The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 16, 1923, Image 4

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the banner-herald
Published Every Evening Daring the Week Except Saturday an,] on
Sunday Morning by The Athens Publishing Company. Athenian.
liKAsnu.1 Publisher and General Manager
CHARLES E. MARTIN Managing Editor
Entered at the Athens Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter under
the Act of Congress March 8, 1879.
* ~r~73^
A Little of Everything And Not Much of Anything.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches credited to ft or not otherwise
, In this paper, and also the local news published therein. *■ '
renubllcation of special dispatches are
Ail rights ol
Andrew C. Erwin,
Bowdre Phinlzy,
Secretary and Treasurer.
Address all Business Communications direct to the Athens I’ 11 '’ 1 '®*'
Inc Company, not to individuals. News articles intended for publica
tion should be addressed to The Banner-IIcrald.
Every one admits that average intelligence is very
We wrote Haldeman-Julius and 'asked him which
it .books have the biggest sales. We imagined that the
honor would go to his edition of I)e Maupassant. Or,
surely, if not that, to his Balzac series. Or, maybe,
his Oscar Wilde titles. A fourth bet was his Sher
lock Holmes yarns. His list of books includes many
other works of fiction of similar nature.
Here's his answer:
• “You ask which of our books has had the widest
sale. 'The Trial and Death of Socrates’ leads every
thing by far. We sold 175,000 copies of this book
during 1922. The second best seller is ‘Psycho-An
alysis—the Key to Human Behavior,’ by Dr. William
Fielding. The third best seller is Shakespeare’s
‘Hamlet.’ Fourth, ‘Life of Abraham Lincoln.’ Fifth,
.» ,'‘Collection of De Maupassant’s Stories.’ Sixth, ‘Lost
I Civilizations,’ by Charles J. Finger. Seventh, collec-
" lion of ‘Balzac’s Stories.’ Eighth, Mark Twain’s
‘Jumping Frog.’ Ninth, ‘A Short Hislor- of Evolu
tion.’ Tenth, ‘A Guide to Plato,’ by Dr. William Du
rant We have now 350 titles and will soon have 500.
A flying flivver, weighing only 205 pounds, is
perfected by the British government. It has a seven-
jiohte-powcr engine and travels 25 to 48 miles an
hour. . .This gives you a glimpse into the future when
.airplanes will be cheap and fool-proof. Men won’t
. have tq stay in cities then, to be near work. They’ll
live far out in the country and fly to cities which will
be deserted except for shops, factories, offices. The
S g city is destined to be a passing phenomenon,
erves and bad health will drive us back to nature.
l' The “better bread” campaign being pushed in
; Clarke county under direction of Mrs. Annie Mae
: Wood Bryant, home demonstration agent, is one of
^Jhe best movements ever launched.
Anything that will improve the "staff of life” is
worth pushing. We believe that eating "soggy” bis
cuits; biscuit; made at night and left to sour for the
: morning meal, “soda” biscuits has made grouches
; and dyspeptics of more men than almost any other
- one thing. i
We have numerous laws. Some folks ihink we
have a superfluity of lows. It may be true! However,
if wc had our chance at making a law, just one law
and no more, we would make it a felony for cooks,
at home, tea rooms, hotels or restaurants to serve
( food improperly cooked. It is a crime, just as much
• so as for markets to sell tainted meat. It almost
!' makes criminals of us to eat poorly cooked food. At
1 Rny rate, it makes us want to kill the cook who pre-
. pared the meal and to think murder is almost as bad
; as to actually commit the crime.
Mrs, Bryant should be commended for beginning
la.movement which will improve the cooking of bis-
; cuits and other food. Cooking should be one of the
1 joys of home life. The kitchen should be the one
■ room where the housewife delights to be. Sad to re
late, it is the one place where n.ost of them had rather
1 not be.
I As Mrs. Bryant has suggested “make the kitchen
the most attractive room in the home.” Then, the
housewife will enjoy staying in it and preparing her
teals as they should be prepared. Then, the world
illJbe relieved of the sour presence of many a dys-
„ eptic. It may even be the solution of the divorce
wm> e
—•Over 200 woridVfamed experts are at work on the
-*f60-volume history of the World War that is being
compiled by the Carnegie Endowment* for Interna
tional Peace. It is the most thorough work of its
! kind ever undertaken. The aim of the writers is to
j steer clear of causes of the war and the incidents
I Around which bitter controversies have raged. Mili-
J tary operations also are ignored. The history is
limited to describing the war’s effects on European
civilization. For that reason, the part played by
■ -Unietd States is left out. Get ready for the book
; agens.
