The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 2

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THE BANNER-HERALD, ATIIENS. GEORGIA 'Georgia DayTo ef_- Obsqt^f^j CttjfffribM from page one) IT ID RATES \ 32 Cents a Word „ -Mlninram chart* of 40 rente. Thrco -times for the price of 2% insertions. Seven times for th* pridB of five insertions. *. ~ All discontinuances MOST -be Made in person at The Banher-Herald Office or ’ by letter. Telephone diacon- . tiriuances are NOT valid. 7kC want ad *5» phone BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS GET RESULTS 75 MEN WANTED FOR DETECTIVE ■work. Experience unnecessary. Write J.OhHM. 'WriHifr Oovermnetit Detective, St. Louis. f-Hl-p COLORED MEN WANTBD TO qualify for sleeping car and train porters. Experience unnecessary. Transportation furnished, Write T. McGBffrey, 80p».. St. Louis, I'L’-t, f.-ll-P WANTED - SMALL BROODER. Address P. G. Box 997. f-ll-c WANTED—TO i fcktaiiANOE.l'HNE young male calf, one year old; for (food milch cow. Also pastur age for cow wanted. Phone’ 1#3C. ’ f-Ki-c The Weather Virginia: Snow fig rain Sunday. Monday cloudy; not ihueh change in temperature. , North Carolina: Rain Sunday; Mondav cloddy; colder in wfest pof tloii;*fresh northeast and east shift Ing to northweBt winds. South Carolina and GEORGIA: t Rain Sunday; Monday cloudy and ' colder; moderate to fresh shifting winds becomiftg northwest. Florida; Partly cloudy Sunday and Monday; probably local rains in egftome north portion Sunday; cooler Monday in north portion; moderate shifting winds. Alabama: 'Rain and cooler Sun EARN BIO MONEY AT HOME during spare time painting pil low tops for us. No canvassing. Simple, easy, quick. Experience unnecessary, particular* for'stamp Nlleart Co., 2311 Ft. Wayne, lud. f-ll-p Wanted—Rooms WANTED—Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with garage, by oouple without children. Must be In tfood" locali ty and within six blocks of city center. Would consider small cot tage. Address P. C. Denton, Gra ham lintel. t M3-p Ban Politics At -State Umvefferty Continued from page one) For Rent—Rooms FOR RENT — UNFURNISHED apartment-' to couple without children. Fbur rooms' and private' bath. First floqr. Milledge avenue. each group furnishing an officer from time to time. . AGREE TO BAN POLITICS ! ’ri'i*Morore The panda* ’eafttire, Rad arid Black, staff and other elective officers were filled by the ty lucky or shrewd enough to , kuihftt jpower and .some say that many a Georgia poiltfeian re ceived hie training Ip one of the 0$ier -of these parties. In'slgnlng the agreement to ban politics" the representatives the -fraternities and campus men declare: We recognise tho danger to the welfare of the University or Geor gla arising from unfair and under handed methods in politics and each hereby pledge ourselves work always for the upbuilding it the University and for clean and open methods In politics, and for [raternalism and good fellowship among the student' body whole." ..Campus Freeman C. McClure, Chi Phi Fraternity—Dave Col llns, Jr. Delta Tau Delta—David Win- dom. 1 Sigma Alpha Epsilon—Miller Bell. Sigma Nit—William H. Mew borne. .•, , -:TS! Kappa Alpha—Spencer M. Gray day; Monday cloudy; cooler on I eluded. Call 724, coast; moderate shifting winds be comhig.'northerly. 