Newspaper Page Text
•ry and filling long handled bas
kets which topped the newel posts
at the base. Four white ribbon
posts sentineled the aisle ending
ut the altar In the drawing room,
tulle stretching the entire length
of the two sides. The altar was
reared of plums standing high
above a mound of handsome ferns
and six seven-branched candela
bra holding gleaming cathedral
candles placed on pedestals gradu-i
ated In height, and four standards
filled with dozens of the exquisite
calla lilies flanking the sides.
a picturesque setting, the
tistic decoration continuing in the
hall and dining room across, on in
to the library and sun parlor and
in the upstairs sitting room where
the wedding gifts were on display,
an array which would delight the
heart of any bride, so complete and
handsome the collection.
Fascinating pink snapdragons and
roses had bdsn placed fn silver
baskets and vases in the dining
room, the colorful tints of the
beautiful combination duplicating
the lovely springlike tones of the
appointments of the rtom. Here
the bride’s cake held the attention
husband's popularity the happy
baluncflt needs.
Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Jn
extending the delightful and charm
ing hospitality of their home were
Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Stephens, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Brown, Miss Annie
Brumby, Mrs. C. A. Rowlahd, Mr
and Mrs. Tommie Anderson Mrs.
Hugh Rowe. Miss Surah Hunnicutt
and others. Serving punch were
Miss MaNita Bullock, Miss Eliba
beth Rowland, Miss t^ueen x*olden
and Mrs. James Park-
The out of town guests Includ
ed Miss Lucille Arrington, Miss Sa
rah Alexander and Mr. Rutledge
Capers of Augusta, Miss Margue
rite Atkinson ,of LnOrange. Miss
Margaret Cook of Danville; Ky., Mr.
and Mrs.'Charles Long of Shelby-
ville. Ky.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Guthrie of ShelbyyJlIe, Ky.
Wesley Hargrett of Tlfton. Miss
Margaret Morton of Columbus.
MJss Annette Harber of Commerce,
Misri Elizabeth Moss of Atlanta,
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Kidd and Miss
AnnJe Kidd of MilledgevIJJe.
Mr. Ed Watson of Dothan, Ala,
r. T. W. Purtle of Louisville,
y„ Miss Nannie Little and Mis^
Lucile Anderson of Anniston Ala.
H*Monday evening which wan a lovely home event, wu Miss Julie
gm, one of Athens loveliest and prettiest young society girls.
Hiss Julia Rogers Weds Mr. William
iuthrie Frederick In Pretty Home
Vedding Solemnized Monday Evening
of the guests and centered the large
circular table which was overlaid
with an imported lace cloth. Silver
vases filled with snapdragons and
roses, mints in silver dishes and
silver candle ‘ sticks holding pink
tapers completed a charming picture
The cake was octagon in shape and
tall, Its snowy surface covered ‘with
a mound of flowers, marvelously
conceived and fnshioned of ft-ost
Ing. many valley lilies adding ho
liness and revealing the perfect
care of the designer.
In the library purple Iris and
lavender snapdragons were used
with a charming decorative effeai
the blossoms resting "In bowls and
vases of Korean brass which
fleeted the colors , so appealingly
Smilax outlined doorways, win
dows and arches everywhere and
added beauty to the sun parlor
where the flowers encircled
punch bowls and filled wall bas
kets with becoming grace.
During the time the guests Rath
ered together, Hsughey’s Orchestra
furnished a program of beautiful
music and Just* preceding the en
trance of the bridal party several
violin solos of indefinable sweetness
rendered by Mrs. John Mor
ris, her "daughter,- Mias Marga-
in that state.
So intensely colorful and ar
tistic wore the decorations of the
Rogers' home, so Interesting and
1 ,vely the bridal party, so perfect
in every detail all appointments of
the charming affair, that it i* dif
ficult to pbrtrsy all its fascinating
features and many delights.
The long winding stairway down
which the party descended was
icky as in Athens, for the groom draped with trailing smilax, calla
Joys" j»n efUfitdyjPHWtc-EnBhW jlriin Utahlng the beautiful 'green-
ihling of Miss Julia Kli-
ibeth Rogers and Mr. William
tthrle Frederick of Louisville
on .Monday/evening, the thir-
of April at nine o’clock at the
of the bride's parents, Mr. am*
James Monroe Rogers on
food lawn avenue, was an event
lusual Importance and brJUl-
and of gqlihFTntercst In Kon-
in At tv
PALACE- Toni8ht
A drama of the theatre worth
the theatre to see.
' La3t Showing 1
t • *
When you play baseball with our balls,
mitts, bats, shoes, uniforms, caps,
stockings,' etc., you know that you are
in the game with the best equipment
that can be purchased.
