired keep two would-),e-yeds apart. IPs I if you cook it with other cereals, lack Ot brains In Oregon bids fair | .Kellogg’s Bran has won the friendly recommendation of physicians because it does give prompt and permanent to break a heart or two or. four or hundreds if the' Slmmo n 8 bill gees through. I wonder what would happen if our states all hart* It too. Just take a look among your friends and others d°ar. Amongst youf mere acquaintances and tives so qu6er. How many, if the bill were passed, think you would married be If ft depended on a 12- ycar old mentality? Old Pappy boys of 9G would not be Newly-Weds with pretty dolls of sweet sixteen wih nothing in their heads. Most' marriages of movie star* promise Hymen it will either makn coul^. net so oft occur for passing of kill. They’re lots of other rea sons for forbidding of the bans, Alongside this one they nil look like puny al3o-rnns. As other/ states have passed the law, ere mafrlage is begun exam* fnd-ion physical must be required each one, so Mrs. Simmons’ bill provides n mental test as well that n^tmiseg to put a crimp In mar riage for a spell. \ any mcr/ta 1 test would surely them deter and how would all the Follies girts get spliced to only sons If they had mental tests to pass. Imagine it!—Great Guns!! The Hinton Securities Co. Life Insurance. relief from mild or chroni* von tion and because it can be'Vaterit out forming a habit. Agalg.'jtidiJ Bran will free you from dangerous cathartics. When constipation comUtiotifL. in your system or when you are tw cned, do not take half-way Foods with a partial bran costS cannot free you! What yoc t™! have is Kellogg’* Braa becai!«A uL ALL BRAN) Go the limit; get roliitfl Every member of your family delight in eating Bran raisin ake muffins, pancakes, macaroon/^ Kecipc3 on every package. , , ,.{■ Start eating Bran to-day I Get wd) —keep well—keep disease out of vm, komel First-class hotels, clubs Vi restaurants servo-Kellogg’s BrasT individual packages. All grocers;” - ‘ WBSSSSBS ,|.. The Hinton Securities Co. Life Insurance. Jl ' ' MOVIE SERIALS FOR FIJI SUVA, Fiji—Motion picture se rial thrillers from America have found their way to the movie the atre here. FIJI natives are strong for ’em. ITCH CURED In 30 Minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide 50c from 4ruggist* or 55c mailed Mfr, UR. L. J. SHARP & CO. Commerce, Ga. \ Take no substitute. Sold by H. R. PALMER & SONS For Economical Trans portation 4 1 CHEVROLET “TERMS” RHODES MOTOR 0(), e kay ’:,:Z THE SMILING POINTER* Fine Painting and intrria- Decorating Phone 280, AthcnSrCa. LINCOLN MOT O C >■ A The Lincoln car is not only the finest ere' ation, but the most perfect car mechanically yet offered the motoring public. So many features^of this quality car are it the usual con' ception of a fine motor car fails to include them. These features are best appreciated when you drive it. • ■ ■ « ; . Y * s , Ease of control at all speeds is emphasized by the entire lack of driving effort. Sponta' neous flexibility is felt as you call for any range.of power. And all roads seem to smooth out under its easy'riding qualities. You are cordially invited to visit the Lincoln exhibit at the Automobile Show, and learn the many outstanding reasons for Lincoln superiority. \ ~ " • • , ,' ~ . . _ rn ; * • ' C. A. TRUSSELL MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED ATHENS, GA., LINCOLN DEALERS T ,.l •X - !i; T .;//« ) SOM ■ illiijii? ■iiuoni A . .</( . .iu ,q iv\r I*-1