The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 17

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to SrN’DAY. FEBRtTAftV IT.-law BAyNCT HERAtD. ATHENS. GEORGIA tricolor Suppfagtg OBGtorv on the Rhine er«r Th* Urn* to very near at hand' the northers and eastern tourist can make, hie florid* trip over per. feet roads ever/ atUa ft his Journey, As mentioned ia a'previoux surrey, the states of lease. North Carolina and Missouri aaro* shown unusual application to the task of construct' inc smlitfious nud far reachina high* way systems during the past year. Other states have slso accomplished much solid work daring the year. North Carolina's Progress. N-wih Carolina, with the proceeds of i;» tSo.OO MtOO t-ur.d issue of 1021, hue effected an organization snd a sysdeu: of u-ueLuction and nminte. nonce that has attracted countrywide ntten'iou and Use drawn to the atnto the raed bntldere, not only of tho north lint cf Enioye. as well, to in* restitute the sun: of tho stale’s sue* cess. As tha end of the fund ape pronches, tha state legislature is au* tborizing. as these i' are written, n further bond issue of *15,(KkUKK) to complete tho job. Added to this liitost movement is a state tax of .1 rents per gallon on ench gallon of gasoline sold in the state to meet completely nil interest payments on the rond debt nnd to provide mnlnte- nnnoc fends as well. Wlilie litis great sum of the first bond issue wan being spent, the in- dividual counties of the state matched the expenditure on county and town ship roads. Taken with the federal aid appropriations far the period 1921-1023 and the new bond Issue, this gives North Carolina the enor mous sum of $120,000,000 whrrrwith to develop its closely knit network of highways that traverse tho stale from sea to farthest mountain topa and from South Carolina to Virginia made tlmrs over. Under tire stimiiiua of what Ita neighbor is doing, the state of South Carolina is now projecting n bond issue of Son.noo.noo for road derelnn* ment. Sentiment has been widely rrystnliized nnd the probabilities are that the bond issue will bs nn rvlnb- lished fact within another 12 months, ’ Georgia, while turning down an ambitious nrogrnm of bonds fn total *75,(100.000 at the last meeting of the legislature, is awakening to the necessity of statewide action, nnd ! something definite in the way of a I large bond issue for state highways will probably resnit ot an carle data Southwestern nevelonmmt. I Arkansas. Oklahoma and Texas ara 1 building rapidly’ nnd with perma- ‘ nonce. In Arknnsna and Oklahoma, the counties which hare recently been enriched by the sadden wealth of oil development are spending large sums In ’bard surfaced roads. In the con- atruction of huge bridges and fn th* Opening np of additional areas to mo tor traffic. The vital need of auto mobile, communication in the oil arena tins apnrred on the sections around Fort Smith, El Dorado, Muskogee, Tulsa and other point! to ever In creasing development. Texas; with Ita hnndeed* of mile* of distances, daring the past two years hat laid down 1,067 miles of highway, and. at tho present time, has 1 jm additional miles in carton* stares of comoletlnn. Of this total, 1.0*9 miles is hard surfaced. Tho estimated coat Is In excess of *48,000.- 000. This does not take Into con sideration large project! being financed by conntieg. ,, PAINTING AND . INTERIOR DECORATING New Fields Brought ill During .Year Create New Wealth —Much Expan. sion Going On. „ “Clothes do not make the man” nor does a coat of paint make, a house—but it goes a long way to ward making it attractive and cer tainly is the best insurance against decay and time and weather wear. This is enough to cause you to give much thought to the painting question. Not only to the kind of The Smiling Painter • paint but the' right application of it. Good paint is wasted if im properly put on. , Hero I* ahoarltoitv dramatic moment on tit* ramparts of the historic fortress of Ehrenbreltateln/The Stars and Stripes were lowered, bringing the American period ot occupation to an toft, and In their pi««t the tricolor of France was raised. 0 — Explosion Shakes Springfield The smiling painter painti my house; My house then smiles with ' glee' And folks that never smiled before Walk by snd smile at me. • You’ll feel the same way about it if you leave your houae-palnUng in reliable hands. My work is the best evidence of my ability to do a first-class job— »• and there are many that I have done here in Athens. ASK ANY MAN FOR WHOM I HAVE DONE PAINTING. I make a specialty of interior decorating and will be pleased to give references and confer with you about the best scheme for your home, office, store or other building. MY PRICES ARE RIGHT AND WORK GUARANTEED “The Smiling Painter” Phone 1297 or 289 HUNGER KILLS 180,000 RIOA—Latvln,—official soviet figures, published, here, show 180,- between ooo died from hunger September 1 and November 15 In tho Ukraine aria Volga territory Four were Idlled nnd scores Injured when a gat tank, 'tha remains of which nro shown aw* In Springfield, Mnsa. Dobri* wai showered on ttatmalnca* district,. autmot l£ and yards and windows ahattapd orar • largo'«“» wown atvami [ALL onus and let us solve them in an original way. We Have the organization, experience ►. aiyjlcqinp^ togneyou condjpjetes^tisf ac- VM mem; uu.wu barrel storage tanks.” Oklaboma Production. Oklahoma production daring 1022 readied a new high peak. The slate's production reached 148.531,429 bar rels, valued at *259,950.000. This was orer thirty million barrels In excess M 1821. Binee the year opened with a daily production of 331,020 barrels and dosed at 420.000 barrels, it is be- llered that 1923 will register an even larger gain than was recorded during the put year. - Another interesting development ol th* year related tn the building ol large additional storage facilities. Is the entire Mid-Continent field, em- You Owe Yourself this Much in 1923 / —FOR RESIDENCES -FOR THEATRES V —FOR STORES —FOR FACTORIES Heating plans furnished-no charge. Let ou Engineering Department assist you. PLUMBING, We go anywhere. Let us estimate your job. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD—either a home for yourself or one for renting purposes. There are many evidences of the wis dom of this statement all about you. Athens is growing steadily —business is better—more people are being employed—new bus inesses are being opened up, and there fc the same old cry “HOUSES WANTED.” Scan the want ads any day and you 11 see where people are wanting to rent houses^-good tenants. 1 r . . _a. if 4-Vmxr nan erat a linmo Hard * Surface Highways Now in Course of Con struction Promise Much For the Future. . ' Avoid tiie inconvenience and e: having dependable fixtures install ing contractor. Your needs will be correctly ha plumber. - Oral 4W uflag of roads war* rnmplilid or plated la an advanced stag* *1 aosatrucuun la 16 aonthern •tale* dorioar 1922, at a coat la ex- «•81dW(WU)OOk „ TtoM figaree .are approximate—, and MoaotTsUr;; la aartral of tho •tatoo, aann:- tcmiiacOoe la tntirely Indepeadi-it cf auto work and there to SO odeuoato saaaas of ooeuring oc cur* to data a: oounty work. The fig- orer quot-.d at« baaed open facta la band. They could tafe be increased by 20 per cent aad affl ba reasonably tiff. h .Bond* for good nod development during tho yaar reached a total ol *132.180,015; and aloe* much ot tko expenditure for now roads comes from scat* taxable sources and from federal aid. It can t«dily to seen the t&j.QtnflOQ figure to more nearly, correct. • On* of Ihh mast important devel- Write Us for Estimates. Correspondence Invited. \Vo T* BToxton Contractor and Bidder . > i.i i, nm ATnf„al Building Athens, Georgia Athens, Georgia