Outfits for Baseball, Tennis, Basket
ball, Indoor Baseball, Volley Ball and
Croquet. i l i
the McGregor co.
Sporting Goods Department
ris, her daughter,- Miss Mar
rethe Morris playing the piano
companiment, “My Heart at Thy
Sweet Voice" from Samson and De
lilah played before the march from
Mendelssohn was sounded by the.
orchestra, and-“Love Sends a Lit
tle Gift of Roses" and "I Lovp You
Truly" during the ceremony.
The first of the wedding party tc
appear were the bridesmaids, Mist
Murgaret Cook of Danville. Ky„.an<?
Mias Margaret Virginia Morton of
Athena hnd Columbus, the first
Waring yellow chiffon, the latter
pink, their long ribbon sashes tied
at the aides being of pink and yel
low, respectively, the contrast be
ing particularly pretty. The ma-
IrQn-of-honor Mrs. Charles Long oi
Shelby ville Ky., wearing orchid chif
ton. the maid-of-honor,Mlsa Mar
guerite Atkinson of LnOrange, In
chiffon of a lighter orchid tint, fol
lowed. Their gowns were delight
fully smart and different, all made
without aleevea, the skirts long
and very graceful. They carried
cascade bouquets of vuri-eolored
spring flowers showerer with par-
ma violets and Sweetheart roses.
The bride walked with her fath
er, who gave her in marriage. She
was gowned In white broended
crepe, the satin tracery forming
roses which, at the front and bot
tom pf the skirt were outlined with
pearls and centered with miniature
rhinestones, the same embellishment
adding beauty to the end of tho
long train, two-thirds of which was
created of chiffon whose folds were
caught to either shoulder with
The announcement of - the
gagement of Miss Sybil Millsaps to
Mr. Robert L. Russell is of most
cordial interest to their many
friends throughout the state-
Miss Millsaps is the only daugh
ter of -Mr. and Mrs- G. S. Mil*
saps, of Winder, and possesses rare
beauty and charm. She is a gra<
oat* of the Georgia State College
for Womep and attended the sum-
session at Emory university.
Now than Spring Is finally
aroused from her protracted sleep,
tbe next mwakening of importance
on the list Is that of “Sleeping
_ BMW.” This lovely young person
By her charming personality and will be aroused from fable slum
sweet manner, she has made num
erous friends throughout the state-
Mr. Russel] attended school at
Gordon Institute and the Univer
sity of Georgia, and is a member
of the S. A. E. fraternity. He is
the second son of Chief Justice
Richard B. Russel), of the supreme
court, and for the past few years
has been a popular young attor
ney in Atlanta, and is now one of
the secretaries to the state su
preme court—Journal-
The marriage of Miss Agnes
Crawford and Dr. A. N. Bowers
was solemnized Friday evening,
April 27th, in Savannar. The Rev
erend W. H. Morrison, rector of
Christ Episcopal church officiated.
Dr. and Mrs. Boekrs returned to
the city Monday and are at home
to their friends on Mllledge avenue.
Both bride and groom have many
friends here who will be Interest-
ted in the announcement Mrs.
Bowers has just returned from
Scotland after a visit to relatives,
and landed In Savannah where Dr.
Bowers met her and the nuptials
were solemnised.
The bride has been a resident
of Athens for several years active
ly identified with Red Cross .work.
Dr. Bowers is a prominent* den*
tist, and came here a few years
ago from Ifennon, Go. They an
receiving the most cordial con
gratulations of their wide circle
of friends.
Mi* the juice of two lemon,
with three ounces of Orchard
White, which any druggist will
for a few cent*, shake well
ittle, and you have a whole
uarter-pint of the mo«t wonder-
freckle and tan cream, and
complexion beautlfier.
Manage this sweetly fragrant
The Uuiles Auxiliary of the First
Presbyterian cbiurcb, served sn |
elegant luncheon in the 8undsy
school room for the Presbytery i
which convened here Tuesday, Mrs. |
Henry Carlton was chairman of a -
splendid committee and the do- j
lightful occasion was a very happy ;
success. j
The tables were decorated with a
wealth of exquisite spring flowers
and the luncheon was very de
licious and greatly enjoyed by ail.
Mr. and cMrs. Walter Scott Rob
inson, of Monroe, announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Mar
lon, to Mr. Harold Cieonls Cox, of
Monroe, the marriage to be aol-
emnited in June.
