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6 6—Moving—6 6'
iS OiM ITY v nn*lllL _ IN QUANTITY
y\\ i' .i thctlc vtullla of rare flavouring content, non-alcoholic.)
j3gi)Soi)’s Unread.
Day and Night
I'hone TRANSFER CO. Phone
Office Georgian Hotel '00
Sister Of Princess An-
asjasia of Greece Com
mits Suicide, Was Social
Loader. ■>
N JO W Y O K K.—Mrs. I.ouise
Hnrtshorne Leeds, elster-ln-lnw of
promirent charitable worxer plung
cd to instant death Saturday from
n fourth etory window cf her fnsh-
tonalflo East 65th street home.
Her husband. Warner M. Leeds,
clubman and fortner vice president
of the Leeds- Tinplate Interueu, ly
ing III In the home, had nut been
apprised Saturday night of the
tragedy. Mir. Leeds was a brother
of the late William B. Leeds, •Tin
plate King," who was Princes* An-
astasia's first husband.- He has
been In III hfealth for hen years.
Kriends of the family expreat il
} the conviction that Mrs. Leeds'
denth had -been accidental. The
pt lice, however, reported the death
to medical examiner as a suicide.
Mrs. Leeds, once a siA’ial leader,
had suffered a nervous breakdown
recently and had spent several
wo?ks |n a private sanitarium. She
had returned hcane only a few
days ago, and was uader the Care
of a trained nurse, MISi Eleanor
Land Where Man
May Lie To His
Wife Found
CHICAGO — Torrid jungle
wastes, land where birds thrive
on diet of stryehlnne, where it is
legal for a man to lie to his wife,
and where the temi>eratiire scarce
ly ever dorps below 160 In tlv? sun
were rescrlbed Friday by Carvotli
Wells, an English explorer who
same from Maly to lecture before
the Chicago geographical society.
lift Wins TO
Heady To Withstand
“Smoking Out” Process
In House of Commons
LONDON'.—(By the Associated
Princess Anastasia of'Ci-eece. and carting to Hr. Wells. It Is a land
Everything Is Inverted In Maly no- > Press.)—Premier Bonar Law will
Winter Excursion Fares and All
Year Tourist Fares
Arizona .
llritish I'olumhia
(la vans
New Mexlr*
North Carolina
Oregon .
South Carolina
West Virginia
Georgia Railroad
Atlanta & West Point R. R.
Western Railway of Alabama
Liberal time limit and stop-over privileges.
For further information applv to „
J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A.,
714 Healey Building, Atlanta,Ga.
‘Dope’ Proves His
Dollar Mark
LOS ANGELES,—-LeBaron Mac-
Ion nan is probably the only man
upon whom the horrid brand of
"dope” has been converted Into the
dollar mark—a fantastic stroke
of irony. / S
Muclcnnan. alias Slim Andy alias
the Oopher Kid, once peddler and
slave of narcotics, gels a fat sal
ary In motion pictures just because
he wrecked his body so thoroughly
with pipe and needle.
Hpn(lng for a .living dead mnn,
m FtlOVin (1
1746 Banner-Herald Subscribers
Have a $1000 Accident Policy
Are you insured against Travel
. /
If you are a subscriber to the
Banner-Herald you can get with
out extra cost to you a $1,000.00
Travel Accident Policy Free.
The Banner-Herald pays your
premium as long as you are a sub
scriber to the Banner-Herald and
not in arrears on your subscrip
tion. If you are not insured, in- j
vestigate this offer at once. It
costs you nothing.
Call up Phone 75 and ask for
circulation manager. He will be
glad to tell you about the Banner-
Herald plan «f insuring its read
ers against Travel Accidents.
The Banner-Herald
Phone 75
„ mov'c director hauled Slim An.
dy out o fthe nether world. Sln<J0
then he has been cast at the
"frightful example" whenever
filcke/ drama needed a scarecrow
of vice. k
Hex Ingram mounted him on a
skinny nng to ride aa “Death" In
the “Four Horaemen." At the
•ame tlmo Ingram saw to It Andy
wna cured. And he has stayed
cured, though .the ravages of his
addiction art) Ineradlcably in h!s
withered frame and parchment
**- acted as techlncal adviser In
"Tho Greatest Menace,” a film
allied at dope, because he knbw
(he furtive antics Of drug vlcUms
and knew how they lod.
Many have followed Klim Andy
—with his gopher gflin, his shriv
eled body and sunken eyes—Into
tho pit. of dope, but he alone has
Capitalized the wreckage.
