The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, February 11, 1923, Image 7

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I m l.t-vn t V FEBRUARY 11. 1921- PIE MAKES “ Hclnt.vre Finds It Eagy| Sell Gartside’s Iron Rust Soap. OFFICERS RS. BRUCE carr inviD >■ Treasurer. JONES, Macon, I Chellfo 1 jrdfr and WP 1 ? 1 11 am im, I’a.: "Enclosed find noney order fdr five ii.irtside’s Iron Bust -c ship at once as my, .haunted. ripple and must make L, 0»n ii-iiii?. I tried selling a Lgbrrnf different house to house pKiiltif-. hut found your Iron list Soap l" sell the quickest. It for me to sell three dozen day uilh hut a few houfs V.irly every one I ap . heard how flartside*s ■oi.p v.-iii remove iron. iif ami medicine stains, of I he chanrc to get a MRS. BRUCE CARR M Staf« President. M M ¥ Mf KLIN * **'*** "RalL?* PASCHAL - S-retary and Secretary *nd x President MRS. E. U HUDSON, Local Conndl. MRS. B. L. JACKSON, Vice President MRS. >J. P. PROCTOR, Health Repre- sentative. MRS LAMAR SCOTT, Chairman of Publicity. . MRS. HUDSON DISCUSSES DISTRfCT P. T. A. MEET HELD IN ATHENS fork. Kruarh h ust, ink. 11 Ind i- Him! 11 ran i ■ by one v telly, i- fcirl) ><'0i Istrc a- 1' Julf il Kill In* (hi Lye the Taker.—I ■ Pa. [Send l rm.tly recommend it to inline to make money rause the advertising .10 done for the Inst as well as your guar- «hat the soap will do, 1 easy article to sell, i ho big profit and you ideal agent's money link McIntyre, Chelten- * — i rv'nitfnhniQ m i . . Banner-Herald for so many gen- I Hnve com iniUt-f- out to or.-an- Hnrereli^Il™ - 8 ^? one of the most !crous-announcements, and all 8 fnr I ize Thrif C| P>’. uls ’ Ccmijkttee to |"*I re Ports showing the'the “Get-tOvothm-’’ nr-l-l, I organzie Pre-sehool age. practical, day-by-day work they ■ have been doing to keep children Ve-Jeei greatly indebted to the teachew for ‘brifiging the 'children nvAt* tn A . t 1*. '■ * n *< °?.* r . th « Agricultural College, after their Friday’s work was oyer as this was the ohly time they . could attend the sessluns, we ap By Mrs. K. B Hudson, President _, „ City P. T. Council- p T.- th ' Dlstrfct 'Meeting of the t*. I.A. was a revelation of inter- cstjand euthualaSm, far beyond dur expectations, nnd hard times were not mentioned during the entire session as an obstacle to P. T A activities. that ^"‘‘{“^.^^““otepHshed c ■>“ o‘t_ojr has the child's interest” at hekrt and gives special attenUon to the undernourished. We takes a "Free- Will” offering at each meeting to provide milk and cocoa and other foods used tor the undernourished In addition to the “Free Will” of- “Ew Tlnv ” (That Following are reports made by the - Tifmall, Elberton Parent- Tenchors Associations at the re- ‘•oent convention of a resolution count attend the sessions, we ap* Ul invention or a , preciate their contribution to the / ad<,pted b >' lho nieetliur; success of the day. These items 1 vere just samples of what every school in the city could have donb if time had permitted. We wish to thank each Coramit- TIGNALL HIGH i Iron Itusl Soap ... nlon Si., Philadelphia, ■iihrertijenient.) Pa.— i . Health. The Health Mobile visited Tig- nail school and many babies ex- amined and Or. Moses talked to mothers. Pictures shown to children. Miss Mathews gave talk, end pictures were shown and after* , vnn ward Nutrlton class organized The I w * 1 ** te' r ty pupils enrolled —_ I Hnve committee out to fering we observe “Egg Day.” That Is each mother sends one egg to school once a month, the day the P. T. A. -meets and they are sold to the members who have to eggs at the market price. At (our last meeting we took In $9.32. Right now a project is on to equip a Domestic Science depart ment. We expect to have this .all ready and a teacher for another year. It will be a regular course In our high school. Our aim is $400.00 by June. The Association has served ie/- eral luncheons to the school A, i- letlc Association when games were played in Madison. Entertained the G. M. C. foot ball boys. A ban quet was given our foot ball :enro» and the P. T. A. gave a reception to the Faculty in September also a reception to Mayor and Coun cil in the early fail. Several en tertainments have leen given, proceeds to carry on the wirk of the Association. I •t BrtimiTiin i INTERESTING PROGRAM . , : —w neep enuuren m school as regularly as possible. I The mothers and teachere in this ‘ i, “-?S'^ tlon are «treng-hcarted and \ ■, faithful arid show a faculty of - — l* ta * ,n * fl t the beginning of their J Many do not realize the 5 problems, which are many femJ Hr*.