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Trot I»Aii.v IUnxkr-Watc UMAX Is delivered
v carriers In the (liv nr mailed i».sta!ie free at
Mie.™ wrek. sue. per month, SMB for three months
v V\ |“ delivered ill the city or mailed l»ostage
iiee hr S1.«©a\enr
t .iMHIM tll'NS '
N KWh solicited fl««
MARK COOl'KR vot't'. Vr.ol
Aliens. Oa.
lll:Nl!V ('.TICK.
Hr. Mrlilymt'n l.ntnriotis Anti-l’ov-
i rtv society has atsirn cKt. rcil upon
t),P ponsiilcrntion as to whether or not
retnst* to p:
• land
Tile plan
lnr.lir.nt li.n
A writer in < * u ‘ ^' ort ' 1 American
Hanker, after recounting the great
j>r«»^r«*ss of the ^“tli wkI solidity of
its growth, says
Sueli facts as these are nothing if
Although twenty-live years have
passed since the great confliet at (Jet
ty shurg, which was virtually the
crowning point in the struggle for the
supremacy of the Union, its history
need not now l>c recapitulated. The 1 not eloquent, and should be submitted
Philadelphia ltecord thinks that with-1 to the consideration of all business
in the three days during which it men. The harvest is great, but the
lasted there were comprised more of ; reapers few. There are fortunes ly-
the horrors of war than in any other iug useless in impractical hands lie-
event of modern times. Jtut above | cause of the lack of ndt-ipu te banking
and beyond these, piercing the murky facilities. The South needs savings
darknt •< like p shaft of sunlight, were i banks to draw out its hoarded money
the sell-sacrifice, bravery and chivalry from its own people, and men of abil-
whi-.-h made the common soldier a j ty and means to direct it into chan-
hero and enshrined the memory of neb ( ,f usefulness. Let Northern ti-
Even if Ur. McGlynn could put his
theories into pructiee, liis greatest oji-
poneiits Would he they of his own
iiousclHild. Union among white
liven’d socialists is impossible.
Internal dissent inns an a part of their
very existence. They are as full of
the spirit of opposition as the Irish
man’s notorious pigs, which in order
to be induced to go to Kerry, had to
be told they were wanted in Cork.
By the way; if Dr. -McGlynn were
to urge his crowd ilitinne to wage
war against law and order in cities,
they would likely put out for the wilds
of the west, whe re from their children
might spring a desirable class of niii-
rens. Try the tactics of the Irish
man's pigs on the by all
heuee thyself.
gn against land-
I lo the Doctor,
two outlets. The first plan is to get
as many people as possihlt or
oii.tlfHI—to agree >h»t, after a certain
date, they will pay no more rent for
land, and only a fair rental for the
use of tin* houses, as the land belongs
to the people. Then the rent paying
people are to retain possession of the
houses until evicted by process of law.
J>r. McGlynn believes—or says lie
dues—that owing to the paucity of
courts for issuing dispossess warrants,
landlords will become discouraged and
reduce tlie rents to a reasonable basis. | friendship
1'iiit lie seems to lose sight of two
facts :—Firsts that additional courts
might he called into rci|Uisition to
meet the demand: and secondly, that
it is human nature when a dollar is
within grasp to make a very hitter
light to become possessed of the same.
1 »r. McGlynn has told his people
that if his new plan of campaign was
deemed inexpedient because of the
magnitude of the undertaking, it
would be Wi ll fur all the tenants of
ouelinan to move out at the same time,
and for intending tenants to agree
that they would not move in until tin-
land rent was waived, and a reasona
ble house rent accepted by the owner.
1 >r. Mctilviin's theories arc all very
plausible—on paper. Hut landlords,
like the poor, will never perish from
off the face of the earth. Since time
immein. rial land has been regarded
as propertv, ami a man is very apt to
make surli disposition "f liis property
as tn him w ill he most remunerative.
For the accomplishment of this end
there are many markets open to him.
We agree with 1 »r. McGlynn that the
laws governing landlordism need a
good overhauling; but whilst the
world stands, every man is going to
lmhl on to whatever amount of prop
erty he can,either rightly or wrongly,
those who fought and perished there,
in the hearts of a grateful people.
The two years which followed were a
time of hard fighting, blit the tide
L*gan to ebb when those living waves
that bent upon Cemetery Ridge had
been driven hack, and from that time,
even with all the uncertainty which
outwardly prevailed, there was never
a day in which there was not clearly
unfolded the climax that was to be
reached at Apponiatox.
In those twenty-five years there
have been great and marvelous
■changes in the history of our country.
Freedom has shattered the gyves of
millions of bondsmen, plenty has
crow m il our labors, art ami science
luiic developed, and all the agencies
of civilization have liven at work
welding tho social and industrial fab
ric more closely together ami leading
to a greater unity and to a clearer re
alization of the duties of citizenship.
But there lias been found nothing
more marvelous than that today the
men who once opposed each other in
deadly strife, who were filled with
fierce hate and savage enmity, should
now meet together, not merely to ex
change outward courtesies, hut to
clasp hands in sincere and enduring
It matters not from which
side there first came the offer o: rc-
onciliation. It was but the visible
f a desire to labor in one com
mon field, and with but a single end
in view—that of perpetuating the in
stitutions which had stood so firm and
unassailable while Mind and unrea
soning partisanship and prejudice in
dulged in for mercenary ends sought
to keep alive passion and strife. The
men. who had the most at stake, who
were willing to lay down their lives
for what they believed to lie the right,
have joined hands together and made
it impossible that either force or fraud
shall sunder tlie Union thus cemented.
Tho field of Gettysburg is dotted
with monuments, not merely to greet
commanders, but to tlie thousands of
unknown and humble heroes who
marched to death without one thought
of fame or honor. Upon the common
soldier fell the burden and the heat
of battle, and the remembrance of his
daring and-tln* knolwcdgc* id' the mag
nanimity which those who survive
show today make this reunion
more than ordinary significance.
The Democratic press of the entire
nauciers respond as generously to the
demands of the South as.they have
to tlie requirements of the West, and
we shall see such an era of commer
cial prosperity in the South as could
not lie paralleled in history.”
In commenting upon this tlie Man
ufacturers’ Heeord says that the de
velopment of the West was mainly
due to the enormous investments of
Eastern money, and yet the West
never presented as good inducements,
ns safe and profitable, as the South
offers today. Millions and tens of
millions of dollars could find profita
ble investments in hanks, in loan asso
ciations. in luiihling operations, and in
many other ways, as well as ill indus
trial enterprises.
Yes; the South has much need of
larger hanking facilities, and at tlie
same time she offers the greatest pos
sible inducements to capitalists to in
vest in toe same. Nowhere could
sueli investments be more safely
liiglit here in Athens—the seat of
the University of Gcojgia—is a good
place to start, anil we sincerely trust
that sterling friend of the South, the
Manufacturers’ Hecoid. as well as the
more infiuential of our Northern ex
changes, will aid the Bannkii-
W.t ri UMAX in its efforts to widely
circulate this fact among the capital
ists of the country.
We need more banking facilities,
ami must have them.
!n Some l.iitr* liar stuxliuriut- Seem* to
Frcdoiuhiate-A Un<Y«l in Alnm-t Kv«ry
fliof-Tlw Omni, otent Sympathy of
J«tu* ITtrfit. ' *
BROOKLYN, •! uiy .s —l In? Lev. T. Dc
Witt Taltuage, 1> * D:, \>f HrooHyn,
preached in this city this evtuing. lie
is now hack liymo from a tour of
Tin* "iv:it forests in tlie North and
Northwest are fast Lecoimuo exhaust
ed. and the eyes of lumber men, the
country over, are turned to the South
the Chautauqua* in Missouri. Kansas and
Minnesota. Tlie doctor had an enormous
auditory, liis m::.jtvl was 4 \Sour Expe
riences, 4 and hi.'* text: “"When Jesus
therefore had received the vinegar.”
