The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, October 23, 1888, Image 1
frig WfiEkLV BANNER-WA rCHMAN^t^fOBER 9 i883. BA YN HR-WATCHMAN ibubuhiid ihm. DAILY. SUNDAY I WEE KLY MSSSaEKSS ob vtkbkly Bahjtkb-'Watcw- ■AWltdeltaeredln the city or mailed portage ^o>nS£mnor 8m loUetted tree* ill Address.^ POPE & BBV MBY. Pbotmtow^ PSALM IVXIXIJV. (1) He bemoaneth the state of the people, anil showeth how a deceiver is come among them. (4) He descri- beth hiu. and his party. (6) Of what he says. £14) He cxhorteth them to do that which is right. 1. Why do the He.-.*hen so furiously rage, end why do the people imagine a vain thing? 2. A deceiver hath come among you, Hye flock to hear him. o,1lc hath preached in Maine, from l’ortland even unto Old Orchard, and ye have listened to his words. 4. Verily, lie is fair to look upon; he hath a deceitful smile and a rever end white heard, and words flow from his mouth like sweet honey, but with in ho is as a ravening wolf. 5. His words sound as the words of wisdom, but are very foolishness. G. He speaketh of State Charters, and of Trusts, of which he knoweth not 7. For he is in truth a protectionist of the protectionists. 8. He is of them that rejoice more / over one “ bloated monopolist ” that OUR PROGRESS- Our country has made rapid strides in progress and in population during the last ten years. Preparations have already been inaugurated for the cen sus of 1890, which will present some astonishing figures to the eyes of our people. Those who stay at home, and seldom read the newspapers have no idea of the marvelous increase in pop ulation that oar country has under gone during the last few years. The number of immigrants for the ten years ending in 1890 will not fall short of 6,000,000. In the ten years before, it was not more than 1,100,000. The rate of increase among the na tive population, is about the same a« heretofore, about 2,000,000 a year which will put the total population of the states in the neighborhood of 76,- 000,000. Oir country is indeed, rapidly growing. The vastness of its prodent magnitude, has for exceeded the wild est dreams of our fathers. If they could rise up from their graves and witness the fruits of our progress, in all the branches of our industry and the restless hordes of our teeming population, they ccild hardly realize that this pretentious and magnificent country, was but the larger growth of the infant colonies. Our progress ha** been great, hut the end is not yet— ‘•Pits ultra” is written on every thing around us, and the end of our ad vancement stretches to the bounds of time. \. 0?FRICE’$ rwT.aif IaKIN? CHINESE EXCLUSION Cleveland's message on the Chinese gR.MII miaous] flAYOl# EXTRACTS I mtumfrditfuwbI tJfwd by the United desireth to he protected, than over A MONOPOLY IN WHEAT. The Chicago Gamblers have suc ceeded in buying up so much of the wheat of the country as to double its ninety and nine just laboring men that need no protection. 9. To the rich man that hath, they say, shall be given, and from the per man that hath not shall l>e taken away even that which he hath. 1(1. How is it that said lie when spake unto you, that/l'rusts were private affairs, and that ye should not interfere with them? Know ye not that Trusts roh the poor man and drive small manufacturers from business? 11. How is it that he said when he spake unto you, that Grover, the lead er, was a friend to the English? Hath he not hut just now desired to retali ate against them? 12. How is it that he hath said that we should lie ruined if we have Free Trade? Doth he not know that Eng land, which hath Free Trade, is rich er than all other protected countries? 1.1. And. again, that lloger of Texas would seek to ruin ye hy the hill which he hath made, because he putteth wool on the free l-st? Know ye not that the G. O. 1*. would have free whiskey, which is the ruin of all men? 14. Verily, he speaketh hut to de ceive, and ye are as sheep to be .od by —-*}iitn. 15. Therefore, he wise, and when the time coineth to render your vote, see that ye cast it for Grover, which is right. 10. Verily, then shall all his ene mies he defeated, and there shall l>e weeping and gnashing of teeth.—Da- vinus Hex in “Life.” value, and now the price of bread in Md Public Pood AoalTuta, utko StwauL Pratt aid ncMthfol Dr. BaUnc Powder does aotcoateln Aauaoate, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price e Deltaon Flaroruc Uftcu, veniUe, Lemon, Oranc*. Almond, Hoee, etc, do not contain PoleonoueOU* or CbemBala PRICE BAKING POWDES CO- He-* Yaw. CMceso. “ “ Chicago is threatened to be raised. Gambling in any species of products is an ovil worthy of hell, and a fit business for devils, but when it de- cends to the staff of life, and seeks to create a monopoly, in the prime arti cle of human sustenance, their are no words too cruel to qualify their beastly inhumanity. No punishment is too great to he inflicted, and to as sign the perpetrators to perdition, would ho too good a paradise. Think of the