The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 11

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I t n.-lm lyi—By MRS. ALICE 'Al^AMS—Residence" 832. . ; MARRIAGE. ,. !|l A LA MODE k In Siami. both the bride and [ bridegroom ;cbange their style of | ; halrd resiling <nt their wedding day |ii 'The bride's hair la cut short! i? which Indicates that now she is I matron. . , , _ i.t The . bi^ilcBrsiom has worn his I longp)ait down his back 'Vtyroughouk his bachelor days, but , ,Jpw he terlata it Into a knot on ;j top of his head, this being the i badge of-the-married man. I'.HOUSEHOetfT 7 ® - SUGGESTIONS, At a fraction the cost fo feathers pVb? pl,,ow ,m,nBs il Cut a package of cotton Into Kf 1 IJTK& them ,n ■ r>an isnd keep Jhfcmjti an oven for half ''do noT r sco h &' CarCfUl that t,10y Each tiny plWe will swell to .nefi n 8,ze »Dd have Tactically no weight. ftAJOR McHATTON Saturday^evening Mrs. T. H. Me- Hatton entertained the Military circle of the University in honor of Major McHatton, who received his commission In the reserve corps of the U. tr. Army last week. Five tables of bridge featured' the charmingly ■ planned occasion which was so characteristic in de tails of the delightful home. The spacious rooms were thrown (tether radiant and beuutiful in tile bright decorations of sprina blossoms, baskets and silver vuses of winter honey suckle and great bunches of flowering quince, made an effective setting with many soft shaded lights and glowing fires every where. Few homes are more charming for entertaining, always attractive In the handsome furnishings of antique mahogany and lovely draperies harmonising so beautifully, but above all, the Cordial and gracious hospitality is always the domlnent feature. Fol* lowing the spirited game an elab* orate and very delicious sujipcr Was served. Major r.icflaltdn Is being showered with the happiest congratulations from his wide cir cle of friepds on the recent boner berferred, not only In Athens but throughout the strfte. The delight ful party was one of the gay sea son’s most notable social evoniis. CAPT. AND tyR& JOHN NICHOLSON ENTERTAIN - MILITARY CIRCLE. One of (he week-g loveliest social events was the delightfully planned bridge party at which Capt-^and Mrs. Jehu Nicholson entertained Friday evening in compliment to the Military Circle of the Univer sity. Six tables of bridge was the enjoyable pastime. The beautiful home was .ary bright and lovely In the Valentine decorations witji quantities of crimson flowers and red tapers, adding a cheerful glow to the/ picturesque background. Cay Valentines were Introduced in the pretty score cards ami other artistic details. Following the served. * geme two deliicous courses were Mrs. C. M. Walton won the la dles top score prize, a fapey comb, Capo. Walton the gentleman s prize a leather key holder. Mujor McHatton was awarded the consolation, a box of candy representing a heart-shape Valen tine. The guests included Col. nnd Mrs. D. W. Ryther, Major and Mrs. McCoy. Capt. and Mrs. McOarrlgte, Capt. and Mrs. Gerfen. Capt. and Mrs. Wise, Capt. and Mrs. Walton, Major and Mrs. McHuJton, Major, Burch, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dorsey. Jr., Misses Claudte Flpnlgen, Jo sephine Wilkins, Natalie Bocock, OHo Vincent, Mr. Homer Nicholson nnd Mr. Joe Billings. ' * -ffl- . MR. ABIT NIX’S ADDRESS ON THE BALLOT AND ITS OBLIGATIONS. Mr. Ablt Nix addressed the citi zenship class of the Y. W. 'O. A. at the Y. W. C. A. club rooms Frt- | day (evening, February | subject was "The Ballot and' 11 Obligations.’’ Mr. -Nix pointed out j very plainly that It was the white } woman's sacred obligation Ho reg- > Ister nnd Mote. He also outlined | methods of determining your vote, and gave some traits of character | to look for In the candidates. • He ended his talk wilh a dls- i eussion of parties, policies, and ’ theories of government. I This was the first meeting of 1 the Citizenship class. Mr. An- ; drew Erwin will speak next Fri | day evening on "The Fundamen. j tala ct City Government. - ' AH wo men of the city are urged to at- lend. MISS EDITH H0U8E TO ADDRESS GIRLS 8UNDAY Y CLUB. Miss Edith House, of the Uni versify cf Georgia will address the Girls Sunday Y Club Sunday after noon at 3 o’clock, at tho Y. W. C. A. club rooms. t Miss House is a prominent law student at' the University of Geor gia. She Is viery active in all lines of Interest of the University and (Is quite popular. ' All the girls of the cily are in vlted to attend. -BI MEETING MISSIONARY CIRCLES AT THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Tho circles of tho W. M. S. of the First Baptist church will hold meetings this week ns follows: Circle No. 1 with Mrs. Anna Me GoWan, 539 Pulass: Bireot at 4:30 Monday afternoon. Circle No. 3 with Mrs. Ed Jack. AUCTION SALE Come up ladies, don’t hang back. Hovy much will you bid for thief brand new, wonderfully equipped, nationally known SELLERS KICTHEN CABINET id It! is a regularauction sale. This genuine Sellers will be placed in our win dow. To the woman who makes the highest bid it will be sold without further ob ligation. The winner will be announced in our store win dow. No bids received after 7 p. m. Saturday. Sellers Special Goes To The Highest Bidder NOTHING TO BUY-NO STRINGS TO THE OFFER Everybody Invited To Make A Bid! Come and see this beautiful cabinet. See tihe wonderful features and unusual con veniences that have made it famous. Every woman who appreciates comfort, health and beauty, should have this great modern kitchen helper. Say what you will pay for it Make your bid on the <$upon below. Seal it in an envelope and bring it to our store personally. No bids sent by mail will be considered. A competent committee will open bids and select the highest. '•u!.V •- " : i ' . . V/ Fill In This Slip. Bring It o Our tore In erson GRAND AUCTION SALE sellers Kitchen cabinet All Bids Must Be Received By Saturday, February 17th Fill in this Entry Blank; ahd,hapd into oiir store in person.’ No Mail Bids ConsWered. ; y ^orsey Furniture Co. Quality Furniture Since 1884 4 fife —— 1921- 191 ANNIVERSARY week specials MONDAY Wallace Reid Monday Agnes Ayres May McAvoy _=IN= “Clarence” For cast, story and whe some laughs—-the great American comedy e v j screened. TUESDAY v Katherine McDonald And Bryant Washburn SPECIAL “THE WOMAN CONQI WEDNESDAY , First Southern Showing Clara Kimbal Young “THE WOMAN OF BRONZE” “Dr. Jack” Is Coming MONDAY-TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY = EXTRA ADDED ATRACTtON “UNIVERSITY BULLDOG ORCHESTRA” son at 4 o’clock Wednesday after- I noon. Circle No. S with Mrs. E. J. I O’Kelley at. 4 o’clock Wednesday I afternoon. Circle No. 10 at the church at I 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. Circle No. 11 with Mr*. C. A. 1 Lanier at 4 o'clock hursday after noon and all other circles at '-he I home* of their respective chair- I men at 4 o’clock Monday afternoon. [ . J] DELIGHTFUL MEETING I OF THE HOME j SCHOOL CLUB. The Home School Club had n | very enjoyable meeting on the of- i ternoon of February nth at tho j borne of Mr*. Alice Adams on Hill I .street, Mrs. E. H. Dorsey preaid- 11"*- Tbs Coxy llbtle house was Itself I charming with glowing fires, shafts. I of Western sunlight on walls and I furnishings .the deeper yellow dar- llls in fascinating pottery and I the . trailing green and scarlet of | the partrldgo-berry. Assisting Sella Hull, Mr. A. L. Hull,' and' Miss Laura Speer, the novelist's characters found living tnuerpro- ters on an Improvised stage In many of tho older homes of Ath ens. Mrs. Strshan closed ber program by severnl readings from David Copporflcld, and ended as befitted the season with Sam Weller's “Valentine.” A social hour follow|ed made more enjoyable by cups of delicious tea. with equally delicious sand wiches and macaroons. The next social meeting of the club will oc- cur In tho thiru week in March atr the home of aflss Mary Bacon on Hill street. Mrs. Dunlcan'Bur- nett will be assistant hostess'. A brief business meeting will be held nt the Y. w. c. A in the course of a week or ten days, and will bo duly announced. > M. A. B. D. A. R. BRIDGE PARTY BRILLIANT yVENT The largest social ovent of tho Mrs. Adams in her cordial hos- i past .week was tbe brilliant and very lovely brldgo