Newspaper Page Text
2 Cents a Word
Minimum charge of 40 cent*.
Three time* for «bc price of 2H
insertion*. Seven timet fot the
price of five insertions*
An discontinuances MUST
he made' in ffeseA at The
Banner-Herald Office or
by letter. Telephone discon
tinuances ate NOT valid.
The Weather
ORDINANCE »? nth ®m Intenectlon with Hoyt
I street, which la without the lire
mmtrnt rwaMhpn limit* but an extension of eMewalk
Athens! Gn„ Feb. 7th. 1033* I paving.already laid within the fire
Tech Grid Captain Rated High
t)LVKjri.i? uhliTb: ft™
Heywoad, O. C. Arautrong, J. H. m * nt ’ to be “ H width from Han
Rucker, C. F. Cry me*, W. C. Thorn .1° 1 !
ton. at - L. Howland and Wallace
The rules wero suspended and
the following ordinance was unami
and four feet In width from Doug-
erty street to Hoyt street, and I*
to bo constructed a* follows;
It shall be graded to a. uniform
depth of four Inches below (he sur-
' GEORGIA—Rain,' tonight and
Tuesday, Warmer tonight and in
norlh and central portions Tubs-
day.. - ",
South Carolina—Rain tonight and
Tuesday; rising temperature.
Florida—Generally fait tonight
and Tuesday, except probably
•bowers in extreme north, not
much change In temperature.
Alabama—Local tains tonight
and Tuesday, slightly warmer to
sell guaranteed Cord tires. Will
arrange slaary and expense with
right man. Cord-O-Van Rubber
Company, 166 West Jackson Blvd. t
Chicago, 111. f!2p
o«.y passed by a Yea and Nay and tho foundat|on „ t0 ^
An ordinance to provide for the
paving of the sidewalk on the west
side of Lumpkin street from Its
northern intersection with Han
cock avehue to tta Southern Inter
section with Hoyt street, which Is
without the Ore limits but an ex
tension of sidewalk paving already
laid within the lire limits of the
city of Athens; to provide for the
assessment of tho cost of the'ssme
against the abutting property and
the owners thereof; and for other
BE IT ORDAINED by the. Mayor
and Couhcil of the City, of Athens
and It Is, hereby, ordained by au
thority of the same, as follows;
SECTION 1. That the sidewalk
on ,the West side of Lumpkin
street from Us northern. intersec-
tlqn with Hnncock avenue to its
car to call on dealers with the
lowest priced fabric and 10,000
miio Cord tires. 6100.00 a week
J lth commissions. Universal Tire
Rubber Company, Michigan
City, Indiana. • f 13p
sters at Shirt Factory. Steady
clean work. Bridge and Blvsr,
Streets. flScb
Wanted—To Exchange
young; male calf, one year old,
' for good milch cow. Also pastur
age tor cow wanted. Phone 1036.
Will be six months old, Febru
ary 83rd. Son of Jno. H. Dillard,
owned by Frank I HIU, Jr For
'further Information, apply 171 Sa
vannah avenue, Athens, Ga.
v - Wanted—Rooms
WANTED—Two or three furnished
rooms for light housekeeping,
with garago, by couple without
children. Must be in good locali
ty and within six blocks of city
center. Would consider small cot
tage. Address’ F. C. Benton, Gra
ham Hotel. M3-p
For Rent—Rooms
apartment to couple without
children. Four rooms and private
bath. First floor. Milledge avenue.
$40. Hot water afad electricity In
cluded. Cal] 724. f-12-p
cow, oil stove, kitchen cabinet,
baby bed. Phone 19-W. flBc
Bookkeeping. Shorthand and
Save 60% of expense* by at
tending this school. The grad
uates of the Athens Buslnns
College always get the best po
sition. Every Graduate cm-
Ploy'd. Write for Information
Box T43. Athens, Ga.
Transfer Co.
Lou* Tripe Oar Specialty.
Cheapest Track la Town.
600 Thomas St
Phone 1351
For Economical TranST
"TUB smiling painter**
Has Painting and Intario-
Decorating ✓
Phone 280, Athens, Ga.
. ING store-rooms Prince An.
running through block. Cheap
Two dose in. 7 room
for sale.
of select sweet potatoes, deliv
ered for 00 cents ptr bushel.
