The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, September 04, 1888, Image 1

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v, Vv A
Can:,*-! , J H
GnttKF •
McKar, Briton
RmUip.% Ftilix
Itippey, John
Thomas, Wilson C
\Y ills, Wesley
White, Tan
\Y. I>. I.OUNEIT, I*. M.
Dr. W. U. King, of Gainesville, Ga..
'Specialist,” in the treatment of chron-
coop4UUon wHn Ik. i ic d * s t“ l ‘ s » «»> j“ A,h ‘ na > w,th oi >l ce
wt .short weight alno. or phosphate powder*, j over >Y rcIo « Slodgfe's urug store, x\t>,
1 ^lSval‘bak NO PO^DKHOO., ! 31 UWyion street.
1ifiW*ll strwt. Nr* York
noinual than the ordiniry kimls,
Sold only in
1 list to JOHNBTON & Sox., Pius
Rsreyoa Ooech, ttromhltta, JLuthma, iry
far ell afftcliuoi of lh« “
vMbs from Impure Wo
and tick, •tmatriinu «*a
to the grave, will la mat
rv«1icT*tlon t Use
fur all affection* of Ute
to Wood and cauuu-'uoit. ThO fccl.ij
k against dOAav. a.) l aio'vir drtltlri*
the grave, will la many com* ni\;v« r their healih by
Ute Uately fee of I’arkrr’s GnurcrTonJo, tul delay Is dnn-
gero»ia Take it In time. It l<ln v alu»l ! \I«»r all piiit
and Uisorvkus of stoaiacli and boatL*. Zita. at Dru^bu.
j Dr. King will cure you of piles in
> from 8 to 30 tlajs without the knife
ligature or any other painful operation
i is the Doctor’s motto in treating rectal
! dis«asts. Come now while jour neigh
bors dr.d friends fire b*ing treated ; call
and see letters of recommendation—
Send f* r a card. Ladies will be .treated
at their own private rooms. Ofllce
hours fiont a a. m. to 12 ui.—from 3 to
<J p.'m.
AFe* tITnf*T'i»l Will »»r .»f Grmt ItoncPl
to Itmh I nr Ojtfnilor and Siilsi rlbrr.
Wonderful progress bps boon mude in j
ui’-tir.g m«'8sag‘ s
\ to .‘mother, anil
Th tbe ten
i IT! quit t< imagine; in the
r years ago yon
gMwr that yon
your room at; 1
s hi ano-ker city
ir.irgly called y •
ci f’orjho lunati 5
•e lr:y*.st enter*
the operation
, of the telephone system, and by the war.
"bee of the most r*erpl?xv\g of tlie whole
f cotcgcrv « f professions. Fcr ins’* -e,thf
; many calls, ladies no* except* I, o emend:
fiTj l threats of b -s / reported to the
gen r.d manager, w hen, in reality, it i ,
oftener than otherwise not the fault of
the office operator, but the person wish
ing to use the telephone, not being posted
to how to make his culls. Yet they
hello away, and, if they can’t both hear
and see* the answer, a volume o f threats
and a cloud of thunder is hurled at the
operator, which works him up to such 8
pitch thath's nerves are all unstrung, so
all hands get out of sorts. By following
these instructions much time ami annoy
ance can be avoided: When you go to
the telephone you-wil* simply Buy 28 on
572; the b* II rings. Ydn then say send
me six bottles Dr. Woolley's Invigorine,
which relieves weak nerves, kidney com
plaints, dyspepsia, constipation, as well as
the many troubles incident to the change
of life, which is a great blessing to
woman. Delays are dangerous and every
one should be careful to look well into
the matter.
A Non Subscriber.
