The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 17, 1923, Image 2

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    't' 1 !*4 Has!
:daily proof
? Of ''
Corona Durability
fftimaus cartoonist
^endorses Corona
“I Rave given up the uste
ofsa large machine en-
$ ‘ f *•# l .i
tiijiy arid do all my
work on a Corona.”
1 ’ Greatest Nations i
Sold, By
McGregor qo.
LONDON—A moat interesting
| and Instructive pnperAras read be-
! f».,u il.o ,InU» national Atr Con*
j gress, recently in session in Lon*
by UrlBiulIcr-aeneral F. H. I Not that It would fi**o made
NvmlamMn, ** the .lighted difference. yet
Hairdressers Refuse To
Ban Bobbed Hair; Return
Of Style Is Seen Here
Anderson Plumbing Co.
f Good Mechanics
Good Material
Beat Prices
Phflne 1110 40 W. Clayton
Funeral Chapel
Hancock and College
Dempeey. pitches headlong, through the ropes ento the shoulders of Kid McPhartland,
es of the fif ht sitting at the rhigside. This \va« in the first round of the fight after I
one of the
footed Firpo three times The blow that sent Den,p;;ey through the ropes was n terrific right high on
the side of the jaw, which come in rapid succession niter a similar blov. Had Kirpo landed either of
these bTowr. on th.2 “butten' he would have been the new heavyweight champion of the world. As it was
the bell (Killed the round a few, seconds alter and Dempsey knocked out Fi*» ir» the second round.
Large Grid
Squad At W. & L.
48 89
W. L.
92 46
71 62
... ? 67 62
. 67 61
64 70
Taxi Service
Day and Night
New ork
T’T {« l vein ml
LEXINGTON, a.—At the begin* , Dotrok ...
nlmt of €!•** wee* <n practlr* on l tit. Louie
Wilson rfbld, a constantly growing J Washing
squad of some hundrea and ten J Chlwign 59 73
men are working out under Conch | Philadelphia 56 74
Smith and Davis ir Boston 53 78
preparation for the stiff schedule* j - —«—.
lute 1.1,., W.t.hir.gtun and L* NATIONAL -LEAGUE
football teams, freshmen and var* , W|
ty. New York 87 51
Nine letter mnn from the 192' J Cincinnati 83 5S
and 1922 teams have already re* t Pittsburg 81 07
turned: Captain Gnmeron, Frew Chicago — 74 6 P »
Hamilton. MeMItlnq and Tuchkei j 8t. Louis 72' 67
In the bnckfleld. Tom Bemls nni j nrooklyn C7 \o
Kay Thomas, ends, and Tex Tiison | i-wimueiiuila i5 e*
and DotiK Pemla. v*-*itvj »l«emfn ^Boston 43 2
Terry, varsity center. Is the only} SUNDAY’S RESULTS
Other leter man cxnected to ro }
turn. Halfback /Jimmie Thomas ,
!* not returning ns had been j
More than half of the squad of i
hundred' and teh unen arc cnndl
dates for the freshman team. Fron
tt^ last year’s freshman squad and
( the British government.
General Willi* nwou*. predicted
that the United 8t:*es, Canada,
the West Indies and other parts oi
the North American continent
would soon be linked up by all
ujth Great Britain Connecting ah
Hues would also run to Egypt, In
dia. Thr Straits Settlements. Aus
tralia. New Zealand, nnd Africa
•'It Is not rash rj predict/’ said he,
••that the next generation will hoi
Its railways nnd Ita steamships sup
plemented by a complete system o‘
communication by air."
General Williamson said the
Cairo-Bagdnd air mall service, now
• n operation, saved 20 nays over th<
old land route which ran via Bom
bay, Karachi and the Persian Gulf.
the mall planes covered the 85C
miles In n single day. •
Discussing the ^future * of nun
transport by air/' the speaker said
thnt the conveyanc* of the whol<
of the mail* by nlr was an unlike
ly development unless and until
there Is a very marked change in j
the cost of air transport, and In the ‘
financial limitations under which
postal services are compelled
work, limitations which require
.some sort of proportion betweer
t lie |M>btage charged and the cost o'
transport. »
“Moreover.” the Genera! added
“an essential condition of mall ser*
vice Is regularity under all condl*
* — i tions, In all weathers, and at al*
New York 'Americans cracked hi? I tiiucu of the year. It Is commonly
37th home run of the season Sun* \ nssumer that if a method of truns
day and for the fourth time thit | ix»rtir.g mails can be devised which
year tied Cy Williams of the Phll-*j !s considerably more rapid, even 1
ndelpbla Nationals, who is leading I more expensive, thnh anything nl
in home runs in thaf league. | ready in existence, there is nn Im-
... • Ituth, during the week, got thro. I mediate public demand thnt It be
* home runs while Williams cracked used for the carriage of mails
lout two circuit clouts on tbe«**?tc There Is, of course, some truth ir
p ct I day. Kenneth Williams of the 3t j this; but the experience ‘^e post
.667 L° ul s Americans was third In the j ‘
533 !bt °f home run sluggers of the | attached^ to
.51! I two •faRues with 28 to his credit
,511 j aid Fournier of the Brooklyn Na-
.477* tlonn,s was fourth with 20..