atrocity of such a game. Buy ing up the very bread we eat only to deny it to the starving thousands, that their pockets might gingle with dishonest dollars. It would he no greater crime to snatch from the hands of a starving man the last morsel of food, and leave him todieinthc dregs of his poverty. No wonder the in dignant laborer, the life, and strength, and glory of our government, rises up in protest. Shall our Christian gov ernment allow such wrongs to flourish? Let the honest voice of outraged hon or, l>e raised in defiance everywhere against his gTeat iniquity, and let the honest hand of the industrious free men, in whatever way they can, hurl it to the ground. If such is to be the fruits of this government, then giv us anarchy, and rather than have the Stars and Stripes of our fartherland dishonored let its streaming folds be furled forever. The State Agricultural Society and the City Council of Macon are likely to have trouble over the indefinite jsjstjKiiiemeiit of the State Fair. The officers of the Agricultural Society should certainly have consulted with the City Council of Macon before an nouncing tlio determination to aban don the fair for the season. While a postponement would have been best, yet Jit should have been arranged agreeable to all parties interested. Cleveland's popular majority over lllaine in 1884 was 23,005. In the State of New York where the contest was closest, bis majority was only 1,- 149. The contest in Connecticut and Florida was very close. We think we see sighs of greater Democratic strength in the present campaign. ayneracies cla sses with of the people i be:u proved FACTS ABOUT OUR PAUPERS. The statement is often made that the country is overrun with paupers. I’eoplc who thus speak express aston- MlfcMHlO Electric Health Resort HILLMAN Exclusion Bill and is another evidem hension of tjte>fundame of the laws of nations manship. He bases hi the bill on the firm it of hlf Hi a and mutual/nnqjl of the Chinese those of the grei of the United S' _ by ax experience of twenty years, and ever sice the Burlington tieaty of 1868, to be in every sense Unwise, impolitic and injurious to both na tions.” He proceeds further to show that both nations have recognized the evil tendency of an attempt at amalgama tion adding that “it is thus easy to learn how the joint desires and the unequivocal mutual understanding of the two governments were brought into articulated form in the treaty which, after a mutuol exhibition of plenary powers f~om the respective governments, was signed and conclu ded by the plenipotentiaries of the United States and China, at this capi tal on March 12th last.” But in the face of these agreements China has recently refused a confirma tion of the treaty upon pretense of more explicit understanding from which Mr. Cleveland concludes that” the expressed demrnd on the part of China for a re-examination and renewed dis cussion of the topics so completely covered by the mutual treaty t stipu- llnpreoidcnted Attraction, U Ovor a million Distributed. Louisiana btate Lottery Co. laeoiporatei by tb.L«*i*l*tnre!n 18C cubical and charitable purposes, and ehlia made apart of the present State tion, is 1S7V, by a ‘ ns Grand sizzle Humber Drawls vs take place monthly, and the Grand Quarterly Irawuss regularly every three months March, Jane September and December). 1868 for Edu ced Its Iras- „ Oonstliu- orerwhel taing popular vote. Capital Prize, $300,000. “We d v hereby certify that w* su pervise she arrangements for all the Monthly and Quarterly Drawing* of the Louisiana Btate lottery company, and in >etaon manage and control the Draw ings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honestv, fairness and in good faith toward all parties, and we au thorise the Company to use this certlfl- jate, with Ctc-slmiles of our signatures attached in its advertisements.” E. VAN WINKLE & CO. Atlanta, - - - - _ - - Q eor manufacture COTTON SEED OIL MIL 05 £ i—i o GQ I 121 o Z2 Commissioners. Not a Pimple on Him Now. n.dwith Kcxema, Hair all Cane.> Crercd wlib Eruptions. *1 boualit hit hair would never grow. Cured by Cullrnra Krrae- uim. Hair hpleuditl and not a piM- pic on him# I CtDDUtMT ADflUgb in pi all* of iheCUTICUXA . m '• dies Sly boy. when one ytarof m#,wh o baa with Ktz-ma that he !o»t alt ol hia tnir. Hi> scalp wa* covered wnheruption*, which’he iVe the undersigned banks a jd bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in the Louisi ana State Lotteries which may be pre sented at oar counters. B. M. WALKS LEY, Pits. Louisiana Pat. Bk. rlEAP-t LAHAUX, Pies. State National Bank. A. UALUWIN.Prrs.Siew Urloana National Bank CAUL KOHH.PrSS Union Rational Bank. from Physician*. 