Phone 1740. * fljcb
A desirable building lot, three
blocks from city hall. Good terms.
Apply 716 N. Jackson St. f-U-c
Pecan Trees
Wrils for Prices
ES, dresaen, cbifforobes, tables,
chairs and rags. Call 1746- G4-C
IMF i.\c
INC, paper Hanging. No Job too
ns or too small. Estlmatek
cheerfully furnished. H. H. Winn,
Phone 1819-W. f!8p
for 1823 now due, and psysbls
at Commissioners' Office In Clarke
County Court Houae. M-8-c
Northbound _ Southbound
2:40 p. Norfolk-RIch.-N. Y. 3:20 p
,]i86 p Ati.-Abbeville l*c*l 7:30 a
j}:*4 p Atl.-Birmingham 6:39 a
Utl4 n Norfolk-Wash. MS* ■
IliM.p Wilmington-N. Y 8:29 a
.ilAgrire .Depart'
7 JO pm 8:20 am
t:10 pm
St25 pm
PARIS—When the Persian police
are mt to arrest dangerous crim
inals they, will hereafter b«
equipped with e rectangular sheet
of gheel to’ protect the face and (
with the form cf overlap- 1
ping sheets of chrome steel ever I
teeavy Sloth. This garment cover*
tho ftont of tbs body and. 4s ca-!
pabls of deflecting a revolver bu*
lCt. < •;# i
W. a Bolton, Agent, Phone 1001
Central of Georgia Station
Daptot for Macon 7t30 a. tm,
. • 4:45 p. m.
Arrive from Macon 12:10 p. m.
For further * Information phone
J. T. Brae*, O. A, 640.
properly and thoroughly rammed.
Upon this foundation Is to be plac
ed throo Inches of concrete, one
part of Portland cetnent, throe
parts of sand and live parts of
crushed stone; and upon this sur
face Is to be placed a wearing aur
face of concrete one Inch In thick'
ness, to be composed of equal
parts of sand end Portland ce
ment. The entire portion thus
l>aved to he laid off in squares,
and Is to be thus cut to the founda,
tlon, thereby forming separate and
distinct slabs. The entire surface
is to be well trowelled and left in
an even and smooth condition.
SECTION 3. Be It further or
dained that tho owners of real es
tate abutting the said portion of
said sidewalk above described
shall pave, the same Immediately
in frotat of and abutting their par
ticular property within fifteen
days from the passage of this ordl
nance, the work to be done under
the supervision of the'Street Com
missioner. .
8ECTION 4. Be It further or-
dainod by the authority aforesaid
that If any owner or owners of land
abuttlpg on tho said portion of
said sidewalk to be Improved as
aforesaid shall fail or refuse to
pave the same Immediately In
front of their praperty within the
time and in tho manner described
In this 'Ordinance, the Mayor and
Council of the City of Athens shall
pave the same, and the cost of said
paving Immediately In front of anil
abutting each particular lot shall
be paid by the owner thereof, and
the amount of said cost Is hereby
assessed against the said lots and.
respective owners thereof. Each
of said property owners Is requlr
ed to pay for the number of square
feet of pavement immediately in
front of and abutting their respec
tive lots an amount equal to that
which it costs the said Mayor and
Council of the city of Athens to
lay the same, as provided for In
8ection 688 of the Code of 1813 of
the City of Athens.
SECTION 6. Be It farther or'
dalned by the authority aforesaid
that when the said sidewalk Is
completed hr tho Mayor and Coun
ell of the City of Athens, an Itemls
ed bill of said work shall be made
out and presented to the respec
tive property owners, as prescribed
in Section 686 of the Code of 1118
ot tho City of Athens; and after
the expiration of ten (10) daye from
the time such bill le served
published the Clerk ot Council Is
authorised and directed to issue
executions against the respective
owners and their \tald property
who shall fail or refuse to do the
said work or to pny for same after
it has been done.
SECTION 6. Be It further or
dalned by tho authority aforesaid
that a copy of this Ordinance t>e
served by the City Marahall on all
of the abutting property owners
within live days from the passage
of the same ah notice to them ot
the work required to be done.
