The Weekly banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1889, April 23, 1889, Image 6
_ THE BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GEORGIA APIUL Wonderful Discovery! MRS. BUSH’S * ' SPECIFIC CURE -FOR BURNS SCALDS & SPASMODIC CROUP. Over 7,000 bottles sold in her own county, Walton, Ga. This medicinie of Mrs. Bash’s does exactly what it claims. It is classed as a blessing to humanity. No Specific doubtless has been so popular and done so perfectly its work. To every household it is indispensable. To all whom it may CONCERN.—My son-in-law was badly poisoned with poison Shumake, had three large patches of blisters, one on his neck, one on his arm and one on one of his hands, he was carrying his hand in a swing and was completely disabled from business. One application of Mrs. Bush’s Specific for Burns, &c., cured him completely, and in less than twenty-four hours he was able to return to his business. I ccnsidedit a most valuable remedy for burns, poisons, &c., &c. February 22, 1889. L. RUSH. BRIGHT’S ELECTION. A COOL COWBOY. It Does not at all Discourage the Gladstonians. LOOKING FORWARD TO PAR- CELL'S TESTIMONY. W. G. Lowry & Co., Clayton Street, (At Crawford’s Old Stand,) -DEALERS IN- Athens, Georgia DRUGS MEDICINES. CHEMICALS &C. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs generally. Medicines warranted genu ine, and of the best quality. Our stock is complete, comprising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices THEO. MARKWALTER’S STEAM Marble and Granite Works. BROAD STREET, Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA, GA. Marble Work, Domestic anil Imported, at Low Prices Georgia & South Carolina Granite Monuments made a Specialty. A large selection of Marble and Granite Work always on hand, ready ter lettering and deUver j Parties Desiring Monaments or Work Apply to ANDREW ROSS At Athens Cemetery. Many Tilings will be Clearer Thau TUey are at Present — Who will bo Leader of the House of Commons?—Balfour and Goscheus’ Chauccs—The Adjourn ment. London, April 16.—The Birmingham Liberal says: The election of John A. Bright as representative of the central division of ; Birmingham, yesterday, is a significant straw. Liberalism will live, but Gladstoneism will be swept away as soon as its great leader has disappeared.” Bright’s election was expected on ev ery hand. Therefore the Gladstonians are not at all dishearted at the intelli gence. Home hile is on the upward and on ward march. The succession to the leadership of the house of commons has suddenly become a burning question, and long-smoulder ing jealqusies have burst into flame. There is a Balfour party, a Goschen par ty and a Lord Randolph Churchill party, and the Birmingham dispute is now said to have turned more or less on this issue. That is to say,if Lord Randolph Churchill had consented to stand and had been elected, as he would have been by a great majority, his claims to the leadership could no longer have been ignored. But Lord Salisbury does not want him again to lead the house of commons; lienee the intrigue which stopped his contesting Mr. Bright’s late seat. To appoint Mr. Balfour would be a family job, say Mr Goschen’s friends. To appoint Mr. Gos chen would be to put a Liberal over the heads of Tories, retort Mr. Smith’s supporters. It would not be surpajsing should these disputes end in Mr. Smith’s keeping the post, which he fills on tlie whole with sufficient good sense and fair success. That city dinner has much im proved his health. The fact that Lord Randolph is the best man for the place appeai-s to be thought of secondary im portance. The house of commons business, in spite of obstructions, is so forward that parliament adjourned yesterday until