Ileanscs and Beautifies the hair,
’remotes a luxuriant growth.
jWovcr Fails to Rettorii Gray
cent a 1
The boiler etc. of Capt. J. II. Rucker’s
new Co in \ tess is expected ibis week. It
ti:is nine cats and weighs 400,U00 pounds,
it will be us line a compress as there is
on the Atlmtic c »ast. The compress
Penmanship, CorrestH.m'eMe. Arlthnu -
“ Yr-mi^ monumi w< men !.,ii};lit to
tic mil Riven a tli« , ioi!^li nremin’tion
l ior ncuoii'tile positI«.ns Terms rti*so:u*l'!e
j Time short. In si ruction t boron* li. • its luess
men suppliotl wil'.i eompetent a.ssLsInnts on
I short’notice. No clar^e loi * it tuitions furui 'li,
‘ ed Athlre ss for »rLUogue. Ek» Cotle^«>
PouR.ikeepaie, N.Y.
rill b-‘ U.i
f l
11 :
Mango pie!
& Ci awloni's.
!e at Webb
Look Here!
Any book learned »«» one reading.
Uiml wandering «tired-
Speak liter without note*.
Wiioll) uulTke urfificit.I KyvtrmS,
Piraty condemned by Supreme
t'oui r#
C‘.real indneemt lift* to rcir.rkpond-
euee *1j .vr**.
ptn ous ot l>r IVm. A
Delay fu Opening.
Oconee street sc!»o d will probably ba
' delayed some days un'ess the work of
opening the cut through the school yard
he pi shed very rapidly. A goo 1 deal of
' blasting will iiavc to be djna an i it will
not be safe for th * children to be in the
! school.
That tired, laiguid ft cling and dull
! headacno is very uis^gieiabl*. ’lake two
of Carter’s Lit* It* I.ivu Dills before retir
ing and you will tind rcluL They
• pever fail to do g«»od.
Any gentleman appre
dating a hrst-claas Cigar
all Havana, will lind
Georgia raised Ibc at
The Howard,
. Daniel (1 menl*:»T Tiiomp on. nm . n , r . r y.
icnvt Day* holoKist. am otuei-s. seat im U i« e by S K.UUE & VjO.
T’aj:.A. LOISKTTE, a; Fifth nve New York. ^ w
The finest Cigiir in Amer- '
ica for the money
Satisfaction guaranteed
or goods returned.
Willi a view of pleasing the
most fastidious trade
we have now on
hand ihe fin
est lot of
Ever brought to Athens.
The best that money
can buy
Don’t forget the ol4 original
lalmadge Bros. Sole Agents, the
only original and genuine.
Send your orders or telephone 08.
Goods promptly delivered and
everything gMftanteed as
If yon need anything not in stock
we will take pleasure in order
ing it at once.
A liberal share of the trade respect
fully solicted.
We are also agents Tor the Mar-
shallville Georgia Fruit Far.u pure
ipple cider. The finest i.t the
74 & 76
Clayton Street
LIKE, the greet
Mrtteal Work of the
ago on Msn’'ood,'*enr-
aml 1’tmic*. De
puty, I'rematnrw De-
iritnur Tuvor* r ummorviwth.
(VilliTV ini OLLt land thv ttfi'.old nxber*
cacontH^uent ther m, £*) part* d ya, 123’ P«^
•cription' I r all diacasea. doth, full i^ilt, only f 1.00,
3jr mall, tw ed. Illadtintivo s
Jdie-eifvd men. Send r
lewdkd .M-sdn) aw *rdod Jo the a
U Medical A«“>ct£tion. Ad.itc*;
ton. ModK.or Dr. W. II. FAUL!
raril Metlica) Uosieir, iftyn'i*
who may be countiu-1 cond I*
4 St. 8; v ***b»l*y t>* u
Cat ibia out. You tuuy a
. Nolle*
«. Al! i»ci*nn*; nre hereby rutifiM not to
throw mi} trash < r rt.bish fr in their
su-rtd, li« 11st s ci luu upon the'klrtets.
Any vi« Liu n of t^is on.u.anee'will be
punishvJ 1* r tb.e mine. If
Couldn’t Stand It.
