The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 15

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ter SEMI ■ Lu.lding survey i: L. Miner THE BANNER- A CONSOLIDATION OR THE SUNDAY ISSUES OP THE ATHENS BANNBB AND •X ! ~ SEMIANNUAL T ~ BUILDING SURVEY Copyright, 1923. by O. L. Mlltor A CO. Hi. No. 21 Full Associated Press Leased Wire Service. ATHENS, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1923. Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cents Sunday. # Mil,182,254 lease of 43.7 Per Cent ve r 1921 Revealed by Compilation Embracing hfi Southern States. 4* 10r» r j!fj U Nejv Records to Be Set in 1923 Prospects Show Notable Examples of Recent Southern Buildings, No Abatement of Present Enormous Program Is Foreseen For tKe Com ing Year’s Building. Out ot fifty-seven cities reporting definitely on building proapecu for the tint *lx month* of 1928, only ■even indicated that thera would be any abatement of the large building volume of the pkat year, and in each of tbeee citle* the indicated loaa wa* alight Of the remaining fifty, at lean half atated that the volume would be Increased, aome a* much aa a hundred per cent These estimate* were founded upon work 'already under contract or for which plans were drawn. They are, Tir*!i j wo™ - , subject to' revialon. In jjV (i. I,. MILLER L. Miller Si Co. u;f a billion dollar* waa tittiiding development in the .enters of the aoutb in me tu figure* covorbig 10 Maryland to Telia. Thia ! iboosauds of-amil)* r ;.,| industrial rBiagra ia levtiotiuier.t ha* been exceed* re uurir-g the year. In *111 «*i • ■“W" " . " ki were statistic* nvni!aule,! event that the upward movement of ■ ..aid show a total south* j price* building material is not *” 'checked at once, it is probable that v .„ui(i *hnw * total souro- .construction program of a bil* BtU'l ■targe -number* of important struc ture* which linre been announced will be held aver until fall. But it price* are reasonable, the aoutb face* an other record year. That this forecast will be borne out is evidenced already by large per mit* in u number of the leading cit les duripg the first half of January. Dallas reported In excess of a mil lion arid • half for a single week, and Atlanta Issued permits for over oqc and three-quarter million* on the second day ot the month. The program of 1922 just began to touch the actual nreila of the section. The unusual volume ot home hunt ing reported from nil quarters has not yet restored the residence sit uation to normal. The present pace mast lie maintained for fully five years in the more progreselve cen ter* to catch up with the' demand. The significant progress made in the erection of hotels and apartments will be; continued, with residence hotel* forming an ever-lncrcnslng proportion of such structures. The commercial and Industrial needs of the south are growing eren H cities, having a combined „f only slightly in eacesa Illation of New York city. -;,1 was s|ient during the providing homes for the rcsi- ‘larged quarters for n rapidly JS commerce and oeiv plants tkc hundreds of new industries ,re arising like magic from Bat- this amount, $431,027,254. was ,i in permits issued for building , oily limits, while $40,135,000 tported by about 50 cities a* • been spent on the immediate Juris ot