Miaa Robinson Is a lovely and
very charming young girl, and Idas
many admiring friends bore who
will be interested fn the above
announcement. She la the niece of
Mrs. McBride Howell, whom she
has often visited and an aunt of
V. J. Moss. Tbe marriage of this
popular young couple will be of
state-side IntercsL
Mrs. Howard Abney and young
■on Howard, Jr., left Tuesday for
Lumpkin, Ga„ to ristt the former’s
(jaily Maying the White
Sales Go - MICHAEL’S
ben, amldat surroundings of apian-
dor anrf^the revelry of all tbe Bax
ter street school children In fes
tive array assembled, on Saturday,
May the rifth, at fcair o’clock In
tbe afternoon.
Sleeping Beauty-- calls on all
parents of Baxter street sdhool
at this siring woodland celebra
tion. 8he extends her gracious re
children, asking them to be present
quest to all parents and scholar*
In all the schools to buy tickets tot
the play, and to all others who
would help the children buy play
ground equipment for the new
school the appeals, to help make
the play a great financial success.
She and her school mates have
lantern alldei to pay for, need help
on their music memory contest,
and other things,
Baxter street school -woodland
will be thronged with little cos
tumed players, for the cast In
cludes nearly the entire schooL
The pity will be a histtorlc cvenL
Attend and help nuke It also a
great financial success.,
Mrs. H. F. ‘
> from Mexeys
brief visit to Mrs. Harvey Cabl
BrightweU notored
eys MoRay for.
iMr. and Mrs. Howard Benson
and children, of Athens, Ga., are
tbe gaeete of Mr. end Mrs. William
Roane on Peachtree road.—Con-
stldutlon. >
Mrs. George D. Well has return
ed from an extended visit to New
buckles of brilliants. The soft folds | lemon cream into the fact, neck,
of the skirt were held’In at the left arms and hands each day and see
aide of the waistline with a mngni- {"Jj* freckles and blemishes natu-
flcent pearl medallion fringed with Jrffi*™, r ‘£“f o“f And how
long strings of tpearls. Her veil of I >ou Afally cle.r soft snd rosy-
tulle, reaching the length of the white the * ,kln
train, fell from a conronot of rozej Advertisement.)
point lace, oranite blossoms aiding
In confining it to her dark hair.'
Her Dowers were orchids* and val
ley lilies in a shower that touched
the hem of her skirt.
Mrs. Frederick made a picture of |
incomparable loveliness in her wed- j
ding costume. She is one of those j
rare Individuals who have. every* j
thing that appeals to youth—beau
ty, talent, great intelligence, a |
goodly portion of this world's )
goods, and a remarkable gift of
making friends. 8he la quite tal- J
ented and possesses a musical gift '
hich has been carefully developed I
both in Athens and at Gaston Hall
In Washington City where she t.'n-
i*ted her education after
In* w ith honors from the lony Cobb
The groom had as his best man,
Mr Charles Guthrie of Shelbyvilie
The ceremony was performed by
Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, of Atlanta
former nastor here and wno receiv
ed joyous welcome from his Ath
ens friends.
After the reception which follow*
ed. Mrs. Frederick changed her
wedding gown for her travelling
suit of dark brown Montcaln cre|>e
—three-piece Heller model with en
Shades of tan and brown. Her hat
of brown straw was trimmed with
self moire ribbon flat platted about
the brim and forming a round me
dallion on one aide.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick left for
trip of fascinating proapecta in the
eastern cities before going to Ja>u1s-
ville where they will k<*ep house.
I aifd Where Mr. Frederick haa al
ready proved his accepted ability of
a man of affairs, and where his
bride will take her plae among his
Vast ait£ prominent list of friends
with becoming ease, thus giving her
“California Fig Syrup” is
Child’s Best Laxative
....... ......... loves the “fruity". Unto
rfehinx embroidery of two Uiihtei t California Fig Syrup and it
never rails to open the bowels. A
tesaponful today mny prevent a
sick child tomorrow. If constipat
ed, bilious, feverish, / fretful, has
cold, colic, or If stomach is sour,
Jongu* costed, breath bad, remem
ber a good cleansing of the little
bowels is often nil that is neces
KMpVour Complexion \
of Ron-Petal Texture
Ntdlnt Face Powder will
keep tbe rases in yoor cheeks.
It will make your akin soft,
sooth sad velvety. It will
lend an irrcaistsble charm,
andthe fragrance of tbe
Nadine adheres and
protects tbe skin
bom sum wind and
(Juft, (VtfiHlnf jjo
that can harm the
funded If not pleased.
ATK r-t~
May 7th, 8:30 P. M.
Wonderful Productions
As an added attraction
Dsgmsr Raehmanoss
“In Her Rasalaa Dancing”
it for
iirSyrup- which h«a
babies and children
Aik your _
"California FI,
directions for
*>/ »", A**s printed on bottle.