Money, old frined, enters the endurance,dancing
; contest. In March 36,160 million dollars worth of
, .-checks were written and sunt back through the lead'
iog clearing houses. That was nearly $330 for every
man, woman and child in the country. It’s rather
-’a revelation as to the amount of money that has to
: «hastge hands to keep thing.-, moving, especially
• When you consider how much business is done on a
: |casItJjpsiv- Did $330 pass through your .hands in
March, for each member of your family? If not, you
weren’t up to the average. (Neither were we.) Fig
ures lie and liars figure, to quote Abe Martin. .
lent advertisers. A man might a*
well try to succeed in merchandis*
| ing by keeping his place of busi
ness closed half of the time as to
1 in business without
the cons is tc
There may have been a tinje
when merchants and business
men did not look upon adver
tising as the most profitable
vestment they could make, Put if. *. utct
such a time ever existed it has j a ‘ ,vt?r tis ,n g.
passed. All successful businesses! “dvcrtiscr w *|° succeeds and le
have been built, by consistent and co JS£ s lh r C ^ H< ^ CV .!P
judicious advertising. Analyze the |, ^e Jacksonville Timcs-Lni<.
national concerns which are the 1 ^*' s *° 8 , ay . — va * uo '
leaders in America n newspaper advertising:
commerce and analyze the local . "The hustis Lake Region rein
concerns which are the leaders and j *° a ni . an 18 a l m ost (”
you will find that _ they are not J
only large advertisers, but consist-1
tinct In Florida 'tfVcn'it says':
‘“There f\te still a few mer
chants who look upon every
dollar paid a newspaper for
advertising as a donation.
They are very scarce, however,
and their ranks are thinning
rapidly. It won’t be long until
. they will live in memory only,
j and they will be remembered
\ as non-progressives who did
nothing worth while to ad
vance their own or their com-
I munity’s interests.’
“We do not believe there is a
state in the Union that has a
smaller proportion than Florida
hatv-nf citizens who undervalue ad
vertising and the home paper as a
j means of disseminating it. The
average business man of this
J state knows that, while Tlis invest
ments in other lines ^ring him
dy direct returns depending on
'the quality of his judgment as to
whether they are of great or little
[benefit, his investment in newspa
per space brings him libera! direct
and indirect returns
MONDAY. APRIL 16. 1923 ;
Wonderful Story of
Tanlac Reads Like a
Page From Fairy Book
low. (Of course, no one admits belonging to (be av
erage.) But in panning ourselves collectively, we
seem to have been barking up the wrong tree For
the intelligence of the average American is far high
er than any of us have dreamed, according to sales of
the “10-cent pocket classics” published by F lTalrle-
; ■> You’ve sene his ads.
Probably you’ve bought his books. For in less than
-“three years he has sold 31 million books. And his
sales have mounted steadily until now they exceed six
i.i' million copies a month.
‘ ' This will surprise publishers who have believed
V that the public will not buy anything except mental
- junk, in big quantities.
direct returns.’
f'nncfinafinn D tired^when you get up, in it hard
^ to arouse cnounh ambition to do ’
b • _ I even the smallest tasks? I Athens heme an educational .
Si*AllA-E7AB01 That’s a sign of sluggish, impure i f', n ,!??:„'? " ccurre d to me the
llvllCV vtl j blood. That’snwamingtogctalnUI mils? "? fr " m ,? n
_ _ „ . of Gude’s Pepto-Mangan and purify might lie applicable to the
Prompt-Permanenl—Relief I your Word and build iipnewst(er.rl!i «' l . nm . un ;'.'’- It says:
piom,a ,rnu tjvsm 1 arid energy. For over SO yearsG uric’.-1 A [ c , w 'vekj»- "fro the faculty of
CARTER 8 LITTLE LIVER PILLS . Wxsi .he favorite tonic and hk,X'. r]s . schou > decided to give the
rarely fail. Purely
vegetable — act
surely but gent
ly on the liver.