1 brjan the uae ot the Cuticura dies, aid, I am h*ppr to say, wth the l per.Vet sneerst- Ilia hair la now splendid, there is not a i-i tuple on him I recommend the Cuticura Remedies to motoera f_« the root! •pstdj. ec- nr.mical. and moet r ipxai, «-"U“iuw«. »“u m * v-.v hr ‘N ikln diseases of it faata ard children, aud fori that •very mot er who haa an * filleted cnild will thank me for so dDing. .... M MRS. M. ¥. WOODSUM, Norway, Mo. A Fewer Sore of Fright Year** Cured oust extend to yru the thanks of on** of my cusumieia, who has been (urid, by using toe CoUcum Lcuird e«, of an old sire.csused by a )ong spell of bickn as or 'ever eight year* ago t*e v»«« si bid he w*s Um-fu’. ne would have U have his leg amputated, tu- -s happy total h« li i.ow enti'Ki.* well.—-aound as a uoliar. He re qUes a me to u*e h ! * name, which is H. H.CasOM utri hant of tbit* p ace. JOHN V. M1MJU, Dru*.gis-s. Gainsb>ro, Tenn. inhment that such should be the case in a country so varied in its industries. ami where so many avenues lie open to enterprise and thrift. If such per sons would compare their country with other countries of the globe, they would feel a new pride for their own government. According to figures fur nished by the Nashville American, there were 10(1,000 paupers in the United States in 1880, to a population of 50,000,000 inhabitants—England, Scotland and Ireland with a popula tion of over 30,000,000 supported 1,- 300,000 paupers. A similar propor tion is found in other European coun- trta. Now, in the light of facts our country, as far as the nuisance of paupotV is concerned, is better off than any ynintry on the globe. The" inultitu<y|gf our industrious -enterpri ses, extcVhling the iviilr'area of their operations into every section of the union, and offering work to every va riety of labor presents a territory from the tropics to the lakes, and from one oceanjto the other, as free from paupers as any equal area in the civilized world. Let us go to work to bind new beauties in our glorious govern ment, and not spend our time in idle efforts, to detect objections, which at heat arc visionary and unreal. Mr. W. li. Gorman, in a com muni cation to the West Point Alliance, on the proposed constitutional amend ment increasing tlio numlier of Judges of the Supreme Court, makes two mistakes. He states that the (ample of Georgia, in 18(50, ‘-had double the wealth they have ever had since.” This is only true hy count- tlie slaves as part of the wealth of Leaving them out, the proper ty -f Georgia is worth more now than in 1860. He states also that Texas has a Supreme Court of only three Judges. This is true, but Texas has ing tin i860. anotiier court of thret the Court ofbbuxoeals the Suprenrim are six judges. Severe scalp Disease Cured. A few week* a*« rntwlfe suffered ve y f.onia c la->Mi.s disease ui ihe scalp, and re ceived no relief from the various us,d until n 10 trirt Cuticura. promptly jirl -led tub edit* flie Th‘* di»-*se •af.t «ut. Mid in a»l: h»l‘fil'e was ••ntiieiy well. Tu ere bar Neu ... .he disease, and Cuiicura ranka No, ir «»ti*j»»»iion for dlseaae* i t the •kin. Rev. J, I-KLCSLKV BAUBtTi. U D. Kaklgu, Wj La Taliaferro Co., Ga. CURES BY NATURAL ELECTRICITY —AND— ELECTRIFIED WATER By the use of this celebrated Nat ural Treatment the most astonishing cures have resulted iu cases of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA DYSPEPSIA, KIDNEY DISEASES- LIVER TROUBLES INSOMNIA, LOSS OF APPETITE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN, PARALYSIS IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OVERTAXED MENTAL FACULTIES. Excessive Indulgence in Alco holic Stimulant, aud Gen eral Debility. No Artificial Means Used Whatever. ij^jggoAement and a practical abandonment of the objects wo have in view, to which the government of China may justly be considered as pledged.”^ Therefore he approves the hill and urges congress to use its unquestion ed legislative poyer and prohibit Chi nese immigration regardless of the re jection of the .treaty by China. He liases this advice on the fundamental principle of international law of “the admitted and paramount right and duty of every government to exclude from its borders all elements of for eign population which, for any reason retard its prosperity or are detriment al to the moral and physical health of its people must he regarded as a re cognized canon of international law and intercourse.” Throughout, his message is preg nant with an earnest effort to observe the interests of his country, but not in disregard to the rights of other na tions and in his message he makes such recommendations as will insure proper indemnity for all existing claims of Chinamen in our country on theiv-jz*? Either, and to meet such liabilities he suggests an ap propriation of two hundred and seven ty-six thousand dollars. The mes sage is full up to the high standard of Cleveland’s statesmanship, and is another strong link that hinds the Man of Destiny to the supreme seat in the nation. Long live the ex-may or of Buffa’o. Grand Monthly Drawing Iu the Aeadvaj of Mnaic. Kcw Orleans, Tuesday, October 9, l &S. Capital Prize, $300,000 100,000 Tickets At Twenty Dollars Each. Halves 410; Quarters TesthsD; Twentietks 41. 1 PBlZb OF tuuo.oro i».....~~ — ... |3<K,o:o 1 PRIZE OF 100,000 is ... 110,0*0 1 PRIZE OF 50,000 ia..