Said service may be perfected by
the said City Marshall giving to
each abutting property owner
copy ol»thls ordinance in person,
or by leaving a. copy of same at
said abutting owner’s moet notori
ous place of abode, or by publica
tion of the proceedings of council
containing copy of such Ordinance
In one of the newspapers publish'
ed In the City of Athene.
SECTION 7. Be It farther or
dained by the authority aforesaid
that all ordinances or parts there
of In conflict herewith be, snJ tho
same are, hereby, repealed.
COLUMBIA, S. C.—Possibility
■hat the . South Atlantic Associa
te ■!! of bisc!v.ili tbits, commtuly
klr.'wr.-as th<' 'Bally League, will
bh enlarge! to < ir.lit clubs, de
veloped herb £i> 1<|| dl- when it
botenie known (hut President W.
It. WiSfh vf, Charleston had bon
in Savannah icnfor.nit with Inter-
e&'.tnf parties there. League offi
cials' are f.ivornbie t-ccr-rding to a
statement by l-malucnt Walsh te
tho addition of ten cities to the
present |.x o uh» tf arrangements
cun lie made.- f-»v*nnt,b Jackson-
Vila, Fla; ansoif Ga end Ashe,
vllln N C , h, • inn ’mt the cities
bemg considered
SAVANNAH, Ga. — Savannah
has very UttM chance to. break
into organised baseball this seas
on In the opinion of-tboae in close
touch with the baseball situation
here. The propositions have been
made to tha city: one. by start a
new league to be composed of
Macon. Ctlsmbu;* Montgomery
and other towns; the other to en
ter wl.h either Macon, or Ajhe-
vllie into too South Atlantic’
league. W. H. Walsh, president ot
the Bally league made the second
proposition Friday. N. P. Corish,
former president of ■ the Sally
League said Saturday the ahcrJ-
rt-se ot time before the season's
oper.s the lack of a proper park in
the city and the long irregular
railroad Journey's necessary jf
Savannah enters the south Atlan
tic, Are against the proposition for
this year. The attitude ot city au-
thorities as against any funds for
If you think just look over j Linemen have been the popular I J^ihiSf* jLaTto? SxJbTthit
the picture showing J. M. Mein- I choice for football captains for the I Savannah could bring out a club
tyre of the Georgia Tech eleven coming season and Georgia Tech I this year.
Is no exception to the rale. , I
Lineman fHifm v Bn i « - A I NOT ENTHUSIASTIC
Linemen charge hard and fasti Jacksonville, fib.—Baseball
Three Soldiers Are.
Killed In Clash and
War Is Advocated
Continued him page one)
article XVIU of the treaty of Ver
PARIS.—(By the Associated
Press.)—The three day extension
ct the Turkish ultiuqtum demand
ing’ the withdrawal of the Allied
bdt ties hips at Smyrna is not ex
pected to modify the positive
stand takeh by France ar.d Great
Britain and so far as is known
the'order to the naval command
ers to defend their . positions if
attacked, still holds good.
Press dispatches confirm rc-
K rta which htfce also reached
ndon that the Turks last Sat
urday decided to await* another
three days for the withdrawal of
ware raft. They reserved to them-,
selves full liberty of action aftsr
the expiration of that time.
erdt DcGoutte tom tin
dent that Germany i s t f 0ri '
a quitter before ,he eiiti,,”"?' 4 **
’’But I solemnly'wa^ , Uer W » r| " ’
ho continued, "tha; jf „ „
of my soldiers is harm, ..! '*•
forces another baits “ *•
will nut stay cur | u n ,l i„ ’
’Knmanul.' it w m
' knwek's
Much Damage By
River Overflows
/Constantinople n e w s p a pen
MONROE. La.-i.ivc ktoik
ere, farmers and others j roCi
Monroe to Bmackovcr, Ark al.flc
thg Ouachita riv, r were /[..uday
nmovinK cajile fr m the lowlaw
iCglons where tha i:\er hug , v ,r-
flowed its banks and In uiilallnr
the countryside.
Along the LoulsInnn Arkanm
bonier in the Ouachita v;.!|, y u«
river, swollen by excessive mini,
snow nnd sleet, has hurst beyond
'its normal cor.finro.