One of ,tiit Athens metcliati's while
retun iug frotu New York <;pentd his
lunch on the train. The smell of L»m-
berg* r cheese »oou a woke ail the pus-
rengers, ai:*l th»-y appealed t.i the coa-
ductor to put the Athenian off. v
Georgia raised
J. S King & Co
Rye at
Heated House
Has been the cause of nSuxh bronchia
troubles-. Coming out into tho op* n air »
! ftliriit CoM, followed by a s*»vorc* «*oujh is
In Oconee county ; 8G acres of land for sale,
high state of cultivation, 15C aer s origl al
forest timber, ?. acres bolt* m land in cultha ,
tlon, two launches running through place, eight j contracted. 1 nke <n tim» 1 *vh*r sunei-o-
rootu new dwelling, one storehouse, 4oxe-o feet hee It'ni ly of S veet Gu:n at 1 M Jllem
tin r*»of, warehouse 30x40 lift, one black smith j ♦
shop, one gin house JioxdO feet, eight tenan j To get relief from mdigestio 1, bilious-
houses. Baptist and Yethodlst churches uear by r . CKS> con<tip*tion*or torpid liver with-
iaca or pifging
d ise< of Ca ter*
they w.ll pU ate you.
breakfast bacon
and g«Mid school A11 orchard of fine pencil and 1 out distui b:njr the st
apple trees, one poml stocked with carp, barn, J ,j ie bowel* talc * fe
stables, crib and carriage bouses. In six miles 1 ,♦ i e lAvt V IML
of AVatkinsyllle and a splendid stand for a store - * ’’
and gin ami blacksmith shop.
t3iMr»Ulu>d.raam.inrulllvalloii. 2o in ] T) nvp P
original forest. 15 in IniUoiii land, creek and t JAUV C Diailtl 11*111.^ t 11 ltU
branch running through place, 4 room dwelling. IjCCf fi 11(1
barn and stable. 2 tenant houses, l 1-2 miles of _
WatklnsvIUe, on M. & V. B. K. A fine orchard at WCOb & Cni'VlUm S.
on the place.
600 acres of fine land in the vicinity of TVat-
kinsville, known os the Harwich land, cut fu
lots from 60 to 15» ficres per !oL Will sell
one-half cash balance 1 and & years time 8 per
cent interest.
go acre farm 3 miles from Athens on C & M
R. R., 40 acres In a high state of cultl atkm, 20
acres In p stures and original forest, 3 branches
running through place .» new 8 room dwelling,
barn and crib, buggy house, church and school
convenient for *1200.
Any one wishing improved or vacant lots any
wherein Athens will do well to see roc before
Here Is a new 2 ntonrcolUge on an acre lot in
a nice neighborhood lu East Athens for $£0.oo
Kc -sh T im—A
The excursionists gave a doleful accoujt
of their ride from Tnllulan Saturday
night. Soon a r ter leaving the Falls rock?*
co>urttenced coming through the winders
of the train, but fortunately no one tv is
httit until after p^s dug Lula, an A when
near Gil’sviJIe, a lock struck Jim Whit
tiel l’s son, but did not hurt him very
badly. One of the excursionists saw tiie
paity throwing the reck and tir±d a pis
tol at the rockers and thinks that he hit
one of them. This rocking bu-iness is
said to be very common a; d frequently
the train is rocked between Tallulah and
Athens. The authorities should put de
tectives along the line, and if the perpe
trators aio captured shoal i be dealt
Gossip About Old fit lea.
It is supposed that Jtomc at one time
contained 5,000.000 inhabitants.
It look Jonah a day to get into the
middle of Nineveh, which occupied more
space than *London.
Babylon contained 14-1 square miles
miles and London contains but 120.
In the Eternal City there were 1,780
palaces and 46 602 houses divided into
The palaces of Rome each accomo
dated about 350,CC0 people.
A woman living near the banks of the
Tiber once sold her possessions in Rome,
and it was learned that she possessed
four hundred slaves.