™. to 00 1 PRIZE OF ‘25.000 ia 25,0ju 2 PRIZES OF 10.000 a:*. 20 Ot0 1 PKIZtcs OF 5,0(0 are 25 000 25 PRIZES OF 1.000 are V5. C0 100 PRIZE* OF 500 are 50,003 200 PRIZES OF 300 are ~ * 500 PRIZE* OF **0 are APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Priaea of t'KO approximating to $3)0,UC0 Frixe are 100 Prizes of $100 approximating to #100,000 Prize are 100 Priaea of 4200 approximating to I50.0U0 Prize are 1FRMINAL PRIZES .ono Prizes of llOat decidea by $>*),( 00 Prize are ,000 Prizes ot «100 decided by fICO.OCO Prize are From Dimple* loSerefuln Cur* d. S«»ap pr*pared from it, externally, and C.iticura Ki.olV lit. the new h.ood miller, iaumlty, area iv nilire cure foi every I> rm of skin and blood diaeaze from pimMea to scrolula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. Me.; PoaP. •26c.: Resolvent. Si. Pitpar<d by the Potter Drug and i hennlealCo., Boeton. Ma*a. end for “How to Cure Fkln Disease*/ 64 pages, 0 illustrations, and 103 testimonial*. Skinaudscalppreserved and bsauti led by Cuticur* Mtdieattd Soap. _ feian, has been at r, if possible, a sub will destroy the j*ello\v JSrasite. lie aunounces that Vne, rhigoline and caustic soda Hire worth a sober trial. Indeed, lie expresses great confidence in the re sult of such a test. When a case oc curs the house should he thoroughly saturated with gasoline .and the wet places, if any, sprinkled with caustic .soda. Cold is an accepted extermi nator of the germ, and both gasoline and rhigoline lower the temperature sufficiently to prove of value in treat ing the fever. He says that Decatur, Ala. ; for $5,000, could be covered with gasoline and caustic soda one-eiglith ot an inch iu thickness. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tfcla powder never vanes. A marvel af baalr, Rtrenplh and wb.leaoma.eas, Mora eoft- mfjlaal than the etdinary klada, and ran not be sol-1 in competition with the mnlUiutisof low sat abort weight slam or pkceebsto powders Bold onlvincans. ROYAL BAR KG POWDER CO,, ltd Wall Street. New Yc rk Snow lias begun to fall in Virginia, and the frost to whiten the fields of Georgia. Nature is jiropitious. May the heralds of winter continue their southward march, aud rout the fatal scourge from our suffering cities. A1 ready their checks have felt the icy kiss of the cold north wind, and nev er was the soft and playful zephyrs, which brought the fragrance of the orange blossoms or told the story of the opening flowers, more warmly welcomed in the homes they sweet ened. May the early frosts descend upon the suffering cities, and before the snows have fallen, may this blight ing curse be wiped away forever. Every Muscle Aches. ' Sharp Aches. Dull » *iua, Stmina- u.l \Ve*kne*. Reused io one Minute by the Cuiicnr* Anti-Pain l li«U*r. A reif.-ct antidote to pain aedweakre*. The first and only jain-kUling plaster. 25c. oclldAwlm. There is scarcely a mail that does not bring some grateful acknowledgement of the Wonderful Health Restoring Vir tues of the place. Resort open the year round. First- class hotel accommodations at reasons ble rates. For testimonials and rates address B.F.BR0WN, Manager, Hillman, Taliaferro Co„ Ga. The yellow fever in Florida has no effect upon the joke s, says the Sun. One of them lives in Palatka. He rushed into the office of a prominent business man the other morning and said that a girl had just come into the city without a certificate. The busi ness men hurried out and blew up the quarantine officers for not attending to business. Then the Health Board heard of it, and they reprimanded the officers severely. The whole town wi fast getting excited, when it w learned that the girl was a hahy, born ; to the joker the night before. Tliis is theTop of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, similarare imitation. This exact Label isoneach Pearl Top Chimney A dealer ma y saj and think he has others as good, BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. For Sale Evekyv'heie. Made only it GEO. A MACBETH & CQ„ Fittsbureh. Pa LADIES! Do Tour Own Dyeing at Homs wltb Pee rless They will dye everythU Dyes They are roM every- ' aoulU have no equal to* Htrcngth, Brightness, Amouul iu Packages or for Faatneta of Color, or non- fading Qualities, They «lo not crock For solo by O. W. RUSH A CO wade a sledge. and K. s. LYNDON, Drufiriata. Itbon ♦ M The Paper ON WHICH THIS IS p k i n t e d WAS MADE BY THE DAUCHY’S ADVERTISEMENTS. Pioneer Paper MANUFACTURING CO., ATHENS, - GEORGIA GUNS list to Johxstox A Sox., Pitt PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM Cleanse* and beautifies the hair. Promote* a luxuriant growth. over Fail* to Reztoro Gray Hair to it* Youthful Color, rnta Dandruff and hair falling EXHAUSTED VITM.IU THt SALARY TOO SMALL- The Coiumbua Enquirer springs the proposition to increase the salary of the Governor of the State. We cor dially join in the opinion expressed by the able journal that the present sal ary that Georgia pays her Governor is too small for the Executive