The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 07, 1923, Image 14
THE BANNER-HERALD. ATHENS. GEORGIA Disabled Vets to Stage Forget-Me- Not Day Nov. 10 lint, Ruth Warsham. Paint and Varnish Products r** *¥ a ' . -s' Prevent Destruction By JONATHAN LUCAS, JR. Plans for the cmpi*. annua! For get-Me-Not day of the Disabled Vmerican Veterans of the World A-ar were formulated and discussed it a special meeting held by the ocal post of the organisation. This year the Forget-Me-Not day will be held on the tenth of No vember. owing to thef fact that the dleventh falls on Sunday. This Is the proclamation that has been is- rued from National Headquarters and recently received* by Mr. E. C Youngblood, adjutant of the Ath ens chapter. At the recent meeting a commit tee was sent out to interview the mayor and get his permission to put on the drive. The committee reported at the regular meeting Tuesday night and Mayor Thomas had heartily consented to their re quest Another committee was appoint ed to interview Mrs. A .8. Parker^ an active member of the Athens Woman's Club, and known other wise for her interest in drives for raising funds for charity purpose^. Mrs. Parker gladly accepted the job offered her, that of. taking charge the drive as faf as the selling was concerned, so the com mittee reported. file objects of the D. A. V. and the purposes for which the pro ceeds of the drive will be used are given in detail below. MARIETTA* GA., COBB COUNTY OUR BOARDING HOUSE SUNDAY. OCTOBER 7 1.1. By Ahern Luclle Cochran. MACON, GA.. BIBB COUNTY Estelle Blttlck, Lillie Blood worth, Mabel Calhoun, Mamie Ha zel Crawford, Frances Hammock, Martha Reiser, Margaret Miller. Beatrice Mix. Agnes Pittman. Prances Clyde Page, Draco Stoker. Julia Cone Wasdln. A MILITARY ACADEMY OF THE HIGHEST GRADE UNDER SUPERVISION OF U. S. WAR DEPARTMENT Colonel O. R. Horton, A. 11., Superintendent (Major in V. S. A.) GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. September 10th, 1923. Buick Motor Company, Athens, Georgia. Gentlemen:— I.had the pleasure of getting the first 24-8i^-o5, equipped witlr four-wheel brakes, delivered through your branch, and at present have driven the car under all weather and road conditions about 3,672 miles in the Carolina^, Georgia, Florida and Alabanla, t)he car having been delivered to me August 13th, 1923. Its perform ance has been nothing short of marvelous. This is my fifth Buick, and the flexibility of the motor as to both speed and power surpasses any of my previous Buicks. Recently on a trip going down from Hendersonville, North Carolina, to Greenville, South Carolina, over the mountainous roads on which rain had been falling for tlhree days, I had occas ion to use my brakes quite frequently and my experience proved that the application of the brakes on wet roads caused the car to come to a dead stop with no skidding. By reason of the fact that there was no skidding with the application of the brakes, this givefe me more confidence in the car and under no condition would I use any car not equipped with brakes on all four wheels. - The motor usfes practically no oil, and I am averaging on straight runs about 19 miles to the gallon. Assuring you of my deep appreciation for the mosfr excellent i which you have always given me, I am Cordially yours, O. R. HflRTflM ■ 1 To asslet all wounded or dis abled American veteran® of the World war/ regardless of their af filiation or non-affiliatloa with veterans' organisations. *-•--* Help national legislation; better hospitalization facilities, equitable rehabilitation, definite .employ^ men*, programs upon completion of vocational training, and handling of claims for all disabled men. Through maintenance of Nation all HftfdHimrters st Cincinnati, Ohio; atlonal Legislative Commu te* at Washington, D. C., and func tioning agencies In evejy district and sub-district throughout the United States, the Disabled Amer ican Veterans of the World war serves many hundreds of thou sands of disabled and wounded veterans tn every possible manner, protects their Interest* and se cures legislative and administra tive nctlon lor them. The national organisation through Its Information and Investigation Service, endeavors to protect the public fro mfraudtflant solicita tion for money In the name of the Disabled Veterans, and annually saves the American People mnny thousands dt dollars that would otherwise bo obtained by swind ler*. who would use the name of the disabled man tor private ex ploitation. The Disabled American' VeUrgris of tbo World war assists the dts abled mon to establish Clubhouse quarters, nummer camps and such other conveniences and comforts to which they are rightfully em titled, through tholr willing sacri fice uf health in tbo loyal service of their country. Chatham County Follows This. Clarke Has Fifty- Five Girls in Institution This Year. • SAVANNAH, GA., CHATHAM COUNTY Florence Chance, Victoria Cub- bedfe„Mary Elizabeth Eyler. Jos ephine Elizabeth Gartelman, Rosa- lyn Heilman, Josephine Hurnch, Dorothy Maude Hollowell, Sara Baker Holt, Grace Windsor Lan- ueaw, Maggie Lee Mallard. Sarah Louise Mullery, Betty Michaels, Lillian Milton, Corlena iMorcock, Susie Norwood, Lillian Nussbaum, Josephine Suttone, Lois Walden, Helen Wilkins, Gladys Wolfe. AIREDALE 5 A V1AIK dowuTouM, Mi’ waYbe Tare ud a dumb drama* 'XlV AYTER TvV movie we’ll TUROV! ftf TAVELlki WTO SOME CHoPSUEY? dMOO, THAT VlOklV f ' ustfeM.vou goyso Iff X KHOW WHAT You’re pesshJg at. YoutHiuk You caU trip me on mV DIET BV "TALKIklG ABOUT EATS, EH ?. VlELL, XSUST FLY, , 1 that kite / AW, C’MOkJ-BlSS- AFTERTH’ SHOW we’ll BE HUNGRIER TUMi A PEL1CAU Oki SALT LAKE <- MM-M-CAU l TM0USEE A PRESPlRtlJS GRAVV, AU UollerWg vor Help UUDER A BLAUKET op 'OkSlOtdS?