those cities, chiefly in itrial expansion. yl eities, where comparative *ta- < are available, the gain of 1022 jirjl was 43.7 per cent. It 1* ming to note that the percent- „( gain during the first si* b., as published In thia survey tn sober, was 42.7. showing that .rally ratio has been maintained ■he entire year, with the adrnn- slightly in favor of the closing ill and progress of the aoutb ;,h roo Id tie summoned before the i uten of America. The** till more graphically than of elaborate description juet tremendous transformation t* over this section of the nation mi long ignored by the finan- a industrial lntcreate of the I but which today ia coming .. oWwTBTtrnitihty- Impetus . can not be checked, is interesting - to not# that W sis begun under auspice* f*J , (arorabte. The /arm .value ot “ U, nIh C « r i°l P the D five-vearaverage in * information a* to the present y one-halt the f y a bu ,| n 4* shortage. Of the total number reply- “ - sfapits —s fose stores in all the large their present quarters too'small, 1 the number' of modeht and beau- it Storeor now bring eraqtcd Ji « ,« >i,o jiregent plane of ’mer- A questionnaire answered by . 83 chambers of commerce a* to the defi nite building requirement! of the va rious cities brought forth Interest' nelly i jtsrl past has been'largely months. An Index to Growth, v is the surest index to the nt upon crop returns for it* ,os. Vet in spite of this hand!- the people of the aectton launch- he sreateit building program In , .htory and carried it through to remarkable conclusion. {We and Municipal Imp The halt billion dollars spsnt to adding was by no means all tbs rj that was being speut firing year for general Improvement*, aically Ihe same amount wan Bu- iseested by aeatc and city tot- man!* in public development, suett I good voaos, streets, waterworks ill Mvers. , .. Of forty-eight citiea reporting, tte ijoritj were spending from bull • •ton to five million in civic bet* •sx-nt. $Ur-\24U,GiAi WM being cr pa*l by tbcM> citiva. ConsidemWjf •w put into goga Wj of a highly improved type py tk lixtwn statft governments School utitruction, especially rural acnooi LiHiiig, went forwErd at an uopre- tfi-•, j iL-ty*. * ftui bonds sold in tbo south for improvements, as reported by TV* Manufacturers' Recorde Snsounu h He luge lotsl of $315,788,310 for d;, of which the largest portion »«it into good roads. .. , An item of *41,188^00 wan Hated wder bunds for sewer construction. Nothing could give • better idea of the way in which the people of the *oth are modernising their life nnd dmting standards of living. North- travelers who ventured below the liw 20 years ago took beck home Jith them barrowing tele* of the ■ck of modern conveniences. But that day has long passed, as tbo forty •Hfions worth of sewer construction •&ply allows. Over 9100 Per Capita, lo two states of the aputh, Florida i*l Oklahoma, more thdn one bun* dollars was spent in new con* *t>ftioa for each men, woman nnd to the state. Flo ride for • •••kr of y *ars has held first pUce JJfM southern states in this regard. wsbom.1, profiting by the hoge gains *■* by Tulsa, is only fifty cents per less than Florida for the )nt. North Carolina, with S02£4 per In this daaaifi* ranked third _ ... , 2l 4un * an, l probably, were totals tor ?