"A lucky chanco—a million . tc
one shot.” he says, using the tala
of the track he once .rode ns lock
of to pay turvy, fain falls on aver
age of 270 dayB a year. Bamboo
grows at the rate of an inch an
hour. Before shaving, it Is first
nevessary to shave the mlrrof for
mold grows several inches dur
ing the night over everything. The
male-bird usually hatches the |
eggs and one species of deerenev-
er grows to the height of over
seen Inches.
’ "Divorces arc more easily obtain
able than In your Reno" iMr. Wells
said. "A man or his wife qmply
chants three times ‘1 divorce thee'
and they are no longer man and
Go On Hike
return to tho House of Commons
Tuesday well prepared, according
to official c!rcl©s to withstand the
smoking out process H> which his
government ia llkffly to bo sub
jected,’ owing to three months of
sensational events* nt home and
Tho democratic program of the
s0H8ion will ho largely concerned
with unomploymert. housing and
agricultural relief lnterspered with
debates or. f reign relations,
which nro likely to be Initiated
when the virile labor opposition
agitates for tho withdrawal of the
British troops on the Rhineland.
Developments In the Ruhr con
tinue to strengthen the efficial
view that the French policy is
hopeless, and there seems little
likelihood that any pressure! by
the labories will Immediately af
fect the government's plans with
— , , respect to the Rhineland.
Several of . he Scoutmasters of | ~
Athens and quite a number of th
Scouts went on n Joint hike Sat- |
urday and hod a most pleasant and i
enjoyable trip.
Among the scout officials who
accrmpartU-d the boys • were tho
following: J. U Gross. A. T. Levie, |
W. D. Paschal, wm. T- Day. .1. L
Sfx!»on. and L. C. Zelgler. Scout
masters, and E. P. Clark. Scout
Executive. A crowd of enthusias
tic Scouts made up the rest of
the hiking Party. They were: D
D. Beusse, Henry Beusse, John
Bowers. Jack Bolton, Lester Booth.
Mortis ' Bush. James Chandler.
Walter Ccrne<t, Jack Dhle, Reid
D?fcbS, Luther Epps, Mlltor.' Jai*n!
gan, Jr.. J- B. Kennedy, Dougla*
McCorkle, Finley McElroy, W. T.
Florence, George Stephens. Mob
ley Thrasher. Ernest Tucker and
Branh&irf Watson.
When supper time tame every''
body ate 'with a relish, and mV
how )hat breakfast' bacozf, scram
bled eggs, toasted potaDes, wcln-
teg. and rolls did fly- (
Every fellow had a jelly gof)d
time and will be ready to go ag.'ilu
when another hike is announced.
Helicopter Can
Rise Anywhere
Scout News
Denies That He
Ever Sold Dope
AUGUSTA, Ga. — A further
Troop No. 1 mot Friday oven-
ing at Mr. J. L. Sexton's for .tho
regular weekly meeting. There
was a good percent of tho- boys
Mr. -Sexton gave a lecture on
Alaska. Ho had a good colleetici
of souvenirs of that country in
cluding a piece of curved whale
bone. a mature. -canoe and paddle
some garnet that had been in vol
canic rocks, a pair of oik horns, a
piece of rock from undtfr tho Muir
(Hntur and a good many pictures.
Ho read to us a very Interesting
Indian legend which he had on
them. It wan founded on fact.
The story Was about an Indian girl
that was the village's sunshine
bocausd she was always doing
good. When sho met a man from
farther north she wanted to lcavo
her village and marry him, but the
ly from the ground—has been sue
ocssfully tried out here and now
is undergoing thorough tests.
The first try-out took place
Dec. 18. 11)22, just 20 years and
one day after the Wright brothers'
first flight, which wps at Dayton,
I)r. George DeBothezaat, Rus
sian scientist, is the inventor of
the new helicopter. Ho started
work on his device in July, 1921,
aided by experts at McCook field.
The government spent 2200,600 to
pirfcct tho mnehine. Fifty-three
Rights already have been made.
The machine is driven by a 180-
hovsopower motor. There aro four
upright prpjv-lin'- shafts, atop of
which arc flexible attachments by
means of which the propellers are
tilted to make the helicopter trayel
in a given direction after altitude
has been reached.
