The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 5

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| I hi»IIW<«»m-« PRING • In s HOPPING Athens Stores WITH MARCERIE DA W TODAY COMES A MESSAGE THAT KNOCKS AT EVERY DOOR. iu lue • second • Daw’s shopping .mi! <>n her rounds she liends to the beaut!* • rden at the Georglalf i is one of Athens’ i.'Ih from every stand- ’!. architectural beauty I in the splendid pro- i\« * cfMngly artistic in furnishings spacious * uch doors and so adding th,o best of everything to be found in an up to date and t$autiful Jewelry store. They are ably assisted by a splendid force and equipped to fit and grind your glasses and repair work. An outstanding feature is the Ivanpn uinni. .. .. . advance stocV l lue 10 lIIB classic city. Having latest to Jhfil .Cl ' h ?„ best «n<l survived,business depressions and miles around Athens. Tile store has become a community asset anil center for educational and all far and near, and one of the notable and high class stores which long since plnued Itself a living monu ments to the classic city, having throbs. The added attraction Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday will be the University Bulldog orches tra matinee and night perfor mance, .now It this galaxy of stars falls short of entertaining it will not be the fault of the Palace man after for extraordinary efforts lia-3 been expended in getting the best hooking possible. The Palace is to Athens what the Howard a to Atlanta, not quite so pretentious, ibut always lovely and attractive 'and as palatial as the most fastid! ous could wish for. We think It evcells any In the South In its els gant simplicity and artistic fur nishings I? 4 ®? 1 to which the public is cor dlally invited to inspect radiant l> and the nriiliuK lighted. Stately palms dearest little canaries their sweetest songn y morning to dewy,eve tropical touch. Really It I j, roost eni'hunting, and that love ly tea room whero the artist's I jroain true. In the exquisite I furnishings with a rich note of ,'ittal In the soft and per- I fret tones of the draperies to the I simile- details. Featured by the I flintiest luncheonette, a model I rod* fount where the most dellci- drliiks are .served. Oh my, h candy! air done up In the IfreUlest boxes,' or sold In any I (uaniil>. Smokes the best for tho I *en, ami thq choicest of cigarettes I frr the ''ombjjjjof course for those I«ln indulge) ami tlioy say thoro I ik quilt' a fowl ’and I bellcvo tho ] war. like la everything else gets I credit for' «l«H| restlessness and I Btadceds tvo* potir creatures are I pirs to Any wny you will find Mr. I SiillittR tun) „hky courteous sales- I .omen ready to’ servo you with tho I trry lies) in line. Tho Taint I Girirn makes' a specialty of par- ] tin. rather entertaining parties, I «tijch solves th&vproblem for many | tatessrs for every week card featured and tho most | ididous luncheons prepared thoro lud beautifully served. Is It any I under Hint the patrol I mtsaot coivetl. A charm garden foT tour- nake a purchase time in • title I bright and beautiful place. Dl- I Tided only by doors from tbo I Ceorginn liolel, accessible from nil I sides and centrally located, with 11 sparkling; electric sign ropro war times, overriding them on the high tide of prositerlty which in It self Is an example worthy of enu merating. The Valentines are lovely and the largest variety ever, brought out. I Wdf geT>' I da the I tun, I del I bll wislll I er while tUTtiy..' I ty which Is the trade mark of tho 1 Mm GurdenfV you go once you I rill go ngttl The Clover Leaf Tea Room is such an attractive place, under the supervision of Misses, -McKle and Edwards, and whether or not thoy had the Four Leaf Clover in mind, the proverbial good luck has followed In its make for as the noted French Dr. Coe suggests It growing ‘better and bigger every day." We stopped for a delicious meal, and hero you may get your three square meals every day. There Is an air of the dainti est refinement In this pretty tea room which Is spreading out in keeping with the growing patron age, for onco you get a taste of tho good homo cooking you find yourself returning lrreslstably. The supply is always equalled to tho ravonous demand, simplicity Is the keynote of tho dainty fur nishing and good homo cooking their every day menu. Tho meats the host and juclest. tho vege tables tho freshest and crispiest t|ic breads like our mother and grand mothers use to make, and the pies, cakes and the groat va riety of dosserls Indeed a “sweet morsel." Fresn butter milk and sweet milk .every day, and golden butter the best the dairy affords. Tho Clover Leaf has grown In popularity In many ways. Ban quets and prlvato parties enter tain there evory wcok. Last Fri day night the Knights Templars woro served a wohderful bird sup per. Saturday night tho U. T. C's. gave a delicious oyster supper, both of which wore served In tho . prlvalo dining room, which has be cbmcra necessity. It was only by ■m4re so «.