The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, May 21, 1923, Image 2
PACE TWO THE DANWER-HERALP. ATHENS. GEORGIA MONDAY, MAY *1, 1923. Classified Advertisemtinls WANT AD RATES 2 Cents if Won! f Minimum Charga of 40 Canta Insertions. Seven times for the price of five insertions. All dieeontlnuances MUST t* made In . person at The Ban ner. Herald .Office or by letter. Telephone discontinuances era NOT valkbi 7C WANT AD- 7c 10 PHONE *0 BANNER.HERALD WANT ADS OIT RESULTS FOB RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED room, and kitchenette. All conven ■encee. On car line. clo«e In, Very desirable. Address S..' Box 3CC. m22c Lost And Found |XjOST — ON'R FEMALR POINTER. Wblto vitU liver spot*. Reward j $40.00. Joe Down* with' the Corbitt PTrtjek -Co. xn * 5 ° OST—ON R<*»AD ItRTWEEN Madl- ind Athons .Saturday p. m„ n lltumilo 'containing auto tent. Finder |swHI be rewaddod hy leaving same I •with C. $>• Campbell, 148 Milled*© [Terraco or phone No. 1615. mllp FOR RENT—NEW COTTAGE. three rooms and bath, all conveniences. On car line near Agr.. College. Cou- without children preferred, dress Cottage, Box 435. taZlc FOR.RENT—S ROOM HOUSE, TWO baths, furnished. Phone 1660-W or apply 840 West Hancock Ave. m2 Ip FOR RENT-8 ROOM HOUSE. TWO ‘ baths, furnished. Possession Ju|y 1st. Phone 15W-W or apply 840 West Hancock Avenue. m21p FOR RENT-JUNfe THE 1ST, MY garage apartment;^two rooms, en closed porch, kitchenette, with ga» stove, hot and cold water; one bed, furnished. Water and lights free. Phone 770, M. M. Arnold, 1182 Mll ledge Avenue. m21c FOR RENT — HOUSE. CORNER Meigs and-Church Streets. A. H. Davison. m23c. TEN GEORGIA MEN ABE AWARDED T Smallest Number of Play ers in Years Receive “G” As Members Champion ship Team. Only ten Georgia frawbill play* a were awarded letter* for play during ihe noson that'closed with the Mercer game Saturday, Thla I> probably tho smallest' number of f\ * V'' pluy« s ev?r uwarUed n “<Y’, rer- 3at»ib|i4 TlorcbJnb of Commerce, died* at the driving theHignoftaj and had A\ residence tfunday afternoon at 5:40 o’clock, .Funeral . service*. were inducted Monday morning a * TO o’clock at Cabin Creek church. In terment was in the church ceme tery with Jiernaleln rDothers, funer al directors, in charge. The little child is survived by Its parents, six sisters and two brothers. Prohi Director Catches Agents Receiving Bribe NATIONAL LEAGUE Club: W. L.Prt N.w yofk 22 s 17 24 WANTED-HELP WANTED—Boy about 14 years old to deliver pa pers. Apply Banner-Her ald Office. JX)ST—BROWN FOX FUR SUNDAY either on TaUassoe Rd.. Mitchell’s Rrldffo Rd., or Prince Ave. Phone 1793 or Nettle Tolbert, Maysvllle, JJa. Reward. ni23p ilOST—GERMAN POLICE DOO. Fe- •» male. Answers to name of *'Fldge. M Howard if returned to 247 Prince Ave. m23p FOR RENT — TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Very desirable. 1323 So. Lumpkin Street. in23c FOR RENT-TWO * APARTMENTS on Baxter St. Immediate possession.^ E. G. Fambrough. 211 8-u. Mutual' Jildg., Phone CIO. , , m?3<- FOR SALE SLANTED—COMPETE NT COOK tor •unall family; Must be experienced and able to give reference#. Apply llar.Rer'Icnhi or phone 1165-J. mllp (WANTED—TO BUY WATER TANK, COO to 1.000 galion capacity. Box jn, Colbert. Qa. m21p BARN |15.00-$50.00 WEEKLY AT homo, steady work. No canvasxlng. Writing show cards for us. No ex perience necessary. We Instruct you by' correspondence. Write for partic ulars and terror. Sho-Rlte Sign Sys- tetn. 903 • Sho-Rlte Bldg., Detroit, Mich. rot7c ^PTANTED—MAN WITH CAR TO aril guaranteed Cord ‘ tire*. Will Ivnutge salary and expense with t man. Lakeside Tire and Rub- Company, 167-112 W. Quincy ’Street, Chicago, Illinois. mllp Wanted pOR RENT—One apartment In do- rabel location. 247 Mllledge Ave. of th« Phone 1246. m23c. ‘ WANTED — MANDOLIN. GUITAR Oytd Ukelele pupils wanted. Miss tlafdee Martin’will open a studio In tfcene about June 4th and will teach Mandolin, Hawaiian Guitar, Plain jOitfUr, Tenor Banjo and Ukelele. For njffjUier Information, address J. L. Morris Musle Shop, Lumpkin Street. jlc BpSo-FEW BOABDBII8 IN k private family. R»«ms cool and jtemn, good table, |2t per month. 