party at the Georgian hotel sponsored by tho Elijah Clarke Chapter D. A. R„ with the regent Mrs. E. L. Griggs chairman assisted by a splendid committee. Twenty-two tables wore grouped In the banquet hall of the Georgia made very attrac tive with stately palms and foil, ago plants. Much of the success was dug tho contributors who wore Mr. Cannon and -Mr. Swilling of tho hotel and the Dorsey Furniture Co., and Bernstein Bros., for the use of tables and chairs. To John son’s shoe store for a lovely pair of silk hoso which was the first prize won by Miss' Frances Rowe, and Scott Bros, for tho beautiful Jnrdentcr and the exquisite bloom ing hyacinth by Crucedale won by Mrs. Jermwalt, of California, as tho second prize, The winners of tbe prii each table for high acortr were Mrs. Lewis Davis, Mrs. James Paine. Mrs. W. C. Grier. "Mrs. Wal ter pttner, Mrs. Ben Crane. Mrs, Paul Holliday,* Mrs. Ross Crane, Mrs. ^Valter pope, iMrs. Joe Stew s', Jr.,.Mrs. T. H. McHatton, Miss Vances Holden. Miqs Anns Jor- '«n. Mrs. Ned Hodgson. Mra. J. W. tarnett, Mrs. Gerfen, Mn. John Hunnlcutt. Jr., Miss Louise Mor ris. Mrs. David McNeil, Mrs. Gol den Knight, iMrs. Burney Dobbs, Mrs. W. H. Bocock, Mrs. Louise McNIder. I pltallty Were Mrs. W. F. Dorsey [ and Mrs- J. W. Wester. The Home School club is mndo I up Of Athens ladles who wero once pupils of Miss Cnlllo Sosnowskt— J with a few privileged associato .members. Thoir purposo in this I very Informal organization Is to I honor their teacher’s memory by endeavoring to express tn three mctlngs, very simply and sincere- J ly, something of that beloved lady’s fine Idealism In social and inter- | Icctual pleasures. Mrs. Charles M. Stratum had I chargo. of tho program for tho af ternoon. producing much Intel ost- Ina loro as to the month of Feb- I rtiary Itself, and listing the many I notables, ancient and modern, not I forgetting good St. Valentine, who i claimed it as thoir birth-month, I Among nil those, the speaker's I personal liking centered - upon Charles Dickens, born February I 7. 1812, bis mortal Ilfs ending i n 11870,’ but thb children of. his brain | destined to entertain and ennAde I the English-speaking race for at I least another century. In prabt jot.this, Mia. Strahan said that., In bptte of .more recent hooks tout ( the general, idea' that we prg io! [longer a reading people; tho sdp | of Dickens' novels was <fcrtate» j last year than ever before. Only to name nls best-krixwn | characters waa to give a longer I roll of men, women, and little | children, familiar, to our memory [ and treasured tn our affection,' | than could be claimed by any oth er writer, and more real to us j than the potables of history. And at thla Dickens enthusiast named from memory her own aoqualnt- | ancles among theee more or lea* worthy Immortals, there waa the frequently audibly response of merry recollection from her in terested auditors. For wane of the* ladle* there .was an addi tional chain of memory going back to the yean when uner the lead ership of guch Dlrkpns enthusiasts and- many other gay activities all of which completed a most delight fully and enjoyable social event MRS. JOHN R. WHITE RE ELECTED PRESIDENT Y. W. C. A. The board of directors of the Y. W. C. A. held a moat tntereet- lng and enjoyable meeting with the president Mn. John R. White Friday afternoon with almost every member present Mrs. White presided and the devotional was led by Mn. Eustace Stevens and Mn. Frank Lipscomb, followed by the various monthly reports which showed greet progress and grow- Ing Interest In every department of tho association, which day by day la growing in the splendid ac tivities In leaps and bounds under the guiding band of Mn. White find her fine chairmen. At this meeting the re-election of Mrs. White and a few othen was tbe inhat Important feature, and the vote waa unanimous notwithstand ing she begged to make way for some one else, but .this waa not even thought of by the board for a single minute. Miss Mary Lyn don was re-elected secretary with Mn. D. H. McNeil assistant secre- LUNA CLUB CELEBRATE8 WITH VALENTINE PARTY The Luna club of the Univenlty which probably has the