John xix, 30. The sermon was as fol
The brigands of Jerusalem had done
their work. It was almost sundown,
and Jesus was dying. Persons in cruci
fixion often lingered on from day to day
—crying, begging, cursing; but Christ
had been exhausted by years of maltreat
ment. Pillowless, poorly fed, flogged—
as lient over and tied to a low post, liis
bare back was inflmued with the scourges
intersticevi with pieces of lead and Ik me—
and now for whole hours, the weight of
his body hung on delicate tendons, and,
according to custom, a violent stroke un
der the armpits had been given by the
executioner. Dizzy, swooning nau
sea! «d, feverish—a world of agony is
compressed in the two words: “1 thirst!”
Oh skies of Judea, let a drop of rain
strike on his burning tongue. Oh world,
with rolling rivers, and sparkling lakes,
and spraying fountains, give Jesus some
thing to drink. It there be any pity in
earth, or heaven, oj* hull, let it now bo
demonstrated in Uhalf of this royal suf
ferer. Tlie wealthy women of Jerusa
lem used to have a fund of money with
which they provided wine for those peo
ple who died in crucifixion—a power
ful opiate to deaden the pain;
but Christ would not take it. He
wanted to die sol>er, and so he refused
the. wine. But afterward they go to a
cup of vinegar and soak a sponge in it,
and put it on a stick of hyssop, and then
press it against the hot lips of Ciirist.
You fay the wine was an aiuvsthetir, and
intended to relieve or deaden the jiain.
But the vinegar was an insult. I am
dis)>oM d lo adopt the theory of the old
English commentators, who believed that
I instead of its lieing an opiate t,o soothe,
! it was vinegar to insult. Malaga and
j Burgundy fur grand dukes and duchesses,
i and costly wines from roval vats for
| bloated inqieriais; but stinging acids for
j a dying Christ. He t«x.k the vinegar.
! In some lives the saccharine seems to
sailings, and lo! suddenly there is a largo |
d.<y*tor*s bill to pay. or you have lost your i
poc ketbook, or some creditor has failed, I
and you are thrown al*eam end. \7e!i. •
brother, you are in glorious company, j
Christ owned not the house in which ho >
Ktopjied, or the colt on which lie rode, or j
the boat in which he sailed. He lived |
in a borrowed Jiouso: he was buried
in a borrowed grave. Enrobed to all j
kinds of weather, yet he had only j
one suit of clothes, ilo breakfasted in \
the morning, and no one could |x>ssiblv '
tell where he could get anything to eat
before night. He would have been pro- ‘
noun cod a financial failure. lie had to
perform a miracle to get money to pay a i
tax bill. Hot a dollar did he own. I*ri- f
ration of domesticity: privation of nutri- \
tious food; privation of a comfortable !
couch on which to sleep; privation of all
worldly resources. Tlie kings of the ! y- —- r « i
earth had chased chalices out of which to ! ° 4 * C1VU :i * .7 *
drill],-; but Christ had nothing lmt a j.lain P‘ v, . ,ie jyBM'tjjhy: notu it Ma . ui tl i-t
OUT vet before and it warn verv sharp, t 1,1 if
and it was very sour. He took the *. I,e
vinegar 1 fered tnu lacerating thongs, ana r-coivca
° , , I ill his face the cxficctorations of tlie
There also is the sonrness of bereave- ; filt]lT mpb> an(i f or ,Ke guilty and the
niont. There were years that passed; discouraged, and the uBConiforted Of the
along before your family circle « in- j too t the vinegar. May God Al-
vaded by death: but the moment the j , Iltv i, rt . a k the infatuation, and lead
charmed circle was broken everything i vo .J ( .;. t into ltie stro „g hope, and the
seem, ,1 to dissolve. Hardly have you ! ' d vh ;a . d t | ie ..jorious sunshine of
put the black apparel m the wardrobe Jj ljs trmmi.lcmt G<^s‘l.
•11 have again to t;d;e it out. j
1 rapid changes in your fnmilv !
women—all llieir bear; aches—all their
distil pointlnenl.:—:.U llieir'chagrins—and
j*,: t t:.!.e thc::( right to tliefeet of a sym
pathizing J.-rr,. He too!: the vinegar.
Nana :>.hi!i. after be laid I(-:t his List
battle ia India. fc!l L.V.- iatol!:e jungles
cf Iheri--jungles so full of malaria that
no mortal can Km* there. Ke carried
witli him a’.o a ruby i ff great luster and
of great value, iieI.ii '.l iu linse jaagas; j
1m» Vedy was never found, and the ruby |
l as never vet 'lieen recovered. And I 1
bur that todav there* are sm-.a* who will j
fall hue:: from this subject i:i:A the sick- j
eidr.y. jurgies of theii tin, carry- i
iug :V g< m of iniiiiite value—a priceless t
soul to la* lest forever. O. that that [
niliv mi Til Cash in the eternal corona- j
lion*, but no. There are some, I fear, j
in this audience who turn away from 1 this turning
ykstki:i>av*s haiti:mn<w clkaku
i I! .
Atlanta, July—Thy buis for the
now issue Geoigia bon-iA were opened
Gordon, and the highc
fuiiii Governor
;t W»M was that 1 1
of the New York mutual life insurance
company for Hit* entiic is«?ue at
This bid was made through A. Duton-
hoffer, and has been accepted.
It my Child’s Life.
“When my child wu born,
tho doctor ordrred onoof tho
other Foods. Rho ato that uh'-
til fho nearly died. I had three
doctor*, who said tho trouble
was Indigestion, and ordered
tho food changed to Lac tat od
Food. It saved my child’s life,
and I owe you xuany thanks
for it X refr&rd your Food as
invaluable, and superior to all
other artiflcisl food for babies.
Mbs. A. J. BExnxua.
Boston, Mass,
15 Indiana Place.
Possesses msnr Important Ad ran Lures
over all other prepared Foods.
Perfectly Nourishes a Baby with
or without th* addition of milk.
Three Sizes. 25c. 80c. 81.00.
A valuable pamphlet on “The Nutrition
of Infants and Invalids," free.
‘ w# twin* i a _
**y (containing forty
your Lactated ToJ *+*
it far superior to
trer««tu. aMn „'*»*•«
2**"* 01 Cbm” ^ ^
cturm of u>,
It hu no Hnn.i.
W. E. In Co«ct, If u
SL JoKtib’a Foanaiin, ^
Ondnnui, ou.
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington/^
in it. bu
the cn;T’
You got the house and rejoiced J
tho charm was gone ns scon ns |
• hung on the door l*ril. The j
one upon \\ licm v»’ti most erpmdcd was
taken away from you. A told marble
slab lies on your heart today. Once, as
tliu children ronq>ed through the house. |
you put vour baud over your aching i
head and taid: •*Oh. if I could only have !
it still.*’ Oh. it is to * Eiill u».w. You !
lost your patience when the tope, and the t
strings and the shells were left amid j
floor; but oh. you would be willing to
have the trinkets scattored all over
the floor again, if they were scat
tered by the same bands. With
what a ruthless plowshare 1 >er<-ave
in ent rips up tlie heart. But Ji*sus
knows ail about that. You cannot tell
him anything new in regard t>* bertave-
hitnt. H*- had only a lew friends, and
when he lost one it brought t< ars tv* bis
eyes. Lazarus ha 1 often entertained
him at liis bouse. Now H.zai us i.- d«-ad
and buried, and Chri-t breaks down with
emotion—the convulsion cf grief shud
dering through all the ages < f L reave-
tnenl. CiirL-t knows what it is to go
through the house missing a familiar in
mate. Christ knows what it is to iw an
unoccupied place at the table. YvVrw
there not four «f them—Mary, and
Martha, and Christ, ami Lazarusf Four
of them. But where is lair-irus? I/.iu iy
and afiiicted (’ini: t, liis gnat loving e\es
A electrician says lie will soon
lx- able to produce a tpumier storm when
ever demanded and in the district desired,
aim the Cost won f exceed $5.