'Mississippi: Mostly cloudy Sun day and Monday; probably rain Sunday; cooler In southeast por tlrih Sunday and Monday; moder ate winds mostly north and north' east. $40. Hot water and electricity in- KO pj 1 | Anderson. f-12-p ^bather outlook for the rfeek beginning Monday: South Atlantic and Blast Gulf state.: Considerable cloudiness; rafnff ’dt beginning of week and again about Thursday- except In Southern Florida; normal tempera ture.' ' • iLost And Found LOST:— SATURDAY MORNING, February 10, about 9 o’clock, he* — ■ tween -Chrlstlan church and Chain- ber'-JR- Commerce, a box of Boy SceU£.Merit Badges and other In- slttia. Reward to finder. W. T. Ray, - Scoutmastor Troop No. 8. - f-ll-P FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISH ED first floor rooms, can also accomodate several boarders at $6.00 per week. 382 E. Duogherty street. , ] f-ll-p . For Sate FOR SALE — ONE MALE COLT. Will be tix months old, Febru ary 23rd. Son of Jrio. H. Dillard, owned by Frank Hill, Jr. For furttrer Information, apply 176 Sa vannah avenue, -Athens, Ga. ■•■ ■■■ f-14-p FOR SALE—GIRL’S BICYCLE. Apply Nellie Caldwell, 530 Nanta hala avenue. f-ll-p FOR SALE—CORONA TYPE WRITER and carrying case. In good condition. Call 1319-W. ‘ -y MV? -A STRAY CALF. BLACK 1 "white spots. Owner can. call jat 424 Nacoochee avenue. 3. \V.,B8tty. . f-U-p LOST — BROWN AND WHITE Setter, named “Jack.” Wears nohr-collar. Finder return to 466 Nllledgo avenue. Reward, f-ll-c Wanted Sr-MAKE $3 AN HOUR A9TOR silk and knit neck- most beautiful line evor jet to wearer through Astor Neckwear Co., 321 way, Near York, . , f-ll-p CIGAR SALESMEN WAITED — 1136 month, and ..expenses. Ex pectance not necessary. Send self addressed stamped envelope for full-Informatiori. National Cigar CO.'High Point, N. C. f-U-p -ML WANTED—CIGAR SALESMEN ~ *30 por weok.und expenses. Ex- Ppeitance unnefcegMiry,' Send stamp cd addroesed ehvolopo for full in formation. The Anderson Cigar WANTUD-MAN WITH CAR TO IeR*Cuaranteed Cord tires. Will - nrrango salary and expenses with ii K lif ri pjsn. Cord-O-Van Rubber Coamany, 166 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago, Ill. f-ll-P Business Opportunity r. -~A STRAIGHT tlP —you’vo always wanted one—now- listen to me. I know of a Georgia corporation that- Ib twenty-five, years old. Its total sales for six months of 1023 were more than. *1400,000. It - werves 40,000 customers As states. It has paid 8 cent and above fbr years. - has never passed a divi dend. The book value of its stock Is $180.00. Us business fa increasing beyond all expecta tions. Its next dividend date Is /April 1st. I can.'give you all Atlanta banka, -Dun or Bradstreet as references. ' »r’^ iTUna^conecrn will sell a limited * amount of its stock at par, $100 per share. - - Sounds good, don’t it? You can titty $130:00 worth of value for *100.00, tax frge in Georgia, and -pay for it $10.00 per month. Will you be one of the thousand' ln- - restore to take advantage of this opportunity? FOR RENT-TWO ADJOIN ING store-rooms Prince Avc. running , through block. Cheap rtnte , *.». ^ * i '• Thro elope in . 7 room homes f °D*G!' ANDERSON & CO. Real Estate FOR SALE—ANY QUANTITY of ailect sweat potatoes, deliv ered for 00 cents per bushel. !%dne 17-10. f!4cb FOR 4XlE—ON COLLEGE AVB. A desirable building lot, three blocks from city. halt . Good terms. Apply .716 N. Jackson St. ■ -f-12-c Theta—Chyles Alpha Tau Omega—Charles Hodges. Jr.. Chi Psi—Thomas B. Phinlty. PI Kappa Phi-W. V. B. Ed wards. Kappa Sigma—Joe BonnetL Sigma Chi—Ernest Lowe. Lambda Chi Alpha—Lee Tur man. Phi Epsilon Pi—Bon F. Joel, Jr. Witnesses—Charles M. Spelling 8. V. Sanford.” FOR SALE—BEDS. MATTRESS ES, dressers, chlfforobcs, tables, chain and rugs. Call 1766. !14-o BABY CHICKS. LEGHORNS. l'4c each.. Bar. Rock, Reds, Buff Or- phlugton, Minorca*, 16c. Duck lings. 