The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 17, 1923, Image 3

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    _. E tt-mooney
N EWNAN ., ;;
h(imc weeding . of unusual
.,„j mSrkW simplicity was
of Mss Mary .Mooney to Mr
- \V Kverett. of-Athene, which
\rilzed at the home of th«
rents on Saturday, Sep-
<r i,t. at 6:20 o'clock,
j, Krofer, of Atlanta, whi
I t i„. I,ride's parent* in mar-
performed the Impreeelvo
lonv la the presence of thi
j y ami a few; intimate friends
„ house was beautifully nnd
tlcaity decorated, a color
me „f pink nnd irreen beln#
pd out most effectively. In
Heins room. AS. Improvised nl-
draped with smllax nnd
- . • ' ••
tlON'DAY. SF.PTFM HF.It 17, 1021
were given In Mrs. Everett's iron- to Mr. Allen Woodall °* c ° lu ."'‘
or _, hUA.wUl. bP. 5. lovely .social .evcilt
Among the out-of-town guVetr of the 20th. The pre«y b a . r ‘>
were Mrs. R. T. Mormand, Mist will be one of the brightest ofthe
Claudle Lamb, Mr. R. A. Childs, many charming courtesies extenu
has b«ni her* for several days, call
ed ■ inf (he 3 ihi&s 0>i t&ft} CandLr
* i... «t
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W Holme*, of Ma
eon: ML* Ruth Tlbbett*; ML* »
Marle Tlbbetta, ML* Mary Fran- BRIDGE CLUB TO W61t
era Everett and Mr Estes Everett WITH MRS. E. F. PO«T*K
a ... ... .. . e. .__ _s .. n E< Dnrtav Will ent
of Athena; ML* Howard Darden,
ding party. —
ed with pink asters
Preceding the ceremony, Mra
Fahy Mooney aang “At Dawning,'
run wno. — —
Mra. E. F. Porter will entertain
her bridge club very Informally
this evening extending the usual
lovely hospitality 1 of her attractiv*
Miss Sarah Reid left Sunday for
Quitman where she will teach this
Mias Louise Hayes of Montezuma
arrive* Wednesday to vi*lt Mrs
Merritt Pound.
Cryetal ba.ket. fill- PLAYFOLK NOTEWORTHY
banked the' ORGANIZATION dava"'LEAVE
Th'e Georgia University Playfolk GEORGIA B0Y8 LEA
L an organisation which har MONDAY
grown out of the c|asaes In ex
presston add dramatics at the Uni'
versify of Georgia summer school
candelabra holding pink tn-, the ring
accompanied by ML* Ruth Thomp
son at the piano.
To the strain* of MendeL*ohn's
wedding march, Mr*. Blney Moone;'
Jr., nnd Mrs. Rny Cole entered nnd
lighted the taper*.
ML* Mary Frances Everett and
ML* Ola Mooney, sister* of the
bride and groom, and ML* Marie -
TibbetH nnd Mis* Howard Darden ;* a ®; Connecticut,
beautifully gowned In white crepe » an ° ,* W _ Y „* u-
de chine and Inc. nnd carrying D »vW C. Barrow, chsncsllor e
pink tulle, next entered nnd formed I ,h " Unlveretty of ^eorglm who Wit
an nhde for the bridge. , a “ honorary President Is dep-
„ . . . . . | l.y interested in the Playfolk, and
Robert Mooney, tad In th ' e con , mutlon „ nd by-laws frsm
rhlte natln. then entered earrytn, . ^der h „ guidance am
Columbus will be well represent*
ed at the i University of Georgia
thi* year, a well-known group of
Mr. R. A. Denny, Jr., of Rom<
ha* nrrlvetl for the opening of the
University Law school and will be
with h!a sister. Mrs. Cnyler Trus-
■ell this winter.
versity of Georgia summer scnooi - f the tlmi
and 1. under the direction of Mls> boys Laving Monday tor tne urn
Carolyn Cobb, of Atlanta, head o
this department.
The membership includes not on
ly teacher*/arMsts, and commun
ity. workers from all parts of Geor
gia and the south, but from Kan
honored college. „
They are M. Rosenberg. Henry
Watson. Herbert Rothschild, Wil
liam Schnell, Anthony Rainey
Billy Aenowltch, Elmer Jones ana
others.—Columbus Enquirer-Sun.