Thus far the helicopter never
has risen higher than ten feet, but
it is expected to prove itself cap-
search of Dr. Kilpatrick croaa'j vtltoge people would not let hoi
personal efforts by state narcotic 0 ne day wh|la she was sorrov'ng
and government iiostal Inrpcctnrs
and an emphatic denial by the
phyaiclan from his cell In the coun
ty jail that he was In ahy way con
nacted with dope peddling or smu;
gllng, were the principal develop
ment! Saturday In the local drug
case which government officers
expect will have an International
aspect before their Investigation is
Seven Large Eggs
To Be Analyzed
CRY8TAL FALLS, Mich. — Sav
bn eggs, dark blue In color and
about five Inches In diameter
were unearthed on a farm near
Mastodon, recently by Ivan Petrot
■kl. while engaged In blasting
stamps, it was learned here Satur
day. Shells of the eggs gave oat
a mctallc sound whan atruck with
a sledge hammer. One of them
’was broken and showed a perfect
state of preservation. It was said.
The 8mlthonlcn Institution will
be asked to analyze the eggs one
of which Is to W
Petrotskl. ■
Incubated by
Augusta Police
Hunt Missing Man
AUGUSTA, Oa. — Sheriff,Plun
kett and his force were Saturday
seeking to clear up the mystery
surrounding the disappearance
fronts Ms home here last Sunday
afternoon of J. E. Guy. The miss
ing man told his relatives before
leaving the city that he was go-
fag to wrans, a nearby town.
Thursday morning county officers
found the truck he had been driv
ing standing at a point about live
mites from the city and It Is said
to have been seen standing there
Monday morning.
If you are 1 of tho 95 fa every 100
who goffer from Daafcuff or some
scalp trouble, juit tryMahdecn, far
If Ity.Ue to fire roa pszfect ••tiirscUso,
rear dMbr Is sstkeriud to eWrtulfcr re-
fud tks cost of s lX-oa WUIs.
Kjsftgajrasrfr “
-g.—tn,» pfasssyv
she heard the volco of her beloved
calling her and they left > ,a vll-
iage and went to.tho north In n
canoe. The people of the Imllnn
village • sorrowed at the lost -f
their sunshine and while In *er.
they wero all killed out. That Is
the reason that the village Is In
Thursday was the hlrthdav of
the Boy Scouts of America the
organization was thirteen years old
Mr. Sexton celebrated the event
on Friday evening by giving his
troop what always makes a “hit''
wllh us' boys a "blowout,'' In plain
English refreshments.
I Scribe. Donald Campbell.
Troop No. 11 had a recruit party.
Had a very Interesting parlor track
meet Including all klndq of crag?
stunts. Shot put throwing lemons,
Into a pall. Two yard dash, push
ing a peanut for two yards with
-our nose. - High jump, jumping np
for a bite on a line. The program
was one of the most Interesting
ones held for many moons. Troop
11 meets ut seven thirty. Bp there
Three-tiow -oeruits, lister Pur-
sell. Harlow' Harrey, and Alfred
Means. Walter Cornet has de
stroyed seventeen rats. He takes
the cake, keep It up Walter.
■ Troop No. 2 met Friday
at headquarters at 7:15. Plan:
were made for the bike Saturday
and a good time to be had. Scout
Joe Jacobs passed first class, first
Sid and received his badgp. Seoul
Sidney Goldman also passed first
aid. The Pino Tree Patrol won
smashing victory over the ot.--
er patrol In the prise contest. The
Pine Tree Patrol - has two First
class scouts now, and ia advanc
ing rapidly in getting members.
The meeting :* at 7:09 next-Friday
night. Be there.
Barrymorq Breaks
Record In “Hamlet;”
Goes To Be With Wife
NEW YORK — John Barrymore
concladed his one hundredth and
firtt performance or "Hamlet” Fri
day night, breaking the former
consecutive perforjnance record
set by Edith Booth In 1866. He
was to •alfaSatuntay on the Ms-
jestlc to join his wife In France.
. A crowd of i .700,506 |
Kicked fc
too closely pecked for
Would cover 70 acres.
DAYTON. 0.,—Will airplane*
soon rise directly from city streets
without the necessity of an open
field for the take-eff?
Or will planes be able to alight
on any roof or in any street?
And in time of war will planes
be able to rise from the deck of a
battleship,, do their work of de-
All that is possible if the now
DeBothezaat helicopter is a com
plete f uccesy. say air experts at
McCook field here.
. hks’SSSttbme*
This Week
NEW YORK — Breaking away
from the narrow trading 'areas
within which they have boon fluc
tuating for two months, priceB of
stocks moved to new high t round
for tho year this week In a sus
tained buying which
was stimulated by groator activity
on tho part ot aizeculatlve pools
and resumption of pnbilc pa • I-
patlon on a large scale. Sales this
week averaged more than one mil
lion shares dally.