.447 | L* ;, dlng home run hitters of th<
.431 i Uvo ^ e,, R UOs Including those with ll
.40:i ,r more to their credit, follow:
i American League
luth. New York, 37; Williams St
ffice Indicates that the Importance
ttached to the mere of mai
ommunlcatlon can easily be ex
It is probable, therefore, |thn‘
for a long time to come air math
must be limited to urgent corres
pondence on which a special fee
Is charged, nnd thnt such corres
pondence will only be a relatively
'*-* « 1 Lnti'a *»*• i/eiimn-- ’ tw ’ V." T* small fraction of the total mall
L - Prt :' Sr i.h 1C ! The actual volmno of air mall car-
1 rile,l „ .. i! 1 *' 1S L nro " cr 'It’ll will depend on Hirer factor.
'“I ", 1‘J. ?r", ker : C°velan<l ; |r (B ularlt>-, sain In time, and co,t ol
8,7 H. McManua. St Lonl. 14. ,„„veyanee: that 1«. exactly the
• M! N , V*?? 1 ".. Uinia condition, a. those on which
• f,1P * h^delph.n 3,; Four*; llie development of passenger and
•W . ’ J lroo, dyn. -0; Mcusel, New j ,. ooda traffic will depend, ami #*>
n2 !; crk; 1 ": Homsbv. Leu!- 27 wmcii the technical development ol
,3 2? ; .Mi.Ier, Chicago ic. ^ 4 commercial aviation must be dl-
Yellow Cab Co.
" PHONE 66
IV. L. Pet.
New Orleans L 89 53, .627
MoWle ..v 85 63 .574 j
.Memphis 74 68S .528
Atlanta 74 7 1 * .50® i-
nirmlngh.1nr, *72 70 .B07.| RUTH WHACKS
N« n hbound R»uthbotmd
I a Atlanta-Muitro* !n«-a| f:i$ p
>:<> b AtJ.*IHrmir;nam*Mem. 1:12 p
Norfolk-p.*.:h.-N. T. 3:11 p
A tl.* Abbe villa local 7:30 ■
Atl.* Birmingham S:t9-a
Norfolk-Washington K:2f a
Wllmlngton-N. Y. 6:23 *
Artier Depart
1:20 am
8:21 pm
*41 g
7:53 a
11:24 »
11:24 p
.11:24 p
7:10 gm
13:10 pm
•f.y. Bolton. AgenL Phone 1661
, Central of Georgia Station
impart for Macon ft 24 a. tn.
J 4:45 p. m. -
a»nve from Macon 12:1# p. m.
A 8:30 p. ro.
%'S further information phone
• J. Y. Broca, C. A.. 64A
varsity scrubs thore are quite
number of promising men, men
who should be able to step Int
the shoes of the missing veteran:,
without n great deni of trouble:
Dawson. McVey. retry, Wilson
Burke. Ingram .and several other*
•n the bnckfleld; Davis, Poole Sc" |
born. Lewds on the flnnks. nnd It*
the line. Board. Daugherty, Rtem-
nmna. Bernhelm, Budnlck. Hfcph-
ens. Hatcher Hawkins nnd h num
ber of others.
Mobile -2-3; Chattanooga 1-3.
Nashville 2*3; New Orleans 3-2.
Birmingham 0; Memphis 2.
Only thrto played.
Cleveland 2*2; New York 4*3.
CG. Lonl'i 7: Wcshlngton 3.
Only two played.
Boston 4; Cincinnati 7
New York 10; Chicago 6.
St. Loii'h 3; Philadelphia 2.
Only three played.
Little Bock at Atlanta, 2 games
Only two games scheduled,
Chicago at Boston.
St. Louis at Washington.
Detroit at Philadelphia.
Cleveland at New York.
Nc w -York at Chicago,
r-hllrfdolphla nt gt. Louis.
Bnrtoh at Pittsburg.
Only three scheduled.