Capt. and Mrs. J. T. Dennis oi
Elberton spent Sunday In the city
Mls* Elisabeth. Phlllop* of At
lanta L the guest of* Miss Nora
Miss Lucy Linton went over to
Atlanta Friday to spend the week
end with Mrs. William Pope at the
home of Dr. Marion Hull.
_ Virginia Fort son has return-
cd to Atlanta n'ter a visit to ML*-
—is— seeming sweetneee and do much to-
Dr. and Mrs. Lnnren Goldsmith ward toning up a tired summer ap-
of Atlanta spent the week end with n . tll .
Air. and Mrs. Hugh Rowe.
Mre. R. B Oglesby. Mr* II P Hun
. counsel set a high standard for thf
Jultle Mis, Martha Mooney and j trut^fuln^T'o
"Sweet P«l”.
cherish. The Co-
lumbia Record of
sung tMCPtil
Junes, U sweeter
•very tint# jt if
sorry — •
the rsverse.iMF-
A-3937 75 cents
Ms* Proem
iw Fell Jfodes in Hats arc
'Ing dally. Pattern Hats,
I to *25.50. Velours, Felts,
ityne and Satin Sport Hata,
I to *10.50. __
Miae Slisle Wells
carrying. pink bankets of
tnls, which they strewed In the
path of the birde.
! Next came the bride, wltlr het
i father, who gave her In marriage
• She 'van met nt the altar by the
• groom and his best man, Mr. Estev
EveretT> * ■
I During the ceremony ML* Ruth
• Thompson softly played “O Prom 1
line Me.”
! The bride wore a one-piece trav
eling dress of dark \ blue char*
raeen, with copon-rolired hat and
accessories to match. She car*
rled a shower hoquet of whit-* 1
roses and lilies of the valley.
Mrs. Everett, enjoys n. wide circle
of friends both In Nownnn, where
she graduated from h‘gh school,
and In North Carolina, whera/she
graduated from Flora McDonald
college, and also in Russelvllle
Ky.. where she was head of the de
partment of domestic science at
Logan college.
Mr. Everett Is prominent In the
business nnd social life of Athens
being secretary nnd treasurer o*
j the Everett Brothers Motor Co., and
: a student of the University of Geor
| gin. * \ -
I Following the ceremony an in
I formal reception was held, aftei
■ which the bridal couple left for o
short trln through the mountain?
of north Georgia and Tenesaee.
A number of prenuption parties
Puffed Rice—the morning dainty
concentration has for years she**
Its radiance in the hearts and minds
of the men and women In the edu
cational world of Georgia will bt
to the members of this club a b!es«-
Ing and an unfailing Inspiration tc
maintain high Ideals nnd to work
with patience for their achieve
ment. Chaneelor Barrow Is him
self possessed of literary gift, with
a poetic qunlntpess of style that
Is as individual as is James Bar
rie's. nnd which with the whimsi
cal delicacy and tenderness of
touch with which Barrie Dellenate?
the Scotch character, portrays the
thought and life of hi* own peo
ple In the old world of the south
Literary Ideals are emphasised by
the chancellor for the club nn«*
nothing Is to he recognised which
falls below a standard of excel
lence and purity.
Dr. Joseph Stewart, director o'
the summer school of the univer
sity. will act as director genera 1
for the club, and Is enthusiastic
In his *upport of the organisation
Dr. Stewart Is doing a notabl*
work In forwarding the developing
of art education "in the south. Un
der his direction Mr. nnd Mrs
Oranberry. of the Ornnberry Schoo
of music In New York, assisted by
Signora de Fabriti*. and othir
members of the music faculty. ar»
bringing the best In music to the
summer school students. Dr. Stew
art has unfailingly supported the
work of the expression department
and welcome* Pteyfeft as *
means of extending and broaden
ing the work and of preserving r
continuity In the efforts and Inter-,
esta of the students throughout
the year.
The work of the club will center
about the university, the consti
tution and by-laws authorising
members % to organise branch .cen
ters. A bureau of Information will
he maintained and bulletin* wit*
be sent out at stated Inetnrals. Miss
Marion Otis, well-known painter of
Atlanta, Is art director. The oth
er officer* are aa follows: Presi
dent. Miss Anderson, teacher
The friends of Miss Katie Eli
zabeth Laventfar are glad to ae«
her out after f\ recent illneas.