the 29th, a longer Easter vacation than any body hoped for. The week’s debates have been of little general interest till last night, when Mr. Parnell intervened with an appeal in behalf of the distressed tenants in Donegal. But the Irish lead er’s appearance in the witness box on April 30th is what both sides are now ex pecting, for when he has left it many things will be clearer than they are now. Schofield’s Iron "Works. Manufacturers of and Dealers in STEAM ENGINES, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Presses, Iron and Brass Castings of any Pattern. A specialty of Shaftings, Pulleys, and Mill Gearing, Iron Pipes, Pipe Fittings, Brass Valves, Lubricators, Packing, Jet Pumps, and full line of Machin ists’ Supplies. Manufacturer’s agent for TBECmsBAim Hancock Ekspirator. OUR FACILITIES FOR BOILER BUILDING ARE UNEXCELLED. J, S. Schofield Sc Sori. MACON, GEORGIA. ’Guano for 1889. Dobbs’ Ammoniated Cotton Fertilizer, and Dobbs’ Chemicals for Composting The above well known brands of Fertilizers are now ready for the trade. I shall sell my fertilizers as low as any dealer can or will sell a Standard goods of liKe quality. It pays to buy the best, and all who have used my Guanos know them o be of the very highest grade, as the analysis will show. S. C. Dobbs. Paris will Fleece Strangers. Paris, April 16.—Efforts to place all smaller^ hotels and pensions under some general* control during the exhibition nave wholly failed. Americans who come here hoping to go along economic ally will find no limit to the petty swind ling. Charges at hotels and boarding houses will be at the very least twice as much as in former years. There is no quarter in the city to which this raise of prices does not apply. Tenants are turn ed from houses every day in brder that the dwellings may be transformed into lodging places. Even in the Luxern bourg quarter people are being obliged to leave apartments they have occupied for years. It is a hard outlook for tourists who hope to do things on a reasonably cheap scale. John Bright’s Son Successful. London, April 16.—John A. Bright, candidate of the Liberal Unionists, lias been elected to succeed liis father, the late John Bright, as representative of the central division of Birmingliam in parliament. Mr. Bright received 5,610 votes against 2,550 votes for William C. Beale, the Gladstonian nominee. Parallel to the Denver Bank Bobbery—He Gets 8500. Cheyenne, W. T., April 16.—A man dressed in cowboy garb rode into the vil lage of Grover, Colorado, yesterday morning and hitched his horse in front of the Commercial bank, walked directly to the window of Cashier C. C. Smith, pointed a revolver at the cashier’s head, and coolly ordered him to hand out all of the cash in sight. There were several hundred dol lars in view. The cashier counted out $500 and handed it out to the man, who seemed satisfied and profusely thanked the cashier, whom he kept covered with the revolver. Seeing a rilled behind the cashier the cowboy ordered it handed out to him, and the desperado, then stand ing the rifle against the wall, slipped quickly out'of the building, remounted his horse and galloped rapidly away. Smith ran into the street as soon as he could, and fired several rifle shots at the daring robber, but none of them took ef fect, and he made good his escape. A posse of twelve has since" started in pur suit. There were six persons in the bank at the time of the robbery, but the cowboy did his work so quietly and 60 expedi tiously that he attracted no attention. DESTITUTE IN DAKOTA. I WJ 'aasm/\ eurcxiazrH *i -a -- —- , limn Xq luas jo BJSpfimjpXq PJOS -sjuDooe oojj^ •esn o\ itresoai'I pun Xireg; , nsoo sjj sauin *™u *TUOA\ sj Xvm sjqj ui ii oioii l°*9q ®1 uojmoa aqj, nuxtrao