• *® t ire etate available, would pash ‘'ad-re even .more elowly; for ol th« smeller town* unlisted thi, l irvey showed remark*hie r*"l®'ni. Tennessee cams fourth 2 ?* A‘ r capita list eloeely follow- t'«*. Wher* the emir* ■tevealtb is making Oxiiiicc Washington, where the J~V"* program has been of un- "*■ Preponions for 1922 nnd where , *“;Ure outlook is excellent for ■ wtlinnaiion of'record tolale, the T*" 1 -ains for the year orer 1021 xi-red in Mississippi and • Mississippi's 114.1 per I' significant, and report* .. , >„t construction indicate 1 '* -mre. srbieh now rank* at be- “ •a,. ,.' the list, particularly be- ■ us tgw larger center*, is JJ w *-‘a: foraard with dcteriaiaa- f«e tnst year will atand out In ™ lUfnrf nt asMStkaem * cd a lack of apartment*, and, tot the reef, the number reporting hotels wa* 40; industrial atructurc*. 45; ware- bousea, 43; office buildings, SO; stores, 28. and tbentera, 20. It Je thus aeen that beyond tha homing problem, the tint demand ia for industrial and warehouse struc ture*. A number of communltle* stressed warehouses especially, tbs demand* for which is steadily and in sistently increasing. Authorities Quoted. This trend towards increased busi ness and indnatrial building ia gen eral for the country, according to es timate* made by officials of the F. W. Dodge company and published in The Architectural Record. While the residential building (till maintain* its supremacy, its lead will be mate rially reduced In favor of tbo other items of construction. To this estent, tbs southern sit uation seems to parallel the national building field. But if indications su| tested at the beginning of this aril cle are borne out, the forecast as t? a lessening of total building mad* by the Dodge company for tbo entire country will not be fulfilled iu this section. Thia opinion is also shared hy a number of architects aad con tractors who are closely In touch with the conditions now tsistlng In the south. Officials of the southeastern head quarters of tbs Foundation Company, on* of the largest construction firms in the country, look for an accelera tion of the building program, especial ly relating to Industry. In a state ment prepared for this lurrey. they state; Thera Is an outlook for a marked boom In the industrial building field in the aoutb during 1028, with the usual amount of hotel and apartment construction which' baa been running very heavy for the past two years. 'The section bee just begun to strike its industrial stride, and with the reopening of textile' building, ell industrial building will be greatly ■timulated. There is also an unusual demand for large storage warehouses lor farm products following the pres ent movement among tb* farmers for co-operative eeltlag. The Foundation company now holds contracts in band for 1923 ag gregating twice the amount In sight at this Urn* 1022. W* hr* figuring SOUTHTOHA MM Conditions,in.T&i •More FavorablefcTtia For tfie Nation t at^Large During l923, ! | ‘ la conskterthf Urn nsw' yenr wiU bring the aoutklt is necessary, af 1 * 0 *hriew the sit- , wh i ck con,,ont * Uio entire na- •“XfckJJ** l lW t u “*> I" the ffL*. ‘pH/ be termed the'ns- wMd> unlimited de- Uon and the south, as this bank ?