414 feist Dougherty. mllp u \ xTED—TWO FURNISHED bad- rooms and Jdtfbenette for couple §MJ| .two boys fifteen and seventeen* old. Address A. M. S'.ngletary,' Bbmdm Florida. m*7p For Rent—Rooms KENT—JUNE 1ST 4 fumlahed >n, «n<T board. , block, from rfleo, m IV. Hancock Annuo. I in». m22o HENT-BlX BOOM HOUSE. fumUhed or unfurnl.hcd, wlih two > room*. Houae on Cobb Btnot. I 1407-3. m2to — HERE AT LAST A "BILLY” SUNDAY Itaik—Th. first and only one of Its kind—full of "pep” from cover to cover—rtohly Illustrated. A golden opportunity for agents. If you arp a live-wire and want to act as. our agent—send ll.oo for sample copy and Instructions. The Prudential Publishing Co., Knoxville, Tenn. m23r. taltily for a chnmpli>nshl|> One full train and nn extra pitchci thnt completes tiio roster. tho awards were'made fn Afa* con Saturday night when the cap* tain was selected. Those to receive letters arc a** follows: Hale uiul Chambers pitchcrn, Pow- er, catcher; Thomason, first base; Watson, second base; Allen, short stop; Mlddlehrooks, third bane; R|. dr.'dgo, left field, Clarke* centei field and Katus^y, right field. Pantone is a letter man on the squad who did not pitch in but two games during the year while Harper is another letter man on the squad. FOR SALE-ONE BUSHEL CANE Seed. Apply Banner-Herald Office. FOR SALE-PURE PORTO RICAN Potato Plante. Disease free .and treated. Nice large plants. Cofer Seed Store. Phone 247. m21e FOR SALE — MAN'S WARDROBE trunk, brand new, cost $40, Will sell for $20. W. L. Cose, phone 1351. m21p FOR 8ALE—Boston Bull Terrier pup pies. Sire. Billy XL. Dam, Sugar Goes. OB., Idlewood Billy Raffle-. Maeeaolt Little Boy. GD., Princess Pat. XXIV. Maaaasott Queen. Phone SI4-J. *n22p FOR SALE—EGGS FOR HATCHING from pure Black Minorca pens $1.00 for fifteen. Phone 1165-J. m2tp WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED Ford care that are eepecfafly good values: Speedster, with starter, near ly new Ford Coupe* rebuilt ton truck and 1IS1 touring, atarter. The prices can will Interest you. C. A. Trussed Motor Co., Ford, Fordson and Lincoln. m21c In the District Court of the United States for ths* Northern District of Georgia. In re: Brad berry A Owen Co.. W. L. Brad berry and W. H. Owens, Bank rupt, No. I46S In Bankruptcy. A petition for discharge having been filed In conformity with law by above-named bankrupt, and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on June 23. 1923. at' ten h'clock A. M.. nt the Unltdd States District Court room. In the city of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice Is hereby given to all creditors and other persons In Interest to appear at said time and place and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt tor discharge should not be granted. O. C. FULLER. Clerk. RAILROAD SCHEDULES SEABOARD AIR LtNB RV. i AUonta-Monroo local «:1S * > AU.-Blrmlniham-M.m. 1:11 p *:40 p Norfolk-Rlch.-N. T. 1:2* p ) AlL-Abbrnrlll, local T:M a 1:21 P AtL-BIrmtngham 6:2* a I I p Nortolk-YVa,hIn,ton C:2» a 1:24 p Ynimlnston-N. T. i:2* a •EOREIA RAILROAD * 24 am Ml pm CENTRAL OF BBOROIA' RV. , > Contra! , Depart for Macon 7:M a. m. * 4:4S p. m. Arrlro from Macon 12:10 p. m. 1:30 p. m. For further Information phono J. T. Broco, C. A.. «<0. i -—* GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY Schedules Lanwe r Atflsne Arrive 7:45 A. M.* 65:20 P. M. l».45A.M.66r - 6Slf;10 A* J • Dally. 60 Daily Except Sunday. SOUTHERN RAILWAY 'Effective Sunday, April 29, 1§2L No C leaves A tin rives Lula 9:20-a. : No. 8 leaves Athene 4:16 p. m.» ar- ves Lula 5:45 No. 7 leaves Lula 6:56 p. m., arrives Athens 8:30 p. m. * H ' 5 leaves Lula 10:10 6. # Athens Jl:45 a. m. D. MILLER, CL A., Athena, Oft# TsA—hone $U prll 29, 1923. 7:45 a. m* ap-' DlJl* Boy Play Suita , —»2i0 to 33.70 BaaebalW ...15o to 11,71 Bathing Bulta 32.00 to 33.50 Bathing Capa ... ...700 Tennla lUcketa . .32.75 to 31000 Union Hardware Bkatoa.. .32.00 Fairy Velocipede, 39.00 to 317.00 State Mobile* ... .30.73 to 37.70 Pedal Skip. 08.00 to 00.50 Bloyele, Motarcyol. and Auto- mobllo Tire Pumpa Repaired. ATHENS CYCLE CO. BETTER SHOE REPAIRING HOFMEISTER SHOE 8HOP Phone Your Ordtdr lit* Wo Call For and Deliver. J3. KAY -THE tMILINO PAINTER- Fine Painting and Interior Decorating Phone .1297, Athept, Ca. SUMMER TERM AUSTIN Eminent Violin 255 Lumpkin St. Phone 86I-W. Strapper Quits i At Mercer; Will | Enter Business ! , • MACON, Ga.