Especial danger is reimrled from
some )mrl3 of th>- S'uih .Irkanut
maintain that the situation will
be adjusted satisfactorily, al
though they declare that tho order
dosing the port of Smyrna will
not be countermanded.’ One jour
nal, terming the increase of Brit
ish naval strength in the eastern
mediterranean as an unamible and
hostile net asserts that Turkey is
demanding the departure of the
allied ware raft as a measure for
her own safety.
oil fields where earth,at-rase
strikes With tanks.
In action.
McIntyre, one of the best line
men in the south, was recently
alerted captain of the Tech team
liiiay a^vjn jjsrares. -
DUSSELDQRE (By the Associat
ed Press)—Report* tha; the Ger
man* are organising a general
strike at HerR?. ,not far from Bo-
chiim, have led to the dispatch of
French tanks to that place..
The Germans aie boyo.-t.iing the
forces of occupatk-n throughout
the Herne district, and the French
have been obliged 4> take over the
work of some of tne German po-
tanks with millions of barrel, of
oil nro menaced. Xo damage to
oil Interests has yet occurred, how-
r«r n week crews have i*,,,
building additional dykes around
storage tanks. Tneje have proved
aurriivently Strorg to wlthnud
tho strain of rushing waters, op
erators say th y will he able to
Prevgnt heavy losses.
Royal Wedding
Takes Place Today
entirely dear <
The basketball situation in the
South is somewhat massed up by
the recent defeat and victories of
the many different teams. Practi
cally all the leading teams .have
teen defeated. Alabama, consider
ed impregnable after taking the
measure of the Atlajtta Athletic
Club, Is downed by Tech; Mercer
loses to both Tech and Vanderbilt
and tha YeUowJscketa after tronne
log Alabama Journey up to Chatta
nooga and are conquered by tho
lowly collegians there.
The tournament begins on Fobru
ary 87 and then it Is when tho
real championship will be fought
Georgia Is still in the running
for a good showing in the meet
The Red and Black team has been
coming slowly all season . and
•honid reach the climax that week.
In Ourr she possesses one of tho
best fool shooters in the game
while his success,at ringing bas
kets from the field Is not to he
frowned upon. The team'd record
Is at good as most or tho other
tsams In this section and should
hold Its pace with Alabama, North
Carolina, Vanderbilt, Mercer. Tech,
Kentucky, or any of the expected
Jacksonvitc may be tendered
berth in tho sally League. Their
OSS was something near 610,000 as
a member of tho Florida State
tongue butt season and there Is a
Judgment ot 124,000 standing
agsiinat tne .territory due the
award of salary to Dominick 1.
Mulaney. Manager cf the club in
. Marcus Conant president ot last
poor's club aqH owner of the
franchise In the Florida state
The boycott! 4n fact, is beo:m!ng
moiy and more popular throughout
the Ruhr and tne Germans have
decided to extend It to Essen, re
fusing to do business with the
French and Belgians beginning to-
Commenting on thv> result* of
tjic first month of occupation Ofn- l years old.
LONDON—The Burl tf Drnblth,
and Mias Kathleon Emim-tt, rtaujh-
the lute Dr. Thomas Addl, Km.
melt, of New York, wen? married
In the Cryp4 o fthe Chapel „f Wrtt
Minister Cathedral Monday. The
nuptial mass was celebrated by
Cardinal Bourne, who alio perform
ed tb|? wedding ceremony.
Miss Emmett, whise father tu
a noted medical practitioner In
New York has resided In Knrltnd
several years.' The Earl, who h a d
a notable militliry record before
the great war , and had retired
from the army ree-ntered the i«r.
vice after tho outbqmk of hostili-
ties and served with distinction In
the Egyptloti campaign. He It II
By Condo
GREENSBORO, Oa. — Greens- .
boro high school detested Social I Isague stated Saturday that ...