of our great and growing commonwealth. Several'years ago, when the present salary was adopted, it was ample com- pensation for the labor required hy the office. Now, with the growing importance of our State, the duties of its Executive head have greatly mul tiplied, and the responsibilities asso ciated with the highest trust of our people have increased both in their number and their gravity. The Em pire State of the South, peerless in the prosperity of her enterprising citizens, and proud of the distinction in the eisteniood of States, which her merits have secured, and which her progress haa sustained, is amply able, from the wealth of her vast and varied re sources, to sufficiently compensate her Governor for the protection of her great interests. We commend the question to the wisdom of the incom ing legislature, and we trust that they will so increase the salary as not to make it au object for the greed of the office seeker, but commensurate with the duties of our highest public trust. It is only one month before the Presidential election. The battle is waging fiercely in Indiana, which h. s become the centre of hostilities. Both sides are strong and the forces are evenly matched. The flower of both parties are arrayed against each oth- Thc innocent State of Indiana, Lem one end to the other is the scene of comhat. The sun rises on the struggle, to which night-fall does not put an end, and so the fight will wage,until the Gtli of nezt November, when the issue wifi he settled, and victory perch ujx>n the conquering banner. From the present outlook the Democracy will triumph. May the kind fates be propitious and bring the prophecy to pass. T ail SCIENCE OF LIFE, the (Treat Medical Wort of the axe op MirV>od.Nerv- ard Physical D. ldlily, l'rematore Da> KNOWTHYSELF.r^d^ cjcoTOeqiimt Ihrrt-'n, **» P*?®* ***• J® icripuon' I Thll diwMfiA Ck»tk, full irUt, only U*0k P* mail, to JttL lllurralive aampte fm: U> all yoons ind mid.llr-A.nsi me a. S«*nd now. The Gold and Jewi-ik-d M dal awurJrd lo ihe atiibor by Ibe Nattoo- «1 Medical AMOCislion. Addri--* I'.O. lb»x l8<Kk,Boe- ton, l*. W. II. PARKER, irradoateof llai* rard Mcd*cal Coik*u»\ piacti-De In Bowton, who m*v be con■«;:!»*•.! confidentially. Offlce, Ra « Hulfir.eli SL Hi-eeialry. of Mr“ Cnt tttia out. Yon «ny nrvor ae HINDERCORN8. Th. only *ar#CTO to Ooraartmalloiita. oMaforttots, fort lio- SI nnmebttTlhe5sca.>.T. cafcteKs ITTLE use , Up to September 1 the Immigrant ‘ i this arrivals in thia country thisyear were 392,937 as against 362,839 for the same period last year. II this rate ia kept up for the rest of the year the number of new inhabitants from this source will foot up nearly 600,000. Certainly the United States have not teased to be an asylum and a refuge. t.-inarkablo success has Headache, y»‘ Cartel's Little Liver Fine an eqnaUy valaeUe In OonsUpeUrta earlec and pce- venUng thlsannoylng complaint, .bile tkayalee correct all disorder* of theatomachxtitnPlala the liver a^ngnlete the bowels. Even >1 they onlr HEAD Ache they wonld be almost prioeleta to those vbe -nSetfiumthledtalreeeleg enTliiMibetfoctu- natalythelvgr,odn*eednaenetendhai.A^lhoee jho ones try them tnd thees Bttle pills vale- able In so many way* that they <*R1 net be wil ling to do tritboet them. Bat after all sick bead ACHE The br?t o( all remedies (or 1 award Pain*, Colic, Indiges tion, Exhaustion and all Stom ach and Dowel trouble*. Also the moat effective cure (or, Cough*. Colds Bronchitis and the breathing organ*. It promote* refreshing sleep, i»r«»«s **»• appetite, prostration, — life and strength ^ — ... te the weak and aged. 50c. and (mo, at Drggumaa GRATEFUL-COMFORTING EPPS’S iCOCO A. BREAKFAST. WANTED A No. 1, ten to fifteen horse-power engine, if can be bought low. Apply to Box 105, Washington Ga. tf GLASSES : FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY With the latest improved instru meats. If you cannot see distinctly your eyes pain, call at the CO AT THE, Old Post-Office Building. 20o,t02 50,00 20,000 100.000 100,000 3,136 Prize* tor art* ing to $1.0 5,<,00 ForCtub Ri {•« >r any further information apply to tho unuersl.nod. Ymir handwriting must be uistin'M and Signature pln'o. More rap.d return aail delivery will t>e insured by your enclosing an Luveiopo bearing your full add rcaa -‘end Postal Not- 4, Express Money Orders, or _ ew York Kxc-hunge in ordinary letter Cr _ rencj by Express ut our exponse addresaod to K A DAUPHIN Orieh&n, Lb or M A DaupBlr. WaaBlngton, D 0; « (c-i O O OQ Pri m pH TANKS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS and all kinds of FOUNDRY WORK Awarded Four Gold Medals at the Texas State Fair one for the best Gin, best Feeder, best Condenser, and best display. Awarded First Prize Gold Medal at International Cotton Exposition, for the best sample, best general result* and the best constructed machine. in Ginnin First Prize at Tarboto. North Carolina State Fair. Also awarded first Premium :u South Carolina State Fairs. Chester, S. C., November 30ih., 1883—E. Van Winkle ir Uo., Atlanta, Ga., Gents: to-day. First Premium over Pratt, Winship and Brown, Yours truly, Made a clean score at the Fair here JOHN B. LONDON. WRITE US FOR PRICES. WE.CAN SAVE YOU MONEY BY PURCHASING DIRECT. E VAN WINKLE & CO., EOX 83, ATLANTA, GA THE EXCELSIOR Single Lever Injector! McGinty& Hunnicutt Address registered Letters to SEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New 0cleans, La. DUMUMDVD Tbit tho presence of II1L MIL ill ij-CiXL General* Beauregard ind Early, who tie nchxrg* of the drawings, 1* a guarantee cf absolute fairness and integrity, that the chaucea aie all equal, and that no one can poMibly divine what number will draw a Prize. Ki'.MEMflKR Uim therr.