JOj Xpamaj s.os;j jo uoyjtwnddn int Aq paAauaj si p»h uj pioo v Haavivo _ nnaunvaji auoi u ioj Ainurrno luapojns * supriuoa eacipctf auo qpjras si asop aqx -suoiiajoan Xqiiuaq Xq paoutdai si aumqmaui snoanta em jo uoyioD passasip aqi pin ‘i™ •fiXs aqi xuojj palladia uoos si srui.v ITtqjjTipo '-janaj anqpamuq S3ai8 HuaviYQ nos xaaicau s.osia and Whiskey Bob- t to cured at homo with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. B. MjWOOLLEY, MJX Office 65ft WhlLP.lm.Il Kainlt. GA. ^ ^FACTORY-PORT ROYAL, S. C. Cotton Seed Meal, Shackelford UHPREGEDENTEO ATTRACTION! I Over a Million Distriiiutsd. Louisiana btate Lottery Go. ’ucorporated by the I-eptslsturo in 18G8 for Edu cational and Charitable purposes, add i'.s trim chise made a part of tho r resent State Constitu tion, in 1879, by an overwhelming popular vote Its Mammoth Drawings take place Semi-Annually, June and December, and its Grand Single Number Drawing! take place in each of the tenmonths in tne year, and are all orawn in public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans: La. FAMED TOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes. Attested as follows: “We d"> hereby certify that we su pervise the arrangements for all the Monthly andSitniannualDrawingrof the Louisiana State lottery company, and in >ei>on manage and control the Draw ings themselves, and that the same st* rouducted with honestv, fairness and in $ooci faith toward all parties, and we au thorize the Company to use this certifi cate, with fac-similes of our signature! \ttached in its advertisements.” The best preventive of rust or fir ing. & Hattaway, Agents, ATHENS, GEORGIA. . The Fire Sufferers Short of Provisions and hlany Other Things. Yankton, Dak., April 16.—The relief committee has been working steadily to relieve sufferers ever since the great prairie fires of last week. They are short of provisions, and will not be able to do much till a further supply is furnished them. From"fifty to sixty families were burned out in Hand county. The county lias furnished seed, but tlie sufferers need feed for their teams and bedding for their families. At Ree Heights fifteen buildings were burned, and lumber is needed great!j*. The farmers in Hand county are poor. They need staple gro ceries, money, lumber, bedding, hails, hay forks and stoves. All goods shipped should be set# to the committee, or auy one of them—R. R. Howell, C. E. Smith, G. H. Carroll. At Highmore, Hyde county, twenty-six families were burned out, and six deaths followed. Twelve homes are entirely gone. Minneapolis lias sent nothing to these points. Chicago has sent nothing definite, but Pierre has sent $300. Three Month* Under the Waves. New York, April 16.—The remains of Adolph Liebenroth, of College Point, L. I., lay all day yesterday in an ice chest in the morgue at Long Island City. Lie- benroth, who was well known in down town business circles, committed suicide on the night of January 24, last, by jumping into the Exist River from tlie ferryboat Rockaway Beach. Search for the body was unavailing. The other night, while a workman in the employ of Alfred Fickett, of Bowery Bay, was digging for sand worms on Riker’s Island, he came across the re mains, and Coroner Robinson, of Long Island City, was notified. The tide had carried the body nearly three miles be fore casting it ashore. Thrashed His Cell Mate. New York, April 16.—Edward Sulli van, of West Nineteenth street, who was arrested Monday night and locked up in tlie Jefferson Market station, became hungry and asked for food from a bagful of cold victuals belonging to Hermann Artus and his wife, two very seedy-look- ing individuals, who were his cell matea Artus refused to give away his food, and Sullivan gave him a brutal beating. Justice Patterson fined Sullivan §10. Found Mangled In a Mine. Wilkesbarre, Pa., April 16.