**4j dopoait* in order to op- •rat* OB • continually larger scale. continually huger scale. ,1923 opens with tb* general .. aituation,!y try * credit^ condition is apprtriably ggg&45£ff&iWi'Sr/, n &\ SSSBSs&rsI KWrJByfgF* •PrtmeBts. hom! 23 •5 rectn /«- Tha yvu. S.nlon, the iinP. Adwt"; “wed tor time t<. tor ths advertlx* * wr u > save the largest manufacturers. > ▼olume, and n to purchase r. ; ire . TfiV, r ajjgwtrhsss tb* W*” ^ lipnd at! •^ r#a,#r than 1920 their ionnn of gHSBvSahf'ttSs .wA -7 terlraj in, some countries *<£d£ tor American f??®- .On practically erery authority i*r**a that "be firai SS1028. will show tb? Building Permits, hy Cities, for the Entire Year f 1922 Compared with a similar period for 1921, and a forecast for the first six months of 1923* by*'American » ,SS SVdK IP wdliMne'ng ,frlcultUM ' ■■i ■ « 000,000 o P f the entiK nation. *’' W ' ' The Cotton Situation. ' CITT I£|i I Si* ! ?! Permits Entire Tear 1922 1921 E SJf 2ll 00 tb, largest business throughout the section that .-* have enjoyed sine# opening our southern office." _ G. Lloyd Preacher, of O. Lloyd Co- architects, of Angua- ia-».-,.£ grasses 1 l 1 ■ m i? be, u4 itrMWifr wiU' '! several time* (n the bell - : l "" it mark* the beginning '•?H forward along every -' ill Ctentually lead to a union of all tb* uarvcl- * nmtn U, Atlanta and Raleigh, whose busi ness ia the Carolina*, Georgia and Florida during 1922 aggregated $7.- 000,000 and who have plana already for 1023 construction orer half this amount, is most optimistic for the coming year. He says: “If finance* art arallablr, and If building materials keep to a reason able Iteel, 1023 will walk away from 1922, in spite of tb* fact that the past year ha* art such a high reeonl. “The aoutb is from six to eight yean behind on its building pragma already, aad its development along erery line nt Ibe present mo*.ent Is no rapid that It will be difficult for the seel loir to catch up with the shori ng*. no matter bow much it spend* ‘"’“.VtSwraTrimit of n raeeie Jtlght- si®*' « the fact lh*t lavshton-norm . Is be a wakening .to thu desirability of ■ootbern real estate InrsstawM*. I As ALABAMA— Anniston Birmingham ... Florence Mobil* Montgomery .... Tuscaloosa Bessemer . 17.734 • 178.WUI . 10.5211 . a 1,777 . 43.434 . 11.00(1 . 18.074 $ 102.370 3.570.55.1 tUNI.OOO 773.409 075.132 1,212.000 190.801 $ 310.005 7.330.103 tioo.tani 1.101.570 1.018 077 255.010 $ $ 735.430 513.054 1.542.000 030.200 400,050 405.(Kg| ARKANSAS— El Dorado ....1. Fort Suiitk ’..... Little llnrk Pine Bluff ...v.. 35.000 10.280 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA— Washington ....437,571 Fort'fhudndaT* . 2,000 Jacksonville 01.558 Key West .;.... 18.740 1.057.195 1M70.054 3.908,781 005,825 903.390 3.020,059 708.902 141,718 M188DUR1— Jo|ilin ...... s *'$SLS“ y . .vv: ."77j«i 7r.'.T77 'dosTfOK jSsfiiiB ’lobsIom h[: l/>^i. .......772.897 905,090 14.157.077 25-310,503 10,120^70 20.002 112.040 _ 234.020 324.410 541.000 12,402.000 23.134.ltN) 10,025.225 150,000 Bpriiigfield 30.031 1,732,500 2,422.180 075JW7 2jicio,666 26.obaoo6 North Carolina— 27.321.C00 54.001.524 24.322,134 3,000 Key 1 Lakeli 10.000 jcaia Irlnndo . ....Os', Palm Bracb .... Penancoin ...... St. Augustine ,. St. Peterthurg . Tampa W. Palm Braeti. Tallabaasra .... . 044 , 4.013 , 0282 , 1.150 - 81.035 0.102 14.237 , 01.00s 8,050 SO,037 128.000 3.059,155 110.730 048.135 2,832.350 lll).