SllKltlLAN 5Til.I. MENUS.
New Youk, July 7.—General Sheridan
has continued to improve s*nce bis ar
rival here on the Swatara. There are
no returns of unfavorable symptoms.
A Woman'* Discovery. •,
“Another wonderful discovery hns
en made and ;hat too by a lady in this
stood its
Disease fastened its elute!:
uni fo. seven years she wiih-
s(\i red Dsns, but lur viral
organs were undf rmined and death seem
ed imminent. For three months she
cought d incessantly and < «> Id not sleep.
She b *ui:ht of us a hotlh: of Dr. Kings
New Discovery for consumption and was
so much relieved on taking first duse
that she slept all-night and wri h one
bottle has been nnricuhuislv cure .
Ib r name is Mrs. I.utlnr Lu /..” 'I bus
write NY. C. ilansri'k A* C.*., of Shell,y-
N. C.— Gel a In e bottle at Job., t’raw-
ord A Co s.
Atlanta, July 7.—N;;ls>n, the ab
sconding banker, has been heaid fr»»in #
He was seen in Knoxville, Tciin., and
from there took the cars to Asheville,
N. C.
D- yo
or other
a tier fr
the great
18 dollar.
t rheum,
Hood’s Sarsi-
1 purifier. BH)
til SU]l|
ly tlu-ir ili-inaiuls. i prtiluniiiiau*. I.ifi* isRimsliinoo.n alnnk
(• Smitli alili* to meet the oincr-! of Owens. A thousand hands to clap
No part of tin* world is more ' »l'l>r«'al. In Ikc inlx.r or in January,
do so than is the South! ! :u ’, row "'- i 1 ' u iV ,e - ‘ ,,< ’>’, s . ee a “
. , tlieir family present. Lealth rubicund,
forest ,.,.* .ii y
•itli te
r-'Cl" y ■
able to
Apart from the stui.eiid.nis luresi i Skics fl ;imIx)Tant Days resilient. Hut
resimrees of tier sister .Mates, there is j n a ,. rt .at many cases there are not so
ill Georgia alone sutfieient timber of j many snears as acids. Tlie aunovanees.
• 1 .lilt.
(hill* tlie supply of tlie piney | on.
ilerally knows no end. One nil
k' 1 '
It is said that General Harr
went to eburcli at Indianapolis last
Sunday and that "at tbovlo»oof tl
service, as lie passed down lie* aisle 1
country seems to have fairly made up
its mind that a bitter opposition to
the Republican ticket would be ipiix-
otie as well as ungenerous, since the
nominees stand not the slightest
chance of election. Of the Democrat
ic press of the South is this especially
true. The latter is no more appre
hensive as to the election of Harrison
and Morton than it was as to the suc
cess of Ben Butler four years ago.
Of course little squibs occasionally
crop vp, bnt they must be taken for
the pleasantries they really are. In
them there is rather levity than
spleen. For instance, Mr. Harrison’s
vote on the ballot which nominated
him was 544. Added together these
figures make 1 '■ i. "Now then,” face-
t ioiisly inquires acorrespnndent, "what
kind of a number is 18?” There’s n<>
malice in this, is there?
Again,the Charleston News jocular
ly says there seems to he a prophecy
in one name at least. As an answer
to the question sometimes put, as to
whether Mr. Harrison really has some
kind of a showing, or not, for election,
a writer in the News suggests that
every possible kind to keep the world
wagging for many a long year toeoine.
Tin* supply is almost inexhaustible,
in fact. No sooner has one crop been
taken from the swamps along mir
rivers than another is nearlv or quite
ready, wliil
Is I
great feature of the matter istl
cheapness and comparative ease with |
which these forest products can I
put upon the markets.
Hitherto our swamp and forest lands j ) 10
have been lightly valued and little | th
exploited. Beyond having served the
purpose of a basis for effecting a
mortgage, their owners have had no
use at all for them, and today they are
a dead weight upon the hands of
Northern loan associations, which
have advanced money at terrific rates
of interest upon them.
WI tat are wu going to do about it?
Just tliis:—Hold on to your
ami Mvamj) lands. Judge Emory
Speer lias decided that those bind
sharks who have been playing usurer
\ hicli «lroi> fron: eye to
■:.rd, and
and from robe
.4 I aii<!iu«it‘)i t-niir,
Tlie corner of the three counties of
Wilkes, Oglethorpe and Taliaferro, was
Mown down a few nights ago It was a
sturdy old oak that had been standing
for perhaps a century; and when it was
a sapling the Ocmice l iver was the
boundary line of Wilkes and the old
nuimy included the territory that is
n«#u cut up into twenty or more small
counties.—Washington Gazette.
in.von a. I’fCNS , July 7.—A tor*
ident ocouried to-day at Te-
(uitiiseh, Ala., on the S -Iiiim, Rome and
Dattoii road. The engine of a passenger
train jumped the truck at thu place and
was totally lieinclished. Gus Bryant,
d foi
1 be
tlie eligm
broke m?
but will
person* were hurl, i’lie
over. Bryant'** r main* h.
in chaig • by friends.
> life and
n is hurt,
■r of other
uk turned
deen taken
nt !
rol*\ and Item robe to
. ves. lie knows all aUiut
and tlu heart lev.:!:, lie
kdien tea
hour. Y* i
that acid
V. In
and I do
to Sei.d a
and the vexations, and tho disapj
rionts of life ovcr;K*\vcr the successes, j
There is a gravid in almost every shoe.
An Arabian legend says that there was a
worm in Solomon’s stall, gnawing its
strength away: and there is a weak spot j
in every earthly bupport that a man leans j
King Giforge, of England, forgot I
the grandeurs of his throne because, i
me day in an interview. Beau Brummell j
L'alled him by liis first name, and ad- j
j dressed him as a servant, crying:
j ••George, ring the bell!** Miss Langdon,
ml all the world over for
j>oetic genius, is a* worried over
the evil reports set afloat re
garding lur that she is found dead,
with an empty bottle of acid
in her hand. Goldsmith Kiiiil that liis
life was a wretched l*eing, and that all
that want and contempt could bring to I 5:11,1 . M ‘ l
it had I*een brought, and cries out:
“What, then, is there formid:d>le in a •* i-
jaiD” Correggio’s line p:iinting is bung ' .' " 1'' '
ii]» for a tavern sign, liogarili cannot I lov j'
sell his I*cst paintings except through a I to brcal
forest ! ralde. Andrew Delsart makes the great
fresco in the Church of tho Annuno'
■••a ik tne sourness o! taa doat.i
ipo!»ge will be pressii! to « ur
meiimes have a curiosity to
I will Iwhavo when 1 come t«»
[her 1 will be calm or excited
I will l»e fill, d with reminis-
witli anticijiatiur.. I cannot
•on-.e t«> the point. I must and
In the six thousand years
T,.-sed <*idv two |-erso::s have
• eternal wurM without death.
Tlu* Nature of tho Crab.