Mr J. E. Ro>ks, of Ducatnr, was mar-
Brought to Light.
The recent chemical investigations made by the
National Food Analysts have brought to light one fact
which will be of special interest to house-keepers—that
the Cream of Tartar used by the Price Baking Powder
Company is the purest made in the world. The crystals
are from the finest grapes, imported direct from the vine
yards of France, and when freed from all impurities, used
by them in the manufacture of the celebrated Dr. Price’s
Cream Baking Powder.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder and Flavoring Ex
tracts are used by the United States Government. —
A Subvert Hon.
A friend of Mr. J. W. Thomas, of
Madison county, was in the city yester-
daj getting up a subscription for the
Matter. Mr. Thomas lost his bouse by
fire last week. He was out in the field
at work aJ.d docs not know the cause of
the fire. He lives seven miles west of
Danielsville. A few dollars were
Council Ciiamheb,!
Athens, ua., Aug., 27, 1888. >
5 O’clock P. M.)
A called meeiing of Council was held
this evening, present His Honor Mayor
Hodgson and Aldermen McDowell, Mc-
Ginty, Hunnicutt, McKennon and Murry.
The Mayor stated that the meeting bad
been called for 'the purpose of taking
some action in regard lo work on Broad
street near Georgia depot.
Messrs Hampton & Brade?n were
present and submited a bid for the work.
Bid received and filed.
A communication f.ora Miss M. Ruth
erford wr.s read stating that some un
easiness was felt by the patrons of the
Institute, and urging Council to such
immediate action as will restore confi
dence in the health of the city.
Refer; cd to Board oi lleahh.
On motion of Alderman Hunnicntt the
question of lock work on Broad street
near Georgia depot was referred to Street
CDinmiit u to investigite and report to
Council .v next regular meeting.
Couucu then adjourned.
W. A. Gillelaxd.
syrup ol s igfc
Is Nature’s own true laxative. It is
the most easily taken and most eflec
tive remedy known to Cleanse the
System when Bilious or Costive; to
dispel Headaches, Colds, anil'evers,
to Cura Habitual Constipation, Indi
gestion, Piles, etc. Manufactured only
by the California Fig Syrup Company;
.San Francisco, Cal.
For tale by Wade & Sledge,
. Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
Athens, Ga.
Makes the lives' of many people misera
ble, and often leads to seif-destruction.
We know of ro remedy for dyspepsia
more successful than Ilrod’s Sarsaparilla.
It acts genJv, yet surely and efficiently
tones the stomach and other organs, re
moves the faint feeling, creates a good
appetite, cures headache, and refreshes
the burdened mind. Giro Hood’s Sar
saparilla a fair trial. It will do you
A nejro by nnine. Bud Brown, was
placed in ihe lo .k-up y* s’erdav fi r steal
ing a pistol from Mr. Guin. The darkie
was locked up Sunday for vagrancy and
persistent loafiag around the street car
stables. \\ hi.-i in the calaboose he
showed the pistol to another negro.
Sunday night he was turned out, but the
negro to ah m he had showed the pis
tol informer on him, Guin swort out a
warrant, a d yesterday Brown was
locked in ag: in
A Safe Investment.
. Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case of
failure a return of purchase price On
this safe plan yon can buy from our ad-
vestised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King’*
New Discovery for Consumption. It is
guaranteed to bring relief in every case.
riel Sunday evening by Justice J. & j when used for any ^affection of Threat,
Evans, to Miss Alice Hayes, of Athens. | Rungs or Che st, such as Consumption,
m — j Inflammation of Lunes, Bronchitis, As-
A rhjatetan tram Iowa thma. Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., It
()r. H. Slunk, 2Ce«da, slates: j j* plewsnt and agree,ble tot.sle, perfect-
Have been practicing medicine fifteen *' ““
years, and of all the medicines I have
ever seen for * he bowels, Dr. BiggeFs
Huckleberry Cordial is by far the best.