Miss Osella Smith spent the
week end In Washington.
Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Rlclmrdsor
and Dr nnd Mrs J. B Severln leavt
Tuesday morning for Savannah tc
attend the annua* Veterinary meet
Mr. J.'M. Hall left Sunday for
Chattanooga after a visit to hi*
sLter Mrs. Frank Lawler, Mr*
Hall will prolong her vLit several,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Phlnlur oi
Augusta returned home Monday af
ternoon nfter a week end visit to
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles H. Phlnliy.
Mr. and Mrs Charles H Phlnlxy
Jr, of Augusta spent the .week end
with Mr and Mrs. Barrett Phlnlxy
The friends of Mrs. H. A. Pen
dergraph will regret to learn the Is
suffering very much with hsr arm
which she Injured several daye
ago when the accidently stuck
■pike In It
who Is Improving ”to (fie delight' ol
their many friends.
Identify Man Who
Was Killed Sunday
On Peachtree St.
ATLANTA.—The mail who was
shot and killed Just off Peachtree
s.reet .Sunday night by two negro
highwaymen was identified Mon-
/ - day as L. A. Hamilton, who had
' been in the - city only n ehort
while. He is believed to have for
merly been an oil broker -in Texas.
Just before he waa shot he told
4 soft drink propritor where he
stopped to get cigarettes' that he
hud better watch out for high
waymen as two negroes were
lurking nsalby. ' -
Household Helps
Pears are an excellent tonic fruit
They are quite acid, even in their
petite. _ .
Used fresh In desserts or >Mlad»
or as a breakfast fruit, pear* make
Mr*. Sterling Hubbard and little
daughter Hunter left last week for j»| ain baked g«*r are delicious
Sahevllle to visit Mrs Artie Small for breakfast If* bacon and egg*
—IB— ne„ .arvaii with tons ted bran muf-
welcome change.
Plain baked 5#ar are
\fr and Mrs. Sam Bowers, MLr
Jo Johnson and Mrs. Starke Ginn
of Royaton visited here Saturday
Mra. Gordon Nelms retu~ned
Royston Sunday after a visit
|frs. Nell Murray.
150 Patients Are
Moved During Fire
served with toasted bran muf
fins and co|fee.
Wash pear* and cut in halves
Remove core and arrange In a
deep, well-buttered baking dLh.
Sprinkle with sugar and _
grntln* of nutmeg, dot with but
ter and pour a little water Into the
dish t<\ prevent burning. Corel
and bake two hours in a slow
In a Peter B. Kyne Story
Aye, aye, sir, it’s another
triumph for the Skipper of
the Screen. A sea story sec
ond to none. By the writer
of “Cappy Ricks.”
Read Banner-Herald Wants
SYRACUSE, N. Y.—One hun
dred and fifty patients, including
fifty babies, were removed to safe
ty/ during a fire at the Crouse
Irving hospital here Monday. Ex
plosions in the xray room started
the 1 fire. During the removal of
patients another explosion knocked
three firemen and a nurse off r
ladder injuring them.
Gain Week at Michael’s
The friends of Mr. and Mre. J
M. Kirk will be pleased to learn
their little daughter Martha I*ne
Improving from e. serloug III-
Shot from Guns
Steam exploded grains
uker ruffed Rice and Quaker Puffed Wheat are made by
cMor Anderson'* 0r *»t nrocea*. The grains are scaled in
Lice mnu **..*;•* «.v - y
CMor Anderson'* great procc**. The gram* are scaled in
, then revolved for an hojir in fearful heat When the guns
ihot, over 125 million steam explosion* arc caused in every
Airy, flaky—8 timet normal size
grains come out as airy globules, thin, porous, crisp and
^ toasted. The fearful heat gives
them a nut-like flavor. And the
broken food cells fit all the food
elements to digest and feed.
No other cereal dainties in ex
istence compare with Funcp
"Grains In delights.
T wf{|| laran
Quaker Puffed Wheat in milk
form* a supreme dish for children.
Wheat supplies 12 minerals which
growing cnildrcn must have. It
supplies the bran they need. And
milk is rich in vitamines.
Serve Puffed Grains morning,
noon and night. Make whole grains
tempting to the whole family.