-?!,tAt' tWt *krJdWo%rd»ear.jff“J r | about tho special parties,* for the ownnra are too modest to exploit tho clover Leaf toa room as it so richly deserves. It would seom that eating was our chief occupa tion, as we didn't got to visit a single dry-goods storo last week. Everybody must havo boon of tho aafpo mind for they say there nov- er was such a slaughter of birds and turkeys in one full overwhol ming week in the social realms of Athens. Owen Merridlth said wisely; We may live without pootry, mu sic and art, Wc may live without conscience, and live without beart; Wo may live without friends; We may live without books; But dlvlllzetl man cannot live without cooks. He may live without love—what Is passion but pining. But where Isftlie man who can Uve without dining. ending tlowJInto symbolizing thp drinks over on :he splendid scr ied by tho quall- We did not know Athens had so many splendid stores, but a shop ping tour will prove many things, and a visit to the clothing and genu furnishing owned by Mr. Lee Morris Is one of the most substan tial and complete In the city or for many miles around. This magnl fleent business dates back many years when It was established by Mr. Morris' father, Mr. Mendal Morris, fifty years ago, a lifetime for many, but he Is still hale and hearty and goes down to the store regularly and Is,-one of Athens' best known and highly esteemed citizens, having made a goodly sum which enabled hint to retire some years ago, when he transferred Ills business to his two sons, the late Mr. Moses Morris and Mr. Leo Morris, now head of the storo of good goods. Tho most reputable manufacturers are represented in the large and splendid stock such as Kuppenholmer's clothing the best and latest models. The John B. Stetson liaU and tho Mallory bats, both brands are unrivaled, and unquestionable models tho smartest and neatest Florshelm'p shoes In the latest and most com plete stylo along with the W. pot sple: This i„ ffu- age of Jewels for I* 1 lady fie^yhep young or old It ■“tiers not" so’ we visited the Melt 1 o's, lovely Jewelry store, W| ml>' tSj»oe the jewels but the **•!' exqiiisnd 'things In silver, Rims -ware, Indian pottery, «, etc. My! what a beautiful >** inthttrlfig' but feebly ev- kMses It. We*were simply It ■ ■ nlmlra 1 |H In I ^ovks inad< lion where gems sparl Inlouk show cases, ai S t - Well I do not agree with Meri- ditb on one score, for we cannot do without books and for those of the same mind it Is we|l to spend a while at the McGregor's up to date book store, for the best and latest in books In sUndard and fiction are there, every known magazine, and If they happen by chance to be without your desired copy, yonr order will be filled jorio Daw may not know what that mark stands tor but the men all know what it moans In stylo and finish and lasting qualities, and those perfect fitting Van Hcnsoy collars are just what you want to wear with these nobby shirts, specialty Is made In Finch’s De troit overalls, the best evor and prices to meet the demands ofi the times. ' Here will find all sizes known as the ever wear well Along with these leading garments, are the many (Other articles of gents furnishings, handkerchiefs socks, ties and Everything to be ex pected in such a complete store— where nothing but the best is car ried, and nothing tells so much as success. There are few stores with a record of so many years, wherein the history of this per manently established firm speaks for itsslf. Tho Little Price” which sifted down to plain facts will be a drea of a tea room, soon to open its door under the skilled manage ment of* Miss Maria Price and to be accurate the date Is set for Wed nesday evening from G to 8, and from then on each day from 12 to 3 and six to eight, the place will be 190 Clayton street, centrally located and Ideal Jn every way to get the best and| most delicious meals. A specialty will be made Ip. serving banquets and small pit.- ties screen off from the genera! dining room. The menu will be all the market affords, prepared most daintily and deliciously, waf ties will bo one of the specials and as a side line, cakes an breads will be on sale, the very best and loveliest that human In guinlty can prepare. If you know Miss Price as I do you will never have a doubt In your mind whero you can bo served with the best of everything for she Id an artist In domestic science and tho culll- nary department. "The Little Price” will bo a most attractive place, unlike the usual tea room, but just like homo, whero the very utmosphere will be delightful and inviting. Tho furnishings will be in oak and the draperies In buff with the rich tones of the autumn leaf giving additional attractive ness, slmpllc.lty will -bo the key note with a note