A’l who dip for this ugly creature have
observed how snappish lie is. Mr seems
to In* pl-ns.-d in m ining. So on * easily
uinb*r>lHuds what is meant bv a crabbed
in hi or woman; but it is not so well
known that the crabbed are ma le so by
indigestion, dy pep-ia, sluggish liver,-
kuin. \ s, skin, weak nerves, poor appe
tite. invigoriie: will regulate, not purge
the liver, bowels, kidneys and skin,
makes healthy Id. od, strong urns, les,
steady nerves, cure sick headache. A
h.ioii to woman, regulating, quieting,
...... . . strengthening, restores non weak from
" ,a ‘ ehvwin 6 .*x-
cesses, or other causes. Wiyi-j .Y Sh-dg.-,
Athens, Ga., and other druggists keep
Dr. Woolley’s Invigorine. Brice tl.
lu this broad a.v-ci
fals ly, Out state pos
and all miasmatic p.#i
cal v unveil Ir.uu ltie:
d 0.
tlm \
-nr;heart am
ecimciit, and
ih h<
stci'ps of i
will have to
ions. An of-l
a ill knock at
serve on us
*v will have
! wintry,
olios have
will wake
7 bey make one feel as though life was
worth living Take one Carter’s'le
Liv. r Bills after eating; it will relieve
dyspepsia, ui<l digestion, give tone ami
vigor to the system.
hit you say:
I. from my p
tions. It is so chilly and
down the stairs of that
i* ■! evcrlast-
‘I don’t want
■csont assoc ia- | t |
> back
damp to
I do
the lo
■ s i
mil : ami
witli you i
any intoro
oi^lit |»*r rent is
qui nt I v renders si
void. And .linljj
lias Leon oiidorsod liv tli
}>al autlioritii'S in tlo* land.
Yes; hold on to these forest and
swauqi lands. The day is coining,
and now is, when such will prove to
their owners a splendid source of rev-
tl* (Writ, the m.|wl).*M «i the cutnjre- Rlllnp a)isttpr WI \) he found hv
gat ion bowed their beads in recogni
tion and respect for their honored fel-
low-el»urcli member, ttnd outside lie
received unusual nt tent ion without
the propriety of tlie place or the occa
sion being reprehensihly tram*
grossed. 1 *
(»h Taut ! Cant!! Was there noth
ing reprehensible in the howing of the
head in church to the candidate of tlie
Republican party, and was it a seemly
thing that, just after the celebration
of tire Ijord’s Supper, the congrega
tion should s<» MMiulmve forgotten the
solemn lesson of the hour, as to bow
down to thi.s imago of his grand
father? (treat is thy name. CM'ant!
But thy disguise in goodness will not
hide tlie weak spots m thy armor, nor
turn tlie people to following after thi*
strange god. this tea-totaller, who,
while professing temperance, would
fain be elected to otlice upon a free
• uhisky platform.
A tavern in Sw
covered which bea
bsh and American spoken here.”
l»e some who say that there is
more truth than poetry in the notice.
:dcn has been di:
•s the sign: “Enj
* ! 1 M
reading Mr. Harrison’s name back
wards; “ No ! No sir! No sirrah 1”
• Such a coincidence ought of itself
to he enough to settle the matter, with
out the employment of any campaign
ridicule or slander.
Let us have a campaign of fun !
Now for Commencement! Then
for the entry of the C. &. M. road into
town; and then for the Fair !
The Rome Tribune very properly
cautions its farmer friends to beware
of the demagogue. “He’s abroad in
the land,” it adds, “and has a mighty-
oily tongue.”
The Uip Van Winkles of politics,
in their dread of a live issue, are go
ing hack to the coon-skin and hard
cider campaign of 1840.
The President will shortly leave for
the Adirondack Mountains. Every
body will wish him a pleasant holiday, j loamd 1
and as much freedom from imperti
nent curiosity as would he granted to
any private citizen.
at Florenee, and gets for pay a sack of ) " ant
corn; and there arc annoyances ami vex
ations in high places as well as in low
places, showing that in a great many
lives the sours are greater than tho
sweets. “When Jesus, therefore, had
received tic- vinegar.”
It is a I ..surd to Mip|»oso that a man who
has always been well can sympathize
with those who are sick; or that one who
lias always Icon honored can appreciate
tho sorrow of those who are •h'spised;
or that one w ho Las been born to a great
fortune can understand tlie distress and
tlie straits of those who are destitute.
The fact that Christ himself took tlie
vinegar makes him able to sympathize
today and forever with all those whose
cup is filled with sharp acids of this life,
lie took the vinegar!
In the first place, there is the pourness
of betrayal. The treachery of Judas
hurt Christ’s feelings more iban all the
friend.*-hip of his disciples did him good.
You have had many friends, but there
was one friend ujxm wIksu you putespe-
You fea&ted him. Yog
money. You liefriended him
nything drawl
If there were
breaking through the
worlds without tear;:
part ii ion Ia
Z this bud v
ider if tlu*
the doctors cannot comiwii
surgeons and
l a mixture
can all the
be k'-pt to
None; idl
er this midl
and spirits
The Mxu’on News thinks that “Geor
gia could have no greater boon be
stowed upon her than that every office
in the State, from that of constable up,
should Ik* hotly contested in this cam
paign.” Our friend cun rest at ease.
Not n few offices w ill W liotly con
rhicago estimates that the gain to
the city from the jHilitieal convention
was lictwecn sewn and eight million
dollars, left by the -aO,lMX) visitors.
No ooinpluiiit is math* of the noise and
confusion attendant npmi tlie occa
The eyes of Athens wait upon the
Board of Trustees of the University
of Georgia. To this city the election
of a good man as Chancellor is a mat
ter of great import. To the Univer
sity it is a matter of even still greater
If an enumeration should be made
of those persons who go rowing in
deep water, and yet are unable to
swim a stroke, it is likely that the
figures would startle many who know
how to estimate the chances of acci
dent upon the water. Non-swimmers
always run great risks on deep rivers.
AH should learn to swim, almost us
soon as to walk. Man should 1
kind of amphibious animal at all haz
It went without saying that the
Hon. George T. Barnes, of the Tenth,
would be unanimously renominated
for his third term in Congress. Few
district* have been more ably repre-
scirted than the Tenth, and it was evi
dent all along that Mr. Barnes would
l»e his own successor.
Even the lowly escape not slander’:
envenomed tongue, lien* is 1‘rohi-
hitionist Presidential Candidate Fisk,
for example, accused of gambling in
stocks—something a* reprehensible in
Prohibitionist eyes, apparently, as
horse-stealing to a Western rancher.
Baltimore's big meeting of Demo
crats is attracting the attention of the
unterrified everywhere. Baltimore is
a good place for such a gathering, full
of the good things of life, and Demo-
ratic to the core.
The Chattahoochee Valley exposi
tion which will open in Columbus on
Octoiler 4 will he a grand affair, of
mrse. We must see to it, however,
that it is hut a wart by tlie side of
the Northeast Georgia Fair, which
will open in Athens a month later.
Tlie Banner-Watchman greatly
regrets the resignation of Caje
tain W. 1). O'Farrell as President of
the Northeast Georgia Fair A
tion. When this gentleman was cho
sen to that office we emphatically de
clared he was the right man for the
]K»sition—that none better could he had.