~u» r nto! all Prike* ia GUARABTDED BY FOUR NATIONAL BANKS of New orleana, and the Tickets are signed by Ihe President <>t an Inntitution, whose chartered righta are recognised in the highest Courti; therefore, beware of any 1m>tatio> t or aaonvmoua achexn#*- wedAsun-d-t~ Southern Medical College, ATLANTA, GA. Next annual se ssion of this Institution will open The orator* who will stump the atnt. of among -Artheat in the Democratic ranks. And unless the Republicans send every man they have got on their list, to counteract the Democratic influences, tho State will inevitably go Democratic, Among the orators are R. Q, Mills, of Texas; Breckenbri Ige, of Arkansas; Turner, ot Georgia;Brekenbridge,of Kentucky; Hemphill, of South Carolina,; and Bland, of Missouri. The betting on the Presidential election threatens to liecome interest ing in New York. One Jacob Hess with bluff or betting proclivities showed at a public place the other night a hankering to put up large sums against Cleveland’s election. It was reported to men who wanted a soft thing, and next day several ap- ilied at his office only to find him out. )ne man had $25,000 to bet on Cleveland, and expressed his willing ness to give odds. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1 A. A CANDIDATE NOB COUNTY SOB Vevornnl. Alkui/;xt of.ll the Tour- in the county, - C.B. DANIEL, r. J. A FITXEB »-niucce» tor Aldermen la ,be 4th viol. I hereby announce myself as n candidate for reel cllc-i lor Alderman from the Pint » ard. 11 M. DoOTSOV. October 2 1888. And continue until IS TIIE ONE WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING for that has hut one lever and can be sold as cheap as the Hancock Inspirator. We Guaran tee it and wi* carry *•» full stock for prompt ship- Contractors and Builders. -Dealers and Manufacturers of- ...A > incut. It is strictly a first-class boiler feeder. BRICK LATHES,SHINGLES WHITE LEAD „ „ T , , „ „ . MIXED PAINTS, OILS „ u. R. Lombard & CO., j v amishes, Builder’s Hardware, Lime, Plaster Paris, and Cement. SCHROI.L WORK A SPECIALTY. ALSO SASH LOOR AND BLINDS Augusta, apri!24wtf. Georgia. Money for Farmers ! Proprietors Athens Steam Planing Mills nt Northeast depot. All orders promptly filled and estimates made. Office South street, near Jackson. I am Prcpired to Negotiate LOANS FOR FRMER3 ATHENS FOUNDRY HENRY C. TUCK. MACHINE WORKS. ATHENS, March 1889 A full corps of lecturers and ample means of imparting instruction in a ! l departments, n t-der the course in the school unsui passed. Tenth annual announcement and cata logue, containing particulars, is now ready, for which address Or. Wm. PERRIN NICHOLSON,Dean. W L ATLANTA NIEDICll COLLEGE, GEORGIA Atlanta, Georgia. The thirty-first Annual Course of Lec tures will commence on Wednesday, October 3, 1888, and wifi close about the first of March, 1889. The Trustees and Faculty of this in stitution in offering its advantages to those desirous of securing a medical ed ucation, feel assured of their ability to present inducements unequaled by those of any other medical college in the South. FACULTY. 1 reaped fitly eon rdmery ol asaM. j X respectfully announce for re-eteetlon to th office of lax receiver of v larke cuuuty. DaVID E. SIMS. A. W. Griegs,M.D.; Wm. Abram I.oyc M. D.; A. W. Calhoun, M. D.; H. V. M Miller, M. D., LL. D.; W. S. Arinstrone M. D.; J. S. Todd, M. D.; Hunter P Cooper.M. D.; Virgil 0. Hardon, M. D. W. S. Kendrick, M. D ; W. F. West moreland, jr., M. D.; F. W. McRae, M D.; J. M. Crawford, M.D.; N.O. Harris M. D. All business comtounicati ns* should be addressed to. . Dr. W. S. Kendrick, Proctor, ug4dw2in Atlanta Medical College. S. D. MITCHELL, announces as a candidal for Clerk of tbe Superior Court ot Clarke County at tbe election In January 1880, • EDUCATIONAL. I hereby announce myself as candli 3erk of superior Court, and respectlly i luOraee of tbe people at tbo elecUunln Idste for soiist tbe i January CUAltLES D. VINCENT. ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE To tbo Voters of Clark* County, At a a aollUtlou uf many friend* aud uy own volition X announce inyaeu aa a candidate for Ordinary and n»pectlully ^NL^lStBINOTON. {^-Examination of k the eye no charge. july5d&w3m. O l l : • “By a thorough knowledge of the natural law* which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of tbe line properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Bppa has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to radst every tendency to disease Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame ” Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boil tag water or milk. Sold only In half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled thus: J.iilKS Kris & CO., HomceopatMe Cgemhto EftAiKVmCNJS DISCOVERY* others do not. Outer's LUO. Liver Fine an very omen ■ very eaay tv take, Ooeor two ten* uiek.» Ac — — iterfdu i ‘ “ J — They an etrietly vegetable a CUTE. MEDICINE CO,, Re* Ywk. MR Soa&Bm SauUPriM Any boot* 1 earned Is me reeSley. IMmd wandering cared* 8peaking without nates. ned bjr Supreme enc daeee*. rrospeefus, with oplnloo* of Dr. (fa A. Hammond, the world-far M specialist In Mind f Thompson, tbe Mey.D.D, Editor The BOYERS’GUIDE Is issued March and SepC, i each year. It la an enoy. Idopedie or uaefUJ infor- f mation tor all who pun chaee the luxuriee or the necMsitim of life. We can clothe yon and fttrnlah you wltb all the neccsaary and unaeoesaary appllaneea to rids, walk, daaoo, eleep, sot. flah, bent. work, go to church, or stay at home, end la various sixes, styles and Quantities. Just figure out what 1s required to do all these things C0RF0RT4BLT. and you oen make a fair estimate of tbe value of tbe BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 eenta to pay pottage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Miohlgnn Avenue. Chicago. I1L ALBPPT L. MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Athena, fleonli. My duties aa Auditor of the Southero Mutual Insurance Company being prac tically over, I will devote my entire time o my profession, and will practice any where employed. e far Clerk of the Buperle a-y. Kleoilou Janaary 1st ’ W. B. PHUITT. ■nnounee for toelectiou to tbe office of sberit tecurk.count,. DR. J- 0. OBB Win he pleated te here tbe ■oppoa oflke roUrs^nl^Chrrt oounty, for tbe I of C.UNTV TBEA8UBEK. 1 bersey aanaoaae teva>U as a eaadldate for tbe otece ef TAX BECB1VKB of Clarke eeunty at the comtax election and nrpeotAUly ut the ■eppon el tbe voters faaldetunty. W. T. CARTER. At tko solicitation ot many friends Dr. J. A ■UNNl :UTI hat .ouieuted to allow tbe use o bis name In tbs next election for Mayor a thereby announce myself as a candidate for Treasurer of Carte county Election January - ^ tb. fljujt-tt. F. M. HUGHES,\ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office with II. C. Tuck. Athens, - J - - - Georgia. Prompt Attention Given to Collections. R. L. J. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW HARMONY GROVE, GEORGIA. WIU practice in Jackson. Banks, Heated, Franklin aad adjacent oountlea, aad nine In the smsEs 43 FOKDHAM, . . NEW YORK This College euloys the powers of a University and is conducted by t e Jesuit Fathers. It is IF XSfcll^l A Most Effective Combination. This well known Tonic and Nervine ta gaining languid and debilitated condition* of tho sjr»* feint atretutthen* the intellect, and bodily functions; buildeup worn oat Nerve* t aids diuentton ; r*- 8loty* Impaired or lost Yitality. and brlna* back youthful *trrnzth and vigor. It U> pleasaut to the taste, and uwd regularly braces Ihe System agaiatf the denressiug Influence of Malaria. Price-41.00 per Bdkttle of 34 ounces. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Richmond: and: Danville: Railroad Northeastern Division, CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 24TH,1888. Trains run by ?5th Meridian time. BETWEEN ATHENS AND ATLANTA- Nil. 53 DAILY | 151 Ex bU Leave Athens 7.40 a. in 1 fi:C0 p. m Ar’ve Atlanta 12 noon I ... | 9: «0 p. m NO. 41 EX. oOiBiV.I 153 Dally. Leave Atlanta 5:30 p. m. ' 8 :0 a. m Ar've Athens 10:21 p, m | ; i'2:J0 noo "geTWEFiTATHgHi Ak'BTH^ Sast. No. 53—Daily Lea«. Athens 7:4 Ar. Wash’gton; at, New York L20 p ra*'... Noo £x.eun«iay 0:01 p. m. 7:45 p.m. apri!24wtL Iron End Bras* 7 Castings, Mill and Gin Machinery, , Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers and Boxes, Cotton Presses, Cotton Seed Crushers, Cane Mills, Evap orators, Circular Saw Mills, Fur nish Atlas Engines, Water Wheels^ <.nd a fu’ Vne of supplies; such as Injectors Jet Pumps, Packing, Piping Valves and fitting of ml kinds, including everything need ed about a Mil lor Gin. Call and see us or write for prices on what you may need. Address, ATHENS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, Athens, Georgia. Childs, Nickerson & Co. -Dealers in General- HARDWA Solid train* Lula to Washington. Northbound. STATIONS. AMlPMlrt M|LV. AR. I* MiaMlPM, 7 0S 35 1030 ! ula 750 » 30 9 30 8 30-8 551050 U!*viUe » ticlo 1 ill 0 Mayavllle 9 3']'.) 3 |1125[lI*iuinoy Grove situated iu a very beautiful part of New York county between the llarlem U. A L. l. Sound Every facility is given for the best cLasslcal. scientific anu commercial education Board and Tuition per Year 4300. studies re-open fptember 5tl1,1888. St. John’* Hall, a Preparatory School for ooys from 10 to 12. is under the name direction. For further particulars apply to Kf.v John J.Pres. augao-Ulm T® Cumberland Plateau. 