Tradlng In steel Khares assumed
new activity when (he new 1*22
report of the Keputl He Iron and
Steer company showed A net pro
fit of 2411416 as against a deficit
of 25.6664*2 In 162L, and January
pig Iron production reached thp
highest level since October. 10"0
railroad shares were bought heav
ily on official reports ot a continu
ance ot record car loadings. High
prices for raw and redined sugar
:ound reflection In Increased r.ctlvl
ty at higher prices In t hose shares.
President Harding, ren Owed appeal
for action on the shipfeubeldy bill
revived Interest in the shipping
group. j
Merchandising stores leaped
Into prominence when tho annual
report of F. W. Woofworth com
pany earnings ot 227.11 on common
stock In 1922. as aginat 220.40 In
1921. The decision of tho Packard
$5,000)000 Gift to if
Johns Hopkins
BALTIMORE, Md..—In order to
'facilitate the acquiring ot mcdiciii
> Knowledge at Joans iiopk 1 h# Uni
versity, ihe Carnegie CJltJorgLtm *
xxri-1 t rru*, ' of New Yo.k hui bestowed UiAta
While Situation Is Tense itim institution a bequest of tMtw,-
No Incidents Have
Yet uuu> according to a sb-ry ptid'.til
. TT I l *he Baltimore American Min-
OcCUrred Giving Hope. I day morning. . Formal announcc-
• ui niu xin, the paper stab
CONSTANTINOPLE. — (By the i is planned Mr R Xt lWtf ’
Associated I’r-ss.)—It is definitely i -Hopkins' Founders Day."
known that the Turks have begun ! a seven story budding,
the laying • ot mines In Hnty'ns ! |n- a modern dispensary and
harbor. The foreign warsh'lia , or features, as a unit of the
hare reclved two more notices to j kins .medical: £IS-up, t
depart. lAafafe 'ta one of tha iUins;
Whllo the slluatlc-n Is t osq the jglrtus. - ** •• ' *
fart that n j Incldcri: has occurred
Is regarded an a hopeful sign.
Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol,
who was one of the American rep
resentatives at tho Lausann:! con-
fierence, has arrived here And con
ferred with Brigadier General
Harrington, commander of tho al
lied forces.
Shuffle Along”
A Pleasing Show
"Shuffle Along,” an all negro
show, offering a combination musi
cal review and serai-minstrel skits
will uS
played to about the largest house JUthino* so
llmO tins Iniritnrt nnt fnp «s ahnai In f&T * “
that has turned out for a show In
Athens this winter (t tEe Colonial
Motor car company to qall for piy theatre Saturday night. The usual
meat about April 15, about eight orc hestra attendants were down-
Litlllon In outstanding notes due
<• 1921 testified to the Improve
ment of that industry.
Army Assn. Will
•\ Meet Tonight
The first -monthly meeting of
stairs while the balcony nnd gal
lery were given over to the color
ed contingents, but strange to flay
the show seemed to appeal to
those downstaira more than to tbs
negroes. Judging hy the applaaee.
,Tho slnrlng and dancing offer
ed was especially g-cd, tin.ugh
most of the eudlence _> • d have
enjoyed more of the old time songs
of snegro lore. The - election >:o»
the Al'jmn. Sector of the Arjg ,^p*JS of mayir of 'J. n zv ,
Association of the United States . contPate(1 by., three aadldatoa,
„ States
struetion and then return to alight w||| teh^d o ttlm Georgian Hotel ^Ysh^d theVemo” for Iho'Thw
again on the battleships_deck? tonight at 6:80. At this time tho, and |he dto|0B0w} that _ w , re oc-
fppMcIp r fw carter The' as- conte,M ''
soclatlonii'fll meet «t dinner and Thero was noUl | ng offensive to
the program and it buainwa_ has tho moat discriminating about tho
entire performance and It was real
ii”tirg«d On Tdl of tha citizens of
Athens that are eligible for mem
bership to be at this meeting In
order that A thens will have tho
largest sector in proportion to
ipulation of any city in the un-
Thc DeBothezaat helicopter — boon arranged so that the mect-
the first nirplane that rises direct- { n g will bo over at 8 o'clock. It
able of soaring to great altitudes.
It'glides gracefully and can reach
jhc ground easily from any height.