59 .87
GOTHENBEKO, Sweden — The
flrnt International aviation meet
In Europe since the war Is now op
;jen In this city, bringing togethe
in peaceful competition filers nm'
exhibitors from countries thnt flv*
yenHi ago were at war. Thus der>
(By Associated Press) muny is rcpreeenisd n» well a-
ATLANTA.—"Where n person. France, England and the United
w.1l< knov.l-ilgo that Hr,.,or contains, Th * n . ^ J . u ”' ,l
tin polsonoua anil deleterious in- tlctpatlntr nrr Holand.ewltierlnnd
prniiUinf , . . . Denmark, Norway, nnd Sweden
erodlent ktiown as vvood elcohol, j „ c , Blu Iuly . „nd' Cseeko-Blova-
furnkhea same to another. or |kla . Ev.n eueh fat away Mate, a
p.ncos It where he knows that such Columbia nnd Slam are taking 4
cthfy* persons will find It and drink part. Great Britain's interest l»
It. that person Is liable for the wii-l shown by the personal visits o'
j ful nnd Intentional injury of the j General Brnnckner, Director , ol
| victim, tho Georgia Court of Ap-' Civil Aviation, who frtw from Eng*
peals Saturday held In granting! to Sweden, and Sir Samue'
Mrs. Katherine Bristol. oLBaltl- Hour®, the British Air Minister,
more, a new trial of her 8150,000} mm
damage suit against John Kelley,i COWS ADDICTED TO
Atlanta capitalist. NARCOTICS MAY BE
Mrs. Bristol charged that Kelley} ARRESTED IN MONTANA
I’Od furnished her with Hqucc con-*' HELENA, Mont.—A cow, or any
mining wood alcohol, while In a • ether animal, which becomes addict
Baltimore apartment rented by the, " 1 to the V arc0 } c , h “ blt Mon '
.... ... . * infill mn v hit nV 'Aatod ntfn . nnn •
Atlanta man, whlth resulted In
. , , , _. , afii«*<i in me nine miuiuuiuiii unci
part!.; loss of he-sleht. The rale , Vonounced cured by the phyalcl
[ra. dreWed asalnst the plaintiff „ n , ln charg<> according to a ne«
I In Fulton Superior court. October, I * t nte law.
11021, but nlm later was granted a ] The new law, legislators say, 1:
Athens women and girls will
bo Interested to learn that tho
National Hairdressers A*so-
c at ion has decided not to place *
the ban on bobbed hair.
Bobbed hair Is here to stay,
think tho hairdressers who be
long to the National Associa
tion, and those who do not be-
I ig to that particular organi
zation generally. Why shouldn’t
bobbed hair stay? It was the
rage a few months agft, among,
young girls. Now It lias struck
the older girls and married
women right between the eyes.
One week here more than two
G'osen married women bad their
hair bobbed and the* number
Increases daily.
Bobbed hale Is becoming as
stable ns the permanent wave,
although It Is/even hinted, the <
straight bobbed hair has caus
ed some girls to seek. having
the permanecy taken out of
the wave. The only trouble lies
in the swiftly changing stylo of
bobbed hair! Tho women,
those with bobbed hair, are
viewing with alarm flio fact
that milady Is liable at any
day be forced to visit the hair
dresser again to have the bob
changed from a Gloria Swan
son to a Japanese and then to
the very latest thing, whatever
it may be.
Whether bobbed hal^ adds
or detracts to tho apperanco
of a girl is an individual ques
One hair goods magnzlno
blossoms out with tho follow
ing effusion: ^
“Little Miss Muffet said, 'Oh!
how tough It
Is to havo scant string linlr,
The longer 1 fuss It.
The more I do muss It,
O, dear, what a helpless af
"Little Eliza was very much
She went to a beauty store,
A bob just reviser her.
The boys admfred her.
And now she Is lonesome no
There are three kinds
bofof now In vogue, according
to the information gleaned
,‘iurn iocai hairdressers who
aro initiated into the myster
ies of that hair-bobbing propo
sition. Tho first is the Gloria
Swanson bob. This, as wo.un
derstand It. whether we can
explain It or not. is short in
front and long in tho back, so
that the wearer may do with
tho hack of the head what sho
The second is the Japancso
bob. which Is bangod and cut
straight and square after the
manner of the Mlng-Toy char
acter. A
Then there Is the nowest
thing, which Is real short in
tho back, almost as short as a
man’s hair, and then long In
front, which we would judge,
thought there isn't much toll
ing, to be the exact opposite
of Number 1.
The hair which Is amputated
at the barber chair Is utilized
to make switches of so when
the mind of the bobco changes
she can don the hair-net, stick
the switch Inside it, and ; Pres
to! she has long hair again.