—While Fire Boss Charles Hodges and Evan Mad- die were passing through some old work ings in the Grand Tunnel colliery, near Nainticoke, this morning, their naked lamps exploded a large body of standing gas. Hodges was found dead and bent double, with his neck and back broken. Maddie was still alive but bad! Both men were married and families. MARY ANDERSON’S RETURN. rOR MENU fl POSITIVE S°^ 0 ?TorrAItnjJ I Wealr?iF«e CURE iMifr*. xdd.-^ tRu wte'r.ryg Bo Your Own Dying at H otnf PEERLESS I)i Tlievwill dye everything. Thova« where. Price l« cents a They have no equal for f treat fV- Amount in Packages. , r or non-Fadtiqr qualities. ' r * -' - es,t# - lug <_ smut. For Sale l>y Commissioners. VjTa the undersigned banks aad bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in the Louisi ana State Lotteries whicn may be pre gen ted at our counters. R. M. W ALMS LEY, Pres. Louisiana Nat. Bk. PIERRE LA1JAUX, Pres. State National Dank. 4. BALDWIN ,l*res. New Orleans National Rank :ARI. KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. GRAND 0 MONTHLY DRAWING At the Academy of Music. New Orleans, Tuesday May 14, 18.-9. Capital Prize, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at *20.00 Each, llalves *10*, quarters $-V, Teuths %>2; Twentieths 91. LIST OF PRIZ’-S. 1 PRJZK OF *300,000 in. ... ISOO.O’TO 1 PRIZE OF 100,000 is KO,** 1 PRIZE OK RO.OOO Is „ .'0C00 1 PRIZE OF 2'>,000 is ... 25,03 2 PRIZES OF-10.009 aie 20.UOO 6 PKIZt-.g OF 6,0 0 are -25 000 25 PRIZE* OF 1,000-are...... 25.000 100 PRIZES OF 500 are 60966 v<M PRIZES OF ».« are ...... &)/00 500 PRIZES OF 200 are 1CO.OOO APPROXIMATION PRIZES, too Prises, of $5,U6 are 100 Pr seri of are 100 Prizes of (200 are TERMINAL PRIZES 999 Prizes of $103 are S9J Puz.-s of $n>0 are v ai>k ^ sVh H 6,iS;SS ‘agji Drunkennei Or the Liquor Habit, Positively BY AOMiRISTERINQ DR. HAINES’ G0LC£* sn it can bo given in a cup o! coflee or t., .. llcies of food, without the knowledra5\?’l sontaking it; U absolutely hamTeSa effect a permanent and speedv cur^»2J the patient is a moderate ciriiikerovani.- wreck, it NEVER FAILS. 'VcGUARAW a complete cure in every instance. It "^REE. Address in condilence, iOLOcd SPECIE 1C C0..J05 Race SL,C; ac !, P les! Piles! Itchini; l*ih s . Symptoms—Moisture; intense Uc-tii, 3tinjring; most at night; worse in- gem if allowed to continue tumors form, wiSs bleed and ulcerate, becommi; vm l Swayne’s Ointment stops tlie itcViV. i bleeding, heals ulceration and in moste-wi 1 moves the tumors. t dmpgists. nr |™ 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son. Piiiladeljihu SOS SewInt.UnctilnrT To at once o»tuhli V trade in all p.m«. J placing our ma< hin«»]_ h ami po.Ml* %ti»rrc the v.c will send ViWII i-e—- ticrson in each J" beat feniujr-ma L the world, with all the sum " j( We will altu feint five iLlIoe ot cur fonly i v. Sii«n;*)lcs. Iii return wv 4* 7a»io\r what \vc j-cmI t<> ^rnay call at your lmuit.m lmonths all •lii».:l bt-ntu Ipropcrtv. pnnd i 50,00 30,000 20,000 99,900 99.9til 3,184 Prizes amouuting to $1,054,800 .N. te.—Tic ei> drawi* g Capital Prize* are not entitled to terminal prises. For« luV Rates, or any further Information desired, write legibly to the unders’gned, clear ly stating your jesidence. with State, County, street and Number. More rapid return pi&il delivery u til be assured be your ebcl-.sing an Envelope bearing your full address. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La or M A Dauphin Washington, DC:- Ty o'dinary le ter, containing Money Orders issued by 11 Kxi.resr Compauies, New York Exchange Draft o- J 08 il6>nn. we pay char ges ou Cu'reucy sent U> us by Kxpitsa in sums of $0 or over FREEr Dot riven. Those i vhicli hare run »*u?: b :ctt|»s k run out it a(*!tl ft'r.