Country hams at WeUb
& Crawford’s.
for boarding Ijom*. Well an4 waterwor s
8 ROOM bouse on Comer of Clayton and Hull
4 ROOM house on Hancock aveuuc, close to
Methodist church
H ROOM house on Fancock avenue, suitable
I for Itoanling house. Close to Methodist i
g ROOM house on Dougherty street,
g ROOM house ou Thomas street
Real Estate gent.
ly, and can alw&y* be depended upon,
Trial bottle free at John Crawford &
Co’t Drug Store.
Des’h of Mr*. Evans.
O PEN 5 Monday Hepteiulier 3rd Enrollment
of new pupils iK’gin s Moiulu < * tig 27th, Si -
* - * — - — white : 10 to
Bit N (lN,
Superintendent. -
perinteiidcut s office. 3 to 5 p, iii
to 12 a m colored.
TT^ANTED—Travelling and local salewncri for
YY Krkrultural and Machinery Specialties to
. sell to the trade. State age, reference*, amount
I expected fo» »atary and expenses. Address.
MASSEY • Co.. Montexuma, Ga.
Mr*. Cltriss^ Evans died yesterday at
the residence of her son-in-law, Mr.
Tom Williams, on Baldwin street. Mrs.
Evans was over 90 veers of age at th©
time of her death. She has beet a pen-
Advict to Mothers. ^ sioner on the United States Government
Mrs. Wisslow’b Soothim*. oyrup f or many years; her husband Hnving
should always be used for children teeth- been wounded in the war of 1812, The
ing. It soothes *be child, t-odtiJ ^ the , funeral will take place this morning at 9
gums allays all pain, cures .find colic o’clock from Mr. Williams* residence,
and is the b©Ht remedy - for dinrrlmes
twenty-five "wnta a bottle.
Their gentle aclion and good < ifi
Aie system D aily make them n perfect
Malaria or Ague Barely Cured I
In this broad assertion, we speak not
little pid They ph ase tho
them: Ji»rier M IJtrie Liv«*i
well be termed ’TVrlVcuoii.
If sick headache is misery, what are
Garter’s Little Liver Pills if they will
positively cure it? People who hive
used them speak franhly of their worth.
They are small and easy to take.
Georgia raised Rye at
J. S. King & Co.
The many remarkable cures IIoou’s
Sarsaparilla accomplishes arc pufScien
proof that it (foes possess peculiar cura
tive |,ovens.
Feopl. who Travel
Chang, of climate or water rery often
afiect the bowels seriously. If on the
first symptoms of any disturbance you
would take Dr. Biggir’s Huckleberry
Cordial muejt suffering might be saved
George Bush a negro living in riast
Athens bad the misfortune to have a fine
bull stolen from his pen in Ea t Athens
Saturday night.
Tallulah will be short of excursions in'
the future if they have to pa; for looking
at the falls. -
Htirae Committed Suicide.
Brenstein is a horse trader,and liko all
horse trrdere sometimes has bad luck aa
the foil,.wing will show. He had a'
horse, not one of the thoroughbred kind,
but a good plain horse that he was anx
ious to sell. Yesterday Brenstein found
a customer and carried him down to look
at bis steed. He found the horse stand
ing in the river cooling off and seeming
ly looking as well ss usual. Brenstein
punched the horse with his unbrella to
make him stir around and show off. his
good points. Aa soon aa the horae felt
the* point of the umbrella in his side he
reared up and fell back in the water and
drowned. - It is a clear case of auicida.
The Oft Told Story
Of the peculiar medicinal merit* of Hood’s
Sarsaparilla Is fully confirmed l>y the volun
tary testimony of thousands who have tried
It. Peculiar In the combination, proportion,
ami preparation of its Ingredients, peculiar
In tlie extreme care with which it Is put
up, Hood’s Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures
where other preparations entirely fall. Pecu
liar in the unequalled good name it has made
at home, which Is a “tower of strength
abroad,’’ peculiar in tho pheuomeual sales
it h»c attained.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
is the most popular and successful medicine
before tho public today for purifying the
blood, giving strength, creating an appetite.