—Amiounrrment h.*»t ; been made by Aasislanl tJoaih Kv- j erett Ktrut-her, of Mercer Uuiver- j slty, that In* will tender his retdg- j nation, to take ftferd when hf.d term ! hun expired. Tide means that ho i will not return to Mercer next 'fall I It Is understood that he will lo- j cate permanently In Atulnta, hav* • ing accepteil a position with the Proctor A Gamble Company. Strapper canto lo Mercer - hud year and couched the bnek/ichl of he football teuni. lie waa popular with the students arid had been frequently mentioned a.n head coach. lo oucceed Josh Cody who resign-1 ed to become assistant coach ai | Vanderbilt. He was for three years the un-j anlmous election of halfback on th* t ll-Sotithcrn because of hia fine* work with the Georgia Tech foot- 1 ball team. He was also selected 1 on the mythical all-American team! year. ^Chicago 'Cincinnati .1. 13 15 Brooklyn 13 16 Upi-.fnri 12 15 - Philadelphia 8 18 SOUTHERN LEAGUE New Orleans 19 11 Chattanooga 16 13 Nashvilld 16 13 Mobile' 15 13 Atlanta 15, 1C Memphis 13 14 Birmingham 13 17 Little P,ock 9 19 SOUTHERN LEAGUE Birmingham 1: NanhvJlle 3. Atlanta 0; Chattanooga 7. Little Bock 2; New Orleans 3. Memphis 5; Mobile 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE Cldcngo 2; New York 3. Dt troll 1; Philadelphia 8. Cleveland 1; Boston 0. Washington 8; Nt. Louis.9. NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn 6; Cincinnati 3. New York 14; nt. Louis 4. Only games scheduled. (fly Associated Pr<W) ATLANTA, Gfrk4-Fedemi Prohi bition Director-Dlsmuke announced ,-lhat hr. And two agents had arrest ed Chief of Police Tom Smith of , Pearson county, Deputy Sheriff J. J. Starling: and W. C. Davis, J. R. J Osteen, residents of Pearson, on a 'cnarge of accenting money from li- t quor runners in return for free [passage. I)hector Dismtike declare® thht and the two agents witnesse< ildcn Holcomb, eighteen-month! the passage of money between th: old daughter of Afr. and Mrs. Lon prohibition agent and the man • 733 Little Daugfiter of Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb nr r\* „ | miecior i/ismuxe uecianm xn«i vJl Commerce lites ho and the two agents witnessed Atlanta nt Chattanooga. Birmingham at Nashville. Little Hock nt New Orleans. Memphis at Mobile. AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington at St Louis. Philadelphia at Detroit. Ne\v.y°rk at Chicago. Boston at Cleveland. NATIONAL LEAGUE . Pittsburg at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at Uoaton. at. Louts at New York. Panione Leaves For Youngstown; Will See Reese £ 5t y Court Began May Term Monday IN FOREIGN LANDS TINTED TRAVELS Sketches by L. W. Redncr. Verses by Hal Cochran. Color the picture with paint or crayons Bip.n afreetdd. He stated that the m^n , were] taken to Wareros,. where .tne' hea#S|g tor bh held Monday afternoon. : TEXAS KAIHO STATION HEARD OFF CEYLON, 11,000 MILFS HARTFORD, Conn.-- Announce ment w*s made here that A ama teur' wireleM station had succeed ed in tranemitting signal, approxi • mutely half way around the wo(ld, establishing a new long distance record. A ship operator reports he heard the" station operated by E. W. Rouse ft Galveston when he was 100 miles southeast of Ceylon in tho Indian Ocha:i. a distance of 11,000 miles. 5C BANNER-HERALD’S 5c E. Children’s Movie Coupon Thia coupon and 6 cents will admit any dtlth; under 12 years of ago to the Palace or Elite Theatres any day during the w eek of .May 21. (except Saturday) as thu guest of tho Ban- nor-Herald. Banner-Herald Coupon Good Only This Week, |day 21st. TCTM, fridges ihat are spacious and \\/ Willi trees along ihe shore— W The !2iYeT Thames Iras 'besulv 41tat I Il's long 'beem, nrioted fbr*— . lBgr)Sor)jS ^Bread. GOOD'BREAD MADE ''"™CRIS00' WI 'MJI.K PURE AND SPARKLING NATURE'S BEST REMEDY No othor water hut the wonderful taste, the Invigorating feel ing that It lakvee ofter each