Circle high school's quintet here I nits no intention of colng into the
b 7 Ite score of 58 to *0. 11*88 season unlike the Judgement
The local wrecking crew started ] tor Mullaney is reconsidered. The
their deadly work early and were I league in a meeting at Orlando
novor In any real danger of losing I domic timo ago voted to send
the contest Their passing wan I Judge Landis Word that unless he
great while the uncanny ability I Multeney award was drop pod the
or the forwards In connecting with I League could toot continue!
the basket was jim-dandy.
fWBLL, AFT HI* ARGUING I 'pTcut*' ' uTiiT
thp point ovbr wir« fl
. . V. U ora ItO ...
op COUrSStS l'm
Social circle's five man defense I £ n*
was unable to stop the Orange and I * rOIOfiUGo OT Dlfif
Black. Short snappy passes ptay- 1
ed havoc with this styls of play,
Captain ’ Bobby Bryan and Ghne
Lewis led the locals In number ot
points Scored. Both ot thesis boys
walked sway with honors. Shipp,
League Baseball
NEW YORK — The prolougne
of the professional baseball
Merritt and’ Boswell were also *l‘ l be **j|! wltb
good. The detenalve work of Ihb IMdstlngs of the
latter featuring. Major and International leagues,
Captain Almond and Malcolm £**» noon ,
were the visitors Mg lights! | tj|e former Tussdsy morning. Ctnb
The llae-np- I owners' nnd their retinues began
Seelal Circle J • rr,T,n « Bunday nlght
'Spanish Folk
Lewis (18)
Bryan (80)
Almond (4) !
Shipp (8)
Connor (4)
Song Recital
Merritt (8)
Georgia' upset all dope ot the
season by trouncing the Atlanta
Athletic club on the clubbers’
1, James Barrow, Clerk of the Ihomo court' Saturday. The score
Mayor and Council of the City ot I was 84 to 30. This victory for the
Athens, do hereby certify, that the
above and foregoing is a trie and
correct copy lot a portion ot tho
minutes of the regular monthly
mooting of the Mayor and Connell
of the City ot Athena held Febru
ary 7th, 1888. and that the above
contains a true and Correct copy
of the ordinance adopted at that
time by the Mayor and Council.
The above and foregoing la pub
lished as law as no
tice to the owners of the property
abutting the street described In
the foregoing Ordinance to do the
work required by said Ordinance.
This 7th day of February, 1888.
City Marshal.
Forfeiture For -
Being Too Heavy
WASHINGTON—A dj*3urbancn |
of wide extent sad marked leten- |
y Is over the western half of)
t country and moving M9'~
eastward, tho weather bureau
“* *»nw*ndri^4% i, *“ ,l •
peast of
7|«6 A.
10:45 A. M>*
•B&y. « IJ
*6:20 P. M
_ . **10:10 A. V.
Daily Except Sunday
* Athens 8.-00 a. m,
9:0) a. m.
to*7:£5rV’“ , >*'
7 leaves Lula 6:56 p. m„
No. 9
NEW YORK — Charlie White.
Chicago lightweight, who lost a
16 round decision Friday night to
Rocky Kansas, of Buffalo, mast
forfeit IMHO for being 18 ounces
over the stipulated weight of 185
pounds for tho match.
. Chairman iMuldoon of the state
boxing commission who had not
received the promised protest ot
White's maeager to surrender the
MpCOO, said today that bs probably
would order payment to Kansas
l( Urn proportion to placed formal
Boxing critics seriously charge
White’s lack of effectiveness, to
h *V»« >r n r . ““••I by the prospect
of losing *24)00 and to the loss of
strength suffered by bis 46 minutes
In a turhlsy bath trying to reduce.
Red and Black came all the more
unxepectedly following the un
merciful beating the team received
at tho hands of Auburn the night
Oeorgl* plays the Club five. In
Athens on February 22nd, closing
the season here with that game.
The Club games are always the
most Important oa the local col
lege schedule and rather be won
by the Bulldogs than any others.
Since the Atlantan’s have teen
downed on their home grounds
the locals’ stock has risen con
siderably 'here jwd the bdde from
now ufitil the game to played will
be on even basis,
Miss Louise Rostand, teacher of
n n .«, a ii (voice at both Lucy Cobb and the
Do " wel1 M * lcoln <**> I State Normal School, will give a
Substitutes: Tigers. Rusrks for|g*“5,^ s^S5tort , um OUt ' ,0nn “
Lewis, O'Kelley for Merritt, Mar
rltt for O’Kelley, Lewie for Ru-
arks. Social Circle: A.
tor Spearman.
Referee—Carey Williams.