Now can’t the wart by gentleman
he induced to reconsider liis
resignation? There are many good
men to succeed him, hut we repeat
tlmt Captain O'Farrell is pre-eminent
ly the man for the place. Everybody
regrets liis resignation, and all due
pressure should he brought upon him
to serve.
in tho dark passes of life, when bo espe
cially neeued a friend. Afterward be
turned uj>oii you, and bo took advantage
of your former intimacies. He wrote
against you. He talked against you. lie
microsci ized your faults. Ho Hung con
tempt at y< u when you ought to Ivave
received nothing but grurituue. At first
cape from this fvparat
soliitely none. Sol \
ence today—the vast
seeming in good laal
and yet ! realize that ii
of us will Imj gone—gone from earth, and
gone forever. A great many men tumble
through the gates of the future, as it
were, and we do no: Know where they
have gone, anil they « : y add gloom and
mystery to the pa.vsage; but Jesus
Christ so mightily stormed the gate* * f
that future world . that they have never
since licen closely bliut. Christ knows
wliat it is to leave this world, of tlie
beauty of which ho was more appreciative
than we over could l»e. He knows liie
exquisiteness of the phosphorescence of
tlie sea: he trod it. He knows the glories
of the midnight heavens; for they were
the spangled canopy of his w ilderness
pillow, lie knows about the lilies; ho
j twisted them into his sermon. He
knows nU>ut the fowls of the
the air: they whirped iheir way
through his discourse, lie knows a!>out
Dm sorrows of leaving this lienutifu!
Tlie .Sitriit
What’s that awful racket in tli
.ii V inquired a customer of one of
clerks. “Somebody's trying to yell
roof otT?”
4 *h*s the silent partner, sir; tho firm is
after him for more money.”
won’t bake bread.—It. other words,
d’s Svrsaparilli will not do unpossi-
ies. Its proprietors tell plainly what
is done, submit proofs from sources
i questioned reliability, and ask you
kly if you are suttenng from a ay
.seor aif-'ction caus.*d or promoted
uipure id md or low state of the svs-
. to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 'Hie
nonce of others is sufficient assur-
that you will not be disappointed in
liblu rente iv, w»:h
nine, arsenic, «u
Full treatment. lr«
tiiglieal standing,
speak not
mat these
in; radi-
md a per-
Mi*amis of s bear
our infid-
I’A I. B.lMiFAF, SM I’.r
may .’5 Idly .
liny thing injunous.
by old piiy.Nician of
o trial v.-inedy sent
N. Y
Sick :
Iq in.
ml bilious lieadiciie,
ms ut .‘loni.ii <i amt In
mrc/s ‘BelU-ts — oi
t all de
ns, cured
o cheap
us. bv
The "United States Government Chemists, in th e ; r
examinations of articles of food offered for Government
use, have developed the fact that almost all the baking
powders upon the market are made from alum or phos.
phates, or contain large quantities of lime or other a<luh er
ants. As a matter of fact, of the samples analyzed, the
Itoyal was the only baking powder found free from ail 0 j
these deleterious ingredients, and absolutely pure.
Alum is used as a substitute for cream of tartar to
produce a cheap baking powder. The effect, of alum npo a
the system has been ascertained to be poisonous, and over,
doses have been attended with fatal results. The phosphate
are next to the alum powders in cheapness. They contain
a large amount of lime. Tlie baking powders sold with a
gift are of the alum or phosphate class.
Lime when subjected to heat gives off a certain amount
of carbonic acid gas, but a quicklime is left, one of the
most powerful caustics known. Chemists have found
twelve per cent., or one-eiglith of the weight, of some of
the baiting powders advertised as pure to be lime.
The absolute purity and wholesomeness of the Roval
Baking Powder—now affirmed by every chemist and food
analyst of prominence, and conceded by all manufacture!?
of other brands—arise from the exclusive use of cream of
tartar which is specially refined by patent processes that
totally remove the lime and all other impurities.
In liis report, the United States Government Chemist
says: “The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for
I have so found it in many tests made for the United States
Government. I will go still further and state that it
undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking powda
offered to the public.”
Another CauJi<l:Ui!
Fob Alex K. Jones, of 'i t„.
obi Alliens buy, n it
•J olios i> cam Ini ale f«.r of the Southern cirn
iile, an
. Col.
Single Lever Injector!
(;V!,^v l ?o„!;Vn KE w <,rvrv Toa,, ^«
lieivby l.'tili ’ 1 Unit if
tor ele
ion :
will make us gooii u
there U in Georgia,
success :is h. lies- rVi
Hint ll i
o.lie j tor
Yc wish
s rhnttcps
i-eteii hv
ell Tit US
ol. Jones
File*! PUPS*! ItclilitK l*ilcm.
Symptoms—Moisture; intense itching
ana stinging; most .it night; wtlFse by
scratching, if allowed to continue tum
ors from which often bleed and ulcerate,
becoming very sore. Swaym.’s Oint
ment f»toj»sthe itching and bleeding, heals
ulceration, and in most cas- s removes
the tumors. All druggists, or by mail,
for oO cents. Dr. SWayne vV Son, Vbil-
adelphia. J unebthw ly.
J mu bo Jrurth
J umbo Jewett, tlie Nortlifleel wonder,
who weighs nearly half a ton, exhibited
in Macon on •luly*!r<lin Dowell’s store
on ^fulberry street adjoining Masonic.
Hall, for the benefit of the Public Li
brary. Juinbo’s equal is said to tie un«
known in modern or ancient history.
Without dispute he is the largest mortal
ever known. Mr. Jewett is a young
man 25 years old, weighs t>491bs.; is a
violinist ami vocalist, and one of the
he>t drawing cards before the public,
lie i* (» feet high, 7 feet 1 inch around
the waist, (i feet 2 inches around the
idlest,'»feet 8 inches around the thigh.
—Macon News.
TliU l>e»ir
It never yet happened to any man
since the world began nor never will lo
have everything according to Ins desire.
You cun have everything you desire in
jewelry and spectacles by culling on
Skit! the jeweler.
you could not bicep at nights. Then you j c ]‘? r ] vl '. t ^ ss ’
went about with a sense of having been
stung. That difficulty will never lie
healed, for though mutual friends may
arbitrate in the matter until yeu shake
l ands, the old cordiality will never come
i>ack. Now I commend to all suc h the
sympathy of a betrayed Ciirist. \H»y f
they sold him fi r i. ts than our §20! They
all forsook him said tied. They eut him
to the quick. He drunk that cup of 1k?-
trayal to the divgs. He took the vine
There is nLo the sourness of pain.
There are some of you who have not
seen a well day for jeavs. By keeping
out of draughts, mid by carefully study
ing dietetic*. you continue to this time;
ia-j but oli. the* and the si«leaches
ami the l»ack:'.ch('S and the hfi.i laches
which have been yntsr cixnwisj--unimeiit
all tlie way through! You have strug
gled under a heavy mortgaged i liy.-:c:.l
disabilities: nr.d instead of tlie placid.t v
that once chnrr.cter!zeil vou. it is now
The Chicago Inter-Ocean, an ex-
treme Republican jiaper, says tliat
there is prevailing in Georgia a grow
ing sentiment in favor of protection.
Oh, indeed! Herein again is exem
plified tlie satire of the old adage that
oue has to go away from home in
I search of home facts and home news.
Never was protection so hopelessly de-
Liston to this A &>•*«* in Georgia as it is today.
i (lie
cover America?”
battle axe of great size, that was once
she property of some prehistoric chief-
lain, Wits recently dug up near Brad-
lord, Ohio, in a neighlsirhood that is
rich in Indian rdics. The axe is
made of a gigantic elk’s 1mm,■ and,
.angularly enough, there is engraved
upon it the dal** 1401'; ninety years
L-fore the, discovery of America by
t’olumhus. 'Tlie axe is elaborately
and beautifully carved, and fiiHiUhqs
an interesting puzzle to the local an
tiquaries, ,,*...*
i The hardest man in heating up the
doctrine of erolution is iter. Dr.