Relieve after
dinner dis
tress — re
lieve Indlges-
Uorr, Improve the complexion—brighten
the eyes.
Paul] P1U—Snail Dose—Small Prl«
has been the favorite tonic and blood' sri! . ueciued to give the
cnricher of many thousands of people.'students a ^ est for mental alert-
cnrichcrof many thousandsof peopk ^ . ;
Your druggist lias it, in both liquid and I "I 53 ;, . at ls quite the thing
tablet form.
Tonic and Blood Enrich cr
whether it means anything or not
A long list of questions wag pre
pared, and the, students did not
come through very well-
The students held a meeting and
issed 11 rpsnllltmn rnnunctimv tkn
passed u resolution requesting the
privilege of asking the faculty a
few questions in return to test the
mental agility of the teachers. The
request was granted, and, as a re
sult there will be no more tests of
the kind in that school. The fac
ulty made a worst fist of it than
the students and a few of the ans
wers given by the faculty follow:
A1 Jolson Is a professional wrest-
Frances Scott Key was a wo
who wrote poems.
Boob McNutt is the heavyweight
Athens Druggists
Pay Tribjite to
In celebration of the wonder
ful work Tanlac has accomplish
ed In relieving human suffer
ing and restoring the weak and
infirm back to normal health,
practically every druggist In
Athens and suburbs will place
the medicine on display in bis
window during the week begin
ning April 16th.
Probably never before in the
history of Athens or any other
city has a local Company gained
such a mark of recognition an.'
approval from its own home
people. It is, indeed, a most
remarkable tribute to a still
more remarkable medicine.
‘Dodson’s Liver Tone" Straightens You Up Better Than
Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn’t Upset
You—Don’t Lose a Day 's Work—Read Guarantee
I discovered a vegetable com
pound that docs the work of dan
gerous, sickening calomel and I
want every render of this paper to
buy a bottle for a few cents and
if it doesn’t straighten you up bet
ter and quicker than salivating
calomel just go back to the store
And get your money back.
I guarantee that one spoonful of
Dodfcon’s Liver Tone will put your
sluggish liver to work ami clean
your thirty feet of bowels of the
sour bile and constipation poison
which is clogging your system raid
making you feel miserable.
I guarantee that one spoonful
of this harmless liquid liver medi-
inc will relieve the headache, bil
iousness, coated tongue, ague, ma
laria, sour stomach or any other
distress caused by ,a torpid liver
as quickly as fl dose cl vile, nau
seating calomel, bciidcs it will
not mako you sick or keep you
from a day's work.
Calomel is poison—it’s mercury
—it attacks the bones often caus
ing rheumatism. Calomel is dan
gerous. It sickens—while my
Dodson’s Liver Tone is safe, pleas
ant and harmless. Eat anything
afterwards, because it can hot sal
ivate. Give it to the children be
cause it doesn’t upset the stomach
or shock the liver. Take a spoon
ful tonight and wake up feeling
fact that an activo liver may go a
champion of America.
Boob McNutt is the trademark
of a well-known food preparation-
Sequins are a variety of fish.
Beatrice Fairfax is a well-known
movie actress.
Gallagher and Shean run a dray-
orover Bergdoll
War hero.
Grover Bergdoll
cratic statesman.
Filet Mignon is an opera written
by Puccini. f
v Maraschino was premier of Rus-
was a World
was a Demo-
ia before the
Brilliantine is used by actresses
to make their eyes bright.
A Hungarian goulash is the ruler
of a province in Hungary.
Some things you should
know about your heart
T ie f
physician i
aminos, whan
summoned, la
tha hoart
pulso. A nor
mal heart will
beat one hun
dred and three
thousand tlmei
each dnr. You depend on It to boat
ererjr eooond ot your life. You
roallao the heart should not have
to overwork eonaUntly to throw off
blood Impurities. It Is Imparities
which Increase the heart beat More
rod-cells mean cleaner, purer, richer
blood. They mean nerve-power, be
cause nil your nerves are fed by
yonr bloo* This means freedom
from bolls, ecxema and akin crup-
lions* from rhnnmttln fmmirlHna ’
tlona; from rhenmatlo Impurities,
from that tired, exhausted, run-
down feeling. Hed-celle aro tho
moat Important thing In tho world
to each of na. S. S. S. will build
thorn for you! S. S. 8. has been
known since 1136 as one of tho
greatest blood-builders, blood*
cleansers and system etrongthcncra
ever produced.