26c. . Postpaid. 100 pcf cent live delivery . guaranteed. Missouri Hatchery.-Bowling Green, ■Mo. S rt r- , f-ll-p Miscellaneous Painting, interior decorat iNG,-paper Hanging. No lob too larks * A top email. Estimates cheerfully furnished. II. H, Winn, Phbhh ilj»—. . f-17fp COMMUTATION .ROAD- TAXES f* 1923 now due. and payable at Chmmlsklonera'. Office in Clarke Coufify 'Cpui^ Hbuse. M-8 t c 8 'Jber-cent with safety Is better than 4 per cent. ^Ten't'lo N—QUR RF.PRE BNTATIVE leaven Athens rch 1st Order now. .sattwdt-v Triads.her business. ^^llUs*jheft'jSsRless— But the brushes .they use, ,That*B my business— p. fi,‘Harrison . Fuller Brush Representative ., Athens, Georgia. Phdhe NO. 17*4 — Bbi No. 125 f-ll-P CITIZENS’ PHARMACY i T -. j 4, ’ Headquarters for Best .Quality ■■ .IRISH POTATOES Rose and Cobbler .... 60c peck ... 70c peck Bliss .. Onion Sets-.. .. ..'.I S0e gal. (White, red and yellow.), ENGLISH PEAS Bunch or Running .... 20c pt. Cabbage Plants ..20c hundred White Bermuda Onion Plants, hundred .. 20c All small seeds in bulk or package. CITIZENS’ PHARMACY Corner Clayton and Jackson Phones 1366 and 1067 Budded Pecan Trees X : f FOR SALE STANDARD VARIETIES Write for Prides W- B. LAMAR Kiv !■ WAttfC FRONT THOMASViLLE,’ f GEORGIA JL MEN. MEN, IF Ybu ARB LOS ING your manlg strength arid hervotts,. despondent, ’ wear,run down. or suffer from unnatural} losses, >e. .webt * to mail boa our ’ book -entitled: /’Perfect Mahhood. It’s Real Meaning arid How to AUSIn It.” Tide book describes the "Sextonlque.” -A restorative tonic that costs you nothing ‘ If iipt relieved or benefitted. Write jtri- day to Cumberland ChC! Newberry Block Nashville,, U. S. A. — i. Personals LADIES—WHEN DELAYED OR MgfT-conpqn today. You will be I Rd^TSlhr Safe dependable! .niXTjfrised at the soundness and Refnoe others. Price $2.00. Dou- conservatism of my proposition. Me etfength .'$3.60. French Medl- ZrSZ,—Benner-Herald: Without Ctna C °’ Atlanta ’ Qa ’ th® molt pretentious hotel hero fa**]* a - ld •cream when •t almost every meal giant crabs - - osjf A ji s:. ....... n Hindu w^mnt, mrea for“hat exT Add retry... prw popii. He aiurke them Pbdne v...MUM&Sr N'ame RAILROAD SCHEDULES SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. s'orlhbopnd ’Southbound 0:66 a Atlanta-Monroe 1’e’l 6:16 p 2:40 p Ati.-BIrm.-Mcm. 3:20 p 2:40 p Norfolk-Rich*-N. Y. $:20 p 7:66 p Atl.-Abbevflle 1’e’l 7:80 a 11:24 p Atl.-Birmingham 6:29 a 11:24 n Norfolk-Wash. 649 e 11:24 p Wilmlngton-N. Y 6:29 a GEORGIA RAILROAD Adrfvji • Depart 7:20 pm 8:20 am 12:10 pm ' 2:26 pm / CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. W. G. Bolton, Agent, Phone 1661 ' Central M Georgin SUUon Depart -for Macon 7:30 a. m., , ^'^" C r4«6 p/ity- *■ '■ Arrive :frojM Macon 12:10 p. m, GAINE^lt.LE ^MIDLAND r 1 'JSchedrilen L i' a X e .. v. Athene . Arrive 7:46 A. .''•6:20 P. M 10:45 A. M;^ **10:10 A. M. *; Dally 1 . •* Dally Except Sunday K SOUTHERN RAILWAY No. 6 leaves Athens 8:00 i, m.,1 arrives Lula 9:40 a. m. I .