Adams. He protests totally against
the first Adam being a "monkey. This
. leads wBoeton paper to say that the
Adamshe hare always been sensitive
tin that jioint, and a touchy set any-
, '*ciy. ‘It is a matter of pride with
them; while with the rest of us'ft
An oliservant visitor who should
setoiit to study the political and social
institutions of this country might find
food for reflection pi coniparing the
partisan sjweclies delivered in Con
gress, and the utterances of the parti
san |>res8, with the addresses made by
old soldiers at the Gettysburg reunion.
The former are appeals to sectional
animosities and partisan hate; the lat
ter are uianly and noble pleas for for
getfulness of past strife and pledges of
Ifidelity to those principles of freedom
and unit? upon which the Republic is
Last month the •Savannah steamers
took upwards of a quarter of a million
Georgia water-melons to the relief of
sweltering humanity in New York
Only six times within the last
twenty-one years have the Republicans
carried New York. Had it had not
been for Democratic splits even this
small minority might have been re
world. Not a taper 'Uis kindled ill tho
lie died phvsicianlcss. lie Are atl U.»rt. l>*U
died in cold, sweat and dizziness and Because there are pains and Hullerings
hemorrhage and a»:ony tliat have rut I :lt !‘ heart, sinking spells, inti* 1 muting
him iu sympathy with nli the dying. Ho I t ,UL -'' beats. C ertainly uot. A weak,
goes through Christendom and he galli- uei v.-us system, a poor digestion, man
ors up the stings out of ail the death pd- I * lv ‘* hver, bowels, kidueys, and skin may
luws aial lie puts them under his uwn ‘ “ ' '* 11 ‘
neck and la ad. lie* gathers on liis own
tongue the burning thirsts of inanj gen
erations. The sponge is soaked in tilt*
sorrows of all those who have diod in
their le*ds as well us soaked in tiro sor
rows of all those who perished in Icy or
fiery martyrdom. While heaven was
pitying ami earth was mocking and hell
v. as deriding, he took the vinegar!
To all those in this audience to whom
life luts 1 vii an acerbity—a dose they
could not swallow, a draught that set
their teeth on edge and a-rasping—I
preach the omnipotent sympathy i>f Jesus
; Ciirist. The sister of Ilerschel. tlie ns-
] tmuomcr, used to help him in liis work.
! lie got all the credit; she got none. She
1 used to R[*cnd much of her t ime polishing
the telescopes through which he brought
only witli great effort tliat you l.vcp away | the distant worlds nigh, and it is my am-
from irritability and sharp retort. Dif
ficulties of respiration, of digestion, of
locomotion, make up tlie great obstacle
in your life, and you tug and sweat along
the pathway and wonder w hen tho ex
haustion will end. My friends, the
brightest crowns in heaven will not be
given to those who, in stirrups, dashed
to the cavalry charge, wlule tlie general
applauded and the sound of clasliing
sabers rang through the land; but tho
brightest crowns in heaven, 1 believe,
will bo given to those who trudged on
amid chronic ailments which unnerved
tlieir strength, yet all the time main
taining their faith in God. It is com
paratively easy to fight in a regiment of
a thousand men, charging up tlie para
pets to the, sound of martial music; but
it is not so cpsy to endure when no one
but the nurse and the doctor are the wit
nesses of the Christian fortitude, lie-
sides that you never bad any pains worse
id gi ll**rally is thu cause. Han't
iaki* heart stimulants or sedatives, hut
use Invigorine, it quiets the nerves,
gives natural appetge, good digestion,
regulates liver, kidneys, bowels and skin,
pu ilies tlie Mood, tones and strengthens
the heart and t-ircuiali in. Wade A* Sledge
All) i s, Gn„ and other druggists keep
I>1 Wooll y's Invigorine. I'rl.-e $1.
That tired, languid feeling and dul
heui'ohc* is vi-rv disagreeable. Take
two orCtrier's l.*>He Liver I',Us b.-Mre
reliiing. and you uili liad relief. They
m v* r fail lo do good
tor Trunkic.
Two large watcrmelous of the Jor.ea
variety paused through here hy express
last night to Mrs Cleveland. On*- was a
present from tho city of Albany and
weighed 01*2 U>s. The other was from
Reuben Jones, brother of iTitnus, of Ba
ker county>ml weighed l *o lbs. -Thimas-
vill* Enterprise.
hshing a new - *. n
ih! «»m by the i:< ..* •
that iniri»**e. I-
!‘ll. !, >I , orT«4. M ‘5rf
rv II i l.tlliip*iu
I AUitij liuii
TMa ot!i flav May. n
li. .1
isoN Ordinary
M. N.Mitcliell
Sallie K. Mitchell.) Mu
The dcfeiidatil in the h1h»vv Matctl ra>
ding heyonu ll»e limits of itieu tu ,
that she he served by |»iihlii*aiinH »>1 thi>
nth lor twe inoiiiU m tlir I'm
cheap as the Hancock Inspirator. We Guaran
tee it and will carry a full stuck for prompt shi|e
incut, it Is strictly a first-class boiler feeder.
G. R. Lombard & Co.,
Classic City Business College.
T WKNTY Five Dollars pavs for a full eoursi
elf —
Iiamt t*:isily 'iiiaslered in three 111.mills,
particulars address
inayswUiL atliens, Ua.
fiucklen's Arnica Salve.
The l>est Salvo In lire a*<>ro for Cure,
HriiiM-s, Sores,Uleers, Salt ltlienti'.,Ke.
v*:r Sores, Tetter. Cliarqs*d Hands. Cm I
nhiiiik Corns, and all Skm K.ruptious.
and po-iuvelv eiivetr Files, or no nav re
quired. ll is guarantee ! in give p rleet
-ati liiclu.n, or mun. v raiin. leil. 1‘rieo
id eeilts per lxi.v
Kor sale by John 1 Co.
Wholesale and it-tail Druggist.
It can never bo eliarguii against
Senator Brown that l,c is lax in liis
eftorts to secure a|qinqiriations for
(Jeoi-gia. Thu gallant old gentleman
•lies good work iii this respect when
ever occasion offers.
• die
It <lo«m’t matter ao much vrihotlier we
. lanwfrom Adimo from a monkey,
No long u n are far enough from the
>' ■ atartmg point. It putties*' a plain*
niah'to know how opinion or prejudice
is going to affect this question. Wo
hail liavo to accept the ancestry tliat
estimation offers us, whether sueli
College athletics should certainly
flourish apace. On their own merits,
however. The principle involved |in
the, action of the father of the stroke
oarsman of the winning Yale eight at
New London, the other day, was not
such os to tend to place university
authorities "loft "the side of athletics.
[This "fend .parent .paid §100 a Boat I
langth for victory. If the time ever]
kttmeewhen theUniveraityof Georgia
.h.U have her own gymnaaia and
sports, first and foremost let her steer
iicar of betting bribery in con-
iJreU'Xdlb- .
Absolutely Pure.
Thl. powdar awr rent*. A. mml o»
purity, .tnosth and vMnaaai,, S« »►
iii.iiini thu lb. .rSlnirr klads, sad onot M
Midi* aoaMUUM v.*vntin* iuultliud.of low-
€«.< .bortweight alamor phandisle ,»ird«rs.
Hold oul? m mm.
iTr|MM m | York
bitiou now, tins hour, to clear tho lens of
your spiritual vision, bo that looking
through tho dark night of your earthly
troubles you may behold tho glorious com
Btellation of a Saviour’s mercy and a
Saviour’s love. O, my friends, do not
try to carry all your fils alone. Do not
put your ]>oor shoulder under tho
Apeninncs when the Almighty Christ ia
ready to lift up all your burdens. When
you have a trouble of any kind, you nu-h
this way, and that way, and you wonder
what this nan will say about it, and
what that man will say about it, ar.d you
try this prescription, and that prescrip
tion, and the other prescription. O, why
do you not go straight to the heart of
Christ, knowing that for our own sinning
and suffering race, he took the vinegar!
