The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 01, 1923, Image 6
jJU *2 _ TfTR BANNER-HERALD, ATHENA, GEORGIA IFUNERAL NbTICEl 3 Iliec—Mrs. Amelia BulloeK: at the home 244 Nacocheo avenue In Athens Monday morning at 4:30 o'clock of apoplexy. Funeral and Interment occurred at Thompson burial ground Tues day morning at 11 o’clock with Rev. A. L. Flury, Baptist minister, presiding. Dorsey’s funeral direc tors, had charge of funeral ar rangoments. Mrs. Bullock is survived by threo daughters and two sons. MARKETS ATHENS COTTON The local cotton market gain Tuseduy closing at 27 Athens Visitors t • Among those visiting In Athens Unless you see the name “Bay-jTuesday were: E. G. Roesser and tr" on package or on tablets you j MrH . Roesser, Detroit, Mich.; Me not getting the genuine Bayer Henry Daly, Macon. Ga.; John B. product presc-it>ed by physicians Jackson, Atlanta; J. L. Reddick, over twenty-two years and proveJ[Atlanta. safe by milltons for F. F. Lefkoff. Atlanta; W. B. Colds Headache i Ford, Decatur, ML; J. A. Gallagher, . Toothache Lumbago i Jacksonville, Fla.; E. F. Prior, At- Earache Rheumatism lanta; Thomas D. Hughes. AtlanU; , Neuralgia Pain, Pain Walker Bradford, Atlanta; Mrs. J. i Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspi- Thomas, Watertowm, N. Y. nn ,t only. Each unbroken package , f Ja ™ < ; 8 Totedo, OWo; O. contains proper directions. Handy H. Hill, Atlanta; D. D. Osborn, Jr., tin boxes of twelve tablet* cost Atlanta; W. VV. Benton, Atlanta; few cents. Druggists also sell Martini I, Atlanta; C. D. Bar- bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is,Atlanta; M. J. Yeomans, Daw tho trade mark of Bayer Manu-1 BOa * Ga * . „ facture of Monoaceticacidester of M. Sager, Atlanta; S. J. Eld- Wicylicacid.—(Advertisement.) «r. Atlanta; W. FI Kirby, Clove- , . - land, Tenn.; Dr. Dalsey Robinson Strflwhi»l*rip« nunri Mr and A - w - Freeman, and WraWDerneS »5UC quart Miss Dorothy W. Freeman. Char- tlge Cake 2dC lotu*; It. L. Wlllbanks, Atlanta OLD-ABNEY & CO. 8 H Fllnt Mt Alry - May 27.77: July 7; December 23.45. > 26.40'25.75 25,!»3 I 23.60 23.21 23.33 : i 23.17 22.80 22,l»4 : LIBERTY BONDS Third 4 l-4.s NEW YORK STOCKS FASHIONABLE WOMEN Demonstration All this Week Thia feature solves a corset problem tftat fa often preplexing EVCRSMOOTH ShM is *0 If* , ■ „ Sm«U a*** temp. Beyond Comparison Yhe Designers of the fascinating BON TON ComU have happily combined, In their latest conceptions, elegance with tilltjr at amlablt prices. The critics say that "tori ion ^CORSETS^. are incomparable. Yon will agree when you aee them. Do you realise that out of 24 horn you apend 12 of those hours In your corsets? How Important (hat you select the beet corset obtainable! Thia week la your importunity. Mmo. Holden, a prominent Corset Specialist .Is bare to advise professionally tho BON TON beat suited for YOU! The BON TON has always been Amer ica’s leading corset It still is. And there's a new invention, the "Medallion," on sev eral of tho BON TONS. It’s Impemtlve that every Stout Woman should come ten and see the “Medallion” dem onstrated. ‘ , A special demonstration all this week direct from the factors 1 '~comc m a ni ] lot our coraetlero talk over your coriot troubles. W.T. COLLINS, Inc.