-U^.r^ c 9g% m J£ frequent Coughsj Good Prepare I frequent cold or cough. Care - j.houUl be taken to build up I ■the powers of resistance. M’s Emulsion elation laBors and the number of problems,that arise, constantly, it would be ensy to jump Into the middle and “splash both ways,’ talhal Schedule For February and March Meeting'Is Outlined For P.T. A. |abundant in health-building >vitamine factors, ) helps build up a re serve of strength and resistance. Be sure B and ask your dnu>- Jfis/ for Scoffs Emulsion 1 ■ Illoomfirld.N.J. 22-20 hut the Nantalhalas are P.' T. As, .every day of the year and not ju*t , on meeting days, and all of us can learn from the faithfulness of this 'Association. The Health Play, written b\. ..... Murs Mary Lu Weir, nnd played 1cm? ISLf 0 .?* otl , the B **ter children,! Educational Films of today (A nc ?. 8t 5 at Pteasuro E?P er b L a teacher) the Wovit of FEBRUARY—Motion' Pictures. Talk Of the Work of the 'Nation- I al Motion PJCtUre Leagde. f ,, D * ha te g Censorahlp. 1, it the first Solution of our movie Prob- l rled over from Money made this last year.. ye^r ....... $48.45 .66.33 Total $114.78 Paid out '..$28.00 Balance on hand $86.78 with Oolng to buy •ti*me,y on hand. curtains ^jsSS*, I break it with Dr.KIN 1 NEW DISCOVERY - Ihcjamitf caiglt syrup and instruction of a practical nature, in Nutrition. Tne littl.i folks acquitted themselves well when we remember that they have no stage to practice on, and nu room, but a school room full o." desks to rehearse in. DRILL A ' FEATURE Another enjoyable feature wa3 Physical Culture drill given by a group of children from Childs'- Stewt, under the leadership of Miss Bfadberry They used the t records Which dictate the exercise furnish the mu,hv too. This in a* to how those record! • can be secured, filr. Mason as sured us that the lodal dealers can supply them, which fact sim great authors On the Screen. (Pa per. the effect of the moving p|c- ture upon delinquency February 17. Founders Bov, 9 MAROH—Pre Schools: e„^L arM '° n ot tnolh ® rs for par- enthoofl. consecration of one's I'fe in giving the nest .for the ‘a 8 n, ?i K of fhe ch,,<, • Toys as an POwe- m the life of a plifles their purchase, greatly. (BEGIN REPORTS ' b?- recent district convention here. Others will appear In s'nb- requent issues of the Parent- Teacher -page. < -f-e . fp ?• RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS Whereas the Atliens p. T. A. Council Imdtcd our lnitlnl District Meeting cn Friday, February 2, 1 tho Agricultural nail of dear whgreas we have enjoyed every feature of the meeting, be it re solved: (1) That we, the P. T. A. | of the Elgrith district .tender our ! most sincere thanks to the ladles fpr. their kind invhttlon to the Classic City, nnd eajieciully to meet in the Agricultural lines of dear old Georgia Uhlverslty. Be it further resolved thut we extend to the ladles our nearty apprecia tion for their cordial reception to our beloved president, Mrs. FICklen our'thanks for the interest In the P. T. A.'b throughout the district and her loyalty to us. Also to our worthy state Pres ident many thanks for her Inspir ing and helpful address. MRS. J. r. ALLMAN, Chm. MRS. c: C. WILLS , Mrs. W. H. PAINE. During the fall term a very in teresting as well' as educational program was given by our Associa lion to secure funds for playground equipment. Each grade at school represented a country and was* re quired to make a special study of this country for several days. Af ter those who attended made the entire “trip around the worl they landed in America where program consisting of numbers characteristic of the countries re presented. We made $65.00 at this cnfcirtnlnment, and play ground equipment Is being built to put on the school ground with this amount. Several, of our grades have bought balls, volley balls, nets, basket halls, ete., and we hope to have otfr entire school and grounds equipped with material that will encourage playing. | ( Al light; a flickering Ufa— Afid* another 1150 In the pocket of John ,W. HulBert, stato execu- tioritir, Who probably has executed more men than any other living: person. 