There was a vessel that had been
tossed on the seas for a great many
weeks aud befen disabled, and tho sup
ply of water gave out, and tlie crew were
In the list of political oorpivH strewn
along the highways ami hv-ways load
ing to ami from the Chicago conven
tion may ho placed the names of Fire-
alarm fovakor ami Jayhawker Jn-
galL—one slant hy th« recoil of his
own mighty jaw;, the other hoisted by a
litth* petard in ink intended for the
uso »*f his friend Uonehvakc, chairman
of tlm Kansas State Central Commit
tee. Each day has its compensations.
ave licei
tThe Ik**t of All
Of nil,the medicines 1 ever heard of or
used, { consider Dr. Diggers’ Huckleber
ry Cordial the best medicine for all bowel
trouble and children teething ever used.
J..$tink. Uxford, N. C.
than Christy. The sharpnesses that dying of thirst. After many davs they
stung through his brain, through liis 6aw a sail against the sky. nicy si-"-
hands, through his feet, through liis naled it. When the vessel came nearer
at as yours certainly.
heart, were as greal _ . .
He was as sick and. os weary. Not a
nerve, or musclo, or ligament escaped.
All.the pongs of all the nations of all the
ages compressed, into one 6ourcup. He
took the vinegarl" - 1
.There is also.-tye sourness of poverty.
Your income does not meet yopr out-
■ - ' — A - ltAe/tri
goings,, and that always gives an honest
man anxiety. There is ng sign of desti-
mon anxiety. There is nQ sign
tutiow, about you—pleasant appearance
and a cheerful home' for you; ^mtGod
only kpows ^hrd a time you have had to
manage your .private finances. Just as
the .lulls run up the wages seem to run
down. But you are pot the only one
who has not been paid for bard work.
The great' Wilkie, sold .Jdj«.celebrated
piece, 'Tie Blind Tiddler.? for fifty
‘ *' \alferward it brought
fit world hangs In ad-
sketch of Gains-
yjay sketch hung
jjshdp window because
lhy purchaser.' Oliver
‘Vicar at Wake
field" for a few: pounds, in order to
keep the bailiff outof the door; asd the
vast majority of rose ia all occupational
and' prnfewidne aro net fully paid for
their srork,). You rosy say nothing, but
| life to you is a hard J»sh; and when you
. sit down'with your wife and talk over
■ the expenses, you both rise up discour
aged. You abridge here, and you abridge
there, and you get things snug for smooth
Governor Gordon seems to have
had almost as good a time up North
on the “Glorious Fourth” as he would
have had if ho had stopped at home
Nearly one hundred I
of thugs or river thieve
fished out of the Chicago river sin
January, of this year. Chicago is
Isoiiid to keep ahead, whether in the
matter of Sunday schools, conventions
or murders.
Money for Farmers !
I hih ITejured to Negotiate
AN NAs 1.
id -Oi Uauvtl e Kail- |
rt>tuJ ComI»anjr.Tho ktfih*
i<l A W«
TonuUui Ktilway
Warolum*3 Company
end ln«* Central Tnret
Ctiiiipany «»t New York.
It appearing r
Equity hi the Supei
lA.nrtoi olurke Co
ty, Choi gin.
that l
f the di-fen-
ittt ts in the ahjve stated eau>e to wl».:-lhe
Klchmond Wo-i Poitu Ttriuiiial Railway and
VNauiUouhe Coiuuduv, i nd the Cen'rnf Tiuai
x^onjuiuy of New York nre non re-Ideei
<H'rp<iratu»n* wlthftul t he State of Hrorgia, aud it
lurthcr appearing that ihe tiUcriil'ol uaul county
Watchman, Before the
of tla«
A "I
un»y, purHuant;
i writer of irmil
dll t« s.!d tvW*
• Hiiiy oil k. tm It
July fill
:o the estate of Joh
sold for the purpose of distribution mug*
it. K K»itk
at law
Tnifl June \ l&Ni.
Admuuhtra'or de hunts i
_ eilting for » ounty purines, .nth Jmr» |
Upon the appIlcafU.n ol .1. c. • irr **** >aid couuty. lor the
an eleotiou prociiiet or voting
»*f holding .Justice’s ourt in am)
dfitrlet. ft. M. iu said county, it
•1» precinct at said pi ve will It «•!
an elfet h*n precinct, or \olitig P**‘V*£ ,
hereby ereated and estahlislied a! Q*P\:
holding ,1 iihlieo Court in and for
be known as Kenney’s preciad.
further ordered that a copy of |
M i'.trtl *
lisbed in the » kkki.
a newspapi*r'pnbhi*lie«l
said couuty, lor tbirty dajs. ***>****
I be next Issue of said pap
A true copy f«
uaawO I
WILL l>. l«t tj lb.. I.iwi.l ji
\ T outcry before llio ibrri ir|
-nrke county, (ivorxi*. .>>“*«
fur turDtumi.x lir. ” 1 r.
li j of muiM, vaut a* J« !?i,'jcli]
■ uf the upper eid« * **?!« i(jttrl
MorktU ott
jrtHsl 1, a
ul '*
IttU KlIIILg I'g i«**i u****** yl
the lop t>cltre
.. . . . ...... ft..- rifflUlld • i .
turn of non est inventus,
tbeui, it is thei.iore ordxre<Untit a&id.u ten
Ihs Mild uppe..r iu persou, or l»v ttUoruey,
ext li
hi*l i
I ihe
ourt of Clarke
I Mo
There were a lar^o number of r.iriners
in the city yester.hiy, an«l »U report that
the crop prospect is better than at this
time last year. There are one nr two
sections through the country where they
have not had as much rain as they need
ed, but the crop is generally good, #
*y :
i »k»>
»*er IHh X, then and ihe-«- toa
f i» c to ino mil tiled b>
d Mensc luejr r»ave.
Of.lcrisi limh.-r, that tli
once a month tor tour im«
WaIchMas. ji nowspap
ctiuiuy «>t uurke. uud Ihct
hiitauq &.t iui>|AC i» „ .... . r
I to .he grouuu iuubttVO, with
n court, this May \ cing i he roi,d at their pri per P 1#c, s
N. L. iiVJTcfU.'re, yubttc load.- lu „lu ,uu..ij. » •‘‘‘’.f,,!«?
' *u marked by me
onler bj published
jmblUhol in ‘said
ipuo service wi si.U
itUrtdss indy pci-
(be rroper place cn »he
eucii post Vo hare the letter "M ,0 * ^1
inn icm khan 4 inches long *u’t
lion, cut Snu, the- H»*«t on the i-e-a **■
post 2 iuch*« iom ti e t-»p uoj i
uccp. well pniiit. d wuj. b .
mid o(i,tuid iho li.ure or us 1 *' 1 * t jPI
,1 surure H, the Oblirt 1. b>.* ?'■*
U*es»nu*WL> hnu »*• ol »l>e
proportions un eUi-.riy
!i;5 tuiTSJAirdJV
ef .»ul 1-iM l* ei*« •• »h.'' t |", r
Savannah is talking about lmliling
an exitosition there in 1S!I0. Suoli a
scheme would certainly impart a little
life to the old Forest City.
Wliat a Nice Umbrella Costs.