~ IT. X. Steel .. . Auntlii Nichols . Bethlehem Steel Southern ltallwa> Southern Hy. |»f«l A merle. American Sugar Kennlrott Ooppc Inti its trial A lcoh‘ N. Y. Central .. A me. Tel. Tel. WHEAT- Sept May July. CORN— Kept May July .. •. OATH— Sept May July 12014 120% 117»4 11*V* 122*i J23T4 110% 12214 123 non 444 4314 .43*4 Play At 4:30 On Wednesday, May 2 The Georgia-North Chrollna game will begin at 4:46 Wed nesday afternoon, allowing plenty of time for those at tending tho Bible conference to attend the game. The game is one of tho moat Important of the year for the Bed and Black. Tickets are 76 and 60 cents, now selling at Cost’s, Mother Of Athens Man Dies Monday Mrs. A. D. Upchurch, mother of Mr. C. L. Upchurch of this city, died In Raleigh, N, C., Monday night, after an Illness of only a few weeks. Mrs. Upchurch was eighty-five years of ago and was born and raised In Raleigh where she had many friends. 'Mrs. Upchurch Is survived by four sons and two daughters, 8. V. and W. It. Upchurch of Atlanta, C. L. Upchurch of Athena, and J. C. Upchurch of Raleigh Mrs. W. C. mil and Mrs. P. D. Willlls of Ral eigh. Funeral arrangements have no: yet been announced. Banncr-Hcrald Want Ad» (Too Late to Classify) I STRAYED OR STOLEN — COLLIE puppy, from 763 ^llledgu Avenue. Reward If returned to Howard T. Abney. I’hone 71 or 761. m2c Gl PHI BETH KJPPf Dr. Voorhees of New York City Speaks in Chapel. Tells What Phi Beta Kappa Is. At a special asssembly at the j University chapel Dr. Voorhees of New York city, told the Georgia students in an interesting address on the Phi Beta Kappa society a Dumber of noteworthy facts extoll ing the merits and purposes of this organization. Organized during the civil war for tn»* of scholar ships, Dr. VJoornees set forth the fact that the society has become one of the strongest national edu cational organizations that exists, a membership in which is a high ly coveted honor to any student- In explaining some of the prin ciples of the organization Dr. Voor hees declared that the student who Iv made high marks in college I failed to get anything else out of the University life was not the kind of man the society wanted for a member but that the fellow who makes an all rouno student, partic ipates in various college activites, stands high in the life of the Uni versity and gets the most out of his college career makes an ideal initiate for Phi Beta Kappa- He also brought out the fact that a student who failed to sur mount the requirements of , Phi Beta Kappa during his stay in school might not become discour aged but continue his study out of school in order that he could be come an alumni membe^ later on. . - ' ■ - TUESDAY,. MAY 1. mj. ! "Rampant Vice” Seen In Springfield,. Mass. SPRINGFIELD—William M. F grace, superintendent of the central western district ot Massachusetts Anti-Saloon L° a Kue, made public oplen of sample addidavits to cor roborate a statement on vice condi tions in Hpringfield, whih he'Is sued. In that statement he declared that liquor Is being openly sold over the and that gambling and other * are rampant nere. / Grandmother’s Garden May 7th, 8:30 P. M. COLONIAL THEATER Wonderful Productions A s an added attraction Dagmar Racltmanoss “In Her Russian Dancing" HARNESS REPAIRING We Repair Suit Cases and Leather Goods. We Make Dog Collars. Dog Harnett, Goat and Pony Harness, Men’s Leather Belts. GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT COMPANY Broad Streot Atheno, Ooorgl, Fresh Corn 50c dozen Beets in buiufnes lac Fresh Spinach . ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO. Sweet Potatoes 25c peck Small Yellow Squash Green Bell Peppers ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO. YOUR CONVENIENCE DEMANDS IT— Ik \ v i % ? n - \ r' There are many checking account, timable trouble transactions. advantages of n It saves you ines- n your business IT TELLS YOU JUST WHERE YOU STAND FINANCIALLY You realize this—then about all that’s left is the choice of a bank that provides strength, service and cour- dealing with you. YOU'LL BE SATISFIED WITH OUR SERVICE Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent AMERICAN STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve Corner Washington and College Avenue I 1 A FREE COOKING SCHOOL AND DEMONSTRATION The Great Majestic Range All. THIS WEEK » Don’t Miss This Opportunity to See Professor Becker, the World'Renowned Chef THE GREAT MAJESTIC THE RANGE WITH THE REPUTATION. The Majestic Range is not a steel range. It is made of Malleable and Charcoal iron; no puttied joints; no clay bricks to bum out; no flues to rust out. STOP—THINK—FIGURE—Not cheapest, but the Least Expensive. Your wife cooks a thousand meals a year. Your range is used more than all your other furniture combined. THEN WHY NOT BUY THE, BEST? The Majestic saves time, fuel, labor—REQUIRES NO BLACKING— MENU WEDNESDAY. J TO 5 p. M.—While Cake* without eggs; Jloney Cake* without Honoy and chi: Golden cakes, Moonlight Cakes, Layer Cakes, Rocky Mountain Cakes. Devil’s Food, Chocolate Filling . uml all kinds ot Frosting*. THURSDAY 3 TO 5 P. M.—BREAD DAY—Three-hour Bread Buns, Rolls, Parker Honan Rolls, English Cross Buns, Vienna Loaves. Vienna Rolls. Finger Rolls, Clnnainon Rolls, Oermkn Cottee Cakes, a Lost ot Bread that shines through three Umes at once. . . 4 ,1’esneMl FRIDAY 3 TO ! P. M. PASTRY DAY—Pie Crust, Lemon Filling, Cream Puffs, Chocolate Eclair, Spanish Putts, Neckties, Queen Victoria Afternoon Tea Rolls, Yellow Macaroons, English Putt Piste. SATURDAY 3TO 5 P. M.—MEAT DAY—Between 2 and 3 o'clock, Professor Becker will prepare a e7.nnrtnr.16 nooole. all In ono pan. in ono hour’s tlme. constsUng ot 8 pound roast, sweet potatoes, Irish Mtatoes narsnlpa with honeycomb dressing. 3 dozen baking powder blicults—and everything will hnvn w. own f£vor. From 3 to 4 o’clock Prof. Beoker will lecture on general cooking of meats, steaks, fowu nsh soops. TWs lecture will be wojth 126 to each lady present SPECIAL! SPECIAL All during tho above time H. I. Vickers, a special demonstrator direct from the Majestic factory, will be glad to show you all about these wonderful ranges. Show you why the Majestic is the best and cheapest range on earth at any price. COME IF YOU NEED A RANGE OR NOT •Know bowjthe oven Is heated. Know how the water is heated. Know why the Majestic uses less fuel. Know how the Majestic Is made, inside and out. Know how the Majestic fire box is made. Know all about tho Majeatic and why stove ex- perta'Wonounce It the best range on earth. “ ’ ^ Don't overlook tills chance to know. You arc urged to come at any timt and aee Mr. Vickers and LEARN about this GREAT RANGE all this week. You are under no obligation to buy. This is a school worth attending. What the Professor Does ” 3 Bake, all kinds of dainty paitrios, mixing every thing before your eyes And explaining each ingre dient as he goes along. Gives free lectures and practical demonstration on the art of economical cooking every day during the demonstration. Talks to the ladles, answers any questions con cerning cooking recipes of anything for the asking. Shows the ladles how to make cooking a pleas ure Instead of a burden, as moat people term It Serves all the dainty cakes. |n!fcct everythin* he hakes Is served the ladles present. Every lady In Athena and surrounding country should visit Hardy Hardware Company’s store dar ing this week and aee H. I* Vickers demonsrtatg the Great Majestic Range, Always somhthlng sew each afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. $15 Set of Fine Copper FRE£ With Each ' MAJESHC SOLD THIS WEEK HARDY HARDWARE COMPANY ' 361 East Clayton Street