- LSTfe GO CLYDE, MV T^feTH ARE GETYrJg PIDGITVI COLUMBUS, GA., MUSCOGEE COUNTY Emily Ruth Clark, Marjorie Coul ter, Opal Jordan. MEET IN ATLANTA ' (By Associated Prs,s) UPM ATLANTA—Approximately clerks are expected to attend the annual convention of the Central of Georgia Railway Clerks Asso ciation. In Atlanta, October 20-21. acoordlng to ah announcement by officials. * -i. W. A.Winburn, presldent'-of the railway, and other officials of thr company have been Invited to at tend the convention. Alabama Georgia and Tennessee clerks art expected to be represented. The following are officers of the association: H. C. Cloud, Savannah, presi. dent, and James Dodd, vice presi dent, Macon. The delegates are to attend the Georgstown-Georglr Tech football game here October 20 ANOTHER HIGHWAY LINK COMPLETED SYLVEaSTER. Ga.—The highway between this city and Poulan ha? bo a fine example of road build - lust, boon compelted. It is said r*» ing. The highway between Poujan and Sumter la in process of con struction. CLEAN KIDEHEYS BY DRIB LOTS OF ITER Take Saite to FiusK Kidney* ' Bladder Bothers or - Back Hurts Athens and Clarke county lead In the number of students who are attending the State Normal School. This county has fifty-five girls in attendance there and*. Chatham county comes second. This county has twenty girls at the school while Atlanta 'and Fulton county have thirteen. Those registered from Clarke. Chatibam, Bibb, Muscogee, Cobb and DeKalb are js follows: ATHEN8, GA., CLARKE COUNTY Annie Bailey, Flora Frances Bailey. Jewell Bell, Zealure Mae Bell, Sara Bennett, Louise Boat- ner, Sarah Lillie Boatner, Della Eating too much rich food may produce kidney trouble in som* form, says a well-known authority because the acids created excite tho kidneys. Then they become overworked, get slugglst, dog up and cause all\ sorts of distress particularly backache and misery in the kidney region, rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, add stomach, constipation, torpid liver sleeblepaness, bladder and urinary Irritation. The moment your back hurt* kidneys aren't acting rfr'i. or il bladder bothers you, begin drlnkinr tots of good water and also get about four ounoes of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy: take f» tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for'a few days and your kidneys may then fine. Thi* famous salts is made from the add of grapes and lemon tuice, combined with llthis, and ha? been used for years to flush dog ged kidneys and stimulate them to activity; also to \neutrallxe the acids in the system so that they no longer Irritate, thua often rr llevibg bladder dlaordera. / .Tnrt 1 Lee Brackett, Pauline Brackett Cut Lit CuiSaumi, Iris Ckriciiss. Louise colllne, Clarice Conway. Ula Cox. Luov Lee r..wfnrA, Mabry Katherine Crawford, Ludle' Crowley. Daisy Drake, Sarah Drake. Charlie M. Dri.kelL Grace Dunatan, Once Edwards, Paul Fleming, Corry Fowler. Mary Lacy Gholston, Lois Grimes. Claudia Haddock, Buth Halo, Ethel Han- cock, Annie Leo Hardman. Blanche Hubert. Mildred Hughes, Alberta Rebecca Huff. -Myrtlce Hutchins Margaret Jennlncs, Marguertc Langston, cslllo McWhorter, Ars. Myrtle Pope, Gladys Maple. Law- rence Mashbnrn, Sallle Mae Mey ers. Olllo Mae Porterfield, Louis* Sims, Nancy Myrtle Stone, Vtvtan Strickland, Evelyn 8wlllng, Evelyn Swilling, Mrs. J, a Thsxton, Vlr- rtnlh Thornton, Jane Walker, Lola Weltant Helen Wilhite, Odessa Williams. * ATLANTA, Ga., FULTON COUNTY Jad Salta cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent tithia-water drink which millions and women take now and then to help keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus often •wAiainv sarinus kidney disorders By all means have Your physlciaf kfrfnaya at laaat twice a year .—Advertisement. Fknlbel Adams, Sylvia Adams, arolyne Edwards, Lorlno Fisher, 3 Helen Gaines, Elisabeth George, J Jessie Gresham; Sadie Louise Her-3 bort. Ruth Lanier, Helen Lathen, 1 I airline Me. I lock, Frances EsteUo Robins*. Mildred Satterwhlte. Our arrangements, are of such a. ,* well-appointed, j L character % that cue ff receioethe earnest and . sincere, ; Pt*At5eqf . those iiVtoho hnoto theoalue al 4 'g& 3 and: DECATUR, Ga. DEKALB COUNTY Susan Gardner, Elizabeth Strip- STunerat lirectors ! \ AMBULANCE SERVICE! [ PHONES: 1109-987 -395. mammm ooiBsmasmnra