of elegance and dharm. Announcement wYU bo made from time to time of the niimy good things which will bo served dally—opening night music will bn furnished hy a local orches tra, and the doors will bo thrown wldo open for ono and' al| for the cordial Invitation has no limita tion. The sorvlce promises to be in-keeping with the high standard emphasized from the very begin ning. Athens Is growing dally, and demand and need of n cozy titl'd beautiful tea room better kpown as "Tho Llttlo Price” will bring genial congratulations and felicitations on the part of tho gen eral public. Marjorio Daw will bo soon convinced that eating Is the most pleasurable pastime after all, for tho avenues are dally widen ing and making room for tea rooms and cafetcras. Variety Is undoub Willy the space of life, and Athens has long felt the need of such charming Institutions and as bread Is the staff we surely could not ask for more than the many good things the Little Price will offer. FLAT RATE FOR LAUNDRY SURVA, FIJI—«j 0 v:nd Vlthal, proprietor of the principal laun dry here, advertises he will do ‘any slnglo' gentleman's washing for $3.30 a month," no matter how much or bow little. New Ford Sedan Liberal Reduction in Price, Conolly Motor Co. and, promptly. chimes, and making a Right npw they are special feature of the l lkf sorci nu-fi anj^frtlstic made a! "Corona” typewflter ot'which the >f irrldesccnt lights. In ms of the loveliest Hcturi' Huts ■ ’ho iov ’mi m.iv bhy from a single artl- * of thi- host anti most oxpen- E* sllvi r to a great chost of it. beautiful pitchers, I fih.p fhU W»UUI|U IlIWUCIBi bowls, tall stately vases -OR or Sheffield, and Rogers t i!iro;^or the plated for "'fry day use. There n kinds to Balt the many hoppers, never of the r™ p otiti'! There Is tho ever ™>r sIhks etched, cut and ex tian. ,clear as tho pro- L>t», N i„. „ I different >Rti»l.- i Havlland and ■ a, » rarest of china and I in the endless variety, l»sj man> ""Ported articles .of l S'l")," 1 nn*} so many things I Dttie"” ,arr y ,n memory’s mi ' The oriental and tho ™i in Ri-orgcouB beads and hJ™'" l'">K or short, just as "tay call for'as bright *>w bat not too bright, "lor under, the sun is 'lies* pretty trinkets, e. sweet girt graduate, I** the It! r 5 * for I: fg, li: iRs boated and leather, InmL"''"' over T°r shopping, or htH, ' "f" ra or for any time, the i™ 1 an 1 -• — — —‘ - Pick ITrV; 1 ' 1 *he niftiest to be bad. and -Mr. Sexton join- Ink? a year or mornngoeand fcf Mt< -' these months iu McGregor Co.’, 1s district agent They extend a special Invitation to the pnbltg to come and see this new typewriter, no office or busi ness house Is complete without It, and while you are there you may take an Inventory of the complete line of everything' they carry, office furniture Is among their best assets; the most complete find up to date, twould tako pages to even mention one half of the ele gant stationery, from school and office suHdles to the daintiest and liveliest paper by the box or poiuul. The various shades .of Ink, all the best brands, fountain pens aud nil kinds of pencils, over- sharp of other ( wise. Sporting goods, sweaters ' for the college boys, foot bails, mlts. masks and All i those articles, demanded hy the base ball devotees. • Pictures, copies of the masters brush, and picture framing, and a big printing office, which Is kept busy as Irnsy can be. If Is an undlsputable fact v After a busy shopping tour nothing Is quite so restful and en joyable as a visit to the Palace theatre, the place of good pictures and Anniversary week which be gins Monday will bring some of the season's best attractions open ing with "Clarence" starred'by tho late lamented Wallace Reid who was considered by many to be the most popular screen star. He will be ably assisted By May McAvoy and Agner Ayres, two specl-t! favorites of the movie fans. The whole cast Is superb and the storv Is one of Boot!) Tarklngton’s very best i U ‘goes without saying tho lovoly Palace theatre will bo crowd ed. For , Tuesday the beautiful Katherine tMcDonald and Bryant will he, ft Washburn gorgeous picture t^Ths ’oatured Jn the be Woman c>n quers," this Is a very special pro duction Is most appealing and vital ly Interesting. , Clam Kimball Young will mars the calendar for Wednesday In the Woman of Bronxe,” which promises to bo her best and most interesting picture. Thnrtdny .nd Friday always the two big days of the week will bring “Dr. Jack *h.t the iMcGrecor Co., Is one of|«u> other than Harold I.loyd, the the* laraest and moat up to date Hog of comedian* In his very lat- Khok stores “ the south, keeping est and Indeed a thriller, and with book. Stores in 1.Me anlttilne lanehter Kean, nno »• h I“X wlththe more pretentious. I ®l<le splitting laughter. Every one ’*UR -' ISTk^lv InteiS End awake knoss what a -gloom diapSncr” lingered over the last to the great demand and naeds of **•*““*••LSS* 101,1 Un,e '* ter by enumerate every thing In a limit ed spice by long years of servlco evory body. Theodore Roberts In if America’s greatest stage plays comes in the "Old Home- to the public In tnrcity and for full of humor Interest and heart' WHATS BEHIND IT? t- !