Mr. Arthur A. Smith. M0* S. Ada
Street. Chicago, 111., write*: "After
suffering witk bud boils, I commenced
using S.S.S. I wish St gap thee it
up to sit expectations, and re
fer mo.”
Tty ft yourself. S. S. 8. Is sold
at all good drug stores. The largo
size Is more economical. Get a bot*
from plasties, from . blackheads, tie today!
S. S.b. makesyoufeellike yourself again
‘The exodus of the negro to
the east and west is proving
suicidal for him. He Ls not of
the temperament to stand the
season of cold weather and that
climate is not healthy for tho ne
gro who has been raised in. the
south. Many of them are return
ing and quite a few of them are
being brought buck as corpses. An
old negro who left his home near
winterville, in this county, and
migrated to Detroit, was brought
home a corpse and was buried on
the plantation of his former em
ployer. This and many similar
cases have occurred since tho ne
groes commenced their exodus from
this section. Such cases should bo
a warning to those w,»o are here
and anticipating leaving.
A correspondent of the New
v°1?l 1 wa « born ih the
» », anJ who ,1VC(1 in New York
and Massachusetts, writes about
the negro problem. He has re-
sided four years in the black belt
of Dixie:
One impressive feature of
the “negro porblem ’—it is a
problem—is that most North
erners and Southerners alike
ignore the bromidic fact that -
human nature invariably dis
plays a monotonous similarity,
regardless of locality. The ne-
^ ri _i ». South is respected
and liked, according to his
deserts at least as fully as he
is in the North; in fact, there
is more kindly feeling for him
nnd more patience with him,
for the simple reason that he
■is better understood hero.
Prominent Atlanta Rail
road Man Declares Tan
lac Was a Wonderful
Blessing in His Home.
It Is. Indeed: doubtf il !f ihcrfc
has ever been u train piloted out ol
Atlantu by a more popular con
ductor, In bin duys of railroading
than Cupt. T. M. Harrell, who mv;
resides at 13& Mead Road, r)*?cntur
Georgia. Jori inate
Cnpt. Harrell served the Seaboard j { |, roUK h t
' " f" 1 ’ !“«»•!wife HtrensthThe
Over 35 Million Bottles
Have Been Sold, and
Wonderful Results Ob
tained From Famous
Preparation Have
Caused the Demand for
It to Become World'
Wide. -
the lr:
Air Line, as conduct'
years and his kindly
nnd uniform courtesy t
ing public wen him the
esteem of all with wh
in contact. »
Like thousands of other p» ople
hen tho celebruted medicine. Tun*
The wonderful story of Tanlne,
tor eight years the sensation of th<
proprietary trade throughout the
Xortli American Continent and i
household word In every home from
atan to the rocky coasts of Lab-
ir. rends like .ft page from o
fairy book. It is America’s great-
proprietary romance, ns full of
thrills, absorbing passages, plot:
id counter-plots as the- faster
oce of a Hugo or n P6e. ,
Tanlac was originally tho pro
duct of a European chemist, who.
suffering the handicaps of crowded
auditions nnd luck of opportunities
in his own country, brought hi*
great tonic medicine tr.
America. His dream was 6f#a su
!‘r-medlehie, one that could be
laced within the reach of the great
lasses of people, nncl when use*?
ould benefit every part of the hu
an system. ,
The Formula
Recognizing the well established
scientific fact that most human
inch and that
'Ugh tho stomach alone can on
do his formul
What Tanlac Is
*• For
Over 75.000 well known , nfn
and women from all walks 0 f
life, many of them living right
here In Athens, have testified
that Tanlac has relieved
Stomach trouble, dy*pep*i*
Indigestion, rheumatism, miaq.
<*. palpitation. smoth.-ring
spells, constipation, weakness
nervousness, exhaustion, cm.
stunt back-ache, Bieepleasncp*. n
general run-down common
malnutrition, torpid llvor. that
tired-out. good-for-nothing feel
ing. besides many other nymp-
toms Ad diseases not general
ly recognized as havirig their
origin In the stomach.