Mother! You must say “Califor
nia or you may get an initiation
ng syrup.
%. „ —Advertisement-
Speckled Trout
Black Fish
Wholesale and Retail.
Our fish are protected by
Automatic Rafrlgsration, with
a constant-temperature of 82
degrees. You take absolutely no
risk whan buying from us. Wo
S uarante* ovary pound of fish
> bo perfectly fresh. A trial
will convince you.
Athens fish & Oyster Co.
. 573 E. Broad St.
Thousands of new, crisp, lovely garments at prices less than you ever
expected to pay. Ouftit for the whole summer. Later you pay more.
Of fine Muslin in white or flesh,
plain hemstitched QRfi
style .. .. wUw
Of flesh Nainsook, trimmed and
embroidered in orchid (4 40
and blue ... .. ^ I»IO
Lovely $2.25 Gowns of white, flesh
or pink Batiste. Hand embroider
ed, lace trimmed with real lace, in
either round or square neck styles
\ nd u rap SI .88
shoulder w ■
Beautiful white lace trimmed
<3owns, formerly priced $3.25,
$3.50 and $4.50. .Now in the White
.. $2.48” d $2.98
Were $2.00 and $3.00 Cambric
Gowns, trimmed with narrow
embroidery bands, and ruffles.
n p r.. .$1.48 “ d $2.48
Hand Made Gowns, exquisitely,
embroidered on the finest soft
Nainsook. Were $3.50
to $4.00. Sale ..
# , w --
Of Nainsook and Batiste, in white,
flesh or pink, plain, hemstitched,
' embroidered or Gingham QQm
trimmed wOl*
Teddies of white Batiste and
Crepe, were $2.50, lace, ribbon or
hemstitched. (4, 40
Sale priced * 1 ■ <f °
Nainsook Teddies, with Val and
Breton laces, fine ones that were
priced to $3.75. (4 QO
May priced * ■
Lovely Teddies of Radium Silk
and Crepe de Chine, hemstitched
and lace trimmed. Colors white,
flesh, pink, blue, orchid, violet and
peach. May Sale
only .. .
Fancy Batiste Step-ins in flesh and
orchid, bound and embroidered in
^tasting 98c and $1.18
Knickers of white, flesh and blue
Nainsook, hemstitched and em
Italian Silk plain Vests of fine
quality with strap or bodice top.
In flesh and orchid.
Novelty Italian Silk Vests in all
colors, with and without fine
X . $3.48 ° nd $3.98
Fine Camisoles of Crepe de Chine,
Georgette and Wash Satin. For
merly $4.50 to $6.75. In May Sale
K* 1 . $2.48 and $3.48
Fine $2.00 to $5.00 Boudoir Caps
in flesh and orchid, in the May
Sale .... LESS 1-4 FOR ALL
Satin Petticoats, with a double
panel and scalloped bottom and
embroidery flounced 98c
Linen Weft Towels
a and.
of fins construction
.durability. A EOc
Red Star Diaper
24 Inch
27 Inch
20 Inch
Colored Dimity
Bed Spreads
Row. Blue, Gold.
Boxed Nainsook
31 to 29 Inches wtd.
10 yard bolts
8J.9S Bolts
Bale .. ..
12.95 Bolts
SMa .. ..
$4.25 Bolts,
Sals .. ..
15.50 Bolts.
Sale .. ..
Dimity White
Bed Spreads
Long Cloths
38 Inches wide 10 yard pieces
N Vrerd $1.48
No. B.
10 yards
No. C.
10 yards
No. D.
10 yards .
nw. yn
Pore Linen Btunw, yard
wide In whlte sad '
IS colors ,
Linen Lawn
White LI nan of One sheer
quality and a (nil 0gg
yard wide >.
Marteilleg Spreads $4.48
Sprawls formerly priced to $8.00. Plain hemmed and cut, In stxw far single and double beds.
Marseilles Spreads _j. — .. -...$5.58
Fine handsome spreads that were, to $7.50. Plain and scal
loped. cut cornered ones In large sixes.
Marseilles Spreads - - _. .$7.48
Our finest spreads go at this price. All nandsone onca that
were to 19.50. Beautiful design*, plain and scalloped.
Sale of Huck and Wath To'wels ,
20c Huck and Bath Towels —12c
30c Huck and Bath Towels _l9c
60c Huck and Bath Towels 39c
65c White and Fancy Turkish 49c
$1.00 Pure Linen Guest Size 69c
$1.00 Pure Linen Size 18x36 79c
$1.25 Pure Linen, Size 20x40...w......98c
$2.00 Pure Linen, Size 22x38 $1.48
$2.60 Fine Bath Mats $1.98
AH Otheq Towels and Bath Mats