February 19th. Ba-
huditorium on Mon-
Ga. Cage Team To!
Play Mercer Next
, tt-A
j’Spanish herself, Mbs Rostand
i-' planning to introduce a 1 great
Ml of local 'color into har recital.
Wm give a talk on the folk
'e of Spain and trill Introduce
hunt hy some explanatory
A costume of a Span
Josh Cody IsTo
Stay At Mercer
Alter returning from Nashvlllk
where ho was la omterenoc with
the athletto authorltiee at vuder-
bilt Dr. Rufua Weaver, president
of Mereer ha* announced that
Coach Josh Cody Will remain at
Mercer and will elan a five year
contract at the expiration of hie
contract in June.
Cody bad previously resigned
to accept the full time poeitlon of
asslslint to Orach Dan McGugin
at Vanderbilt. It has been an-
pouncgU hero that he has with
drawn his reetgnatlonf and will
continue at McNer,. thereby set-
ding a question that has been up
permost {n the minds of Megoer
Georgia'* next br.ketbnll gems
with Mercer In MgCon. The
Red and Black ploys the. Cody-
men two games In the Central
City this wwfk, Friday and 8«»
urday nlfbtt.
So game will be played with
of .the '19th century,
s Rostand will
add to the. uniqueness at the
Jn her reeital at Lucy Cobb tlnr-
Ing the fall, Miss Rostand proved
to the people of Athena that she
| possesses a . masso-contralto voice
of richness and
Mercer In Athens this winter, due Is stage presence of root charm.
ocher-1 The recital at the State Normal
to conflicting date* In the . _ .
Ulea ct the two colleSes and both School promisee to ho oven more
rentes will be staged In Macon. I interesting, as she, will te in hsr
Macon has developed into ore I own field, that of Spanish folk
* tho best - basketball cities in song and music,
the south and these game* ari l . This, recital is. open to tha pub
being looked upon th'epS re the |llc|
moot Important of tho yOar. Geor- I ' . ...
Mrs. Autry Died
Orleans cotton nnd sagnr exchnng
sin always drew*/ well In Its*
Central City nnd this year will
prove no exception.
Mercer to touted to win, due
to the veteran team the Baptiste
have and the tact that they wore
runners up In the tournnmen,'
net year.
Kiiliuwlac the Mercer games
ttecNla closscs the season be
fot-u the tournament with a same
cgiiiut the Atlanta Athlvtlc
Club It, AthOn* on ‘hq night of
*Vb. 22nd, Washington’s '
■Sanrit jin4e gEMamasaS.
monaay lYiorning
Kemp Does Not
Mr*. & L. -Autry, wall known
Athens woman, died at her home
et 626 Reese attest Monday morn
ing at 7 o'clock after an Ittnesa
of several days. She waa 67 yean
old and a devout member of the
(.'Christian church and greatly be
loved by her friends and' relatives.
She was 4 native ot Coweta
county but hoi lived In Athona
many year*. She was a Miss
Young. She to survived by her
bestead, one son, Harvel, one
daagtmr, Olivo, and three sisters.
The funeral services will te coa-
dacted TUisdaj from tbs Christian
Brvaat Kemp, who first enters,) I church and tha Interment win be
Columbia University In 1178 and j lm Ocoaet oemetery. The pall boar-
hos attonded off and on every I era will te: J. W. Bruce, 0. W.
since has not enrolled for thilUisery. O. M, Caskey, L. L. La-
spring term. He sold ha quit large boon, G. F. Stephenson and H. H.
ly because.of “the unpleasant no-JEldor. Services will he clndncted
torlety given me by the news»-]by Dr. & U Porter and JJr. 8. R.
per*.” lornbb, with Dunaway and Sons,
Mr. Kemp who holds nuiricious | funeral directors In charge.
Day. I of the Unirerslty. . .
degrees and last year studied note I '
ographlc development* of North I An English postman. In Utejer-
America having exhausted masl I vice '45 yeare, «Htlmat'» he has
all ordinary subjects au * fresh- j walked
man, was a class mate of Dr. Xfch I
olaa Murray Butler, now pat: iU-ptl The t
The steel-workw man b a fellow with nerve;
He rides on steel planks here and there,
And. though it to said that bo never g. * *» r * d «