The indisputable record show*
Tanlac to be a stomach and
a. digestive remedy and a gen
eral body-builder and a system
purifier of most extraordinary
merit and power, Even the most
stubborn cases seldom fail to
stomach and digestive prepara
tion of the first magnitude, addin:
other ingredients best calculated ti
augment tho efficacy of .this treat
ment and carry its offectlvencK:
thr ughout the whole body. The
■suit was an astonishing new med-
introducod lit Atlanta. Cupt j itine which seemed to gain pow
Harrell soon recognized tho nuper-l,. r w uhin itself, and which soon
ior merits of the treatment and i.(
says. In confirmation of a pub
lic statement which he made rover
yours ago, that it wus solely by the
help of Tanlac that he,finally real
ized his long cherished hopes of
lug his “Uttle girl, who had not
been well from tho cradle,” built
up to roust heulth.
Ills little glri, who he states was
“eleven years old and very frail and
delicate," before’ ho had her take
Tanlac, Is now the charming young
lady nnd devoted daughter of eight-
, enjoying tho best of health and
swept the whole North American
continent with n ministering touch
carrying health and-happiness inti
Hip homes of thousand!}, and hope
id cheer to millions of, people ir
■cry walk of life.
The first bottle of Tanlac win
sold in Lexington, Ky., eight^y
like her fathci, is unsparing in hot jwa
The wonderful results oh-
t-.ineil from its use caused its fame
tc spread so rapidly that the lab-
nrutoHlcM could not keep pace with
the demand, but ns quickly as pos
sible tho medicine was Introduced
and Atlanta
of the first
From the terraced gardens of the Orient to the dainty
cups on your tea tray, Banquet Orange Pekoe Tea
retains that wonderful flavor which has made It the
first choice of all true lovers of good tea.
Serve it to your friends and enjoy with them the
charm of its delectable
McCormick a co.. Baltimore
. T hc r *'“ rn Of Abe Silver-
atcin and Dominick Didato, th-
t "° ■"?“ from New York, woo
aided in the escape of (ierald
Chapman from a hospital in thin
city, will be placed on trial this
w ™ k P r the ear... part of next
week m Federal court hare. These
men deseVve to rceive the lull
limit of the law for such viola
tions «ml no consideration or
sympathy whatever should be
shown by jury or. judee. While
the crime was not as violent as the
one committed by Chapman, yet
there is no doubt but 4hat ’these
men are even of a worse type of
criminals, and it is possible that
they belonged to tho same gang
Which committed the crime for
which Chapman has been serving a
twenty-five year sentence. Whether
they participated in the mail rob
bery or not, it was not because
they are immune to committing
such acts .but simply because they
did not have an opportunity. A
speedy trial and the limit of the
law should be meted to these gen
Dainty lace rufllea are used In
many ways, on the new blouses for
spring. Single pockets embroidered
or monogrammed are another new
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mail It to Foley & Co., 2835
Sheffield Ave., Chicago, lit, writ
ing your name and address rtearly.
You will receive In return a trial
package containing Foley’s Honey
and Tar Compound for Coughs,
colds and croup; Foley Kidney
I Pills for ntln* In side and back;
rheumatism, backache, kidney and
bladder allmento; an& Foley # Ca-
eummes» *»*- ^ r- wholesome 'and
.praise of Tanlac.
Following ls a brief recital of th«
fuels regarding hit* daughter's canr
iih enumerated in his statement of
1016. “Our duughter la eleven
years old new and has never been
strong even from the cradle. In
fact, she 1ms been u little sufferei
all her life—weak, puny ami nerv
ous. As she grew older she had
no appetite, suffered from stomach
trouble und headaches most nil the
time and remained weak and frail
It brought many a big lump into
my throat to see her unable to romp
nnd pluy and enjoy life like other
“Thero'H nothing quite so oppres
slve as the feeling that gets hold
of you when a little one of your
own flesh and blood is Hick nnd
helpless umi you can’t find unything
In :he world tv help them. Tanlac
gave my daughter health and hap
piness and I don’t think there J*
anything like it In the world."