glass full—lt # * delightful, yea It’a— LINTON SPRINGS WATER Drink It All Year 'Round—But Especially In 8orlng and Sum mer—PHONE B5 V Linton Springs Water Company ( Office Broad ttreet # Cftv court began sessions for the M»y term Monday morn in p 1 with .ludge .1 D. Bradwall presid ing. The civil docket was taken up first. CUff Pantone, until this Reason stellar pitching aco on the Georgia baseball team but who has been suffering with a bat) arm all ne^i* non, han gone to Youngstown, O. for a consultation with Boneaettei Reese, the celebrated hone special liit of that place. Pantone hnpea to have his am* rounded Into nlmp« before nexl Mekaon and lit taking every pre caution. He la one of the moul ^ r a„ , 3Tr;T„iuV h *.h.r i - •>- • STOPS HACKING COUGH ”IIad a hacking cough for yean ml Foley’s Honey and T«r l« ttu i7 'T“,‘ j°nly remedy that reached my coygh ® ^ . I l.m.w n/.t ttmwn *■*!•*. I- meant that Halo and Chamberr had to carry tho burden of pitching work for Georgia. Read Herald Want Ads. wrltea Mrs. K. 61. Doby, Aa bury Park, N. J. Oougha, CnldM. Croup. Throat, Cheat and Bronchial trouble are quickly relieved with Fdley's Honey and Tar. Contnlm no opiates—Ingredients printed on the wrspper. Largest selling cough medicine In ths World.—Advertise ment. I EVERETT TRUE By, Condo Business for, the Long Run ilJU) i I 1 It // 'i; )l*i The truth about anything requires a certain perspective. If viewed too closely, even a masterpiece cannot be understood or appreciated. It takes a certain distance to bring out its values. This is especially true in building a business, and in using advertising as one of the means of building it.. The clear vision comes only with the con sideration of what is best in the long run. One season’s business may be- ab normally large or abnormally small- duo to conditions over which the owners of the business have no con trol. To consider the business itself as safe and sound just because, at a cer tain season, the orders are coming in, is often a dangerous fallacy, far more threatening to the eventual welfare of the business than a season of slow business that rfiakes it difficult to keep going. During tflie past few years economic conditions have combined to proVe the fallacy of a hand-to-mouth policy of manufacturing ami marketing, always 'at tlie mercy of market fluctuations, with the manufacturer helpless to in- -fluence his market. And, on the other hand, these conditions have proved the wisdom of considering the long run and making all plans in accordance with that view. Today, as a result of recent eco nomic changes, and of lessons severely learned, tens of thbusands of dealers, *»f In in every line of merchandise, are giv ing a new emphasis to their preference for lines of merchandise that are trade- |Ej? marked and adequately advertised by. 1 > the manufacturer. The public, during the period of minimum sales, demon strated its preponderant preference. . for advertised goods, and the dealers 1 will not dti otherwise than accept the situation and build their business for the future in harmony with it. . - , Thousands of manufacturers who ' today are lacing a shortage of demand * for their product, and who see what *j|j demand there is going to competitive ;.*■■■ manufacturers who have insured their own market by means of advertsiing, '*? are now looking to advertising as the logical key to future selling success. It is highly important then, in seek- ing to apply the force of advertising, /' that it be considered not as a ready - made cure-all for sales inactivity, but as a permanent factor in business i ] building. 1 * * ' '' ■ Every advertising plan that can lay claim to wisdom or hope for long run effectiveness requires ‘ three things: First, to determine what are, unques- r tionably, the best objectives for the business in the long run. Second, j j what are the best, means, all told, of obtaining those objectives. Third, how }. and to what extent advertising can be assigned its rightful place among and in relation to those means. Published by The Banner-Herald in co-operation with The American Association of ^Advertising Agencies f/OT i jgdT * V -‘i