^LrihrfS^ 45 * 6 P - W ’l , ’Rw 7. Lula 6:66 p. m. a. m, IflO a. m. Athens, GaJ ucts’ dinner in the evening and intersperse the program with both of treasured lore from the history bf the Normal Itself. Prof, E. S. Hen. of that ncbool, bus fasten busy for a year qow get/tng up historical facts pertaining to trie State Ijfcnnal and many of these will bo related Monday night. J BUT IT WILL BE “GEORGIA DAY” I . ■ But in the mii'ti the prqgram. Will be one feitsaring ofi-ihir' state’s birthday and rather ^er- clsea will l<e held in the city. The cjty school* will impress upon the children In yttendande that the day Ib one to be r tiiemberwl and Vrensured while the ntlie' colleges here, Lucy, Ccbh ,and the Unlv’erslty, though not having a lavish program like the s. N. M„ will, nevertheless, pay tribute to tho memory of tho: gallant Ogle thorpe and hln ll'.'tlo hand of "first Georgians.” Miss Mildred Hi:tli::rf:j-(1 will deliver a lecture on "Georgia" at the Lucy Cobb exercise:, and de ferent Lucy Cobh girls wilt relate of the Important ov.'ir.ta of the state's growth. The mw Georgia song will also be sung and Georgia flags flown. ■ i Every school child should be aofiualnted with th Georgia as a colony, the Inst found ed Of th;| original thirteen, hut it might no’J be amiss tc- rclato some of the early facts. James Oglethorpe led out of England In 1733 a colony of hon orable but oppressed people and it waa this colony that landed at the mouth of the Savannah river c-n February 12 11, 1733, pitching their tents on the bluff where thn- rsity of Savannah now stands and nklng ttys mottn, "Non === SUNDAY. FEBRITARV “■^VaiHrXBe"seasons'' Wt(b*r ' ' ' Here “by happy day or Aight, PeaCe enthrones 'the breast Georgia. Georgia, deare4t , 'ea'rth > Underneath the blue, Clime that ever gtVftth Bflrti To the brave and true. Those beautiful words. tt4re written by Revert Lovtiman and Mrs. Loliie Delta Wylte, mother 1 on Athens woman. Mrs. Edward Smith. .Iri. put to music .'he earik adopted. , Hugh Ilodgsoh, phr oWh tulented musician, has nlso'put to Hiiihio a -Georgia sdng - and this one will be, ryipl,*revl by the Lucy f'ohb girls. Dr-spite the factythat Georgia has lind an offIclalifldg since 1870 but few Go rgiahs are famllltir (Rfh it. The flag has a perpendicular blue liar from top to l,o,’t )m next to the staff with three horizontal liars—red. white, nnd red. On the blue i«rpendlcular bar, appears the coat-of-nrtns or the Htabe. This coat-of-arm* has threo pillars sup porting an arch with the word "Constitution" engraved thereon. Tho three departments of govern- inputs are supposed to be repre sented by the tviTee pillars. On ' the pliers are engraved the words "Wisdom, "Justice, and "Modera tion," these words being supposed to typify the legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of the State Inceptioni of' Government. Also on the sent is the wording “State of Georgia, 1799." Dorsey Returns From Florida Reap a golden harvest hy feeding'2C0 Egg Mash and Scratch. Complete 1H of Poultry Supplies, Incoliators, Garden and Field Seed. Get. Our Price on Irish Potatoes Before Buying. CRUCEDALE SEED & FLOWER STORE # i • . " Phone 1286 Tax collector J. H. Dorsey has returned from him usual- winter trip to Florida where he visited sibi sea Wl,lt0 Springs. He says be has ..•-Tm t 1 ,como back much improved in buiVThere" n ° U '" and »* read y 'O' the ^.m Ss cniony has gmw n th J ^ tireey V pSf ln°louVtiZ Empire State or the South,'i awav ,h?s t %H„ Ge-JTgln. n land wo love nnd chepp^?