While discussing the womlorfu’
health giving and lusting qualifier
of Tanlac Saturday, Capt. 'JfnrrelJ
'After taking the Tanlac
treatment, which has been about
seven years ago, my daughter ha.*
not had a sick day and with th*
exception of an occasional coh'
has enjoyed perfect health. Too
much can’t be said In praise of Tan
ceivu It.
t j re-
35 Million Bottles Sold *
The fame of the niediclno and it*
remarkable rceonstructlve proper
ties continued to ftrow until now
millions of bottles ure sold annual
!y, and although the laborutorlcr
have been doubled nnd quadrupled
in capacity, it Is almost Impossible
to supply the enormous demand
Separate laboratories have been es
tablished In Canada and Mexico,
where, If such a thing were jios-
slide, Tanlac has proved as great a
blessing to the niaszes of the .peo
ple as It has in the United States.
A total of over thirty-five million
bottles of Tanlac have been sold
during the eight years It has been
available to the public, a figure sc
far in excess at any other record
that comparison Is impossible.
People Testify
One of the most notable feature*
In the history of Tanlac has been
the unparalleled number of peopte
ho have been so greatly .jeneflt-
1 by Its use that they have cast
aside their feelings of delicacy und
Id boldly in tho public prm fir
the benefit of others, how this
grout medicine had restored them
health. Over seventy-flvo thou-
nd well-known men and women
from all walks of life have thu*
publicly testified to theiremarka'd*
merits of the medicine.
Tanlac Improved Her S«
It Excited Amazed Com
ment, States Esteemed
Columbus Lady. Wm
Almost Helpless.
That Tanlac is the Ideal strenzth
and body builder for people gettln*
up In years has been conclusively
proved by tho statements of thou
sands who havo tested.lta remtfk*
able merits.
Among Uie»many elderly GeorgU
ls-oftle who have real fifed the poiren
f»f 4ii*» Medicine and have volun
red to epeak out Is Mrs. L 1
Dnsds, a pioneer resident of Colum
bus. .Mrs. Davis resides at 800 I7tb
street, ^tho lir a devout mi-mber ol
the Methodist church a^ld Is belovH
by all who know her.
That 1 am so hale and hearty at
enty,” said Mrs, Davis, the othlr
day. ”is All due to Tanlac and an
grateful boynnd words to express
six oT seven r».ontha before lik
ing Tanlne I was so W*ak and ner
vous on account of stomach trouble
constipation and kidney complaint
that I could scarcely walk acroie
the house
“I did not know but 'krhat my igt
had somnthlnff to do with my let
ting In such a run-down condition,
but Tanlac soon convinced
nil I needed was the right tonic. 1
had not been on the treatment long
until my friends were surprised It
my wonderful Improvement
knew I had been In such bad fix I
could not help myself out of bed.
“I got stronger so fast that I wm
surprised, as well as delighted, my
self. I had been under treatment
tried other medicines, but kept *rt
ting worse until I became proatril
ed. I took seven bottles of Tanlac
und glvo It full credit for makinf a
well woman of me, and I have neve
had a bit of trouble to r thls good day
It did such a wonderful thing tot
me that I havo recommended it la
many and will always do so, aa tha
one medicine for stomach and kW
ney disorders and general weak
ness. It is just grandl’’
Tanlac is for {ale, by nil u*"
druggists. Accept no . substitute
Over 35 million bottles sold.
• —Advertisement
One five-room , downstair*
apartment, private hath and all
convenience. Poaaeaalon
March laL
Phone 516
Read Herald
Want Ads.
Plenty of Money to Lend on Real Estate
405 Holman Bldg.
Interest Rates
6% and 6»/ 3 %
Phone Ifff.
onxhlv cleansing cathartic fqr
i.Ypation. biliousness,
and i clugglsh bowels.—Advertise-
Now Up-to-Date
Ready for all kinds of work.
Reboring cylinders, welding,
vulcanizing, burningvin bear
ings, electrical work and any
thing in the machinery line.
lb‘"W. Washington St-
No other water has the (wonderful taste, tha Invigorating *«•'
ing that It Isavea after each glaaa full—It’a delightful, yea It'*—
Drink It All Year -Round—But Especially In 8ering and Sum'
mer—PHONE gS
Linton Springs Water Company
Office Broad Street
k ekl