*Sl>-l.r iy nttachturuts. 1 JfHoO. UeNt. at machine in the xcml h| No capital rtquiiNL f brief instructions given. Those whowrrite to eurc IVCO the beat aewing-machioe in the acrid, _ fineat line of work* of high art ever shown tojr-'thrr in Ar TilULit CO., Box ’#40, Au"tutu, “ DU. W. J. TUCKER, Treats Tuccensfully all Diseases. thru Addmss registered Letters Containirg Currency to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL*BANK, New Orleans, La, She Will Come Back in the Fall With a New Company. New York, April 16.—Charles H. Mat thews, Mr. Abbey’s manager of the Mary Anderson company, is in the city. He is going to take a run over Jo London in a couffie of months, “just to freshen up a bit, he said, and will be ready to take hold in the fall with a firm grip. “Miss Anderson,” lie said, “will open at the Broadway Theater on December 9, with ‘A Winter’s Tale,’ and will stay there for eight weeks, after which she will make a tour of the country. Her re- portoire will include, besides ‘A Winter’s Tale,’ ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and 'As You Like It.’ Her company will be selected from English and American artists. It is possible that Barnes will be With her again. Mr. Abbey and Marcus Mayer left for Chicago last night to make ar rangements for the appearance of Patti at the Auditorium in that city on Dec. 9, where she will give eight operas in a month. “She will have with her the great and high-priced tenor Tomagno, and a com pany which will come up to the require ments of her support- in every respect From Chicago she will go to Mexico, thence to San Francisco, and back to New York for an engagement at the Metropolitan opera house. I am sup posed to be in Milwaukee to-night with tlie German Opera company, with tivhich 1 teen since it left the city, but I wnl be there Tuesday.” J During the last year the number of female riders of the bicycle has won derfully increased in Philadelphia. Twelvemonths ago there were less than a dozen ladies in the city who could mount the wheel, but now the num ber is certainly not less than seventy- five, and is steadily growing. -A. workman engaged in removing bodies, from an old graveyard in San Francisco found in a coffin, containing the remains of a Chinaman, one of the $50 gold slugs which were coined and put in circulation by the San Fran cisco assay office in 1852. Thinking lent of Prises Remember t-Ust the payme is GUARANTEED RY FOUR NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, and .the Tickets are signed by the President «>1 an Institution, whose chartered rights are recognised in the highest Courts; therefore, beware ot any imitotioi g or anonvmo'i* acbema. One dollar is the price ot the smallest psrt or Traction c-fa tic ket Issuedbr us in any drawing Anything in onr name offered for less than a dollar is a swindle. wed Jfesnn-d-w New Administration. FOR SALE. 5 BOOM HOUSE and roomy lot on Jachson street, in good neighborhood, and must be sold. 5 ROOM HOUSE and good garden spot on ( ollege avenue $t,760 2 SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS on College avenue, $7(H» and $800. 7 BOOM LOUSE on Jackson street, good gar den and well for $1,650. 4 R“OM HOUt-E and roomy lot on Baxter street ' 1 fl ROOM HOUSE and 7 acre lot on Baxter JLU street. 