„ m . ^ ® n *) Mh and it Is hut natu al that all „. »l>lendld catch loyal Oeorg'ans delight In seeing the eveqt of Oglethorpe's lending octet rated, remembered and oti- served In a tilting way, as it will ts, especially at the Normal! “My wife -o nml four "Children SffiSSJi. ' j were dependent on • me for their 620RGIA 8 SONG; living. My stomach Bnd liver 1 GEORGIA'S FLAG trouble of five years had made The state of Georgia now has nn ! me despondent, as no medicine' ifflclat” song so. r.i:ognlzed by j sccmcil to help me, and I was the legislature, which passe,' a | gradually wasting away. It Was a resolution at the 1922 session lies- j tough situation. My cousin in Co- Ignating the song carried below as Iumbus wrote rite about having ! taken Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy r and advised me toMry It. I am now feeling better than for fif- |A Tough Situation 'Georgia’s official ■ song.” hav many Georgians know this? The fact of the official recognition anti the words? Hero they are: • j From the mountain to the *:n, Where the rivors roll; There I ever long to be. O, my heart, my soul. By her meadows let me 1»; , In her vatee remain. Underneath her rooftre skV,*' teen y{ars. T ’ rt Is a simple, harm- „ less preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intetti- nal tract and aNays the Inflam mation, which causes practically all stomach, liver and ihtcstlnal j 1 ailments, including up'DmdicIfis. | One dose will convince dr money tfflg&Saatf (ReprodueeU from T hS-Augusta Herald.) Men of Affairs In Augusta JtaBXtt&BSSSEEEEBIXS^BIB '"Advance Showing in SPRING SLIPPERS Our Price is Less—Our Quality We Leave it to You to Judge. You ’Come, No One to-Urge You to Bdy. BBBBB Our Price $2.00 Our Price $5.00 I3TTJ • Our Price $3.00 to $5.00 Our Price 75c ..istslVrt ti'-'r-’ T-: Our Price $5.00 tm inuk tr rtmm, Howard l. Holden. vnw (kou tr kkuo, , Yeong. aggressive, and enter prising, Howard L.- Holden has at “tho ego *f 37, established himself OS owner of 'a thriving Ford agen cy. which ‘i growing by leapt and bounds at tho anttrinobllo gains In popularity. Mr. Htddta hat bean ht Augusta but .<* months, yet daring that tin* has placed his - during that tins nan plac'd hit ■siainaas oh tnch a aubatantlat footing that It la recognlgnlaed aa out of tho largest nnd moat thriv ing concerns in Augusta, ’/The Howard Holden Motor Com- pdriy owns a largo plant on tho' M* Mock of Bread atraot, where ( in addition to . tho largn. nbdw-'- reoma where Fonts arukhfbUad, W mKOgjl».gri|jm to operated. Ford pkria, and It a fully author* Ised member '-of. tho Mg Ford chain. Tho show rooms and largo display widows are attractive with .tho various displays bf Ford car* and Fordson Tractor*. Hla ability aa a salesman and an . automobile man I* evidenced by the constant ly increasing bun!nets enjoyed Mr the Howard Holden -Motor Com- >f panjr. ,. . j ... .... Mr. Holden was -bon In-Orew- foruartllo Gedrgta on July 3, 1IM. He la now 37_ years of'age. He 1* ■ n muuntm so .ure wn aaowo— Howarw* Hoiaen -Motor' Company Q ”|, where Fords nre^xhibited, Hs Is n member of-thaiShriWCnib ’ I I up-to-dat* garags In operated. and dao an Xtk. Hla church atfU- • I j J 11,1 ■ - • . - ■ • • — - • fc. , tjur.PHce $1.00 to $2^0 Our Price $2 50 to $5.00 Special Motiday, One Strap House Slipper $1.50 '' " ( Be Sure to Fiqdf the Bight Store ; 1 No. 23:1 Broad Street, One Block from Clayton Street Paul Hadawav Shoe Co* y y ' 1 ^.? • * . • i BeRutifulSilk Hose, Choice .. .. tlM Collegi|(|ampus d0<- ( l, ' t ' ininnimid!