(NN) 15,000 8,300 -KC.MKN) 1.222.85(1 400.845 121.101 210.740 1.001.175 1.570.272 1,277.044 50,390 220.01)0 5.803,278 310,739 1,103.010 4.734.S04 1.500,(NM) 4.K).(Na) 3.isrj.4.-,8 817,345 :t:i8.s7l) 31N(.00(t 4.107.005 3,080.814 2.718.544 1,008,700 1.174.SOO 5.515. SIN) 1.503,205 150.000 750.INN) 2.INN).(NN) 750.000 1.500.118 0O2.4SO 1,070803 385.(150 4.584.970 4.057.028 1.481,070 2,000.000 000,000 os.666 ono.(NN> 350,000 2.000,000 2.01NI.INNI 2,000,000 130,000 OEOROIA— Athena 10.748 22,500 218.055 Atlanta 2HO,(UO 275,000 12,123.450 Aiiaiwfa .. Brunawlek- , Columbus . Griffin .... Macon 02,548 14,413 31.125 (12.000 8,240 12,240 52.000 120.000 83.202 105.INNI 11.370 18.000 17.038 0,100 Barannali . Albany .... iJiGrnng* , Decatur .. KENTUCKY— Covington ...... 57.121 Henderson 12.100 13.INN) Leginglon 41.534 50.0IN) Lnulavill* 250.877 270.INN) Owensboro 21.000 23.000 Paducah 24,738 Frankfort IJ1U18IANA— .exandrln 1T.61Q Baton Rouge .... 21.782 1-akt Chart** .... 13.088 Monroe 13.0INI New Orlenn* 81 MI.INI11 1(10.380 233.055 20.340 002.339 530.222 33S.050 20.584.734 2.308.127 2115.283 558.720 05140- 1.5(».0in 1,573.022 423.457 200.000 800.085 488,124 11,23(1.770 1,500.837 80.1X87 607.383 . 70.570 930.130 2.055.050 302.400 225.500 534.907 2(10.000 500.000 4,.KM1,(NNI 1P.INN1.1NN) 00.000 1.000.000 Axhevitte I'harlolle Durham (luxtimi.-i (Jrcen-dairo ... !lichurv High Point ... Raleigh Washington .. Wilmington ... Winston-Salem 33,1*00 24.300 40.000 11,01)0 Sffl 7.800 51582 1,332,207 3087505 044.107 1.285,024 1.INI5.1O0 1S8.175 820.500 1,700.547 57512 478500 1.838,770 1.200.000 ' M,66o .350.000 100,000 1,000.000 250,000 ■ 500,606 000.380 21.125 J Ol.OIN) 594.774 2.231.141 7.413.000 10.730.75(1 513.38(1 0503 11.000 253.003 1.332.150 32.22(1 1.038.008 7,428500 300.247 10 INN) 407.73T# 541.784 l.'NMNN) 401.000 807.0.30 1.412,845 302.332 745.8.82 Shrereport 87(1.000 1.403.387 284.277 204.718 8.043,159 A871.4S5 3.000.000 4.000.000 MART LAND- , Baltimore 733520 751.320 23.SI.3.04O 43.204.020 Ml anticipate recent Hw in fcuiWIn* cntnwwxliilc* has mnde many builders nervou*. and a further attmotoB tke **pt CmuiirrlnnU WK17 Frederick 11.U0U aii8sissrm- Jnckmm 22.0«Si Meridian ZUM Vlekaburf 174*31 S0P24.»22 1.1««.:i74 77tt.7.'l3 724.<mo .le'tM.llsS** 144.124 i.2:w.tcu» n.TN.DS.1 4?.LST»1 :’.77.0|.H UDJitO OKI.AUOMA— Anitnore 14.1HI Ohichuahn I*».l7tt F.nul Hir.Trt McAllivtcr».» MiiKki^iv JiD.277 OUlah m;:i City .* IM/JW Okmulgee 17.430 Sriinilpu 11,034 Tul*a 72.U75 Hiuth cahSIjna— Ch.irlostou 117.037 Cdilumhin 37.324 Orurtiville 2?t,127 Siinrtntihurg .... 22,U3« TKNNKS8KK— (?hiittaiiiMt(!ii .... f>7.K05 Jolinaoii City ... 12,442 Knoxville 77.M18 MrmphiN j.......102.331 Naihviilc 11S3-12 Humboldt 3.bl3 Jm-kson tfKXAS— Ahllcne 10.301 Amnriliu 13.000 21540 18.000 38500 133.023 Auftin 17?aumont . liuilnS F*l 1'nso ... Fort. Worth CnlvcNtoti •. HouNton .... I’ort Arthur 15.494 .34.870 40.422 158.07(1 210.000 77500 172,050 ''.'.'.‘.138.270 _ 22,251 32,' &in Awtonlo ....101570 200.1 T.xarktnn 10.737 Wnco 38.500 VIRGINIA— ' Lynchburg 30,1 Nett I»rt News .. 35J Norfolk 115,; Petersburg 31,002 ....... Richmond 171,007 202.107 Rofitoke 50.842 125,000 WEST VIRGINIA— niacfieil 15.101 Charlexton 30.008 Clarkatnirg ...... 27.800 lluniinglun 50,177 Pnrkrrx:n(rg .... 