Tho reporter, always .inter
ested In the conversation of
the opposite sex, Inquired what
tho llttlo dears talked about
when tho operation was being
performed. "Nothing,” was the
resiKMse. “They are speech
►Husbands arc allowed the
usu of this professional secret
at no* • additional . cost. Hair
bobbing will keep the wife
qulot, and so when planning to
come in about 3 o’clock In
the shank of the night, a pair
of shears would not be amiss.
Ihxt for Jiidfos nfftf mew,.,.;,
with the excep'^n or , •
president one propj^R.,,^
of tho supreme courSfcceotln?]
would bo made for D^STa,!. „ u*
, biter,, tho,< privy councillor, ao j
officials anpolntc.r ““
tho emperor, all of whom arc' ...
excluded from the use limit
Professors of imperial. unl'vi„i
tics would ccino under tho mono,
cd age limit. Y3Mo< 1 m “
Amnisfa Birth Rate i
Far Below Normal in
Year 1923, Report^
AUGUSTA. Ga.—Augusta's hlnh
rate for the year 192:1 fs far Lelow
normal, according to figures 0 h-
tjined from the city health depart.
JAPANESE WOULD LIMIT AGE I mrnt. The births r,•poll'd , „
OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS TO 83 date total 896, whllo the dealt,
. TOKL—The government has total 784. According to niurn« ts”
drafted nnd submitted to the throne i birth rate should nVertigo 27’ p,,
for sanction regulations concern- 1 thousand, but 1 the hlrthe thus f ar
Ing the ngo limlf lor government: tills year average' only 21 ner
officials nt Ifcge. The bill Is TbI thousand.
be offered to tho Privy Council] «i 1
for consideration at a special ses-1 FOR THE 8MALL MISS
slon. Tho question has been ill,* j Bloomer dresses * for the rmal!
cessed by several cabinets hut nl- t rlrl from 2-to 6 are dir two.tone)
ways has, been pigeonholed. The j effects, the bloomers lisnally In tne'
ago limit proposed by the gov-1 lighter shade with cuffs matrlilg.
eminent Is 63 yenrs, tho same as the dress.
After Every Meal
CHICAGO—nabe Ruth of the!?™’ nn,r nffnwo <! <° croeml her * the reeult of a clerical error madff
. I*relr.-nt!nn |CAtf e y tt attorneys Up- *“ -»-*-'•— **-
i Schedules Effective
V t September 9th. 1923
N<rJ2 Leaves Athens for Gaines
Villa l a. m.
Noi, 12 Leaves Athens tor
Gainefrille 11:15 a. nt.‘
No.^ 1 Arrives Athens from
Gainesville 6:00 p. m.
11 AiTives Athens from
Gainesville 10:40 a. m.
Effective Sunday, April 29, 192
No. 4 leaves Athens 7:45 a. m.. ar-
ri)« p tul» 8:20 a. m.
No. 8 leaves Athens 4:1S p. m.. ar-
rftre* Lola 1:41 p. m. -
No. : leaves Lula 6:55 p. ro., ar-
r!v m Athena 8:26 p. m.
No. t leaves Lula 10:10 a. m., ar-
.MILLER, C. A., Athene. Oe.
Read Bancr-Horald
Want Ads.
In the cloning days of the session
nn amendment, Intended
strengthen the anti*r.nrcotic law
was tacked onto the Inw provid
ing for the condemnation of stock
driven insane by the eating of locr
Speaking of Altitude Records
No othor water has the wondtrful taste, the Invigorating feel
ing that it leaves after each glass full—It's delightful, yes It's—
Orlak it All Vtar ’Round—But E,|t*el,ily la (Bring and Bum-
m«r—PHONE 98
Linton Springs Water Company
•> ..... ,■ :M
^ ' * - noon
y , * , * - , *
This will include the National Hor and Cattle Show, bringing
together the largest assemblage of Purebred Live Stock wC be
seen in the South.
Every phase of Agriculture and Industry will be presented
revealing the great resources of the country. j h '
Judging contests and the work and activities of the Yoting
People’s Clubs will be featured.
Atlanta’s Seventy-fifth Birthday wiH be celebrated with a
gigantic Fireworks Display. ^ ft ^
The Royal Scotch Highlander’s BancT with twenty-five mem
bers to furnish music. ;ii. . baiiiir*.
Racing every afternoon—pacing, trotting and running. Gham-
• pionship Auto Races on opening day.
A Midway and Amusements surpassing any pre\Hous fam^
A big Premium List. Low rates of Fare on all railroads.
.V 4
Secretary, f u