9 ; There were. 17 in 1922; 12 the year befovtv. But in' 1919 there wa* 1 a lujj^ o'nly two Were 'sent to ithe clihir. <• H “ !bert ', *» a «»n -uf silence. Small, short-sighted - and snappy, he goes about hla Work In the Death House at Sing Sing without a word. A test of the currcht in the af ternoon, a few preparations and he .-iB ready. When the condemned man, head ahaved is strapped in the Chair of Death, and the coh. tacts made, the executioner with draws to a little aide chamber, throws a switch and watches the bulb In front of him. It gets dim mer and dlmmeri as life ebbs, and then flares up—/ When it is all over. Scattfe* the painful con„ —. Sloans warms and stimulate* the / blood, breaks up congestion -banishes the pain I alls pain mmmmmmsm NOTE8 A GOOD JOB, SAYS WIFE. Best for Two in Business or Play Health mobile was well received and many children exnmlnet’. Chinn Shower, clatlifng and fur nlshlng books for three families. Presented first aid cabinet to Grammar School. Basket ball given High , School Girls, $5.00. A Parent Day Suggested For Schools; Will Solve Difficult •'Problem, Is Claim. . Hulbert then silently packs his little bag, boards a train and re turns to his regular Job here. He Is electrlcinn of Auburn prison. At home he never discusses his Job and his family i s discreetly silent. But Mrs. Hulbert finds no fault with his work. “It's no worse than other Jobs" she says. “If anything. It is bet ter. • It |g the execution of the law. "Somebody has to do It. Why not my husband?- * ‘We has been connenbd with Prisons‘ag an electrician for 23 years. When the Call came for him to. do the added work, he took/ '?* w «»n't a matter of like or dislike. It- Was Just a ihhtter of Work. ' “Personally I believe In capital punishment. , It'is painless. The men who go to the chair are all guilty. There is plenty of)time fori appeal or reprieve if they "“J* it before the electrocution. I don't know how many men my husband has excepted. He' keeps no list nnd has probably lost count of the number. •We doesn't mind the work, or else he would -give It up." ‘ B “t >*l* »on won't follow In his footgteps He has gone Into the Butombblle business., f A glance reveals why businessand professional men, as well as all others who seek the road^tdk' ^ type, find the new Buick roadsters, both fours and sixes/ exactly suited to their needs. , They are roomy and comfortable, with feVery refinement and convenience for easy, restful motoring in all weathers.. They are sure ahd fleet on any. road with the flexibility atfd certainty of performance so traditional uto N aUBuicles. . , . .. ..... ; A ride in a Buick roadster is essential to p ' complete understanding of the finer qualities of these model%. Ask for one. Fours &xea 3 Wasa.Roadster$1175 4 Pkaa. Coups. -1>$9$ 3 P«;: C«r. 1173 » P*«-Touring 1193 7 Psee) ToUrtUi HJ3 S Ppm. Sedan • J395 5 Pass. Touring - . J 7 Pftgs.Uadfco • 5 ,3,3 • .• -., **» Sport Roadster I02S 3 Pass. Sedan . I9S5 Spott Tofcrihg Piicnt.o.b. Buick Fact to be added. Ask about tbm ... as. a. u, cl-n. which provides tor Deterred J ■. D-13-3$,N» r elberton p. t. a. 1{J2—Membership 69. Amount- received 1 $735.23 Amount disbursed 709.49 Paid for Health, Clinic 300.00 Paid for Elec, equipment 85.00 i*uld -for books 207.57 Paid for Vlctroln 90.00 The P. T. Ac offered prizes for grades also medals for pupils, also raised money from May Fes tival also frm gale of lunches. MRS. W. H. PAINE, 1-res. Madison Makes Fine Report At P. T. Convention type a: seDAN Dodge Brothers “Type A" Sedarl is admired the uyorld over for the s£lid beauty of its coach work. Inside'and out, in every line and fix ture it reflects that integrity of work manship which you have corns to , associate with ibrlMHiie Doage Brothers. ' - ' . Mohair velvet 'upholstery, nickeled window regulators, etched dome light, heater, windshield wiper, sun. visor, weather-stripped doors and windows/ cord tires and steel disc wheels, are a few points of equipment which indi cate the sterling quality of the car throughout i MORRIS YOW BROAD STREET ATHENS; Qk \ * -v. Fqllftwlng Is ,Ho annual report made by the .Madison Parent- Teachcr Association at the recent 'district convention held In Ath oHs: . 