0 BOOM HOUSE and roomy lot on Baxter st. G OOD HOUSE and p r etty lot, containing one acre ou- on Bock Spring avenue. Must be soUl in the next 6) days, and can be bought SIRABLE BUILDING LOT on Hill street cheap. D K£ i'lrrnnic Female Disease*. Leucorrhcea. Painful and Irregular i'ea« tion, Supp esslon or Excessive ' easts PW sus, Inflammation and Ule» ration of lte*J Weak Back. Nervous and sleepless Shortness of Breath, Vertigo, Palpitation of a Heart, Sick and Nervous Headaclio are pen” ly cured. Diseases of Jtten. A large experience in treating diseases® liar to men has enabled Dr, Tucker to pon e, l system of treatment which never fails torfftf cure. Tlios; who are suffering with orr weakness in the hack, melancholy, imp memory and a general flagging of a 1 the' powers are speedily cured. All letters ate * weredin plain envelopes. Treating; Patients by CorrespH’l deuce. 1 Many patients can he better treated that ^1 than by meeting the physician direct •* *Pr*'| should always give occupation, history o'/wi and all symptoms, inclosing stamp f a ddress, w. j. Tuckkk, «• D-- f 6-6w 9 Marietta St., Atlanta, hi | KEF*Mention this paper. 50 public road, leading 'to' Farmington and High Shoals. The C. and M. railroad runs through one eorrer of said tract. Said track of land is wituin one mile of the court House of Watklnsrilie and will make a nice little farm for an; w any man aud can be bought reasonable, by lying to ater power, gin and grist mm, run by a bold . stream with 4 1 foot fall; 25 acres of land la the mill tract, 20 acres in high state of cultiva tion, a nice new dwelling, containing 7 rooms, barn and other out buildings, on a public road, and only 4 miles from Athens, and can be bought for $1,000, J. T. ANDERSON. R E. A., No. 207 Broad street. TO RENT. Room house on Jackson street—$10.00. 2 3-room bouses on Thomas street g Room house on Washington street—$8.00. rj^he large and pleasant residence, containing A 11 rooms or more, with 2 servant houses and barn and roomy lot,which Miss • allie Sosnowski recently occupied, k own as The Home Schoo 6 ROOM new house and r >omy lot on Br ad street close to business part of town. J-T ANDERSON, Beal Estate Agent. NO. 207 BROAD STREET. Eczema, Itchy, Scaly Skin Diseases. The simple application of “ Swayne’s ox- t t ment” without anyjnterual medicine, will cure *■ * orm, Files, — wcaly, itchy „ -- ^ h°w obstinate or long standing. It is potent, eflffcctive, and costs but trifle, 12-4 TO ADVERTISERS. A list of loon newspapers divided into STATES AND SECTIONS will *be sent on application- FREE. “»«* w 0011 u iaj u uuniracter ior i To those who want their advertising to pay, The latter refused to purchase the slug, i ^tlve'^rkthan'th^vario™ IsecffoK' om the piece was a Chinese coiu, the mnn U-fcu to sell it to a contractor for $5. - and, when its truo value was soon after discovered, the finder said he would not sell it for $75.* ci * x , . —> Various sections of our Select Local List. GEO. P. KOVFELL, & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 29.-d&wlm 10 Spruce Street N.y. LOWEST PRICES IN AMERICA; Standard, Reliable Instrument* at Ienrat pnen 1Vo competition te ilk Cheap, inferior REDUCED PRICES, SPECIAL Or PIANOS $200.1 ORGANS w a u i2£& s 8r l | STOOL, COVER. INSTRUCTOR-ALL FFBffl Largest Stock So'nth. 2008tylM ,3 > . Froo Paper, LUDDEN & BATES/- SOUTHERN MUSIC HIBSE, SA»M*«r| 80c TO $2 PEI-.;.,,,, All sizes and widths. Gatesto match. ln this lino of proods. FRKIGHT PAID. I? f gSl'CE TD McMCT.l.KX WOVEN WIRE Nos. 118 & 180 N. MarkcLSt., ChicsS 1 2 ARTICLES FOR THK TRICF. OF J To introdnoe our new bn«l till, for 30 d*Tg only, wi, port-pw l. »• tarn. a. . 1 . NcTtHnxPuLNTtNG \ 0 mrr and the aoo Itiom Hook Hap j Rack fur bOc. The Pnatins Outfit » | cotr.tJcte with 4 a!- . I phxtxtt, holier, m- dehble itik,p*dJ^L IlbMUck 13 the modtwon- &nd fuunieit thing b K- BU.-ki uiT.hrr^ Hug _ your fc.t on » witrlo., mirror, or wj r smooth surface. every one laugh UftVhook lOc.,4 for2So..l4 Wc..S>l|l, " .Ipjga KO %%, Outht Mo. r.O^tftmpv 1VCKLD XI V. Co-i 1 —‘