The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, April 27, 1923, Image 5
PAGE FIVE gbobeia Here for TWO GAMES .... Athens Athens Athens Athens .... Athens ... Auburn Montgomery Athens Athens Athens ... ~ Athens .... Athens ..... Athens Macon ..... Macon The Reliable Jeweler Clayton Street Humming Bird brand! In three gradea of codec. Our leaden, “Above the Average” and "Old Timer" are the beat the market affordea. ‘ ■imnd;, Athens Coffee Athena, Georgia '"pWh Street. Native and Western Meats Groceries and Produce Fresh and Pure HOME MADE CANDLES blade in Athena and Sold by Our TWO STORES LUMPKIN STREET and Corner College Avenue and Waeblngton Street Our natlvo meat! are aldughtered at the Athena Abatolr and twice Inapected—Western meats bear stamp of govornmtnt inspector. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN MEATS AND GROCERIES m Call Phones 1616 or 1617 PIEDMONT MARKET 240 North Lumpjrin Street. Fine Cigars, Tobacos, Pipes, cigarettes. PAT OUR FACTORY A VI8IT ATHENS CANDY KITCHEN Georgian Here for TWO „„„ GEORGIA*'VIRGINIA Sanford Field APRIL 30th COME! AND VISIT THESE STORES ! AND SHOP IN THE MORNING FREE—SIX TICKETS—TO MONDAY’S GAME. Find the;Mis-spelled Words in These Ads. List the Wor’ds that are not spelled correctly—give the name of the fii nvir store in whose ad the mis-spelled word appears, and briny <>r tend the answer to thq BANNER-HERALD contest edi- r. To, the first person whose correct answer reaches the Con- „*t iv liter will be given THREE TICKETS; to the second correct answer reaching us, TWO TICKETS, and to the third, ONE TICKET^ All tickets will entitle holders to seats in Grand Stand for .MONDAY’S Game, April 30. ANSWERS MUST REACH US BY 6 P. M. SATURDAY, APRIL 28. Winners Will be Announced in Sunday’s Banner-Herald. Athens, Ga. MAY 1st ' GAMES THE BULLDOGS .WILL PLAY April 27—Vanderbilt April 28—Vanderbilt April 80—Virginia ., May 1—Virginia .... May 2—North Carolin May 4—Auburn .... May 6—Auburn .... May .7—Oglethorpe . May 8—Oglethorpe . May 11—Auburn ... May 12—Auburn ... May 14—Mercer .... May 16—Mercer .... May 18—Mercer .... May 19— Mercer,., Find the Mis-Spelled Words in These Ads. and Win a FREE Ticket Wjke. \ Sporting Goods SPALDING’S Atheletic Equipment We <a«_iurainh individuals or teams with full equipment for mil Indoor or out door is Games. Our line Is now full mnd complete. The McGREGOR COMPANY Sporting poods Department Whether you are looking for the error In thla ad. f or perhapa just Watching the Game If .you squint or frown from eye-strain your vljldli may become more Impaired unless the defect .1% corseted Let ua examine your eyes and fit them properly £ with our glasses. .*§ u k M.F. Fickett Jewelry Company Doht Frown OPTOMETRISTS AND JBWBLKRS Clayton Street Athena, Georgia. Whether yon are from or for GEORGIA or VIRGINIA you'll find a “Dixie Welcome" at COSTA’S bptore and after the game. The most delightful Drinks—The most delicious creams The best place to meet your friends. COSTA’S Southern Mutual Building. Your Used Car ’ Or Worn Out Shoes -ran lie made lo have a "now" look—and glvo lots lore service If yon will have us l*it a now top and oat nfjpalnt on the car—and ropare those shoes. WE DO THE WORK “RIGHT.” MARTIN BROS. Auto TOp—Shoo 8hop 155 Ka# Clayton St. Every Man’s Sporting Blood —quickens at tho thought of a good baseball game. Whether you are a aport or not you'll appreciate the aUle, beauty and comfort of our Spring and Summer line of Shlrta, Under wear, Ties, Hosiery, etc., that ate priced Just right Shirt* $1.25 and $1.75 See Our Line of Boys’ Clothing and Hats. _ LEVY’S TOGGERY AND BOYS’ SHOP Made to mcaiuro clothes 120 suits—* piece—with extra pair'trousers Clayton 8troet Athena, Oeorglo. Wedding Rings Jewelry and Gifts MendelahoB’a will he very popular as a march- will out beautiful Wedding Rings. DIAMOND STARS HERE will do well to remember our etore when “this" time arrives. Everything tor wedding gifts J. BUSH Next to Kreea’ OUR HUMMINO BIRD BRANDS OF TEAS ARE THE BEST ON THE MARKET FOR HOT 8UMMER ICED DRINKS. Boys, Come Here! Tho youngster on the back lot or the hardest bitter on the varecty team will find our BASEBALL GOODS THE BEST (D. A M. Brand.) From the Lowest to Highest In Price—All tho BesL Sporting Goods—^Bicycles—Velocipedes—Skates ATHENS CYCLE COMPANY LnmpMn Street. Athena, Georgia A Picture of Your Favorite Diamond Star —friend or loved one—a complete record In picture* of yonr tour or' summer camping trip, fa n joy forever. \ KODAKS AND FILMS—ALL SIZES. LET US DO YOUR DEVELOPINO. Bring Films to Maine Store. PALMER’S Drug 4 Stores ftatlufnction Courtesy and. Duality. SEE THE BULLDOGS IN ACTION AGAINST VIRGINIA IN THE AFTERNOON •• I ■ Bubbling With Goodness- our fount drinks and dellcaalea are leaders on tho Score Hoard of popular Unit. OUR REFRESHING DRINKS MAKE A HIT Come in before and after the game for refreshments. “Always the best of Everything.” GEORGIAN PALM GARDEN y.tit till 4 ails iS