Major Thurman H. Bane, the
commandant of McCook field,
made the first flight in the pres
ence of United States army ser
vice officers who later declared
they were satisfied DeBothezaat
had solved the problem of vertical
Thus far the full power of the
motor has not been applied to the
propellers and the inventor hlim
self does not know what hit ma
chine is capable of doing.
Funeral of Rev.
J.R. King Sunday
Funeral services for Rev. J. R.
King, age 07, who died at the resi
dence, 173 New street Saturday
at 2:80 a. -m., was held from
Moon's Grove Chore", Madison
coun'Jy, Sunday at 3 p. m„ conduct
ed by Rev. Orflo, interment follow
ing in the churchyard. The follow
ing gentlemen acted as pall
bearers: J- R- David, A. L. Veal,
H. M. Kirby. Walter Seagraveq, H.
L. Gordon, W. F. Stephens, with
B. Dunaway A Sons* Co, funeral
directors. In charge. ■
Rev. King ha* been a minister
forty years and had organized and
seivqd many charges among them
Bethel, Madison county; Li'.U l
Rock, Coile’s Grove, and Arnold*-
vlllc, Oglethorpe. -
- Surviving are the wld:w and
three daughters. Mrs- O. V. Ear-
gent. Mr*. W. C. Dudley and Mrs.
W. G. Scarbrough; two tons, Hoyt
and Clarence King.
“Pape’s Cold Compound”
Aits Quick, Costs Little,
Never Sickens!
fortable. Bay a box of “Pape's
Cold Compound” for a law cents
and.get rid of your cold righj
In a few hours your raid b
me, bead and nos* clear, no ter- /
ishness, hcaoacne, or atoffed-up
feeling. Druggists here guaran
tee thesa pleasant tablota to
np a cold or the
To be eligible-tor membership it
Is necessary that applicant be an
ex-officer, national guard officer,
reserve office, or regular qjflccr
of the army. The ex-oCflcers are
eligible -for membership as asso
ciate member* and the others as
active members. This association
also includes In ils membership
the ex-officers of the Spanish-
Amertcan, Philippine insurrection,
and Mexicali’ border: service, as
well as- the officers of the world
It Is requested that, thhse ex
pecting to attend will .notify Ma
jor McCoy, room 207, Post-Offl;c
Building, in time to make ar
rangements for places at dinner.
Bata, to avoid collisions with ob
stacles whon flying, emit a vibrat
ing note. Inaudible to human ears,
which react* on meeting an - ob-
■miction, warning fiho but to turn,
New York police headquarters
reports a cockroach which became
so addjetad fa morphine - that he
could take twA grains dally, more
than enough to kill two men.
ly an enjoyable reminder of oth
er shows with negro casts back In
tho days or Black Patti and oth
Traffic Restored
Following Wreck
AUGUSTA, Ga. — Normal truf
fle was resumed on the Georgia
Railroad early thin afternoon lot-
lowing tho wrecking n'f n fro' t't
train near Norwood Friday night.
Trains coming lute Augusta Satur
day. wore 12 houra late. Passeng
er trains from hero to Atlanta
wore handled hy .way of Macon.
Officials ot tho road said tho
cause of tho wreck had not beon
An English mag-stratc recently
held thnt if a ixvson wfcre to alt
down In th - highway, an aUJoint
would have no right 0 move him
with his ear.
Plenty of Money to Lend On Real Estate
Commission: 8% ON AMOUNTS OVER 21,009.00.
10% bn amounts ap to 11,000.00.
405 Holman nidg. Athena, Ga.
Quality Fertilizer Pays
Much depends'on the QUANTITY and QUALITY of fertilizer you
will use this season. You have no doubt decided to consider only
a fertilizer of established reputation.
SWIFT'S RED| STEER Fertilizers have a national reputation. The
RED STEER on the bag ia your guarantee that yo.u are getting
^ well cared fertilizers, property processed and combined and of the
highest possible quility.
V' 'SWIFT’S RED STEER Fertilizers contain the right amount of quick
ly available plant food to cause a quick start and a sufficient
amount of more slowly available plant food to insure a continuation
k • of growth arid early maturity. They are the result of yean of care
ful experimenting in the field, the plant and the laboratory.
PLAY SAFE! Order SWIFT’S RED STEER Fertilizer from the local
Authorized Swift Agent, today.
Swift & Company
Atlanta. Ga.
Charlotte, N.&
Albany, Ga.
'New Orleans, La.
Local Representative:
Miller & Co* Athens, Ga*