2,000 feet above U e sea lev 1 This school u ider the special patronage of the trlshops of the Protestant Episcopa i hurcli, iu the 8outh and Southwest, oners ih both moral and educational. In Its Grammar School and In its Collegiate and Theological Dep rtments. For the special claims of this University for patronage, apply for documents to the Rev. TELFAIR HODGSON. Vice-4 han- cellor, Sewanee. Tena. augl7d&wim Moreland Park Military Academy,Near Atlanta. Situation and daily regime unsurpassed for natch. *■ ~ “■ ■““*“** “*■ temate ikm iiuuuu iii ririKii. urr ’ <ui uuu ,, Session begins September 10th. Send or Illustrated catalogue. augliMin t*II AS. . M. NEEL. Supt. tug u nmaaivwi. toivef- tal in the rare of Gonorrhoea and Gleet. 1 prescribe It anC feel safe in recommend lng It to all sufferers. I. J. STONER, E.IL, Decatur, IU. PRICE, 41.00. Sold br D ugglct- f*l lt4R|\Vhol>o 8 30j loot 120OI enter 102 12‘J» It hens amIpmipmUr. 30 9 10 8 55 715 8 55 ]8 25 6'*5h 35 7 55 ,0 35 8 15:7 2> |6 2o 8 00 7 00 16 00 7 40 0 30 Lv.rMl mIvm Tram* run by 7.5th Meridian than -One hour faster than 90th Meridian timo L.L. McCLESKEY. JAS.L.TAYl OR, Div. Pass. Agt. Gen. Picwa’r. Agt. K BERKLEY. Superintendent. GKOHGIA ltAlleROAD COMPANY. Officer General Manager, J The following ? gust;.. Ga . Sept 19th, 1888. . medule will te operated until Augusta further notice: 1 :00* 10:4 »t Lv 12:07f 11:17t “ 12:42t 12:17* “ l:20t 12:49* “ 1:38f 1:0b J “ , 1 :Mt 1:22* •• 2;2lt 1:45* ar 2:42t 2: 0>lV 3:30f 3:00* “ 4:13t 3:33* •• 4:40f 3:59> “ 6:30f 5:45* ar Ilanem ThonLHon Norwood 1:58* 6 1:24* 4:30t Barnett “ I:08» 4:l3t craw* rdville lv 12:43* 3:58t Union Point ar 11:57» 3:29t Greensboro " H:40» 3:l3t Madison “ 10:51* 2:19t Social Circle “ 10:08» l:36t Covington 44 9:43* l:"8t Atlanta lv 8:00t 13:15* °p m fam Da. E. S. Lyndon. Act, Athena. Ga. Classic Ciij .jsiness College. mWENTT Five Dollars pay, for a foil coarse la JL cither .department—time unlimited Short tered in three months. For nuytwlm. BLOUNT & EVANS., BY MAIL. No. l—io tigers for S5 ctj, No. i- 9 •• “ 30 •> No. 3— s .* •• 55 •• SO _ -Vo. 4- J - « Its - . , B send nsssinpie ordjr. Enc'oie tho monty la lsud tcentsumcior poa'.al note. Olvennm. borofths civ*r* jou want, wl.h yourm»ning sddretslnfuUsnd w* will soul you tko cigtrt hy return mall, ir re-ofsnr other expense. , M. OPPENHI.KM A CO. _ ocU4Ji*5m. 103 coIuiuWa 81, N. Y, City Dr. vouDonhoE ^Formerly of LonlsvtDe. Ky.. now resident Office with Dr. GERDINE, will devote himself exclusively to Surgery and Diseases of Women and the Treatment of DIs- ases uf the Throat. Nose and Eyes, mayfiwfim TO ADVERTISERS. A list of 1000 newspapers divided into 8TATE8 AND SECTIONS will be sent on appUealioa- VKKB. To those who want their advertising to pay. we can offer no better medium fer thorough and effective work than the various sections of our GKOd P. ROWELL * CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, •epiMftwun i$ BprowBtreet, N. t- WASHINGTON BRANCH. Trains leaving Washington at ’ 1:20 a m and Bamett at 1:09 p m will he tun. All other trains abandoued for the present. ATHENS BRXNCH, Leave Athens•» 9:00am *5:10pm Arrive Unld^LlM 11:55 a m 7:40 p m Iecave UnionT**.nt *6:oo a m 2:16 p m Arrive Athens 9:55am 5:05pm MACON BRANCH. l:30t 13C* lv Camak ar 12:15* 11:00* 3:23t 2:59* ar Sp rta “ 10:36* 9:3S* 6:07t 4:11* •• MUledgevllle 9:13* 8:25 7:50t 5:00* 1 Macon lv 7:10t 6:3; °Daily except Snnday All other trains daily. Sleeping cars between Augusta and Atlanta. Doors, Sash and Blinds, Builders’ Hi and Rubber Belting, Machinery, Improve, ton Oinn K Champion-— , M8chinesTES Standard Hay Rakes, Ron Fev tars, Wagon Scale*. Excelsior' Mills, Cane Mill*, Evsporstors. All the above at Redaced Price*. Write to or call on u, for price*/~' u h ( Nos. 148 and 250 East Broad Street ATHENS. GA. THEO MARKWALTER’S STEAM Marble and Granite Works. BROAD STREETj^sr Lower Market, AUGUSTA, GA . Georgia it South Carolina Granite Monuments made a Specialty. A lane selection of Maibl* rat arsnlte Work always on hand, reedy tor lettering and delivery Parties Desiring Monomsnts or Work .Apply to ANDREW \J At Athens Cemetery. H. C. TUCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlc. Duprcc^lulldlng. ATHENS MUSIC HOUSE HASELT0N & DOZIER’S,! 57 Clayton St., Next Door to Post-Office, Athens, - Georgia. m} m A LWAT80O hand tko rerrbest mskesef PUnoe, Orgsns, Violin*. Qalhtra, Bsnloe tad sU kind ft. of Mo*ic*l Instemienta for *ele at the very Lowest Price For Cash ■nryuoed u a a< toywcltare stare and 1‘icturo Frameing UaoertmenL Frame* for >ele or male «o order in- eepertasaeverltefereoMaedlr Ai .. :;. The uict thin* in B»hy Jumper*, nn- 1 pjeailng andaejlthful exereUe for the little one*. Speclil rates 10 Cliorctoi wi*»: I 3 Organs. FarchMt dtvcct B?" to w>4 »»’« sgont* coiamiulon. lso«wly