“I suffered from wakefulness and low
spirits, and also bad eczema ou tho back of
my head and neck, which was very annoying.
I took one bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, .and
I have received so much benefit that I am
very grateful, and I am always glad to speak
a good word for this medicine.” Mns. J. &
Snyder, Pottsville, Penn.
Purifies the Blood
Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City,
had scrofulous sores all over his body for
fifteen years. Hood's Sarsaparilla cqpiplctely
cured him.
Wallace Buck, ot North Bloomfield, N. Y. #
suffered eleven years with a terrible varicose
ulcer on his leg, so bad that he had to give
up business. He was cured of the ulcer, and
also of catarrh, by
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists, fcl; slxforfS. Prepared only
fiyO. 1. IIOOD A CO..Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass.
loo Doses Ond Dollar
Mr. Tack has returned from l f.w
days' visit to his heme in th. country.
He says he constantly finds men who did
' not vote and in 'act did not know of the
recent primary.
Hampton & Bradeen want the city to
give them . contract for laying the Geor
gia depot hill in granite. They will
blast the granite out of the h )U arodnl
Athens and guarantee a fine job.
Ms Pills
Malaria, Dumb Chills,
Fever and Ague, Wind
Colic, Bilious Attacks.
nat (on*, never irrlpe or Interfere with
dally bnalnems. Ah a Tasally medicine, .
they nhould be in every beaseboldo
Bine' Ridge and Atlantic Railroad.
To take effect Sunday April 22, Enstarp Time
ise falsely, btil slate pt, that
my ard all nmsmnlit Iievo ns. V(C1 I. r r i-
caly driven iron, li t ayut to. Mid »-1 .r-
‘ xi.ncr.t cure gcan nlt'ed. 1 lxtJsrt.bR t f
'.chronic C£S“V. U hr sc tc'innbls hear.
Chew the (H>ltd.r4t<J I.imx > twm. <rWH ,,., i*,, r inf.l-
Tobacco, man. f.ctoitd of oi ly ' w in st r . which cm: ill. i.uther t}t!i-1
Henry County A a. filler*, by I • no & "•“* cr arvtl inp iriu-t-r..'
Watson, MnMii^vilb’, *••• 01,1 Foil treaunera free by olj |2b\rioia:> iff
chew mule, into .i u'i*h 4“; . ^ a-fac- aLsu iru I r*ntv<li font ,
tion guaranteed, if i ot gt^Js to to re- ^ j^^pt ofaddrrvs, to ABAHEL MKI)
turniHlatonrt xpewv—Ulmajige icaL BUREAU. 291 BrWvuj. N. Yj
Exclusive airenig.Atlion%Oa. Cm tniyflldlv. 4 , '
7 35 6
7 54) C 45
8 05'7 M>
2U 7 12
3 4517 %
Cl* rk» s'Ula.
•140 no
»’l jiiKin
:© *.1*13
TheGeorgia Rai
Louisville, Ky.
On Tuesdays and Thurs
days of each weea at
Each limited fifteen days*
lent and General Manager.
One of tho finest blooded Jersey
bulls in the State, (registered) will
serve registered cows »t S3 and vm-
registcred for S3.
Faihvikw Farm,
lawd&wlm Athens,Ga.
G EORGIA—Clabke County: Whe re-
as, Ge /. W. Rush, Administrator ©f
ihe estate of John Eberhart, late of said ,
county, doceaaed, has applied to me
in :erras of tho law,for leave to sell all •
the reel estate be longing to the estate of
saic. deceased. These are therefore to
cito and notify all concerned to show
csuie. if any they can, at the regular
term of the court cf ord/nxry to bo held
in and for said county on tho II rst Moo-'
day in October next why such leave
should not be granted.
Oiven umler ray hand and official sig
nature at ofllce this the 27th day of
August 1888. Asa M. Jackson,