■' You ask bs what Is behind the Science of Chiropractic? We answer; Commtgi sense, in- luch as it teaches that there cannot be an effect without Ciuse, and Disease Is but an effect, and the testimony of millions of men, women nnd children who have been restored to Health through its aid after all other methods have failed. Is not that enough? Consulta tion and Spinal Analysis Free. Albert H. Tiinin, D. CL Ph.C. stead" a moat appealing and syrapa a,, I .?’,^ I . , ^ r „9? lropr * rtoT theltlc story that never grnsseulil, ^h*ckelford Bldg, Athens, Gn. New Frocks For Street and Afternoon Wear The new frocks are more attractive than ever, colors are prettier, styles are more attractive, and our prices are reasonable. ■ • : j- Canton Crepes, Flat Crepes, Marvelette, Chamois Knit, Embossed Crepes. Long slender lines at the bottom, sleeves may be Jong fitted, s with side draperies, loose panels with uneven lines at tihe bottom .sleeves may be long fitted, short, elbow or three quarter length. They are very prettily trimmed with beads, embroidery, ribbons and ruffles. Belts are caugnt with Ca- bachons, buckles and flowers. The new frocks are priced $13.75 to $59.50. New Taffeta Dresses Prices $18*50 to $28*50 ' All the new colors in fluffy styles for Misses and slender figures, basque and long waist ef fects, tirmmed with tucks, ruffles, cords and buttons, and lace collars. - v ,. .. r - Handsome Dresses for Dinner and Evening Wear New creations that you will like, made of-taffeta, lace beaded georgette, crepe romain, silver lace and georgette. Short sleeves, drapery falling over the arms and sleeveless shown in black, coca, ashes of roses, sunset, orchid, green and rose. Prices $25.00 to $50.00. Three Piece Suits New Capes and Wraps New three piece suits are Shown in Poriet Twills, Alltyne Crepes, .Knitted crepes, wool crepes, Roshanara crepes. Waists of plain crepe de chines, cantons and paisley crepes. They are very attractive and shown in the season’s most popular colorings. Prices from $20.00 to $76.50. New styles in Roshanara, Knitted Crepes, Brytonfa, Velours, and Bolivia cloths. Blouse effects, belted models, plain and embroidered. Prices from $23JO to $40.00. Newest Creation in Neckwear All the newest things in neckwear are here in collars ready made or laces to make them. Spring Millinery Prettier Than Ever The new Spring Millinery goes hand in hand with the new season, colors, are bright and new, shapes are varied, either in small or large, upturned brims; silks and straws, at- ely trimmed with* flo tractively trimmed with' flowers, fruits, - Express shipments keep this department sashes and ribbons in the newest colorings, rght up to th£ minute with tihe new thirtgd^ 1 You’ll finri am- wku/IrWo —m-\ — New Materials For Spring Sewing. The stocks are being filled with new Spring materials, here we mention a' few of the new things just received. Pretty Silk Voile Tissues at ..... 69c yard Japanese Crepes, solid colors 36 inches wide - - - - ^ ...35c Colored Check Nainsook 25c yard 36 inch ratines in solid colors, and checks 45c Imported Ratines, 98c, $1.39 and $1.49 27 Inch Fast Colors Ginghams . 321 Inch Fast Color Ginghams ... Imported Ginghams, beautiful patterns Imported Eponge Voiles .\. Wool Tweeds attractive colors . You’ll find our dhildren’s millinery complete with new styles and in prices to suit any nArtl/nf .Kav\1/ r*nil.. ll • i « pocket-book. Daily express shipments keep this department right up to the minute. Special Values In Grass Rugs These Grass Rugs are suitable for indoors or porches and the prices are lower than you My pay. fe feet 10c yard i .. 25c yard colors and 45 c ... 95c to $1.69 Patterns and ■ 75c to $3.75 usual!; 9x12 8x10 feet 6x9 feet ...... 41-2x7 1-2 feet , 3x6 feet .27x54 inches .. $7.50 $5 JO $3.75 $2.00 $1.25 . 75c . Extra Special Value Fibre Rug for 19c } , Thesje Fibre Rugs are shown in several colors 27x54 inches and they’re priced ... 19c New Shipment Children’s. Wash Suits and Romperii ' f V'\ ,’ v . ,fi! ' ,<New Patterns In Chinaware 10-4 Brown Sheeting, good quality at 49c yard ,r New Shipment Rugs, We have just received a new shipment of rugs in all sizes in'pretty patterns and colors, bly and they’re very reasonably priced. Just received a new shipment of Chinaware’ in blue bird and pink flower patterns. Open stock, buy as little or as much as you want of any piece. Dinner plates 25c, breakfast plates 45c, cake plates 12c, soup plates, 25c, Cereal distt 20c, platters 80c, covered dishes $1.50. You’ll like these new patterns and th? prices are very low