Miss Bessie Key of Colbert U
visiting her sister, Mr*, J. M. Kirk
Mr* Lee Minor Paul and young
son left Sunday for Atlanta en
route to their home In Perry after
a visit to Judge and Mrs. Horace
Holden. ,
NEW YORK.—Because/ of the
growing seriousness of accidents
in public places and in homes,
at wel las In industry, as a cause
of blindness, the National Commit
tee For the Prevention of Bllnd-
ness annnounced that ft would
undertake Immediately a progres
sive census of eye accidents with
a view of determining mean* of
prevention. This decision, the com
mittee declares, grow out of the
recent realisation that there baa
come about a radical change in
the Incidence of the various prin
cipal causes of blindness.
Mr. and Mre. A. H Davison spent
Sunday In the mountain* of North
Dinner 50c
Miss Bva Morris he. returned tr
Atlanta after a visit of several days
with . Mies Mildred Wright.
Vegetable Soup
of Veal i
Mr. end Mre. Rey Morris of San
Antonia - Texas la visiting the 1st-
dent. Mies Anaereon. le.cnrr o Antonia Texas Is visiting the lat-
Engllsh, Athens High school: flrsl t,F, parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T
vi.. nr.sirtenL Mr. Thomas Green Wright.
vice president, Mr. Thomas Green
Athena: publlclt> director, Mist
Alle Downing. Atlanta.
A membryshlp fee of It a year Is ...
charged. Anyone Interested tr Gainesville,
knowing more of the propoeei’
work of the eluh may mall tele-
and Dressing
Boiled Cabbage
Fried Corn
Sliced Tomatoce
Muffins and Biscuits
Sweet Potato Cuitard
Coffee, Tea or Milk
Hundreds were sold—For Tuesday’s selling
several hundred more are here in new pretty
All guaranteed fast color Amoskeag Ging
ham. The wise buy six and more. «You cannot
make them for 97 cents.
Mr. and Mre. Fred Morris and
little daughter sp^nt Sunday
50 Cents
Supper 50c
work or the eluh may man a- teie- Mr , H R choate of Atlanta tit-
phone to Miss Al'ies Downing, 42 c( Urs T . p Vincent returns
Candler street. Inmen ■ Perk, or home Tuesday accompanied by
Mlee Carolyn Cobb,
Theatre building.
— home Tuesday accompanied .by
Grand Mri Vincent and Mlaa Otey Vin
A. R. will meet with Sirs. W. F.
R. will met with Mre. Wl ~
Messrs. Milton Candler, Swtt
Cnndler and Murphy Candler, Jr.
of Atlanta opent Sunday with Jack
Goodman, and were accompanied
Broiled Tenderloin Steak
Steamed Rice
i Potato Omelet
Apple Salad
Hot Biocuiu
Jelly Roll. Cream Sauce
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
W..»n Wl Thumlr Wl af..rn™n W .t F e * Mr. Murphe, Candler Sr, who
n’clock. * ————————— *
A full attendance I*
__ urged as
business for the year !■ to he
planned A very interest!* program
haa been arranged.
Future Kaiser?
re with cream and sugar. Mix them in every diih of fruit,
end douse with melted butter for hungry_ children in the
oon. Millions of children are better fed because their
rs thus make whole-grain foods enticipg.
Puffed Wheat in milk at night
This evening between the hours
of 8 nnd 10 the new D. C. Barrow
School will be formally opened to
the patrons nnd friends of the
school. It Is expected many will
take this opportunity of going
through the beautiful building re
cently completed.
The officers of the P. T. A., the
social commltee, grade mothers
and teachers will recclvs the vtilt-
A regular meeting of Satomo
chapter No. 227 Order Eastern
Star will he held et Mnsonlo Tem
ple, Monday September 17th nt 2
P. M. Initiation. All Eaatern Starr
urged to attend.
Mra Merritt Pound will be the
delightful hoetese Wednesday morn
ing at bridge In honor of Mlar
Gertrude Parham a popular bride-
elect of the week, whose marriage
Every day from twelve o’clock noon until eight
o’clock in the evening, fresh from our ovens
every hour. >
YOU can FIND them in the
Our classified columns will save you unlimited trouble—if you '
are seeking a maid, a'cook, a-chauffeur, a bookkeeper, or any
othfer experienced help.
Into many homes will your advertisement go—and when you
see the number and high character of the replies—you will real
ize the advantages of advertising in
Phone 75