No limitiiiK witli powder and pin us for s<iulr-
rels, only to stn tty them xo tlniieriulf .h ull,
on UiesurkliiK plaster. FUe*. seek it. drink uud
the people on tho 6utTeiiug ship cried to
the captain of the other vessel: “Send us
some water. We are dying for lack of
water.” And ihe captain on tlie vessel
that was hailed responded: “Dip your
buckets where you are. You are in tho
mouth of the Amazon, and there are*
scores of miles of fresh water all around
about you. and hundreds of feet deep.”
And then fliey dropped their buckets
over the side of tho vessel and brought
up the clear, bright, fresh water and
put out the fire of their thirst. So I liail
you today, after a long and perilous voy
age, thirsting as you are for pardon, and
thirsting for comfort and thirsting
tor eternal life; and l ask you what is
the use of your going fit tl>at death
Struck state, while all around you is the
deep, clear, wide, sparkling flood of
God’s sympathetic mercy. Oh, dip your
buckets, and drink, and live forever.
“Whosoever will, let him come and take
of the water of life freely.”
Yet my utterance is almost choked at
the thought that there are people here
who will refuse this Divine * sympathy;
and they will try to fight their own bat
tles, and drink' their own vinegar, and
carry their own burdens; and their life,
instead of being a triumphal march from
victory to victory, will be a hobbling an
from defeat to defeat, until they make
final surrender to retributive disaster.
Ob, I wish I could today gather up in
mine arms all the woes of men and
Rrown: “That’s a handsome umbrella
you’\e got there, llohinson.”
Itobiuson: "Yes.”
lirown: “About what does it costs O'
carry a ft umbrella like that?”
Uotiiux'on: "Kternal vi -ilacce.” •
, Ijvavma, I lib), sltlu Tortures.
The simple, application of “Swaxnk s
OiKTiiKsat," without any internal medi
cine, will cure any ease of Tetter. .Salt
iKheurn, Kiugworm, Piles, itch. Sores,
Pimples. Kczema. all Scaly, Itchy Skin
Kr,.ptions, no matter, how obstinate or
long sanding.. It is potent, effective,
an 1 costs but,a trill -. JuneSthwly
A Heroic Struggle.
'Vifefwhose husband is rescuing her
from drowning;) “Shall 1* keep my
month, shut, John?” cisn
Husband;-If you can.’’-" »■
Auviee te Motnara.
Mbs. WiNitLow’i Soo-rirnro * Stbuf
gums, allays al! pain, cures, /»md colic
and is the best remedy" for diarrhoea,
twenty-five -ents a bottle.
. »"«rt i
L 1 ■•’
Rth.i. n» THX lltHo:-M. M. Maddrey
will make a tine display, at" the North
east Georgia Fair, of the Wire Gauze
Door cook stove. Forty per ceut saved
in cookiog, guaranteed.
humanely, so quickly they cannot get away Use
Irfreely. rreVcnt reproduction, secure serene
peace uud quiet. Always usk I.s* )»t rcuJilt's.
, , _ tor sale, everywhere.
Atluniu.Ga. No pain or detention from buslnea^
man living.’and ««U
dot* 4 —
E. K. I Hmpkln. AV, R, Durnolt, T. W. itucker,
J li, Lumpkin, attorney! f jt coiuplaiutt. in.
A true extract fcoui the inltiutea of Clarke
Supplier Court. Tbtv Mny Siht. 1 Ksri.
j unfJ.lAwwtni.
JOHN 1. UlHililNS, Clerk.
l lioaima R. Holdor, Guardiau Of Mlim Blitck-
»UH.k, formerly Mlua Echols, orjHmu of Obadiah
K. Echols, deceased a|»i>lies to me for letters of
dfiiniMion Irom Mid Kasrdisoebip. Those are
thereLiro to cite and ad mom* h oil conce ned to
bhowenoeeat the regular term ot the Lhurt 01
Ordinary, to b • held in and for said county Oq
tne first &rot:ft*y in June next, why said lett c r
should .001 trt»grauL*tl. Oiven uuder my hand *
office this lTtfiday of April 1&S8.
. JACKSON. Ordinary.
George II. llultne Administrator, of the
estate ol P.. Bj Huline, doeeesed, applies for a
discharge fiom said admluisirailou iu terma of
the law. These are therefore to cite and ad
monish all concerned to show cause at ihe regu
laru-ipi ot the Court of Ordinary, tube hold iu
iext, why. (odd dissharae should not be gram
Given uuder my haudat office this hth Ma
41W*. : ,
ASA 'M. JACKSON, Ordinary
n EOlKilA Claukk CountvV—Wherein it Iraal AillSist. th” U f«* ,,, y r, !S!5W
\Thcen nuule to appear; to in*.* that the estate w!t-*Om>afeire
iH.uiKlcit I.u Ihe • ou V‘ r ’ 11 ,mtti I*r *.
«»f llereutee Smith tale of said county dec caned
i* unrepresented aud not 1‘kely to be repre-
Tbeaoare tlu'refore to cite and admonish all
on cvnidti to sliow cause at the regular term of
lieetftirt • of’Ordinary to l>e held In and for said
couuty uu the first Monday iu August next, why
the Administration \if sala ostaUftmotikl iu>t In?
recently i*cyu nmikea ny , h T tr^ a I
the wi oic j >l» to be finished l*f lh VYjs^I
November next, and uot u> J.irouX-’«|
scciptad and approved. Tl ' c
«r» Ot said county, wao are berer j
tbeir n fipectiv# diauicts, to
to me iu the premises a* soou s> »**
Ish-.-d. . jg-rr fi
•V.M1 wtlll.- Ivtlo the.
Miuo »t*uo end pl«.*o m« , “ rul '* , }., «»* ,
♦.nd uitildinc twor«a*k p lh*rs, wu
hrl I.*c oa tire* place. t.v* ^>’3
on *rc on the pieces
wooden p litre under *»rtJ*rfy
t» built ol KOOU UarU *11*1 »u*< J^
a good workman like manner, e *
long and d feet wide av tne^bsse.^^ jti
bACt'wtdu HtUq up -* *S}
cnou 4 U for the br dgo u.
me or persona appolntsd by : b
Tlie contractors In each c ‘ /,!!!.»
bond iu double the amount ^
good »olvtni se« uritics tor ih«jr .4,^1^
luauce %*t their cwUiraCiS. dhu *
couuty lor any a»ni«*«» o»*‘ *’ *
;L*f-.:*. bo u , ' 0 *“ W
r JSfld'
soli bal^
NYauicus, cutrke w*
to Wit:..*0 .mure!.
Injz articles, tt»
Kittliron. l-iTh.xct i»
erel; • lx.x«» «ioia«t V". ,i ii," ci‘#«a23l
■ >t li.z rotu'tli.r .'t lbS. tC*l- . ... zfllllS’T
tuc Aununisiration or sunt cstat^muHiK! not lie i!- ,CvT.r..7xTi*s tea- <• ll,s , *»ririts :
vested in Cicero A.MvOcUc.U Urn couuty Admin- I Jf* 11 ? .PStilf* cu,tori.ll. 13 hottlv*'
istraborpt said coiuay* or bt Miclt other persons ' ‘-* 1 ’* < 'J^. t i..J ,omretu. fcllu HjurS
said court mu^tdjodge proper. Given mi- ‘ b,a?» umtchre. '3 le'ff.^V
bkVtifJmu* Inks ouoxen Duxes mat*-*** • . i y t cuj ry
u iA l5iIP' “AMFSr.' SS
should ailravs be 'usedfbr children teeth- iWlill 4 . ifi'.V! Tn Tihr ,*
ing. It tithes the ettild, aofletia the . S2Z.__ J? _JJLi'i*
Tc* men o** women-*' an.
*,re, , ! n L? n t«ms