largest membership in the city, held charming social meeting Saturday evening when nearly one hundred and fifty guests were preaent Every , feature emphasised the valentine season most beautifully. Six little girls dressed In white —“*■ ~"l wings represented cupid wen shown of people re- —* valentines, there were rdi. with er with iMn. Everett Patman as sistant Treasurer. Tbe list of the various chairmen and co-cllalr- men wasn’t completed, but will be announced later. A delightful social hour followed which was In deed an elegant and very charm ing party. The charm and beauty of the home wds accentuated In the artistic decorations of golden daffodils and sliver bowls of vio lets. .The tes table presided eve* by Mrs. T: J. Wootter snd'Mrs. J. A. Darwin was exquisitely appointed with a basket of the bright flow ers In the center around which silver candlesticks holding jolloW tapers were grouped. The •'.nlnti- est china and handsome silver com pleted thd perfect details. A C'Mcl ous salad and Ice course were serv ed. Mrs. White Is such a charm ing and gracious hostess as well si a splendid and efficient presi dent that all agreed the enjoyable and lovely meeting socially and from a business standpoint was ideally perfect. HEART TO HEART PjftlTY GEORGIAN HOTEL Tuesday evening at 8:30 at the Georgian hotel the American Le gion and woman's auxiliary will meet jointly for a business meet ing followed by a lovely Heart to Heart party and brilliant dance at nine o'clock.', A. H. Nicholson Tuesday aft* noon at 4 o'clock at her homo , Henderson avenno, nil memb invited to bo present. - g>- - ^ ALL SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS OF METHODIST CHURCHES MEET THIS AFTERNOON 3 O'CLOCK All Sunday school workers tho Methodist churches arc calls to moot this nftornoon at 3 o’cloj nt tho First Methodist church hear more about the inovnmti and tho work contemplated for tb organization of tho Sunday acuo Iforces. IB - TOO FEW - Hf. BROWN HEADS. ■ Mrs. Pennybacker said at the Bl(| onnlal at Chatauqua lost summe ■There ore not too many meads, but tooo few brown he:tiln.' ■Every club In the Georgia Fede-I [ration Should be the Mother of a| Girls' Club. There should be htufl dreds et Juniors In our great stato organization. They will . enjoy [ putting on pollto vaudeville, bin face mlnetrel acts, home madol candy sales, bul beet vf all they, should be Interested in a 8lfiM program of worthy objectives ■ tary, Mrs. Katie Palmer Treaaur- (vurloue forms of service both or- Iganlxed and personal. It means ■ something to belong to Idle largest and strongest organization In th“ state, it would mean a great daw to put over a Greater Tallulah Falls Day.’’ j tnink IP would bttl JOE BROWN CONOLLY CHAPTER TO OIVE PARTY The'Joe Brown Coaolly chapter will give . a lovely petty at the Normal school Friday evening which promises to be a very Intyr eating and happy social event ^ CHAPTER F. MEETS TUESDAY WITH MRS A. R. NICHOLSON a good thing If a gavel could ho presented to the district president getting the lafgeet number of Juniors In tho Federation. Below are a few rules for or ganizing a Girls’ Club: 1. Survey field of girl* clubs already organized In your commun ity—appeal, to them to become members of the Georgia Federa tion. 2. Survey field for organizing a new girls club, perhaps calling It “The Junior Club. Determine Idteregta and. activities. > tij 8. Choose a club mother or I sponsor for the group Interested. Perhaps have a senior club mem ber help with each meeting. . 4. Have' girts elect own offi cers—let girls, themselves make own rules regulations dues, etc. 5. Choose some progressive ea well aa some Interesting line of ac tivity—have an aim. 8. Have at least tlx study pro grams during the year. 7. Make social part as whole some and interesting as the study. 8. Allow any girl from nlno years on belong to the Federated Girls club. ■8. Try to have the girl* own their own dues, stress giving .* | bazaar, silver tea. I^HKoeti the highest ambition* and idegls uppermost; help them jo Increase in pride, poll* m ,d per sonality. ' - u I llL_.? nd Mra ’ IIoyt MUIcr. ot Hartwell, miHHionarioH to Congo