20.039 Wheeling 60.208 Welch BgssJise I{fifSKam fethau the figures for 192A^ ■The question ot demaud for 19S3 ■anot he separated from iVtmrgtlr' sjar-sa®*! g»,g.sagjgakas:-i mamj for cottoa during the coming > swux-sSStcnss ■■5@®s in the chi S? *? • pothtwher^ronenmi? ^°. B .^ IU b * hutomatlcally curteSS,; time,*/n actual eterij r*t six months of 13MB feet tbs first i axtrfla Iy «» tbs'raJt'b'uSnpfslrt'a^ • e «*4^» 1 m ail enough to raise a lergdi crop. Thia stems like a contradictory’ but tha fact remain* that tS7 8.807.582 18,0409.88 1,002.300 3.201073 8.700077 12,128.722 1 028527 2,131.288 0541.499 13.418.4in M02O.IB3 012.200 012.407 4.080.520 ■M 455.751 .423 15.1100)12 — 3,259.524 05,000 4500 the tfarvaaftiufara miss. era to recklessly and Indiscriminately *r ! 33rrA!E , sjK .On thie point a not* of warning tessas®.*— Southern SecurJUra Stand High. sscs *W 1». hOUto, to clearly reflect* &UMS££irS£ art of these eecuritiee orer the past Six month* aa compared with last y«»r» average aad tbe last ten yean, toSTw** W|f have serious consequence*. But *|«>rt from thia, tbe future ban a decidedly roenle aspect.” In an attempt to glee a more ade- qunta Idea of IB* else of cities where cenxu* figures misvenveaent 'on *e- ronnt of constricted Incorporaief arras, the general slntlstlnl tnblra in at connection with Ibis snreey aivra the rat totaled, pouulalioii of each city In 1022 wbm Information was arail- able. together with the pomihition of tb# Imiiiediute suburb*, which nra la rraDty u pen of iMt todnftrial, and - * ‘offil.OGO gist, Alabama .... 4 Arkansas ... 1 Dis. of Col.. ,t Florida ...,.11 Georgia ....<> Kentucky .. 5 Louisiana ... S Maryland ... 1 Pi XnnbM Poixitsllen ColMtne Permits Eatlr. Vesr COMPARATIVE BUILDING BY STATES BASED UPON PRINCIPAL CITIES i;a|n nt UMtf. Ciller 295,043 111.292 457.571 250,938 471,848 398,761 431.985 771.729 64,046 S .1,241,77?. IK5. 8 ll.tSt.8S4 6.044.660 54.001,324 27,783,881 28.552.9tf 21,677,871 19.590,045 44.548,611 2,250,886 ;2,539,2t2 net. > 9,150,176 5,121,017 tl.S 24.122.tl4 122.0 27,455,214 1.2 17,910.122 59.4 tO.tlt.915 til.3 14.578,749 J4.1 38,804,030 14.3 t,051,184 114.1 34,328,134 523 lorn rr r.'-U,. t9.5 5 17.88 51.35 <23.41 t to 68 60.51 54.36, 1.47 I Kaiabev Popalstlra nine cuts*. *t enus. N. Carolina..It 261,170 Oklahoma ..5 S. Carolina..‘4 rennet*** ... * Texas t2 Virginia .... 5 BsUam^Penstts tatlre^Vj 57IOi^' Vir ’ lnia '* /1 5 7.50* 35.14 42.04 I 223,172 151,245 428,848 848,813 401,952 191,901 124,070, ICO 25,372,285 3,791,121 . 24.699,185 •5.827,1*4 24.940,722 12,155,136 pSram.’Sktm. 115,195,671 Sl.7 *92.54 18,287,328 89.7 110.10 1.187,887 (1116,' 38.30 tsm «“ss. 17,888,249 9,0I8;879 89.4 31.7. 51.71 ni.63 . Total ,...?l 6,579,190 .frith steady improeementa. ... compares farorably with any ether section of tb* rouatry. The apwarl movement of southern railroad secu rities reflects tb* Increase la the earnings of southern roads. Pstli* utilities are expanding- and at' the same time-shewing substantia) sur plus In their ineem*'accents, while the leading ledustcl.l. art mektog a good showing. I* the tanresd. grasp, 1? Atf BINrifle Had that I earning*. s B#rrd *a a par arerag* pries of riesu rails as Utoaoriran Daw. Jtora trersgrs. Ti MM let ft* irsr has bees HI 8H .8B ttotf -HPri