1 - .. |Obr P. T. A. Is'still very young. Just In Its second year. Tho In terest is growing, and our member . ship has doubled In number. Now on roll more than a hundred. Durlag thin year wo have had very enthusiastic and Instructive meetings. From tlmo to time health lectures' hhve been given. Special attention has'been ' given to the Pre-School Age child study, and lectures on “What a Child Should Know on Entering School,” gfyen by Trimary Teacher, Miss Douglas, was Instructive, and “What Shonld bo the rtiyslcal Condition of a Child on Entering School,” was given by one of our home doctors, Dr, A. K. Bell, "con- tngeous Diseases” was another lec tiro given; one ot tho most !m- pmtant points brought out was J that the ordinary so called contagi Uu* diseases most motHers think - fi*nnot h* avoided are bad for the child because of the after effect ahH they can be avoided with the proper quarantine and Isolation J observed or Inferred. "The ' C ?I* 2? “te-Jeeth” was a very fo- : structive lecture given by me of onr dentists. Dr.,Bugg Our Anso- "latlon observed EducaHunal Week In December, and many wonderful lectures were given on Ameri canization, What It. moans to be a luhtfred per cent American and 1 health talks as well A wonderful program was put m AphlBtlce tAy by P T. A. by L? ra - 8. A*dei%on! Chalrmah of be Ameri- cauiaaMfn Committee. * §he also a 8 P ,e ndld program at Chanel on Lee’s Birthday. “It is surprising” writes the Da kota Vice President, "how few patents visit schools, everywhere teachers make the same complaint. This'Is 1 not nitogether due to in difference, but rather to the em- harrassement that a mother finds in confronting alone a room full of children, rather antagonistic to her visit. If schools throughout the state Would have a Parent Day each month, the teacher could no tify tht-^parents of the hour when each class is taught and make ready for several visitors. The daily program coujd be sent out as a part of an invitation. This method, which is in vogue every where but 1n the United States has proved the only solution oi this problem. Parents 'coming Ih groups and knowing *that .they arc expected, find no embarrass ment-in entering a schoolroom. The strangeness of thg situation sdon disappears-for the children no that the parents, teachers and pnlls took forward with pleasure to .the - _ - CHILD RUMIQRAWtS SYDNEY, Australia,—Pursuing Orest Britain's policy of toUklng Australia a white continent, work *”1* been started on a large scale ' , < -' ro *?-suitable foster-parents p ? r ? t ?** W unwanted clilld- ■ reu of England, ©to baby waifs aTO belng ssnt.hsre in-large ptffn- comforlal ‘ If your Buick needs repairs, bring it to the Authorized - Buick Service Station, Where we have expert Buick mechanics and • only genuine Buick. parts are used. CONOLLY MOTOR COMPANY 5 ^ buigk Dealer 't Washington had Hull Streets ^ ^ bter* and given able homes. • — T - fai 1 r When better bitsonioLilcs nre l-ttilt, lftilvk *Vill hulld th *// tens. Parent Day in school CHILDS TO. MEET TUE8DAY NIGHT On Tuesdny night at 8 o'clock at Child’s Street School will oc cur the regular monthly meeting of the Paretiti-TSacher AsgociaW tlon- . > After the business megting there wil he given a delightful enter tainment In honor of the fathers. Let this meeting be loo per cent In attendance. JAP SHEE'T PEEKS UP TOKYO—An airplane se'rvlce haa been established b ythe Asahl, Tokyo dally -paper, to carry copies regularly to Osaka, 315 miles away. °uf Association devised this Plan to Increase onr membership a nd to have full attendance at the monthly meetings, a prise Is of- v 680 ^ ,or the arede that has the highest per ednt of mottie/s present. The teacher of eabb grade Is counted a vote for tlte grade, and. if there are chlld- t«i woo have no mother they may adopt one to vote for fbelr grade. The lunch roohj we consider one o( the most important J^Utoa of (be !. i am here to tell you that you can get BOOKS ^ MAGAZINES PERIODICALS NATIONAL Weeklies AtW.J. GARDNER’S • i 6layton Street Spring JFoolefts JU^t THE QUALrtlf WHICH 'ENTERS iNtO A GOOD SUIT You want fabrics that are ABSOLUTELY all wool and free irom snotjdy. suJh maSr Uld W3nt y ° Ur SUit tei,0red in kee Ptoi ^ith jusi Yo u * will get both of-these combined with the suit we make for you. * *' . ’\; ; i-*:# ' A Complete Line of Furdishingg Ready for You At All Times, And Your Business Highly Appreciated. ,,. Sant *5. Wingfield - . . * — 1 '■ ' ' —